
Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

- N'est qu'une [[ worker ]] minor d'une race du maculatus assez semblable aux C. aethiops , et aussi au C. compressus [[ worker ]] minor. Difference d'avec le C. aethiops : Metanotum plus etroit, a face basale plus convexe longitudinalement. Sculpture de tout le corps plus forte, mate, reticulee-ridee. Carene de l'epistome moins marquee. Lobe a cotes un peu convergents. Ecaille arrondie en haut; bord posterieur des segments abdominaux jaunatre. Pattes et scapes arrondis, non aplatis. Pilosite dressee presque nulle; joues sans poils. Long. 5 1 / 2 a 6 mill. Kilimandscharo a 8,000 pieds de hauteur. (D'apres le type.)

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Forel, A., 1899, Trois notices myrmicologiques., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 303-310, vol. 43
Forel, A.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Ein Arbeiter, welcher sich von den Madagascarstuecken nur durch die braunschwarzen Beine mit helleren Tarsen unterscheidet, auf der Insel Mozambique von Dr. Brauns gesammelt.

Wenn auch C. Grandidieri For. und C. foraminosus For. so sehr miteinander uebereinstimmen, dass Freund Forel beide Formen in eine Art vereinigte, so moechte ich doch auf den vollkommen haarlosen, durchlaufenden, gleich breiten, wenn auch schmalen Mittellaengsstreifen an der Oberseite des Hinterleibes bei C. Grandidieri Gewicht legen und Grandidieri und foraminosus als eigene Arten betrachten, weil dieses Merkmal sogar beim Maennchen von Grandidieri in ausgezeichneter Art vorkommt und gewiss auch beim Weibchen nicht fehlen duerfte.

Im Berliner Museum sind ein grosser und ein kleiner Arbeiter vom Cap der guten Hoffnung, welche der Subspecies auropubens For ,, die ich zu C. Grandidieri stelle, sehr aehnlich sind, sich aber dadurch unterscheiden, dass beim grossen Arbeiter nur die Wangen und die Seiten des Kopfes mit spaerlicheren, seichteren und kleineren groben Punkten besetzt sind, dass die Koerpergroesse eine etwas geringere ist und die grobe hellmessinggelbe Pubescenz an der Oberseite des Abdomen vielleicht noch reichlicher ist.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Mayr, G., 1895, Afrikanische Formiciden., Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, pp. 124-154, vol. 10
Mayr, G.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Ouvriere et femelle. - Je limite ce sous-genre aux grandes especes ayant l'epistome non carene ou avec une carene peu apparente, sans lobe anterieur ou avec un lobe peu avance, plus ou moins rectangulaire ( japonicus ) ou arrondi ( sansabeanus ): son bord anterieur n'est pas incise au milieu. Tete de la grande [[ worker ]] et de la [[ queen ]] non tronquee ou obtuse devant; peu plus large derriere que devant. Mandibules fortement arquees, a quatre ou cinq, quelquefois six dents. Dos du corselet arque, continu sur le profil; dos du pronotum arrondi ou parfois deprime chez les grandes [[ worker ]], avec les epaules legerement saillantes.

Les C. ocreatus et sansabeanus relient ce sous-genre au suivant.

Nids generalement dans le bois. Habite la region holarctique, surtout l'Amerique du Nord, d'ou je pense que le groupe est originaire. Une espece de Madagascar est probablement d'une tout autre origine.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Emery, C., 1920, Le genre Camponotus Mayr. Nouvel essai de sa subdivision en sous-genres., Revue de Zoologie Africaine, pp. 229-260, vol. 8
Emery, C.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Type-species: Formica ligniperda Latreille , 1802, Fourmis: 88, by designation of Bingham, 1903.

Distribution: Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental, Australian, Polynesian, Nearctic & Neotropical regions.

Key to species

1- First gastral tergite with basal two thirds paler than the rest; petiole dorsum steeply rounded (Fig. 12) ... Campontus oasium Forel

- Gaster completely dark or with small yellowish batch at base only; petiole dorsum widely rounded to flat (Fig. 13)... Campontus thoracicus (Fabricius)

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Mohamed, S., 2001, Taxonomy of ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) collected by pitfall traps from Sinai and Delta region, Egypt., Egyptian Journal of Natural History, pp. 40-61, vol. 3
Mohamed, S.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Boquerón (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Boquerón , Pte. Hayes (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Boquerón (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Pte. Hayes (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Canindeyú (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Caaguazú , Canindeyú , Central, Ñeembucú (ALWC, IFML, INBP).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Boquerón , Pte. Hayes (ALWC).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Worker. HW 1.1 - 1.4; HL 1.3 - 1.6; PW 0.9 - 1.2. Major worker not yet described. Minor worker. Black head contrasting with red mesonotum; propodeum with more than 10 erect setae scattered; pronotum and mesonotum evenly convex; metanotum indistinct; propodeum concave anteriorly, flat posteriorly, angle rounded, PD / D about 1.5; anterior clypeal margin evenly convex, carina conspicuous; dorsal and under surfaces of head, mesosoma, petiole, gaster and coxa with sparse long erect setae; entire body with short indistinct flat-lying short setae; tibiae and scapes lacking erect setae.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
McArthur, A. J., 2007, A key to Camponotus Mayr of Australia., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 290-351, vol. 80
McArthur, A. J.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Worker. HW 1.40; HL 1.58. Major worker not yet described. Minor worker. Head, mesosoma and node red with upper surfaces of head, pronotum and sometimes mesonotum with blotches of darker color; propodeum with at most 4 elongate erect setae near angle; anterior propodeal dorsum feebly concave, posterior straight; node summit broadly rounded; head sides nearly parallel; vertex rounded; anterior clypeal margin feebly projecting, broadly convex; long setae scattered on all surfaces, absent from scapes and tibiae; glossy.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
McArthur, A. J., 2007, A key to Camponotus Mayr of Australia., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 290-351, vol. 80
McArthur, A. J.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Worker. HW 1.5 - 1.8; HL 1.9 - 2.2. Major worker not yet described. Minor worker. Pronotum anterior regions dark red to black, distinctly darker than mesonotum and propodeum; metanotal groove depressed below level of anterior region of propodeum; node anterior face much shorter than posterior face; tibiae and scapes lacking erect setae; anterior clypeal margin broadly convex; propodeum lacking a distinct angle, PD / D about 1.5; node summit broadly convex; erect setae on all surfaces of head and mesosoma, node and gaster, absent from scapes and tibiae.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
McArthur, A. J., 2007, A key to Camponotus Mayr of Australia., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 290-351, vol. 80
McArthur, A. J.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Ein von Dr. Roger mir gesandter Arbeiter zeigt folgende Abweichungen von obiger Beschreibung: Geissel rothgelb, jedes Glied mehr oder weniger angeraucht; Hinterleib oben schwarzbraun, vorne mit roethlichem Stiche; oberer Rand der Schuppe bogenfoermig.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Mayr, G., 1862, Myrmecologische Studien., Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, pp. 649-776, vol. 12
Mayr, G.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Ouvriere et femelle. - Epistome carene, pourvu a son bord anterieur d'un lobe tres prononce, ordinairement rectangulaire, rarement d'autre forme. Tete des grandes [[ worker ]] en general notablement plus large derriere que devant, souvent echancree a son bord posterieur; celle des petites [[ worker ]] avec les bords lateraux paralleles ou retrecie en arriere, de sorte que le bord posterieur est fort reduit. Mandibules generalement a six ou sept dents. Dos du corselet arque comme dans le sous-genre precedent; rarement le profil de l'epinotum est legerement deprime en forme de selle. Sculpture variable; chez quelques especes de l'Amerique meridionale (ex. C. chilensis ) le gastre est couvert d'une pubescence copieuse formant pelisse.

Nids generalement dans la terre ou sous les pierres. Dans tous les continents et dans beaucoup d'iles. Transitions multiples, notamment a Camponotus , Myrmamblys , Myrmotemnus , Myrmophyma , Dinomyrmex , Myrmothrix et Myrmosericus .

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Emery, C., 1920, Le genre Camponotus Mayr. Nouvel essai de sa subdivision en sous-genres., Revue de Zoologie Africaine, pp. 229-260, vol. 8
Emery, C.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Ouvriere. - Pas de dimorphisme; taille peu variable. Tete rectangulaire avec les angles posterieurs arrondis. Epistome plat, sans carene et sans lobe¡ largement entaille au milieu de son bord anterieur. Corselet a dos plat, obtusement borde: pronotum a epaules anguleuses; metanotum limite par des sutures devant et derriere sur le dos, ses stigmates situes au-dessous du bord qui limite sa face dorsale; suture meso-metanotale enfoncee; epinotum tronque en arriere. Ecaille tres epaisse, anguleuse sur les cotes de son bord dorsal.

Femelle. - Tete comme chez l'ouvriere. Corselet deprime: vu par-dessus, le pronotum est presque aussi long que le disque du mesonotum; celui-ci n'est que tres peu proeminent sur le pronotum, et le scutellum ne l'est pas du tout sur le postscutellum et l'epinotum. Ailes comme chez Camponotus .

Male inconnu.

Une seule espece: Camponotus Buchneri For.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Emery, C., 1920, Le genre Camponotus Mayr. Nouvel essai de sa subdivision en sous-genres., Revue de Zoologie Africaine, pp. 229-260, vol. 8
Emery, C.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

dont l'ouvriere differe de tous ses congeneres par le pronotum pourvu d'epaules dentiformes, la crete mediane du mesonotum et de l'epinotum et les tarses tres comprimes. Amerique tropicale.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Emery, C., 1920, Le genre Camponotus Mayr. Nouvel essai de sa subdivision en sous-genres., Revue de Zoologie Africaine, pp. 229-260, vol. 8
Emery, C.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Je reunis dans ce sous-genre des especes, toutes de Madagascar, que Forel repartit dans trois de ses sous-genres, a cause de la forme du profil du corselet des ouvrieres, mais qui me paraissent constituer un ensemble naturel. Je connais les [[ male ]] de deux especes que Forel place dans des sous-genres differents: C. quadrimaculatus , type du sous-genre Myrmosaga et C. gibber qui est classe parmi les Myrmosphincta . Tous deux ont une forme de tete que je ne retrouve chez aucune autre espece, avec les ocelles places sur une bosse du vertex, comme chez les [[ male ]] de la plupart des Pheidole . Je pense que c'est une preuve suffisante de la parente des susdites especes.

La tete de la grande ouvriere est large et echancree derriere; celle de la petite est tronquee derriere avec les angles posterieurs arrondis et les cotes paralleles. L'epistome a generalement un lobe court, arrondi ou parfois tronque, les parties laterales ordinairement bien distinctes. Le profil du corselet presente dans les differentes especes les trois memes conditions que dans le sous-genre Myrmophyma . Le pronotum n'est jamais margine. L'ecaille est plus ou moins epaisse. Le tegument est toujours luisant et la sculpture fine.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Emery, C., 1920, Le genre Camponotus Mayr. Nouvel essai de sa subdivision en sous-genres., Revue de Zoologie Africaine, pp. 229-260, vol. 8
Emery, C.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

- [[ worker ]]. - Long. 7 a 9,5 mill. - Taille, aspect et stature du nossibeensis Andre. Mais conformation du Darwinii rubropilosus . La face basale du metanotum est presque deux fois plus longue que large (plus large que longue chez le nossibeensis ). Pilosite de l'abdomen moins dense que chez le type du rubropilosus .

