
Biology ( Anglèis )

fornì da EOL authors
Pheidole is currently the most species rich genus of ants in the world, with many species still awaiting description (Moreau, 2008). With a worldwide distribution, the "hyperdiverse" myrmicine genus Pheidole is unsurpassed for number of species in a single ant genus (Wilson, 2003). Pheidole presently comprises more than 9.5 percent of the entire known world ant fauna with over 1,100 species described worldwide (Bolton et al., 2007). The 600+ described species of Pheidole in the New World were recently the subject of a major revision by E. O. Wilson (2003) that included species descriptions and detailed morphological drawings of each species. Ants in the genus Pheidole possess a dimorphic worker caste that is comprised of a minor worker subcaste and major worker subcaste, with these big-headed major workers sometimes referred to as soldiers. All known species of Pheidole are dimorphic - except six species of workerless social parasites and at least eight species possess an unusually large super major subcaste in addition to the typical minor and major subcastes (trimorphic worker caste), with minor workers performing most of the tasks within the nest and foraging, and large-headed majors specializing on colony defense and/or food processing. A large number of Pheidole major workers are also known to be involved in the milling of seeds harvested by the minor and major worker caste, and these seeds are often stored in granaries within the ant nest. The evolution of worker polymorphism in ants has been hypothesized to be associated with a dietary change (Wilson, 1984; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990; Ferster et al., 2006; Powell & Franks, 2006). Additionally ants in Pheidole exhibit reduction of the sting in both the major and minor caste without an increase in defensive secretions. Defense of the colony and food sources are executed by cooperative fighting, instead of a “sting”. Group retrieval of prey items is often accomplished by “spread-eagling” the prey or intruder. The earliest confirmed fossil specimens of Pheidole are found in the Florissant shales of Colorado, which is late Eocene, ~34 million years ago (Ma) in age (Carpenter, 1930).
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EOL authors

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Des soldats de Ziela, Keoulenta, 6 [[queen]] ailees et 10 ouvrieres du Mont To a 1.600 m., sont laisses de cote provisoirement. Ils sont peut-etre nouveaux, mais ni la bibliographie ni les collections suisses consultees n'apportent de certitude a cet egard, tant la systematique du genre est incertaine.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Bernard, F., 1953, La reserve naturelle integrale du Mt Nimba. XI. Hymenopteres Formicidae., Memoires de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire, pp. 165-270, vol. 19
Bernard, F.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Une [[queen]] desailee, peut-etre nouvelle, mais sans certitude, car les reines des petits Pheidole sont tres peu decrites. Ziela, savane (LaMOTTE). Se placerait entre corticicola SANT., (espece commune au Banco) et decarinata SANT. du Soudan. A revoir quand les ouvrieres seront prises. Cette Fourmi est remarquablement petite pour une reine (4 mm. 8).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Bernard, F., 1953, La reserve naturelle integrale du Mt Nimba. XI. Hymenopteres Formicidae., Memoires de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire, pp. 165-270, vol. 19
Bernard, F.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Pheidole , Westw. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. 8/ (1841). Oecophthora , Heer, Ueber die Hausameise Madeir. (1852).

Head large in the worker major, of moderate size in the other sexes. Mandibles very strong, the inner edge oblique, without teeth in the large worker, toothed in the small worker. Maxil- lary palpi 2-jointed; labial palpi 2-jointed. Antennae 12-jointed in the females, large and small workers. Thorax narrower than the head, much more so in the large workers. Wings with two complete submarginal cells, and one complete discoidal cell; the metathorax usually with two short spines. The anterior tibias in the females, large and small workers, with a pectinate spine at their apex.

We have compared numerous examples of Oecophthora with specimens of Pheidole providens , and cannot find the differences mentioned by Professor Heer; there is no difference in the relative length of the first joint of the tarsus; the mandibles are equally acute at their apex; in all generic characters they pre- cisely correspond. We have not seen the males of either of the types, but as other sexes agree in every particular, we have in- cluded in one genus all such species as possess the characters above given.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Smith, F., Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae., pp. -
Smith, F.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Taxonomy. The genus Pheidole is placed in the tribe Pheidolini (for its complete taxonomic history see Bolton (2003) and Bolton et al. (2006)). North Vietnamese species of the genus were recently revised and 31 species were recognized by Eguchi (2008). Workers of Vietnamese species have the following features.

Worker dimorphic; major with head in full-face view subrectangular, subtrapezoidal or cordate, with posterolateral corner developed as preoccipital lobe; minor with head in full-face view oval, elliptical or subrectangular;frontal lobes far apart so that posteromedian portion of clypeus, where it projects between frontal lobes, is usually broader than one of the lobes; midpoint of anterior clypeal margin without an unpaired median seta; mandible of major massive, with 2 large apical and 1 or 2 conspicuous basal teeth, and margin between these groups of teeth edentate or irregularly and bluntly crenulate; mandible of minor triangular; masticatory margin with 7 or more teeth/denticles; 1 or 2 small denticles present between preapical tooth and 3rd large tooth; in major hypostoma always bearing a large or reduced "lateral" process just mesal to each mandibular base, and often bearing a "median" process and/or a pair of "submedian" processes, i.e. middle of hypostoma bearing 0-3 processes; palp formula 2,2; antenna 12-segmented, with 3- or 4-segmented club, or without a conspicuous club (3-segmented club the dominant condition); eye always present but varying in size, rarely consisting of only a few ommatidia; promesonotum forming a dome which is well raised above level of dorsum of propodeum; promesonotal suture absent or indistinct dorsally; posterior slope of promesonotal dome sometimes with a mound or prominence; metanotal groove weakly to strongly impressed dorsally; propodeal spine usually present (rarely vestigial or almost absent), and variable in size and shape; propodeal lobe inconspicuous, or present as a low lamella, or moderately roundly expanded; petiole in lateral view consisting of slender anterior peduncle and raised posterior node, or petiole gradually rising from base to summit of node; postpetiole in lateral view hemispherical, globular or highly domed, sometimes with anteroventral angle or projection.

The minor worker of Pheidole is similar to the worker of Aphaenogaster (for distinguishing characters see under Aphaenogaster ), Kartidris and Lophomyrmex (see under Lophomyrmex ). However, in the worker of Kartidris , the masticatory margin of the mandible bears 5 sharp teeth which decrease in size from the apex to the base, and a broad depressed area is present on the vertex between the eyes.

Vietnamese species. Forty-two species have been recognized by us from Vietnam: aspidata Eguchi & Bui (Nam Cat Tien); binghamii Forel (Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu, Nam Cat Tien, Phu Quoc); capellinii Emery (Ba Vi, Nam Cat Tien); colpigaleata Eguchi (Ba Vi, Sa Pa, Tay Yen Tu); dugasi Forel (Ba Vi, Cuc Phuong, Nam Cat Tien); elongicephala Eguchi (Ba Vi, Cuc Phuong, My Yen, Tay Yen Tu, Van Ban); fervens F. Smith (Ha Noi, My Yen, Nui Chua); fervida F. S m i t h (Sa Pa); fortis Eguchi (Sa Pa, Tam Dao); foveolata Eguchi (Sa Pa); gatesi (Wheeler) (Ba Vi, Cuc Phuong, Tam Dao); hongkongensis Wheeler (Ba Be, My Yen, Pu Mat, Tam Dao, Tay Yen Tu, Van Ban); indosinensis Wheeler (Ba Vi, Tam Dao); laevicolor Eguchi (Ba Be, Ba Vi, Chua Yen Tu, My Yen, Tay Yen Tu, Van Ban); laevithorax Eguchi (Ba Vi, Chua Yen Tu, Tay Yen Tu); magna Eguchi (Ba Vi, Sa Pa); megacephala (Fabricius) (Ha Noi, Quang Ninh, Vinh Long); noda F. Smith (Ba Be, Ba Vi, Chua Yen Tu, Cuc Phuong, Sa Pa, Tam Dao, Van Ban); ochracea Eguchi (Ba Vi, Nam Cat Tien, Sa Pa, Tam Dao, Tay Yen Tu); parva Mayr (Cuc Phuong, Ho Chi Minh City, My Yen); pieli Santschi (Ba Be, Ba Vi, Chua Yen Tu, Cuc Phuong, Hoa Binh, Ky Thuong, Phu Quoc, Pu Hoat, Pu Mat, Tam Dao, Tay Yen Tu, Van Ban); plagiaria F. S m i t h (Ba Vi, My Yen, Tam Dao, Phu Quoc); planidorsum Eguchi (Nam Cat Tien); planifrons Santschi (Nam Cat Tien, Pu Mat, Tam Dao, Tay Yen Tu, Van Ban); rabo Forel (Ba Vi, Chua Yen Tu, Cuc Phuong, Ky Thuong, Nam Cat Tien, Phu Quoc, Pu Mat, Tay Yen Tu, Van Ban); rinae Emery (Nam Cat Tien); rugithorax Eguchi (Pu Mat, Nam Cat Tien, Nui Chua, Phu Quoc); smythiesii Forel (Ba Vi, Pu Hoat, Tam Dao); taipoana Wheeler (Ky Thuong, Pu Mat); tandjongensis Forel (Phu Quoc); tjibodana Forel (Ba Be, Chua Yen Tu, Cuc Phuong, Nam Cat Tien, Ky Thuong, Pu Mat, Tay Yen Tu, V a n B a n); tumida Eguchi (Ba Be, Ba Vi, Chua Yen Tu, Cuc Phuong, Ky Thuong, Nam Cat Tien, Nui Chua, Pu Mat, Tay Yen Tu; Van Ban); vieti Eguchi (Ba Vi, Tam Dao); vulgaris Eguchi (Ba Vi, Chua Yen Tu, Cuc Phuong, Ky Thuong, My Yen, Sa Pa, Tam Dao, Tay Yen Tu); yeensis Forel (Ba Be, Ba Vi, Cuc Phuong, Ky Thuong, My Yen, Nam Cat Tien, Pu Hoat, Pu Mat, Tam Dao, Tay Yen Tu); zoceana Santschi (Pu Hoat, Sa Pa); sp. eg-165 (Lam Dong); sp. eg-170 (Nam Cat Tien); sp. eg-179 (Nam Cat Tien); sp. eg-187 (Nui Chua); sp. eg-188 (Van Ban); sp. eg-189 (Nui Chua).

