Reedbucks are considered a game animal in much of South Africa.
Positive Impacts: food ; body parts are source of valuable material
Redunca arundinum is known as the common reedbuck.
A loud whistle is sounded in cases of surprise, fear, and greeting. The whistle is made by expelling air out of the nostrils. During friendly whistling, the reedbucks head is erect, ears point forward, and the tail hangs freely. During a call of surprise or fear, the reedbuck either stands very still with ears and head erect, or pronks violently hoping to scare off the intruder which it normally cannot see. While jumping or pronking there is often a popping noise that is heard that seems to come from the inguinal region which releases and scent marker.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: scent marks
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
This is a very habitat dependent species. Habitat loss and degradation are the main factors influencing the survival of this species. Human settlement may encroach on their territory as well.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
None known
Reedbucks play an important role in the diets of many large and small predators in Africa. They are a staple food for cheetah and, during the dry season, the leopard as well.
Redunca arundinum feeds exclusively on grasses, forbs, and sedges. They hold a special ecological niche by consuming grasses that are no shorter than they are. This lessens competition greatly. They seem to prefer young grasses and tender shoots of reeds, but do not limit themselves. They only consume leaves during the winter months when the nutritional value of grasses is greatly reduced. Being foregut fermentors, grazing is followed by ruminating for a few minutes to an hour. They are mainly nocturnal except during the dry season when they may also be seen grazing during the midday. The common reedbuck is very dependent on water and according to Jungius (1971) the reedbucks found in the Kruger National Park during the dry season drink at least once a day and do not venture farther than one and a half to two km away from the water holes.
Plant Foods: leaves
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )
Southern reedbucks, Redunca arundinum, are found across much of south central Africa. They are found in southern Congo and in southern Tanzania, throughout Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and in the northern part of South Africa. Originally, reedbucks inhabited moister areas in the southern savannas of Africa. The northern limit of their range seems to be the edge of the Miombo woodlands. They are common along seasonally flooded valleys near the Ugalla Malayarasi River system.
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian
The average lifespan of common reedbucks is between 10 and 12 years. There have not been many studies on longevity in reedbucks. Bohor reedbucks have been known to live in captivity for 18 years.
Range lifespan
Status: wild: 10 to 12 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 10.0 years.
Redunca arundinum is the largest of the three reedbuck species. On average, males weigh about 68 kg and females weigh about 48 kg. Animals range in length from 134 to 167 cm. Color in southern reedbucks is extremely variable. They can have a light yellowish brown to a gray brown coat. They have a white underside and chin with light tan streaks on the sides of the head and white rings around the eyes. There are white and black markings on the forelegs. The tail is bushy with a fluffy, white underside. Only males have horns, which emerge around the sixth month of life. The horns are strongly ridged, growing to be 30 to 45 cm in length, and form a "V". As described by Nowak (1995), they jut from the head first pointing backwards gently, then curve upward and extend out at the tip. There is a bare glandular spot in both males and females below the ears.
Range mass: 39 to 80 kg.
Average mass: 58 kg.
Range length: 134 to 167 cm.
Average length: 150 cm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: male larger; ornamentation
The habitat of R. arundinum consists of marshy areas that have an abundance of water and tall grasses.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland
Wetlands: marsh
Other Habitat Features: riparian
Cheetahs and leopards are the main predators of reedbucks. During the dry season, when they are more noticeable, predation increases. During this time they are also a prey source for wild dogs and lions. Because young reedbucks are "hidders" they are preyed upon by pythons and other small carnivores. Reedbucks have excellent hearing and use this as their main defense strategy. They stay completely still, hidden in the tall grasses using their camouflage coloration. They stay until the threat is about ten meters away and then they leap up, flashing their white cottony tail as they flea. As they pronk (high jump) away, they make loud, wheezing whistling sounds that emanate from their nose.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
During mating, females perform a dance, which involves long, lingering jumps (called pronking) with the tail curved upward. During every jump, scented air is released from inguinal pockets, producing a popping noise. During courtship, a male investigates the female's genitals, and after sampling her urine with his nose, copulation occurs. Males will defend females from other males.
