
Associations ( Anglèis )

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Predation on these bats is rare, but they have been known to be preyed on by owls when foraging at night.

Known Predators:

  • owls (Strigiformes)

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Lesser bamboo bats are small bats with well developed tails that are completely enclosed in a tail membrane.

Range mass: 2 to 5.8 g.

Range length: 35 to 50 mm.

Range wingspan: 25 to 33 mm.

Range basal metabolic rate: high (high) cm3.O2/g/hr.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

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The lifespan of T. pachypus is not reported. Like other vespertilionids, they may have relatively long lifespans, given their body size.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Lesser bamboo bats occupy lowland agricultural areas that contain bamboo stands. In a study done by Zhang et al. (2006), lesser bamboo bats were observed in three habitat types: along trees and houses, pathways along bamboo forest, and above bamboo forest. Of 145 individuals caught over a 28 day period, 45 % were collected on the pathway, 52 % were collected along the trees and houses and 3 % were collected above the bamboo forest.

Range elevation: 180 to 1220 m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest

Other Habitat Features: agricultural

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Lesser bamboo bats, Tylonycteris pachypus, are found in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, South China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam to peninsular Malaysia, the Philippines, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Bali (Indonesia) and the Andaman Islands (India).

Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Lesser bamboo bats are strictly insectivorous. The diet consists primarily of 7 different orders of insects. Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera are the 4 main orders, making up 62.3 %, 29.6 %, 6.0%, and 1.5%, respectively, of their diets. Other insects eaten include Homoptera, Blattodea, and Embioptera. Swarming termites, Isoptera, are also a small portion of their diet. Seasonal variation from spring to autumn occurs in their diet, no order of insects made up more than 50% of the total diet from March to April. From May to October, Hymenoptera made up more than 50% of the diet by volume.

Animal Foods: insects

Primary Diet: carnivore (Insectivore )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Lesser bamboo bats keep insect pest populations down by eating thousands of them each night. Some of these insects are considered pests because they will destroy agricultural fields. Bamboo Gigantochloa scortechinii is used for roosting. Basilia hispida, a bat fly, is an ectoparasite of T. pachypus.

Species Used as Host:

  • bamboo Gigantochloa scortechinii

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • bat flies (Basilia hispida)
drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Humans benefit from T. pachypus through their control of insect populations. They can eat thousands of insects a night.

Positive Impacts: controls pest population

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

There are no known adverse effects of T. pachypus on humans.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Lesser bamboo rats are considered lower risk/least concern by the IUCN. Populations seem stable currently.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Vocalization from infants occurred for precursor for echolocation calls and as isolation calls (i-calls) to attract the mother. As the infants grew older the 2 calls increased. Female directive calls are different than their infants calls by having lower frequency and longer duration.

Lesser bamboo bats also use their vision, sense of smell, and sense of touch to perceive their environment and to communicate effectively among individuals.

Communication Channels: tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; ultrasound ; echolocation ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Mating systems in lesser bamboo bats are not known, although polygyny is suspected based on some observed roosting patterns.

Mating System: polygynous

Mating seems to be seasonal, with males being fertile from mid-October to mid-January and females are in estrous from mid-October to mid-November. One offspring is usually born, sometimes two. Gestation is from 12 to 13 weeks long and the young are nursed for 5 to 6 weeks after that. The young are independent immediately after weaning and can breed in the first year after their birth.

Breeding interval: Lesser bamboo bats breed once each year.

Breeding season: Breeding season takes place from mid-October until mid-November.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.

Average number of offspring: 2.

Range gestation period: 84 to 91 days.

Range weaning age: 35 to 42 days.

Range time to independence: 5 to 6 weeks.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 8 to 9 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 8 to 9 months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Mothers care for their young on their own. Because they roost in groups, they need efficient and distinctive communication calls to ensure successful reunions. In T. pachypus, recognition between the mother and pup is mutual. Recognition involves visual, acoustic and olfactory cues. Vocal signals that mediate recognition can be the mother’s echolocation calls, isolation calls from the infant, or other communication calls from the mother or infant. Infant bats often emit distinctive isolation calls (i-calls) which assist the location of offspring by the mother.

Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female)

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wollin, K. 2007. "Tylonycteris pachypus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylonycteris_pachypus.html
Kyle Wollin, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web

Ratpenat del bambú petit ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El ratpenat del bambú petit (Tylonycteris pachypus) és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels vespertiliònids que es troba a les illes de la Sonda. Fins al 2017 incloïa l'espècie que avui en dia s'anomena T. fulvida, que en fou separada basant-se en dades moleculars.[1]


 src= Podeu veure l'entrada corresponent a aquest tàxon, clade o naturalista dins el projecte Wikispecies.
  1. Tu, V. T.; Csorba, G.; Ruedi, M.; Furey, N. M.; Son, N. T.; Thong, V. D.; Bonillo, C.; Hassanin, A. «Comparative phylogeography of bamboo bats of the genus Tylonycteris (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Southeast Asia» (en anglès). European Journal of Taxonomy, 274, 2017, pàg. 1–38. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.274.
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Ratpenat del bambú petit: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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El ratpenat del bambú petit (Tylonycteris pachypus) és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels vespertiliònids que es troba a les illes de la Sonda. Fins al 2017 incloïa l'espècie que avui en dia s'anomena T. fulvida, que en fou separada basant-se en dades moleculars.

