
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 22.2 years (captivity) Observations: In captivity, these animals can live up to 22.2 years (Richard Weigl 2005).
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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Sable antelope are found in parks all across eastern and southern Africa offering an attraction to the ecotourism industry. Sable antelope are prized trophy animals to many big-game hunters and some are willing to spend thousands of dollars to hunt them. However, declining sable antelope numbers calls into question the advisability of hunting them.

Positive Impacts: food ; body parts are source of valuable material; ecotourism

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Behavior ( Anglèis )

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Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

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IUCN lists Hippotragus niger as lower risk and conservation dependent, but declining numbers could lead to a threatened listing in the near future. The subspecies Hippotragus niger variani is listed as endangered due to habitat loss and trophy hunting. Studies in the past show that a complex blend of factors such as disease, malnutrition, and habitat quality compounded by interspecific competition and attempts to manipulate populations have limited sable antelope numbers. Historic data has demonstrated their tendency to be dense in some regions and practically nonexistent in others, even in well managed national parks (Wilson and Hirst 1977).

US Federal List: endangered

CITES: appendix i; no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Sable antelope have no negative affects on humans.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Associations ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Sable antelope help to cycle grass/plant nutrients into other areas and the young are prey for large predators.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Typically, sable antelope are specialized grazers feeding on foliage and herbs, especially those growing on termite mounds. During the dry season they are less reluctant to browse (Estes 1993). One of the reasons for declining antelope numbers could be their very specific feeding pattern. Typically they will feed on grasses (up to ninety percent of their diet) at heights of 40-140 millimeters from the ground taking only the leaf. In a savannah setting, sable antelope are the last to feed on the new grasses available during the late dry season when food availability is vital (Spinage 1986). In the paddock setting, where grasses are tall (above 140mm), feed is high in protein and low in fiber, and sable antelope quickly lose weight. In a particular enclosure study, sable antelope fed primarily on Brachiaria nigropedata, which only had a frequency occurrence of 3.9% across the study area (Wilson and Hirst 1977). The correlation of neck length, angle of the jaws and selective feeding habits serves to separate Hippotragus niger from other grazers and suggests why they are habitat limited (Spingage 1986). Water is visited at least every other day and no sable antelope will travel more then 2 miles from a watering hole or river. Salt licks are visited periodically and they will chew on bones to get trace essential elements not present in mineral-deficient soil (Estes 1993).

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Hippotragus niger lives in the southern savanna of Africa from southeastern Kenya, eastern Tanzania, and Mozambique to Angola and southern Zaire, mainly in the Miombo Woodland Zone. Good places to view sable antelope include- Shimba Hills National Reserve, Kenya; Ruaha National Park, Selous Grassland Reserve, Tanzania; Kafue and Mweru- Wantipa National Park, Zambia; Matetsi Safari Area, Hwange, Zambezi, and Kazuma Pan NP, Zimbabwe; Kruger National Park, South Africa (Estes 1993).

Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Sable antelope in the wild can live up to 16 years and over 19 years in captivity ( http://www.marwell.org.uk/anim-25.htm).

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
17.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
19.8 years.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Morphology ( Anglèis )

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This stunning antelope rivals even the most handsome kudus and is a popular zoo animal. Hippotragus niger has a powerful, robust build and a thick neck outlined by a vertical mane atop sturdy legs. Males and females are strikingly similar until 3 years old, when males become darker and develop majestic horns. Males weigh around 238 kilograms at a height of 116-142 centimeters. Females weigh 220 kilograms and are slightly shorter than males. The horns are massive and more curved in males reaching lengths of 81-165 centimeters, while females' horns are only 61-102 centimeters in length. Coloration in bulls is black, females and young are chestnut except in southern populations, where females turn brown-black. Most sable antelope have white “eyebrows”, a rostrum sectioned into cheek stripes, white belly and rump patch. Young under 2 months typically are light brown and have slight markings (Estes 1993).

Range mass: 220 to 238 kg.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Associations ( Anglèis )

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Lions seldom attack adults, because of their size and the formidable fighting abilities of these antelope. Humans are the only real threat to adult sable antelope and their populations (Spinage 1986). Young Hippotragus niger are susceptible to predation by lions, leopards, hyenas, African hunting dogs and crocodiles.

Known Predators:

  • lions (Panthera leo)
  • leopards (Panthera pardus)
  • hyenas (Hyaenidae)
  • African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)
  • crocodiles (Crocodylidae)
  • humans (Homo sapiens)
drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Favorable habitat is a mixture of savanna woodlands and grassland. Woodlands consist of fire-resistant, broadleaf deciduous trees scattered over an under story of sparse grasses that are grazed during the rainy season. Dry season feeding grounds are grassland areas that were once flooded, then burned, subsequently producing new growth. If possible, Hippotragus niger avoids extensive open lands (Estes 1993).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

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Dominant males defend harems of females and their immediate foraging territory extending 300 to 500 meters out from the herd. These dominant males mate with females in their harem and vigorously defend them against intruding males (see behavior section). Males may drop to their knees and engage in horn wrestling in fights. Fatalities from these fights are rare.

Mating System: polygynous

Hippotragus niger females usually undergo only one estrous cycle per breeding season that last from May to July, with a peak mating in June. Gestation lasts 8 to 9 months, allowing for birth at the end of rains. Normally one calf is born during the end of the rainy season when long grass is available for cover. The mother stays concealed for the first week of the calf’s three-week hiding phase. After the first week, the mother joins a maternal group that the calf will eventually join. Yet, the calf will seek out the mother only for nursing. In fact, the mother-offspring bond is so feeble, even small calves will spend days apart in a divided herd. Weaning takes place six months after birth, usually towards the end of the dry season when “sourveld” vegetation is lowest in protein and other nutrients (Wilson and Hirst 1977). Females start to breed at 2.5 years old and congregate in social groups that are a rank hierarchy based on seniority. Males are subordinate to females until they are bigger. At 3 to 4 years of age males are evicted from female social groups and live in bachelor herds until they reach sexual maturity at 5 years (Estes 1993).

Breeding season: Mating occurs from May to July, birthing occurs from January to April.

Range number of offspring: 1 (low) .

Average number of offspring: 1.

Range gestation period: 8.63 to 9.07 months.

Average gestation period: 8.87 months.

Range weaning age: 6 to 8 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2.5 to 5 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2.5 to 5 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); viviparous

Average birth mass: 16375 g.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Females care for their young primarily by nursing them and hiding them from predators. Young are weaned at 6 months of age.

Parental Investment: altricial ; female parental care ; post-independence association with parents

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Hippotragus_niger.html
Eric Roenning, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Biology ( Anglèis )

fornì da Arkive
Sable antelope mate during the dry season from May to July when sub-populations congregate on remaining green pastures (5). Maternal herds of 15 to 25 breeding females and their young are led by a single alpha female (3). Young males are driven out of this herd at about three to four years of age and join bachelor herds of around two to twelve individuals. When around five or six years of age, males will establish and defend a territory at choice feeding grounds which attract females (3). The dominant male allows subordinate males to graze in his territory as long as they are submissive and show no interest in his females, but will fiercely fight any male that challenges his authority. Fights involve males circling one another, shaking their heads, dropping to their knees and engaging in 'horn wrestling' (3) (5). Fatalities are known, but rare (5). A bull also uses urine and faeces to scent-mark the perimeter of his territory to warn off all other rival bulls (3). Peak mating activity occurs in June, and after a gestation of eight to nine months, females typically give birth to a single calf at the end of the rainy season, when food is abundant and the long grass provides sufficient cover (3) (5). After birth, the calf remains concealed for at least two weeks (3), joined by its mother for the first week, before she returns to the maternal group that the calf will eventually join (5). The calf is weaned and fully independent at six to eight months of age (3). Females start to breed at two and a half years of age and attain rank status in the herd hierarchy based on seniority, while males are evicted from the social group at three to four years old. These males then join bachelor herds of two to twelve individuals until they reach sexual maturity at five years (3) (5). Most active in the early morning and late afternoon (2), sable antelope graze on a variety of short grasses abundant during the growing season and survive during the harsh dry season by browsing on herbs, bushes and trees (3). Water is visited at least every other day and no sable antelope will travel more then two miles from a watering hole or river (5). Adults are rarely attacked by predators such as lions because of their large horns and formidable fighting abilities, but the young, injured and old are vulnerable to predation by lions, leopards, hyenas, African hunting dogs and crocodiles (3) (5).
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Conservation ( Anglèis )

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With three quarters of the wild population living on protected natural habitat in national parks, national game reserves, private game reserves, conservancy lands, and private farms, this species is currently considered stable. Sable antelope are held in a number of zoos throughout the world, and the North American Regional Studbook has recently been published, helping to keep captive populations genetically healthy by coordinating breeding between institutions (3). However, due to their aggressive nature and strong social inclusion and exclusion structures, sable antelope can pose difficulties to captive management (3). The Critically Endangered giant sable antelope occurs in the Luando Reserve and Cangandala National Park (6), but its future nevertheless remains uncertain (3). Strict legislation and enforcement are required to protect this magnificent animal from poachers (6), but before this is likely to become a viable prospect or priority, it is essential for the Angolan government to reach stability and for the quality of life of the Angolan people to be improved (3) (6).
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Description ( Anglèis )

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This stunning antelope rivals even the greater kudus as the most handsome of all antelope, with its powerful, robust build, vertical mane and fantastically long, curved horns, which arch majestically backwards (5) (6). Newborn calves are born with a camouflaging, sandy-brown coat, but as they grow and achieve herd status their coats continually darken (3). Mature females eventually become a rich chestnut-brown to dark brownish-black and fully mature males are a glossy brownish-black to pitch-black, varying with the subspecies (3) (5). Coat colour appears to be controlled hormonally, with castrated males losing their black colour to become brown again, and it is thought to help communicate age, and therefore social status, to others (3) (7). Both sexes have sharply contrasting white abdominal, rump, and facial patches, and black facial stripes running down the bridge of the nose and from the eyes to the nostrils (2) (3). The semi-circular, ridged horns are longer and thicker in males, growing up to an incredible 165 centimetres in length, while those of females reach a worthy 100 centimetres (2). These massive horns are very effective defensive weapons against natural predators and are used in dominance fighting (3).
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Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Preferred habitat is a mixture of open savanna woodlands and grassland, consisting of fire-resistant, broadleaf deciduous trees scattered over an under-storey of sparse grasses that are grazed during the rainy season. During the dry season, feeding grounds are floodplain grasslands that produce new growth after the annual fires, although extensive open plains are generally avoided (5).
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Range ( Anglèis )

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Found in the southern savannah of Africa from southeastern Kenya, eastern Tanzania and Mozambique to Angola and southern Zaire, mainly in the Miombo Woodland Zone (5). The Critically Endangered giant antelope is confined to central Angola, where it is primarily located in the Luando Reserve and Cangandala National Park (3) (6).
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Status ( Anglèis )

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Classified as Lower Risk / Conservation Dependent (LR/cd) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1). Four subspecies of sable antelope are currently recognised: Hippotragus niger kirkii (Zambian sable), H. n. niger (common or southern sable), H. n. roosevelti (eastern sable), and H. n. variani (giant or Angolan sable) (3). Of these, the giant sable antelope (H. n. variani) is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1), and is listed on Appendix I of CITES (4).
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Threats ( Anglèis )

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Sable antelope have been eliminated from large areas of their former range due to a combination of disease, drought-caused food shortages, and habitat loss and degradation, compounded by interspecific competition (3) (5). Subsistence hunting poses an additional threat (3), and its powerful stature and imposing horns have also made this species a prized trophy animal to many big-game hunters, some of which are willing to pay thousands of dollars to hunt them (5). As the African human population continues to grow, the rate of habitat loss due to pressure for agricultural land, and poaching for protein-rich meat are likely to grow (3). The giant sable antelope (H. n. variani) occupies a particularly precarious position in Angola (3), and was classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List even before the commencement of 20 years of civil war (6). With the onset of civil war, most of the protected areas in which the giant sable antelope was found were evacuated, and have been left unattended and unprotected for more than 25 years (6).
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Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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A truly good-looking member of the bovidae family is the sable antelope (Hippotragus niger). Mature males are a striking jet-black in colour, with long ridged horns curving towards their backs, ending in smooth sharp tips (Mills and Hess, 1997). Although slightly smaller than the closely related Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus), they weigh in at an average of 230 kg, standing about 1.35 m tall at the shoulder (Wilson and Herst, 1977; Skinner and Chimimba, 2005).