Mating System: monogamous
In R. arundinum breeding occurs throughout the year with a peak observed between December and May. Generally, one young is born after a 7 or 8 month gestation period. Females, when well nourished, reach sexual maturity at about two and males become mature about a year later. A few weeks before parturition, the female leaves the male and drives off young from previous years. At birth the lamb weighs only 4.5 kg. It stays hidden for about 2 months in vegetation. During this time the lamb presents itself once a day for nursing and cleaning. This takes between ten and thirty minutes. After the two months of concealment, the lamb joins its mother, but the two stay away from the male for another two months. After this, the family reunites. Females are usually sent away during their second year whereas males can stay with the family until adulthood (their third year). This is when the males begin searching for their own territory.
Breeding interval: Reedbucks breed throughout the year, with the interval depending on the nutritional status of the mother.
Breeding season: Mating occurs throughout the year but there seems to be a peak in the wet season.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.
Average number of offspring: 1.
Range gestation period: 7 to 8 months.
Average time to independence: Unknown months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 24 months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 48 months.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous
Average birth mass: 4500 g.
Average number of offspring: 1.
The mother reedbuck visits her offspring once a day to nurse for the first few months of its life. After this, the lamb remains with the mother. The mother and offspring keep to themselves for another few months before rejoining the male. The female reedbuck drives off her young once she is ready to give birth again.
Parental Investment: altricial ; female parental care
Die rietbok (Redunca arundinum) is 'n wildsbok wat in Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambië, Mosambiek en die noordelike dele van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Hulle word veral in digbegroeide rietkolle en grasvleie naby riviere aangetref.
Volwasse rietbokke weeg ongeveer 70 kg en kan gemiddeld 90 cm hoog word. Die rietbok se horings groei met 'n klein draai na buite, sodat dit soos 'n vet "V" op die bok se kop lyk. Die langste aangetekende horinglengte by 'n rietbok is 46 cm. Hulle het kort kwassterte met 'n wit onderkant.
Wanneer 'n rietbok skrik, sal hy 'n skerp fluitgeluid maak en met 'n skommelende beweging weghardloop, kwasstert in die lug, sodat die wit onderkant wys.
Die ooi is 7,5 tot 8 maande dragtig, waarna daar in Augustus of September 'n enkele lammetjie gebore word. Rietbokke het 'n moontlike lewensduur van 9 jaar.
Die rietbok (Redunca arundinum) is 'n wildsbok wat in Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambië, Mosambiek en die noordelike dele van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Hulle word veral in digbegroeide rietkolle en grasvleie naby riviere aangetref.
Volwasse rietbokke weeg ongeveer 70 kg en kan gemiddeld 90 cm hoog word. Die rietbok se horings groei met 'n klein draai na buite, sodat dit soos 'n vet "V" op die bok se kop lyk. Die langste aangetekende horinglengte by 'n rietbok is 46 cm. Hulle het kort kwassterte met 'n wit onderkant.
Wanneer 'n rietbok skrik, sal hy 'n skerp fluitgeluid maak en met 'n skommelende beweging weghardloop, kwasstert in die lug, sodat die wit onderkant wys.
Die ooi is 7,5 tot 8 maande dragtig, waarna daar in Augustus of September 'n enkele lammetjie gebore word. Rietbokke het 'n moontlike lewensduur van 9 jaar.
El redunca comú (Redunca arundinum) és un redunca que viu a Angola, Zimbabwe, Zàmbia, Moçambic i el nord de Sud-àfrica.
Els redunques comuns mesuren 85 cm a l'espatlla de mitjana i pesen uns 70 kg. Tenen un pelatge marró grisós amb una regió ventral blanca i potes anteriors negres. Els mascles tenen banyes d'uns 35 cm, que creixen cap enrere i després es corben cap endavant.
El redunca comú (Redunca arundinum) és un redunca que viu a Angola, Zimbabwe, Zàmbia, Moçambic i el nord de Sud-àfrica.