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Lesser bamboo bat ( Anglèis )

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The lesser bamboo bat or lesser flat-headed bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) is one of the smallest species of vesper bat,[2] and is native to Southeast Asia.


The bat, the size of a bumble bee, is among the smallest mammals on earth,[3] measuring about 4 cm (1.6 in) in head-body length with a tail about 2.5 cm (0.98 in) long and a wingspan of 19 cm (7.5 in). Adults weigh between 1.4 and 5.2 g (0.049 and 0.183 oz).[4]

The fur ranges from golden or cinnamon to dark brown, and is paler on the underside of the body. The head is flattened, with a short snout and triangular ears with a wide tragus.[4] The name pachypus means "thick-footed" and refers to the presence of smooth fleshy pads at the base of the thumb and on the heels of the feet, which help the bat grip onto bamboo stalks.[5] The wings have an aspect ratio of 6.2, allowing the bat to be agile in flight at the expense of a slow speed.[6]

A 4.8 gram T. pachypus has about an 80 mg brain.[7]

Distribution and habitat

Lesser bamboo bats are found throughout Southeast Asia from Bangladesh to southern China and Indonesia and also in southern and eastern India. It inhabits deciduous forests with extensive areas of bamboo growth, at altitudes from sea level to 1,260 m (4,130 ft).[1]

Five subspecies are recognised:[4]

  • Tylonycteris pachypus aurex - India and Bangladesh
  • Tylonycteris pachypus bhaktii - Lombok
  • Tylonycteris pachypus fulvidus - China, Indochina
  • Tylonycteris pachypus meyeri - Philippines
  • Tylonycteris pachypus pachypus - Indonesia

Biology and behaviour

Lesser bamboo bats typically roosts in the slit bored into the shoots of bamboo by leaf beetle larvae. The entrance slit to such cavities is too restrictive for most predators, such as snakes, but the flattened head of the bamboo bat allows it to enter. Although the exact species vary across their range, in Malaysia, the preferred bamboo is Gigantochloa scortechinii, and the beetles are most commonly Lasiochila goryi. The bats sometimes use rock crevices or holes in trees as alternative roosting sites.[8] Females tend to roost in small groups of about five individuals, although larger groupings of up to 38 have been reported. Males roost alone, or in small groups of up to six.[8][9] Individuals switch roosts every day, and larger groupings tend to be temporary.[4]

The bats are insectivorous, with flies, beetles, and hymenopterans forming the bulk of their diet.[10] They catch insects on the wing, using echolocation calls that start at 125 kHz and drop to 50 kHz.[4]


Lesser bamboo bats are polygynous, with females mating with multiple males throughout the September to November breeding season. Unusually for a tropical species, the females store the sperm after mating, with ovulation and fertilisation not occurring until January. Gestation lasts 12 to 13 weeks, with the young being born between April and May. Most births are of non-identical twins, although identical twins, singletons, and triplets are born on occasion.[9][11]

Newborn young are blind and hairless and weigh about 0.6 g (0.021 oz). The mother carries her young for the first couple of days, but then leaves them behind in the bamboo chamber. The young are weaned and able to fly 22 to 25 days after birth. When their fur first begins to grow it is dark in colour, taking on the lighter and more reddish adult hue by October of their first year. Both males and females are sexually mature by the start of the first breeding season after birth.[9][11]


Bat flies which have the lesser bamboo bat as its host include Basilia brevipes, Basilia majuscula, and Basilia fletcheri.[12]


