Fokienia is a genus of conifer tree belonging to the cypress family. In its characteristics, Fokienia is intermediate between the genera of Chamaecyparis and Calocedrus. Genetically Fokienia is much closer to Chamaecyparis, and not all researchers recognize Fokienia as a separate genus.[2] The genus comprises only one living species, Fokienia hodginsii or Fujian cypress (Chinese: 福建柏; pinyin: Fújiànbǎi; Vietnamese: Pơmu), and one fossil species (Fokienia ravenscragensis).[3][4]
Fokienia hodginsii is native from southeastern China (provinces of Zhejiang, Guizhou, Yunnan and Fujian) to Northern Vietnam (provinces of Ha Bac, Hà Giang, Hà Tĩnh, Hòa Bình, Sơn La, Nghệ An, Lào Cai, Lai Châu, Thanh Hóa, Tuyên Quang, Yên Bái and Vĩnh Phú), west central Vietnam (provinces of Đắk Lắk, Gia Lai, Lâm Đồng), and west to northern Laos. The name derives from the old romanised name of Fujian province, China, from where the first specimen was introduced to Europe, collected by Captain Hodgins in 1908.[3] [4]
Fokienia is an evergreen tree, 25–30 m tall. It has greyish-brownish bark that peels off when the tree is young. On older trees, the bark presents longitudinal fissures and becomes aromatic. The leaves are arranged in flattened branchlet systems, with the branchlets in one plane. The leaves on adult trees are in opposite decussate pairs, the alternating pairs not evenly spaced so appearing as whorls of 4 at the same level; they are sub-acute, about 2–5 mm long, glossy green above, and with white stomatal bands below. The lateral leaves are ovate and compressed, and facial leaves are oblanceolate with a triangular apex. On young trees, the leaves are larger, up to 8–10 mm long and 6 mm broad.[3]
The male cones are oval or cylindrical, around 2.5 mm long, terminal on the shoots. They have from 3 to 5 pairs of scales. The female cones are much larger, 15–25 mm long and 14–22 mm broad, globose or sub-globose, and ripen in the second year. They have 5-8 pairs of scales. There are two winged seeds on each scale. They are around 4 mm long, angular and pointed. On the upper and lower surfaces there are 2 large resin blisters. The wings are lateral and very unequal.[3] [4]
The tree does not tolerate shade, and requires mild climate and abundant rainfall to grow best. It occurs mainly on humid soil in montane habitats. In Vietnam, it grows on limestone or granite terrain above 900 m elevation.
The fossil species Fokienia ravenscragensis was described from the early Paleocene (66-60 m.a. before present) Ravenscrag formation of southwest Saskatchewan and adjacent Alberta, Canada.
The wood is very much like that of other cedars in cypress family with a fine, straight grain and distinct aroma. Laotian and Dao tribesmen use Fujian cypress timber for wall partitioning or roofing. The timber was formerly used for coffins and is occasionally referred to as "coffinwood". In Vietnam, it is considered a precious timber because of its characteristic aroma and its exceptional density; therefore it is used to make art works, pieces of furniture, and charcoal of high heat value. It is considered an ecologically threatened species in Vietnam.
Distillation, especially of its root, gives an essential oil called pemou oil used in aromatherapy.[5]
In China, freshly harvested green cypress branches are burned to smoke and cure salted meat[6] and sausage, sometimes in combination with pomelo and tangerine peels.[7]
Fokienia is a genus of conifer tree belonging to the cypress family. In its characteristics, Fokienia is intermediate between the genera of Chamaecyparis and Calocedrus. Genetically Fokienia is much closer to Chamaecyparis, and not all researchers recognize Fokienia as a separate genus. The genus comprises only one living species, Fokienia hodginsii or Fujian cypress (Chinese: 福建柏; pinyin: Fújiànbǎi; Vietnamese: Pơmu), and one fossil species (Fokienia ravenscragensis).
Fokienia hodginsii is native from southeastern China (provinces of Zhejiang, Guizhou, Yunnan and Fujian) to Northern Vietnam (provinces of Ha Bac, Hà Giang, Hà Tĩnh, Hòa Bình, Sơn La, Nghệ An, Lào Cai, Lai Châu, Thanh Hóa, Tuyên Quang, Yên Bái and Vĩnh Phú), west central Vietnam (provinces of Đắk Lắk, Gia Lai, Lâm Đồng), and west to northern Laos. The name derives from the old romanised name of Fujian province, China, from where the first specimen was introduced to Europe, collected by Captain Hodgins in 1908.