Bionomics. Pheidole inhabits various habitats such as bare lands, grasslands, forest edges and well-developed forests. Their nests are usually found in rotting logs, twigs, wood fragments, under stones and in soil. The majority of species forage on the ground, but some such as P. v u lg a r is forage both on and under the ground.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Eguchi, K., 2011, Generic synopsis of the Formicidae of Vietnam (Insecta: Hymenoptera), Part I - Myrmicinae and Pseudomyrmicinae., Zootaxa, pp. 1-61, vol. 2878
Eguchi, K.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Boquerón (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú , Cordillera, San Pedro (ALWC, INBP, LACM).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú . (ALWC, LACM).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Concepción , Central (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú (ALWC, LACM).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Amambay, Canindeyú (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Alto Paraná (ALWC, BMNH).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Central, Itapúa (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú (ALWC, INBP).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Oecodoma malabarica, Jerdon , Madr. Journ. Lit. & Sc. 107 (1851); Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 2. xiii. 49 (1854).

Hab. India.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Smith, F., Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae., pp. -
Smith, F.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Small ants with the worker strongly dimorphic, the two forms being designated as the worker and soldier. In a few species these phases are connected by intermediates(mediae).

Soldier with very large head, subrectangular or subcordate, more or less deeply notched or excised behind and with a distinct occipital furrow, on each side of which the occipital region is convex. Clypeus short, depressed, carinate or ecarinate but not elevated in the middle, the anterior border entire or notched in the middle, the posterior border extending back between the frontal carinae, which vary in length, being short in some species and in others greatly prolonged backward and forming the inner borders of more or less distinct scrobes for the antennae. Frontal area usually distinct, deeply impressed. Mandibles large, convex, usually with two apical and two basal teeth, separated by a toothless diastema. Antennae 12-jointed; the funiculus with long first joint; joints 2 to 8 small and narrow; the three terminal joints forming a well-developed club. Thorax small, usually with distinct promesonotal and mesoepinotal sutures and pronounced mesoepinotal constriction; the pro- and mesonotum raised, more or less convex, the humeri sometimes prominent, the mesonotum often with a transverse welt or torus; the metanotum sometimes represented by a distinct sclerite; the epinotum armed with spines or teeth, in profile with distinct basal and declivous outline. Petiole small and narrow, pedunculate anteriorly, the node posterior, compressed anteroposteriorly, its superior border sometimes emarginate, the ventral surface unarmed. Postpetiole broader than the petiole, convex and rounded above, contracted behind, the sides often produced as angles or conules, more rarely as spines. Gaster rather small, broadly elliptical or subcircular. Femora more or less thickened in the middle; middle and hind tibiae without spurs; tarsal claws simple.

Worker smaller than the soldier but very similar in the structure of the thorax, pedicel, and gaster; the head, however, much smaller, not grooved nor deeply excised posteriorly; the antennae longer; the mandibles less convex, with evenly denticulate apical borders. The pro- and mesonotum are proportionally less convex, and the petiole and postpetiole are more slender.

Female resembling the soldier but larger; the head proportionally smaller and shorter, usually not longer than broad and not broader than the thorax; the occiput only broadly and feebly excised. Thorax broad and massive; the mesonotum flat, overarching the pronotum in front. Epinotal spines shorter and stouter; petiole and postpetiole more massive; gaster much larger and more elongate than in the soldier. Wings long, with a discoidal cell, two closed cubital cells, and an open radial cell.

Male decidedly smaller and more slender than the female, the head small, with large, convex eyes and ocelli; mandibles small but dentate. Clypeus longer than in the soldier. Antennae 13-jointed; the scapes very short, scarcely longer than the second Funicular joint, first joint sub globular. Thorax broad; the mesonotum flattened, without Mayrian furrows, anteriorly overarching the small pronotum; epinotum unarmed. Petiole and postpetiole slender, with low nodes. Gaster slender, elongate. Genital appendages small. Cerci present. Legs long and slender. Wing venation as in the female.

Map 20. Distribution of the genus Pheidole .

Nearly all the species of Pheidole nest in the ground, either under stones and logs or in crater or small mound nests. Many species feed exclusively on insects and often have a peculiar fecal odor precisely like that of the Dorylinae, which also have an insect diet; but many species are harvesters and store the chambers of their nests with the seeds of small herbaceous plants. This is especially true of the desert species of Pheidole . In some species in Australia and the southern United States, the soldiers take on the function of repletes and store in their crops sweet liquid for the use of the colony during periods of food and water scarcity. One species, Pheidole megacephala , has been carried to all parts of the tropics and has become a great pest in and about dwellings and plantations as it assiduously cultivates coccids on many economic plants and ruthlessly destroys and replaces the native ant-faunas. This has been observed in the Madeira Islands, Hawaii, Australia, and the West Indies. In all probability P. megacephala is of Ethiopian or Malagasy origin, as it shows a great development of subspecies and varieties in these two regions and nowhere else.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wheeler, W. M., 1922, The ants collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition., Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, pp. 39-269, vol. 45
Wheeler, W. M.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

This is one of the world’s largest ant genera, with more than 600 species recognized in the New World alone (Wilson 2003). The native California Pheidole are all ground-dwelling species, found in open, dry habitats. A few of the species are generalized scavengers, but most belong to a group of seed-harvesting specialists, the P. pilifera-group , with fifteen species in the state. There are also three introduced species, currently of limited distribution and confined to urban areas.

Species identification: keys in Gregg (1959), Wheeler and Wheeler (1986g) and Wilson(2003). Additional references: Clark et al. (1986), Cole (1956c), Creighton and Gregg (1955), Davidson (1977a), Johnson (2000a, 2000b, 2001), Langen et al. (2000), Martinez (1992, 1996, 1997), Snelling (1992b), Snelling and George (1979), Ward (2000), Wheeler and Wheeler (1973e).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ward, P. S., 2005, A synoptic review of the ants of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-68, vol. 936
Ward, P. S.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Central, Cordillera, Itapúa , Pte. Hayes (ALWC, INBP, MCZC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Boquerón , Central, Itapúa (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú , Itapúa (ALWC, BMNH, MHNG).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Itapúa , Misiones (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Central (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú , Central (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú , Central (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Boquerón , Pte. Hayes (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Pheidole ( Aser )

fornì da wikipedia AZ

Pheidoleqarışqa növü.


Kanadalı alimləri 2011-ci ildə bu qarışqa növünü araşdıraraq, onların nəhəng qarışqa yarada biləcək genləri daşıdığını aşkar ediblər. Həmin genlərdən istifadə edərək "super əsgər qarışqalar" yaradıblar. Kanadanın "McGill" Universitetinin professoru Racandrehan Racakumar araşdırma barədə belə deyib:

"Pheidole" qarışqalarında nəhəng əsgər qarışqanı yarada biləcək potensialı gördük. Beləliklə, 35-50 milyon il əvvəl yaşayan növün bioloji xüsusiyyətlərini əldə edə biləcəyimizi aşkar etdik"[1].


  1. Nəhəng qarışqalar gəlir
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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( Aser )

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 src= Pheidole

Pheidole — qarışqa növü.

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Pheidole ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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 src= Pheidole mendicula

Pheidole és un gènere de formigues de la subfamília Myrmicinae, amb més de 1000 espècies descrites.

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Pheidole ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE
Kopf von Pheidole flavens

Pheidole ist eine Gattung der Ameisen (Formicidae) und gehört zur Unterfamilie der Knotenameisen (Myrmicinae). Neben Crematogaster und Camponotus gehört diese Gruppe zu den artenreichsten und individuenstärksten Ameisengattungen überhaupt. Die durch ihre Körpergröße üblicherweise klar abgrenzbaren „Major“-Arbeiterinnen haben der Gattung Pheidole im Englischen den Spitznamen „big headed ants“ („Großkopfameisen“) eingebracht.


Bei allen Pheidole-Arten ist die Arbeiterkaste stark größendimorph. So gibt es in einzelnen Kolonien immer zwei Typen von infertilen Weibchen: Die kleinen „Minor“-Arbeiterinnen von zwei bis vier Millimetern Körperlänge mit gewöhnlichem Körperbau und daneben die „Major“-Arbeiterinnen oder „Soldatinnen“. Die Soldatinnen haben generell sehr große Köpfe und Mandibeln im Vergleich zu ihrer gewöhnlicherweise moderaten Körperlänge von 2,5 bis 6 Millimetern.[1] Die Antennen bestehen aus 12 Segmenten, wobei die drei apikalen Glieder zu einer Keule ausgebildet sind. Das Pronotum, welches bei manchen Arten mit zwei Dornen besetzt ist, sowie das Mesonotum sind sehr hoch. Das Metanotum fällt steil ab und der Petiolus liegt sehr tief.[2]


Die Gattung Pheidole ist eine weltweit verbreitete und ökologisch dominante Gattung[3] mit etwa tausend beschriebenen Arten.[4] Das Hauptverbreitungsgebiet erstreckt sich über die tropischen Gebiete der Erde, man findet sie aber auch häufig in subtropischem und vereinzelt in gemäßigtem Klima. In Mitteleuropa ist keine Art vertreten, die bekannteste Art aus Südeuropa ist Pheidole pallidula.


Es ist festzustellen, dass die „Major“-Arbeiterinnen einer Pheidole-Kolonie trotz ihres „Soldaten“-Looks zumeist scheu sind und oft die ersten Arbeiterinnen sind, die bei Gefahr flüchten. In den meisten Fällen werden die „Soldatinnen“ innerhalb des Nestes gebraucht, um größere Futterstückchen aufzubrechen, oder außerhalb des Nestes, um größere Gegenstände zu transportieren.