  1. ^ a b Tu, V.; Furey, N.; Görföl, T.; Csorba, G. (2020). "Tylonycteris pachypus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T22577A22086494. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-2.RLTS.T22577A22086494.en. Retrieved 16 November 2021.
  2. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  3. ^ Smithsonian Institution
  4. ^ a b c d e Eguren, R.E.; McBee, K. (October 2014). "Tylonycteris pachypus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)". Mammalian Species. 46 (910): 33–39. doi:10.1644/910. S2CID 84929706.
  5. ^ Medway, L.; Marshall A.G. (December 1972). "Roosting associations of flat-headed bats, Tylonycteris species (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Malaysia". Journal of Zoology. 168 (4): 463–482. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1972.tb01362.x.
  6. ^ Zhang, L.; et al. (March 2007). "Morphology, echolocation and foraging behaviour in two sympatric sibling species of bat (Tylonycteris pachypus and Tylonycteris robustula) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)". Journal of Zoology. 271 (3): 344–351. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2006.00210.x.
  7. ^ Pitnick, Scott; Jones, Kate E; Wilkinson, Gerald S (22 March 2006). "Mating system and brain size in bats". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 273 (1587). Appendix 1: 719–724. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3367. PMC 1560082. PMID 16608692.
  8. ^ a b Medway, L.; Marshall, A.G. (August 1970). "Roost-site selection among flat-headed bats (Tylonycteris spp.)". Journal of Zoology. 161 (2): 237–245. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1970.tb02038.x.
  9. ^ a b c Hua, P.; et al. (September 2011). "Hierarchical polygyny in multiparous lesser flat-headed bats". Molecular Ecology. 20 (17): 3669–3680. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05192.x. PMID 21824210. S2CID 27648404.
  10. ^ Zhang, L. [in Chinese]; et al. (September 2005). "Diet of Flat-Headed Bats, Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula, in Guangxi, South China". Journal of Mammalogy. 86 (1): 61–66. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2005)086<0061:DOFBTP>2.0.CO;2.
  11. ^ a b Medway, L. (February 1972). "Reproductive cycles of the flat-headed bats Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula (Chiroptera: Vespertilioninae) in a humid equatorial environment". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 51 (1): 33–61. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1972.tb00772.x.
  12. ^ Theodor, Oskar (1956). "On the genus Tripselia and the group of Basilia bathybothyra (Nycteribiidae, Diptera)". Parasitology. 46 (3–4): 353–394. doi:10.1017/S003118200002655X. PMID 13378884. S2CID 40001351.
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Lesser bamboo bat: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The lesser bamboo bat or lesser flat-headed bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) is one of the smallest species of vesper bat, and is native to Southeast Asia.

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Tylonycteris pachypus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Tylonycteris pachypus es una especie de murciélago de la familia Vespertilionidae.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra, mayoritariamente, en la región indomalaya (Bangladés, China, India, Indonesia Malasia, Indochina y Filipinas).


  1. Bates, P., Francis, C., Rosell-Ambal, G., Heaney, L., Molur, S. & Srinivasulu, C. (2008). «Tylonycteris pachypus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2022 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 7 de agosto de 2015.


  • SIMMONS, N. B. Order Chiroptera. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 1, p. 312-529.

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Tylonycteris pachypus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Tylonycteris pachypus es una especie de murciélago de la familia Vespertilionidae.

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Tylonycteris pachypus ( Basch )

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Tylonycteris pachypus Tylonycteris generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Vespertilioninae azpifamilia eta Vespertilionidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Temminck (1840) 2 Monogr. Mamm. 217. or..

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Tylonycteris pachypus: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Tylonycteris pachypus Tylonycteris generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Vespertilioninae azpifamilia eta Vespertilionidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Tylonycteris pachypus ( Italian )

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Il pipistrello dei bambù minore (Tylonycteris pachypus Temminck, 1840) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Vespertilionidi diffuso nel Subcontinente indiano e nell'Ecozona orientale.[1][2]



Pipistrello di piccole dimensioni, con la lunghezza totale tra 60 e 68 mm, la lunghezza dell'avambraccio tra 24 e 28 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 27 e 29 mm, la lunghezza del piede tra 5 e 6 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie tra 8 e 9 mm, un'apertura alare fino a 19 cm e un peso fino a 5 g.[3]


Il corpo e la testa sono talmente appiattiti che questo animale può passare in fessure larghe soltanto 3,9 mm. La pelliccia è corta, soffice e lanuginosa. Le parti dorsali sono bruno-rossastre con la base dei peli bruno-giallastra, mentre le parti ventrali sono leggermente più chiare con dei riflessi arancioni. Il muso è largo ed appuntito. Le orecchie sono triangolari, ben separate tra loro, con i bordi carnosi e l'estremità arrotondata. Il trago è corto, largo e più stretto alla base. Le membrane alari sono marroni scure e attaccate posteriormente alla base delle dita dei piedi. Sono presenti dei cuscinetti adesivi alla base dei pollici e sulla piante dei piedi. La coda è lunga ed è completamente inclusa nell'ampio uropatagio. Il cariotipo è 2n=46 FNa=56, mentre nelle popolazioni cinesi e thailandesi della sottospecie T.p.fulvidus è 2n=30 FNa=56.


Emette ultrasuoni ad alto ciclo di lavoro con impulsi di breve durata a frequenza modulata iniziale di 129,2 kHz e finale di 58,3 kHz.



