
Distribution ( Anglèis )

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The Texas mouse populates rocky portions of central Texas, northward into Oklahoma and extends into southern Kansas, Missouri and western Arkansas. These regions are the only natural habitats for Peromyscus attwateri (Sugg, et al 1990).

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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The Texas mouse is omnivorous. It will eat a wide variety of plant and animal matter depending on what is available; seeds, fruits, flowers, nuts, and other plant products are the primary source of nutrition. It will also feed on grasshoppers, camel crickets, and beetles (Davis & Schmidly, 1994).

Animal Foods: insects

Plant Foods: leaves; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; flowers

Primary Diet: omnivore

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Associations ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Texas mice are important and abundant small prey for predators in the ecosystems in which they live. Their predation on seeds impacts plant communities.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Texas mice are important members of the ecosystems in which they live.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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Like other Peromyscus species, P. attwateri can carry and spread hantaviruses and other diseases, but these are rarely transmitted to humans.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (carries human disease)

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

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The Texas mouse is presently abundant in its natural habitat and is a healthy species.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Behavior ( Anglèis )

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Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Sensa tìtol ( Anglèis )

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Peromyscus attwateri was classified as a subspecies of Peromyscus boylii until 1974. It was then classified by Schmidly to be a full species due to chromosomal differences and a difference in molar structure (Davis & Schmidly 1994).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Peromyscus attwateri inhabits rocky areas including cliffs and limestone outcrops with woody vegetation, such as the Edwards plateau of Texas (Davis & Schmidly 1994). Due to the threat of predators the Texas mouse can often be found in crevices along cliffs, under logs, fallen grass, weeds, and in heaps of driftwood. Junipers are the dominant vegetation in the rocky areas that they inhabit (Engstrom et al. 1989).

Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; scrub forest

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

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The average lifespan of the P. attwateri is 6.8 months, but can live as long as 18 months.

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
18 (high) months.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
6.8 months.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Morphology ( Anglèis )

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The Texas mouse is a medium sized Peromyscus. It is not distinctly bicolored, but does have a lighter shade on its underside; its ankles are usually darker or dusky, the dorsal color is brown with darker and mixed with blackish marks along the midline. The mouse's side is a pinkish cinnamon and it has a pure white underbelly. Peromyscus attwateri is about 198 mm in total length with the tail usually about 103 mm. Hind feet are 24 to 27 mm and adults usually weigh from 25 to 35 grams (Davis & Schmidly, 1994).

Range mass: 25 to 35 g.

Range length: 187 to 218 mm.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Associations ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Texas mice, like other Peromyscus species, are common prey for a wide variety of predators including raptors, snakes, and foxes.

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

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Reproduction occurs during September through late winter in north Texas (Davis & Schmidly, 1994). The average number of young per litter is four, but can range from one to six.

Breeding interval: Attwater's mice can breed multiple times during a breeding season.

Breeding season: Breeding occurs from September to late winter.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 6.

Average number of offspring: 4.

Range weaning age: 25 to 35 days.

Range time to independence: 25 (low) days.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

At birth, the mouse has a mass of about 1.5 g. The young are born hairless with wrinkled, pink skin, closed eyes, and a pinnae that is folded over their ear. Juvenile hair begins to develop on the second day after birth. On the third day, the pinnae unfold with the ear canal opening after a week and a half. Eyes open after two weeks, and the young are weaned anywhere from day 25 to 35. At this time, the young usually leave the nest to live on their own, however, sometimes the mother will allow some young to live there for longer periods. Once weaned, the young usually leave the nest and become independent of their mother, although sometimes the mother will tolerate their presence for longer periods (Margulis 1998).

Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Saari, J. 2000. "Peromyscus attwateri" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Peromyscus_attwateri.html
John Saari, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University

Peromyscus attwateri ( Asturian )

fornì da wikipedia AST

Peromyscus attwateri ye una especie de royedor de la familia Cricetidae.

Distribución xeográfica

Alcuéntrase en Xeorxa, New York, Missouri, y Texas nos Estaos Xuníos.


  • Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. Pp. 894-1531 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. D. Y. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Peromyscus attwateri ye una especie de royedor de la familia Cricetidae.