Folgende neun Arten sind in Europa beheimatet:[5]



  1. Genus Pheidole. Japanese Ants Image Database, abgerufen am 8. Juli 2008.
  2. Genus Pheidole. Australian Ants Online, archiviert vom Original am 6. Dezember 2008; abgerufen am 20. Juli 2013.
  3. Edward O. Wilson: Pheidole in the New World: A Hyperdiverse Ant Genus. Harvard University Press, 2003
  4. Pheidole Westwood, 1839. Hymenoptera Online (HOL), Ohio State University, abgerufen am 3. Dezember 2017: “Valid Subordinate Taxa, Species: 1,016.”
  5. Pheidole Westwood 1839. Fauna Europaea, abgerufen am 8. Juli 2008.


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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Kopf von Pheidole flavens  src= Pheidole hyatti

Pheidole ist eine Gattung der Ameisen (Formicidae) und gehört zur Unterfamilie der Knotenameisen (Myrmicinae). Neben Crematogaster und Camponotus gehört diese Gruppe zu den artenreichsten und individuenstärksten Ameisengattungen überhaupt. Die durch ihre Körpergröße üblicherweise klar abgrenzbaren „Major“-Arbeiterinnen haben der Gattung Pheidole im Englischen den Spitznamen „big headed ants“ („Großkopfameisen“) eingebracht.

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Pheidole ( Anglèis )

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Pheidole is a genus of ants that belongs to the ant subfamily Myrmicinae. The genus is widespread and ecologically dominant. It probably includes more than 1000 species.[1] The genus first evolved in the Americas, eventually spreading across the globe.

Pheidole mendicula

Colony structure

Most species of Pheidole are dimorphic, which means that colonies contain two castes of workers, the "minor" workers, and the "major" workers, or "soldiers". The latter generally have much larger heads and mandibles in comparison to their usually fairly modest body size. [2]

In addition, as in other ant species, a colony may contain one or several queens, and also in mature colonies, alates - virgin winged females and males.

Major workers

The distinctive major workers have earned the genus Pheidole the nickname of "big-headed ants". The major workers of a Pheidole colony, while they may look fierce, are often quite shy and are often the first to flee on any hint of danger. Many Pheidole species are the prey of parasitoid phorid flies that lay their eggs on the major workers; the fly larvae grow mainly in the head capsules of the victims, eventually decapitating them, and probably would starve in the bodies of minor workers.

In most cases, the major workers are employed within the nest to break up large food items, or outside to carry large items, such as seeds; many Pheidole species are ecologically important seed consumers ("harvesters").

Minor and major workers of P. purpurea

Species list

The genus contains over 1,000 species.[3] They include:


  1. ^ a b E. O. Wilson (2003). Pheidole in the New World: A Dominant, Hyperdiverse Ant Genus. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-00293-8.
  2. ^ Muscedere, Mario L.; Traniello, James F. A. (February 17, 2012). "Division of Labor in the Hyperdiverse Ant Genus Pheidole Is Associated with Distinct Subcaste- and Age-Related Patterns of Worker Brain Organization". PLOS ONE. PLOS. 7 (2): e31618. Bibcode:2012PLoSO...731618M. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031618. PMC 3281964. PMID 22363686.
  3. ^ Bolton, B. (2014). "Pheidole". AntCat. Retrieved 17 January 2015.

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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Pheidole is a genus of ants that belongs to the ant subfamily Myrmicinae. The genus is widespread and ecologically dominant. It probably includes more than 1000 species. The genus first evolved in the Americas, eventually spreading across the globe.

Pheidole mendicula
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Pheidole ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Pheidole es un género de hormigas de la subfamilia Myrmicinae, con más de 1000 especies descritas.[1]


En todas las especies de Pheidole se da un gran polimorfismo en las castas de obreras. Así en todas las colonias hay dos tipos de hembras infértiles: las obreras menores con una longitud de 2-4 mm y un cuerpo normal y las obreras mayores o soldados con una cabeza y mandíbulas grandes respecto a su cuerpo de 2,5-6 mm.[2]​ Las antenas con los tres segmentos apicales formando una clava. El pronoto (en algunas especies con dos espinas) y el mesonoto son muy altos.[3]


El género Pheidole se originó en las Américas y ahora es de distribución mundial y ecológicamente dominante.[1]​ Principalmente está distribuido en las zonas tropicales, pero también se las encuentran en zonas subtropicales y algunas en zonas templadas. En Europa hay 9 especies, todas limitadas al Sur.


Las hormigas del género Pheidole se alimentan de insectos vivos y carroña, alimentos azucarados y desperdicios de comida. Las exploradoras reclutan columnas de obreras hacia la comida. Se ha observado que las obreras mayores a pesar de ser soldados son tímidas y huyen rápidamente en caso de peligro. En la mayoría de los casos los soldados hacen falta en el interior del nido para romper granos grandes o fuera del nido para transportar objetos grandes.

Obreras mayores y menores de P. purpurea
Vista frontal de obrera menor de P. purpurea, con escala para apreciar el tamaño
Obrera menor
The top view of a
Obrera menor, vista dorsal
The head view of a
Obrera mayor
The top view of a
Obrera mayor, vista dorsal

Algunas especies

En Europa existen 9 especies:[4]


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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Pheidole es un género de hormigas de la subfamilia Myrmicinae, con más de 1000 especies descritas.​

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Pheidole ( Fransèis )

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Pheidole est un genre de fourmis de la sous-famille des Myrmicinae.

Les fourmis Pheidole sont très répandues dans le monde, et dominent généralement leurs écosystèmes[2].


Le nom de genre vient du grec pheidolos (parcimonieux, économe)[3].

Liste d'espèces

Il existe plus de 1 000 espèces de Pheidole selon AntCat[4]. Selon ITIS (19 octobre 2017)[5] il existe les espèces suivantes :

Notes et références

  1. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 2 novembre 2019
  2. Edward O. Wilson - 2003 : « Pheidole in the New World: A Dominant, Hyperdiverse Ant Genus »
  3. Henri Cagniant, « Étymologie des noms de genres de Fourmis françaises », sur Glossaire illustré des fourmis (consulté le 16 août 2020)
  4. Antcat.org
  5. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 19 octobre 2017

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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Pheidole est un genre de fourmis de la sous-famille des Myrmicinae.

Les fourmis Pheidole sont très répandues dans le monde, et dominent généralement leurs écosystèmes.

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Pheidole ( Italian )

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Pheidole Westwood, 1839 è un genere di formiche di piccole dimensioni, diffuse in tutto il mondo ed appartenenti alla sottofamiglia Myrmicinae.


Esse presentano polimorfismo nella popolazione delle operaie, e sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di due corte spine sull'epinoto (la parte posteriore del torace). Le specie di Pheidole presentano un capo ovale, ridotto, nelle operaie minor e di forma a ciliegia (con il margine occipitale concavo affossato all'interno dell'occipite) in quelle major.


Le colonie delle specie appartenenti a questo genere nidificano di norma nel terreno. Si adattano però a qualsiasi tipo di clima e superficie.


Il genere Pheidole comprende oltre 1000 tra specie e sottospecie, diffuse in quasi tutto il mondo.[1]

In Europa sono presenti le seguenti specie:[2]


  1. ^ Genus Pheidole, su AntWeb.
  2. ^ (EN) Taxon details: Pheidole, in Fauna Europaea version 2.6.2, Fauna Europaea Web Service, 2013. URL consultato il 25 febbraio 2012.


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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Pheidole Westwood, 1839 è un genere di formiche di piccole dimensioni, diffuse in tutto il mondo ed appartenenti alla sottofamiglia Myrmicinae.

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Pheidole ( olandèis; flamand )

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Pheidole is een geslacht van mieren uit de onderfamilie Knoopmieren (Myrmicinae). De wetenschappelijke naam werd in 1840 gepubliceerd door John Obadiah Westwood. Hij benoemde als typesoort Pheidole providens, oorspronkelijk door Sykes in 1835 beschreven als Atta providens.[1]

De soorten uit dit geslacht kenmerken zich door een uitgesproken dimorfie bij de werksters; er zijn in een kolonie twee types van onvruchtbare werksters; de "minor"-werksters met een lichaamslengte van twee tot vier millimeter en een normale lichaamsbouw, en de "major"-werksters, die een erg grote kop en mandibels hebben in verhouding tot hun lichaamslengte van 2,5 tot 6 millimeter. In het Engels noemt men deze mieren daarom "big headed ants" (dikkopmieren).

Het is een van de meest soortenrijke mierengeslachten, met ongeveer duizend beschreven soorten. Ze komen wereldwijd voor, vooral in tropische en subtropische gebieden en af en toe in gematigde streken. E.O. Wilson beschreef in zijn boek Pheidole in the New World: A Dominant, Hyperdiverse Ant Genus uit 2003 niet minder dan 341 Pheidole-soorten uit Noord-, Midden- en Zuid-Amerika die nieuw waren voor de wetenschap.[2]

De volgende soorten zijn in Europa aangetroffen:[3]


Deze lijst van 991 stuks is mogelijk niet compleet.

Gele dikkop
Glimmende dikkop
Gewone dikkop

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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Pheidole is een geslacht van mieren uit de onderfamilie Knoopmieren (Myrmicinae). De wetenschappelijke naam werd in 1840 gepubliceerd door John Obadiah Westwood. Hij benoemde als typesoort Pheidole providens, oorspronkelijk door Sykes in 1835 beschreven als Atta providens.

De soorten uit dit geslacht kenmerken zich door een uitgesproken dimorfie bij de werksters; er zijn in een kolonie twee types van onvruchtbare werksters; de "minor"-werksters met een lichaamslengte van twee tot vier millimeter en een normale lichaamsbouw, en de "major"-werksters, die een erg grote kop en mandibels hebben in verhouding tot hun lichaamslengte van 2,5 tot 6 millimeter. In het Engels noemt men deze mieren daarom "big headed ants" (dikkopmieren).

Het is een van de meest soortenrijke mierengeslachten, met ongeveer duizend beschreven soorten. Ze komen wereldwijd voor, vooral in tropische en subtropische gebieden en af en toe in gematigde streken. E.O. Wilson beschreef in zijn boek Pheidole in the New World: A Dominant, Hyperdiverse Ant Genus uit 2003 niet minder dan 341 Pheidole-soorten uit Noord-, Midden- en Zuid-Amerika die nieuw waren voor de wetenschap.