This mammal species inhabit open wooded savannah, preferably close a water source (Mills and Hess, 1997; Thompson and Monfort, 1999). Male sable antelope are predominantly solitary, whilst females are found in small herds consisting of a dominant female and recent offspring (although sometimes accompanied by a single male), whereas young males often travel in small bachelor herds (Jarman, 1974). They are predominantly grazers, feeding on fresh growth at a relatively high level off the ground (Wilson and Herst, 1977; Skinner and Chimimba, 2005).

Females are sexually mature around 2 years of age and reproduction occurs when food is most abundant, with females typically leaving the herd to calve (Skinner and Chimimba, 2005). There is a loose association between mothers and calves, with mothers often travelling up to 2 km away from the young, hidden foal, but the cryptic coloration and lack of odour serves to make the foal almost invisible during this vulnerable period of its life (Wilson and Herst, 1977).

Their distribution ranges from central Tanzania, down to the north of South Africa and extends west to the south-eastern corners of Angola (for map, see http://maps.iucnredlist.org/map.html?id=10170). They are listed as least concern by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species with large numbers reported in protected areas. There is an estimated 75,000 wild sable antelope, with numbers increasing on private game farms and conservancies.

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EOL authors

Swartwitpens ( Afrikaans )

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Die swartwitpens (Hippotragus niger) is 'n groot wildsbok wat in die beboste grasvelde van Oos- en Suider-Afrika voorkom.

Paring vind tydens die somer plaas. Die koei is nege maande dragtig en 'n enkele kalf word tussen Januarie en Maart gebore. Die swartwitpens het 'n moontlike lewensduur van 19 jaar.


Die swartwitpens deel die genus Hippotragus met die uitgestorwe bloubok (H. leucophaeus) en die bastergemsbok (H. equinus), en is 'n lid van die horingdraers familie.

In 1996 het 'n analise van mitochondriale DNS wat uit 'n monster van die gemonteerde bloubok onttrek is, toon dat dit buite die klade met die bastergemsbok en swartwitpens is. Die onderstaande kladogram toon die posisie van die swartwitpens onder sy familie, na aanleiding van die 1996-analise:[2]

Blesbok (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi)

Bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygarus)

Bloubok (Hippotragus leucophaeus)

Bastergemsbok (Hippotragus equinus)

Swartwitpens (Hippotragus niger)

Fisiese beskrywing

Hierdie bokke se naam is beskrywend: hulle is inderdaad swart met 'n wit pens. Die onderkant van die agterkant en die snoet is ook wit. Volwasse swartwitpense het 'n gemiddelde massa van 220 kg en 'n hoogte van 140 cm. Die bulle het lang horings wat in 'n perfekte sirkel na agter buig; die langste aangetekende lengte van 'n paar horings is 155 cm.

Die swartwitpense is geslagsdimorfies, met die bul swaarder en ongeveer een vyfde groter as die koei.[3] Bulle weeg ongeveer 235 kg en koeie 220 kg.[4] Kenmerkend is die lang, swierig na agter geboë horings en die swart-en-wit kleur van die bulle. Die groot swartwitpens (Hippotragus niger variani), 'n subspesie wat net in Angola voorkom, is egter nog groter en swaarder en sy horings kan tot 160 cm lank word, in teenstelling met die rekordlengte van 155 cm by die gewone swartwitpens.

Horings kom by albei geslagte voor. Dit is baie geriffeld en vorm 'n hoë boog na agter. Slegs volwasse bulle het 'n blinkswart bo-sy, maar die wit pens en wit strepe in die gesig kom ook by die koeie voor.

Die koeie se bo-sy is rooibruin en word al hoe donkerder namate hulle ouer word. Jong bulle is kastaiingbruin van kleur. Bulle en koeie het albei kort, regop maanhare op die nek en skouers en die sterte is taamlik lank en eindig in ʼn kwas.

Ekologie en gedrag

Swartwitpense leef in savannebosse en grasvelde gedurende die droë seisoen, waar hulle grasse en blare eet. Hulle besoek soutlekke en kou soms bene om minerale te verkry. Hulle is minder aktief gedurende die hitte van die dag. Hulle vorm troppe van 10 tot 30 koeie en kalwers wat deur 'n enkele bul gelei word. Bulle veg onder mekaar; hulle val op hul knieë en gebruik hul horings.

Hoewel hul voedsel uit hoofsaaklik gras bestaan, eet hulle net sekere grasse en kom gereeld water toe. Die bulle is in die paartyd baie aggressief en veg soms tot die dood toe om ʼn koei. Hulle verdedig hulle ook kwaai teen roofdiere en selfs leeus val bulle selde aan.

Koeie en kalwers is egter dikwels die prooi van troppe wildehonde. 'n Koei is sowat 9 maande dragtig en een kalf word gewoonlik in die somer gebore. Swartwitpense is oor hul hele verspeidingsgebied baie skaars en word in Suid-Afrika streng beskerm.


Die swartwitpens (Hippotragus niger) is een van die grootste en skaarste antiloopspesies in Suider-Afrika en kom in Noord- en Oos Gauteng, Zambië, Malawi, Kenia en Angola voor.


Sien ook


  1. {{{assessors}}} (2008). Hippotragus niger. 2008 IUBN Rooi Lys van bedreigde spesies. Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur 2008. Verkry op 1 November 2008.
  2. (1996) “Mitochondrial DNA sequence relationships of the extinct blue antelope Hippotragus leucophaeus.”. Die Naturwissenschaften 83 (4): 178–82. doi:10.1007/s001140050269.
  3. Nowak, R. M. (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World (6th uitg.). Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 1174–5. ISBN 0801857899.
  4. R. D., Estes (1999). The Safari Companion: A Guide to Watching African Mammals, Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, and Primates (Rev. uitg.). White River Junction: Chelsea Green Pub. Co. pp. 98–100. ISBN 1890132446.


  • Wêreldspektrum, 1982, ISBN 0908409680, volume 27, bl. 46
  • Soogdiere van die Krugerwildtuin en ander Nasionale Parke (1979). Saamgestel deur Die Nasionale Parkeraad. 'n Publikasie van die Raad van Kuratore vir Nasionale Parke van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika. ISBN 0-86953-027-5.

Eksterne skakels

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Swartwitpens: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

fornì da wikipedia AF

Die swartwitpens (Hippotragus niger) is 'n groot wildsbok wat in die beboste grasvelde van Oos- en Suider-Afrika voorkom.

Paring vind tydens die somer plaas. Die koei is nege maande dragtig en 'n enkele kalf word tussen Januarie en Maart gebore. Die swartwitpens het 'n moontlike lewensduur van 19 jaar.

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wikipedia AF

Antilopenn zu ( Breton )

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An antilopenn zu (Hippotragus niger) a zo un antilopenn hag a vev e gevred Afrika.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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Antílop sabre ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

L'antílop sabre (Hippotragus niger) és una espècie d'antílop originari de les sabanes de l'Àfrica austral. El seu pelatge és entre castany i negre, excepte el musell i el ventre, que són blancs.

N'hi ha una subespècie endèmica d'Angola, l'antílop sabre gegant (Hippotragus niger variani), considerada amenaçada d'extinció.[1]


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Antílop sabre: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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L'antílop sabre (Hippotragus niger) és una espècie d'antílop originari de les sabanes de l'Àfrica austral. El seu pelatge és entre castany i negre, excepte el musell i el ventre, que són blancs.

N'hi ha una subespècie endèmica d'Angola, l'antílop sabre gegant (Hippotragus niger variani), considerada amenaçada d'extinció.

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Antilopa vraná ( Cech )

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Antilopa vraná (Hippotragus niger) je velká africká antilopa blízce příbuzná antilopě koňské. Zastaralým názvem sajka vraná.[2]


  • hmotnost: 190-270 kg
  • délka těla: 190-255 cm
  • délka ocasu: 40-75 cm
  • výška v kohoutku: 117-143 cm

Antilopa vraná je velká, robustní antilopa s výrazným sexuálním dimorfismem. Samci váží okolo 238 kg a v kohoutku dosahují 116-142 cm, samice jsou menší, váží kolem 220 kg. Obě pohlaví mají vrubované rohy, které jsou šavlovitě zahnuté dozadu; rohy samců jsou masivnější, zahnutější a až 165 cm dlouhé, naproti tomu rohy samic jsou dlouhé jen 61-102 cm.

Srst je krátká a hrubá, samec i samice mají krční hřívu. Býci jsou vždy černě zbarvení, samice a mláďata jsou obvykle kaštanově hnědí, u jižněji žijící populace pak hnědočerní. Břicho, vnitřní strana stehen a krajina pod ocasem jsou bílé, stejně jako obličejová maska.

Telata mladší dvou měsíců jsou světle hnědá.

Rozšíření a stanoviště

Antilopa vraná obývá lesnaté savany jihovýchodní Afriky, její areál sahá od jihovýchodní Keni a východní části Tanzanie a Mosambiku až do Angoly a Konga. Jsou teritoriální, vyhýbají se otevřené krajině a vždy se zdržují v blízkosti řek nebo napajedel.


Během období dešťů žijí antilopy vrané v malých rodinných skupinách tvořených 15-25 samicemi, jejich telaty a jedním dominantním býkem, který hájí jejich teritorium o rozloze 3,9-9 km2, několik takových skupin pak sdílí jeden domovský okrsek (home range), který může mít rozlohu až 25 km2 a živit až 75 antilop vraných. Během období sucha se antilopy shromažďují ve velkých smíšených stádech na zbývajících pastvinách.

Mezi kravami i mezi býky je vytvořena hierarchie, staré krávy bývají na společenském žebříčku výše než mladší. I mladí samci jsou podřízeni kravám, a to do věku asi tří nebo čtyř let, kdy se u nich začínají objevovat sekundární pohlavní znaky a jsou vyhnáni. Mladí býci se pak toulají sami nebo se sdržujují do mládeneckých stád; dominantní býci je většinou nechávají pást se ve svém teritoriu, chovají-li se podřízeně a nejeví-li zájem o samice. Samci se o teritorium přetlačují svými rohy; smrtelná zranění jsou však vzácná.


