
Aspalathus ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Aspalathus és un gènere de plantes dins la família de les fabàcies. Per la presència de flors grogues i espines en algunes de les seves espècies sembla el Ulex europaeus.[1] Conté unes 270 espècies que són principalment endèmiques de la regió amb vegetació fynbos d'Àfrica del Sud, unes 50 espècies es presenten a la Península del Cap (Table Mountain National Park).[1] L'espècie Aspalathus linearis és important comercialment, esseent un component del Te Rooibos.[2]

Aspalathus a "Flora of South Africa" per Rudolf Marloth

Els Aspalathus generalment són arbusts o mates. Floreix de manera abundosa i en algunes espècies el color groc es torna vermell.[2]

Les fulles dels Aspalathus són sèssils i generalment simples però de vegades són trifoliades. No tenen estípula .[3]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Marloth, Rudolf. “The Flora of South Africa” 1932 Pub. Capetown: Darter Bros. London: Wheldon & Wesley.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Manning, John. Field Guide to Fynbos. Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2008. ISBN 9781770072657.
  3. Dyer, R. Allen, “The Genera of Southern African Flowering Plants”. ISBN 0 621 02854 1, 1975

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Aspalathus: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Aspalathus és un gènere de plantes dins la família de les fabàcies. Per la presència de flors grogues i espines en algunes de les seves espècies sembla el Ulex europaeus. Conté unes 270 espècies que són principalment endèmiques de la regió amb vegetació fynbos d'Àfrica del Sud, unes 50 espècies es presenten a la Península del Cap (Table Mountain National Park). L'espècie Aspalathus linearis és important comercialment, esseent un component del Te Rooibos.

 src= Aspalathus a "Flora of South Africa" per Rudolf Marloth

Els Aspalathus generalment són arbusts o mates. Floreix de manera abundosa i en algunes espècies el color groc es torna vermell.

Les fulles dels Aspalathus són sèssils i generalment simples però de vegades són trifoliades. No tenen estípula .

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Čajovec ( Cech )

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Motýl na květech čajovce Aspalathus ericifolius

Čajovec[1] (Aspalathus), česky též čajovníkovec, je rod rostlin z čeledi bobovité. Jsou to suchomilné keře s trojčetnými listy a obvykle se žlutými květy rostoucí v počtu asi 240 druhů výhradně v Jižní Africe. Čajovec kapský poskytuje nápoj známý jako rooibos.


Čajovce jsou poléhavé nebo vzpřímené keříky a keře dorůstající výšky až 2 metry. Většinou jsou to suchomilné rostliny, často jsou dužnaté, ostnité nebo chlupaté. Listy jsou trojčetné, přisedlé, často nahloučené na krátkých hrbolcích, složené z přisedlých, plochých, dužnatých nebo jehlicovitých lístků, řidčeji jednolisté. Palisty chybějí. Květy jsou žluté, výjimečně bílé, červené nebo purpurové, nahloučené ve vrcholových hroznech či klasech nebo jednotlivé či po několika v úžlabí listů. Kalich je zvonkovitý, zakončený pěti laloky z nichž horní dva jsou kratší a širší. Pavéza bývá okrouhlá a krátce nehetnatá, křídla podlouhlá nebo srpovitá, člunek tupý, zahnutý. Tyčinky jsou jednobratré. Semeník je obvykle krátce stopkatý, chlupatý nebo lysý, se dvěma až několika vajíčky a zahnutou čárkovitou čnělkou nesoucí drobnou hlavatou bliznu. Lusky jsou vejcovité nebo kopinaté, špičaté nebo tupé, ploché nebo s okrouhlým průřezem. Obsahují jedno až několik semen.[2][3]


Rod čajovec zahrnuje asi 240 až 280 druhů, které se všechny vyskytují pouze v Jihoafrické republice. Centrum druhové diverzity je v jihozápadním Kapsku. Pouze 6 druhů čajovce přesahuje hranice Kapska a rostou i v jihoafrické provincii KwaZulu-Natal.[2][3]

Většina druhů roste v horách a mají specifické nároky na půdu. Nejvíce druhů vyhledává písčité půdy, některé však rostou na zasolených půdách mořského pobřeží, vápencových výchozech nebo jílovitých půdách vznikajících větráním břidlic.[3]


Čajovce kvetou většinou jedenkrát do roka, nejčastěji v období od září do prosince. Rostliny jsou přizpůsobeny periodickým požárům, po kterých buď znovu obrážejí nebo přežívají pomocí semen. Semena čajovce kapského mohou být v půdě i 6 let a po požáru vyklíčí.[3]



Suché listy mnohých druhů čajovce jsou místně používány jako náhrada čaje.[2] Do Evropy se dováží tzv. rooibos, sušené listy čajovce kapského, a slouží k přípravě stejnojmenného nápoje.