Madagascar; ma collection.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Forel, A., 1905, Miscellanea myrmicologiques, II (1905)., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 155-185, vol. 49
Forel, A.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Worker medium-sized to very large, potymorphic, rarely dimorphic, the worker maxima having a large, broad head, the minima a much smaller head and more slender body, the media being intermediate in structure. Head differing considerably in form in different species, usually broad and more or less excised behind, narrower in front, very convex above and flattened beneath. Mandibles powerful, short, triangular, with coarse teeth on their broad apical borders; external border and upper surface convex in large individuals. Palpi moderately long, the maxillary pair 6-, the labial pair 4-jointed. Clypeus large, trapezoidal or subrectangular, usually carinate or subcarinate, often divided into a large, median, subhexagonal and two small, triangular, lateral divisions, which do not reach the lateral border of the cheeks, the anterior border entire or emarginate, often excised on each side, with a broad, more or less projecting median lobe. Frontal area small, triangular or lozenge-shaped; frontal groove distinct; frontal carinae long, prominent, marginate, and sinuate or S-shaped, rising from the posterior border of the clypeus. Eyes moderately large, broadly elliptical, not very prominent, situated behind the middle of the head; ocelli absent, the anterior ocellus sometimes indicated. Antennae 12-jointed; scapes sometimes thickened distally, inserted some distance behind the posterior border of the clypeus; funiculi long, filiform, not enlarged at their tips, all the joints longer than broad. Thorax differing greatly in shape in the various species, typically broadly and more or less evenly arcuate in profile, broad in front, laterally compressed behind, the epinotum usually simple and unarmed. Rarely the mesonotum is impressed or sellate. Petiole surmounted by an erect scale, the upper border of which may be blunt or anteroposteriorly compressed, entire, subacuminate or more or less emarginate. Gaster rather large, broadly elliptical, its first segment forming less than half its surface. Legs long and well developed. Gizzard with a long slender calyx, the sepals of which are not reflected at their anterior ends.

Female larger than the worker maxima but usually with smaller head. The latter and the petiole much as in the worker. Ocelli present. Thorax elongate elliptical; pronotum short, its posterior margin arched, its posterior angles reaching back to the insertions of the wings, mesonotum and scutellum long, convex; metanotum depressed below the scutellum. Gaster elongate elliptical, massive. Wings long and ample, the anterior pair with a radial, one cubital, and no discoidal cell.

Male small and slender; head small, with very prominent eyes and ocelli. Mandibles small and narrow. Antennae 13-jointed, slender, scapes long. Petiolar node thick and blunt; gaster elongate, with small slender genital appendages. Legs very slender. Wing venation as in the female.

Pupae nearly always enclosed in cocoons.

This huge cosmopolitan genus, comprising more than 1000 described forms, has become so unmanageable that Forel and Emery have recently split it up into some thirty-six subgenera. The frequent occurrence of species of Camponotus in all countries, except Great Britain and New Zealand, and the extraordinary variability of many of the species in response to slight differences of environment make the genus one of considerable interest to the student of geographical distribution. In the Ethiopian Region, it is represented by numerous species assignable to no less than eleven of the thirty-six subgenera recognized by Emery and myself, namely, Myrmoturba , Dinomyrmex (Map 41), Myrmosericus , Myrmothrix (one species, probably introduced). Orthonotomyrmex , Myrmotrema (Map 38), Myrmopiromis , Myrmorhachis , Myrmopsamma , Myrmamblys , and Colobopsis , and species of six others, Camponotus , sensu stricto, Myrmosaulus , Myrmosaga , Mayria , Myrmonesites , and Myrmopytia , occur in f lie Malagasy Region. A few of these subgenera, Myrmopsamma and Myrmopiromis , are peculiarly African, while others, Myrmosaga , Mayria , Myrmonesites , and Myrmopytia , are only found in Madagascar. The development of the subgenus Myrmoturba and especially of the species maculatus (Fabricius) , the typical form of which is West African, is extraordinary, as will be seen by consulting the catalogue(Part VIII). C. (Myrmoturba) maculatus (Map 39) and two other species, C. (Myrmosericus) rufoglaucus (Map 42) and C. (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus (Map 43), have a singular distribution. Forms of maculatus occur in all the continents; rufoglaucus , with many varieties, ranges from southern China across India and equatorial and South Africa to the Gulf of Guinea; and sericeus occupies a similar range, though showing little tendency to produce subspecies and varieties.

The species of Camponotus often form very populous colonies and exhibit a great diversity of nesting habits. Many live in the ground, either under stones or in crater nests, others under bark, in dead wood, hollow twigs, and galls, and a few construct carton nests or employ their larvae, after the manner of Oecophylla , in spinning together particles of vegetable detritus with silk ( C. senex and formiciformis ). The food ofthe various species consists of miscellaneous insects, the excreta of aphids (honeydew), and nectar. Many of the smaller forms are stolid, apathetic, or timid, but the maxima workers of the large species belonging to the subgenera Dinomyrmex , Myrmoturba , Myrmothrix , and Myrmopiromis are very pugnacious and capable of inflicting painful wounds with their powerful mandibles.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Wheeler, W. M., 1922, The ants collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition., Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, pp. 39-269, vol. 45
Wheeler, W. M.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

E2 [endemic to California floristic province (Hickman, 1993)]

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ward, P. S., 2005, A synoptic review of the ants of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-68, vol. 936
Ward, P. S.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

E2 [endemic to California floristic province (Hickman, 1993)]

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ward, P. S., 2005, A synoptic review of the ants of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-68, vol. 936
Ward, P. S.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Species of Camponotus (carpenter ants) are found in almost all terrestrial habitats of California, and include both ground-nesting and arboreal species. The workers are generalist scavengers and predators, and are most active at dusk and at night. Identification of the California species can be difficult. The keys cited below do not cover all of the species in this state, several of which are undescribed. The images on AntWeb provide additional assistance in identification. See also the description of Camponotus maritimus above (under “Taxonomic Changes”).

Species identification: keys in Wheeler and Wheeler (1986g) and Mackay and Mackay (2002). Additional references: Brady et al. (2000), Chen et al., (2002), Creighton and Snelling (1967), Degnan et al. (2004), Gadau et al. (1999), Hansen and Akre (1985), MacArthur(2005), Sameshima et al. (1999), Sauer et al. (2000), Smith (1979), Snelling (1968b, 1970, 1988).

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ward, P. S., 2005, A synoptic review of the ants of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-68, vol. 936
Ward, P. S.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Worker. HW 1.2 - 1.8; HL 1.9 - 2.3; PW 1.4 - 1.55. Major worker not yet described. Minor worker. Purplish, tending iridescent; unique head, pronotum attached well below vertex, resembling Iridomyrmex purpureus in attachment; propodeal dorsum concave; a few scattered erect setae, none under head, on tibiae nor on scapes; head sides straight, tapering forward; vertex nearly semicircular; anterior clypeal margin projecting, convex; color mostly red-brown with gaster darker.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
McArthur, A. J., 2007, A key to Camponotus Mayr of Australia., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 290-351, vol. 80
McArthur, A. J.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Plazi (legacy text)

Worker. HW 1.6 - 2.0; HL 2.0 - 2.4; PW 1.4 - 1.60. Major worker not yet described. Minor worker. Entirely black; propodeum with a wide concavity and a posterior hump; metanotal groove depressed below level of anterior region of propodeum; node summit long and flat, its anterior face much shorter than posterior; setae on tibiae raised to 20°, none visible on scapes, otherwise overall plentiful white flat-lying, with a few erect; anterior clypeal margin projecting bounded by rounded angles.

not applicable
sitassion bibliogràfica
McArthur, A. J., 2007, A key to Camponotus Mayr of Australia., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 290-351, vol. 80
McArthur, A. J.

Camponotus ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

Camponotus és un gènere de formigues de la subfamília Formicinae amb el tòrax en arc convex i el pedicel format per un sol segment. Són un grup ecològicament divers distribuït en totes les regions del món.

Algunes de les seves espècies són formigues meleres.

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Rossameisen ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE
Braunschwarze Rossameise (Camponotus ligniperda)

Rossameisen (Camponotus) oder Holzameisen sind eine Gattung der Ameisen (Formicidae) aus der Unterfamilie der Schuppenameisen (Formicinae). Ihr gehören weltweit über 1000 Arten an, in der Paläarktis kommen davon mindestens 100 sehr große Arten vor.[1]


Die Antennen entspringen deutlich hinter dem Clypeushinterrand. Die Öffnung der Metapleuraldrüse fehlt.[1] Im Gegensatz zu den Waldameisen ist die Oberseite des Thorax gleichförmig gebogen, ohne tiefere Einkerbungen.[2]

Die Schwarze Rossameise (Camponotus herculeanus) und die Braunschwarze Rossameise (Camponotus ligniperda) sind die größten mitteleuropäischen Ameisen. Sie werden bis zu 18 Millimeter lang. Die Stöpselkopfameise (Camponotus truncatus) weist als einzige in Deutschland heimische Art einen Kastendimorphismus auf.


Die Männchen und Jungköniginnen der europäischen Arten überwintern zweimal im Mutternest; einmal als Larve und einmal als Imago. Erst im dritten Jahr verlassen sie die Kolonie. Auffallend ist, dass sich Männchen oft an der Trophallaxis und Brutpflege beteiligen.[1] Obwohl auch als Holzameisen bezeichnet, sind nicht alle heimischen Camponotus Arten arboricol (baumbewohnend).

Viele Rossameisen sind aphidophil, d. h., sie leben häufig mit myrmekophilen Schnabelkerfen in Trophobiose zusammen, die sie beschützen und von denen sie exzernierte Nährstoffe erhalten.

Die australische Camponotus inflatus ist eine der geschätztesten Honigtopfameisen, deren Angehörige soviel Futter in ihren Gastern aufnehmen können, dass sie praktisch bewegungsunfähige Speicherameisen werden.


Folgende Arten sind in Mitteleuropa heimisch:

Weitere nicht-europäische Arten (Auswahl):

Die in Südostasien beheimatete Dinomyrmex gigas, früher als Camponotus gigas bezeichnet, gehört zu den größten Ameisen der Welt.