Si rifugia in gruppi da 1 a 16, talvolta anche fino a 40 o più, individui negli internodi di piccole canne di bambù, in particolare della specie Gigantochloa scortechinii. Vi entra attraverso le fessure verticali create dalle pupe di coleotteri. Normalmente le colonie sono formate da un maschio e da diverse femmine con i loro piccoli. Condivide i rifugi con Tylonycteris robustula. L'attività predatoria inizia presto al tramonto e consiste in due incursioni di circa 20 minuti ciascuna. Il volo è lento, manovrato e può rimanere sospeso in aria davanti agli steli di bambù. La velocità è di circa 4,3 m/s.


Si nutre di imenotteri, ditteri e coleotteri di piccole dimensioni catturati in volo intorno agli alberi e alle case. In quantità minore caccia anche omotteri, Blattoidea ed Embioptera.


Gli accoppiamenti avvengono in novembre, dopo i quali le femmine trattengono lo sperma fino all'ovulazione in gennaio. Dopo una gestazione di 12-13 settimane nascono generalmente 2 piccoli alla volta, che rimangono nei rifugi insieme alle loro madri fino alla sesta settimana di vita. Si tratta degli unici pipistrelli tropicali in cui è stato osservato un estro prolungato e un deposito spermatico.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa specie è diffusa in India, Bangladesh, Cina, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Thailandia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambogia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Filippine.

Vive nelle foreste decidue tropicali e in aree agricole con la presenza di boschi di bambù fino a 1.262 metri di altitudine.


Sono state riconosciute 5 sottospecie:

Recenti studi filogenetici hanno evidenziato un differente cariotipo nelle popolazioni cinesi e thailandesi della sottospecie T.p.fulvidus e quindi la possibile presenza di una forma criptica[4].

Stato di conservazione

La IUCN Red List, considerato il vasto areale, la popolazione presumibilmente numerosa, la presenza in diverse aree protette e la tolleranza alle modifiche ambientali, classifica T.pachypus come specie a rischio minimo (LC).[1]


  1. ^ a b c (EN) Bates, P., Francis, C., Rosell-Ambal, G., Heaney, L., Molur, S. & Srinivasulu, C. 2008, Tylonycteris pachypus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Tylonycteris pachypus, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Smith & Xie, 2008.
  4. ^ Huang C, Yu W, Xu Z, Qiu Y, Chen M, Qiu B, Motokawa M, Harada M, Li Y & Wu Y, A Cryptic Species of the Tylonycteris pachypus Complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and Its Population Genetic Structure in Southern China and nearby Regions (PDF), in International Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 10, n. 2, 2014, pp. 200-211.


  • B. Lekagul & J.A. McNeely, Mammals of Thailand, Bangkok, 1977, ISBN 9748680614.
  • Charles M.Francis, A Guide to the Mammals of Southeast Asia, Princeton University Press, 2008, ISBN 9780691135519.
  • Andrew T.Smith & Yan Xie, A guide to the Mammals of China, Princeton University Press, 2008, ISBN 9780691099842.

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Tylonycteris pachypus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il pipistrello dei bambù minore (Tylonycteris pachypus Temminck, 1840) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Vespertilionidi diffuso nel Subcontinente indiano e nell'Ecozona orientale.

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Kleinkopbamboevleermuis ( olandèis; flamand )

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De kleinkopbamboevleermuis (Tylonycterys pachypus) is een vleermuis uit het geslacht Tylonycteris die voorkomt van India en Zuid-China tot de Filipijnen en Bali.[2] Het is een zeer kleine vleermuis met een zeer sterk afgeplatte schedel en karakteristieke knobbels op de handen en voeten. De rug is grijsbruin, de onderkant en het hoofd zijn goudkleurig of geelbruin. De oren, membranen en bek zijn donkerbruin. Voor Vietnamese exemplaren bedraagt de kop-romplengte 37 tot 46 mm, de staartlengte 23,0 tot 34,0 mm, de voorarmlengte 25,4 tot 27,4 mm, de oorlengte 6,2 tot 11,7 mm en het gewicht 2,6 tot 4,6 g.[3] In de Filipijnen is deze soort gevonden op de eilanden Calauit, Culion, Luzon en Palawan in gebieden waar bamboe voorkomt.[4]


De Tylonycteris pachypus is onder de volgende synoniemen[5] bekend:

  • Scotophilus fulvidus Blyth, 1850
  • Tylonycteris aurex Thomas, 1915
  • Tylonycteris pachypus ssp. fulvida (Blyth, 1850)
  • Tylonycteris rubidus Thomas, 1915
  • Vespertilio pachypus Temminck, 1840