Fokienia hodginsiiFokienia is an evergreen tree, 25–30 m tall. It has greyish-brownish bark that peels off when the tree is young. On older trees, the bark presents longitudinal fissures and becomes aromatic. The leaves are arranged in flattened branchlet systems, with the branchlets in one plane. The leaves on adult trees are in opposite decussate pairs, the alternating pairs not evenly spaced so appearing as whorls of 4 at the same level; they are sub-acute, about 2–5 mm long, glossy green above, and with white stomatal bands below. The lateral leaves are ovate and compressed, and facial leaves are oblanceolate with a triangular apex. On young trees, the leaves are larger, up to 8–10 mm long and 6 mm broad.
The male cones are oval or cylindrical, around 2.5 mm long, terminal on the shoots. They have from 3 to 5 pairs of scales. The female cones are much larger, 15–25 mm long and 14–22 mm broad, globose or sub-globose, and ripen in the second year. They have 5-8 pairs of scales. There are two winged seeds on each scale. They are around 4 mm long, angular and pointed. On the upper and lower surfaces there are 2 large resin blisters. The wings are lateral and very unequal.
The tree does not tolerate shade, and requires mild climate and abundant rainfall to grow best. It occurs mainly on humid soil in montane habitats. In Vietnam, it grows on limestone or granite terrain above 900 m elevation.
The fossil species Fokienia ravenscragensis was described from the early Paleocene (66-60 m.a. before present) Ravenscrag formation of southwest Saskatchewan and adjacent Alberta, Canada.
Fokienia é un xénero de coníferas da familia das cupresáceas (Cupressaceae), subfamilia das cupresoideas (Cupressoideae).
É un taxon monotípico, xa que inclúe unha única especie viva, Fokienia hodginsii, coñecida en inglés como Fujian cypress, en chinés como 福建柏, en pinyin fú jiàn bǎi, e en vietnamita como po mu.
Ademais coñécese tamén dúas especies fósiles, Fokienia ravenscragensis McIver & Basinge do paleoceno de Alberta e o suroeste de Saskatchewan, Canadá,[4] e Fokienia shengxianensis Wenlong, Suna & Liu, do mioceno tardío do leste da China.[5][6]
As principais caracteríticas desta especies son:[1][7][8]
Fokienia hodginsii é unha especie endémica do sueste de China, do norte e o centro-oeste de Vietnam e do norte de Laos, encontrándose a altitudes entre os 300 e os 2 300 m.[1]
É unha especie ben adaptada a climas suaves con abundantes chuvias, que se encuentra no seu hábitat natural en solos húmidos, en zonas de alta montaña. En Vietnam encóntrase a altitudes superiores aos 900 m sobre en solos de orixe granítica ou en montañas de pedra calcaria, formando bosques puros o mesturados con Dacrydium elatum, Pinus dalatensis e outras especies de árbores de follas caducas das familias das fagáceas, lauráceas ou magnoliáceas.[Cómpre referencia]
O xénero describírono en 1911 o botánico e sinólogo escocés Augustine Henry e o palebotánico galés Hugh Hamshaw Thomas.
A especie foi descrita por primeira vez en 1908 polo botánico e explorador inglés Stephen Troyte Dunn, co nome de Cupressus hodginsii.[9] nun traballo publicado no J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 38:367.[10]
Posteriormente, en 1911, foi reclasificada por A. Henry e H. H. Thomas dentro do xénero Fokienia creado por estes científicos nese mesmo ano.[11]
Ademais de polo nome actualmente válido, a especie coñeceuse tamén polos sinónimos seguintes:[11][12]
Fokienia é un xénero intermedio entre Chamaecyparis e Calocedrus. Xeneticamente está moito máis próximo a Chamaecyparis, e non todos os botánicos recoñecen a Fokienia como un xénero separado.[14]
Por iso moitos autores inclúena dentro do xénero Chamaecyparis, como Chamaecyparis hodginsii.
A madeira desta especie é moi parecida á doutras cupresáceas, fina e cun aroma característico. Os laosianos e os membros da etnia Yao chinesa (Dao, en Vietnam) usan a súa madeira constuír as paredes e os teitos das súas casas. Antigamente foi utilizada tamén para facer cadaleitos. En Vietnam considérase unha madeira preciosa debido ao seu aroma característico e á súa densidade excepcional, polo que se utiliza para facer obras de arte, mobles e para fabricar carbón de alto poder calorífico. Porén, considérase unha especie ameazada en dito país.