Massiver Befall in einem Wintergarten


Feuchtes Bauholz kann von Holzameisen als ideale Stätte für Nester angesehen werden. Diese können sowohl aus einem Einzel- wie auch aus verzweigten Teilnestern bestehen. Die Bekämpfung erfolgt durch komplettes Abtragen der betroffenen Holzkonstruktion



  1. a b c Bernhard Seifert: Die Ameisen Mittel- und Nordeuropas. lutra Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Görlitz/Tauer 2007, ISBN 978-3-936412-03-1.
  2. Waldökologie - Ameisenhege. Landwirtschaftliche Koordinationsstelle für Bildung und Forschung, abgerufen am 11. Dezember 2013.
  3. Sanja M. Hakala, Marie-Pierre Meurville, Michael Stumpe, Adria C. LeBoeuf: Biomarkers in a socially exchanged fluid reflect colony maturity, behavior and distributed metabolism, in: eLife, Band 10, e74005, 2. November 2021, doi: 10.7554/eLife.74005. Dazu:
    Carly Cassella: Ant Colonies Can Share a Single 'Social' Metabolism, All Thanks to The Way They Kiss, auf: sciencealert vom 20. November 2021
  4. R. Bonasio et al.: Genome data from the Florida carpenter ant (Camponotus floridanus). In: GigaScience. 12. November 2011. doi:10.5524/100018.



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Rossameisen: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Braunschwarze Rossameise (Camponotus ligniperda)

Rossameisen (Camponotus) oder Holzameisen sind eine Gattung der Ameisen (Formicidae) aus der Unterfamilie der Schuppenameisen (Formicinae). Ihr gehören weltweit über 1000 Arten an, in der Paläarktis kommen davon mindestens 100 sehr große Arten vor.

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Kónjeca mroja ( Sorbian anferior )

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Kónjeca mroja[1] (teke wjelika morja[1]; Camponotus) jo rod mrojow (Formicidae) z pódswójźby (Formicinae).


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Kónjeca mroja: Brief Summary ( Sorbian anferior )

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Kónjeca mroja (teke wjelika morja; Camponotus) jo rod mrojow (Formicidae) z pódswójźby (Formicinae).

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Carpenter ant ( Anglèis )

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Carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) are large (0.3 to 1 in or 8 to 25 mm) ants indigenous to many forested parts of the world.[2]

They build nests inside wood consisting of galleries chewed out with their mandibles or jaws, preferably in dead, damp wood. However, unlike termites, they do not consume wood,[3] discarding a material that resembles sawdust outside their nest. Sometimes, carpenter ants hollow out sections of trees. They also commonly infest wooden buildings and structures, and are a widespread problem and major cause of structural damage. Nevertheless, their ability to excavate wood helps in forest decomposition. The genus includes over 1,000 species.[4] They also farm aphids. In their farming, the ants protect the aphids from predators (usually other insects) while they excrete a sugary fluid called honeydew, which the ants get by stroking the aphids with their antennae.


Camponotus are generally large ants, with workers being 4-7 mm long in small species or 7-13 mm in large species, queens being 9-20 mm long and males being 5-13 mm long. The bases of the antennae are separated from the clypeal border by a distance of at least the antennal scape's maximum diameter. The mesosoma in profile usually forms a continuous curve from the pronotum through to the propodeum.[5][6]


Carpenter ant cleaning antennae

Carpenter ant species reside both outdoors and indoors in moist, decaying, or hollow wood, most commonly in forest environments. They cut "galleries" into the wood grain to provide passageways to allow for movement between different sections of the nest. Certain parts of a house, such as around and under windows, roof eaves, decks and porches, are more likely to be infested by carpenter ants because these areas are most vulnerable to moisture.

Carpenter ants carrying a dead bee

Carpenter ants have been known to construct extensive underground tunneling systems. These systems often lead to an end at some food source – often aphid colonies, where the ants extract and feed on honeydew. These tunneling systems also often exist in trees. The colonies typically include a central "parent" colony surrounded and supplemented by smaller satellite colonies.[7]


A major worker of Camponotus sp.

Carpenter ants are considered both predators and scavengers. These ants are foragers that typically eat parts of other dead insects or substances derived from other insects. Common foods for them include insect parts, "honeydew" produced by aphids, or extrafloral nectar from plants. They are also known for eating other sugary liquids such as honey, syrup, or juices. Carpenter ants can increase the survivability of aphids when they tend them. They tend many aphid species but can also express preference for specific ones.

Most species of carpenter ants forage at night. When foraging, they usually collect and consume dead insects. Some species less commonly collect live insects. When they discover a dead insect, workers surround it and extract its bodily fluids to be carried back to the nest. The remaining chitin-based shell is left behind. Occasionally, the ants bring the chitinous head of the insect back to the nest, where they also extract its inner tissue.[8] The ants can forage individually or in small or large groups, though they often opt to do so individually. Different colonies in close proximity may have overlapping foraging regions, although they typically do not assist each other in foraging. Their main food sources normally include proteins and carbohydrates.[9] Instances of carpenter ants bleeding Chinese elm trees for the sap have been observed in the northern Arizona region. These instances may be rare as the colonies vastly exceeded the standard size of carpenter ant colonies elsewhere.[10] When workers find food sources, they communicate this information to the rest of the nest. They use biochemical pheromones to mark the shortest path that can be taken from the nest to the source. When a sizable number of workers follows this trail, the strength of the cue increases and a foraging trail is established. This ends when the food source is depleted. The workers will then feed the queen and the larvae by consuming the food they have found, and regurgitating (trophallaxis) the food at the nest. Foraging trails can either be under or above ground.[11]

Although carpenter ants do not tend to be extremely aggressive, they have developed mechanisms to maximize their provision from a food source when that same food source is visited by a competing organism. This is accomplished in different ways. Sometimes they colonize an area near a relatively static food supply. More often, they develop a systemic way to visit the food source with alternating trips by different individual ants or groups. This allows them to decrease the gains of intruders because the intruders tend to visit in a scattered, random, and unorganized manner. The ants, however, visit the sources systematically such that they lower the mean standing crop. They tend to visit more resource-dense food areas in an attempt to minimize resource availability for others. That is, the more systematic the foraging behavior of the ants, the more random that of its competitors.[12]

Contrary to popular belief, carpenter ants do not actually eat wood because they are unable to digest cellulose. They only create tunnels and nests within it.[13]

Some carpenter ant species can obtain nitrogen by feeding on urine or urine-stained sand. This may be beneficial in nitrogen-limited environments.[14]


All ants in this genus, and some related genera, possess an obligate bacterial endosymbiont called Blochmannia.[15] This bacterium has a small genome, and retains genes to biosynthesize essential amino acids and other nutrients. This suggests the bacterium plays a role in ant nutrition. Many Camponotus species are also infected with Wolbachia, another endosymbiont that is widespread across insect groups. Wolbachia is associated with the nurse cells in the queen's ovaries in the species Camponotus textor, which results in the worker larva being infected.[16]

Behavior and ecology


Carpenter ant colony in an old fir stump
Carpenter ants in a tree
Pileated Woodpecker holes in a tree occupied by carpenter ants
Sawdust like shavings from carpenter ants

Carpenter ants work to build the nests that house eggs in environments with usually high humidity due to their sensitivity to environmental humidity. These nests are called primary nests. Satellite nests are constructed once the primary nest is established and has begun to mature. Residents of satellite nests include older larvae, pupae, and some winged individuals. Only eggs, the newly hatched larvae, workers, and the queen reside in the primary nests. As satellite nests do not have environmentally sensitive eggs, the ants can construct them in rather diverse locations that can actually be relatively dry.[17] Some species, like Camponotus vagus, build the nest in a dry place, usually in wood.

Nuptial flight

When conditions are warm and humid, winged males and females participate in a nuptial flight. They emerge from their satellite nests and females mate with a number of males while in flight. The males die after mating. These newly fertilized queens discard their wings and search for new areas to establish primary nests. The queens build new nests and deposit around 20 eggs, nurturing them as they grow until worker ants emerge. The worker ants eventually assist her in caring for the brood as she lays more eggs. After a few years, reproductive winged ants are born, allowing for the making of new colonies. Again, satellite nests will be established and the process will repeat itself.[17]


Relatedness is the probability that a gene in one individual is an identical copy, by descent, of a gene in another individual. It is essentially a measure of how closely related two individuals are with respect to a gene. It is quantified by the coefficient of relatedness, which is a number between zero and one. The larger the value, the more two individuals are "related". Carpenter ants are social hymenopteran insects. This means the relatedness between offspring and parents is disproportionate. Females are more closely related to their sisters than they are to their offspring. Between full sisters, the coefficient of relatedness is r> 0.75 (due to their haplodiploid genetic system). Between parent and offspring, the coefficient of relatedness is r = 0.5, because, given the event in meiosis, a certain gene has a 50% chance of being passed on to the offspring. The level of relatedness is an important dictator of individual interactions.

Genetic diversity

Eusocial insects tend to present low genetic diversity within colonies, which can increase with the co-occurrence of multiple queens (polygyny) or with multiple mating by a single queen (polyandry).[18] Distinct reproductive strategies may generate similar patterns of genetic diversity in ants.[18]

Kin recognition

According to Hamilton's rule for relatedness, for relative-specific interactions to occur, such as kin altruism, a high level of relatedness is necessary between two individuals. Carpenter ants, like many social insect species, have mechanisms by which individuals determine whether others are nestmates or not. They are useful because they explain the presence or absence of altruistic behavior between individuals. They also act as evolutionary strategies to help prevent incest and promote kin selection.[19] Social carpenter ants recognize their kin in many ways. These methods of recognition are largely chemical in nature, and include environmental odors, pheromones, "transferable labels", and labels from the queen that are distributed to and among nest members.[20] Because they have a chemical basis for emission and recognition, odors are useful because many ants can detect such changes in their environment through their antennae.[21] This allows acceptance of nestmates and rejection of non-nestmates.

The process of recognition for carpenter ants requires two events. First, a cue must be present on a "donor animal". These cues are called "labels". Next, the receiving animal must be able to recognize and process the cue. In order for an individual carpenter ant to be recognized as a nestmate, it must, as an adult, go through specific interactions with older members of the nest.[20] This process is also necessary in order for the ant to recognize and distinguish other individuals. If these interactions do not occur in the beginning of adult life, the ant will be unable to be distinguished as a nestmate and unable to distinguish nestmates.[22]

Kin altruism

Recognition allows for the presence of kin-specific interactions, such as kin altruism. Altruistic individuals increase other individuals' fitness at the expense of their own. Carpenter ants perform altruistic actions toward their nestmates so that their shared genes are propagated more readily or more often. In many social insect species like these ants, many worker animals are sterile and do not have the ability to reproduce. As a result, they forgo reproduction to donate energy and help the fertile individuals reproduce.


As in most other social insect species, individual interaction is heavily influenced by the queen. The queen can influence individuals with odors called pheromones, which can have different effects. Some pheromones have been known to calm workers, while others have been known to excite them. Pheromonal cues from ovipositing queens have a stronger effect on worker ants than those of virgin queens.[23]

Social immunity

In many social insect species, social behavior can increase the disease resistance of animals. This phenomenon, called social immunity, exists in carpenter ants. It is mediated through the feeding of other individuals by regurgitation. The regurgitate can have antimicrobial activity, which would be spread amongst members of the colony. Some proteases with antimicrobial activity have been found to exist in regurgitated material. Communal sharing of immune response capability is likely to play a large role in colonial maintenance during highly pathogenic periods.[24]


Polygyny often is associated with many social insect species, and usually is characterized by limited mating flights, small queen size, and other characteristics. However, carpenter ants have "extensive" mating flights and relatively large queens, distinguishing them from polygynous species. Carpenter ants are described as oligogynous because they have a number of fertile queens which are intolerant of each other and must therefore spread to different areas of the nest. Some aggressive interactions have been known to take place between queens, but not necessarily through workers. Queens become aggressive mainly to other queens if they trespass on a marked territory. Queens in a given colony can work together in brood care[7] and the workers tend to experience higher rates of survival in colonies with multiple queens. Some researchers still subscribe to the notion that carpenter ant colonies are only monogynous.[25]

Exploding ants

A winged Carpenter ant in West Bengal, India.

In at least nine Southeast Asian species of the Cylindricus complex, including Camponotus saundersi, workers feature greatly enlarged mandibular glands that run the entire length of the ant's body. They can release their contents suicidally by performing autothysis, thereby rupturing the ant's body and spraying toxic substance from the head, which gives these species the common name "exploding ants".[26][27][28] The enlarged mandibular gland, which is many times the size of that of a normal ant, produces a glue. The glue bursts out and entangles and immobilizes all nearby victims.[29][30]

The termite species Globitermes sulphureus has a similar defensive system.[31]

Selected species

C. pennsylvanicus, winged male
C. crispulus queen
Wood damage by C. herculeanus
This structural board was destroyed by carpenter ants. They left the dense "late wood" of each growth ring intact, to use as galleries.
A closeup of carpenter ant created galleries.

Relationship with humans

One of the most familiar species associated with human habitation in the United States is the black carpenter ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus).

As pests

Carpenter ants can damage wood used in the construction of buildings. They can leave behind a sawdust-like material called frass that provides clues to their nesting location. Carpenter ant galleries are smooth and very different from termite-damaged areas, which have mud packed into the hollowed-out areas. Carpenter ants can be identified by the general presence of one upward protruding node, looking like a spike, at the "waist" attachment between the thorax and abdomen (petiole).[33] Control involves application of insecticides in various forms including dusts and liquids. The dusts are injected directly into galleries and voids where the carpenter ants are living. The liquids are applied in areas where foraging ants are likely to pick the material up and spread the poison to the colony upon returning.[34]

As food

Honeypot ants in Northern Territory, Australia

Carpenter ants and their larvae are eaten in various parts of the world. In Australia, the Honeypot ant (Camponotus inflatus) is regularly eaten raw by Indigenous Australians.[35] It is a particular favourite source of sugar for Australian Aborigines living in arid regions, partially digging up their nests instead of digging them up entirely, in order to preserve this food source.[36][37] In North America, lumbermen during the early years in Maine would eat carpenter ants to prevent scurvy,[38] and in John Muir's publication, First Summer in the Sierra, Muir notes that the Northern Paiute people of California ate the tickling, acid gasters of the large jet-black carpenter ants.[39] In Africa, carpenter ants are among a vast number of species that are consumed by the San people.[40]


  1. ^ Johnson, Norman F. (December 19, 2007). "Camponotus Mayr". Hymenoptera Name Server version 1.5. Columbus, Ohio, USA: Ohio State University. Archived from the original on April 16, 2015. Retrieved April 1, 2015.
  2. ^ Cranshaw, Whitney; Richard Redak (2013). Bugs Rule!: An Introduction to the World of Insects. Princeton Univ. Press. p. 329. ISBN 978-1-4008-4892-8.
  3. ^ "Carpenter ants: Insects: University of Minnesota Extension". Extension.umn.edu. 2012-10-15. Archived from the original on 2012-06-09. Retrieved 2015-05-12.
  4. ^ Feldhaar, H.; Straka, Josef; Krischke, M; Berthold, K; Stoll, S; Mueller, M.J.; Gross, R; et al. (2007). "Nutritional upgrading for omnivorous carpenter ants by the endosymbiont Blochmannia". BMC Biology. 5 (1): 48. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-5-48. PMC 2206011. PMID 17971224.
  5. ^ "Genus Camponotus - Carpenter Ants". bugguide.net. Retrieved 2022-11-23.
  6. ^ "Key to North American Genera of Formicinae - AntWiki". antwiki.org. Retrieved 2022-11-23.
  7. ^ a b Colony Size and Polygyny in Carpenter Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Roger D. Akre, Laurel D. Hansen and Elizabeth A. Myhre Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society , Vol. 67, No. 1 (January 1994), pp. 1–9
  8. ^ Pricer, John. The Life History of the Carpenter Ant. Biological Bulletin , Vol. 14, No. 3 (Feb., 1908), pp. 177-218
  9. ^ Yamamoto, Marcela & Del-Claro, Kleber (2008). "Natural history and foraging behavior of the carpenter ant Camponotus sericeiventris Guérin, 1838 (Formicinae, Campotonini) in the Brazilian tropical savanna". Acta Ethologica. 11 (2): 55–65. doi:10.1007/s10211-008-0041-6. S2CID 37065825.
  10. ^ B.Colyott, firsthand observation over a several year period.
  11. ^ Dreisig, H. (2000). "Defense by exploitation in the Florida carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus, at an extrafloral nectar resource". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 47 (4): 274–279. doi:10.1007/s002650050666. S2CID 44043578.
  12. ^ "Carpenter Ants: 3 Consistent Patterns That Make Their Competition's Foraging More Unpredictable". 1999. Archived from the original on 2016-09-15. Retrieved 2016-09-03.
  13. ^ Hahn, Jeff. "Carpenter Ants": Insects: University of Minnesota Extension. N.p., n.d. Web. October 1, 2013.
  14. ^ Petit, Sophie; Stonor, M. Bernard; Weyland, John J.; Gibbs, Joan; Amato, Bianca (2020). "Camponotus ants mine sand for vertebrate urine to extract nitrogen". Austral Ecology. 45 (2): 168–176. doi:10.1111/aec.12840. S2CID 214448821.
  15. ^ Feldhaar, Heike; Straka, Josef; Krischke, Markus; Berthold, Kristina; Stoll, Sascha; Mueller, Martin J; Gross, Roy (2007). "Nutritional upgrading for omnivorous carpenter ants by the endosymbiont Blochmannia". BMC Biology. 5 (1): 48. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-5-48. PMC 2206011. PMID 17971224.
  16. ^ Ramalho, Manuela Oliviera; Vieira, Alexsandro Santana; Pereira, Mayara Cristina; Moreau, Corrie Saux; Bueno, Odair Correa (2018). "Transovarian Transmission of Blochmannia and Wolbachia Endosymbionts in the Neotropical Weaver Ant Camponotus textor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)". Current Microbiology. 75 (7): 866–873. doi:10.1007/s00284-018-1459-3. hdl:11449/175908. PMID 29468305. S2CID 3387710. Retrieved 2021-06-09.
  17. ^ a b Pararas — Carayannis, Carolyn. "Carpenter Ants". Colony Behaviors of Carpenter Ants. Web. October 1, 2013.
  18. ^ a b Azevedo-Silva, Marianne; Mori, Gustavo M.; Carvalho, Carolina S.; Côrtes, Marina C.; Souza, Anete P.; Oliveira, Paulo S. (2020). "Breeding systems and genetic diversity in tropical carpenter ant colonies: different strategies for similar outcomes in Brazilian Cerrado savanna". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 190 (3): 1020–1035. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa035.
  19. ^ Crozier, Ross H. (1988). "Kin Recognition Using Innate Labels: A Central Role for Piggybacking?". Invertebrate Historecognition. pp. 143–156. doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-1053-2_11. ISBN 978-1-4612-8311-9.
  20. ^ a b Carlin, Norman F.; Schwartz, Peter H. (July 1989). "Pre-imaginal experience and nestmate brood recognition in the carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus". Animal Behaviour. 38 (1): 89–95. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(89)80068-5. S2CID 53150854.
  21. ^ Carlin, N. F.; Hölldobler, B. (2 December 1983). "Nestmate and kin recognition in interspecific mixed colonies of ants". Science. 222 (4627): 1027–1029. Bibcode:1983Sci...222.1027C. doi:10.1126/science.222.4627.1027. PMID 17776248. S2CID 38728014.
  22. ^ Morel, Laurence; Vander Meer, Robert K.; Lavine, Barry K. (1988). "Ontogeny of nestmate recognition cues in the red carpenter ant (Camponotus floridanus)". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 22 (3): 175. doi:10.1007/BF00300567. S2CID 43987360.
  23. ^ H.G. Fowler and R. B. Roberts Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Vol. 55, No. 3 (July 1982), pp. 568–570
  24. ^ Hamilton, C; Lejeune, B. T.; Rosengaus, R. B. (2011). "Trophallaxis and prophylaxis: social immunity in the carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus". Biology Letters. 7 (1): 89–92. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0466. PMC 3030872. PMID 20591850.
  25. ^ Gadau, Jürgen; Gertsch, Pia J.; Heinze, Jürgen; Pamilo, Pekka; Hölldobler, Bert (1998). "Oligogyny by unrelated queens in the carpenter ant, Camponotus ligniperdus". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 44 (1): 23–33. doi:10.1007/s002650050511. JSTOR 4601542. S2CID 20368901.
  26. ^ Jones, T.H.; Clark, D.A.; Edwards, A.A.; Davidson, D.W.; Spande, T.F.; Snelling; Roy, R. (2004). "The Chemistry of Exploding Ants, Camponotus spp. (Cylindricus complex)"". Journal of Chemical Ecology. 30 (8): 1479–1492. doi:10.1023/B:JOEC.0000042063.01424.28. PMID 15537154. S2CID 23756265.
  27. ^ Emery, Carlo (1889). Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. XX. Formiche di Birmania e del Tenasserim raccolte da Leonardo Fea (1885–87). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria (Genova) 2 7(27): 485–520. [PDF]
  28. ^ "Utahn enters world of exploding ants". Deseret News. September 11, 2002. Archived from the original on July 9, 2010. Retrieved September 27, 2009. University of Utah graduate student Steve Cook explained "They've been called kamikaze ants by other researchers because they tend to explode or self-destruct when they're attacked or harassed in any way."
  29. ^ Vittachi, Nury (June 6, 2008). "The Malaysian ant teaches us all how to go out with a bang". Daily Star. Dhaka.
  30. ^ Ridley, Mark (1995). Animal Behaviour (Second ed.). Blackwell Publishing. p. 3. ISBN 0-86542-390-3. Retrieved 2009-09-26.
  31. ^ Robert S. Anderson; Richard Beatty; Stuart Church (January 2003). Insects and Spiders of the World. Vol. 9. p. 543. ISBN 978-0-7614-7334-3.
  32. ^ Bonasio, R.; et al. (November 12, 2011). "Genome data from the Florida carpenter ant (Camponotus floridanus)". GigaScience. doi:10.5524/100018.
  33. ^ Davis, Ryan; Young, Deborah; Johnson, Kelsie; Armenta, Roberta; Berry, Genevieve. "Common Structural and Health-Related Pests of Utah" (PDF). USU School Integrated Pest Management. Utah State University Extension and Colorado State University Extension. Retrieved September 7, 2020.
  34. ^ "Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel Directions for Use". Archived from the original on 14 August 2018. Retrieved 14 Aug 2018.
  35. ^ Capinera 2008, p. 1342.
  36. ^ Resh & Cardé 2009, p. 381.
  37. ^ Gullan & Cranston 2010, p. 13.
  38. ^ Srivastava, S.K.; Babu, Naresh; Pandey, Hema (2009). "Traditional insect bioprospecting-As human food and medicine" (PDF). Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 8 (4): 485–494. Retrieved 16 April 2015.
  39. ^ Bequaert J (1921). "Insects as food: How they have augmented the food supply of mankind in early and recent times". Natural History Journal. 21: 191–200.
  40. ^ Morris 2006, p. 52.

