
Paussus ( Anglèis )

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Interactions between Paussus favieri and a queen ant, Pheidole pallidula
The antennae of Paussus have adapted to produce and release chemicals appeasing to ants. (Paussus scyphus)

Paussus is a genus of ground beetles in the family Carabidae. There are more than 360 described species in Paussus, found in Africa, Europe, and Asia.[1]

These beetles, along with others in the subfamily Paussinae, are known as flanged bombardier beetles due to their ability to explosively discharge benzoquinones, chemical irritants, at temperatures between 55° and 100°C. A flange on their elytra assists in directing the chemicals toward the front of their bodies.

All species of this genus are obligate myrmecophiles, living symbiotically in ant nests. The beetles release chemicals the ants find rewarding, and in return receive protection for themselves and their larvae. The beetles also gain a source of food in the relationship -- the ants.

Female Paussus lay their eggs in ant nests. The larvea develop in the nest and are apparently fed by the ants. Adult Paussus feed at will by piercing and holding an ant with their mandibles and feeding by suction. Ants that were observed being preyed upon did not react aggressively, and remained near the beetle after being released (until dying a short time later).

Some species of Paussus are fully integrated into ant colonies, and are treated as valued guests by the ants. Worker ants groom the beetles and actively lick or palpate exposed regions of the beetle’s body, particularly those rich in the chemicals attractive to the ants. Worker ants sometimes grasp adult Paussus by their antennae and legs to transport them to new nests.

Observations of Paussus favieri with its host ants Pheidole pallidula revealed the beetle interacting directly with the queen in her chamber, rubbing against the queen’s body, with no aggressive behaviour from the queen or the workers. Both the beetle and the queen ant stridulate back and forth during this interaction. In fact, it appears that acoustic communication and deception play an important role in the integration of these beetles into the ant society.[2][3][4]

In research published in 2016, the genera Granulopaussus, Hylopaussus, and Hylotorus were determined to be synonyms of Paussus, and their species were transferred to Paussus.[2]

See also


  1. ^ "Paussus". GBIF. Retrieved 2021-10-21.
  2. ^ a b Robertson, James A.; Moore, Wendy (2016). "Phylogeny of Paussus L. (Carabidae: Paussinae): unravelling morphological convergence associated with myrmecophilous life histories". Systematic Entomology. 42 (1): 134–170. doi:10.1111/syen.12205. S2CID 89078626.
  3. ^ Maurizi, E.; Fattorini, Simone; Moore, Wendy; Di Giulio, Andrea (2012). "Behavior of Paussus favieri (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussini): A Myrmecophilous Beetle Associated with Pheidole pallidula (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)". Psyche: A Journal of Entomology. 940315: 1–9. doi:10.1155/2012/940315.
  4. ^ Muzzi, Maurizio; Di Giulio, Andrea (2019). "The ant nest "bomber": Explosive defensive system of the flanged bombardier beetle Paussus favieri (Coleoptera, Carabidae)". Arthropod Structure & Development. 50: 24–42. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2019.03.001. PMID 30894327. S2CID 84842476.

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Paussus: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Interactions between Paussus favieri and a queen ant, Pheidole pallidula The antennae of Paussus have adapted to produce and release chemicals appeasing to ants. (Paussus scyphus)

Paussus is a genus of ground beetles in the family Carabidae. There are more than 360 described species in Paussus, found in Africa, Europe, and Asia.

These beetles, along with others in the subfamily Paussinae, are known as flanged bombardier beetles due to their ability to explosively discharge benzoquinones, chemical irritants, at temperatures between 55° and 100°C. A flange on their elytra assists in directing the chemicals toward the front of their bodies.

All species of this genus are obligate myrmecophiles, living symbiotically in ant nests. The beetles release chemicals the ants find rewarding, and in return receive protection for themselves and their larvae. The beetles also gain a source of food in the relationship -- the ants.

Female Paussus lay their eggs in ant nests. The larvea develop in the nest and are apparently fed by the ants. Adult Paussus feed at will by piercing and holding an ant with their mandibles and feeding by suction. Ants that were observed being preyed upon did not react aggressively, and remained near the beetle after being released (until dying a short time later).

Some species of Paussus are fully integrated into ant colonies, and are treated as valued guests by the ants. Worker ants groom the beetles and actively lick or palpate exposed regions of the beetle’s body, particularly those rich in the chemicals attractive to the ants. Worker ants sometimes grasp adult Paussus by their antennae and legs to transport them to new nests.

