Salayar adalah ngaran tumbuhan nang rancak dijadi'akan tatamba di Kalimantan. Akar, daun, wan ranting tumbuhan ini kawa dipakai gasan meolah tatamba imbah umurnya sudah 7,5 tahun. Tatamba nang diulah dari salayar ini kawa diunjuki gasan urang nang bepenyakit tumor, kanker, radang kelenjar getah bening, wan radang persendian.
Ficus deltoidea, commonly known as mistletoe fig (mas cotek in Malaysian, tabat barito in Indonesia, or สาลิกาลิ้นทอง in Thai) is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae, native to Southeast Asia, and widely naturalized in other parts of the world.
F. deltoidea is an evergreen shrub or small tree, growing up to about 2 m tall, with thick leaves that are deltoid in shape, rounded at the apex and tapering at the base.[1] The upper surface of the plants' leaves are dark, shining green, while the lower surface is golden yellow with black spots. Male and female plants are physically distinctive, with the leaves of female plants being big and round, while the leaves of male plants are small, round and long.[1] F. deltoidea can grow on the land (terrestrial plant), on the stone (Lithophyte) or attach to other plants as epiphyte.[2][3] The plant grows wild in eastern peninsular Malaysia (Kelantan, Terengganu), Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan), Celebes, Palawan and in Mindanao and is used by the traditional medical practitioners in these regions.[3][2]
C.C. Berg in his publication in Blumea classified F. deltoidea into two sub species based on difference of the leaf shape, subsp. deltoidea and subsp. motleyana (Miq.) C.C. Berg.[4] F. deltoidea subsp. deltoidea has board leaf shape variation from obtriangular to linear-oblanceolate, include apex and based on lamina variation in the common deltoid shape with furcate midrib. F. deltoidea subsp. motleyana has oblong to lanceolate lamina shape with pinnately vein.[5][4] The first subspecies with deltoid leaf shape is a common taxa to be used as medicinal plant. Lee et al. (2016) success to conduct molecular analysis with cpDNA and nSSR marker system for F. deltoidea from Peninsular Malaysia and the result support taxonomy classification based on morphological traits.[6]
Ficus deltoidea is used as an ornamental plant, requiring the protection of glass during winter months, in zones where the temperature falls below 10 °C (50 °F). It requires a sunny, sheltered, south- or east-facing position.[7] In the UK it is a recipient of the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[7][8]
The plant is used in traditional medicine in eastern Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo, where its leaves, fruits, stems and roots are believed to have healing properties. Among the traditional uses attributed to this plant include menstrual cycle regulation; the treatment of post-partum depression, lung diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and skin problems;[1] as well as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.[9]
F. deltoidea has been commercialized in the region of its origin, where it is used as an ingredient in herbal drinks, coffee drinks, supplements, and massage oils.
F. deltoidea has been reported to possess triterpenoids, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and natural phenols (flavonoids and proanthocyanins, a type of condensed tannins).[10][11][12][13] Leaf extract treatment to mice indicated decrease of blood sugar level into 32.54% compared to mice without treatment[14]
This plant is not only capable of reducing blood glucose but also improving tissues function, structure and behavioral performance of diabetic rats[15] The percentage of circulating n-3 PUFA, in particular, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also showed a significant increase following F. deltoidea intake[16] Treatment with F. deltoidea for eight weeks has been shown to prevent diabetic osteoporosis by increasing osteogenesis and reducing bone oxidative stress[17] F. deltoidea leaves can also improve hormonal balance among letrozole induced polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) rats[18][19] F. deltoidea also increases serum levels of testosterone, sperm count and motility in diabetic rats [20]
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(help) Ficus deltoidea, commonly known as mistletoe fig (mas cotek in Malaysian, tabat barito in Indonesia, or สาลิกาลิ้นทอง in Thai) is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae, native to Southeast Asia, and widely naturalized in other parts of the world.
Le Ficus deltoidea (ou ficus à feuilles en delta) est un arbuste de la famille des Moracées pouvant atteindre deux mètres de haut. Il provient de Malaisie et doit son nom à ses feuilles en forme de triangle comme la lettre delta grecque. Il est également appelé figuier gui car ses fruits sont de petites baies blanches, vertes ou rougeâtres persistante.
