
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 13.7 years (captivity)
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Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

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Roatán Island agoutis are classified as Endangered by IUCN due to its small range, ongoing habitat loss, habitat degradation, and hunting. Roatán Island agoutis occur in two protected areas, but hunting still occurs on Roatán Island.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: appendix i

State of Michigan List: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: endangered

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( Anglèis )

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One social interactive behavior that has been observed in Roatán Island agoutis is muzzling. Another is fleeing with rump hairs erected, which is classified as a conflict behavior. Odor, thumping, and vocalizations are also important forms of communication in Central American agoutis, which can reasonably be inferred as important to D. ruatanica as well.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: scent marks

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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Other than using some of the foods put out for domestic fowl, there are no known negative impacts on humans.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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Based on studies of Dasyprocta punctata and Dasyprocta mexicana, it has been suggested that D. ruatanica and other agoutis could be bred in captivity as a food source for humans. It has also been suggested that agoutis may be an ecotourist attraction.

Positive Impacts: food ; ecotourism

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Anglèis )

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Agoutis in general seem to be important in the dispersal of plant seeds through the habit of scatterhoarding, which is the practice of caching food in scattered ground surface caches.

Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Roatan Island agoutis are mostly frugivorous. Foods on Fantasy island include coconuts (Cocos nucifera), hibiscus flowers, almonds (Terminalia sp.) and Pentaclethre pods. They have also been observed feeding on rice, oranges, and corn kernels intended for domestic fowl. Like other agouti species, they dig holes for caching food.

Plant Foods: seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; flowers

Foraging Behavior: stores or caches food

Primary Diet: herbivore (Frugivore )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica is endemic to Roatán Island, which is approximately 48 kilometers off the coast of Honduras. A population occurs on Fantasy Island, which is about 30 meters off the middle south shore of Roatán Island. Roatán Island is a fault block, so it is unlikely that this species populated the island via land bridge. The original human inhabitants of the island, Payans, used agoutis as a food source, so this species was probably either there before the natives or brought with them.

Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )

Other Geographic Terms: island endemic

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica is found in brushy, tropical scrub forests. Because of human development, most of the scrub forest that still exists on Roatán Island is on mountains. The highest point on Roatán Island is about 274 meters (900 feet) above sea level. On Fantasy Island, D. ruatanica is common on a tree-covered hill. Among the tree species present are Casuarina equisetifolia, Cocos nucifera, Pentaclethra, Swietenia, and Thrinax. Dasyprocta ruatanica utilizes patches of bamboo for sleeping. On Fantasy Island, D. ruatanica can also be found using the space under hotel buildings.

Range elevation: 0 to 274 m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; scrub forest

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

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The only lifespan information available for Dasyprocta ruatanica is that individuals have reached the age of 13.7 years in captivity.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
13.7 (high) years.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Roatán Island agoutis, as well as other agoutis, look like large, long-legged guinea pigs. The head and body of an adult can be from 32 to 64 cm (12.6 to 25.2 in) long and weight between 0.6 and 4 kg (1.3 to 8.8 lb). They are smaller than closely related Central American agoutis (Dasyprocta punctata). The ears are naked and the tail is very short. Agoutis have 5 toes on their front feet and 3 on the hind feet. They have a digitigrade foot posture. The fur is orange-brown and hairs are annulated to the root. The ventral surface is like the back, but slightly more olive-colored. There is a white spot on the chin and a yellow patch in the middle of the belly. The body color darkens along the limbs to a dark brown color on the feet.

Range mass: 0.6 to 4 kg.

Range length: 32 to 64 cm.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Anglèis )

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On Fantasy Island there are no native carnivores. On Roatán Island humans are known to hunt agoutis for food. Unlike Central American agoutis, Roatán Island agoutis have not been observed digging burrows. Smythe (1983) suggested that in Central American agoutis, holes were dug as a method of predator avoidance. Lack of holes suggests that there are no natural predators for Roatán Island agoutis. However, these agoutis do raise their rump hairs when fleeing a threat, which may be a defense against being bitten by predators or conspecifics.

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

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Little is known about the mating in Roatán Island agoutis. Central American agoutis (Dasyprocta punctata) form monogamous pair bonds and can breed year round.

Not much is known about reproduction in Roatán Island agoutis specifically. Some information may be inferred from their close relatives, Central American agoutis. Central American agoutis reach reproductive age at about 6 months old, but this can vary based on food availability and body size. Gestation is about 3.5 months long at which time 1 to 2 young are born.