Observations of Paussus favieri with its host ants Pheidole pallidula revealed the beetle interacting directly with the queen in her chamber, rubbing against the queen’s body, with no aggressive behaviour from the queen or the workers. Both the beetle and the queen ant stridulate back and forth during this interaction. In fact, it appears that acoustic communication and deception play an important role in the integration of these beetles into the ant society.

In research published in 2016, the genera Granulopaussus, Hylopaussus, and Hylotorus were determined to be synonyms of Paussus, and their species were transferred to Paussus.

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Paussus ( olandèis; flamand )

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Paussus is een geslacht van kevers uit de familie van de loopkevers (Carabidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van het geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1775 door Linne.


Het geslacht Paussus omvat de volgende soorten:

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Anichtchenko A. et al., (editors): Carabidae of the World. www.carabidae.org (bezocht: 20 tot 28 maart 2013)
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wikipedia NL

Paussus: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Paussus is een geslacht van kevers uit de familie van de loopkevers (Carabidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van het geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1775 door Linne.

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Paussus ( polonèis )

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Paussus – rodzaj chrząszcza z podrodziny Paussinae, rodziny biegaczowatych. Te rzadkie chrząszcze są silnie przystosowane do bezwzględnie myrmekofilnego trybu życia. Gatunkiem typowym jest P. microcephalus. Do rodzaju Paussus sensu lato zaliczanych jest dziś ponad 300 gatunków, zgrupowanych w około 50 podrodzajach. Znane są z Afryki tropikalnej, południowo-zachodniej i południowo-wschodniej części krainy palearktycznej, oraz Madagaskaru.


Do rodzaju Paussus należą małe, smukłe chrząszcze. Charakteryzują je miseczkowato poszerzone czułki. Posiadają gruczoły pygidialne, dzięki którym mogą odstraszyć potencjalnego przeciwnika. Mają też zdolność strydulacji, ale obserwowano ją jedynie u prowokowanych chrząszczy[1].


Wszystkie gatunki Paussusmyrmekofilami. Należą do symfili, ponieważ mrówki opiekują się tymi chrząszczami, w zamian otrzymując substancję wytwarzaną przez specjalne komórki gruczołowe, rozmieszczone głównie na czułkach. U P. cucullatus w poszerzonym czułku znajduje się sześć przewodów wydzielniczych, tworzących jeden duży gruczoł.

O rozwoju Paussus wiadomo bardzo niewiele. Znane są opisy pojedynczych poczwarek i larw[2][3].


W obrębie tego bardzo licznego rodzaju (329 gatunków[1]) wyróżnia się blisko pięćdziesiąt podrodzajów:

  • Adamsonipaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
    • Paussus (Adamsonipaussus) adamsoni Fowler, 1912 (gatunek typowy)
  • Amandopaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1983
    • Paussus (Amandopaussus) burmeisteri Westwood, 1838 (gatunek typowy)
  • Amphipaussus Reichensperger, 1950
    • Paussus (Amphipaussus) aliemis Reichensperger, 1950 (gatunek typowy)
  • Anapaussus Wasmann, 1929
    • Paussus (Anapaussus) dama H. Dohrn, 1890 (gatunek typowy)
  • Apopaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1982
    • Paussus (Apopaussus) quadratidens Wasmann, 1904
  • Bathypaussus Wasmann, 1929
    • Paussus (Bathypaussus) aldrovandii Gestro, 1901
    • Paussus (Bathypaussus) cultratus (Westwood, 1849)
  • Batillopaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1982
    • Paussus (Batillopaussus) batillarius Reichensperger, 1933
    • Batillopaussus cochlearius (Westwood, 1838)
  • Bicornipaussus H. Kolbe, 1927
    • Paussus (Bicornipaussus) bicornis Wasmann, 1904
  • Cochliopaussus H. Kolbe, 1927
    • Paussus (Cochliopaussus) turcicus Frivaldsky von Frivald, 1835
    • Paussus (Cochliopaussus) armicollis (Fairemare, 1899)
  • Cornutopaussus H. Kolbe, 1927
    • Paussus (Cornutopaussus) dentifrons Westwood, 1833
  • Crenatopaussus Binaghi, 1941
    • Paussus (Crenatopaussus) crenaticornis Raffray, 1886 (gatunek typowy)
  • Curtispaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
    • Paussus (Curtispaussus) curtisii Westwood, 1864
  • Edaphopaussus H. Kolbe, 1920
  • Enneapaussus Jeannel, 1946
    • Paussus (Falcopaussus) granulatus (Westwood, 1849)
  • Flagellopaussus Luna de Carvahlo, 1981
    • Paussus (Flagellopaussus) favieri Fairmaire, 1851
  • Foliopaussus H. Kolbe, 1929
    • Paussus (Foliopaussus) foliicornis Wasmann, 1907
  • Globipaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
  • Haplopaussus H. Kolbe, 1929
    • Paussus (Haplopaussus) kristenseni Reichensperger, 1913
  • Ibexipaussus Luna de Carvahlo, 1989
    • Paussus (Ibexipaussus) cerambyx Wasmann, 1904
  • Indupaussus Luna de Carvahlo, 1989
    • Paussus pilicornis Donovan, 1804
  • Inermipaussus H. Kolbe, 1929
    • Paussus (Inermipaussus) inermis Gerstäcker, 1855
  • Katapaussus Wasmann, 1929
    • Paussus (Katapaussus) spinicola Wasmann, 1892
    • Paussus (Katapaussus) thomsoni Reiche in J. Thomson
    • Paussus (Katapaussus) woerdeni (Ritsema, 1875)
  • Klugipaussus H. Kolbe, 1927
    • Paussus klugi Westwood, 1838
    • Paussus (Klugipaussus) otini Antoine
  • Latipaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1962
    • Paussus desneuxi Fowler, 1912
  • Lineatopaussus
  • Linneipaussus
    • Paussus linnaei Westwood, 1833
  • Malgasipaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
  • Manicanopaussus
  • Paussus Linne, 1775
    • Paussus arabicus Raffray, 1885 [syn. P. brevicornutus Luna de Carvallo, 1973, P. rectidens Wasmann, 1922]
    • Paussus bowringii Westwood, 1850
    • Paussus boysii Westwood, 1845
    • Paussus brittoni Reichenspenger, 1957
  • Scaphipaussus Fowler
  • Semipaussus Wasmann, 1919
  • Shuckardipaussus
  • Spinipaussus
  • Spinicoxipaussus
    • Spinicoxipaussus spinicoxis (Westwood, 1850)
  • Squamipaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
    • Paussus (Squamipaussus) roeri Luna de Carvalho, 1989
  • Strombipaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
    • Paussus (Strombipaussus) upembanus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
  • Teniapaussus Jeannel, 1946
    • Paussus (Teniapaussus) crenaticornis Raffray, 1885
  • Trepopaussus