De volgende soorten zijn in Europa aangetroffen:

Pheidole anastasii Pheidole cellarum Pheidole flavens Pheidole kraepelini Pheidole megacephala Pheidole pallidula Pheidole sinaitica Pheidole symbiotica Pheidole teneriffana

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Pheidole ( polonèis )

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Pheidolerodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Formicinae.

Rodzaj kosmopolityczny[1].

Należy tu ponad 1000 opisanych gatunków[2]:


  1. Genus: Pheidole. W: AntWeb [on-line]. [dostęp 2017-07-01].
  2. Barry Bolton: Pheidole. W: An Online Catalog of the Ants of the World [on-line]. [dostęp 2017-06-14].
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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Pheidole – rodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Formicinae.

Rodzaj kosmopolityczny.

Należy tu ponad 1000 opisanych gatunków:

Pheidole aana Wilson & Taylor, 1967 Pheidole aberrans Mayr, 1868 Pheidole absurda Forel, 1886 Pheidole acamata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole acantha Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole accinota Wheeler, 1925 Pheidole aciculata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole aculifera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole acutidens (Santschi, 1922) Pheidole ademonia Wilson, 2003 Pheidole adrianoi Naves, 1985 Pheidole aeberlii Forel, 1894 Pheidole aenescens Wilson, 2003 Pheidole aequiseta Santschi, 1923 Pheidole aglae Forel, 1913 Pheidole agricola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole ajax Forel, 1899 Pheidole akermani Arnold, 1920 Pheidole alacris Santschi, 1923 Pheidole alayoi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole albidula Santschi, 1928 Pheidole albipes Wilson, 2003 Pheidole alexeter Wilson, 2003 Pheidole alfaroi Emery, 1896 Pheidole alienata Borgmeier, 1929 Pheidole allani Bingham, 1903 Pheidole allarmata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole alpestris Wilson, 2003 Pheidole alpinensis Forel, 1912 Pheidole alticola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole amabilis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole amata Forel, 1901 Pheidole amazonica Wilson, 2003 Pheidole amber Donisthorpe, 1941 Pheidole ambigua Wilson, 2003 Pheidole ambonensis Karavaiev, 1930 Pheidole ampla Forel, 1893 Pheidole amplificata Viehmeyer, 1914 Pheidole anastasii Emery, 1896 Pheidole andrieui Santschi, 1930 Pheidole androsana Wheeler, 1905 Pheidole angulicollis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole angulifera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole angusta Forel, 1908 Pheidole angusticeps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole anima Wilson, 2003 Pheidole annemariae Forel, 1918 Pheidole annexa Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole anthracina Forel, 1902 Pheidole antillana Forel, 1893 Pheidole antipodum (Smith, 1858) Pheidole aper Forel, 1912 Pheidole aphrasta Zhou & Zheng, 1999 Pheidole arachnion Wilson, 2003 Pheidole araneoides Wilson, 2003 Pheidole arboricola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole arcifera Santschi, 1925 Pheidole arctos Wilson, 2003 Pheidole areniphila Forel, 1910 Pheidole argentina (Bruch, 1932) Pheidole arhuaca Forel, 1901 Pheidole ariel Wilson, 2003 Pheidole aripoensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole aristotelis Forel, 1911 Pheidole arnoldi Forel, 1913 Pheidole aspera Mayr, 1862 Pheidole asperata Emery, 1895 Pheidole asperithorax Emery, 1894 Pheidole aspidata Eguchi & Bui, 2005 Pheidole astur Wilson, 2003 Pheidole athertonensis Forel, 1915 Pheidole atticola Forel, 1912 Pheidole atua Wilson & Taylor, 1967 Pheidole aurea Wilson, 2003 Pheidole aurivillii Mayr, 1896 Pheidole auropilosa Mayr, 1887 Pheidole avia Forel, 1908 Pheidole azteca Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bahai (Forel, 1922) Pheidole bajaensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bakeri Forel, 1912 Pheidole balzani Emery, 1894 Pheidole bambusarum Forel, 1908 Pheidole bandata Bharti, 2004 Pheidole barbata Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole barreleti Forel, 1903 Pheidole barumtaun Donisthorpe, 1938 Pheidole batrachorum Wheeler, 1922 Pheidole beauforti Emery, 1911 Pheidole bellatrix Wilson, 2003 Pheidole belli Mann, 1919 Pheidole beloceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bequaerti Forel, 1913 Pheidole bergi Mayr, 1887 Pheidole bessonii Forel, 1891 Pheidole bicarinata Mayr, 1870 Pheidole biconstricta Mayr, 1870 Pheidole bicornis Forel, 1899 Pheidole bidens Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bifurca Donisthorpe, 1941 Pheidole bigote Longino, 2009 Pheidole bilimeki Mayr, 1870 Pheidole biloba (Karavaiev, 1935) Pheidole binasifera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole binghamii Forel, 1902 Pheidole biolleyi Forel, 1908 Pheidole bison Wilson, 2003 Pheidole blumenauensis Kempf, 1964 Pheidole bluntschlii Forel, 1911 Pheidole boliviana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole boltoni Wilson, 2003 Pheidole borgmeieri Kempf, 1972 Pheidole boruca Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bos Forel, 1893 Pheidole brachyops Wilson, 2003 Pheidole brandaoi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole branstetteri Longino, 2009 Pheidole braueri Forel, 1897 Pheidole brevicona Mayr, 1887 Pheidole brevicornis Mayr, 1876 Pheidole breviseta Santschi, 1919 Pheidole browni Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bruchella Forel, 1915 Pheidole bruchi Forel, 1914 Pheidole bruesi Wheeler, 1911 Pheidole brunnescens Santschi, 1929 Pheidole bucculenta Forel, 1908 Pheidole buchholzi Mayr, 1901 Pheidole buckleyi Smith, 1951 Pheidole bufo Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bula Sarnat, 2008 Pheidole bulliceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole bureni Wilson, 2003 Pheidole butteli Forel, 1913 Pheidole caffra Emery, 1895 Pheidole cairnsiana Forel, 1902 Pheidole caldwelli Mann, 1921 Pheidole calens Forel, 1901 Pheidole californica Mayr, 1870 Pheidole calimana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole caltrop Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cameroni Mayr, 1887 Pheidole camilla Wilson, 2003 Pheidole camptostela Kempf, 1972 Pheidole capellinii Emery, 1887 Pheidole capensis Mayr, 1862 Pheidole capillata Emery, 1906 Pheidole caracalla Wilson, 2003 Pheidole carapuna Mann, 1916 Pheidole carapunco Kusnezov, 1952 Pheidole cardiella Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cardinalis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole caribbaea Wheeler, 1911 Pheidole carinata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cariniceps Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole carinote Longino, 2009 Pheidole carrolli Naves, 1985 Pheidole casta Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole castanea (Smith, 1858) Pheidole cataphracta Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cataractae Wheeler, 1916 Pheidole caulicola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cavifrons Emery, 1906 Pheidole cavigenis Wheeler, 1915 Pheidole ceibana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole celaena Wilson, 2003 Pheidole centeotl Wheeler, 1914 Pheidole cerebrosior Wheeler, 1915 Pheidole ceres Wheeler, 1904 Pheidole cerina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cervicornis Emery, 1900 Pheidole ceylonica (Motschoulsky, 1863) Pheidole chalca Wheeler, 1914 Pheidole chalcoides Wilson, 2003 Pheidole charazana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cheesmanae Donisthorpe, 1941 Pheidole cheesmannae Donisthorpe, 1941 Pheidole chilensis Mayr, 1862 Pheidole chloe Forel, 1908 Pheidole chocoensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole christinae Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 Pheidole christopherseni Forel, 1912 Pheidole chrysops Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cielana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cingulata (Smith, 1857) Pheidole citrina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole clavata (Emery, 1877) Pheidole claviscapa Santschi, 1925 Pheidole clementensis Gregg, 1969 Pheidole clydei Gregg, 1950 Pheidole clypeocornis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole cocciphaga Borgmeier, 1934 Pheidole cockerelli Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole coffeicola Borgmeier, 1934 Pheidole colaensis Mann, 1921 Pheidole colobopsis Mann, 1916 Pheidole colpigaleata Eguchi, 2006 Pheidole comata Smith, 1858 Pheidole concentrica Forel, 1902 Pheidole concinna Santschi, 1910 Pheidole conficta Forel, 1902 Pheidole confoedusta Wheeler, 1909 Pheidole constanciae Forel, 1902 Pheidole constipata Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole coonoorensis Forel, 1902 Pheidole coracina Wilson, 2003 †Pheidole cordata Holl, 1829 Pheidole cordiceps Mayr, 1868 Pheidole cornicula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole corticicola Santschi Pheidole coveri Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cramptoni Wheeler, 1916 Pheidole crassicornis Emery, 1895 Pheidole crassinoda Emery, 1895 Pheidole creightoni Gregg, 1955 Pheidole crinita Wilson, 2003 Pheidole crozieri Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cryptocera Emery, 1900 Pheidole cubaensis Mayr, 1862 Pheidole cuevasi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cuitensis Forel, 1910 Pheidole cuprina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cursor Wilson, 2003 Pheidole cyrtostela Wilson, 2003 Pheidole dammermani Wheeler, 1924 Pheidole daphne Wilson, 2003 Pheidole darlingtoni Wheeler, 1936 Pheidole darwini Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 Pheidole dasypyx Wilson, 2003 Pheidole davidsonae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole davisi Wheeler, 1905 Pheidole dea Santschi, 1921 Pheidole debilis Longino, 2009 Pheidole decarinata Santschi, 1929 Pheidole decepticon Fischer & Fisher, 2013 Pheidole deceptrix Forel, 1899 Pheidole defecta Santschi, 1923 