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Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Kleinkopbamboevleermuis op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. Simmons, N.B. 2005. Order Chiroptera. Pp. 312-529 in Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: a taxonomic and geographic reference. 3rd ed. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols., 2142 pp. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4
  3. Borissenko, A.V. & Kruskop, S.V. 2003. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories. An identification manual. Moscow: Zoological Museum of Moscow M. V. Lomonosov State University, 212 pp.
  4. (en) Heaney et al., Mammals of the Philippines The Field Museum, 1400 S. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60605-2496, A Synopsis of the Mammalian Fauna of the Philippine Islands - Tylonycteris pachypus (2002). Geraadpleegd op 19-02-2009.
  5. Bates, P., Francis, C., Rosell-Ambal, G., Heaney, L., Molur, S. & Srinivasulu, C. 2008. Tylonycteris pachypus. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Downloaded on 19 February 2009.
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Kleinkopbamboevleermuis: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De kleinkopbamboevleermuis (Tylonycterys pachypus) is een vleermuis uit het geslacht Tylonycteris die voorkomt van India en Zuid-China tot de Filipijnen en Bali. Het is een zeer kleine vleermuis met een zeer sterk afgeplatte schedel en karakteristieke knobbels op de handen en voeten. De rug is grijsbruin, de onderkant en het hoofd zijn goudkleurig of geelbruin. De oren, membranen en bek zijn donkerbruin. Voor Vietnamese exemplaren bedraagt de kop-romplengte 37 tot 46 mm, de staartlengte 23,0 tot 34,0 mm, de voorarmlengte 25,4 tot 27,4 mm, de oorlengte 6,2 tot 11,7 mm en het gewicht 2,6 tot 4,6 g. In de Filipijnen is deze soort gevonden op de eilanden Calauit, Culion, Luzon en Palawan in gebieden waar bamboe voorkomt.

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Tylonycteris pachypus ( polonèis )

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Tylonycteris pachypus – gatunek nietoperza z rodziny mroczkowatych o długości 15 mm[4]. Tylonycteris pachypus waży przeciętnie około 3,4 grama. Nietoperz ten zamieszkuje Azję[2]. Jak wszystkie gatunki z rodzaju Tylonycteris, wykorzystuje kryjówki w międzywęźlach bambusów, do których dostaje się przez wąskie szczeliny, co ułatwia mu silnie spłaszczona czaszka. Utrzymuje się na wewnętrznych ściankach pustej łodygi bambusa, dzięki przyssawkom na nadgarstkach i tylnych stopach[5].


  1. Tylonycteris pachypus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b c Tylonycteris pachypus. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Tylonycteris pachypus. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 24 października 2009]
  4. Ilustrowana encyklopedia dla dzieci tom 4 świat przyrody. Warszawa: Świat Książki (Polska) Dorling Kindersley (Wielka Brytania), 1996. ISBN 83-7129-870-6.
  5. Tylonycteris pachypus, www.bio.bris.ac.uk [dostęp 2017-11-27] .
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Tylonycteris pachypus: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Tylonycteris pachypus – gatunek nietoperza z rodziny mroczkowatych o długości 15 mm. Tylonycteris pachypus waży przeciętnie około 3,4 grama. Nietoperz ten zamieszkuje Azję. Jak wszystkie gatunki z rodzaju Tylonycteris, wykorzystuje kryjówki w międzywęźlach bambusów, do których dostaje się przez wąskie szczeliny, co ułatwia mu silnie spłaszczona czaszka. Utrzymuje się na wewnętrznych ściankach pustej łodygi bambusa, dzięki przyssawkom na nadgarstkach i tylnych stopach.

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Tylonycteris pachypus ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Tylonycteris pachypus é uma espécie de morcego da família Vespertilionidae. Pode ser encontrada no Bangladesh, China, Índia, Indonésia, Malásia, Myanmar e Filipinas.


  • SIMMONS, N. B. Order Chiroptera. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 1, p. 312-529.
  • BATES, P.; FRANCIS, C.; ROSELL-AMBAL, G.; HEANEY, L., MOLUR, S.; SRINIVASULU, C. 2008. Tylonycteris robustula. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Acessado em 29 de dezembro de 2008.
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Tylonycteris pachypus: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Tylonycteris pachypus é uma espécie de morcego da família Vespertilionidae. Pode ser encontrada no Bangladesh, China, Índia, Indonésia, Malásia, Myanmar e Filipinas.