  1. a b Stefanie F. Geiselhardt, Klaus Peschke, Peter Nagel. A review of myrmecophily in ant nest beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae): linking early observations with recent findings. „Naturwissenschaften”. 94 (11), s. 871-894, 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-007-0271-x.
  2. Di Giulio A. Fine morphology of the myrmecophilous larva of Paussus kannegieteri (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae: Paussini). „Zootaxa”. 1741, s. 37-50, 2008.
  3. Di Giulio A et al. The long-awaited first instar larva of Paussus favieri (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussini). „European Journal of Entomology”. 108 (1), s. 127-138, 2011.


  • Stefanie F. Geiselhardt, Klaus Peschke, Peter Nagel. A review of myrmecophily in ant nest beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae): linking early observations with recent findings. „Naturwissenschaften”. 94 (11), s. 871-894, 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-007-0271-x.
  • Peter Nagel: Carabidae, Paussinae, genus Paussus. Errata for Volume 1. pp.21 - In Löbl I, Smetana A (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 2. Stenstrup: Apollo Books PDF (16,2 MB)
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Paussus: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Paussus – rodzaj chrząszcza z podrodziny Paussinae, rodziny biegaczowatych. Te rzadkie chrząszcze są silnie przystosowane do bezwzględnie myrmekofilnego trybu życia. Gatunkiem typowym jest P. microcephalus. Do rodzaju Paussus sensu lato zaliczanych jest dziś ponad 300 gatunków, zgrupowanych w około 50 podrodzajach. Znane są z Afryki tropikalnej, południowo-zachodniej i południowo-wschodniej części krainy palearktycznej, oraz Madagaskaru.

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Paussus ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
Усики разных видов рода Paussus: 1) Paussus cylindricornis 2) P. signatipennis 3) P. raffrayi 4) P. manicanus 5) P. lineatus 6) P. arduus 7) P. propinquus 8) P. humboldi 9) P. rugiceps 10) P. rusticus 11) P. marshalli 12) P. concinnus 13) P. barberi 14) P. garmari 15) P. klugii 16) P. cultratus 17) P. linnei 18) P. burmeisteri
Paussus curvicornis, P. Turcicus, P. bifasciatus
Paussus (Fig. 1-7.)

Paussus (лат.) — род мирмекофильных жуков-пауссин из семейства жужелиц. Более 350 видов. В России — 1 вид.


Палеотропика и южная Палеарктика.