Els redunques comuns mesuren 85 cm a l'espatlla de mitjana i pesen uns 70 kg. Tenen un pelatge marró grisós amb una regió ventral blanca i potes anteriors negres. Els mascles tenen banyes d'uns 35 cm, que creixen cap enrere i després es corben cap endavant.
Bahnivec jižní, známý také pod názvy kaferský, obecný nebo kapský (Redunca arundinum), je středně velký turovitý sudokopytník obývající otevřené planiny nebo vrchoviny s řídkým porostem, téměř vždy poblíž vody na území Zairu, Angoly, Zimbabwe, Zambie, Mosambiku a severní části jižní Afriky.
Obě pohlaví mají na hřbetě a hlavě šedohnědou srst, břišní část těla, okolí čenichu, tlamy a část hrdla je bílá, u některých jedinců se objevuje i černé zbarvení předních končetin. Samice se od samce liší menší velikostí a postrádáním zhruba 35 cm dlouhých, zahnutých rohů s prstenci. Kohoutková výška se pohybuje kolem 85 cm, délka těla mezi 1,2-1,4 m a hmotnost kolem 70 kg.
Je aktivní ve dne, přes horké dny odpočívá ve stínu a za potravou, kterou tvoří především tráva a výhonky, se vydává až večer nebo brzy ráno. Jak už z názvu plyne, zdržuje se tento druh antilopy vždy poblíž vody, kde se skrývá v rákosech nebo ve vysoké trávě. Je to plaché zvíře, které se při náznaku ohrožení vydává na útěk, při kterém se pohybuje trhavými pohyby a potřásá huňatým ocasem. Čenichem přitom vydává hlasité hvízdání, na které reagují i jiné druhy turovitých. Starší samec vlastní teritorium, v kterém žije po většinu roku spolu se svou družkou. Vetřelce varuje pískavými zvuky, nahrbováním hřbetu, prudkým trháním hlavou nebo rozhrabáváním země pomocí svých rohů. Svou družku si v období rozmnožování agresivně brání před ostatními samci, s kterými o ni bojuje, přičemž do sebe dva rivalové narážejí a snaží se přetlačit. Mladé samice a samci žijí většinou samostatně, až na období sucha, kdy se pro větší bezpečí shlukují až do 20 členných stád.
Bahnivec jižní se rozmnožuje každoročně, nejvíce mláďat se rodí mezi prosincem a květnem. Před spářením předvádí samice svatební tance, při kterých vyskakuje do výšky se zdviženým ocasem. Několik týdnů před porodem, který se uskutečňuje po 7 až 8 měsíční březosti, samice opustí samce a začne žít klidnějším, samotářským životem. Rodí jediné šedohnědě zbarvené mládě, které po narození váží kolem 4,5 kg a které je po dobu 2 měsíců skryto ve vysoké vegetaci, kde ho chodí matka pravidelně chodit a očišťovat. Po uplynutí 2 měsíců se mládě připojuje k matce, která se vrací za svým druhem. Mládě u matky zůstává většinou až do období, kdy dospěje pohlavní dospělosti. U samic se tak děje v druhém roce života, u samců o rok později.
V přírodě se může bahnivec jižní dožít až 11 let.[2]
Největší hrozbu pro bahnivce jižního představuje ztráta přirozeného biotopu a lov. Patří mezi oblíbené lovné antilopy jižní Afriky[2] a místními domorodými kmeny je pronásledován pro maso.
Podle Červeného seznamu ohrožených druhů (IUCN) z roku 2006 patří bahnivec jižní mezi druhy závislé na ochraně (LR/cd).[3]
V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Southern Reedbuck na anglické Wikipedii.
Bahnivec jižní, známý také pod názvy kaferský, obecný nebo kapský (Redunca arundinum), je středně velký turovitý sudokopytník obývající otevřené planiny nebo vrchoviny s řídkým porostem, téměř vždy poblíž vody na území Zairu, Angoly, Zimbabwe, Zambie, Mosambiku a severní části jižní Afriky.