Pheidole deima Wilson, 2003 Pheidole delecta Forel, 1899 Pheidole delicata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole deltea Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole demeter Wilson, 2003 Pheidole dentata Mayr, 1886 Pheidole dentigula Smith, 1927 Pheidole descolei Kusnezov, 1952 Pheidole deserticola Forel, 1910 Pheidole desertorum Wheeler, 1906 Pheidole diabolus Wilson, 2003 Pheidole diana Forel, 1908 Pheidole diffidens (Walker, 1859) Pheidole diffusa (Jerdon, 1851) Pheidole diligens (Smith, 1858) Pheidole dinophila Wilson, 2003 Pheidole dione Forel, 1913 Pheidole dispar (Forel, 1895) Pheidole distincta Donisthorpe, 1943 Pheidole distorta Forel, 1899 Pheidole diversipilosa Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole dodo Fischer & Fisher, 2013 Pheidole dolon Wilson, 2003 Pheidole dorsata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole dossena Wilson, 2003 Pheidole drepanon Wilson, 2003 Pheidole drogon Masako Ogasawara/Sarnat et al. Pheidole dryas Wilson, 2003 Pheidole dugasi Forel, 1911 Pheidole dumicola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole duneraensis Bharti, 2001 Pheidole durionei Santschi, 1923 Pheidole dwyeri Gregg, 1969 Pheidole dyctiota Kempf, 1972 Pheidole ectatommoides Wilson, 2003 Pheidole ecuadorana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole eidmanni Menozzi, 1926 Pheidole elecebra (Wheeler, 1904) Pheidole elegans Donisthorpe, 1938 Pheidole elisae Emery, 1900 Pheidole elongicephala Eguchi, 2008 Pheidole embolopyx Brown, 1968 Pheidole emmae Forel, 1905 Pheidole ensifera Forel, 1897 Pheidole eowilsoni Longino, 2009 Pheidole eparmata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole epetrion Wilson, 2003 Pheidole epiphyta Longino, 2009 Pheidole erato Mann, 1919 Pheidole erethizon Wilson, 2003 Pheidole eriophora Wilson, 2003 Pheidole ernsti Forel, 1912 Pheidole erratilis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole escherichii Forel, 1910 Pheidole euryscopa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole exarata Emery, 1896 Pheidole exasperata (Mayr, 1866) Pheidole excellens Mayr, 1862 Pheidole excubitor Wilson, 2003 Pheidole exigua Mayr, 1884 Pheidole exquisita Wilson, 2003 Pheidole fabricator (Smith, 1858) Pheidole fadli Sharaf, 2007 Pheidole fallax Mayr, 1870 Pheidole fantasia Chapman, 1963 Pheidole fatigata Bolton, 1995 Pheidole feae Emery, 1895 Pheidole fera Santschi, 1925 Pheidole fergusoni Forel, 1902 Pheidole fervens Smith, 1858 Pheidole fervida Smith, 1874 Pheidole fimbriata Roger, 1863 Pheidole fiorii Emery, 1890 Pheidole fissiceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863 Pheidole flaveria Zhou & Zheng, 1999 Pheidole flavida Mayr, 1887 Pheidole flavifrons Wilson, 2003 Pheidole flavothoracica Viehmeyer, 1914 Pheidole floricola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole floridana Emery, 1895 Pheidole foederalis Borgmeier, 1928 Pheidole foreli Mayr, 1901 Pheidole fortis Eguchi, 2006 Pheidole fossimandibula Longino, 2009 Pheidole foveolata Eguchi, 2006 Pheidole fowleri Wilson, 2003 Pheidole fracticeps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole fullerae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole funki LaPolla & Cover, 2005 Pheidole funkikoensis Wheeler, 1929 Pheidole furcata Sarnat, 2008 Pheidole furtiva Wilson, 2003 Pheidole fuscula Emery, 1900 Pheidole gagates Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gaigei Forel, 1914 Pheidole galba Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gambogia Donisthorpe, 1948 Pheidole gangamon Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gatesi (Wheeler, 1927) Pheidole gauthieri Forel, 1901 Pheidole gellibrandi Clark, 1934 Pheidole geminata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gemmula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole geraesensis Santschi, 1929 Pheidole germaini Emery, 1896 Pheidole gertrudae Forel, 1886 Pheidole ghatica Forel, 1902 Pheidole ghigii Emery, 1900 Pheidole gibba Mayr, 1887 Pheidole gibbata Borgmeier, 1934 Pheidole gigaflavens Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gigas Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gigliolii Menozzi, 1935 Pheidole gilva Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gilvescens Creighton & Gregg, 1955 Pheidole glabrella Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 Pheidole globularia Wilson, 2003 Pheidole glomericeps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gnomus Wilson, 2003 Pheidole godmani Forel, 1893 Pheidole goeldii Forel, 1895 Pheidole gombakensis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole gouldi Forel, 1886 Pheidole gracilescens (Smith, 1860) Pheidole gracilipes (Motschoulsky, 1863) Pheidole gradifer Wilson, 2003 Pheidole grallatrix Emery, 1899 Pheidole grandinodus Wilson, 2003 Pheidole granulata Pergande, 1896 Pheidole gravida Wilson, 2003 Pheidole grayi Forel, 1902 Pheidole grex Wilson, 2003 Pheidole grundmanni Smith, 1953 Pheidole guajirana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole guayasana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole guerrerana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole guilelmimuelleri Forel, 1886 Pheidole guineensis (Fabricius, 1793) Pheidole gulo Wilson, 2003 Pheidole gymnoceras Longino, 2009 Pheidole hainanensis Chen, Ye, Lu & Zhou, 2011 Pheidole hamtoni Wilson, 2003 Pheidole harlequina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole harrisonfordi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hartmeyeri Forel, 1907 Pheidole haskinsorum Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hasticeps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole havilandi Forel, 1911 Pheidole haywardi Kusnezov, 1952 Pheidole hazenae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hecate Wheeler, 1911 Pheidole hector Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hedlundorum Wilson, 2003 Pheidole heliosa Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 Pheidole hercules Donisthorpe, 1941 Pheidole heterothrix Santschi, 1923 Pheidole hetschkoi Emery, 1896 Pheidole hewitti Santschi, 1932 Pheidole heyeri Forel, 1899 Pheidole hierax Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hirsuta Emery, 1896 Pheidole hirtula Forel, 1899 Pheidole hispaniolae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hizemops Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hoelldobleri Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hongkongensis Wheeler, 1928 Pheidole hoplitica Wilson, 2003 Pheidole horni Emery, 1901 Pheidole horribilis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hortensis Forel, 1913 Pheidole hortonae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hospes Smith, 1865 Pheidole hospita Bingham, 1903 Pheidole huacana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole huberi Forel, 1911 Pheidole huilana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole humeralis Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole humeridens Wilson, 2003 Pheidole hyatti Emery, 1895 Pheidole iceni Fernández, 2011 Pheidole impressa Mayr, 1870 Pheidole impressiceps Mayr, 1876 Pheidole inca Wilson, 2003 Pheidole incerta (Smith, 1863) Pheidole incisa Mayr, 1870 Pheidole incurvata Viehmeyer, 1924 Pheidole indagatrix Wilson, 2003 Pheidole indica Mayr, 1879 Pheidole indosinensis Wheeler, 1928 Pheidole industa Santschi, 1939 Pheidole inermis Mayr, 1870 Pheidole infernalis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole inflexa Santschi, 1923 Pheidole innotata Mayr, 1866 Pheidole innupta Menozzi, 1931 Pheidole inornata Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole inquilina (Wheeler, 1903) Pheidole inscrobiculata Viehmeyer, 1916 Pheidole insipida Forel, 1899 Pheidole inversa Forel, 1901 Pheidole irritans (Smith, 1858) Pheidole isis Mann, 1919 Pheidole jacobsoni Forel, 1911 Pheidole jaculifera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole jamaicensis Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole janzeni Longino, 2009 Pheidole jeannei Wilson, 2003 Pheidole jelskii Mayr, 1884 Pheidole jivaro Wilson, 2003 Pheidole jonas Forel, 1907 Pheidole jordanica Saulcy, 1874 Pheidole jubilans Forel, 1911 Pheidole jucunda Forel, 1885 Pheidole jujuyensis Forel, 1913 Pheidole juniperae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole karolmorae Longino, 2009 Pheidole karolsetosa Longino, 2009 Pheidole katonae Forel, 1907 Pheidole kikutai Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole kitschneri Forel, 1910 Pheidole knowlesi Mann, 1921 Pheidole kochi (Emery, 1911) Pheidole kohli Mayr, 1901 Pheidole komori Fischer & Fisher, 2013 Pheidole kugleri Wilson, 2003 Pheidole kukrana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole kuna Wilson, 2003 Pheidole kusnezovi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole laelaps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole laevicolor Eguchi, 2006 Pheidole laevifrons Mayr, 1887 Pheidole laevinota Forel, 1908 Pheidole laevithorax Eguchi, 2008 Pheidole laeviventris Mayr, 1870 Pheidole laevivertex Forel, 1901 Pheidole lagunculinoda Longino, 2009 Pheidole laidlowi Mann, 1916 Pheidole lamellinoda Forel, 1902 Pheidole lamia Wheeler, 1901 Pheidole laminata Emery, 1900 Pheidole lancifera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lanigera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lanuginosa Wilson, 1984 Pheidole laselva Wilson, 2003 Pheidole laticornis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole laticrista Santschi, 1916 Pheidole latinoda Roger, 1863 Pheidole lattkei Wilson, 2003 Pheidole laudatana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lemnisca Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lemur Forel, 1912 Pheidole leoncortesi Longino, 2009 Pheidole leonina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole leptina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole liengmei Forel, 1894 Pheidole lignicola Mayr, 1887 Pheidole lilloi (Kusnezov, 1952) Pheidole liteae Forel, 1910 Pheidole littoralis Cole, 1952 Pheidole lobulata Emery, 1900 Pheidole loki