Обладают крупными усиками[2]. Жуки—мирмекофилы, которые живут ассоциациями с муравьями. В связи с этим и произошли английские названия «ants' guest beetles» — «жуки-гости муравьёв», и «ants' nest beetles» — «муравейниковые жуки»[2]. Выделяют летучие вещества (феромоны) из подкожных желёз, которые действуют умиротворяюще на муравьёв и подавляет их обычную агрессию против «злоумышленников». Взамен, жуки и их личинки получают пищу муравьёв, а также личинки жуков не прочь полакомиться и молодым выводком самих муравьёв[2][3].


Более 350 видов и 50 подродов[4].

  • триба Paussini Latreille, 1807
    • подтриба Paussina Latreille, 1807
      • род Paussus Linne, 1775
        • Paussus (Amphipaussus) Reichensperger, 1950
        • Paussus (Anapaussus) Wasmann, 1929
        • Paussus (Apopaussus) Luna de Carvalho
        • Paussus (Bathypaussus) Wasmann, 1929
        • Paussus (Batillopaussus) Luna de Carvalho
        • Paussus (Bicornipaussus) H. Kolbe, 1927
        • Paussus (Cochliopaussus) H. Kolbe, 1927
        • Paussus (Crenatopaussus) Binaghi, 1941
          • Paussus adjunctus Reichensperger, 1936
          • Paussus angustulus Wasmann, 1922
          • Paussus anxius Reichensperger, 1913
          • Paussus armicollis Fairmaire, 1899
          • Paussus asperulus Fairmaire, 1898
          • Paussus assmuthi Wasmann, 1904
          • Paussus atheruri Luna de Carvalho, 1960
          • Paussus aureofimbriatus Wasmann, 1904
          • Paussus basilewskyi Reichensperger, 1952
          • Paussus benoiti Janssens, 1956
          • Paussus bicolor Raffray, 1886
          • Paussus borneensis Gestro, 1919
          • Paussus bowringii Westwood, 1850
          • Paussus boysii Westwood, 1845
          • Paussus braunsi Peringuey, 1897
          • Paussus brincki Reichensperger, 1958
          • Paussus brittoni Reichenspenger, 1957
          • Paussus buettikeri Nagel, 2006
          • Paussus burchelianus Westwood, 1869
          • Paussus capillaceus Reichensperger, 1937
          • Paussus cardoni Wasmann, 1904
          • Paussus celisi Janssens, 1956
          • Paussus clarkei Luna de Carvalho, 1974
          • Paussus conradti H.Kolbe, 1896
          • Paussus corporaali Reichensperger, 1927
          • Paussus crepidulae Luna de Carvalho, 1967
          • Paussus cucullatus Westwood, 1850
          • Paussus cyathiger Raffray, 1885
          • Paussus darlingtoni Reichensperger, 1951
          • Paussus decellei Luna de Carvalho, 1980
          • Paussus denticulatus Westwood, 1845
          • Paussus dollmani Wasmann, 1922
          • Paussus elizabethae Peringuey, 1897
          • Paussus escherichi Wasmann, 1911
          • Paussus excavatus Westwood, 1833
          • Paussus fichtelii Donovan, 1800
          • Paussus fissifrons Fairmaire, 1902
          • Paussus foveifrons Reichensperger, 1926
          • Paussus fulvus Westwood, 1842
          • Paussus gazella Reichensperger, 1925
          • Paussus glabripennis Jeannel, 1946
          • Paussus humbloti Raffray, 1886
          • Paussus inexpectatus Fairmaire, 1899
          • Paussus janssensi Luna de Carvalho, 1956
          • Paussus jerdani Westwood, 1847
          • Paussus laticollis Raffray, 1886
          • Paussus leleupi Luna de Carvalho, 1968
          • Paussus lusotropicalis Luna de Carvalho, 1963
          • Paussus madurensis Wasmann, 1913
          • Paussus marshalli Peringuey, 1896
          • Paussus milloti Jeannel, 1955
          • Paussus milneedwardsi Raffray, 1885
          • Paussus murrayi Westwood, 1856
          • Paussus nauceras Benson, 1846
          • Paussus nobilis Wasmann, 1930
          • Paussus oberthueri Wasmann, 1899
          • Paussus opacus Kraatz, 1892
          • Paussus overlaeti Reichensperger, 1937
          • Paussus pacificus Westwood, 1855
          • Paussus paulmuelleri Nagel, 1983
          • Paussus penicillatus Raffray, 1886
          • Paussus permutatus Reichensperger, 1937
          • Paussus perroti Wasmann, 1899
          • Paussus pierronii Fairmaire, 1880
          • Paussus pipitzi C.A.Dohrn, 1884
          • Paussus ploiophorus Benson, 1846
          • Paussus politus Westwood, 1850
          • Paussus pseudocucullatus Nagel, 1983
          • Paussus quadricornis Wasmann, 1899
          • Paussus rawlinsi Nagel, 2006
          • Paussus ricardojorgei Luna de Carvalho, 1951
          • Paussus rougemontianus Lorenz, 1998
          • Paussus ruber Thunberg, 1781
          • Paussus rufitarsis Westwood, 1833
          • Paussus rugiceps Peringuey, 1888
          • Paussus rugosus Raffray, 1886
          • Paussus scyphus Raffray, 1886
          • Paussus semicucullatus Wasmann, 1899
          • Paussus semirufus Wasmann, 1899
          • Paussus seriesetosus Wasmann, 1904
          • Paussus seydeli Reichensperger, 1937
          • Paussus seyriganus Jeannel, 1946
          • Paussus sicardi Jeannel, 1946
          • Paussus soleatus Wasmann, 1894
          • Paussus solidus Reichensperger, 1936
          • Paussus spiniceps Wasmann, 1904
          • Paussus stevensianus Westwood, 1842
          • Paussus suavis Wasmann, 1894
          • Paussus testaceus Fowler, 1912
          • Paussus thoracicus Donovan, 1800
          • Paussus tibialis Westwood, 1842
          • Paussus turcicus Frivaldszky_von_Frivald, 1835Азербайджан, Армения, Болгария, Грузия, Греция, Иран, Иордания, Казахстан, Киргизия, Ливан, Македония, Сирия, Таджикистан, Туркмения, Турция, Узбекистан. В России отмечен в Предкавказье, на Кавказе и в Западной Сибири[5]
          • Paussus upembanus Janssens, 1951
          • Paussus vadoni Jeannel, 1946
          • Paussus viator Peringuey, 1896
          • Paussus wellmani Wasmann, 1907
          • Paussus wroughtoni Wasmann, 1894
          • Paussus ypsilopilos Luna de Carvalho, 1966
        • Paussus (Edaphopaussus) H. Kolbe, 1920
        • Paussus (Enneapaussus) Jeannel, 1946
        • Paussus (Flagellopaussus) Luna de Carvalho, 1981
        • Paussus (Indupaussus) Luna de Carvalho, 1989
        • Paussus (Katapaussus) Wasmann, 1929
        • Paussus (Klugipaussus) H. Kolbe, 1927
        • Paussus (Latipaussus) Luna de Carvalho, 1962
        • Paussus (Lineatopaussus) H. Kolbe, 1928
        • Paussus (Malgasipaussus) Luna de Carvalho, 1989
        • Paussus (Manicanopaussus) H. Kolbe, 1929
        • Paussus s.str.
        • Paussus (Scaphipaussus) Fowler, 1912
        • Paussus (Semipaussus) Wasmann, 1919
        • Paussus (Shuckardipaussus) H. Kolbe, 1938
        • Paussus (Spinicoxipaussus) H. Kolbe, 1930
        • Paussus (Squamipaussus) Luna de Carvalho, 1989
        • Paussus (Trepopaussus) H.Kolbe, 1935