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Tjockfotad fladdermus ( svedèis )

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Tjockfotad fladdermus (Tylonycteris pachypus[2][3]) är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Coenraad Jacob Temminck 1840. Tylonycteris pachypus ingår i släktet Tylonycteris och familjen läderlappar.[4][5] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1]

Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[4] Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan fem underarter.[6]

Denna fladdermus förekommer i sydvästra Indien och i Sydostasien. Utbredningsområdet där sträcker sig från södra Kina till Borneo och Java. Kanske finns arten även på centrala Filippinerna. Habitatet utgörs av tropiska regnskogar med bambu som undervegetation samt av odlingsområden. I bergstrakter når arten 1250 meter över havet. Djuret vilar bland annat i håligheter i tjocka bambustjälkar. Ibland observeras upp till 40 individer i samma gömställe. De äter termiter och andra ryggradslösa djur.[1] Parningen sker i oktober och november. Dräktigheten varar 84 till 91 dagar och sedan föds tvillingar eller bara en unge. Ungarna diar sin mor 5 till 6 veckor och sedan är de självständiga. Åtta till nio månader efter födelsen blir ungarna könsmogna. Honor kan känna sina ungar med hjälp av kroppslukten och genom avvikande läten.[7]

Individerna når en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 3,5 till 5,0 cm och en svanslängd av cirka 2,5 till 3,5 cm. Underarmarna som bestämmer djurets vingspann är ungefär 2 till 3 cm långa. Den tjockfotade fladdermusen blir 3,5 till 5,8 gram tung. Som namnet antyder har arten tjockare handflator och fotsulor.[8] Svansen omslutas helt av flygmembranen mellan bakbenen (uropatagium).[7]


  1. ^ [a b c] 2008 Tylonycteris pachypus Från: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2 <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 2012-10-24.
  2. ^ Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. (1992) , Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd ed., 3rd printing
  3. ^ Wilson, Don E., and F. Russell Cole (2000) , Common Names of Mammals of the World
  4. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (13 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Arkiverad från originalet den 18 juni 2012. https://web.archive.org/web/20120618223324/http://www.catalogueoflife.org/services/res/2011AC_26July.zip. Läst 24 september 2012.
  5. ^ ITIS: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Orrell T. (custodian), 2011-04-26
  6. ^ (1998) , website Tylonycteris pachypus, Mammal Species of the World
  7. ^ [a b] K. Wollin (13 april 2007). ”Lesser bamboo bat” (på engelska). Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan. http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Tylonycteris_pachypus/. Läst 25 oktober 2015.
  8. ^ Ronald M. Nowak, red (1999). ”Bamboo Bats” (på engelska). Walker’s Mammals of the World. The Johns Hopkins University Press. sid. 445/46. ISBN 0-8018-5789-9

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Tjockfotad fladdermus: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Tjockfotad fladdermus (Tylonycteris pachypus) är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Coenraad Jacob Temminck 1840. Tylonycteris pachypus ingår i släktet Tylonycteris och familjen läderlappar. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.

Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Wilson & Reeder (2005) skiljer mellan fem underarter.

Denna fladdermus förekommer i sydvästra Indien och i Sydostasien. Utbredningsområdet där sträcker sig från södra Kina till Borneo och Java. Kanske finns arten även på centrala Filippinerna. Habitatet utgörs av tropiska regnskogar med bambu som undervegetation samt av odlingsområden. I bergstrakter når arten 1250 meter över havet. Djuret vilar bland annat i håligheter i tjocka bambustjälkar. Ibland observeras upp till 40 individer i samma gömställe. De äter termiter och andra ryggradslösa djur. Parningen sker i oktober och november. Dräktigheten varar 84 till 91 dagar och sedan föds tvillingar eller bara en unge. Ungarna diar sin mor 5 till 6 veckor och sedan är de självständiga. Åtta till nio månader efter födelsen blir ungarna könsmogna. Honor kan känna sina ungar med hjälp av kroppslukten och genom avvikande läten.

Individerna når en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 3,5 till 5,0 cm och en svanslängd av cirka 2,5 till 3,5 cm. Underarmarna som bestämmer djurets vingspann är ungefär 2 till 3 cm långa. Den tjockfotade fladdermusen blir 3,5 till 5,8 gram tung. Som namnet antyder har arten tjockare handflator och fotsulor. Svansen omslutas helt av flygmembranen mellan bakbenen (uropatagium).

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Tylonycteris pachypus ( ucrain )

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Середовище проживання

Країни проживання: Бангладеш, Бруней-Даруссалам, Камбоджа, Китай, Гонконг, Індія, Індонезія, Лаос, Малайзія, М'янма, Філіппіни, Таїланд, В'єтнам. Вид був записаний від рівня моря до висоти 1262 м над рівнем моря. Мешкає в тропічних первинних листяних лісах з великою часткою бамбука, низинних сільськогосподарських угіддях і порушених місцях проживаннях. Спочиває в порожнистих бамбуках і вузьких щілинах в інших дерев на висоті від 0,25 до 10 м від землі в групах до 40 осіб. Харчується термітами. Сезон розмноження збігається з великою кількістю комах; народжуються два дитинча.


Є одним з найменших ссавців на землі. Розміром близько 40 мм в довжину з розмахом крил 150 мм і вагою близько 1,5 гр.

Загрози та охорона

Немає серйозних загроз для цього виду. Цей вид відомий з багатьох охоронних територій.