Breeding interval: Roatan Island agoutis can breed year round.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous ; post-partum estrous

Little is known about the extent of parental investment in Roatán Island agoutis. Juveniles of about two-thirds of the mother’s size have been observed participating in leading/following behaviors with the mother. At this size, mothers tend to back away when offspring try to nurse. In Cental American agoutis and other agouti species, females usually raise one or two precocial young. They can be observed grooming and bringing food to their young. For about the first two weeks the offspring stay in a small burrow while the mother goes foraging. However, Roatán Island agoutis have not been observed digging or using burrows.

Parental Investment: precocial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hill, L. 2009. "Dasyprocta ruatanica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Dasyprocta_ruatanica.html
Laurinda Hill, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Link Olson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Dasyprocta ruatanica ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica és una espècie de rosegador histricomorf de la família Dasyproctidae; és un dels rosegadors més amenaçats del Nou Món. Només habita l'illa de Roatán, en el Carib hondureny.

La seva existència està amenaçada per pèrdua d'hàbitat i degradació induïda per humans; també per caça.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica és una espècie de rosegador histricomorf de la família Dasyproctidae; és un dels rosegadors més amenaçats del Nou Món. Només habita l'illa de Roatán, en el Carib hondureny.

La seva existència està amenaçada per pèrdua d'hàbitat i degradació induïda per humans; també per caça.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( Antërlenga (Assossiassion Antërnassional për na Lenga Ausiliaria) )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica es un specie de Dasyprocta.

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Ruatan Island agouti ( Anglèis )

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The Ruatan Island agouti (Dasyprocta ruatanica), also called the Roatán Island agouti, is a species of agouti in the family Dasyproctidae.


It is endemic to the island of Roatán, off the north coast of Honduras.[1]


There are no known subspecies.


Ruatan Island agoutis closely resemble the widespread Central American agoutis, but are noticeably smaller in size, being only around 44 cm (17 in) in head-body length. Their fur is orange brown over their entire bodies, fading to a paler, olivaceous shade on the underparts, and with grizzled black ticking over their backs. There is a white spot on the chin, and a yellowish patch on the belly. Unlike the naked ears of Central American agoutis, those of the Ruatan Island species bear a few dark hairs.[2]

The overall colour is said to be richer than that of Central American agoutis, although the differences are slight, so are less reliable than body size in distinguishing the two species.[2]


From the few studies conducted on the animal, they appear to be active both day and night, and are not territorial. They are timid, and flee at the sight of humans.[2]


The animals inhabit brushy scrub forest across the island of Roatán, where they feed on almonds, coconuts, hibiscus, and Pentaclethra pods.


It is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. As the tourist industry has grown on their native island, hotels and other buildings are encroaching on their native habitat. While some remain in developed areas, living under hotel buildings and feeding off chicken grain and similar resources, most are now found in the hilly interior of the island, away from the coast.[3]


  1. ^ a b Schipper, J.; Emmons, L.; McCarthy, T. (2016). "Dasyprocta ruatanica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T6287A22198054. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T6287A22198054.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Lee, T.E.; et al. (2006). "Dasyprocta ruatanica". Mammalian Species. 800: Number 800: pp. 1–3. doi:10.1644/800.1.
  3. ^ Lee, T.E.; et al. (2000). "The natural history of the Roatán Island agouti (Dasyprocta ruatanica): a study of behavior, diet and description of habitat". Texas Journal of Science. 52 (2): 159–164.
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Ruatan Island agouti: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The Ruatan Island agouti (Dasyprocta ruatanica), also called the Roatán Island agouti, is a species of agouti in the family Dasyproctidae.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El agutí de Roatán o guatuza (Dasyprocta ruatanica) es una especie de roedor histricomorfo de la familia Dasyproctidae; es uno de los roedores más amenazados del Nuevo Mundo. Sólo habita la isla de Roatán, en el Caribe hondureño.

Su existencia está amenazada por pérdida de hábitat y degradación inducida por humanos; también por caza.



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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El agutí de Roatán o guatuza (Dasyprocta ruatanica) es una especie de roedor histricomorfo de la familia Dasyproctidae; es uno de los roedores más amenazados del Nuevo Mundo. Sólo habita la isla de Roatán, en el Caribe hondureño.

Su existencia está amenazada por pérdida de hábitat y degradación inducida por humanos; también por caza.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( Basch )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica Dasyprocta generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Dasyproctidae familian sailkatuta dago.


  1. Thomas (1901) Dasyproctidae Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist..

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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica Dasyprocta generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Dasyproctidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( Fransèis )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica est une espèce de rongeurs de la famille des Dasyproctidae. C'est une espèce de mammifère terrestre vivant au Honduras. C'est un animal présumé endémique de Roatán, une île de la mer des Caraïbes, où on le rencontre dans les forêts. Cet agouti est en danger de disparition à cause de la destruction de son habitat et de la chasse[2].

L'espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1901 par le zoologiste britannique Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas (1858-1929).