Říje přichází uprostřed období sucha, v období zhruba od května do července, březost trvá 8-9 měsíců, telata se tudíž rodí na konci období dešťů, kdy je dostatek vysoké trávy k ukrytí mláděte. Matka se k mláděti vrací, jen aby ho nakojila, a už po týdnu se přidává zpět ke stádu, tele se přestane skrývat až po třech týdnech. Pouto mezi matkou a mládětem je slabé, i ve stádě telata tráví více času se svými vrstevníky a matku vyhledávají jen jako zdroj mléka. Odstaveno je po šesti měsících. Samice pohlavně dospívají ve dvou a půl letech, samci se páří až po pěti letech stáří.

Antilopy vrané jsou býložravé, 90 % jejich potravy tvoří trávy - pojídají pouze travní list, a to ve výšce 40-140 mm nad zemí. Jejich oblíbenou potravou je tráva druhu Brachiaria nigropedata, která ale tvoří jen 3,9 % trav na sledovaném území.[3] Jsou aktivní především brzy ráno a před setměním, přes poledne se ukrývají ve stínu, v noci přežvykují. Obvykle zůstávají dlouho na jednom místě, denně urazí jen asi 1,2 km, nikdy se příliš nevzdalují od napajedel, která navštěvují minimálně každý druhý den.

Jsou-li pronásledovány, dokážou běžet rychlostí až 57 km/h a to i na větší vzdálenosti. Zraněné nebo zahnané do kouta se brání svými ostrými rohy. Dospělé kusy nemají kromě člověka příliš nepřátel, telata jsou kořistí lvů, leopardů, hyen, psů hyenovitých i krokodýlů.


IUCN považuje antilopy vrané za druh závislý na ochraně, angolský poddruh antilopa obrovská je kriticky ohrožena. Trofeje antilopy vrané jsou ceněné mezi lovci divoké zvěře.


Rozeznáváme 5 poddruhů:

  • Druh Hippotragus niger
    • Hippotragus niger anselli
    • Hippotragus niger kirkii
    • Hippotragus niger niger
    • Hippotragus niger rooseveltii
    • antilopa obrovská (Hippotragus niger variani)

Antilopa vraná v českých zoo


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. Příruční slovník a databáze lexikálního archivu. bara.ujc.cas.cz [online]. [cit. 2017-12-13]. Dostupné online.
  3. Wilson, D., S. Hirst. 1977. Ecology and Factors Limiting Roan and Sable Antelope Populations in South Africa. Wildlife Monographs, 54: 14-107

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Antilopa vraná: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Antilopa vraná (Hippotragus niger) je velká africká antilopa blízce příbuzná antilopě koňské. Zastaralým názvem sajka vraná.

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Sabelantilope ( Danèis )

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Sabelantilopen eller sort hesteantilope (Hippotragus niger) er et dyr i underfamilien hesteantiloper af skedehornede pattedyr. Den lever på træklædte savanner i Østafrika syd for Kenya samt i Sydafrika. De voksne individer er 190-255 cm fra hoved til hale, og hannerne er 117-140 cm høje over skulderpartiet, mens hunnerne er lidt mindre. Hannerne vejer typisk omkring 235 kg, mens hunnerne vejer omkring 220 kg. Halen er 40-75 cm lang.

Sabelantilopen er karakteriseret ved en robust krop, en kraftig hals og tykt skind. Overordnet set er pelsens farve mellem kastanjebrun og sort, hvor det er hannerne, der bliver sorte, når de er omkring tre år gamle, mens hunnerne og ungdyrene overvejende er brunlige. Dog bliver de hunsabelantiloper, der lever længst mod syd, også mørkebrune til sorte. Undersiden af kroppen samt hals og kæbeparti er generelt hvide. Endelig har de to hvide striber på hovedets overside.

Begge køn har lange, bagudbøjede, krogede horn. Hunnernes horn bliver mellem 60 og 100 cm, mens hannernes bliver mellem 80 og 165 cm. Sabelantiloperne kan blive op til 16 år gamle i vild tilstand og 19 år i fangenskab.[1]

Kilder og eksterne henvisninger

  1. ^ Roenning, E. 2002. "Hippotragus niger", Animal Diversity Web. Hentet 27. marts 2016.
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Sabelantilope: Brief Summary ( Danèis )

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Sabelantilopen eller sort hesteantilope (Hippotragus niger) er et dyr i underfamilien hesteantiloper af skedehornede pattedyr. Den lever på træklædte savanner i Østafrika syd for Kenya samt i Sydafrika. De voksne individer er 190-255 cm fra hoved til hale, og hannerne er 117-140 cm høje over skulderpartiet, mens hunnerne er lidt mindre. Hannerne vejer typisk omkring 235 kg, mens hunnerne vejer omkring 220 kg. Halen er 40-75 cm lang.

Sabelantilopen er karakteriseret ved en robust krop, en kraftig hals og tykt skind. Overordnet set er pelsens farve mellem kastanjebrun og sort, hvor det er hannerne, der bliver sorte, når de er omkring tre år gamle, mens hunnerne og ungdyrene overvejende er brunlige. Dog bliver de hunsabelantiloper, der lever længst mod syd, også mørkebrune til sorte. Undersiden af kroppen samt hals og kæbeparti er generelt hvide. Endelig har de to hvide striber på hovedets overside.

Begge køn har lange, bagudbøjede, krogede horn. Hunnernes horn bliver mellem 60 og 100 cm, mens hannernes bliver mellem 80 og 165 cm. Sabelantiloperne kan blive op til 16 år gamle i vild tilstand og 19 år i fangenskab.

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Rappenantilope ( Alman )

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Weibliche Rappenantilope

Die Rappenantilope (Hippotragus niger) ist eine afrikanische Antilope aus der Gruppe der Pferdeböcke mit einem auffälligen Sexualdimorphismus. Die Männchen haben ein schwarz-weißes Haarkleid, Weibchen und Jungtiere dagegen ein rotbraunes.


Die Rappenantilope erreicht eine Schulterhöhe von bis zu 1,4 Metern und erreicht ein Gewicht von bis zu 250 Kilogramm. Die Hörner werden bis zu 1,64 Meter lang. Sie ist damit etwas kleiner und leichter als die Pferdeantilope, hat aber deutlich längere Hörner, die leicht nach hinten gebogen sind. Die Hörner sind stark geringelt und werden von beiden Geschlechtern getragen.[1]

Die Rappenantilope fällt durch das pechschwarze Haarkleid der Männchen auf, das am Bauch weiß scharf abgegrenzt ist. Weibchen und junge Männchen sind rot- bis dunkelbraun.


Verbreitungsgebiet der Rappenantilope

Das Verbreitungsgebiet reicht von Kenia über die Steppen Ostafrikas (z. B. Tansania) bis ins südliche Afrika. Rappenantilopen halten sich gewöhnlich in einer trockenen, offenen und von Bäumen durchsetzten Landschaft auf. Dauergewässer und mittelhohe oder hohe Gräser sollten vorhanden sein. Ihre Hauptnahrung ist Gras, sie fressen aber gelegentlich auch Laub.


Die Weibchen leben mit ihren Jungen in Herden von zehn bis dreißig Tieren. Männchen sind Einzelgänger, die jedes Weibchen beanspruchen, das ihr Territorium durchquert. Männchen, die das sechste Lebensjahr noch nicht erreicht haben, sind nicht stark genug, ein eigenes Revier zu verteidigen; sie tun sich zu eigenen Junggesellenverbänden zusammen.

Eine Untersuchung der Nahrungsweise der Rappenantilope in Simbabwe hat erwiesen, dass Rappenantilopen abhängig von Wasserstellen sind. Sie entfernen sich nie mehr als einen Kilometer von Wasser und trinken täglich. Sie fressen Gras und äsen dieses bis auf eine Höhe von vier Zentimeter über dem Boden ab. Gras, das weniger als vier Zentimeter hoch ist, wird von ihnen nicht gefressen. Nach Regenfällen, wenn das Gras wieder zu sprießen beginnt, sind sie damit eine der letzten Arten, die sich die neu nachgewachsenen Nahrungsressourcen erschließen können.[2]

Bedrohung und Schutz

Es gibt noch etwa 60.000 Rappenantilopen. Die Art wird von der IUCN als nicht gefährdet eingestuft. Die Riesen-Rappenantilope (Hippotragus niger variani), eine Unterart aus Angola, gilt jedoch als vom Aussterben bedroht. Eine weitere sehr seltene Unterart ist die Ostafrikanische Rappenantilope (Hippotragus niger roosevelti).


Die Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft Simbabwes leitet ihren Spitznamen Sables von der Rappenantilope (englisch sable antelope) ab.


  • C. A. Spinage: The Natural History of Antelopes. Croom Helm, London 1986, ISBN 0-7099-4441-1


  1. Spinage, S. 183
  2. Spinage, S. 56.
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Rappenantilope: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Weibliche Rappenantilope

Die Rappenantilope (Hippotragus niger) ist eine afrikanische Antilope aus der Gruppe der Pferdeböcke mit einem auffälligen Sexualdimorphismus. Die Männchen haben ein schwarz-weißes Haarkleid, Weibchen und Jungtiere dagegen ein rotbraunes.

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Sable antelope ( Scossèis )

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The sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) is a antelope which inhabits firthit savannah in East Africae sooth o Kenyae, an in Soothren Africae.


  1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). "Hippotragus niger". IUCN Reid Leet o Threatened Species. Version 2008. Internaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur. Retrieved 1 November 2008. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of Least concern.

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Sable antelope: Brief Summary ( Scossèis )

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The sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) is a antelope which inhabits firthit savannah in East Africae sooth o Kenyae, an in Soothren Africae.

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Ngwarati ( shona )

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Sable bull.jpg

Ngwarati kana mharapara (sable in English) imuka yemusango iri mumhuri yenhoro. Mhuka iyi ine ruvara rwutema (black) nedumbu jena (white). pachiso chayo ine mutandamhno mutema nemitsetse mitema inobva kumaziso ichienda kumuromo. Muromo wepasi unennge uri muchena. Ngwarati ine nyanga dzakasvonaka dzakakombama dzichidzokera kumashure.


  • Zvaiwana ngwarati - kureva kuti uya anombozviti ndini ndinogona zvamuwanawo nhasi.
  • Chikwata cheRubgy cheZimbabwe chinodanwa kunzi "Sables" - iriyo ngwarati.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • VaLozi vanoti kwalata kana likwalata (n. roan or sable antelope) kureva ngwarati.
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Ngwarati: Brief Summary ( shona )

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Sable bull.jpg

Ngwarati kana mharapara (sable in English) imuka yemusango iri mumhuri yenhoro. Mhuka iyi ine ruvara rwutema (black) nedumbu jena (white). pachiso chayo ine mutandamhno mutema nemitsetse mitema inobva kumaziso ichienda kumuromo. Muromo wepasi unennge uri muchena. Ngwarati ine nyanga dzakasvonaka dzakakombama dzichidzokera kumashure.