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Dơi chân đệm thịt ( vietnamèis )

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Dơi chân đệm thịt hay Dơi chân nệm thịt (danh pháp: Tylonycteris pachypus) là một loài dơi trong họ dơi muỗi Vespertilionidae, hiện được cho là đang nắm giữ kỷ lục về loài thú có kích thước nhỏ nhất tại Việt Nam.[1]

Đặc điểm sinh học

Nó được tìm thấy ở Bangladesh, Trung Quốc, Ấn Độ, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar và Philippines. Loài dơi này là một trong những động vật có vú nhỏ nhất trên trái đất, dài khoảng 40 mm (1,6 in) và sải cánh dài 150 mm (5,9 in). Nó nặng khoảng 1,5 gam (23 grain).

Loài này sống trong lỗ rỗng của măng và con dơi non (có lẽ là một con) được dơi mẹ nuôi dưỡng. Lỗ vào cây măng náy quá nhỏ và các loài săn mồi như rắn không thể chui vào được.

Mô tả

Dơi chân đệm thịt có chiều dài cẳng tay đo được 24-28 mm, dài đuôi 27–29 mm, cân nặng khoảng 2 g

Sinh thái

Dơi chân đệm thịt được tìm thấy ở các vùng rừng cận nhiệt đới ẩm, thấp (500 mét đến 1.262 mét so với mực nước biển), các đồng cỏ.[2]

Nhờ kích thước nhỏ, sọ siêu dẹp, dơi chân đệm thịt có thể len lỏi vào các khe (do mọt hoặc do các loài bọ cánh cứng tạo ra) của ống lồ ô, tre, nứa trong rừng để tìm bắt các loài côn trùng nhỏ như muỗi, mối. Nhờ đệm thịt chai cứng trên ngón cái và bàn chân nên loài dơi này có thể không sợ các cạnh tre sắc nhọn cứa chảy máu. Một đêm săn mồi, một con dơi chân đệm thịt bắt và tiêu thụ một lượng côn trùng bằng khoảng 3/4 trọng lượng cơ thể.[1]

Phân loài

Dơi chân đệm thịt Tylonycteris pachypus hiện có 5 loài phụ

  1. Tylonycteris pachypus aurex (Thomas, 1915)
  2. Tylonycteris pachypus bhaktii (Oei, 1960)
  3. Tylonycteris pachypus fulvidus (Blyth, 1859)
  4. Tylonycteris pachypus meyeri (Peters, 1872)
  5. Tylonycteris pachypus pachypus (Temminck, 1840)

Phân bố

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă â “Dơi chân đệm thịt - loài thú nhỏ nhất ở Việt Nam” (Thông cáo báo chí). Vũ Long - Viện sinh học nhiệt đới phía Nam, SVRVN. Truy cập ngày 8 tháng 12 năm 2011. Kiểm tra giá trị ngày tháng trong: |accessdate= (trợ giúp)
  2. ^ a ă â b Temminck (2008). “Tylonycteris pachypus”. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2011. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế.
  3. ^ “Dơi chân nệm thịt” (Thông cáo báo chí). SVRVN, theo "A field guide to the mammals of Borneo" - Trang 211, Danh lục thú Việt Nam. 11 tháng 10 năm 2002. Truy cập 13/8/2011. Kiểm tra giá trị ngày tháng trong: |accessdate= (trợ giúp)

Tham khảo

  • Bates, P. J. J. and Harrison, D. L. 1997. Bats of the Indian Subcontinent. Harrison Zoological Museum, Sevenoaks, England, UK.
  • Das, P. K. 2003. Studies on some Indian Chiroptera from West Bengal. Records of the zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper 217: 1-164.
  • Esselstyn, J. A., Widmann, P. and Heaney, L. R. 2004. The mammals of Palawan Island, Philippines. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 117: 271-302.
  • Heaney, L. R., Balete, D. S., Dolar, M. L., Alcala, A. C., Dans, A. T. L., Gonzales, P. C., Ingle, N. R., Lepiten, M. V., Oliver, W. L. R., Ong, P. S., Rickart, E. A., Tabaranza Jr., B. R. and Utzurrum, R. C. B. 1998. A synopsis of the Mammalian Fauna of the Philippine Islands. Fieldiana: Zoology 88: 1-61.
  • Khan, M. A. R. 2001. Status and dsitribution of bats in Bangladesh with notes on their ecology. Zoos'Print Journal 16(5): 479-483.
  • Molur, S., Marimuthu, G., Srinivasulu, C., Mistry, S. Hutson, A. M., Bates, P. J. J., Walker, S., Padmapriya, K. and Binupriya, A. R. 2002. Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) Workshop Report. Zoo Outreach Organization/CBSG-South Asia, Coimbatore, India.
  • Smith, A. and Xie, Y. 2008. The Mammals of China. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Srinivasulu, C. and Srinivasulu, B. 2005. A review of chiropteran diversity of Bangladesh. Bat Net: Newsletter of Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia 2: 5-11.
  • Srinivasulu, C., Srinivasulu, B. and Sinha, Y. P. In press. Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of South Asia: Biogeography, diversity, taxonomy and distribution. Journal of Threatened Taxa.