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Carpenter ant: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) are large (0.3 to 1 in or 8 to 25 mm) ants indigenous to many forested parts of the world.

They build nests inside wood consisting of galleries chewed out with their mandibles or jaws, preferably in dead, damp wood. However, unlike termites, they do not consume wood, discarding a material that resembles sawdust outside their nest. Sometimes, carpenter ants hollow out sections of trees. They also commonly infest wooden buildings and structures, and are a widespread problem and major cause of structural damage. Nevertheless, their ability to excavate wood helps in forest decomposition. The genus includes over 1,000 species. They also farm aphids. In their farming, the ants protect the aphids from predators (usually other insects) while they excrete a sugary fluid called honeydew, which the ants get by stroking the aphids with their antennae.

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Camponotus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Camponotus es un género de hormigas de la subfamilia Formicinae, con el tórax en arco convexo y el pedicelo formado por un solo segmento. Son un grupo ecológicamente diverso distribuido en todas las regiones del mundo.

Ecología y distribución

Las hormigas del género Camponotus comprenden un grupo ecológico diverso, desde las conocidas "hormigas madereras" o "carpinteras", hasta algunas que consumen miel y algunas tejedoras. Están distribuidas prácticamente en todas las regiones del mundo donde hay hormigas, aunque hay mayor cantidad de especies en la región Neotropical, en especial en Norteamérica.

Morfología e identificación

Característicamente, en la vista de lado se observa que el tórax tiene forma de arco convexo. El peciolo que poseen entre el tórax y el abdomen tiene un solo segmento o "nodo". Su cintura es pequeña. Sus antenas se doblan en un codo y se insertan lejos del borde posterior del clípeo. Las obreras son relativamente grandes, de color por lo general negro, con tintes amarronados, muchas veces con partes marrones, rojizas o casi doradas. Las reproductivas en cambio suelen ser completamente negras. Las obreras suelen tener la cabeza grande y el tórax pequeño, mientras que las aladas suelen tener la cabeza pequeña y el tórax grande. En las reproductivas (aladas), las alas de adelante son más grandes que las de atrás, las alas son de color transparente o amarronado, y no son fáciles de arrancar.

Los huevos son de color crema y de forma ovalada. Las larvas no tienen patas y tienen aspecto de gusano. Las pupas tienen aspecto de cocón firme de color tostado sedoso, erróneamente las pupas suelen ser confundidas con huevos.

Estructura de la colonia

La estructura de la colonia comprende:

  • Reinas: Hembras reproductivas. Tuvieron alas pero ya fueron fecundadas y se las arrancaron para formar su propia colonia, son las únicas que se reproducen dentro de la colonia una vez establecida, su única función es la de poner huevos y ser alimentadas por las obreras con las que se intercambian hormonas por trofalaxis.
  • Princesas: Hembras aladas con potencial para reproducirse pero aún no fecundadas, nacidas en la colonia.
  • Zánganos: Machos alados, son bastante más pequeños que las hembras. Su única función será fecundar a las hembras aladas durante el vuelo nupcial, luego de lo cual morirán fuera del nido.
  • Obreras: Hembras estériles nacidas en la colonia, representan la mayor cantidad de individuos en cada colonia. Las obreras están distribuidas en castas de diferentes tamaños (en algunas especies hay tanta variabilidad en el tamaño de las obreras que es difícil determinar dónde termina una casta y empieza la siguiente).
  • Soldados: Hembras estériles que se encargan de la defensa de la colonia, a pesar de lo que se piensa todas las obreras son hembras incluyendo a los soldados

Ciclo de vida

Las princesas y los zánganos salen hacia el vuelo nupcial normalmente a principios de verano, en un día diáfano y sin viento. Es asombroso cómo las aladas de hormigueros a veces muy distantes, salen hacia el vuelo nupcial en el mismo día del año. Durante el vuelo nupcial ocurre la cópula, tras lo cual aterrizan en tierra. Los machos mueren poco después a la intemperie. Las hembras, que fueron fecundadas de por vida, se arrancan las alas y buscan un lugar donde hacer su nido. Según las especies, pueden hacer su nido dentro de la madera (lo que les dio el nombre de "hormigas carpinteras" a varias de las especies de este género), o bajo el suelo (como las "constructoras de tacurúes"). Luego de nidificar ponen sus primeros huevos, que son atendidos por la misma reina hasta que muden a los estadios de larva, pupa y finalmente obreras. Las primeras obreras de la colonia son sumamente pequeñas, en inglés se las llama "callow" (la traducción al castellano es "inmaduras", aunque no son inmaduras en realidad, solo recibieron poco alimento). Estas primeras obreras salen por primera vez del nido y buscan el alimento para alimentarse a sí mismas, a la reina y a los nuevos estadios juveniles. Las obreras regurgitan la comida y se la pasan a otras hormigas de la misma colonia por trofalaxis. También estas primeras obreras excavan las primeras galerías del nido y atienden a los juveniles de la segunda generación. Desde este momento, la reina solo se ocupará de poner huevos, actividad de la que se ocupará el resto de su vida. Las obreras nacidas posteriormente tienen de promedio un tamaño más grande que las primeras, y aunque el polimorfismo para el tamaño es muy marcado en este género, el tamaño de las obreras y la cantidad de individuos de una colonia suele ser indicador de la cantidad de alimento y la baja competencia que haya en los alrededores. Unos años después, si no hay estrés por falta de alimento, la colonia produce sus primeras aladas machos y hembras, constituyéndose en los zánganos y las princesas que darán origen a la siguiente generación de colonias.

Hormigas carpinteras

Las hormigas carpinteras u "hormigas madereras" son especies de Camponotus que se caracterizan por hacer su nido dentro de la madera. Por eso muchas veces pueden ser confundidas con termitas. No comen madera, solo la utilizan para formar su nido, excavando más y más galerías a medida que crece la colonia. Suelen ser un problema económico por deteriorar la madera de los cercos y de las casas.

Hormigas constructoras de tacurúes

Las hormigas constructoras de tacurúes pertenecen a la especie Camponotus punctulatus, son nativas de las zonas templadas y tropicales de Sudamérica, en el litoral argentino, Uruguay y el sur de Brasil. Como su nombre lo indica, se caracterizan por nidificar en el suelo, donde en zonas bajas e inundables con suelo con alto contenido limo-arcilloso, sus nidos, llamados "tacurú", llegan hasta los 1,65 metros de altura. Son un problema económico para los productores que ven invadidos sus predios por los tacurúes cuando son dejados en descanso ganadero, siendo un problema más grande en donde se cultivó arroz (que requiere inundación para crecer). Por eso ésta es considerada una especie colonizadora, que ocupa los espacios que quedan vacíos luego de un disturbio.

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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Camponotus es un género de hormigas de la subfamilia Formicinae, con el tórax en arco convexo y el pedicelo formado por un solo segmento. Son un grupo ecológicamente diverso distribuido en todas las regiones del mundo.

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Camponotus ( Basch )

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Camponotus Formicinae azpifamiliako inurri generoa da, hedadura kosmopolita duena.


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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Camponotus Formicinae azpifamiliako inurri generoa da, hedadura kosmopolita duena.

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Hevosmuurahaiset ( Finlandèis )

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Hevosmuurahaiset (Camponotus) on pistiäisten lahkoon kuuluva muurahaissuku. Sukuun kuuluu maailmanlaajuisesti noin 1000 lajia.

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Hevosmuurahaiset: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Hevosmuurahaiset (Camponotus) on pistiäisten lahkoon kuuluva muurahaissuku. Sukuun kuuluu maailmanlaajuisesti noin 1000 lajia.

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Camponotus ( Fransèis )

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Camponotus est un genre de fourmis de la famille des formicidés comprenant notamment la fourmi grand galop (Camponotus maculatus). Il compte au moins 965 espèces.

Fourmi Camponotus floridanus aidant à la pollinisation d'une fleur de palétuvier Avicennia germinans
Fourmi géante Camponotus gigas, parc national de Gunung Mulu, Sarawak, île de Bornéo, Malaisie
Fourmi charpentière Camponotus ligniperda

Le genre Camponotus a des relations de commensalisme et de mutualisme avec le fenouil commun et des pucerons. Le fenouil sauvage sert de plante hôte aux fourmis Camponotus et aux pucerons. Les fourmis se nourrissent du miellat produit par les pucerons à partir de la sève de cette plante, mais elles gèrent aussi la population de pucerons, en retirant les individus morts et en réduisant les populations de pucerons quand leur nombre met en danger la plante-hôte[1].

Liste des espèces

Reine Camponotus novaeboracensis
Reine Camponotus novaeboracensis dans un tube d'élevage

Espèces fossiles

Selon Paleobiology Database ou Fossilworks, les espèces fossiles s'établissent à[2] :

Publication originale

Notes et références


Références taxonimiques


  1. Ministère de la transition écologique (France), « Des pucerons bien traités », article web parlant de Camponotus utilisant le fenouil commun comme plante hôte et en relation positive avec cette plante et des pucerons, sur http://webzine-biodiversite.developpement-durable.gouv.fr (consulté le 15 juin 2018)
  2. (en) Référence Paleobiology Database : [1] (consulté le 21 juillet 2021).
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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Camponotus est un genre de fourmis de la famille des formicidés comprenant notamment la fourmi grand galop (Camponotus maculatus). Il compte au moins 965 espèces.

 src= Fourmi Camponotus floridanus aidant à la pollinisation d'une fleur de palétuvier Avicennia germinans  src= Fourmi géante Camponotus gigas, parc national de Gunung Mulu, Sarawak, île de Bornéo, Malaisie  src= Camponotus pennsylvanicus, mâle ailé  src= Fourmi charpentière Camponotus ligniperda  src= Camponotus sericeus

Le genre Camponotus a des relations de commensalisme et de mutualisme avec le fenouil commun et des pucerons. Le fenouil sauvage sert de plante hôte aux fourmis Camponotus et aux pucerons. Les fourmis se nourrissent du miellat produit par les pucerons à partir de la sève de cette plante, mais elles gèrent aussi la population de pucerons, en retirant les individus morts et en réduisant les populations de pucerons quand leur nombre met en danger la plante-hôte.