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Sable antelope ( Anglèis )

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The sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) is a large antelope which inhabits wooded savanna in East and Southern Africa, from the south of Kenya to South Africa, with a separated population in Angola.[2]


The sable antelope shares the genus Hippotragus with the extinct bluebuck (H. leucophaeus) and the roan antelope (H. equinus), and is a member of the family Bovidae.[3]

In 1996, an analysis of mitochondrial DNA extracted from a mounted specimen of the bluebuck showed that it is outside the clade containing the roan and sable antelopes. The cladogram below shows the position of the sable antelope among its relatives, following the 1996 analysis:[4]

blesbok (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi)

bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygarus)

bluebuck (Hippotragus leucophaeus)†extinct

roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)

sable antelope (Hippotragus niger)


Hipotragus niger has four subspecies:

  • The southern sable antelope (H. n. niger; also known as the common sable antelope, black sable antelope, Matsetsi sable antelope or South Zambian sable antelope) is regarded as the nominate subspecies, as it was the first one to be described and named in 1838. Often referred to as the black sable antelope because it tends to have the darkest coat, this subspecies occurs south of the Zambezi River, particularly in northern Botswana and in large numbers in the Matsetsi Valley of Zimbabwe, but it is also found in South Africa. In South Africa, most of the commercial sable antelope farmers crossed their Matsetsi sable antelope (indigenous to South Africa) with Zambian sable antelope in the hope to move nearer to the nearly extinct giant sable antelope (that was larger with bigger horns). Currently, only about 15% pure Matsetsi sable antelopes are thought to exist in South Africa. The Matsetsi sable antelope population in Zimbabwe is only 450 (down from 24,000 in 1994).[5] The sable antelope population in South Africa is about 7,000 (commercial and in reserves). Therefore, the Matsetsi sable antelope population apparently is less than 1,500 and declining. However, most of the sable antelope in the reserves are pure Matsetsi sable antelope. Anglo-American recently started a program of breeding pure Matsetsi sable antelope commercially and keeping them pure.[6][7]
  • The giant sable antelope (H. n. variani; also known as the royal sable antelope) is so named because both sexes are larger and their horns are recognizably longer. It is found only in a few remaining localities in central Angola. It is classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List and is listed on Appendix I of CITES.
  • The Zambian sable antelope (H. n. kirkii; also known as the West Zambian sable antelope or West Tanzanian sable antelope) occurs in central Angola, western Zambia and Malawi and has the largest geographic range of the four subspecies, which extends north of the Zambezi River through Zambia, the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and Malawi into southwestern Tanzania. It is classified as Vulnerable.[8][9]
  • The eastern sable antelope (H. n. roosevelti; also known as the Shimba sable antelope) is the smallest of the four subspecies. It occurs in the coastal hinterlands of southern Kenya, particularly in the Shimba Hills National Reserve, and ranges through the region east of Tanzania's eastern escarpment and into northern Mozambique.[9][10]

In English "great sable antelope", "sable" or the Swahili name mbarapi are sometimes used. An archaic term used in accounts of hunting expeditions in South Africa is "potaquaine";[11] the origin and exact application are unclear. Local names include swartwitpens (Afrikaans), kgama or phalafala (Sotho), mBarapi or palahala (Swahili), kukurugu, kwalat or kwalata (Tswana), ngwarati (Shona), iliza (Xhosa), impalampala (Zulu) and umtshwayeli (Ndebele).[12]


The sable antelope is sexually dimorphic, with the male heavier and about one-fifth taller than the female.[13] The head-and-body length is typically between 190 and 255 cm (75 and 100 in).[14] Males reach about 117–140 cm (46–55 in) at the shoulder, while females are slightly shorter. Males typically weigh 235 kg (518 lb) and females 220 kg (490 lb).[15] The tail is 40–75 cm (16–30 in) long, with a tuft at the end.[13][14]

The sable antelope has a compact and robust build, characterized by a thick neck and tough skin.[13] It has a well-developed and often upright mane on its neck, as well as a short mane on the throat.[15] Its general colouration is rich chestnut to black. Females and juveniles are chestnut to dark brown, while males begin darkening and turn black after three years. However, in southern populations, females have a brown to black coat. Calves less than two months old are a light tan and show faint markings.[15] The underparts, cheek, and chin are all white, creating a great contrast with the dark back and flanks.[13] Long, white hairs are present below the eyes, and a wide, black stripe runs over the nose.[14]

Both sexes have ringed horns which arch backwards. In females, these can reach 61–102 cm (24–40 in), while in males they are 81–165 cm (32–65 in) long.[15] The average lifespan of the sable antelope is 19 years in the wild and 22 years in captivity.[16]


Sable antelopes live in savanna woodlands and grasslands during the dry season,[17] where they eat mid-length grasses and leaves. They visit salt licks and have been known to chew bones to collect minerals. They are diurnal, but are less active during the heat of the day. They form herds of 10 to 30 females and calves led by a single male, called a bull. Males fight among themselves; they drop to their knees and use their horns.[18]

In each herd, the juvenile males are exiled from the herd around 3 years old. All of the female calves remain, however. When the herd gets too large, it divides into smaller groups of cows and their young. These groups form new herds, once again with only one adult bull. The young males, which have been separated from the herd, associate in "bachelor groups" of up to 12 individuals. Among the bachelors, the most dominant is the first individual to join a new group of females when the position is open. Seldom, during their fights for dominance, they are able to inflict bodily harm to any contenders.[18]

When sable antelopes are threatened by predators, including lions, they confront their attackers and fight-back aggressively. Using their scimitar-shaped horns that can reach to its vulnerable rump area (which is generally preferred by predators), they can impale their enemy. There are instances where their predators have died during such fights. In the 1950 to 1970's the antelope's numbers were reduced severely by tsetse fly pest outbreaks.

The grassland habitat of the sable antelope is being reduced by habitat destruction for agricultural development. Sable antelope are important to their habitats as grazers and browsers. They are also important as prey for carnivores.[18]


The giant sable antelope's breeding season is seasonal and births coincide with the rainy season. After a gestation period of around 9 months, the female gives birth to a single young. A newborn calf is born with a sandy coloured coat, which helps it to camouflage. The calf will lie hidden away for at least 10 days while being nursed by its mother.

Young sable antelope are weaned at around 8 months and will become sexually mature at between 2 and 3 years. As the calf develops, its coat will darken and it will achieve its status within the herd. The life span of a giant sable antelope is around 17 years.[19]


Sable antelopes are herbivores. They are specialized browsing animals that feed upon foliage, mid-length grasses, leaves and herbs, particularly those that grow on termite mounds. Tree leaves make up 90% of their diet. They are diurnal animals, meaning they are most active in the daylight, but less active during the hottest part of the day. Like other bovids, they also have a ruminant digestive system.[19] Because water is essential to the sable antelope's survival, it travels every two to four days to drink at water sources.[20] The sable antelope presumably decreases its risk of being eaten by predators by staying away from feeding areas with high numbers of other grazers, but at the cost of prolonged and strenuous journeys to water. Use of specific water sources in particular regions is related to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the water, allowing the antelope to consume large amounts of minerals while meeting their water needs.[21]

In Popular Culture

The Sable Antelope is featured on the Rhodesian flag and coat of arms.


  1. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2017). "Hippotragus niger". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T10170A50188654. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T10170A50188654.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Sable". African Wildlife Foundation.
  3. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 718. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  4. ^ Robinson, T. J.; Bastos, A. D.; Halanych, K. M.; Herzig, B. (1996). "Mitochondrial DNA sequence relationships of the extinct blue antelope Hippotragus leucophaeus". Die Naturwissenschaften. 83 (4): 178–82. doi:10.1007/s001140050269. PMID 8643125.
  5. ^ Crosmary, William-Georges; Chamaillé-Jammes, Simon; Mtare, Godfrey; Fritz, Hervé; Côté, Steeve D. (2015-01-07). "Decline of sable antelope in one of its key conservation areas: the greater Hwange ecosystem, Zimbabwe". African Journal of Ecology. 53 (2): 194–205. doi:10.1111/aje.12207. ISSN 0141-6707.
  6. ^ "Hipotrachus Niger | Exotic Game Farming Orange Free State". Archived from the original on 2013-09-06.
  7. ^ "Wildlife Producers Association of Zambia". Archived from the original on 2014-11-03. Retrieved 2014-11-03.
  8. ^ "Sable shenanigans: how Zambia's sable population is falling prey to unscrupulous traders". The Ecologist. Retrieved 2017-07-13.
  9. ^ a b "Wildlife as a commodity - Incarcerated by red tape". www.wildlifeextra.com. Archived from the original on November 5, 2014.
  10. ^ Jonathan Kingdon; David Happold; Thomas Butynski; Michael Hoffmann; Meredith Happold; Jan Kalina (23 May 2013). Mammals of Africa. A&C Black. p. 557. ISBN 978-1-4081-8996-2.
  11. ^ Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior Of South Africa. Roualeyn George Gordon-Cumming (1820–1866); London, John Murray, 1855
  12. ^ "Hippotragus niger—Names". Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved 9 October 2019.
  13. ^ a b c d Nowak, R. M. (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World (6th ed.). Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 1174–5. ISBN 0801857899.
  14. ^ a b c Huffman, B. "Sable antelope". Ultimate Ungulate. Retrieved 6 March 2014.
  15. ^ a b c d R. D., Estes (1999). The Safari Companion: A Guide to Watching African Mammals, Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, and Primates (Rev. ed.). White River Junction: Chelsea Green Pub. Co. pp. 98–100. ISBN 1890132446.
  16. ^ "Hippotragus niger (mbarapi or sable antelope)". University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 6 March 2014.
  17. ^ Richard Estes (1992). The Behavior Guide to African Mammals: Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, Primates. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-08085-0. sable.
  18. ^ a b c Roenning, Eric. "Hippotragus niger (mbarapi)". Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 2020-05-29.
  19. ^ a b "Sable Antelope, "Nairobi" -". Retrieved 2021-01-21.
  20. ^ Cain III, J. W.; Owen-Smith, N.; Macandza, V. A. (2012). "The costs of drinking: comparative water dependency of sable antelope and zebra". Journal of Zoology. 286 (1): 58–67. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00848.x.
  21. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Hirst, S. M. (1977). "Ecology and factors limiting roan and sable antelope populations in South Africa". Wildlife Monographs. 54 (54): 3–111. JSTOR 3830391.

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Sable antelope: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) is a large antelope which inhabits wooded savanna in East and Southern Africa, from the south of Kenya to South Africa, with a separated population in Angola.

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Hippotragus niger ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El antílope sable o negro (Hippotragus niger) es una especie de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Bovidae. El nombre del género significa "caballo macho cabrío", y es debido a la similitud que existe entre los antílopes de este género con los caballos, y al mismo tiempo con los caprinos por la forma de los cuernos, largas orejas caídas a ambos lados de la cara, y su resistencia. Los otros miembros de esta subfamilia son el adax y los orix.