Rørbukken (Redunca arundinum) er en sumpantilope, der er vidt udbredt i Afrika fra Gabon og Tanzania til Sydafrika. Den lever f.eks. i Sydafrika i dale med højt græs. Den jages for sportens skyld og for sit kød. Omkring 60 procent af bestanden findes i fredede og på anden måde beskyttede områder.[1] Rørbukken har en gennemsnitlig vægt på 58 kg og en kropslængde på 134–167 cm.
Rørbukken (Redunca arundinum) er en sumpantilope, der er vidt udbredt i Afrika fra Gabon og Tanzania til Sydafrika. Den lever f.eks. i Sydafrika i dale med højt græs. Den jages for sportens skyld og for sit kød. Omkring 60 procent af bestanden findes i fredede og på anden måde beskyttede områder. Rørbukken har en gennemsnitlig vægt på 58 kg og en kropslængde på 134–167 cm.
Der Großriedbock (Redunca arundinum) ist eine vorwiegend nachtaktive Art aus der Familie der Hornträger. Es werden zwei Unterarten unterschieden. Die Art als Ganzes ist nicht bedroht, doch regional ist der Großriedbock selten geworden und im nordwestlichsten Teil seines Verbreitungsgebiets (Gabun, Republik Kongo) sogar ausgerottet.
Der Großriedbock ist mit 80 bis 105 cm Schulterhöhe eine mittelgroße Antilope. Das Fell ist braun oder graubraun und unter dem Bauch weiß gefärbt. Der kurze buschige Schwanz ist ebenfalls oben graubraun und unten weiß. Die Vorderläufe tragen vorn einen senkrechten schwarzen Streifen. Das Männchen trägt Hörner, die nach vorne gerichtet und leicht geringelt sind.
Bei Gefahr stoßen sie typische, laute Warnpfiffe aus.
Er ist in den feuchteren Savannen des östlichen und südlichen Afrikas verbreitet. Auf Grund seiner spezifischen Lebensraumansprüche ist die Art jedoch immer nur lückig verbreitet.[1]
Der Großriedbock bevorzugt als Habitat Gewässerufer mit hohen Gräsern und Riedbeständen. Diese Grasfresser kommen sowohl paarweise als auch in größeren Gruppen vor.
Es gibt zwei Unterarten.[2]
Der Großriedbock (Redunca arundinum) ist eine vorwiegend nachtaktive Art aus der Familie der Hornträger. Es werden zwei Unterarten unterschieden. Die Art als Ganzes ist nicht bedroht, doch regional ist der Großriedbock selten geworden und im nordwestlichsten Teil seines Verbreitungsgebiets (Gabun, Republik Kongo) sogar ausgerottet.
The southern reedbuck, rietbok[2] or common reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) is a diurnal antelope typically found in southern Africa. It was first described by Pieter Boddaert, a Dutch physician and naturalist, in 1785. It is placed in the genus Redunca and family Bovidae. This antelope has an average mass of 58 kg (128 lb) and a body length of about 134–167 cm (53–66 in).
It was first described by Pieter Boddaert, a Dutch physician and naturalist, in 1785. It is placed in the genus Redunca and family Bovidae. It gets its name from two Latin words: reduncas (meaning bent backwards and curved, while the horns are bent forwards) and arundo (harundo) (meaning a reed; hence arundinum, pertaining to reeds).
The southern reedbuck is larger than the other species in Redunca, namely R. redunca (Bohor reedbuck) and R. fulvorufula (mountain reedbuck).[3] It stands 80–90 cm (31–35 in) at the shoulder.[4] Females weigh 48 kg (106 lb), while the males weigh 68 kg (150 lb).[3] It has distinctive dark lines running down the front of each of its forelegs and lower hindlegs and whitish rings around the eyes.[5] It has a lifespan of 10 years.[6]
The coat is silky and almost woolly.[7] The color of its coat ranges between light- and greyish-brown, and may be lighter on the neck and chest.[6] A small, black, bare glandular patch can be noticed at the base of each ear. White fur covers the underparts and the areas near the lips and chin. The tail is white underside, and appears short and bushy.[5] Southern reedbucks measure an average of 85 cm (33 in) at the shoulder. Females lack horns. Males bear forward-curving horns, about 35–45 cm (14–18 in) long, with the base having a distinct band of pale, rubbery tissue.[5]
Southern reedbucks live in pairs or alone.[5] Sometimes, they form herds consisting of about 20 members. They prefer to lie in grass or reed beds in the heat of the day and feed during sunrise and sunset, or sometimes even at night. Old reedbucks are permanently territorial, with territories around 35-60 hectares, and generally live with a single female, preventing contact with rival males. Females and young males perform an 'appeasement dance' for older males.[6] During the dance, the bucks run around speedily and take considerably long jumps, with the tail curled up and scented air being released from a pocket in the groin at every bounce, making a popping sound. Within this territory, it is active all the time in summer, but it is nocturnal in the wet season. It regularly uses paths to reach good sites to rest, graze, and drink water. Average lifetime home ranges have been estimated as 123 ha for females and 74 ha for males.