Některé druhy čajovce jsou atraktivní, přesto mezi zahradní rostliny nepronikly. Množení semeny nebo řízky je obtížné a rostliny mají specifické nároky na stanoviště.[3]


  1. SKALICKÁ, Anna; VĚTVIČKA, Václav; ZELENÝ, Václav. Botanický slovník rodových jmen cévnatých rostlin. Praha: Aventinum, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7442-031-3. (česky)
  2. a b c ALLEN, O.N.; ALLEN, E.K. The Leguminosae, a Source Book of Characteristics, Uses, and Nodulation. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1981. ISBN 0-299-08400-0.
  3. a b c d e CUPIDO, Christopher. PlantZAfrica.com: Aspalathus [online]. 2005. Dostupné online.

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Čajovec: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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 src= Motýl na květech čajovce Aspalathus ericifolius

Čajovec (Aspalathus), česky též čajovníkovec, je rod rostlin z čeledi bobovité. Jsou to suchomilné keře s trojčetnými listy a obvykle se žlutými květy rostoucí v počtu asi 240 druhů výhradně v Jižní Africe. Čajovec kapský poskytuje nápoj známý jako rooibos.

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Aspalathus ( Danèis )

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Aspalathus er en slægt med næsten 280 arter, som udelukkende findes i Sydafrika. Det er buske eller – sjældent – små træer med meget varierende vækstformer. De har ofte tornede grene. Bladene sidder ofte i tætte bundter, og de er hele eller trekoblede uden stilk. Småbladene varierer fra flade til nåleagtigt runde, og de har ofte torne på spidsen. Blomsterne sidder for det meste i små bundter, men nogle arter har enlige blomster ved skudspidserne. Blomsterne er som regel gule, men nogle få arter har violette eller hvide blomster. Her omtales kun den ene art, der har økonomisk betydning i Danmark.


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Aspalathus: Brief Summary ( Danèis )

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Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis)
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Aspalathus ( Anglèis )

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Aspalathus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The yellow flowers and spiny habit of some species have suggested a resemblance to Ulex europaeus, the thorny "English gorse"[1] Accordingly, "Cape Gorse" has been proposed as a common name although the resemblance is largely superficial; for instance, gorse is thorny, whereas Aspalathus species are variously spiny or unarmed. The genus belongs to the subfamily Faboideae. There are over 270 species, mainly endemic to southwestern fynbos regions in South Africa, with over fifty occurring on the Cape Peninsula alone.[1] The species Aspalathus linearis is commercially important, being farmed as the source of Rooibos tea.[2]

Aspalathus species generally are shrubs or sometimes shrublets. They are normally bushy, however some species can grow sprawling or upright with branches that stand on their own. The flowers of most species are plentiful in season, a rich, showy yellow very common in the Western Cape mountains in particular. The flowers of some yellow-flowering species (such as Aspalathus cordata) turn bright red as they fade. Some species, such as Aspalathus forbesii have white or cream flowers, and others, such as Aspalathus costulata and Aspalathus cordata have flowers in various shades ranging from pink to pale violet, whereas Aspalathus nigra commonly has slate-blue flowers.[2]

Aspalathus leaves are sessile and are simple in some species, but trifoliate in others. They commonly are fascicled. In some species they bear hard, sharp, spines at their tips. There are no stipules.[3]

Aspalathus species may be grouped into four categories for purposes of rough identification in the field. One group has undivided leaves, never tufted. this includes Rooibos, Aspalathus linearis with it needle-like leaves, and Aspalathus cordata with its stiff, neatly cordate leaves with their aggressively spiny tips, are typical examples. Another group has leaflets sharp, stiff, and acicular. Examples include Aspalathus astroites and Aspalathus chenopoda.[2]

A third group has cylindrical, fleshy leaves, not spiny, for example Aspalathus capitata and Aspalathus pinguis, while members of the fourth group, such as Aspalathus aspalathoides and Aspalathus securifolia have more or less flat leaflets.[2]

The fruit of Aspalathus is a pod, and in the majority of species the ovary has two ovules that yield only one seed per pod.[1] However, some pods are several-seeded.[3]

Various species of Aspalathus have been used in traditional medicines and as "bush teas", including Aspalathus tenuifolia,[4] but it is difficult to know which sources to trust, because many specific names have been changed or confused in the past. Also, many uses were very local, and there was a good deal of confusion between different species, even sometimes with similar genera, such as Cyclopia, some species of which yield honeybush tea.


