
Hypsugo macrotis ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Hypsugo macrotis és una espècie de ratpenat que viu a Brunei, Indonèsia i Malàisia.


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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Hypsugo macrotis és una espècie de ratpenat que viu a Brunei, Indonèsia i Malàisia.

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Big-eared pipistrelle ( Anglèis )

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The big-eared pipistrelle (Hypsugo macrotis) is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae. It can be found in Indonesia and Malaysia. It forages over mud flats over Peninsula Malaysia but its roosting activities are unknown. Its habitat is being threatened by deforestation for agriculture, plantations, logging and fires but how it affects this bat or if it is adaptable are unknown.


Philetor brachypterus

Hypsugo macrotis

Hypsugo cadornae

Hypsugo dolichodon

Hypsugo pulveratus

Hypsugo savii

Hysugo alaschanicus

Relationship of H. macrotis with other members of its genus[2]

The big-eared pipistrelle was described as a new species in 1840 by Dutch zoologist Coenraad Jacob Temminck. Temminck placed it in the genus Vespertilio with a binomen of Vespertilio macrotis. The holotype had been collected near Padang on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.[3] In 1940, Frederick Nutter Chasen published that he considered it a subspecies of the brown pipistrelle (Hypsugo imbricatus),[2] though it was considered a full species in 2005 by Mammal Species of the World.[4] Hypsugo species have frequently been listed as members of the genus Pipistrellus, meaning that this species has been referred to as Pipistrellus macrotis, but the generic status of Hypsugo is now widely accepted.[2]

Based on mitochondrial DNA, specifically the regions that encode cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome b, the big-eared pipistrelle is most closely related to Cadorna's pipistrelle (Hypsugo cadornae).[2]

Its species name "macrotis" comes from Ancient Greek makrós meaning "long" and oûs meaning "ear".[5]


Individuals have a forearm length of 31.7–34.5 mm (1.25–1.36 in). Based on three adult females, individuals weigh 5–6 g (0.18–0.21 oz).[2]

Range and habitat

The big-eared pipistrelle is native to Southeast Asia where it has been documented in Indonesia and Malaysia.[1]


As of 2016, it is evaluated as a data deficient species by the IUCN. There is a lack of up-to-date information about its population size and ecological needs. It is threatened by the destruction of its habitat via deforestation.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Görföl, T.; Bates, P.J.J.; Lim, L.S.; Francis, C.M. (2016). "Hypsugo macrotis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T17349A22127259. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T17349A22127259.en.
  2. ^ a b c d e Lim, LEE-SIM; Csorba, Gábor; Wong, Cheng-MIN; Zubaid, Akbar; Rahman, Sultana Parvin Habeebur; Kumaran, Jayaraj Vijaya; Khan, Faisal ALI Anwarali; Huang, JOE Chun-Chia; Najimudin, Nazalan; Görföl, Tamás (2016). "The systematic position of Hypsugo macrotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and a new record from Peninsular Malaysia". Zootaxa. 4170 (1): 169–177. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4170.1.10. PMID 27701281.
  3. ^ Temminck, C. J. (1840). Monographies de mammalogie, ou Description de quelques genres de mammifères, dont les espèces ont été observées dans les différens musées de l'Europe [Monographs of mammalogy, or Description of some kinds of mammals, whose species have been observed in the different museums of Europe] (in French). Vol. 2. Paris. pp. 218–219.
  4. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  5. ^ Palmer, T. S. (1904). "Index Generum Mammalium: A List of the Genera and Families of Mammals". North American Fauna. Fish and Wildlife Service (23): 395. macrotis ear.
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Big-eared pipistrelle: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The big-eared pipistrelle (Hypsugo macrotis) is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae. It can be found in Indonesia and Malaysia. It forages over mud flats over Peninsula Malaysia but its roosting activities are unknown. Its habitat is being threatened by deforestation for agriculture, plantations, logging and fires but how it affects this bat or if it is adaptable are unknown.

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Hypsugo macrotis ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Hypsugo macrotis es una especie de murciélago de la familia Vespertilionidae.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra en la Península de Malaca (Malasia) y en Sumatra, Padang, en Bali, y las islas adyacentes más pequeños en Indonesia.


  • FRANCIS, C.; BATES, P. 2008. Pipistrellus macrotis. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


  • SIMMONS, N. B. Order Chiroptera. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 1, p. 312-529.
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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Hypsugo macrotis es una especie de murciélago de la familia Vespertilionidae.

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Hypsugo macrotis ( Basch )

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Hypsugo macrotis Hypsugo generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Vespertilioninae azpifamilia eta Vespertilionidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. Temminck (1840) 2 Monogr. Mamm. 218. or..

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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Hypsugo macrotis Hypsugo generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Vespertilioninae azpifamilia eta Vespertilionidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Hypsugo macrotis ( Italian )

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Hypsugo macrotis (Temminck, 1840) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Vespertilionidi diffuso nell'Ecozona orientale.[1][2]



Pipistrello di piccole dimensioni, con la lunghezza della testa e del corpo di 40 mm, la lunghezza dell'avambraccio tra 33 e 34 mm, la lunghezza della coda di 34 mm, la lunghezza del piede di 7,2 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie di 14,1 mm.[3]


La pelliccia è di media lunghezza. Le parti dorsali sono bruno-rossastre, con la base dei peli marrone scura, mentre le parti ventrali sono più chiare. Il muso è corto e largo. Le orecchie sono grandi, larghe e triangolari con l'antitrago ben sviluppato. Il trago è corto, largo ed con la punta piegata in avanti. Le membrane alari sono bianche, semi-trasparenti e attaccate posteriormente alla base dell'alluce. La punta della lunga coda si estende leggermente oltre l'ampio uropatagio, il quale è semi-trasparente e leggermente brunastro. Il calcar è provvisto di un piccolo lobo terminale.