Their main predators include lions, leopards, cheetahs, spotted hyenas, Cape hunting dogs, pythons, and crocodiles.[2][6] They can camouflage themselves in the grasslands due to their coats, which are almost the same color. If startled or attacked, they stand still, then either hide or flee with an odd rocking-horse movement, and cautiously look back to ensure the danger is gone, generally.[2] They use vocalizations like a shrill whistle through their nostrils and a clicking noise to alert others about danger.[6]
As a herbivore, the reedbuck mainly feeds on grasses. It also eats herbs and reeds. It never enters into water, though it inhabits places with water sources. It needs to drink water every few days to several times a day during the dry season.
The southern reedbuck breeds almost all the time of the year, although most matings occur during the hot and wet season. Females reach sexual maturity when they are two years old, when they leave their parent's territory. Males, which reach maturity at a slightly older age, may remain with the family group until their third year. A single young is born per birth after a gestation period of seven to eight months,[2] and remains amongst the dense and tall grass cover in which it was born for the next two months.[5] The female does not stay with her young, but instead visits it for just 10 to 30 minutes each day to nurse it.
Southern reedbucks have a wide distribution, stretching from Gabon and Tanzania to South Africa.[8] Their range seems to extend to the Miombo woodlands on the north.[3] They inhabit moist grasslands with tall grass, reeds, sufficient cover, and water nearby, such as floodplains, pastures, woodlands, and valleys.[5][7] They are common in seasonally flooded valleys near the Malagarasi River.[3] They also occur in the southern savannas of Tchibanga and Ndende (in Zaire).[9]
It is native to Angola, Botswana, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Eswatini, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.[1] It also occurs in protected areas and areas with low to moderate levels of settlement, including significant populations on private land in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Namibia. In the Republic of Congo, it formerly occurred locally in the savannahs of southern Congo, but it is probably extinct there by now. Its presence is doubted in Lesotho. Major populations occur in areas such as Selous National Park (Tanzania), Kafue National Park (Zambia), Nyika National Park (Malawi), Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique), Okavango National Park (Botswana) and Kruger National Park and Eastern Shores (South Africa).[1]
Southern reedbucks remain widespread, but they have been eliminated from some parts of their former range (such as the Congo) by the spread of settlement which has led to habitat destruction and hunting for meat and trophies. It is reportedly one of the easiest antelopes to approach and kill. About 60% of all southern reedbucks are thought to occur in protected areas and about 13% on private lands.[1] This combination of habitat loss and overexploitation has resulted in the species becoming rare in most of South Africa, and reduced populations to precariously low levels in west and central Africa; those in Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo are feared to be almost extinct.[1]
Parasites of reedbucks include the filaria Setaria graberi.[10]
The southern reedbuck, rietbok or common reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) is a diurnal antelope typically found in southern Africa. It was first described by Pieter Boddaert, a Dutch physician and naturalist, in 1785. It is placed in the genus Redunca and family Bovidae. This antelope has an average mass of 58 kg (128 lb) and a body length of about 134–167 cm (53–66 in).
El redunca meridional (Redunca arundinum) es una especie de antílope propio del África austral. Su área de distribución comprende desde Sudáfrica hasta Angola y Zambia.