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Peromyscus attwateri ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

Peromyscus attwateri és una espècie de rosegador de la família dels cricètids. És endèmic dels Estats Units (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma i Texas). S'alimenta de baies, glans, llavors, material herbós i insectes. Els seus hàbitats naturals són els vessants rocosos i els penya-segats. Es creu que no hi ha cap amenaça significativa per a la supervivència d'aquesta espècie.[1]

L'espècie fou anomenada en honor del naturalista britànic Henry Philemon Attwater.[2]


  1. Linzey, A. V.; NatureServe (Hammerson, G.). Peromyscus attwateri. UICN 2008. Llista Vermella d'espècies amenaçades de la UICN, edició 2008, consultada el 1 agost 2016.
  2. Beolens, B.; Watkins, M.; Grayson, M. The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals (en anglès). The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, p. 19. ISBN 978-0801893049.
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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Peromyscus attwateri és una espècie de rosegador de la família dels cricètids. És endèmic dels Estats Units (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma i Texas). S'alimenta de baies, glans, llavors, material herbós i insectes. Els seus hàbitats naturals són els vessants rocosos i els penya-segats. Es creu que no hi ha cap amenaça significativa per a la supervivència d'aquesta espècie.

L'espècie fou anomenada en honor del naturalista britànic Henry Philemon Attwater.

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Texas mouse ( Anglèis )

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The Texas mouse (Peromyscus attwateri) is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas in the United States.[1] This species is named in honor of Henry Philemon Attwater.


The Texas mouse is considered medium-sized for its genus. Its long, bicolored tail has brownish fur, and the tail is brownish white and well haired, and slightly tufted at the end; it has large hind feet. It has usually dark or dusky ankles, and the ear is medium-sized. Color of the dorsum is dark mixed with brown and blackish hairs, and its side color is pinkish cinnamon, and the belly and feet have a pure white color.[2] The mouse is morphological adapted to have a long tail, for balancing when climbing a vertical surface, and large eyes adapted to activity in darkness.[2]

Adult Peromyscus attwateri's total length is usually about 182 to 220 mm with weight 25-35 grams. The tail is about 83-104mm, ear length is about 18–20 mm, and length of hind foot is about 24–27 mm.[2] Texas mouse found in Missouri. The specimen is a male measuring 171 mm of total length, 89 mm of tail, 23 mm of hind foot, and 19 mm of ear by Dr. Hershel W.[3] Morphological size variation in Texas mouse appears related with assemblage of physiologic and ecologic factors.[4][5]

Their skull is large length in 27.6 to 30.4 mm, and they have wide and not rounded braincase. They have large pterygoid fossa, medium auditory bullae that larger than in P. maniculatus and P. leucopus but smaller than in P. truei.[2]


Range and habitat

P. attwateri is found in western Arkansas, southeastern Kansas, southern Missouri, south-central and northeastern Oklahoma in forest, and Texas. They inhabit not only rocky areas with high cliffs and slopes under juniper, but also limestone with woods such as oak and black hickory vegetation because of predators. Cedar glades and hardwood forests are their primary habitats.[2][6][7] Estimated population density is 0.7 to 5.4/ha at different seasons in various regions. The average home range of the Texas mouse is 0.2 ha (0.49 acres), and the male home range is twice that of the female.[2]


The Texas mouse is omnivorous. Acorns are often used in winter and spring, and its diet is a variety of animal and plant material, depending on availability. Foods include berries, seeds, flowers, nuts, fruits, and insects.[2][4]


Texas mouse is mostly nocturnal and arboreal, and does not hibernate. It has morphological adaptations for tree climbing - a long tail and large hind feet; it spends about 70% of its time climbing in trees.[1][2]


The Texas mouse's breeding period occurs in autumn and spring, but limited breeding occurs in winter. No evidence that breeding occurs during the late spring and summer has been found. It can breed multiple times during the available seasons and gestation lasts 23 days; lactation lasts about 8 days. The typical number of young per litter is three or four, with seasonal variation. Females collected in winter have fewer embryos than in spring.[2]

The young of the mouse weigh about 1.5 g, and are hairless with closed eyes and pinkly skin. Their hair starts to grow after two days, and two weeks after, the eyes open. A month after, their young are weaned, and they leave the nest to live alone. Some young, though, live together with their mother for a longer time.[1][2]