Si nutre di insetti talvolta su distese fangose lungo le coste.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa specie è diffusa nella Penisola malese occidentale, Sumatra nord-orientale, Enggano, Nias, Giava, Bali e Lombok[4].

Vive probabilmente nelle Mangrovie.

Stato di conservazione

La IUCN Red List, considerata la mancanza di informazioni recenti sullo stato della popolazione, i requisiti ecologici e le eventuali minacce, classifica H.macrotis come specie con dati insufficienti (DD).[1]


  1. ^ a b c (EN) Francis, C. & Bates, P. 2008, Hypsugo macrotis, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Hypsugo macrotis, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Francis, 2008.
  4. ^ Lee-Sim L, Cheng-Min W, Csorba G & Görföl T, The systematic position of Hypsugo macrotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and a new record from Peninsular Malaysia, in Zootaxa, vol. 4170, n. 2, 2016, pp. 169-177.


  • Charles M.Francis, A Guide to the Mammals of Southeast Asia, Princeton University Press, 2008, ISBN 9780691135519.

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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Hypsugo macrotis (Temminck, 1840) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Vespertilionidi diffuso nell'Ecozona orientale.

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Hypsugo macrotis ( olandèis; flamand )

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Hypsugo macrotis is een zoogdier uit de familie van de gladneuzen (Vespertilionidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Coenraad Jacob Temminck in 1840.


De soort komt voor in Indonesië en Maleisië.

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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Hypsugo macrotis is een zoogdier uit de familie van de gladneuzen (Vespertilionidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Coenraad Jacob Temminck in 1840.

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Hypsugo macrotis ( portughèis )

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Hypsugo macrotis é uma espécie de morcego da família Vespertilionidae. Pode ser encontrada na península Malaia (Malásia) e em Sumatra, Padang, Bali, e ilhas menores adjacentes, na Indonésia.


  • SIMMONS, N. B. Order Chiroptera. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 1, p. 312-529.
  • FRANCIS, C.; BATES, P. 2008. Pipistrellus macrotis. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Acessado em 27 de dezembro de 2008.
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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Hypsugo macrotis é uma espécie de morcego da família Vespertilionidae. Pode ser encontrada na península Malaia (Malásia) e em Sumatra, Padang, Bali, e ilhas menores adjacentes, na Indonésia.

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Hypsugo macrotis ( svedèis )

fornì da wikipedia SV

Hypsugo macrotis[2][3] är en fladdermusart som först beskrevs av Coenraad Jacob Temminck 1840. Hypsugo macrotis ingår i släktet Hypsugo och familjen läderlappar.[4][5] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som otillräckligt studerad.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[4]

Denna fladdermus förekommer på södra Malackahalvön, norra Sumatra, Bali och Pulau Enggano. Individerna fångades med hjälp av uppställda nät vid havets strandlinje. Den leriga stranden var vid tidpunkten bredare på grund av lågt tidvatten. Det är inte känt var individerna vilar.[1]


  1. ^ [a b c d] 2008 Hypsugo macrotis Från: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2 <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 2012-10-24.
  2. ^ Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. (2005) , Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd ed., Hypsugo macrotis
  3. ^ Wilson, Don E., and F. Russell Cole (2000) , Common Names of Mammals of the World
  4. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (28 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/pipistrellus+macrotis/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.
  5. ^ ITIS: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Orrell T. (custodian), 2011-04-26
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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

fornì da wikipedia SV

Hypsugo macrotis är en fladdermusart som först beskrevs av Coenraad Jacob Temminck 1840. Hypsugo macrotis ingår i släktet Hypsugo och familjen läderlappar. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som otillräckligt studerad. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.

Denna fladdermus förekommer på södra Malackahalvön, norra Sumatra, Bali och Pulau Enggano. Individerna fångades med hjälp av uppställda nät vid havets strandlinje. Den leriga stranden var vid tidpunkten bredare på grund av lågt tidvatten. Det är inte känt var individerna vilar.

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Pipistrellus macrotis ( ucrain )

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Pipistrellus macrotisвид роду нетопирів.

Середовище проживання

Країни проживання: Індонезія, Малайзія. Цей вид був спійманий полюючим на відкритому просторі в прибережних районах півострова Малайзія.

Загрози та охорона

Вирубка лісів у зв'язку з сільським господарством, насадженням плантацій, лісозаготівлею і лісовими пожежами відбуваються в межах діапазону видів, але невідомо, чи цей вид залежить від лісу. Поки не відомо, чи вид присутній в будь-якій з охоронних територій.


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Pipistrellus macrotis: Brief Summary ( ucrain )

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Pipistrellus macrotis — вид роду нетопирів.

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Hypsugo macrotis ( vietnamèis )

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Hypsugo macrotis là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi muỗi, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Temminck mô tả năm 1840.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Hypsugo macrotis”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Hypsugo macrotis: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Hypsugo macrotis là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi muỗi, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Temminck mô tả năm 1840.

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큰귀집박쥐 ( Corean )

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큰귀집박쥐(Hypsugo macrotis)는 애기박쥐과에 속하는 박쥐의 일종이다. 브루나이인도네시아, 말레이시아에서 발견된다. 말레이시아 반도의 개펄에서 먹이를 찾지만, 둥지 생활에 대해서는 알려져 있지 않다. 농경지와 농장을 위한 산림파괴와 벌목, 화재로 서식지가 위협받고 있지만 어떤 영향을 미치는 지, 환경에 적응하고 있는지는 알려져 있지 않다.


  1. Jacobs, D., Cotterill, F.W. & Taylor, P. 2004. Hypsugo musciculus. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 19 July 2007.
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