Fischer & Fisher, 2013 Pheidole lokitae Forel, 1913 Pheidole longiceps Mayr, 1876 Pheidole longicornis Emery, 1888 Pheidole longinoi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole longior Santschi, 1933 Pheidole longipes (Latreille, 1802) Pheidole longiscapa Forel, 1901 Pheidole longiseta Wilson, 2003 Pheidole longispinosa Forel, 1891 Pheidole lourothi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lovejoyi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lucaris Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lucida Forel, 1895 Pheidole lucioccipitalis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole lucretii Santschi, 1923 Pheidole lupus Wilson, 2003 Pheidole lustrata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole luteipes Emery, 1914 Pheidole lutzi Forel, 1905 Pheidole macclendoni Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole machetula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole mackayi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole macracantha Wilson, 2003 Pheidole macromischoides Wilson, 2003 Pheidole macrops Wilson, 2003 Pheidole maculifrons Wheeler, 1929 Pheidole madecassa Forel, 1892 Pheidole madrensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole magna Eguchi, 2006 Pheidole magrettii Emery, 1887 Pheidole maja Forel, 1886 Pheidole makilingi Viehmeyer, 1916 Pheidole malabarica (Jerdon, 1851) Pheidole malinsii Forel, 1902 Pheidole mallota Wilson, 2003 Pheidole mamore Mann, 1916 Pheidole manteroi Emery, 1897 Pheidole mantilla Wilson, 2003 Pheidole manuana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole manukana Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole marcidula Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole maufei Arnold, 1920 Pheidole mayri Forel, 1894 Pheidole medioflava Donisthorpe, 1941 Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius, 1793) Pheidole megatron Fischer & Fisher, 2013 Pheidole meihuashanensis Li & Chen, 1992 Pheidole meinerti Forel, 1905 Pheidole meinertopsis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole melanogaster Donisthorpe, 1943 Pheidole melastomae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole mendanai Mann, 1919 Pheidole mendicula Mann, 1919 Pheidole mentita Santschi, 1914 Pheidole mera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole merimbun Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole mesomontana Longino, 2009 Pheidole metallescens Emery, 1895 Pheidole metana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole micon Wilson, 2003 Pheidole micridris Wilson, 2003 Pheidole microgyna Wheeler, 1928 Pheidole microps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole micula Wheeler, 1915 Pheidole midas Wilson, 2003 Pheidole militicida Wheeler, 1915 Pheidole minax Wilson, 2003 Pheidole minensis Santschi, 1923 Pheidole minima Mayr, 1901 Pheidole minor (Jerdon, 1851) Pheidole minuscula Bernard, 1953 Pheidole minutula Mayr, 1878 Pheidole mirabilis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole miseranda Wheeler, 1924 Pheidole mittermeieri Wilson, 2003 Pheidole mixteca Wilson, 2003 Pheidole mjobergi Forel, 1915 Pheidole modiglianii Emery, 1900 Pheidole moerens Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole moffetti Wilson, 2003 Pheidole monstrosa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole montana Eguchi, 1999 Pheidole monteverdensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole mooreorum Wilson, 2003 Pheidole morelosana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole morrisii Forel, 1886 Pheidole moseni Wheeler, 1925 Pheidole mosenopsis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole multidens Forel, 1902 Pheidole multispina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole mus Forel, 1902 Pheidole mutisi Fernández & Wilson, 2008 Pheidole mylognatha Wheeler, 1922 Pheidole nana Emery, 1894 Pheidole naoroji Forel, 1902 Pheidole napoensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nasifera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nasutoides Hölldobler & Wilson, 1992 Pheidole naylae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nebulosa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nemoralis Forel, 1892 Pheidole neokohli Wilson, 1984 Pheidole neolongiceps Brown, 1950 Pheidole neolongiscapa Özdikmen, 2010 Pheidole neoschultzi LaPolla, 2006 Pheidole nesiota Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nietneri Emery, 1901 Pheidole nigella Emery, 1894 Pheidole nigeriensis Santschi, 1914 Pheidole nigricula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nigritella Bernard, 1953 Pheidole nimba Bernard, 1953 Pheidole nindi Mann, 1919 Pheidole nitella Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nitidicollis Emery, 1896 Pheidole nitidula Emery, 1888 Pheidole njassae Viehmeyer, 1914 Pheidole noar Wilson, 2003 Pheidole noda Smith, 1874 Pheidole nodgii Forel, 1905 Pheidole nodifera (Smith, 1858) Pheidole nubicola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole nubila Emery, 1906 Pheidole nuculiceps Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole oaxacana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole obnixa Forel, 1912 Pheidole obrima Wilson, 2003 Pheidole obscurifrons Santschi, 1925 Pheidole obscurithorax Naves, 1985 Pheidole obtusopilosa Mayr, 1887 Pheidole obtusospinosa Pergande, 1896 Pheidole occipitalis André, 1890 Pheidole oceanica Mayr, 1866 Pheidole ocellata Zhou, 2001 Pheidole ochracea Eguchi, 2008 Pheidole oculata (Emery, 1899) Pheidole oliveirai Wilson, 2003 Pheidole olsoni Wilson, 2003 Pheidole onifera Mann, 1921 Pheidole onyx Wilson, 2003 Pheidole opaciventris Mayr, 1876 Pheidole optiva Forel, 1901 Pheidole orbica Forel, 1893 Pheidole oswaldi Forel, 1891 Pheidole otisi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole oxyops Forel, 1908 Pheidole paiute Gregg, 1959 Pheidole palenquensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pallidula (Nylander, 1849) Pheidole pampana Santschi, 1929 Pheidole paraensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pararugiceps Longino, 2009 Pheidole parasitica Wilson, 1984 Pheidole pariana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole parva Mayr, 1865 Pheidole parvicorpus Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole peckorum Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pedana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pegasus Sarnat, 2008 Pheidole peguensis Emery, 1895 Pheidole pelor Wilson, 2003 Pheidole peltastes Wilson, 2003 Pheidole penetralis Smith, 1863 Pheidole pepo Wilson, 2003 Pheidole peregrina Wheeler, 1916 Pheidole perkinsi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole perpilosa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole perpusilla Emery, 1894 Pheidole perryorum Wilson, 2003 Pheidole peruviana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole petrensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole phanigaster Longino, 2009 Pheidole philemon Forel, 1910 Pheidole philippi Emery, 1915 Pheidole phipsoni Forel, 1902 Pheidole pholeops Wilson, 2003 Pheidole picea (Buckley, 1866) Pheidole piceonigra Emery, 1922 Pheidole picobarva Longino, 2009 Pheidole pidax Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pieli Santschi, 1925 Pheidole pilifera (Roger, 1863) Pheidole pilispina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole piliventris (Smith, 1858) Pheidole pilosior Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pinealis Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole pinicola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole plagiaria Smith, 1860 Pheidole planidorsum Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole planifrons Santschi, 1920 Pheidole plato Wilson, 2003 Pheidole platypus Crawley, 1915 Pheidole plebecula Forel, 1899 Pheidole plinii Forel, 1911 Pheidole polita Emery, 1894 Pheidole polymorpha Wilson, 2003 Pheidole porcula Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole poringensis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole portalensis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole potosiana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole praeses Wilson, 2003 Pheidole praeusta Roger, 1863 Pheidole prattorum Wilson, 2003 Pheidole prelli Forel, 1911 †Pheidole primigenia Baroni Urbani, 1995 Pheidole pronotalis Forel, 1902 Pheidole prostrata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole protea Forel, 1912 Pheidole protensa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole providens (Sykes, 1835) Pheidole proxima Mayr, 1876 Pheidole psammophila Creighton & Gregg, 1955 Pheidole psilogaster Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pubiventris Mayr, 1887 Pheidole pugnax Dalla Torre, 1892 Pheidole pulchella Santschi, 1910 Pheidole pullula Santschi, 1911 Pheidole punctatissima Mayr, 1870 Pheidole punctithorax Borgmeier, 1929 Pheidole punctulata Mayr, 1866 Pheidole purpurascens Emery, 1897 Pheidole purpurea Longino, 2009 Pheidole puttemansi Forel, 1911 Pheidole pygmaea Wilson, 2003 Pheidole pyriformis Clark, 1938 Pheidole quadrensis Forel, 1900 Pheidole quadriceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole quadricuspis Emery, 1900 Pheidole quadriprojecta Smith, 1947 Pheidole quadrispinosa (Smith, 1865) Pheidole quercicola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole quiaccana Wheeler, 1925 Pheidole quinata Eguchi, 2000 Pheidole rabo Forel, 1913 Pheidole radoszkowskii Mayr, 1884 Pheidole ragnax Fischer & Fisher, 2013 †Pheidole rasnitsyni Dubovikoff, 2011 Pheidole rebeccae Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 Pheidole reclusi Forel, 1899 Pheidole recondita Clouse, 2007 Pheidole rectisentis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole rectispina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole rectitrudis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole reflexans Santschi, 1933 Pheidole reichenspergeri Santschi, 1923 Pheidole renae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole retivertex Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole retronitens Santschi, 1930 Pheidole rhea Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole rhinoceros Forel, 1899 Pheidole rhinomontana Longino, 2009 Pheidole rhytifera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole rinae Emery, 1900 Pheidole risii Forel, 1892 Pheidole riveti Santschi, 1911 Pheidole roberti Forel, 1902 Pheidole rochai Forel, 1912 Pheidole rogeri Emery, 1896 Pheidole rogersi Forel, 1902 Pheidole rohani Santschi, 1925 Pheidole roosevelti Mann, 1921 Pheidole rosae Forel, 1901 Pheidole rosula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole rotundiceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole roushae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole rubiceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole rudigenis Emery, 1906 Pheidole ruficeps (Smith, 1861) Pheidole rufipilis Forel, 1908 Pheidole rugaticeps Emery, 1877 Pheidole rugatula Santschi, 1933 Pheidole rugiceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole rugifera Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole rugithorax Eguchi, 2008 Pheidole rugosa Smith, 1858 Pheidole rugulosa Gregg, 1959 Pheidole rutilana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole ryukyuensis Ogata, 1982 Pheidole sabahna Eguchi, 2000 Pheidole sabella Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sabina Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sagax Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sagei Forel, 1902 Pheidole sagittaria Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sarawakana Forel, 1911 Pheidole sarcina Forel, 1912 Pheidole sarpedon Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sauberi Forel, 1905 Pheidole saxicola Wheeler, 1922 Pheidole sayapensis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole scabriuscula Gerstäcker, 1871 Pheidole scalaris Wilson, 2003 Pheidole scapulata Santschi, 1923 Pheidole schmalzi Emery, 1894 Pheidole schoedli Eguchi, Hashimoto & Malsch, 2006 Pheidole schoutedeni Forel, 1913 Pheidole schultzei Forel, 1910 Pheidole schwarzmaieri Borgmeier, 1939 Pheidole sciara Cole, 1955 Pheidole scimitara Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sciophila Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole scolioceps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole scrobifera Emery, 1896 Pheidole sculptior Forel, 1893 Pheidole sculpturata Mayr, 1866 Pheidole sebofila Longino, 2009 Pheidole securigera Wilson, 2003 Pheidole seeldrayersi Forel, 1910 Pheidole selathorax Zhou, 2001 Pheidole seligmanni Wilson, 2003 Pheidole semidea Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 Pheidole semilaevis Forel, 1901 Pheidole senex Gregg, 1952 Pheidole senilis Santschi, 1929 Pheidole sensitiva Borgmeier, 1959 Pheidole sepulchralis Bingham, 1903 Pheidole sericella Viehmeyer, 1914 Pheidole servilia Wilson, 2003 Pheidole setosa Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 Pheidole setsukoae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole severini Forel, 1904 Pheidole sexdentata Donisthorpe, 1948 Pheidole sexspinosa Mayr, 1870 Pheidole sharpi Forel, 1902 Pheidole sicaria Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sigillata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sikorae Forel, 1891 Pheidole similigena Wheeler, 1937 Pheidole simoni Emery, 1893 Pheidole simonsi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole simplex Wheeler, 1925 Pheidole simplispinosa Sarnat, 2008 Pheidole sinaitica Mayr, 1862 Pheidole singaporensis Özdikmen, 2010 Pheidole singularis Smith, 1863 Pheidole sinica (Wu & Wang, 1992) Pheidole sitiens Wilson, 2003 Pheidole skwarrae Wheeler, 1934 Pheidole smythiesii Forel, 1902 Pheidole socrates Forel, 1912 Pheidole soesilae Makhan, 2007 Pheidole soritis Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole sospes Forel, 1908 Pheidole spadonia Wheeler, 1915 Pheidole sparsisculpta Longino, 2009 Pheidole spathicornis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole spathifera Forel, 1902 Pheidole spathipilosa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole specularis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole speculifera Emery, 1877 Pheidole sperata Forel, 1915 Pheidole sphaerica Wilson, 2003 Pheidole spilota Wilson, 2003 Pheidole spinicornis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole spininodis Mayr, 1887 Pheidole spinoda (Smith, 1858) Pheidole spinulosa Forel, 1910 Pheidole squalida Santschi, 1910 Pheidole steinheili Forel, 1901 Pheidole stigma Wilson, 2003 Pheidole stomachosa Wheeler, 1917 Pheidole strator Forel, 1910 Pheidole striata Pheidole striaticeps Donisthorpe, 1947 Pheidole strigosa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole stulta Forel, 1886 Pheidole styrax Wilson, 2003 Pheidole subaberrans (Kusnezov, 1952) Pheidole subarmata Mayr, 1884 Pheidole submonticola Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole subnuda Wilson, 2003 Pheidole subreticulata Emery, 1894 Pheidole subsphaerica Wilson, 2003 Pheidole sulcaticeps Roger, 1863 Pheidole superba Wilson, 2003 Pheidole susannae Forel, 1886 Pheidole susanowo Onoyama & Terayama, 1999 Pheidole sykesii Forel, 1902 Pheidole symbiotica Wasmann, 1909 Pheidole synanthropica Longino, 2009 Pheidole synarmata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tachigaliae Wheeler, 1921 Pheidole tachirana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole taipoana Wheeler, 1928 Pheidole taivanensis Forel, 1912 Pheidole tambopatae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tandjongensis Forel, 1913 Pheidole tanyscapa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tarchon Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tasmaniensis Mayr, 1866 Pheidole taurus Emery, 1906 Pheidole tawauensis Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole templaria Forel, 1902 Pheidole tenebricosa Eguchi, 2001 Pheidole tenerescens Wheeler, 1922 Pheidole teneriffana Forel, 1893 Pheidole tennantae Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tenuicephala Longino, 2009 Pheidole tenuiclavata Donisthorpe, 1943 Pheidole tenuinodis Mayr, 1901 Pheidole tenuis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tepicana Pergande, 1896 Pheidole tepuicola Wilson, 2003 Pheidole termitobia Forel, 1901 Pheidole termitophila Forel, 1904 Pheidole terraceensis Bharti, 2001 Pheidole terresi Wheeler & Mann, 1914 Pheidole terribilis Wilson, 2003 †Pheidole tertiaria Carpenter, 1930 †Pheidole tethepa Wilson, 1985 Pheidole tetra Creighton, 1950 Pheidole tetracantha Emery, 1897 Pheidole tetrica Forel, 1913 Pheidole tetroides Wilson, 2003 Pheidole texana Wheeler, 1903 Pheidole texticeps Wilson, 2003 Pheidole thrasys Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tigris Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tijucana Borgmeier, 1927 Pheidole tillandsiarum Wheeler, 1934 Pheidole tisiphone Wheeler, 1911 Pheidole titanis Wheeler, 1903 Pheidole tjibodana Forel, 1905 Pheidole tobini Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tolteca Forel, 1901 Pheidole torosa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole trachyderma Emery, 1906 Pheidole trageri Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tragica Wheeler, 1934 Pheidole traini Wilson, 2003 Pheidole transfigens Forel, 1911 Pheidole transversostriata Mayr, 1887 Pheidole trapezoidea Viehmeyer, 1914 Pheidole tricarinata Santschi, 1914 Pheidole tricolor Donisthorpe, 1949 Pheidole triconstricta Forel, 1886 Pheidole trinitatis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole triplex Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tristicula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tristis (Smith, 1858) Pheidole tristops Wilson, 2003 Pheidole truncula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tschinkeli Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tumida Eguchi, 2008 Pheidole turneri Forel, 1902 Pheidole tuxtlasana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole tysoni Forel, 1901 Pheidole ulothrix Wilson, 2003 Pheidole umbonata Mayr, 1870 Pheidole umphreyi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole uncagena Sarnat, 2008 Pheidole unicornis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole upeneci Forel, 1913 Pheidole ursus Mayr, 1870 Pheidole vafella Wheeler, 1925 Pheidole vafra Santschi, 1923 Pheidole valens Wilson, 2003 Pheidole vallicola Wheeler, 1915 Pheidole vallifica Forel, 1901 Pheidole vanderveldi Forel, 1913 Pheidole variabilis Mayr, 1876 Pheidole variolosa Emery, 1892 Pheidole vatu Mann, 1921 Pheidole veletis Wilson, 2003 Pheidole velox Emery, 1887 Pheidole venatrix Wilson, 2003 Pheidole verricula Wilson, 2003 Pheidole vestita Wilson, 2003 Pheidole veteratrix Forel, 1891 Pheidole victima Santschi, 1929 Pheidole victoris Forel, 1913 Pheidole vieti Eguchi, 2008 Pheidole vigilans (Smith, 1858) Pheidole violacea Wilson, 2003 Pheidole virago Wheeler, 1915 Pheidole viriosa Wilson, 2003 Pheidole viserion Sarnat, Fischer & Economo, 2016 Pheidole vistana Forel, 1914 Pheidole vomer Wilson, 2003 Pheidole vorax (Fabricius, 1804) Pheidole vulcan Fischer & Fisher, 2013 Pheidole vulgaris Eguchi, 2006 Pheidole walkeri Mann, 1922 Pheidole wallacei Mann, 1916 Pheidole wardi Wilson, 2003 Pheidole watsoni Forel, 1902 Pheidole weiseri Forel, 1910 Pheidole wheelerorum MacKay, 1988 Pheidole wiesei Wheeler, 1919 Pheidole williamsi Wheeler, 1919 Pheidole wilsoni Mann, 1921 Pheidole wolfringi Forel, 1908 Pheidole woodmasoni Forel, 1885 Pheidole wroughtonii Forel, 1902 Pheidole xanthocnemis Emery, 1914 Pheidole xanthogaster Wilson, 2003 Pheidole xerophila Wheeler, 1908 Pheidole xocensis Forel, 1913 Pheidole xyston Wilson, 2003 Pheidole yaqui Creighton & Gregg, 1955 Pheidole yeensis Forel, 1902 Pheidole yucatana Wilson, 2003 Pheidole zelata Wilson, 2003 Pheidole zeteki Smith, 1947 Pheidole zhoushanensis Li & Chen, 1992 Pheidole zoceana Santschi, 1925 Pheidole zoster Wilson, 2003
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Pheidole ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Pheidole é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.[1]