Notes et références

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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica est une espèce de rongeurs de la famille des Dasyproctidae. C'est une espèce de mammifère terrestre vivant au Honduras. C'est un animal présumé endémique de Roatán, une île de la mer des Caraïbes, où on le rencontre dans les forêts. Cet agouti est en danger de disparition à cause de la destruction de son habitat et de la chasse.

L'espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1901 par le zoologiste britannique Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas (1858-1929).

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Roatan-agoeti ( olandèis; flamand )

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De roatan-agoeti (Dasyprocta ruatanica) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de agoeti's en acouchy's (Dasyproctidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Thomas in 1901.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Dasyprocta ruatanica é uma espécie de roedor da família Dasyproctidae.

É endêmica de Honduras, onde é encontrada apenas na ilha de Roatán.


  1. Schipper, J.; Emmons, L.; McCarthy, T. (2016). «Dasyprocta ruatanica». Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas. 2016: e.T6287A22198054. doi:. Consultado em 11 de novembro de 2021
  • WOODS, C. A.; KILPATRICK, C. W. Infraorder Hystricognathi. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 2, p. 1538-1600.
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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica é uma espécie de roedor da família Dasyproctidae.

É endêmica de Honduras, onde é encontrada apenas na ilha de Roatán.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( svedèis )

fornì da wikipedia SV

Dasyprocta ruatanica[2] är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Thomas 1901. Dasyprocta ruatanica ingår i släktet agutier och familjen guldharar.[3][4] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som starkt hotad.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[3]

Arten lever endemisk på ön Roatán som tillhör Honduras. Den vistas där i olika slags skogar. Troligen har arten samma levnadssätt som andra agutier.[1]

Ett exemplar hade en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 43,5 cm. Pälsen på ovansidan har en orangebrun färg med svarta streck som orsakas av inblandade svarta hår. Annars har arten samma utseende som Dasyprocta punctata.[5]

Det är oklart om populationen existerar sedan länge och om arten godkänns i framtiden. Enligt lokala källor introducerade öns befolkning agutier från andra regioner.[5]


  1. ^ [a b c] 2008 Dasyprocta ruatanica Från: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2 <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 2012-10-24.
  2. ^ Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. (1992) , Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd ed., 3rd printing
  3. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (18 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/dasyprocta+ruatanica/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.
  4. ^ ITIS: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Orrell T. (custodian), 2011-04-26
  5. ^ [a b] Reid, Fiona (2009). Dasyprocta ruatanica. A Field Guide to the Mammals of Central America. OUP. sid. 249

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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

fornì da wikipedia SV

Dasyprocta ruatanica är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Thomas 1901. Dasyprocta ruatanica ingår i släktet agutier och familjen guldharar. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som starkt hotad. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.

Arten lever endemisk på ön Roatán som tillhör Honduras. Den vistas där i olika slags skogar. Troligen har arten samma levnadssätt som andra agutier.

Ett exemplar hade en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 43,5 cm. Pälsen på ovansidan har en orangebrun färg med svarta streck som orsakas av inblandade svarta hår. Annars har arten samma utseende som Dasyprocta punctata.

Det är oklart om populationen existerar sedan länge och om arten godkänns i framtiden. Enligt lokala källor introducerade öns befolkning agutier från andra regioner.

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Roatán agutisi ( turch )

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Roatán agutisi (Dasyprocta ruatanica), Orta Amerika'da Honduras'ta Karayip Denizindeki Roatán adasında yaşayan endemik bir aguti türüdür.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( ucrain )

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Агуті роатанський (Dasyprocta ruatanica) — вид гризунів родини Агутієвих, що проживає тільки на острові Роатан, Гондурас у первинних і вторинних лісах.


Хутро рівномірно оранжево-коричневе, з чорною памороззю чи кільцями біля кореня. Кільцеподібна структура кидається в очі на спині й у меншій мірі на крупі. Черевна поверхня, забарвлена як спина, але більш оливкова. Біла пляма знаходиться на підборідді і жовта пляма на середині задньої частини живота. Кінцівки того ж кольору що й тіло ближче до тулуба, а далі темніші, так що передні і задні ноги стають глибоко сиво-коричневими. Середні розміри дорослої самки в мм: довжина голови і тіла, 435, довжина задніх ніг, 101.


Проводить велику частину свого часу сидячи (23,1%) і харчуючись (22,0%). Пошук їжі, який включає ходьбу, принюхування й копання займає 29.2% часу. Значно більшу частину часу проводить у ходьбі чи бігові ніж для харчування чи соціальної поведінки. Їсть квіти, фрукти й горіхи. Ховає насіння для зберігання. Соціальна повенка включає в себе те, що тварини наближаються один до одного і труться мордочками. При загрозі настовбурчує волосся. Дотримання територіальної розмежованості не спостерігалося. На острові Роатан на Dasyprocta ruatanica полюють заради м'яса, тому побачивши людей він тікає.