Se trata de antílopes de gran tamaño, patas largas, cuellos gruesos cubiertos de crin, orejas largas y móviles, formas redondeadas y una característica máscara facial negra sobre fondo blanco que está presente en todos los miembros de la familia. No obstante, al contrario que el resto, los sables son de hábitos arbustivos y prefieren el cobijo de la vegetación a los hábitos desérticos de los orix y el adax. Alcanza una longitud cabeza-cuerpo de hasta 2,45 m y su cola mide entre 40 y 50 cm.[2]​ Además, su altura en la cruz oscila entre los 1,30 y 1,50 cm y llega a pesar de 200 a 240 kg.[2]​ Es capaz de correr a velocidades de hasta 57 kilómetros por hora en una persecución.[3]

Tiene un periodo de gestación de aproximadamente 9 meses y esta gesta solo produce una cría. [3]

Al igual que el resto de los miembros de su familia, son antílopes fuertes y resistentes, con poderosos cuernos y gran temperamento que luchan con bravura contra sus depredadores; esto queda patente en la forma que tiene de usar su cornamenta en cada caso, pues mientras que en las luchas sociales entre machos por posesión de las hembras o jerárquicas, ambos contendientes cargan el uno contra el otro de rodillas, mientras que al defenderse de sus atacantes, embisten apuntando con su cornamenta. Pese a sus formidables armas, al contrario que en el caso de los orix, los recentales no nacen ya provistos de cuerna.

Es similar al antílope ruano (Hippotragus equinus), pero los machos adultos son de un color negro profundo, salvo por las marcas blancas de la cara y vientre, y sus cuernos son realmente largos superando el metro de longitud, aunque también se encuentran curvados hacia atrás, lo que le da nombre a la especie. Por el contrario las hembras y los jóvenes de la especie son de un tono rojizo. Esta especie se encuentra amenazada por la caza abusiva y por los conflictos de los países en donde habita.


Blesbok (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi)


Bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus)


Hippotragus leucophaeus (Hippotragus leucophaeus)


Hippotragus equinus (Hippotragus equinus)


Antilope Sable (Hippotragus niger)



Se reconocen las siguientes subespecies:[4]

  • Hippotragus niger anselli: El Antílope sable de Ansell se cree que es posiblemente parte de las subespecies del antílope sable, ya que solo se la reconoce ocasionalmente. Se cree que se extienden desde el este de Zambia hasta Malawi.[5]
  • Hippotragus niger kirkii: El Antílope sable Zambiano o sable Tanzano del oeste (también conocido como el sable zambiano del oeste) se encuentra en Angola central, el oeste de Zambia y Malawi, y tiene la mayor extensión geográfica de todas las subespecies, que va desde el norte del río Zambezi a través de Zambia, la República Democrática del Congo este, y Malawi hasta el suroeste de Tanzania. Está clasificado como vulnerable.[6]
  • Hippotragus niger niger: El Antílope sable sureño, sable común, o sable negro (También conocido como el sable de Matsetsi o el Sable Zambiano sureño) es la subespecie más típica de todas, siendo por primera vez identificada en 1838. Su nombre de 'Sable negro' origina del hecho de que tiende a ser la subespecie con el pelaje más oscuro. habita el sur del río Zambezi, particularmente en el norte de Botsuana y en grandes cantidades en el valle de Matsesi en Zimbabue, más también se encuentra en Sudáfrica. En Sudáfrica la mayor parte de los granjeros comerciales de sable cruzaron a sus antílopes sable Matsetsi (originarios de Sudáfrica) con antílopes sable Zambianos con la esperanza de moverse más cerca de los casi extintos sables gigantes (véase Hippotragus niger variani). Actualmente, se cree que solo un 15% de sables Matsetsi puros existen en Sudáfrica. La población del sable Matsetsi tan solo es de 450 (originalmente 24.000 en 1994). La población en Sudáfrica es de unos 7000 (comerciales y en reservas). Así que, el sable Matsetsi tiene un número de población aparentemente menor a 1500 y en declive. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los sables en las reservas son sables Matsetsi puros. Los Anglo-Americanos recientemente empezaron un programa de reproducción de Sables Matsetsi puros con propósitos comerciales y para mantenerlos puros..[7]
  • Hippotragus niger roosevelti: El Antilope sable del este o sable de Shimba, es la más pequeña de las subespecies. Se halla en las zonas de influencia costal del sur de Kenya, particularmente en las reserva nacional de las colinas de Shimba, y se extiende a través de la región al este de la escarpadura este de Tanzania y dentro del norte de Mozambique.[6]
  • Hippotragus niger variani: El Antílope sable gigante. Es la más amenazada de las subespecies. Símbolo y animal emblemático de Angola. Se llama de tal forma debido a que la cornamenta presente en ambos sexos es de mayor longitud, comparado con las otras variaciones de antílope de sable. Se encuentra solo en algunas localidades restantes de Angola central.

Véase también


  1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). «Hippotragus niger». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2010.4 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2011.
  2. a b Hanák, V. y Mazák, V. (1991). Enciclopedia de los Animales, Mamíferos de todo el Mundo. Madrid, España: Susaeta. p. 190-191. ISBN 84-305-1967-X.
  3. a b Brent Huffman (22 de Marzo de 2004.). «Hippotragus niger, Sable antelope» [Hippotragus niger, Antilope sable] (en inglés).
  4. Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  5. Bettine Jansen van Vuuren, Terence J. Robinson, Pedro VazPinto, Richard Estes, & Conrad A. Matthee (2008). «Western Zambian sable: Are they a geographic extension of the giant sable antelope?» [Sable Zambiano del Oeste: Son una extensión geografica del sable antilope gigante?] (.PDF). p. 1.
  6. a b «Wildlife as a Commodity - Incarcerated by red tape» [La vida salvaje como una commodity - Encarcelada por cinta roja] (en inglés). 2008.
  7. Phil C. Minnaar. «Copia archivada del original, 2014-11-03.» [El Sable Zambiano del oeste: Gigante o no Gigante?] (en inglés).

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Hippotragus niger: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El antílope sable o negro (Hippotragus niger) es una especie de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Bovidae. El nombre del género significa "caballo macho cabrío", y es debido a la similitud que existe entre los antílopes de este género con los caballos, y al mismo tiempo con los caprinos por la forma de los cuernos, largas orejas caídas a ambos lados de la cara, y su resistencia. Los otros miembros de esta subfamilia son el adax y los orix.

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Sable antilope ( Basch )

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Sable antilopea (Hippotragus niger) Hippotragus generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Hippotraginae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
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Sable antilope: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Sable antilopea (Hippotragus niger) Hippotragus generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Hippotraginae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Mustahevosantilooppi ( Finlandèis )

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Mustahevosantilooppi (Hippotragus niger) on hevosantilooppien sukuun kuuluva antilooppilaji. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lajin uudeksi suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on musta-antilooppi.[2]

Mustahevosantilooppi on väritykseltään tumman- ja valkoisenkirjava. Uroksen ruumis on suurimmaksi osaksi musta, mutta alapuoli ja osa naamaa ovat puhtaan valkeat. Naaras on tätä vaaleampi ja ruskeampi. Niskassa on vahva, korkea harja. Sarvet ovat kaarevat ja varsin pitkät, mutta ne ovat naaraalla lyhyemmät. Aikuisten yksilöiden säkäkorkeus on 120–140 cm ja paino 200–270 kg.

Mustahevosantiloopin levinneisyysalue ulottuu Itä-Afrikasta Etelä-Afrikan Transvaaliin. Ne elävät savannilla 10–20 yksilön laumoissa ja laiduntavat enimmäkseen ruohoa. Kantoaika on 9 kk.

Mustahevosantiloopin alalaji jättiläismustahevosantilooppi (Hippotragus niger variani) on äärimmäisen uhanalainen.



  1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group: Hippotragus niger IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 27.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunta: Maailman nisäkkäiden suomenkieliset nimet 2008. Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Helsingin yliopisto. Viitattu 7.11.2010.

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Mustahevosantilooppi: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Mustahevosantilooppi (Hippotragus niger) on hevosantilooppien sukuun kuuluva antilooppilaji. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lajin uudeksi suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on musta-antilooppi.

Mustahevosantilooppi on väritykseltään tumman- ja valkoisenkirjava. Uroksen ruumis on suurimmaksi osaksi musta, mutta alapuoli ja osa naamaa ovat puhtaan valkeat. Naaras on tätä vaaleampi ja ruskeampi. Niskassa on vahva, korkea harja. Sarvet ovat kaarevat ja varsin pitkät, mutta ne ovat naaraalla lyhyemmät. Aikuisten yksilöiden säkäkorkeus on 120–140 cm ja paino 200–270 kg.

Mustahevosantiloopin levinneisyysalue ulottuu Itä-Afrikasta Etelä-Afrikan Transvaaliin. Ne elävät savannilla 10–20 yksilön laumoissa ja laiduntavat enimmäkseen ruohoa. Kantoaika on 9 kk.

Mustahevosantiloopin alalaji jättiläismustahevosantilooppi (Hippotragus niger variani) on äärimmäisen uhanalainen.

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Hippotrague noir ( Fransèis )

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Hippotragus niger

L'hippotrague noir (Hippotragus niger) ou Antilope noire est un mammifère herbivore de la famille des bovidés (sous-famille des hippotraginae) qui habite la savane boisée de l'Afrique australe sur une zone qui couvre le Mozambique, la Tanzanie, le Zimbabwe, le nord du Botswana, la Zambie, la Namibie, l'Afrique du Sud, le sud de la République démocratique du Congo et le sud-est de l'Angola. Il existe plusieurs sous-espèces :

  • H. n. niger, au sud du Zambèze,en Namibie et en Afrique du Sud ;
  • H. n. kirkii, au nord du Zambèze ;
  • H. n. variani, dans le centre de l'Angola, l'hippotrague noir géant particulièrement menacé ;
  • H. n. roosevelti, dans l'arrière-pays côtier de la Tanzanie et au sud-est du Kenya.

Cependant cette division est remise en cause, H. n. variani, H. n. kirkii et H. n. niger présentant un ADN très proche.


L'Hippotrague noir mesure 115 à 145 cm au garrot, pour une longueur du corps de 190 à 250 cm. Le poids des femelles varie de 180 à 230 kg contre 200 à 270 kg pour les mâles. Les mâles étant plus grands et plus lourds que les femelles

C’est un animal à l’encolure épaisse, au long museau étroit, aux oreilles pointues (non terminées par un toupet comme chez la rouanne). Il porte une crinière dressée et ce jusqu’au garrot et une queue longue qui se termine par une touffe. L'hippotrague noir est facilement reconnaissable à son pelage : noir profond pour les mâles et marron pour les femelles. L'abdomen, l’intérieur des membres postérieurs, le fessier et une partie de la face sont blancs chez les deux sexes.

Mâles et femelles portent de hautes cornes cerclées qui sont fortement recourbées vers l'arrière pour les mâles et moins pour les femelles, les cornes des Hippotrague noir mesurent environ 100 à 120 cm, mais elles sont plus petites et plus fines chez la femelle.


Ce sont des animaux diurnes mais qui ont une activité réduite pendant la chaleur du jour. Les hippotragues noirs sont grégaires, plusieurs sortes de troupeaux se forment :

  • les troupeaux des femelles et de leur petit ;
  • les troupeaux des jeunes mâles célibataires et non territoriaux ;
  • les troupeaux plus vieux, célibataires et non territoriaux ;
  • et enfin les mâles isolés territoriaux qui laissent les autres paître mais n'acceptent pas d'autres mâles territoriaux sur leur territoire.