O género conta com mais de 1 000 espécies, incluindo:


  1. «Pheidole». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 23 de agosto de 2019
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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Pheidole é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.

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Pheidole ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Pheidole là một chi thuộc về kiến ​​sinh vật thuộc họ Myrmicinae. Chi được phổ biến rộng rãi và có tính sinh thái cao. Nó có thể bao gồm hơn một nghìn loài. Chi đầu tiên phát triển ở châu Mỹ, cuối cùng lan rộng khắp toàn cầu.

Chúng sử dụng những chiếc răng lớn để nghiền thức ăn, lấp những chiếc lỗ để tấn công tổ ong và chiếm thế thượng phong trong chiến đấu. Xã hội loài kiến này có ba giai tầng gồm cần lao là kiến thợ, giai tầng thứ hai là kiến lính với những chiếc đầu quá khổ, trong khi giai tầng cao nhất là những con kiến có những chiếc đầu có đủ hình dạng thước, thậm chí lớn hơn gấp 3 lần kiến thợ thông thường. Trong khoảng 1.100 kiến binh sĩ tiền sử, chỉ có khoảng 8 con thuộc giai tầng cao nhất.

Pheidole mendicula

Cấu trúc thuộc địa

Hầu hết các loài Pheidole đều có độ phân giải thấp, có nghĩa là các khuẩn lạc chứa đựng hai nhóm người lao động: những người lao động "vị thành niên", và những "công nhân" lớn, hoặc "những người lính". Loại thứ hai thường có đầu và hàm dưới rất lớn so với kích thước cơ thể của chúng khá khiêm tốn.

Ngoài ra, giống như các loài kiến ​​khác, một thuộc địa có thể chứa một hoặc một số hoàng hậu và cũng ở các đàn trưởng thành, chúng ta có thể có những con cái và con đực có cánh.

Những con kiến thợ

Các con thợ lớn đặc biệt đã kiếm được chi Pheidole là biệt danh của "những con kiến ​​to lớn". Các con kiến thợ chính của một thuộc địa Pheđoido, trong khi chúng có thể trông rất ác liệt, thường khá nhút nhát và thường là con đầu tiên chạy trốn bất kỳ dấu hiệu nguy hiểm nào. Nhiều loài Pheidole là con mồi của các con đười ươi ký sinh trùng đẻ trứng vào những công nhân lớn; ấu trùng ruồi phát triển chủ yếu trong các viên đầu của nạn nhân, cuối cùng là chặt chúng, và có lẽ sẽ chết đói trong thân thể những người lao động nhỏ.

Trong hầu hết các trường hợp, những con kiến thợ chính được sử dụng trong tổ để phân chia các mặt hàng thực phẩm lớn, hoặc bên ngoài để mang các vật lớn, chẳng hạn như hạt giống; nhiều loài Pheidole là những người tiêu dùng hạt giống quan trọng về sinh thái ("người thu hoạch").

Minor and major workers of P. purpurea
The head view of a
Minor worker
The top view of a
Minor worker, top
The head view of a
Major worker
The top view of a
Major worker, top

Danh sách loài

Chi chứa hơn 1000 loài[1]. Chúng bao gồm:

  • Pheidole acutidens
  • Pheidole argentina
  • Pheidole barreleti
  • Pheidole bigote
  • Pheidole branstetteri
  • Pheidole braueri
  • Pheidole bula
  • Pheidole carinote
  • Pheidole cervicornis
  • Pheidole ceylonica
  • Pheidole clavata
  • Pheidole debilis
  • Pheidole decepticon
  • Pheidole dentata
  • Pheidole diffidens
  • Pheidole dodo
  • Pheidole elecebra
  • Pheidole elongicephala
  • Pheidole eowilsoni
  • Pheidole epiphyta
  • Pheidole fervens
  • Pheidole fossimandibula
  • Pheidole gracilipes
  • Pheidole gymnoceras
  • Pheidole harlequina
  • Pheidole harrisonfordi
  • Pheidole horni
  • Pheidole inquilina
  • Pheidole janzeni
  • Pheidole jonas
  • Pheidole karolmorae
  • Pheidole karolsetosa
  • Pheidole komori
  • Pheidole laevithorax
  • Pheidole lagunculinoda
  • Pheidole lanuginosa
  • Pheidole latinoda
  • Pheidole leoncortesi
  • Pheidole loki
  • Pheidole malinsii
  • Pheidole megacephala
  • Pheidole megatron
  • Pheidole microgyna
  • Pheidole neokohli
  • Pheidole nietneri
  • Pheidole noda
  • Pheidole ochracea
  • Pheidole oculata
  • Pheidole pallidula
  • Pheidole pararugiceps
  • Pheidole parasitica
  • Pheidole parva
  • Pheidole pegasus
  • Pheidole phanigaster
  • Pheidole picobarva
  • Pheidole pronotalis
  • Pheidole psilogaster
  • Pheidole purpurea
  • Pheidole ragnax
  • Pheidole rhinomontana
  • Pheidole rugithorax
  • Pheidole rugosa
  • Pheidole sebofila
  • Pheidole simplispinosa
  • Pheidole spathifera
  • Pheidole sulcaticeps
  • Pheidole symbiotica
  • Pheidole templaria
  • Pheidole teneriffana
  • Pheidole uncagena
  • Pheidole vieti
  • Pheidole vulcan

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Pheidole: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Pheidole là một chi thuộc về kiến ​​sinh vật thuộc họ Myrmicinae. Chi được phổ biến rộng rãi và có tính sinh thái cao. Nó có thể bao gồm hơn một nghìn loài. Chi đầu tiên phát triển ở châu Mỹ, cuối cùng lan rộng khắp toàn cầu.

Chúng sử dụng những chiếc răng lớn để nghiền thức ăn, lấp những chiếc lỗ để tấn công tổ ong và chiếm thế thượng phong trong chiến đấu. Xã hội loài kiến này có ba giai tầng gồm cần lao là kiến thợ, giai tầng thứ hai là kiến lính với những chiếc đầu quá khổ, trong khi giai tầng cao nhất là những con kiến có những chiếc đầu có đủ hình dạng thước, thậm chí lớn hơn gấp 3 lần kiến thợ thông thường. Trong khoảng 1.100 kiến binh sĩ tiền sử, chỉ có khoảng 8 con thuộc giai tầng cao nhất.

 src= Pheidole mendicula
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Pheidole ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
Pheidole speculifera, голова солдата
Малый рабочий и солдат Pheidole dentata
Pheidole mendicula

Pheidole (лат.) — род муравьёв трибы Pheidolini из подсемейства Myrmicinae (Formicidae). Один из трёх крупнейших муравьиных родов, наряду с Camponotus и Crematogaster. Около 1000 видов[1].


Это мелкие (длина рабочих 2—6 мм) земляные муравьи, с характерными большеголовыми солдатами. Усики 12-члениковые (13 у самцов) с отчетливой большой 3-члениковой булавой. Иное число члеников у социальных паразитов: 10-члениковые с 1-члениковой булавой у Pheidole argentina и 9-12-члениковые у других паразитических видов. Среди непаразитических видов Нового Света также есть исключения: 10-члениковые усики (видовая группа Pheidole perpusilla), 11-члениковые усики (видовая группа Pheidole tachigaliae), обычные 12-члениковые усики, но с 4-членкиовой булавой (видовая группа Pheidole granulata). Стебелёк между грудкой и брюшком состоит из двух члеников: петиолюса и постпетиолюса (последний четко отделен от брюшка). Многие виды собирают семена. большинство видов имеют диморфную рабочую касту (мелкие рабочие + крупные солдаты). У нескольких видов, кроме обычных мелких (minor) и крупных рабочих или солдат (major) имеется 3-я субкаста особо крупных суперсолдат (supermajor): Pheidole hirtula, Pheidole macclendoni, Pheidole obtusospinosa, Pheidole polymorpha, Pheidole rhea, Pheidole tepicana[1][2]. У 6 социальнопаразитических видов отсутствует каста рабочих: Pheidole argentina, Pheidole acutidens, Pheidole elecebra, Pheidole inquilina, Pheidole kusnezovi, Pheidole microgyna[1]. На муравьях вида Pheidole williamsi паразитируют грибы Myrmiciniosporidium durum[3].


Род известен практически на всех материках: Африка, Азия, Австралия, Европа, Северная и Южная Америка. Инвазивный вид Pheidole megacephala расселился по многим странам и континентам[1].


Род включает около 1000 видов, распространенных главным образом, в тропиках и субтропиках Нового Света (более 600 видов), относится к трибе Pheidolini (крупнейший по числу видов род из подсемейства Myrmicinae). В России 2 вида на юге.

Классификация видов по видовым группам




эндемики Новой Гвинеи


















Виды фауны России


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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Pheidole: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Pheidole speculifera, голова солдата  src= Малый рабочий и солдат Pheidole dentata  src= Pheidole mendicula

Pheidole (лат.) — род муравьёв трибы Pheidolini из подсемейства Myrmicinae (Formicidae). Один из трёх крупнейших муравьиных родов, наряду с Camponotus и Crematogaster. Около 1000 видов.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

혹개미속 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

혹개미속두배자루마디개미아과에 속하는 개미이다. 이 속은 널리 퍼져있으며 생태적으로 우점적이다. 1,000개 이상의 종을 포함한다.[1] 이 속은 처음에는 아메리카 대륙에서 진화했으며, 이후 전 지구로 퍼져나갔다.

누더기혹개미(Pheidole mendicula)

군체의 구조

혹개미속의 대부분의 종은 이형성을 띄며, 이는 군체에 '작은 일개미'와, '큰 일개미' 또는 '병정개미'의 두 계급의 일개미가 있다는 것을 의미한다. 병정개미는 보통 평범한 크기의 몸에 비해 아주 큰 머리와 턱을 지녔다.[출처 필요]

그리고 군체에는 다른 개미 종들처럼 하나 이상의 여왕개미와, 성숙한 군체의 경우 날개 달린 암수개미인 유시충이 존재할 수 있다.


병정개미의 뚜렷하게 큰 머리로 인해 혹개미속은 영미권에서 큰머리개미 big-headed ants 로도 불린다. 혹개미속의 병정개미는 공격적으로 보이긴 하지만 꽤나 조심성이 많으며 뭔가 위험해보이면 제일 먼저 도망간다. 많은 혹개미속의 종들은 벼룩파리포식기생의 대상이 되어, 병정의 몸에 알을 낳는다. 구더기는 주로 병정개미의 머리통 속에서 자라 결국 병정개미의 머리를 자르며, 작은 일개미의 몸속에서는 굶주리게 된다.[출처 필요]

병정 개미는 대부분 큰 음식덩이를 부수기 위해 군체 내에 상주하거나 바깥에서 씨앗과 같은 무거운 음식을 나른다. 대부분의 혹개미속의 종들은 생태적으로 중요한 씨앗 섭식자들이다. (수확개미)[출처 필요]

자줏혹개미의 일개미와 병정개미

하위 종

이 속은 1,000 개 이상의 종이 속해 있다.[2]


  1. E. O. Wilson (2003). 《Pheidole in the New World: A Dominant, Hyperdiverse Ant Genus》. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-00293-8.
  2. Bolton, B. (2014). Pheidole. 《AntCat》. 2015년 1월 17일에 확인함.
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