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Camponotus ( Galissian )

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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( Galissian )

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Camponotus é un xénero de formigas da subfamilia Formicinae co tórax en arco convexo e o pedicelo formado por un só segmento. Forman un grupo ecoloxicamente divero distribuído en todas as rexións do mundo.

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Konjaca mrowja ( Sorbian superior )

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Konjaca mrowja[1] (Camponotus) je ród mrowjow (Formicidae) z podswójby (Formicinae).


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  1. 1,0 1,1 W internetowym słowniku: Roßameise


Eksterne wotkazy

 src= Commons: Camponotus – Zběrka wobrazow, widejow a awdiodatajow

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Konjaca mrowja: Brief Summary ( Sorbian superior )

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Konjaca mrowja (Camponotus) je ród mrowjow (Formicidae) z podswójby (Formicinae).

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Camponotus ( Italian )

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Camponotus Mayr, 1861 è un genere di formiche appartenente alla sottofamiglia Formicinae.[1]



Il genere comprende formiche di notevoli dimensioni, che si caratterizzano per:

  • clipeo generalmente sviluppato, con l'inserzione delle antenne lontana dal margine anteriore del clipeo;
  • torace che forma un arco convesso;
  • presenza di un singolo peziolo conico fra il torace e il gastro.


Sono generalmente dette "formiche carpentiere" per l'abitudine di gran parte delle specie di nidificare all'interno di gallerie scavate nei tronchi d'albero o nel legno morto, ma esistono specie, come p.es. C. sericeus che costruiscono i loro nidi nel terreno[2], altre come C. mirabilis, che colonizzano le cavità dei fusti dei bambù[3], o altre come C. senex che costruiscono nidi setosi tra le fronde degli alberi[4].

Distribuzione e habitat

Il genere ha una distribuzione cosmopolita essendo diffuso in tutti i continenti tranne l'Antartide.


Magnifying glass icon mgx2.svgLo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Specie di Camponotus.

Comprende oltre 1000 specie, suddivise in vari sottogeneri.[5]

In Italia sono presenti le seguenti specie:[6]


  1. ^ Camponotus, in The AntWeb.
  2. ^ Mody K, Linsenmair KE, Finding its place in a competitive ant community: leaf fidelity of Camponotus sericeus, in Insectes Soc 2003; 50: 191–198.
  3. ^ Davidson DW, Castro-Delgado SR, Arias JA, Mann J, Unveiling a ghost of Amazonian rain forests: Camponotus mirabilis, engineer of Guadua bamboo (PDF), in Biotropica 2006; 38: 653–660.
  4. ^ Santos JC, Yamamoto M, Rodrigues F, Del-Claro K, Behavioral repertory of the weaver ant Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) senex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (PDF), in Sociobiology 2005; 46: 27–37.
  5. ^ Camponotus, in Encyclopedia Of Life. URL consultato il 30 dicembre 2009.
  6. ^ Fabio Stoch, Family Formicidae, in Checklist of the Italian fauna online version 2.0, 2003. URL consultato il {{{2}}}.

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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Camponotus Mayr, 1861 è un genere di formiche appartenente alla sottofamiglia Formicinae.

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Reuzenmieren ( olandèis; flamand )

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Reuzenmieren[1] (Camponotus) vormen een geslacht van mieren dat meer dan duizend soorten telt.[2] Het zijn overwegend relatief grote mieren (3 tot 10 millimeter) en komen in de meeste beboste gebieden over de hele wereld voor. Reuzenmieren leven in kolonies in plantendelen en hout. Ze kunnen hierbij grote schade aanrichten aan houten gebouwen en andere constructies.

Gedrag en levenswijze

De meeste reuzenmieren leven in kolonies in vochtig, rottend of hol hout, met name in bosrijke omgevingen en menselijke bouwwerken. Enkele soorten leven in andere plantendelen. De mieren creëren gangen en afdelingen in het hout door het met hun mandibels (kaken) weg te snijden. Zij voeden zich echter niet met het hout, aangezien ze niet in staat zijn om cellulose te verteren.

Veel soorten van het geslacht kennen een centrale hoofdkolonie, die omringd is door kleinere satellietkolonies.[3] Sommige soorten gebruiken buiten de kolonie een uitgebreid systeem van tunnels, zowel in bomen als onder de grond, die naar belangrijke voedselvindplaatsen leiden.

Mieren dragen een dode bij naar het nest


Reuzenmieren voeden zich met lichaamssappen van geleedpotigen, afscheidingen van insecten als bladluizen en met nectar. De meeste soorten foerageren 's nachts en gaan op zoek naar dode dieren, slechts enkele soorten voeden zich met levende insecten. Het foerageren gebeurt zowel individueel als in groepsverband.

Wanneer een kadaver wordt ontdekt, wordt de kortste weg van het nest naar het dier door werksters gemarkeerd door feromonen uit te scheiden. Meestal onttrekken werksters ter plekke lichaamssappen uit het kadaver. In sommige gevallen wordt het dode dier geheel of in delen naar het nest gedragen.


Eieren worden doorgaans bewaard in een kolonienest dat zich in een vochtige omgeving bevindt.[* 1] Wanneer een kolonie succesvol is gevestigd en de populatie is uitgebreid wordt meestal na verloop van tijd een of meerdere satellietnesten gemaakt. Hierin worden oudere larven en ondergebracht. De eieren, jonge larven en werksters blijven met de koningin in het oorspronkelijke nest.

Bij warme en vochtige omstandigheden worden de bruidsvluchten gemaakt. Gevleugelde mieren verlaten de satellietnesten, waarna vrouwtjes met meerdere mannetjes in de vlucht paren. Na de paring sterven de mannetjes en trekken de bevruchte vrouwtjes naar nieuwe gebieden om daar als koningin een nieuwe kolonie te stichten. Nadat een koningin een nest heeft gebouwd legt ze rond de twintig eieren en verzorgt de ontwikkelende mieren zelf. Bij latere broedsels nemen de werksters dit werk van de moederkoningin over. Deze controleert haar nageslacht door middel van feromonen, die de mieren kalmeren of juist tot bepaalde acties prikkelen.

Soortenoverzicht (selectie)

1rightarrow blue.svg Zie ook de Lijst van mieren in Nederland 1rightarrow blue.svg Zie ook de Lijst van reuzenmieren

De vijftien in Nederland voorkomende soorten zijn aangegeven met een asterisk (*).[1][4]


Door een herschikking van de taxonomische indeling van de onderfamilie der schubmieren (Formicinae),[5][6] waarbij Colobopsis als geslacht werd hersteld en niet meer als ondergeslacht van Camponotus geldt, zijn de indeling en de namen van een aantal soorten die eerder als reuzenmieren golden gewijzigd. Navolgende soorten werden daarom uit de selectie als hierboven geschrapt:



  1. Sommige soorten, waaronder de zwarte reuzenmier (C. vagus), bouwen het nest in een droge plaats.


  1. a b Nederlands Soortenregister: Reuzenmieren Camponotus
  2. (en) Heike Feldhaar, Josef Straka, Markus Krischke, Kristina Berthold, Sascha Stoll, Martin J Mueller, Roy Gross (2007). Nutritional upgrading for omnivorous carpenter ants by the endosymbiont Blochmannia. BMC Biology 5 (1) . PMID: 17971224. PMC: 2206011. DOI: 10.1186/1741-7007-5-48.
  3. (en) Roger D. Akre, Laurel D. Hansen, Elizabeth A. Myhre (januari 1994). Colony Size and Polygyny in Carpenter Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 67 (1): 1-9 .
  4. De raspkopmier, eerder Camponotus truncatus, ondertussen heringedeeld en hernoemd tot Colobopsis truncata, werd daarom uit deze lijst geschrapt.
  5. (en) Ward, P.S., Blaimer, B.B., Fisher, B.L. 2016. "A revised phylogenetic classification of the ant subfamily Formicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with resurrection of the genera Colobopsis and Dinomyrmex". Zootaxa 4072(3): 343–357. DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.4072.3.4
  6. (en) AntWiki - Bringing Ants to the World. Colobopsis

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Reuzenmieren: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Reuzenmieren (Camponotus) vormen een geslacht van mieren dat meer dan duizend soorten telt. Het zijn overwegend relatief grote mieren (3 tot 10 millimeter) en komen in de meeste beboste gebieden over de hele wereld voor. Reuzenmieren leven in kolonies in plantendelen en hout. Ze kunnen hierbij grote schade aanrichten aan houten gebouwen en andere constructies.

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Stokkmaur ( norvegèis )

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Stokkmaur (Camponotus sp.) er en slekt av maur. Som navnet sier lever de i stokker eller tykke greiner, vanligvis av bartrær.


Stokkmaur er generelt store maurarter. Utseende kan hos norske arter minne om rød skogmaur, men stokkmaur har en noe kraftigere bygget kropp, enn de andre norske artene av maur, hodet og kjevene til arbeidere er store og brede. Stokkmaur er også nærmest helt svarte, slik som vanlig stokkmaur.


Stokkmaur kan etablere sitt bol i levende bartrær med etablerte råtesoppskader, men gamle trær med råteangrep og stubber er stokkmaurens naturlige tilholdssted. Stokkmaur kan også etablere reir i bygninger. De har hovedfokus på å lage reiret i råtesoppskadet treverk fordi det er lett å hule ut, men de kan også utvide reiret inn i friskt treverk når det er mange nok arbeidere i reiret. Stokkmaur kan også lage reir i enkelte moderne isolasjonsmaterialer som ekspandert polystyren, ekstrudert polystyren og polyuretanskum - særlig hvis disse materialene er fuktskadet og det er varmekabler i konstruksjonen. Stokkmaur er sosiale insekter og de nyklekte larvene fores og stelles. Et maursamfunnet kan bestå av mange tusen individer.

Norske stokkmaur

Det er observert tre arter av stokkmaur i Norge, men bare to er vanlige, skogstokkmaur (Camponotus herculeanus) og jordstokkmaur (Camponotus ligniperda). Fordi de regelmessig forekommer i bygninger regnes de som skadedyr og disse skadene blir utbedret på forskjellige måter. Skogstokkmaur finnes over hele Norge, mens jordstokkmaur har sin utbredelse bare i Sør-Norge, hvor den lever i lavlandet.


Stokkmaur i bolig.
Denne stokken er angrepet av stokkmaur.
Foto: Werewombat

Hus og hytter i skogterreng med bartrær kan bli angrepet av stokkmaur. Den befruktede hunnen (dronningen) kan etablere et samfunn i en råteangrepet bjelke. Etter hvert som maursamfunnet vokser, vil maurene utvide sitt bol til friskt treverk i huset.