Si deux mâles territoriaux se rencontrent, l'affrontement a lieu. Les hippotragues sont courageux et robustes, un mâle blessé continue de se battre même à terre.

La taille des troupeaux varie en fonction des saisons. Les hippotragues noirs étant herbivores, ils se rassemblent en saison sèche près des rares points d'eau et se dispersent en saison humide où l'herbe est abondante.

On trouve généralement l’hippotrague noir dans la forêt claire ou sur la savane alentour, là où l'herbe est assez haute. Il évite la forêt épaisse autant que l'herbe rase de la savane. Il supporte moins bien la sécheresse que beaucoup d'autres antilopes, et s'éloigne rarement de l'eau.


Herbivore, ruminant, le groupe parcours des pâturages s'étendant sur 10 à 320 km2, suivant la qualité de l'herbe. Sur ces pâturages, il est toujours en mouvement. L’hippotrague noir broute surtout le matin de très bonne heure et vers le milieu de l'après-midi, avant de se retirer sous le couvert pour ruminer. Il peut aussi manger des feuillages d'arbustes et de buissons, surtout pendant la saison sèche, lorsque l'herbe est rare et de mauvaise qualité. Malgré ce régime chargé d'humidité, il doit boire tous les jours.


Adultes et jeune au Parc zoologique de Thoiry

L'hippotrague est vivipare. Il atteint sa maturité sexuelle vers 2 ans pour les femelles et 3 ans pour les mâles. Les femelles ne donnent naissance qu'à un seul petit après 270 jours de gestation, il vivra caché et à l'écart pendant quelque temps avant de rejoindre le troupeau familial, il sera sevré vers 8 mois.


Ses prédateurs sont les lions, mais aussi l'homme qui le chasse pour ses cornes, sa peau et sa viande. Si on les dérange, ces antilopes peuvent devenir très agressives, en particulier le mâle dominant, et n'hésitent pas à charger quiconque s'approche du groupe ou des jeunes. Elles peuvent être rapides en cas de nécessité et courir jusqu'à 56 km/h. Bien qu'il fuie le plus souvent devant le danger, l’hippotrague noir peut aussi faire face aux prédateurs et même attaquer des lions. Blessé ou acculé, il se défend avec ténacité, profite de sa dernière énergie et charge tête baissée, cornes pointées sur l'ennemi, en poussant des cris perçants.


En captivité, la longévité de l'hippotrague noir se situe entre 15 et 20 ans, un spécimen ayant atteint 22 ans et 3 mois[1],[2]. Dans la nature, la longévité moyenne est a priori plus faible, du fait des prédateurs, des maladies, etc[3].


La population d'hippotragues noirs est stable, elle est estimée à 75 000 individus[4].

L'hippotrague noir géant

Appelée en portugais Palanca Negra et emblème de l'Angola, cette sous-espèce ne se trouve nulle part ailleurs dans le monde. On n'en comptait plus que 2 500 individus dans les années 1960 ; et pendant la guerre civile qui a suivi l'indépendance de l'Angola, une très grande partie a été décimée. Depuis 1982, aucun hippotrague noir géant n'avait même été observé dans la forêt épaisse qui constitue son habitat, jusqu'au 26 février 2005, où une série de photos, prise par un appareil à déclenchement automatique, aurait révélé l'existence d'un groupe en bonne santé.

En 2007, la population totale d'hippotragues noirs géants est estimée être comprise entre 200 et 400 individus[4]. En 2011, un programme de développement de l'espèce est mené dans le parc de Cangandala, plusieurs femelles et quelques mâles étant retenus dans des enclos de plusieurs milliers d'hectares[5].


Notes et références

  1. « Sable antelope », 26 octobre 2003 (consulté le 23 mai 2012)
  2. (en) Marvin L. Jones, « Longevity of ungulates in captivity », International Zoo Yearbook, vol. 32, no 1,‎ janvier 1993, p. 159-169
  3. [PDF]« Sable Antelope, Hippotragus niger », sur www.antelopetag.com (consulté le 23 mai 2012)
  4. a et b « Hippotragus niger », sur http://www.iucnredlist.org (consulté le 23 mai 2012)
  5. Pedro Vaz Pinto, « Third Semester 2011 Report - Sept-Dec 2011 », 2011 (consulté le 23 mai 2012)

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Hippotrague noir: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Hippotragus niger

L'hippotrague noir (Hippotragus niger) ou Antilope noire est un mammifère herbivore de la famille des bovidés (sous-famille des hippotraginae) qui habite la savane boisée de l'Afrique australe sur une zone qui couvre le Mozambique, la Tanzanie, le Zimbabwe, le nord du Botswana, la Zambie, la Namibie, l'Afrique du Sud, le sud de la République démocratique du Congo et le sud-est de l'Angola. Il existe plusieurs sous-espèces :

H. n. niger, au sud du Zambèze,en Namibie et en Afrique du Sud ; H. n. kirkii, au nord du Zambèze ; H. n. variani, dans le centre de l'Angola, l'hippotrague noir géant particulièrement menacé ; H. n. roosevelti, dans l'arrière-pays côtier de la Tanzanie et au sud-est du Kenya.

Cependant cette division est remise en cause, H. n. variani, H. n. kirkii et H. n. niger présentant un ADN très proche.

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Hippotragus niger ( Italian )

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L'antilope nera (Hippotragus niger (Harris, 1838)) è una antilope africana, appartenente alla sottofamiglia Hippotraginae.


È un'antilope di grandi dimensioni. Fino a tre anni, maschi e femmine sono pressoché indistinguibili; poi le corna dei maschi si fanno più possenti e il mantello diventa scuro. I maschi adulti presentano una colorazione bruno - nera mentre le femmine e i piccoli sono di colore più chiaro tendente al rossastro. Le parti inferiori sono bianche, in netto contrasto con il mantello, così come alcuni disegni sul muso e l'interno delle orecchie.
Le corna delle antilopi nere sono incurvate all'indietro e nei maschi superano mediamente il metro di lunghezza. Il record delle corna più lunghe, 164,7cm, fu registrato in Angola ad un'antilope nera della sottospecie "variani".

Distribuzione e habitat

La specie è diffusa in Angola, Botswana, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambico, Namibia, Sudafrica, Tanzania, Zambia e Zimbabwe.[1]

L'ambiente preferito è quello della savana mista, con alternanza di bosco e prateria.


Esistono tre sottospecie di antilopi nere:


A causa della sua bellezza, è una preda molto ambita dai “cacciatori di trofei”, tuttavia non corre pericolo di estinzione. Negli ultimi decenni, il suo areale è addirittura in espansione (specialmente in Namibia, Zimbabwe e Sudafrica) perché molte fattorie e riserve di caccia hanno iniziato ad “allevare” l'antilope nera per soddisfare le molteplici richieste dei “cacciatori di trofei”.


  1. ^ a b (EN) Antelope Specialist Group 2016, Hippotragus niger, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. URL consultato il 1º marzo 2018.


  • Safari in Africa: Riconoscere i mammiferi delle savane africane. Lambertini Marco (1997) - Franco Muzzio Editore. ISBN 88-7021-759-0

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Hippotragus niger: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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L'antilope nera (Hippotragus niger (Harris, 1838)) è una antilope africana, appartenente alla sottofamiglia Hippotraginae.

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Juodoji antilopė ( lituan )

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Binomas Hippotragus niger

Juodoji antilopė (lot. Hippotragus niger, angl. Sable Antelope, vok. Rappenantilope) – arklinių antilopių (Hippotraginae) pošeimio dykaraginis žinduolis.


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Juodoji antilopė: Brief Summary ( lituan )

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Juodoji antilopė (lot. Hippotragus niger, angl. Sable Antelope, vok. Rappenantilope) – arklinių antilopių (Hippotraginae) pošeimio dykaraginis žinduolis.


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Antelop Sabel ( malèis )

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Antelop Sabel (bahasa Inggeris: Sable Antelope) merupakan sejenis haiwan mamalia. Nama sainsnya Hippostragus niger.


Antelop Sabel tergolong dalam golongan benda hidup, alam : haiwan, filum kordata, sub-filum bertulang belakang (vertebrat), kelas mamalia (berdarah panas, berbulu dengan kelenjar menyusu, dan menjaga anak)


Antelop Sabel merupakan haiwan maun. Makanan utama Antelop Sabel adalah daun dan rumput.


Sebagai haiwan mamalia, Antelop Sabel membiak dengan cara beranak dan menjaga anaknya sehingga dewasa dan mampu mampu berdikari.


Pada masa kini, sebagaimana haiwan mamalia besar yang lain di bumi ini, Antelop Sabel berhadapan dengan ancaman kepupusan sekiranya tiada usaha dijalankan untuk menyelamatkannya.

Pautan luar


  1. ^ {{{assessors}}} (2008). Hippotragus niger. Senarai Merah Spesies Terancam IUCN 2008. IUCN 2008. Dicapai pada 1 November 2008. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of Least concern.
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Antelop Sabel: Brief Summary ( malèis )

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Antelop Sabel (bahasa Inggeris: Sable Antelope) merupakan sejenis haiwan mamalia. Nama sainsnya Hippostragus niger.

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Sabelantilope ( olandèis; flamand )

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Zie artikel Voor de gelijknamige Noord-Afrikaanse antilope, zie algazel

De sabelantilope of zwarte paardantilope (Hippotragus niger) is een Afrikaanse antilope uit de onderfamilie der paardantilopen. Zijn nauwste nog levende verwant is de roanantilope (Hippotragus equinus). De sabelantilope is door het IUCN geclassificeerd als niet bedreigd, maar de Angolese ondersoort, de reuzensabelantilope (Hippotragus niger variani), is in kritiek gevaar en gaat nog steeds in aantal achteruit.[2]


De sabelantilope is een grote antilopesoort met een stevige nek, stevige schouders, een lange snuit, grote, gepunte oren en een lange staart. De vacht van het mannetje is glanzend zwart. Vrouwtjes en jonge dieren zijn bleker en meer kastanjebruin dan zwart van kleur. De buik is wit, evenals de kin, de mond, de binnenzijde van de oren en twee brede strepen langs de zijde van de kop. De buitenzijde van de oren en de hoofdkruin zijn licht kastanjebruin van kleur. Van de nek tot de schouders loopt een rechtopstaande maan. De hoorns zijn tot 154 centimeter lang. Ze zijn zeer geringd en achterwaarts gebogen. De hoorns van een vrouwtje zijn korter dan die van een mannetje.