C'est une espèce permettant de produire du caoutchouc à partir de sa sève.Toutefois elle est essentiellement utilisée en ornement intérieur.
Cette plante préfère un soleil indirect ou même une ombre légère. On peut le placer à proximité d'une fenêtre exposée à l'est ou à l'ouest.
Les températures doivent se situer aux alentours de 20° été comme hiver. Ce ficus est originaire des régions tropicales humides, il a donc besoin à la fois de chaleur et d'un taux important d'humidité de l'air. Cultivez-le de préférence au-dessus d'un récipient d'eau contenant des galets ou des billes d'argile et bassinez-le fréquemment.
Le Ficus deltoidea nécessite un arrosage constant sur toute l'année. Son terreau doit être toujours humide mais trop d'eau peut endommager les racines. Un petit arrosage journalier lui convient parfaitement.
On peut effectuer un apport d'engrais liquide ordinaire très dilué tous les quinze jours de mai à septembre.
Rempotez tous les 2 ans dans un compost léger. Un mélange de terre franche, de terreau et de sable ou de perlite conviendra très bien.
Le Ficus deltoidea (ou ficus à feuilles en delta) est un arbuste de la famille des Moracées pouvant atteindre deux mètres de haut. Il provient de Malaisie et doit son nom à ses feuilles en forme de triangle comme la lettre delta grecque. Il est également appelé figuier gui car ses fruits sont de petites baies blanches, vertes ou rougeâtres persistante.
C'est une espèce permettant de produire du caoutchouc à partir de sa sève.Toutefois elle est essentiellement utilisée en ornement intérieur.
Salayar adalah tumbuhan yang biasa dijadikan tanaman obat di Pulau Kalimantan. Bentuknya seperti tanaman kopi, berkerabat dengan beringin, tinggi 5 m, usia minimum tanaman yang bisa digunakan sebagai obat adalah 7,5 tahun. Bagian tanaman yang bermanfaat adalah akar, daun, dan ranting. Dipercaya bisa dipakai untuk melawan penyakit tumor, kanker, radang kelenjar getah bening, dan radang persendian.
Il Ficus deltoidea è un piccolo albero sempreverde, originario delle zone tropicali dell'Asia (India).
Raggiunge in natura l'altezza di 2 m, coltivata in vaso non supera i 90 cm. Ha fusti sottili e ramificati legnosi o semi-legnosi, corteccia liscia di colore beige, le foglie lunghe di 4–6 cm compreso il picciolo, spesse, tondeggianti con un breve picciolo, sono di colore verde chiaro opaco, grigio-giallastre inferiormente. In primavera e in autunno produce piccoli siconi tondeggianti gialli o rossastri, non commestibili.
Il F. deltoidea è poco diffuso come pianta ornamentale pur avendo un aspetto decorativo. Nei luoghi d'origine si può sviluppare come pianta epifita, sul tronco di grandi alberi. Anche la linfa del F. deltoidea viene utilizzata per la produzione di caucciù.
Richiede posizioni semi ombreggiate con elevata umidità ambientale, luminosità abbondante senza luce diretta del sole, non esporre a bruschi sbalzi di temperatura, annaffiare regolarmente, senza eccedere, evitando il ristagno d'acqua, diradare d'inverno, si giova della vaporizzazione delle foglie con acqua distillata, nella bella stagione concimare mensilmente con concime liquido azotato miscelato all'acqua delle annaffiature. Per rinfoltire la pianta, spuntare tutti i rami presenti, sopra la seconda o terza foglia. Rinvasare ogni 2 anni utilizzando terreno ricco, soffice e ben drenato. La moltiplicazione avviene per talea semilegnosa.
Il Ficus deltoidea è un piccolo albero sempreverde, originario delle zone tropicali dell'Asia (India).
Ficus deltoidea là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae. Loài này được Jack mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1822.[1]
Ficus deltoidea là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae. Loài này được Jack mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1822.