El redunca meridional (Redunca arundinum) es una especie de antílope propio del África austral. Su área de distribución comprende desde Sudáfrica hasta Angola y Zambia.
Redunca arundinum Redunca generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Reduncinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago
Redunca arundinum Redunca generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Reduncinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago
Grand cobe des roseaux
Le Grand cobe des roseaux (Redunca arundinum) est une espèce de mammifères de la famille des Bovidae.
Il mesure de 84 à 96 cm de hauteur et pèse de 30 à 60 kg, les mâles étant généralement plus grands que les femelles. Les cornes, portées exclusivement par les mâles, sont de forme incurvée et mesurent de 30 à 45 cm[1]. Très rapide à la course, les cobes des roseaux peuvent courir à 80 ou 90 km/h pour échapper aux prédateurs.
Grand cobe des roseaux
Le Grand cobe des roseaux (Redunca arundinum) est une espèce de mammifères de la famille des Bovidae.
La redunca dei canneti (Redunca arundinum (Boddaert, 1785)) è un'antilope diffusa in Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambico e Sudafrica settentrionale.[2]
Misura 85 centimetri al garrese e pesa intorno ai 70 chilogrammi. Ha il mantello grigio-bruno con le regioni inferiori bianche e le zampe anteriori nere. I maschi hanno corna scanalate di circa 35 centimetri, le quali si allungano all'indietro per poi curvarsi alla punta.
Vive nelle vallate e nelle aree pianeggianti, dove si nutre di erba e cannucce di palude. I vecchi maschi sono territoriali e vivono con una singola femmina, che seguono in ogni momento per impedire che abbia contatti con maschi rivali. Le femmine e i giovani maschi sono solitamente solitari, ad eccezione della stagione secca, quando per necessità a volte formano branchi composti da quasi venti esemplari. Sono diurne, ma inattive durante le ore più calde.
La redunca dei canneti (Redunca arundinum (Boddaert, 1785)) è un'antilope diffusa in Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambico e Sudafrica settentrionale.
De Rietbok (Redunca arundinum) is een middelgrote antilopesoort uit het geslacht der rietbokken (Redunca). Het is de kleinste van de drie soorten rietbokken. Het soort is voor het eerst beschreven in 1785 door de Nederlander Pieter Boddaert.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesRidbok południowy[2] (Redunca arundinum) – ssak z rodziny wołowatych, największy z rodzaju Redunca.
Szeroko rozprzestrzenione w Afryce Południowej. Zamieszkują tereny trawiaste w pobliżu źródeł wody.
Ubarwienie jasnobrązowe do szarobrązowego. Spodnia część ciała, w tym również ogona, a także wewnętrzne strony kończyn są jaśniejsze. Dymorfizm płciowy jest wyraźnie zaznaczony. Samce mają rogi osiągające długość 25-46 cm.
Ridbok południowy wykazuje aktywność głównie w nocy, jedynie w porze suchej spotykany jest również w ciągu dnia. Ridboki przebywają pojedynczo lub w parach, rzadziej w większych skupiskach.
Po porodzie matka ukrywa młode przez około 2 miesiące, podchodząc do niego jedynie na czas posiłku. Po upływie tego okresu młode zaczyna paść się samodzielnie i podąża za matką. Dorosłe samce są terytorialne. Ridboki żywią się trawami, same stanowiąc pokarm dla kilku gatunków dużych drapieżników, lwów afrykańskich (Panthera leo), lampartów plamistych (Panthera pardus), gepardów grzywiastych (Acinonyx jubatus) i krokut cętkowanych (Crocuta crocuta). W obronie przed drapieżnikami wykorzystują kamuflaż. Zastygają nieruchomo, a jeśli zostaną dostrzeżone gwałtownie uciekają, wykonując wysokie skoki.
Przez człowieka zaliczane są do zwierzyny.
Ridbok południowy (Redunca arundinum) – ssak z rodziny wołowatych, największy z rodzaju Redunca.