  • веб-сайт МСОП
  • Thomas E. Lee, Jr., Haylee B. Hartline, and Bridget M. Barnes Dasyprocta ruatanica / Mammalian species, No. 800, 2006, pp. 1–3
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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( ucrain )

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Агуті роатанський (Dasyprocta ruatanica) — вид гризунів родини Агутієвих, що проживає тільки на острові Роатан, Гондурас у первинних і вторинних лісах.

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Dasyprocta ruatanica ( vietnamèis )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dasyproctidae, bộ Gặm nhấm. Loài này được Thomas mô tả năm 1901.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Schipper, J., Emmons, L., Woodman, N., Timm, R. & McCarthy, T. (2008). Dasyprocta ruatanica. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 1 năm 2009.
  2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Dasyprocta ruatanica”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết về một loài thuộc bộ Gặm nhấm này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Dasyprocta ruatanica: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Dasyprocta ruatanica là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dasyproctidae, bộ Gặm nhấm. Loài này được Thomas mô tả năm 1901.

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Роатанский агути ( russ; russi )

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Латинское название Dasyprocta ruatanica
Thomas, 1901

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 584735 Международная Красная книга
Status iucn3.1 EN ru.svg
Вымирающие виды
IUCN 3.1 Endangered: 6287

Роатанский агути[1] (лат. Dasyprocta ruatanica) — вид грызунов рода агути семейства агутиевые.


Эндемик Гондураса, где водится в лесах острова Роатан.

Биологическое описание

Мех равномерной коричнево-оранжевой окраски, с чёрной изморозью или чёрные в основании. Брюшная поверхность окрашена как спина, но более оливкового оттенка. На подбородке белое пятно, в середине задней части живота имеется жёлтое пятно. Вблизи туловища конечности такого же цвета, а затем тёмные, сизо-коричневые. В среднем длина головы и тела взрослой самки составляет 43,5 см, а задних ног — 10,1 см.

Образ жизни

Проводит большую часть своего времени сидя (23,1 %) и питаясь (22,0 %). Поиск пищи, который включает ходьбу, принюхивание и копание занимает 29,2 % времени. Социальное поведение включает в себя то, что животные приближаются друг к другу и трутся мордочками. При угрозе топорщит шерсть. Соблюдение территориальной раздробленности не наблюдалось. На острове Роатан на роатанского агути охотятся ради мяса, поэтому, увидев людей, он убегает.


Питается цветами, фруктами и орехами. Запасает семена.


  1. Полная иллюстрированная энциклопедия. «Млекопитающие» Кн. 2 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / под ред. Д. Макдональда. — М.: Омега, 2007. — С. 455. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8.
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Роатанский агути: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Роатанский агути (лат. Dasyprocta ruatanica) — вид грызунов рода агути семейства агутиевые.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

로아탄섬아구티 ( Corean )

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로아탄섬아구티(Dasyprocta ruatanica)는 아구티과에 속하는 남아메리카 설치류의 일종이다. 온두라스 북쪽 연안에 있는 로아탄섬의 토착종이다. 서식지 감소와 사냥으로 멸종 위협을 받고 있다.[1] 알려진 아종은 없다.[2]


로아탄섬아구티는 널리 분포하는 중앙아메리카아구티를 아주 많이 닮았지만, 크기가 눈에 띄게 작고. 머리부터 몸까지 길이가 약 44cm에 불과하다. 온 몸은 전체적으로 오렌지빛 갈색이고 하체로 갈수록 점점 희미한 올리브색 색조를 띠며, 등 쪽은 백발이 섞인 검은색의 줄무늬 색을 띤다. 턱에 흰 반점이 있고, 배 쪽은 누르스름한 얼룩 무늬가 나 있다. 털이 없는 귀를 가진 중앙아메리카아구티와는 달리, 로아탄섬아구티는 귀에 약간의 검은색 털을 갖고 있다.[3] 전체적인 몸 색깔은 중앙아메리카아구티류보다 화려하다고 말하곤 하지만 그 차이는 미미하고, 두 종의 몸 크기를 통한 구별보다는 덜 신뢰할 만하다.[3]


  1. “Dasyprocta ruatanica”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 1월 5일에 확인함.
  2. Woods, C.A.; Kilpatrick, C.W. (2005). 〈Infraorder Hystricognathi〉 [호저하목]. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 1538–1600쪽. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  3. Lee, T.E.; 외. (2006). “Dasyprocta ruatanica”. 《Mammalian Species》: Number 800: pp. 1–3. doi:10.1644/800.1.
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