  1. ^ a b c d Linzey, A.V. & Hammerson, G. (NatureServe) (2008). "Peromyscus attwateri". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 18 August 2009.old-form url Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Schmidly, David James (1 January 1974). "Peromyscus attwateri". Mammalian Species (48): 1–3. doi:10.2307/3504046. JSTOR 3504046.
  3. ^ Pitts, Richard M. (1 January 1987). "New County Record in Missouri for the Texas Mouse (Peromyscus attwateri)". Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 90 (3/4): 157. doi:10.2307/3627799. JSTOR 3627799.
  4. ^ a b Sugg, Derrick W.; Kennedy, Michael L.; Heidt, Gary A. (1 January 1990). "Morphologic Variation in the Texas Mouse, Persomyscus attwateri". The Southwestern Naturalist. 35 (2): 163–172. doi:10.2307/3671538. JSTOR 3671538.
  5. ^ Sugg, Derrick W.; Chesser, Ronald K.; Long, Jeffrey C. (1 January 1997). "Assessment of Genetic Information in Morphometric Traits: Geographic Patterns and Evolutionary Interpretation". Journal of Mammalogy. 78 (2): 405–416. doi:10.2307/1382894. JSTOR 1382894.
  6. ^ Etheredge, David R.; Engstrom, Mark D.; Stone, Raymond C. (1 January 1989). "Habitat Discrimination between Sympatric Populations of Peromyscus attwateri and Peromyscus pectoralis in West-Central Texas". Journal of Mammalogy. 70 (2): 300–307. doi:10.2307/1381511. JSTOR 1381511.
  7. ^ Lack, Justin B.; Pfau, Russell S.; Wilson, Gregory M. (16 April 2010). "Demographic history and incomplete lineage sorting obscure population genetic structure of the Texas mouse (Peromyscus attwateri)". Journal of Mammalogy. 91 (2): 314–325. doi:10.1644/09-MAMM-A-242.1.
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Texas mouse: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

The Texas mouse (Peromyscus attwateri) is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas in the United States. This species is named in honor of Henry Philemon Attwater.

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Peromyscus attwateri ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Peromyscus attwateri es una especie de roedor de la familia Cricetidae.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra en Georgia, New York, Misuri, Texas y Texas en los Estados Unidos.


  • Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. Pp. 894-1531 in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Peromyscus attwateri es una especie de roedor de la familia Cricetidae.

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Peromyscus attwateri ( Basch )

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Peromyscus attwateri Peromyscus generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Neotominae azpifamilia eta Cricetidae familian sailkatuta dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. J. A. Allen (1895) Cricetidae Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 330. or..

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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Peromyscus attwateri Peromyscus generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Neotominae azpifamilia eta Cricetidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Peromyscus attwateri ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL

Peromyscus attwateri is een zoogdier uit de familie van de Cricetidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door J.A. Allen in 1895.


De soort komt voor in de Verenigde Staten.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL

Peromyscus attwateri is een zoogdier uit de familie van de Cricetidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door J.A. Allen in 1895.

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Peromyscus attwateri ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Peromyscus attwateri é uma espécie de roedor da família Cricetidae.

Apenas pode ser encontrada nos Estados Unidos da América.


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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Peromyscus attwateri é uma espécie de roedor da família Cricetidae.

Apenas pode ser encontrada nos Estados Unidos da América.

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Peromyscus attwateri ( svedèis )

fornì da wikipedia SV

Peromyscus attwateri[2][3][4][5][6] är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av J. A. Allen 1895. Peromyscus attwateri ingår i släktet hjortråttor, och familjen hamsterartade gnagare.[7][8] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[7]


Arten når en absolut kroppslängd av 18 till 22 cm, inklusive en cirka 10 cm lång svans. Den väger 25 till 35 g. Pälsen har på ovansidan en brun färg med några svarta hår inblandade. Vid sidorna kan det finnas en rosa skugga och undersidan är vit.[9] Denna gnagare byter under våren och hösten päls, sommarpälsen är ljusare.[10] Peromyscus attwateri har stora ögon och öron.[11] Med sin långa svans som har en liten tofs vid spetsen kan den lätt klättra i träd. Svansen används för att hålla balansen eller som stöd. Dessutom är bakfötterna ganska stora.[9]