Stokkmaur lever ikke av trevirke slik treborende insekter vanligvis gjør. De finner mat andre steder, som regel ute i skogen. Derfor går det alltid stier ut fra et stokkmaursamfunn, men de kan gå under jorden og kan derfor være godt skjult. Symptomer på angrep av stokkmaur i hus, oppdages ved at:

  • Det kan høres lyder som krasling i en veggene.
  • Enkelte maur kryper omkring inne i huset.
  • Flygende maur samler seg i grupper ute på husveggene når maurene svermer.
  • Det samler seg avfall som gnag av treverk (spon), rester av døde insekter og maur samt pupperester i huset.
Skogstokkmaurreir i tømmerstokk

Ved et angrep må en finne stedet hvor de har sitt bol, der dronningen holder til. Det kan være nødvendig å bryte opp gulv eller vegger. Når stedet er funnet, bør treverk som er angrepet fjernes. Bruk av insektgift er som regel verken nødvendig eller hensiktsmessig. Det er viktig å huske på at stokkmaur kan etablere flere reirplasser i en bygning. Dette er grunnen til at enkelte tror at maurene lett rømmer fra et reir som blir utbedret og deretter lager et nytt reir en annen plass i bygningen. For å gjennomføre en god bekjempelse, må man ha fokus på aktuelle reirplasser og fjerne skadede materialer. Da vil forutsetningene for tilstedeværelse for stokkmaurene reduseres så kraftig at det er store sjanser for en vellykket bekjempelse. Grunnleget for en forsvarlig bekjempelse er at man tar seg til til en god bygningsteknisk undersøkelse og vurdering før noen tiltak gjennomføres. Man bør dessuten følge med på forholdene etter at tiltak er utført for å sikre at hele problemet er løst.

Systematisk inndeling med noen europeiske arter

Av omkring 900 arter, finnes bare tre i Norge, hvorav to er vanlige. Oversikten her omfatter noen av de vanligste artene i Europa.




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Stokkmaur: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

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Stokkmaur (Camponotus sp.) er en slekt av maur. Som navnet sier lever de i stokker eller tykke greiner, vanligvis av bartrær.

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Camponotus ( polonèis )

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Camponotusrodzaj owadów należących do rodziny mrówkowatych, sklasyfikowany przez Latreille w roku 1802.









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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Camponotus – rodzaj owadów należących do rodziny mrówkowatych, sklasyfikowany przez Latreille w roku 1802.

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Camponotus ( portughèis )

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Camponotus é um gênero de formigas. Muitas espécies deste gênero são designadas popularmente por formiga-de-cupim e outras por sarassará. Também são conhecidas pelos nomes de tacuá, taracuá, tracuá, tracoá[1], tacauá, traguá[2], formiga-doceira, sará, saraça[3], sarará, sararau e sarçará.

Estas formigas constroem os ninhos em cupinzeiros, em madeira morta e úmida ou formam montes de terra na entrada de seus ninhos à feição dos cupins. O grupo está presente na maioria do globo. Vivem nos cupinzeiros abandonados, nos entrenós da embaúba ou bambu e também em habitações, onde atacam produtos alimentícios armazenados.

Quando são tocados, emitem um som forte e característico que se assemelha a um sopro forte e prolongado[2].



  1. Alves, Poliana Maria. O léxico do Tuparí: proposta de um dicionário bilíngüe. (Tese de Doutorado). Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita” - Câmpus de Araraquara, 2004.
  2. a b FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.1 640
  3. Nível tecnológico empregado no manejo para produção de mel de Apis mellifera L. em três municípios do Alto Oeste Potiguar.
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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Camponotus é um gênero de formigas. Muitas espécies deste gênero são designadas popularmente por formiga-de-cupim e outras por sarassará. Também são conhecidas pelos nomes de tacuá, taracuá, tracuá, tracoá, tacauá, traguá, formiga-doceira, sará, saraça, sarará, sararau e sarçará.

Estas formigas constroem os ninhos em cupinzeiros, em madeira morta e úmida ou formam montes de terra na entrada de seus ninhos à feição dos cupins. O grupo está presente na maioria do globo. Vivem nos cupinzeiros abandonados, nos entrenós da embaúba ou bambu e também em habitações, onde atacam produtos alimentícios armazenados.

Quando são tocados, emitem um som forte e característico que se assemelha a um sopro forte e prolongado.

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Hästmyror ( svedèis )

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Camponotus sideview 2.jpg

Hästmyror, även stockmyror, (Camponotus) är ett släkte ibland myrorna. Släktet innefattar bland annat hushästmyran (Camponotus herculeanus).

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Hästmyror: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Camponotus sideview 2.jpg

Hästmyror, även stockmyror, (Camponotus) är ett släkte ibland myrorna. Släktet innefattar bland annat hushästmyran (Camponotus herculeanus).

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Camponotus ( ucrain )

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Camponotus — рід мурах підродини Formicinae. Є дуже великим і складним, глобально розповсюдженим родом. Величезне видове багатство, високий рівень внутрішньовидової та географічної мінливості і поліморфізму надають таксономії Camponotus певної складності. Ці мурашки живуть в різних середовищах і мікросередовищах проживання і сам розмір роду робить характеристику їхньої біології складним завданням. Гнізда будуються у гнилій деревині або, рідше, в живих деревах (Болтон, 1973а).


В даний час описано більше 1000 видів і близько 500 підвидів, які належать до 45 підродів (Болтон, 2012). Це найбільший рід мурах.

Детальнішу систематику дивіться в статті Список видів мурах роду Camponotus.


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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( ucrain )

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Camponotus — рід мурах підродини Formicinae. Є дуже великим і складним, глобально розповсюдженим родом. Величезне видове багатство, високий рівень внутрішньовидової та географічної мінливості і поліморфізму надають таксономії Camponotus певної складності. Ці мурашки живуть в різних середовищах і мікросередовищах проживання і сам розмір роду робить характеристику їхньої біології складним завданням. Гнізда будуються у гнилій деревині або, рідше, в живих деревах (Болтон, 1973а).

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Camponotus ( vietnamèis )

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Kiến đường hay kiến mật (Danh pháp khoa học: Camponotus) là chi kiến thuộc họ Formicidae, kiến mật sinh sống ở những vùng khí hậu nóng và khô trên toàn thế giới. Một số cá thể còn được ghi nhận là sống tại những sa mạc nóng. Các loài kiến này được phát hiện đầu tiên ở Úc năm 1881 bởi nhà tự nhiên học người Mỹ là Henry Christopher McCook. Dần dần, chúng sinh sôi và di cư ra nhiều vùng khác.

Đặc điểm

Phần bụng của chúng phồng to, tròn và trông như chứa đầy những giọt mật trong suốt vàng óng. Kiến đường tổ chức xã hội theo các tầng, cấp. Chức vụ cao nhất trong đàn thuộc về kiến chúa, đảm nhiệm vai trò sinh sản. Tuy nhiên trong một đàn kiến, một số là kiến đực có trách nhiệm phối hợp với kiến chúa tạo ra những thế hệ mới. Số còn lại là kiến thợ và một bộ phận nho nhỏ khác là những phần tử kiến mật.

Nhiệm vụ của kiến mật là béo lên, chúng càng có kích cỡ lớn càng tốt, chúng rất ít khi di chuyển, chúng luôn yên lặng treo mình trên nóc tổ và chỉ di chuyển khi thật sự cần thiết. Bụng bự của những cá thể kiến mật này thực ra chứa rất nhiều chất dinh dưỡng ở dạng lỏng. Chúng đóng vai trò như những tủ chứa thức ăn của cả tổ.

Kiến mật thợ mang thức ăn về cho đồng loại, bụng kiến mật có thể đạt đến kích cỡ một quả nho lớn. Trong thời điểm khan hiếm thức ăn, kiến mật sẽ có nhiệm vụ cung cấp nguồn dinh dưỡng cho những thành viên khác trong tổ. Khi đó, những con kiến thợ sẽ chỉ cần kéo râu của kiến mật và chúng sẽ được thưởng thức bãi nôn dinh dưỡng do kiến mật thải ra.

Một số phân loài kiến mật tại Úc lại có tập tính ăn kho lưu trữ thức ăn di động này, những con kiến mật sẽ bị xâu xé, ăn thịt bởi chính đồng loại của mình. Sau đó, chúng sẽ nhả ra một phần bữa ăn và dùng cái đó để bồi dưỡng lại cho những con kiến béo bụng của mình.

Người ta có thể bắt lấy một con kiến mật và cho vào miệng nhai ngay lập tức, nguồn dinh dưỡng dồi dào trong bụng của chúng là lý do biến kiến mật trở thành một món ăn cao lương mỹ vị. Tại nhiều nơi trên thế giới, kiến mật trở thành một loại đặc sản rất được ưa chuộng.

Các loài

Cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, có khoảng hơn 1.000 loài kiến mật được ghi nhận trong chi Camponotus.

Mục lục







Camponotus fulvopilosus


Camponotus grandidieri




















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Camponotus: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Kiến đường hay kiến mật (Danh pháp khoa học: Camponotus) là chi kiến thuộc họ Formicidae, kiến mật sinh sống ở những vùng khí hậu nóng và khô trên toàn thế giới. Một số cá thể còn được ghi nhận là sống tại những sa mạc nóng. Các loài kiến này được phát hiện đầu tiên ở Úc năm 1881 bởi nhà tự nhiên học người Mỹ là Henry Christopher McCook. Dần dần, chúng sinh sôi và di cư ra nhiều vùng khác.

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Кампонотус ( russ; russi )

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Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Надотряд: Hymenopterida
Инфраотряд: Жалящие
Надсемейство: Formicoidea
Семейство: Муравьи
Подсемейство: Формицины
Триба: Camponotini
Род: Кампонотус
Международное научное название

Camponotus Mayr, 1861

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Кампонотус[1], или муравьи́-древото́чцы[1] (лат. Camponotus) — крупнейший род муравьёв подсемейства Формицины (Formicinae). Около 1 000 видов.



Род имеет всемирное распространение по всем зоогеографическим областям мира. Характерны для лесов, но встречаются и в пустынях (например, Camponotus turkestanicus и Camponotus turkestanus).

Кампонотус — самый распространённый в мире род муравьёв. Известны как древоточцы (англ. Carpenter ants; нем. Holzameisen; швед. Hästmyror), так как многие виды строят свои гнезда в древесине. Всего род Camponotus объединяет около 1000 видов. К этому роду относится один из крупнейших в мире муравьёв Camponotus gigas (Latreille, 1802), достигающий 3 см в длину. Жвалы треугольной формы. Максиллярные щупики у самок, рабочих и самцов состоят из 6 члеников, а лабиальные — из 4. Стебелёк между грудкой и брюшком состоит из одного членика (петиолюс), несущего вертикальную чешуйку. Жало отсутствует. Эндосимбионтные бактерии Blochmannia (Enterobacteriaceae) обнаружены у нескольких представителей рода, они выполняют питательные биосинтетические функции[2]. Впервые их нашли в 1882 году в бактериоцитных клетках эпителия средней кишки муравьёв Camponotus[3]. Сейчас они зарегистрированы не только в кишечных клетках, но и в яичниках самок[4][5][6]. У старых рабочих муравьёв число эндосимбионтов снижается[7].