Aspalathus comprises the following species:[5][6]


  1. ^ a b c Marloth R. (1932). The Flora of South Africa. Darter Bros., Cape Town, South Africa.
  2. ^ a b c d Manning J. (2008). Field Guide to Fynbos. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. ISBN 978-1-77007-265-7.
  3. ^ a b Dyer RA. (1975). The Genera of Southern African Flowering Plants. ISBN 0-621-02854-1.
  4. ^ Watt JM, Breyer-Brandwijk MG (1962). The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa (2nd ed.). E & S Livingstone.
  5. ^ "ILDIS LegumeWeb entry for Aspalathus". International Legume Database & Information Service. Cardiff School of Computer Science & Informatics. Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  6. ^ USDA; ARS; National Genetic Resources Program. "GRIN species records of Aspalathus". Germplasm Resources Information Network—(GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  7. ^ Some sources treat Aspalathus cliffortioides as a synonym of Aspalathus spicata.
  8. ^ Some sources treat Aspalathus neglecta as a synonym of Aspalathus spicata.
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Aspalathus: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Aspalathus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The yellow flowers and spiny habit of some species have suggested a resemblance to Ulex europaeus, the thorny "English gorse" Accordingly, "Cape Gorse" has been proposed as a common name although the resemblance is largely superficial; for instance, gorse is thorny, whereas Aspalathus species are variously spiny or unarmed. The genus belongs to the subfamily Faboideae. There are over 270 species, mainly endemic to southwestern fynbos regions in South Africa, with over fifty occurring on the Cape Peninsula alone. The species Aspalathus linearis is commercially important, being farmed as the source of Rooibos tea.

Aspalathus species generally are shrubs or sometimes shrublets. They are normally bushy, however some species can grow sprawling or upright with branches that stand on their own. The flowers of most species are plentiful in season, a rich, showy yellow very common in the Western Cape mountains in particular. The flowers of some yellow-flowering species (such as Aspalathus cordata) turn bright red as they fade. Some species, such as Aspalathus forbesii have white or cream flowers, and others, such as Aspalathus costulata and Aspalathus cordata have flowers in various shades ranging from pink to pale violet, whereas Aspalathus nigra commonly has slate-blue flowers.

Aspalathus leaves are sessile and are simple in some species, but trifoliate in others. They commonly are fascicled. In some species they bear hard, sharp, spines at their tips. There are no stipules.

Aspalathus species may be grouped into four categories for purposes of rough identification in the field. One group has undivided leaves, never tufted. this includes Rooibos, Aspalathus linearis with it needle-like leaves, and Aspalathus cordata with its stiff, neatly cordate leaves with their aggressively spiny tips, are typical examples. Another group has leaflets sharp, stiff, and acicular. Examples include Aspalathus astroites and Aspalathus chenopoda.

A third group has cylindrical, fleshy leaves, not spiny, for example Aspalathus capitata and Aspalathus pinguis, while members of the fourth group, such as Aspalathus aspalathoides and Aspalathus securifolia have more or less flat leaflets.

The fruit of Aspalathus is a pod, and in the majority of species the ovary has two ovules that yield only one seed per pod. However, some pods are several-seeded.

Various species of Aspalathus have been used in traditional medicines and as "bush teas", including Aspalathus tenuifolia, but it is difficult to know which sources to trust, because many specific names have been changed or confused in the past. Also, many uses were very local, and there was a good deal of confusion between different species, even sometimes with similar genera, such as Cyclopia, some species of which yield honeybush tea.

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Aspalathus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Aspalathus es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae. La especie Aspalathus linearis se usa para hacer el té de Rooibos. Comprende 490 especies descritas y de estas, solo 268 aceptadas.[2]


El género fue descrito por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 711. 1753.[3]​ La especie tipo es: Aspalathus chenopoda L.

Especies seleccionadas


  1. «Copia archivada». Archivado desde el original el 14 de octubre de 2008. Consultado el 3 de diciembre de 2010.
  2. Aspalathus en PlantList
  3. «Aspalathus». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 16 de septiembre de 2012.
  4. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.

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Aspalathus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Aspalathus es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae. La especie Aspalathus linearis se usa para hacer el té de Rooibos. Comprende 490 especies descritas y de estas, solo 268 aceptadas.​

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Roibospensaat ( Finlandèis )

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Roibospensaat (Aspalathus) on suku hernekasvien heimossa. Siihen kuuluu noin 270 lajia.[1] Suvun tunnetuin laji on mauste- ja teekasvina käytetty kapinroibos eli kapinroibospensas (Aspalathus linearis), joka kasvaa luontaisesti Etelä-Afrikassa.