De sabelantilope heeft een kop-romplengte van 190 tot 255 centimeter, een schofthoogte van 117 tot 143 centimeter en een staartlengte van 40 tot 75 centimeter. Mannetjes zijn zwaarder dan vrouwtjes: een mannetje is tussen de 200 en 270 kilogram zwaar, een vrouwtje tussen de 190 en 230 kilogram.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

De sabelantilope komt voor in het zuiden en oosten van Afrika, in het noordoosten van Zuid-Afrika, Botswana, Noordoost-Namibië, via Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, zuidelijk Congo-Kinshasa, Tanzania en Kenia. Geïsoleerde populaties leven langs de Keniaanse kust en in Angola.[3]

Hij leeft in bosrijke savannes en de open Miombo-bossen. In het droge seizoen, van juni tot september, wanneer het Miombo-bos wordt geteisterd door branden en lokale waterbronnen opdrogen, trekt hij naar de mbuga's, graslanden op de bodem van valleien, in de buurt van permanent water. Wanneer in oktober de regentijd begint, en de grond in de mbuga's modderig wordt, trekt hij weer terug de Miombo-bossen in.


De sabelantilope eet voornamelijk jong of middelhoog gras en kruiden, maar eet soms ook bladeren en scheuten. De sabelantilope moet om de dag drinken en zal dan ook zelden ver van water te vinden zijn. Hij is voornamelijk vroeg in de ochtend, laat in de middag en 's avonds actief.

De sabelantilope leeft in kudden van tien tot dertig dieren, bestaande uit vrouwtjes met hun kalveren. Deze kudden behoren tot een grotere groep van rond de honderd dieren. Dieren uit verschillende groepen zijn agressief tegen elkaar. Mannetjes volgen soms deze groepen, maar meestal leven ze apart van de vrouwtjes in territoria. Mannetjes vechten regelmatig met andere mannetjes. Ze laten zich door de knieën zakken en worstelen met hun hoorns. Soms raakt een dier zwaargewond, maar dit is zeldzaam. Een voorbijtrekkende kudde probeert hij in zijn territorium te houden, waarbij ieder vrouwtje in oestrus wordt gedekt.

Een jonge mannelijke sabelantilope in een privéreservaat in de Noord-Kaap.


Na een draagtijd van 240 tot 280 dagen wordt één zandkleurig kalf geboren. Hij blijft drie weken lang verborgen in de vegetatie, waarna hij zich bij andere jonge dieren voegt in de kudde van zijn moeder. Zijn moeder zoekt hij enkel op om te zogen. Als mannetjes drie jaar oud zijn, worden ze uit de groep gejaagd. Ze sluiten zich dan aan bij vrijgezellengroepen, bestaande uit twee tot twintig jonge mannetjes. Vrouwtjes krijgen meestal na drie jaar hun eerste kalf. De sabelantilope wordt ongeveer zeventien jaar oud.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Sabelantilope op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. (en) IUCN (2008). Hippotragus niger ssp. variani. Geraadpleegd op 09-04-2015, via http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/10169/0
  3. (en) IUCN (2008). Hippotragus niger. Geraadpleegd op 09-04-2015, via http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/10170/0
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Sabelantilope: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De sabelantilope of zwarte paardantilope (Hippotragus niger) is een Afrikaanse antilope uit de onderfamilie der paardantilopen. Zijn nauwste nog levende verwant is de roanantilope (Hippotragus equinus). De sabelantilope is door het IUCN geclassificeerd als niet bedreigd, maar de Angolese ondersoort, de reuzensabelantilope (Hippotragus niger variani), is in kritiek gevaar en gaat nog steeds in aantal achteruit.

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Antylopowiec szablorogi ( polonèis )

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Antylopowiec szablorogi[2] (Hippotragus niger) – gatunek ssaków z rodziny wołowatych zamieszkujący porośnięte lasem sawanny Afryki Wschodniej, południowej Kenii i Afryki Południowej.


Antylopowiec szablorogi zamieszkuje sawanny południowej Afryki, od południowo-wschodniej Kenii, wschodnią Tanzanię i Mozambik, przez Angolę, południowy Zair i Zambię, po Zimbabwe i Południową Afryka. Spotykany na obszarach chronionych, takich jak: Shimba Hills National Reserve, w Kenii, Park Narodowy Ruaha i rezerwat Selous w Tanzanii, Park Narodowy Kafue i Park Narodowy Mweru Wantipa w Zambii, Park Narodowy Hwange i Park Narodowy Kazuma Pan w Zimbabwe, czy w Park Narodowy Krugera w Południowej Afryce[3].



Antylopowiec szablorogi osiąga 120 do 140 centymetrów wysokości i waży 200 do 235 kilogramów, samce są większe od samic. Samice antylopy szablorogiej są kasztanowe lub ciemnobrązowe. Dojrzałe samce są wyraziście czarne. Obie płcie mają białe podbrzusze, białe policzki i białą brodę. Mają kudłatą grzywę na odwrocie swojej szyi. Antylopowce szablorogie mają imponujące, zakrzywione do tyłu rogi, które u samic osiągają do metra, a u osobników męskich mogą dochodzić nawet do ponad półtora metra[3].

  • Długość do 190-255 cm[4]
  • Ogon do 70 cm
  • Wysokość w kłębie 120 – 142 cm[3]
  • Masa ciała – 200-235 kg[3]
  • Sierść czarna u samców, brązowa u samic, kremowy pysk, czarna grzywa na karku, długie, ostre rogi.

Tryb życia

Antylopowce szablorogie zamieszkują porośniętą lasem sawannę w pobliżu wody, gdzie odżywiają się trawą i liśćmi. Prowadzą dzienny tryb życia są mniej ruchliwe podczas gorących dni. Antylopowce szablorogie gromadzą się w stada liczące od 15 do 25 samic i cieląt prowadzonych przez dominującego samca. Samce walczą między sobą – opadają na kolana i używają swoich szablastych rogów. Żyją do 16 lat na wolności, 19 – w niewoli[3].

Antylopowiec szablorogi był przedstawiony w herbie Rodezji (współcześnie Zimbabwe)[potrzebny przypis] oraz w godle istniejącej w latach 1953–1963 Federacji Rodezji i Niasy[5].


  1. Hippotragus niger. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  2. Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2015, s. 297. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  3. a b c d e EricE. Roenning EricE., ChrisCh. Yahnke ChrisCh., Hippotragus niger mbarapi [w:] Animal Diversity Web [online], University of Michigan, 19 stycznia 2016 .???
  4. B.B. Huffman B.B., Sable antelope [w:] Ultimate Ungulate [online], 19 stycznia 2016 [dostęp 2016-08-21] .
  5. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland [w:] FOTW Flags Of The World [online], 12 listopada 2010 [dostęp 2016-08-21] .

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Antylopowiec szablorogi: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Antylopowiec szablorogi (Hippotragus niger) – gatunek ssaków z rodziny wołowatych zamieszkujący porośnięte lasem sawanny Afryki Wschodniej, południowej Kenii i Afryki Południowej.

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Palanca-negra ( portughèis )

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A palanca-negra (nome mais usado em Angola) ou palapala (em Moçambique), ou Hippotragus niger, é uma espécie de palanca nativa da África oriental e austral.[1] Possui uma pelagem entre castanha e negra, com exceção do focinho e da barriga, que são brancos. Também já foi conhecida como palave.

São reconhecidas quatro subespécies:[1]

A palanca-negra (especialmente a subespécie palanca-negra-gigante) é frequentemente usada como um dos símbolos de Angola.

Por exemplo, a palanca-negra é o simbolo da Seleção Angolana de Futebol, apelidados de "palancas-negras".

Palanca é também o nome de uma das subdivisões da cidade de Luanda, capital de Angola.[3]

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Palanca-negra: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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A palanca-negra (nome mais usado em Angola) ou palapala (em Moçambique), ou Hippotragus niger, é uma espécie de palanca nativa da África oriental e austral. Possui uma pelagem entre castanha e negra, com exceção do focinho e da barriga, que são brancos. Também já foi conhecida como palave.

São reconhecidas quatro subespécies:

Hippotragus niger niger - palanca-negra-do-sudoeste Hippotragus niger kirkii - classificada como vulnerável, Zâmbia Ocidental e centro de Angola Hippotragus niger roosevelti - Quénia, Tanzânia e possivelmente Moçambique Hippotragus niger variani, palanca-negra-gigante de Angola, criticamente ameaçada

A palanca-negra (especialmente a subespécie palanca-negra-gigante) é frequentemente usada como um dos símbolos de Angola.

Por exemplo, a palanca-negra é o simbolo da Seleção Angolana de Futebol, apelidados de "palancas-negras".

Palanca é também o nome de uma das subdivisões da cidade de Luanda, capital de Angola.

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Sabelantilop ( svedèis )

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Sabelantilop eller svart hästantilop[2] (Hippotragus niger) är ett djur i familjen slidhornsdjur. Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan fyra underarter.[3]


Sabelantilopen blir upp till 170 centimeter lång, med en mankhöjd på 100–140 centimeter och väger som fullvuxen 190-270 kilogram. Hannarna blir större än honorna.[4] Hannarna är svarta, medan de unga honorna är ganska ljust bruna, för att senare mörkna gradvis med åren. Båda könen är vita på magen, kinderna och hakan. Dessutom förekommer en större ljus fläck på stjärtens baksida. En svart man sträcker sig från huvudet till axlarna. Vid svansens slut finns en svart tofs. Hannar och honor har horn som är bakåtböjda med flera smala och breda ringar. Hornen är hos honor 0,6 till 1,0 meter långa och hannar har 0,8 till 1,65 meter långa horn.[4]


Den lever på delvis skogbevuxen savann i Östafrika från södra Kenya till östra Angola och till nordöstra Sydafrika. En avskild population förekommer i centrala Angola. Tidigare var utbredningsområdet större men det minskade på grund av jakt och landskapsförändringar. I olika områden där arten var utdöd blev den åter införd. Dessutom introducerades sabelantilopen i Swaziland. Skogarna där arten är vanligast domineras av träd frän släktet Brachystegia.[1]


Sabelantilopen äter löv och medellångt gräs (vanligen upp till 30 cm högt). Den stannar under regntiden i skogarna och besöker under den torra perioden den öppna savannen.[1] Födan utgörs främst av gräs som troligen kompletteras med andra växtdelar. För att få mineraler slickar individerna på saltstenar eller gnager på upphittade djurben. Allmänt dricker sabelantilopen varje dag vatten.[4]

Sabelantilopen blir i fångenskap upp till 20 år gammal. Vilda exemplar har ett kortare liv.[5] Dräktighetstiden är ungefär 8-9,5 månader och honan föder en unge per kull. Före födelsen lämnar honan flocken och den nyfödda ungen göms två eller tre veckor i den täta växtligheten. Senare ingår den vanligen en grupp med ungar inom hjorden. Ungen diar sin mor 6 till 8 månader.[4]

Honor med ungar håller sig i små grupper med varandra men de kan även bilda större grupper med 15-25 djur. Ibland bildas större hjordar med upp till 200 medlemmar.[4] De stannar oftast inom det område där är födda och lär sig på så vis utnyttja den mat som finns där. Det är alltid den äldsta honan som blir alfahona (ledarhona). En alfahanne bevakar flocken. Andra hannar som är yngre än fyra år bildar ungkarlsflockar och äldre hannar kan leva ensam.[4]


När det är dags för parning så skaffar sig hannarna små egna revir som de skyddar och håller andra hannar borta från. Det är honorna som bestämmer vilka som de vill para sig med, så det enda hannarna kan göra är att försöka locka så många honor som möjligt till sitt revir.