O chango[1][2][3] (em Moçambique), nunce (em Angola)[4] ou cobo-dos-juncais (Redunca arundinum), assim como todos os antílopes, é um animal herbívoro. A sua cor é marrom-acinzentada, mede de 90 a 95 cm de altura e pesa cerca de 70 quilos. Os machos apresentam chifres pretos que medem aproximadamente 20 centímetros.
O cobo-grande-dos-juncais é uma presa muito fácil, vivem em duplas ou em pequenos grupos de até 12 animais, quando assustado fica imóvel e só se mexe quando o inimigo já está muito próximo. O período de gestação é de 7 meses e meio e nasce apenas um filhote. Os filhotes são extremamente vulneráveis aos mabecos e o número de filhotes abatidos é enorme. A espécie está ameaçada de extinção.
O chango (em Moçambique), nunce (em Angola) ou cobo-dos-juncais (Redunca arundinum), assim como todos os antílopes, é um animal herbívoro. A sua cor é marrom-acinzentada, mede de 90 a 95 cm de altura e pesa cerca de 70 quilos. Os machos apresentam chifres pretos que medem aproximadamente 20 centímetros.
O cobo-grande-dos-juncais é uma presa muito fácil, vivem em duplas ou em pequenos grupos de até 12 animais, quando assustado fica imóvel e só se mexe quando o inimigo já está muito próximo. O período de gestação é de 7 meses e meio e nasce apenas um filhote. Os filhotes são extremamente vulneráveis aos mabecos e o número de filhotes abatidos é enorme. A espécie está ameaçada de extinção.
Stor rörbock (Redunca arundinum) är ett slidhornsdjur i släktet rörbockar som förekommer i Afrika.
Arten är med en mankhöjd mellan 65 och 105 cm en medelstor antilop. Kroppslängden varierar från 120 till 160 cm och vikten går upp till 95 kg. Pälsens färg på ovansidan är brun till gråbrun och undersidan är vitaktig. En liknande färgsättning har även den korta yviga svansen. På framsidan av de främre extremiteterna finns en lodrätt svart strimma. Bara hannar bär framåt böjda horn med en struktur som påminner om sammanklistrade ringar. Hornens längd går upp till 46 cm.[2]
Vid ljumsken på insidan av bakbenen förekommer en körtel som är gömd i ett säckformigt organ. Körtelns funktion är inte känd.[3]
Stor rörbock lever i södra Afrika från Gabon och Tanzania till östra Sydafrika. Habitatet utgörs av våta savanner och liknande gräsmarker. I Drakensberg förekommer arten upp till 2 000 meter över havet.[1] På grund av djurets höga krav på utbredningsområdet förekommer flera från varandra skilda populationer.[4]
Aktiviteten är beroende på region och årstid. Honor har ett revir på omkring 125 hektar och hannarnas revir är ungefär 75 hektar. Vanligen överlappar reviren varandra men äldre hannar försvarar sitt territorium ofta mot artfränder av samma kön. Under torrperioden förekommer även lösa flockar med upp till 20 individer.[2]
Födan utgörs av gräs och vass.[2]
Efter dräktigheten som varar i cirka 7,5 månader föder honan vanligen ett enda ungdjur mellan december och maj. Ungen ligger vanligen två månader ensam i ett gömställe och får bara di en gång om dagen. Under andra levnadsåret blir ungarna könsmogna. Livslängden går upp till 10 år.[2]
Artens naturliga fiender utgörs av stora rovdjur samt av pytonormar och krokodiler.[2]
Stor rörbock jagas för köttets och för nöjes skull. Dessutom hotas den i viss mån av habitatförlust. Hela beståndet bedöms som säkrat och arten listas av IUCN som livskraftig (least concern).[1]
Stor rörbock (Redunca arundinum) är ett slidhornsdjur i släktet rörbockar som förekommer i Afrika.
Güney kamış antilobu (Redunca arundinum), boynuzlugiller (Bovidae) familyasından Afrika'da yaşayan antilop türü.
Boy uzunluğu 120–160 cm, omuz yüksekliği 65–105 cm, kuyruk uzunluğu 18–30 cm, ağırlığı 39–95 kg dır. Rengi açık kahverendiden gri kahverengine kadar değişkenlik gösterir. Alt bölümleri beyazdır. Göz çevresinde beyazımsı halkalar bulunur. Kuyruğu beyazdır. Boynuz erkeklerinde bulunur.
