Cells oval from the ventral side, dorso-ventrally flattened. Length 20 - 28 microns, width 10 - 20 microns, length to width ratio 1.3 - 2.0. Epicone triangular, curved anteriorly, deflected to the left. Cingulum beginning 0.2 of the cell length from the apex, distal end 2 - 4 microns below and to the right of the proximal. Sulcus beginning just to the right of the mid-ventral line, initially deep and wide (2 - 3 microns), becoming less distinct as it nears the posterior of the cell. Two pusules present, each approximately 1 microns diameter, one below the origin of the cingulum, the to the right of the origin of the sulcus. Longitudinal flagellum arising in a pocket just to the left of and below the origin of the sulcus. Nucleus in the posterior part of the hypocone, round to oval, approximately 10 microns diameter. Plastids yellow-brown, in strands radiating from the central pyrenoid, 4 -5 microns diameter . Asexual division occurring in hyaline covered cysts, in which either two or three daughter cells may be formed.