Ibland uppstår strider mellan hannar. De slår med hornen på motståndarens horn, slår med hornens sida mot varandras kropp eller trummar med hornen på marken.[4] Största delen av striden utgörs däremot av knuffar kropp mot kropp. I sällsynta fall kan en hanne dö vid dessa tillfällen.[5]

Vid behov når djuret en hastighet upp till 57 km/h.[4] Vuxna och friska sabelantiloper är för stora och snabba för rovlevande djur. Ungdjur faller offer för bland annat lejon, fläckig hyena, afrikansk vildhund och krokodiler.[4]


I några delar av utbredningsområdet hotas arten förutom jakt av de pågående inbördeskrigen. Olika flockar hölls bakom staket och där kan inavelsproblem uppstå. Sabelantilopen förekommer i olika naturskyddsområden som Cangandala nationalpark i Angola. IUCN listar hela beståndet som livskraftig (LC).[1]


  1. ^ [a b c d] Hippotragus niger. Från: IUCN 2008, Antelope Specialist Group, 2016 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Läst 2017-05-29.
  2. ^ Djurordlistan
  3. ^ Wilson & Reeder, red (2005). Hippotragus niger (på engelska). Mammal Species of the World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4
  4. ^ [a b c d e f g h i] Schütze, Heike (2002). ”Sable Antelope”. Field Guide to the Mammals of the Kruger National Park. Struik. sid. 40-41
  5. ^ [a b] Piltz & Shurter (2008). ”Sable Antelope” (på engelska) (pdf). White Oak Conservation Center. http://www.antelopetag.com/assets/docs/Antelope/Sable.pdf. Läst 29 maj 2017.
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Sabelantilop: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Sabelantilop eller svart hästantilop (Hippotragus niger) är ett djur i familjen slidhornsdjur. Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan fyra underarter.

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Шаблеріг чорний ( ucrain )

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Країни проживання: Ангола, Ботсвана, Демократична Республіка Конго, Кенія, Малаві, Мозамбік, Намібія, ПАР, Танзанія, Замбія, Зімбабве, вид введений в Свазіленд. Це вид саванового рідколісся.


Трави становить основну частину їх раціону, але вони також іноді їдять листя. П'ють воду щодня. Самиці живуть зі своєю молоддю стадами від десяти до тридцяти тварин. Самці — одиночні тварини. Вони денні, але менш активні під час високої температури дня.

Коли шаблерогу чорному загрожують хижаки, в тому числі леви, вони будуть протистояти, використовуючи свої шаблевидні роги. Багато з цих великих кішок померли під час таких боїв. Незважаючи на свою ефективність, роги внесли свій внесок у різке зниження чисельності тварини, високо цінуючись як трофей.

Морфологічні особливості

Висота в холці 117 до 143 см, вага від 150 до 270 кг кілограмів. Вони від 190 до 255 см в довжину, не рахуючи хвоста 37-76 см; самці трохи більші. Самці мають чорне смолисте хутро, лише на череві блідо-біле. Самиці й молоді самці від червоного до темно-коричневого кольору. Обидві статі мають біле черево, білі щоки і підборіддя. У них є кошлаті гриви на задній частині шиї. Роги загнуті назад у самиць вони можуть досягати 1 м, але у самців вони можуть досягати понад 1,1 м. Тривалість життя цих тварин становить до 18 років.


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Linh dương đen Đông Phi ( vietnamèis )

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Linh dương đen (danh pháp hai phần: Hippotragus niger) là một loài động vật thuộc họ Trâu bò, chúng sinh sống ở sống ở rừng thảo nguyên phía nam của Kenya ở Đông Phi, và ở Nam Phi.

Phân loài

Linh dương đen có 4 phân loài sau:

Mô tả

Linh dương đen có chiều cao đến vai 120 đến 140 cm và cân nặng 200 đến 270 kg, con đực là lớn hơn con cái. Con cái Linh dương đen có màu hạt dẻ màu nâu sẫm tối khi trưởng thành trong khi con đực màu đen rõ ràng. Cả hai giới có dưới bụng màu trắng, má và cằm trắng trắng. Chúng có một chỏm lông xù xì trên mặt sau cổ. Linh dương đen có sừng cong về phía sau, sừng con cái có thể đạt được một mét, nhưng ở con đực dài đến 1,1 mét. Tuổi thọ của Linh dương đen lên đến 18 năm.

Tham khảo

  1. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). Hippotragus niger. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày November 2008.Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of Least concern.

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Linh dương đen Đông Phi: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Linh dương đen (danh pháp hai phần: Hippotragus niger) là một loài động vật thuộc họ Trâu bò, chúng sinh sống ở sống ở rừng thảo nguyên phía nam của Kenya ở Đông Phi, và ở Nam Phi.

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Чёрная антилопа ( russ; russi )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Лавразиотерии
Подотряд: Жвачные
Семейство: Полорогие
Подсемейство: Саблерогие антилопы
Вид: Чёрная антилопа
Международное научное название

Hippotragus niger Harris, 1838



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Чёрная антилопа[1] (лат. Hippotragus niger) — африканская антилопа подсемейства саблерогих антилоп. Отличается иссиня-чёрной шерстью у самцов, контрастирующей с белым брюхом. Самки и молодые самцы красно-коричневого либо тёмно-коричневого цвета. Рога, имеющиеся у обоих полов, состоят из множества колец и выгнуты полукругом назад. Чёрная антилопа весит до 230 кг, а её высота в холке составляет 1,3 м. Ареал этого вида антилоп тянется от Кении через степи Восточной Африки до юга континента. Чёрные антилопы встречаются, как правило, в сухих и открытых местностях c отдельно стоящими деревьями. Также они нуждаются в постоянных водоёмах и высокой траве, которая помимо листвы является их главной пищей.

Самки с детёнышами живут в группах от 10 до 30 особей. Самцы ведут одиночный образ жизни, претендуя на каждую самку, проходящую через их территорию. Не достигшие возраста шести лет самцы, как правило, не достаточно сильные, чтобы защищать собственный ареал, и поэтому объединяются в холостяцкие группы.

Численность чёрных антилоп оценивается в 60 тысяч голов. Этот вид не рассматривается МСОП как состоящий под угрозой исчезновения.


Выделяют до 5 подвидов чёрной антилопы[2]:

  • H. n. nigerОбыкновенная чёрная антилопа[3], или южная чёрная антилопа[3], юго-восточная Африка[3];
  • H. n. anselli
  • H. n. kirkii[3]Замбийская чёрная антилопа[3], Замбия, восточная Ангола, юго-восток ДР Конго[3];
  • H. n. roosevelti
  • H. n. varianiГигантская чёрная антилопа[3], северо-центральная Ангола, ограниченная территория между реками Кванза и Луандо[3].


  •  src=

    Самка черной антилопы

  •  src=

    Черная антилопа в Московском зоопарке

  • Hippotragus niger 2.jpg
  • Hippotragus niger 3.jpg
  •  src=

    Молодая черная антилопа в Московском зоопарке


  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 132. — 10 000 экз.
  2. Neotragus moschatus в книге Wilson D. E. & Reeder D. M. (editors). 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). — Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.) ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0 [1]
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Castello J. R. (2016) Bovids of the World: Antelopes, Gazelles, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and Relatives. — Princeton University Press. — Pp. . — 664 p. — ISBN 978-0-691-16717-6 [2]
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Чёрная антилопа: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Чёрная антилопа (лат. Hippotragus niger) — африканская антилопа подсемейства саблерогих антилоп. Отличается иссиня-чёрной шерстью у самцов, контрастирующей с белым брюхом. Самки и молодые самцы красно-коричневого либо тёмно-коричневого цвета. Рога, имеющиеся у обоих полов, состоят из множества колец и выгнуты полукругом назад. Чёрная антилопа весит до 230 кг, а её высота в холке составляет 1,3 м. Ареал этого вида антилоп тянется от Кении через степи Восточной Африки до юга континента. Чёрные антилопы встречаются, как правило, в сухих и открытых местностях c отдельно стоящими деревьями. Также они нуждаются в постоянных водоёмах и высокой траве, которая помимо листвы является их главной пищей.

Самки с детёнышами живут в группах от 10 до 30 особей. Самцы ведут одиночный образ жизни, претендуя на каждую самку, проходящую через их территорию. Не достигшие возраста шести лет самцы, как правило, не достаточно сильные, чтобы защищать собственный ареал, и поэтому объединяются в холостяцкие группы.

Численность чёрных антилоп оценивается в 60 тысяч голов. Этот вид не рассматривается МСОП как состоящий под угрозой исчезновения.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

黑马羚 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Hippotragus niger
Harris, 1838

黑马羚(学名Hippotragus niger)是生活在东非大草原的肯尼亚南非的一种羚羊。包括三个亚种:






 src= 维基共享资源中相關的多媒體資源:黑马羚分類
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黑马羚: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

黑马羚(学名Hippotragus niger)是生活在东非大草原的肯尼亚南非的一种羚羊。包括三个亚种:

指名亚种(H. n. niger):低危。 大黑马羚(H. n. varani):分布在安哥拉中部,极危。 赞比亚黑马羚(H. n. kirkii):分布在安哥拉中部和赞比亚西部,易危。  src= 赞比亚黑马羚



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セーブルアンテロープ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
セーブルアンテロープ Sable bull.jpg
セーブルアンテロープ Hippotragus niger
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : ウシ目 Artiodactyla 亜目 : ウシ亜目 Ruminantia : ウシ科 Bovidae 亜科 : ブルーバック亜科 Hippotraginae : ブルーバック族 Hippotragini : アンテロープ属 Hippotragus : セーブルアンテロープ H. niger 学名 Hippotragus niger
Harris, 1838 英名 Sable antelope

セーブルアンテロープHippotragus niger )とは、ウシ科ブルーバック族に分類されるレイヨウの一種。










  • Hippotragus niger variani ジャイアントセーブルアンテロープ


Status iucn3.1 CR.svg


  • ライフ・ネーチュア ライブラリー 哺乳類
  • D.W. マクドナルド編 『動物大百科 4 大型草食獣』 平凡社 1986 ISBN 4-582-54504-1


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、セーブルアンテロープに関連するメディアおよびカテゴリがあります。
  1. ^ The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
    • IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group 2008. Hippotragus niger. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4.
  2. ^ a b 動物大百科4 p131
  3. ^ 動物大百科4 p129
  4. ^ a b ライフ・ネーチュア ライブラリー 哺乳類 p48
執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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セーブルアンテロープ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

セーブルアンテロープ(Hippotragus niger )とは、ウシ科ブルーバック族に分類されるレイヨウの一種。

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검은영양 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

검은영양(roan antelope, 학명: Hippotragus niger)은 소과 힙포트라구스속에 속하는 영양의 일종으로 동아프리카케냐 남부와 남아프리카의 나무가 우거진 사바나 지역에서 서식한다. "세이블앤틸롭" 이라고도 한다. 천적은 사자, 점박이하이에나 다.


  • Hipotrachus niger niger
  • Hipotrachus niger variani
  • Hipotrachus niger kirkii
  • Hipotrachus niger roosevelti


  1. “Hippotragus niger”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. November 2008에 확인함.Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of Least concern.
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