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Dơi chân đệm thịt: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Dơi chân đệm thịt hay Dơi chân nệm thịt (danh pháp: Tylonycteris pachypus) là một loài dơi trong họ dơi muỗi Vespertilionidae, hiện được cho là đang nắm giữ kỷ lục về loài thú có kích thước nhỏ nhất tại Việt Nam.

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扁颅蝠 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Tylonycteris pachypus
(Temminck, 1840)[2]

扁颅蝠学名Tylonycteris pachypus),俗稱竹蝠[3],为蝙蝠科扁颅蝠属的动物,分布于孟加拉国印度印度尼西亚马来西亚缅甸菲律宾老挝中国南部广西贵州广东云南等地,一般生活于热带森林(树、竹、洞隙、叶下)。该物种的模式产地在爪哇[2]




  • 扁颅蝠缅甸亚种学名Tylonycteris pachypus fulvidaTylonycteris pachypus fulvidus),Blyth于1859年命名。在中国大陆,分布于广西贵州广东云南等地。该物种的模式产地在缅甸。[7]
  • 学名Tylonycteris pachypus aurex)。
  • 学名Tylonycteris pachypus bhaktii)。
  • 学名Tylonycteris pachypus meyeri)。
  • 扁颅蝠指名亚种学名Tylonycteris pachypus pachypus)。


  1. ^ Tylonycteris pachypus. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2008.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 扁颅蝠. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
  3. ^ 竹蝠. 脊椎動物百科全書. 2007-01 [2016-09-10] (中文(繁體)‎).
  4. ^ 以竹樹為家 生命力脆弱 褐扁顱蝠香港新發現. 蘋果日報 (香港):要聞港聞. 2005-09-18 [2016-09-10] (中文(繁體)‎).
  5. ^ Zhang, Libiao. China’s Tiny Bats. Bat Conservation Times (Bat Conservation International, Inc.). 2008-09, 6 (9) [2016-09-10] (英语).
  6. ^ Zhang, L.; 等. Diet of Flat-Headed Bats, Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula, in Guangxi, South China. Journal of Mammalogy. 2005-09, 86 (1): 61–66. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2005)086<0061:DOFBTP>2.0.CO;2.
  7. ^ 中国科学院动物研究所. 扁颅蝠缅甸亚种. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
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扁颅蝠: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

扁颅蝠(学名:Tylonycteris pachypus),俗稱竹蝠,为蝙蝠科扁颅蝠属的动物,分布于孟加拉国印度印度尼西亚马来西亚缅甸菲律宾老挝中国南部广西贵州广东云南等地,一般生活于热带森林(树、竹、洞隙、叶下)。该物种的模式产地在爪哇


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작은대나무박쥐 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

작은대나무박쥐 또는 작은납작머리박쥐 (Tylonycteris pachypus)는 애기박쥐과에 속하는 가장 작은 박쥐로[2] 동남아시아의 토착종이다.


뒤영벌 크기의 박쥐로 지구상에 존재하는 가장 작은 포유류의 하나이며,[3] 몸길이가 약 4cm, 꼬리 길이가 약 2.5cm, 날개 폭이 19cm로 측정된다. 다 자란 성체의 몸무게는 1.4~5.2g이다.[4]

털 색은 황금색 또는 황갈색부터 진한 갈색까지 띠며, 하체는 좀더 연한 색을 보인다. 납작한 머리에 짧은 주둥이, 삼각형 모양의 귀를 갖고 있으며 이주는 넓다.[4] 종소명 "파키푸스(pachypus)"는 "굵은 발("thick-footed")이라는 의미로 엄지손가락 바닥과 발 뒤꿈치에 부드럽고 통통한 부분을 갖고 있기 때문에 붙여졌고 이 때문에 대나무 줄기를 잘 쥘 수 있다.[5]


  1. “Tylonycteris pachypus”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2015년 8월 7일에 확인함.
  2. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. (2005). 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  3. http://www.si.edu/Encyclopedia_si/nmnh/batfacts.htm Smithsonian Institution]
  4. Eguren, R.E.; McBee, K. (October 2014). “Tylonycteris pachypus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)”. 《Mammalian Species》 46 (910): 33–39. doi:10.1633/910.
  5. Medway, L.; Marshall A.G. (December 1972). “Roosting associations of flat-headed bats, Tylonycteris species (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Malaysia”. 《Journal of Zoology》 168 (4): 463–482. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1972.tb01362.x.
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