Utbredning och habitat

Denna hjortråtta förekommer i södra USA från Texas till Arkansas. Den vistas främst i klippiga områden med buskar. Dessutom besöks skogar. Individerna vilar under stenar eller i bergssprickor. De klättrar även i växtligheten.[1] Populationen listades ursprungligen som underart till Peromyscus boylii. I enlighet med genetiska undersökningar från 1970-talet godkänns den som art.[10]


Peromyscus attwateri har bär, frön, nötter, örter och insekter som föda. Fortplantningen sker nästan hela året men inte under heta sommarmånader. Per kull föds 3 till 6 ungar.[1]

Ungarna föds nakna, blinda och med slutna öron. De väger vid födelsen cirka 1,5 g. Öronen och ögonen öppnas efter cirka två veckor och efter 25 till 35 dagar slutar honan med digivning. Vanligen separeras ungarna kort efteråt från modern men ibland får de stanna en längre tid. P lever i genomsnitt 6,8 månader. Enstaka individer kan bli 18 månader gamla.[9]

Honornas revir är i genomsnitt 0,2 hektar stort och hanarnas revir med 0,4 hektar tydligt större.[10]


  1. ^ [a b c d] 2008 Peromyscus attwateri Från: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2 <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 2012-10-24.
  2. ^ (1996) , database, NODC Taxonomic Code
  3. ^ Banks, R. C., R. W. McDiarmid, A. L. Gardner, and W. C. Starnes (2003) , Checklist of Vertebrates of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and Canada
  4. ^ Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. (2005) , Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd ed., Peromyscus attwateri
  5. ^ Wilson, Don E., and F. Russell Cole (2000) , Common Names of Mammals of the World
  6. ^ Banks, R. C., R. W. McDiarmid, and A. L. Gardner (1987) Checklist of Vertebrates of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and Canada, Resource Publication, no. 166
  7. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (10 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/peromyscus+attwateri/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.
  8. ^ ITIS: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Orrell T. (custodian), 2011-04-26
  9. ^ [a b c] John Saari (10 april 2000). ”Texas mouse” (på engelska). Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan. http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Peromyscus_attwateri/. Läst 26 juni 2016.
  10. ^ [a b c] Schmidly, D. J. (28 juni 1974). Peromyscus attwateri (på engelska). Mammalian Species. American Society of Mammalogists. http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Biology/VHAYSSEN/msi/pdf/i0076-3519-048-01-0001.pdf. Läst 26 juni 2016.
  11. ^ Texas Deermouse Arkiverad 28 juli 2016 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., Smithsonian Institution, läst 26 juni 2016.

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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Peromyscus attwateri är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av J. A. Allen 1895. Peromyscus attwateri ingår i släktet hjortråttor, och familjen hamsterartade gnagare. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.

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Peromyscus attwateri ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Peromyscus attwateri là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cricetidae, bộ Gặm nhấm. Loài này được J. A. Allen mô tả năm 1895.[2]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Linzey, A.V. & NatureServe (Hammerson, G.) (2008). Peromyscus attwateri. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 8 năm 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern.
  2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Peromyscus attwateri”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Peromyscus attwateri: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Peromyscus attwateri là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cricetidae, bộ Gặm nhấm. Loài này được J. A. Allen mô tả năm 1895.

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텍사스쥐 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

텍사스쥐(Peromyscus attwateri)는 비단털쥐과에 속하는 설치류의 일종이다.[2] 미국 아칸소주캔자스주, 미주리주, 오클라호마주, 텍사스주에서 발견된다. 학명의 종소명은 애트워터(Henry Philemon Attwater)의 이름에서 유래했다.


  1. Cassola, F. 2016. Peromyscus attwateri (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T42652A115199528. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T42652A22359663.en. Downloaded on 25 September 2020.
  2. Musser, G.G.; Carleton, M.D. (2005). 〈SPECIES Peromyscus attwateri. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 894–1531쪽. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

텍사스쥐: Brief Summary ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

텍사스쥐(Peromyscus attwateri)는 비단털쥐과에 속하는 설치류의 일종이다. 미국 아칸소주캔자스주, 미주리주, 오클라호마주, 텍사스주에서 발견된다. 학명의 종소명은 애트워터(Henry Philemon Attwater)의 이름에서 유래했다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자