  1. The Plant List: Aspalathus (englanniksi) Viitattu 1.10.2016.

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Roibospensaat: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Roibospensaat (Aspalathus) on suku hernekasvien heimossa. Siihen kuuluu noin 270 lajia. Suvun tunnetuin laji on mauste- ja teekasvina käytetty kapinroibos eli kapinroibospensas (Aspalathus linearis), joka kasvaa luontaisesti Etelä-Afrikassa.

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Aspalathus ( Fransèis )

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Aspalathus est un genre de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Fabaceae, sous-famille des Faboideae, originaire d'Afrique du Sud, qui comprend plus de 250 espèces acceptées.

Liste d'espèces

Selon Catalogue of Life (23 octobre 2018)[3] :

Notes et références

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Aspalathus: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Aspalathus est un genre de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Fabaceae, sous-famille des Faboideae, originaire d'Afrique du Sud, qui comprend plus de 250 espèces acceptées.

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Aspalat ( polonèis )

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Aspalat, jasplin, czerwonokrzew (Aspalathus L.) – rodzaj roślin należący do rodziny bobowatych. Występuje w stanie dzikim w południowej Afryce, liczy 200-250 gatunków. Z ziela aspalatu prostego wytwarza się herbatę rooibos.


Pozycja według APweb (2001...) – aktualizowany system APG II

Jeden z rodzajów podrodziny bobowatych właściwych Faboideae w rzędzie bobowatych Fabaceae s.l.[1]. W obrębie podrodziny należy do plemienia Crotalarieae[2].

Pozycja w systemie Reveala (1993-1999)

Gromada okrytonasienne (Magnoliophyta Cronquist), podgromada Magnoliophytina Frohne & U. Jensen ex Reveal, klasa Rosopsida Batsch, podklasa różowe (Rosidae Takht.), nadrząd Fabanae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, rząd bobowce (Fabales Bromhead), rodzina bobowate (Fabaceae Lindl.), rodzaj aspalat (Aspalathus L.)[3]



  1. a b P.F. Stevens: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website/Fabaceae (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2009-09-23].
  2. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-02-05].
  3. James L. Reveal System of Classification. PBIO 250 Lecture Notes: Plant Taxonomy. Department of Plant Biology, University of Maryland, 1999 Systematyka rodzaju Aspalathus według Reveala
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Aspalat: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Aspalat, jasplin, czerwonokrzew (Aspalathus L.) – rodzaj roślin należący do rodziny bobowatych. Występuje w stanie dzikim w południowej Afryce, liczy 200-250 gatunków. Z ziela aspalatu prostego wytwarza się herbatę rooibos.

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Aspalathus ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Aspalathus é um género botânico pertencente à família Fabaceae.[1][2]



  1. Leguminosae/Aspalathus «Aspalathus» Verifique valor |url= (ajuda) (em inglês). The Plant List. 2010. Consultado em 25 de julho de 2014
  2. Missouri Botanicaal Garden (2014). Tropico, ed. «Aspalathus» (em inglês). Consultado em 25 de julho de 2014
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Aspalathus: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Aspalathus é um género botânico pertencente à família Fabaceae.

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Aspalathus ( vietnamèis )

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Aspalathus là một chi thực vật có hoa thuộc họ Fabaceae. Nó thuộc phân họ Faboideae. Loài Aspalathus linearis được dùng làm trà Rooibos.[3] Chi này có hơn 270 loài, chủ yếu là các loài đặc hữu của các vùng ở tây nam Nam Phi, với hơn 50 loài xuất chỉ có mặt ở Bán đảo Cape.[4]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Boatwright JS, le Roux MM, Wink M, Morozova T, Van Wyk B-E. (2008). “Phylogenetic relationships of tribe Crotalarieae (Fabaceae) inferred from DNA sequences and morphology”. Syst Bot 33 (4): 752–761. doi:10.1600/036364408786500271.
  2. ^ Cardoso D, Pennington RT, de Queiroz LP, Boatwright JS, Van Wyk B-E, Wojciechowski MF, Lavin M. (2013). “Reconstructing the deep-branching relationships of the papilionoid legumes”. S Afr J Bot 89: 58–75. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.05.001.
  3. ^ Manning, John (2008). Field Guide to Fynbos. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. ISBN 978-1-77007-265-7.
  4. ^ Marloth, Rudolf. "The Flora of South Africa" 1932 Pub. Cape Town: Darter Bros. London: Wheldon & Wesley.

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Aspalathus: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Aspalathus là một chi thực vật có hoa thuộc họ Fabaceae. Nó thuộc phân họ Faboideae. Loài Aspalathus linearis được dùng làm trà Rooibos. Chi này có hơn 270 loài, chủ yếu là các loài đặc hữu của các vùng ở tây nam Nam Phi, với hơn 50 loài xuất chỉ có mặt ở Bán đảo Cape.

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