Üreme olgunluğuna 1,5 yılda ulaşırlar. Gebelik süresi 7,5 ay olup tek yavru dünyaya getirirler. Ömrü 10 yıldır.
Otlar ve kamış sürgünleri ana besin kaynaklarıdır.
Yırtıcı memeliler, aslan, pars, çita, benekli sırtlan, Afrika yaban köpeği ile piton ve timsahlar ana düşmanlarıdır.
Afrika'nın güneyinde, Angola, Zimbabve, Zambiya, Mozambik ve Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti'nin kuzeyinde yayılım gösterir.
Güney kamış antilobu (Redunca arundinum), boynuzlugiller (Bovidae) familyasından Afrika'da yaşayan antilop türü.
Redunca arundinum là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Bovidae, bộ Artiodactyla. Loài này được Boddaert mô tả năm 1785.[2]
Phương tiện liên quan tới Redunca tại Wikimedia Commons
Redunca arundinum là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Bovidae, bộ Artiodactyla. Loài này được Boddaert mô tả năm 1785.
Redunca arundinum (Boddaert, 1785)
Ареал Охранный статусБольшой редунка[1], или большой болотный козёл[1] (лат. Redunca arundinum) — млекопитающее семейства полорогих).
Большой редунка высотой от 80 до 105 см. Шерсть коричневая или бурая, брюхо окрашено в белый цвет. Короткий пушистый хвост также сверху бурый, а снизу белый. Передние конечности имеют спереди вертикальную чёрную полосу. Рога самца направлены вперёд и слегка завиты.
При опасности животные издают характерный, громкий свист.
Вид распространён во влажных саваннах восточной и южной Африки. По причине специфичности жизненного пространства вид постоянно имеет локальное распространение.
Типичным местообитанием животных являются берега водоёмов с высокой растительностью и тростником. Эти травоядные животные держатся как парами, так и большими группами.
Большой редунка, или большой болотный козёл (лат. Redunca arundinum) — млекопитающее семейства полорогих).
南葦羚(學名Redunca arundinum)是生活於安哥拉、津巴布韋、尚比亞、莫桑比克及南非北部的羚羊。
南葦羚(學名Redunca arundinum)是生活於安哥拉、津巴布韋、尚比亞、莫桑比克及南非北部的羚羊。
取自“南苇羚&oldid=42673056” 分类:葦羚屬隐藏分类:TaxoboxLatinName本地相关图片与维基数据不同リードバック(Redunca arundinum)は、ウシ科リードバック属に分類される偶蹄類。
アンゴラ、ガボン、コンゴ民主共和国、ザンビア、ジンバブエ、スワジランド、タンザニア南部、ナミビア、ボツワナ、マラウイ、南アフリカ共和国、モザンビーク[1][2][a 1]
남방리드벅 또는 리드벅(Redunca arundinum)은 소과 영양아과에 속하는 아프리카 남부 지역에서 주로 발견되는 주행성 영양의 일종이다.[2] 네덜란드 의사 겸 박물학자인 보다르트(Pieter Boddaert)가 1785년 처음 기술했으며, 소과 리드벅속으로 분류한다. 평균 몸무게는 58kg이며, 몸길이는 134~167cm 정도이다. 천적은 사자, 치타, 표범, 점박이하이에나, 아프리카들개, 나일악어, 아프리카비단뱀이다.
남방리드벅 또는 리드벅(Redunca arundinum)은 소과 영양아과에 속하는 아프리카 남부 지역에서 주로 발견되는 주행성 영양의 일종이다. 네덜란드 의사 겸 박물학자인 보다르트(Pieter Boddaert)가 1785년 처음 기술했으며, 소과 리드벅속으로 분류한다. 평균 몸무게는 58kg이며, 몸길이는 134~167cm 정도이다. 천적은 사자, 치타, 표범, 점박이하이에나, 아프리카들개, 나일악어, 아프리카비단뱀이다.