  1. Louis Péringuey: Descriptive catalogue of the coleoptera of South Africa (1897)
  2. 1 2 3 biodiversity explorer Subfamily: Paussinae (ants' guest beetles, ants' nest beetles)
  3. Robertson, J.A. & W. Moore. 2017. Phylogeny of Paussus L. (Carabidae: Paussinae): unravelling morphological convergence associated with myrmecophilous life histories. Systematic Entomology. 42(1):134-170.
  4. Stefanie F. Geiselhardt, Klaus Peschke, Peter Nagel. 2007. A review of myrmecophily in ant nest beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae): linking early observations with recent findings. Naturwissenschaften. 94 (11): 871—894. 2007. doi:10.1007/s00114-007-0271-x
  5. Систематический список жужелиц (Carabidae) России
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Paussus: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Усики разных видов рода Paussus: 1) Paussus cylindricornis 2) P. signatipennis 3) P. raffrayi 4) P. manicanus 5) P. lineatus 6) P. arduus 7) P. propinquus 8) P. humboldi 9) P. rugiceps 10) P. rusticus 11) P. marshalli 12) P. concinnus 13) P. barberi 14) P. garmari 15) P. klugii 16) P. cultratus 17) P. linnei 18) P. burmeisteri  src= Paussus curvicornis, P. Turcicus, P. bifasciatus  src= Paussus (Fig. 1-7.)

Paussus (лат.) — род мирмекофильных жуков-пауссин из семейства жужелиц. Более 350 видов. В России — 1 вид.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии