fornì da eFloras
Herbs annual or biennial, 5-15 cm tall. Stems several, cespitose, often branched from base, short appressed pubescent. Basal leaves frequently withered after anthesis, oblanceolate-spatulate, 1-2 cm × 2-8 mm, short appressed pubescent, base attenuate into petiole, apex obtuse; stem leaves sessile, ovate-oblong, 0.8-1.2 cm × 2-4 mm. Inflorescences racemelike, 5-10-flowered; bracts 1-3 below, leaflike, sharply reduced to absent above. Pedicel erect at anthesis, mostly ascending in fruit, 3-5 mm, short appressed pubescent. Calyx lobes erect at anthesis, divaricate in fruit, linear-oblong to oblong, 1-2 mm, densely appressed pubescent outside, sparsely appressed pubescent inside at apex. Corolla light blue, light purple, or white, campanulate-tubular; tube ca. 2 × as long as lobes; appendages obscure; lobes suborbicular, 0.5-0.7 mm. Anthers ovate, 0.2-0.3 mm. Gynobase ca. 0.5 mm. Nutlets dorsiventrally compressed, sparsely pubescent or subglabrous, 1-1.2 × ca. 0.8 mm excluding marginal glochids; adaxially keeled on center line, becoming winged above attachment scar; disc flat or slightly convex; marginal glochids lanceolate-triangular, confluent into a broad wing; attachment scar below middle adaxially, ovate. Fl. and fr. Jul-Sep.
- licensa
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- drit d'autor
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fornì da eFloras
Gansu (Jiuquan Xian), Xinjiang, Xizang (Amdo Xian).
- licensa
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- drit d'autor
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fornì da eFloras
* Hillsides, roadsides, sandy and gravelly areas, rivers, rocky crevices; 3500-4900 m.
- licensa
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- drit d'autor
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Eritrichium tangkulaense: Brief Summary
fornì da wikipedia VI
Eritrichium tangkulaense là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mồ hôi. Loài này được W.T.Wang mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1980.
- licensa
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- drit d'autor
- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Eritrichium tangkulaenseW. T. Wang 唐古拉齿缘草(学名:Eritrichium tangkulaense)是紫草科齿缘草属的植物,为中国的特有植物。分布在中国大陆的西藏、新疆、甘肃等地,生长于海拔3,500米至4,900米的地区,常生长在路边、山坡、河滩沙砾地或石山岩缝中,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。
- 昆明植物研究所. 唐古拉齿缘草. 《中国高等植物数据库全库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).

唐古拉齿缘草: Brief Summary
fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
唐古拉齿缘草(学名:Eritrichium tangkulaense)是紫草科齿缘草属的植物,为中国的特有植物。分布在中国大陆的西藏、新疆、甘肃等地,生长于海拔3,500米至4,900米的地区,常生长在路边、山坡、河滩沙砾地或石山岩缝中,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。