Геном вида Camponotus castaneus составляет 0,31 пг (C value)[8], а у вида Camponotus pennsylvanicus — 0,33 пг.[9][10]


По результатам молекулярно-генетических исследований (на основе работы Ward et al 2016) род кампонотус разделяют на 45 подродов (бывшие подроды Colobopsis и Dinomyrmex выделены в самостоятельные роды), в том числе[11][12]:

Виды фауны России

Подрод Hypercolobopsis

4 вида из Бразилии

Подрод Manniella


Подрод Myrmepinotus


Подрод Myrmisolepis


Подрод Myrmodirachis


Подрод Myrmogonia


Подрод Myrmomalis

Южная Америка

Подрод Myrmonesites


Подрод Myrmopalpella

Подрод Myrmopelta

5 видов из Африки

Подрод Myrmosericus

Myrmosericus Forel, 1912

Подрод Myrmostenus

Перу и Бразилия

Подрод Myrmotemnus

Подрод Myrmothrix

Подрод Myrmoxygenys

Подрод Orthonotomyrmex

Африка и Азия

Подрод Rhinomyrmex

Подрод Thlipsepinotus

Австралия, Новая Гвинея

Подрод Karavaievia Emery, 1925

Муравьи-ткачи Юго-Восточной Азии[14]

Виды группы Camponotus fulvopilosus

Виды группы Camponotus grandidieri (Myrmotrema)

Виды группы Camponotus edmondi

15 видов

Подрод Myrmopytia

Подрод Mayria

На Мадагаскаре 14 видов. Mayria включает таксоны Myrmocamelus и Myrmosaga[22].

Подрод Myrmentoma

Myrmentoma Forel, 1912

Подрод Tanaemyrmex

Tanaemyrmex Ashmead, 1905

Виды группы Camponotus aureopilis

Camponotus aureopilis species-group[24][25].

Другие виды

Охранный статус

Один их вид занесен в Красный список угрожаемых видов МСОП (The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) в категорию уязвимые виды (VU)[26]:

Уязвимый вид Camponotus universitatis — уязвимый[27]


  1. 1 2 Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 296. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  2. Degnan PH, Lazarus AB, Wernegreen JJ. (2005). Genome sequence of Blochmannia pennsylvanicus indicates parallel evolutionary trends among bacterial mutualists of insects. — Genome Res. 2005 Aug; 15(8):1023—33
  3. Blochman F. Über das vorkommen von bakterienähnlichen gebilden in den geweben und eiern verschiedener insekten. — Zentbl Bakteriol. 1882;11:234—240.
  4. Wernegreen, Jennifer J.; Seth N. Kauppinen; Seán G. Brady; Philip S. Ward. (2009). One nutritional symbiosis begat another: Phylogenetic evidence that the ant tribe Camponotini acquired Blochmannia by tending sap-feeding insects. — BMC Evol Biol. 2009; 9: 292. Published online 2009 December 16. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-292
  5. Sauer C, Dudaczek D, Hölldobler B, Gross R. (2002). Tissue localization of the endosymbiotic bacterium «Candidatus Blochmannia floridanus» in adults and larvae of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. — Appl Environ Microbiol. 2002 Sep; 68(9):4187—93
  6. Schröder D., Deppisch H., Obermayer M., Krohne G., Stackebrandt E., Hôlldobler B., Goebel W., Gross R. (1996). Intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria of Camponotus species (carpenter ants): systematics, evolution and ultrastructural characterization. — Mol Microbiol. 1996 Aug; 21(3):479—89
  7. Wolschin F., Hölldobler B., Gross R., Zientz E. (2004). Replication of the endosymbiotic bacterium Blochmannia floridanus is correlated with the developmental and reproductive stages of its ant host. — Appl Environ Microbiol. 2004 Jul; 70(7):4096—102
  8. База данных о размерах геномов животных — Camponotus castaneus.
  9. База данных о размерах геномов животных — Camponotus pennsylvanicus.
  10. Tsutsui, N.D., A.V. Suarez, J.C. Spagna, and J.S. Johnston (2008). The evolution of genome size in ants. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 64.
  11. Ward Philip S., Bonnie B. Blaimer & Brian L. Fisher. A revised phylogenetic classification of the ant subfamily Formicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with resurrection of the genera Colobopsis and Dinomyrmex (англ.) // Zootaxa : Журнал. — Auckland, New Zealand: Magnolia Press, 2016. — Vol. 4072, no. 3. — P. 343—357. — ISSN 1175-5326.
  12. Blaimer, B.B., Brady, S.G., Schultz, T.R., Lloyd, M.W., Fisher, B.L. & Ward, P.S. (2015). Phylogenomic methods outperform traditional multi-locus approaches in resolving deep evolutionary history: a case study of formicine ants. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15, 271. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12862-015-0552-5
  13. 1 2 Rasoamanana, N., Csősz, S. & Fisher, B.L. Taxonomic revision of imitating carpenter ants, Camponotus subgenus Myrmopytia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Madagascar, using morphometry and qualitative traits (англ.) // ZooKeys : Журнал. — Sofia: Pensoft Publishers, 2017. — Vol. 681. — P. 119–152. — ISSN 1313-2970.
  14. Dumpert, K., U. Maschwitz and A. Weissflog. 2006. Description of five new weaver ant species of Camponotus subgenus Karavaievia Emery, 1925 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Malaysia and Thailand, with contribution to their biology, especially to colony foundation. Myrmecologische Nachrichten. 8:69—82.
  15. Dumpert, K.; Maschwitz, U.; Nässig, W.; Dorow, W. 1989. Camponotus (Karavaievia) asli sp. n. and C. (K.) montanus sp. n., two weaver ant species from Malaysia (Formicidae: Formicinae). Zool. Beitr. (N.F.). 32:217—231. (page 218)
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dumpert, K. 1995a. Taxonomy. Pp. 88-102 in: Dumpert, K.; Maschwitz, U.; Weissflog, A.; Rosciszewski, K.; Azarae, I. Hj. Six new weaver ant species from Malaysia: Camponotus (Karavaievia) striatipes, C. (K.) melanus, C. (K.) nigripes, C. (K.) belumensis, C. (K.) gentingensis, and C. (K.) micragyne. Malays. J. Sci. Ser. A. Life Sci. 16:87—105.
  17. Maschwitz, U.; Dumpert, K.; Schmidt, G. H. 1985. Silk pavilions of two Camponotus (Karavaievia) species from Malaysia: description of a new nesting type in ants (Formicidae: Formicinae). Z. Tierpsychol. 69: 237—249.
  18. 1 2 3 Dumpert, K. 1986 [1985]. Camponotus (Karavaievia) texens sp. n. and C. (K.) gombaki sp. n. from Malaysia in comparison with other Karavaievia species (Formicidae: Formicinae). Psyche. 92:557—573. (page 563)
  19. Viehmeyer, H. 1916a [1915]. Ameisen von Singapore. Beobachtet und gesammelt von H. Overbeck. Arch. Naturgesch. (A) 81(8): 108—168 (page 162)
  20. Rakotonirina, J.C., Csosz, S., Fisher, B.L. Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy Camponotus grandidieri and niveosetosus species groups (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) using qualitative and quantitative morphology (англ.) // Zootaxa : журнал. — Auckland, New Zealand: Magnolia Press, 2017. — Vol. 4238. — P. 203—245. — ISSN 1175-5326. — DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.4238.2.2.
  21. Jean Claude Rakotonirina, Sandor Csosz, Brian Lee Fisher. Revision of the Malagasy Camponotus edmondi species group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Formicinae): integrating qualitative morphology and multivariate morphometric analysis (англ.) // ZooKeys : Журнал. — Sofia: Pensoft Publishers, 2016. — Vol. 572. — P. 81—154. — ISSN 1313-2970.
  22. Rakotonirina, J.C., Fisher, B.L. Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy Camponotus subgenus Mayria Hymenoptera, Formicidae) using qualitative and quantitative morphology (англ.) // Zootaxa : журнал. — Auckland, New Zealand: Magnolia Press, 2018. — Vol. 4438, no. 1. — P. 1—58. — ISSN 1175-5326. — DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.4438.1.1.
  23. 1 2 Celal Karaman and Nihat Aktaç. 2013. Descriptions of Four New Species of Camponotus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a Key for the Worker Caste of the Camponotus of Turkey. — Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 86(1):36—56. 2013.
  24. Shattuck, S.O. 2005. Review of the Camponotus aureopilus species-group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), including a second Camponotus with a metapleural gland. Zootaxa 903: 1—20
  25. Shattuck, S.O. & Janda, M. 2009. A new species of the Camponotus aureopilus Viehmeyer, 1914 species group from Papua New Guinea. Myrmecological News 12: 251—253.
  26. Formicidae: информация на сайте Красной книги МСОП (англ.)
  27. World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1996. Camponotus universitatis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1996.
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Кампонотус: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Кампонотус, или муравьи́-древото́чцы (лат. Camponotus) — крупнейший род муравьёв подсемейства Формицины (Formicinae). Около 1 000 видов.

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弓背蟻屬 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
模式種 广布巨山蚁
Camponotus herculeanus Linnaeus
  • 参見內文












广布弓背蚁(C. herculeanus)侵襲後的木頭


Carpenter ants.jpg









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弓背蟻屬: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科


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왕개미속 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

왕개미, 비부(蚍蜉)는 개미과 왕개미속(Camponotus) 개미의 총칭이다. 종에 따라 크기나 발색등이 다양하며, 서식지 또한 다양하다. 주변에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 종으로는 일본왕개미가 있다.

종에 따라 여왕개미가 죽을 경우에는 암개미가 급히 혼인 비행을 하고 여왕의 자리를 대신하여 군집을 되살리는 경우도 있다. 특화된 무기로는 포름산을 가지고 있다. 도시의 규모는 평균 10만 마리 정도로, 7만의 일개미와 2만의 병정개미, 1만의 생식 개미들로 이루어진 경우가 대다수이다. 하지만 종류에 따라 1000만 마리 이상의 대도시를 이루고 그에 따른 100개 내외의 도시를 규합해 연합체를 이루는 것도 있다.

여왕개미는 기본적으로 1마리이다. 그러나 경우에 따라 2마리가 함께 사는 경우도 있다. 다른 개미들과의 분쟁에서 유리한 편으로, 수명 역시 일개미 3년, 병정개미 5년 내외, 여왕개미 15~20년으로 긴 편이다.

영어권에서는 목수개미(영어: Carpenter ant)라고 부른다. 우리나라에서는 일본왕개미가 '왕'이라고 부를 만한 크기를 갖추었지만, 세계 전체에서 보면 그리 큰 편은 아니다.

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