En Vietmam, a destilación, especialmente da súa raíz, produce un aceite esencial, chamado aceite de po mu, usado en aromaterapia.[15]
Segundo as normas para a nomenclatura en linguas vulgares das especies vexetais, que aconsellan dar nomes diferentes ás especies de xéneros distintos, uns posíbeis nomes en galego poderían ser falso ciprés de Fujian, ou falso ciprés de Hodgins.[16]
Fokienia é un xénero de coníferas da familia das cupresáceas (Cupressaceae), subfamilia das cupresoideas (Cupressoideae).
É un taxon monotípico, xa que inclúe unha única especie viva, Fokienia hodginsii, coñecida en inglés como Fujian cypress, en chinés como 福建柏, en pinyin fú jiàn bǎi, e en vietnamita como po mu.
Ademais coñécese tamén dúas especies fósiles, Fokienia ravenscragensis McIver & Basinge do paleoceno de Alberta e o suroeste de Saskatchewan, Canadá, e Fokienia shengxianensis Wenlong, Suna & Liu, do mioceno tardío do leste da China.
Fokienia er ættkvísl barrtrjáa í Cupressaceae (Grátviðarætt). Einkenni Fokienia eru mitt á milli Chamaecyparis og Calocedrus. Erfðafræðilega er Fokienia miklu nær Chamaecyparis, og ekki allir grasafræðingar sem viðurkenna Fokienia sem sjálfstæða ættkvísl.[2] Ættkvíslin inniheldur aðeins eina núlifandi tegund, Fokienia hodginsii , og eina útdauða tegund (steingerfingar) (Fokienia ravenscragensis).[3][4]
Nafnið Fokienia er dregið af gamalli umskrift fyrir Fujian hérað, Kína, þaðan sem fyrstu eintökin komu til Evrópu, safnað af Captain Hodgins 1908.[3] [4]
Fokienia hodginsii er frá suðaustur Kína (Zhejiang, Guizhou, Yunnan og Fujian) til norður Vietnam (Ha Bac, Hà Giang, Hà Tĩnh, Hòa Bình, Sơn La, Nghệ An, Lào Cai, Lai Châu, Thanh Hóa, Tuyên Quang, Yên Bái og Vĩnh Phúc), vestur mið Víetnam (Đắk Lắk, Gia Lai, Lâm ĐồngLâm Đồng), og vestur til norður Laos.
Tegundinni Fokienia ravenscragensis var lýst eftir steingerfingum frá fyrri hluta Paleósen (66-60 m.a. fyrir nútíma) í Ravenscrag mynduninni í suðvestur Saskatchewan og nærliggjandi Alberta, Kanada.
Fokienia er ættkvísl barrtrjáa í Cupressaceae (Grátviðarætt). Einkenni Fokienia eru mitt á milli Chamaecyparis og Calocedrus. Erfðafræðilega er Fokienia miklu nær Chamaecyparis, og ekki allir grasafræðingar sem viðurkenna Fokienia sem sjálfstæða ættkvísl. Ættkvíslin inniheldur aðeins eina núlifandi tegund, Fokienia hodginsii , og eina útdauða tegund (steingerfingar) (Fokienia ravenscragensis).
Nafnið Fokienia er dregið af gamalli umskrift fyrir Fujian hérað, Kína, þaðan sem fyrstu eintökin komu til Evrópu, safnað af Captain Hodgins 1908.
Fokienia hodginsii er frá suðaustur Kína (Zhejiang, Guizhou, Yunnan og Fujian) til norður Vietnam (Ha Bac, Hà Giang, Hà Tĩnh, Hòa Bình, Sơn La, Nghệ An, Lào Cai, Lai Châu, Thanh Hóa, Tuyên Quang, Yên Bái og Vĩnh Phúc), vestur mið Víetnam (Đắk Lắk, Gia Lai, Lâm ĐồngLâm Đồng), og vestur til norður Laos.
Fokienia hodginsiiTegundinni Fokienia ravenscragensis var lýst eftir steingerfingum frá fyrri hluta Paleósen (66-60 m.a. fyrir nútíma) í Ravenscrag mynduninni í suðvestur Saskatchewan og nærliggjandi Alberta, Kanada.
Fukienia is de botanische naam van een geslacht uit de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). Het geslacht telt slechts één nog recente soort: Fokienia hodginsii.
Fukienia is de botanische naam van een geslacht uit de cipresfamilie (Cupressaceae). Het geslacht telt slechts één nog recente soort: Fokienia hodginsii.
Fokienia é um género de conífera pertencente à família Cupressaceae.