
Distribution ( Anglèis )

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The geographic range of Urbanus proteus is from Argentina in South America, throughout Central America and the West Indies, up to the southern parts of North America (Carter 1992). These butterflies are abundant and year round residents of southern Texas and Florida, but during the summer months they can be found as far as Illinois and New York. However, they do not survive long in these northen areas because of the colder temperatures (Tveten and Tveten 1996).

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native ); neotropical (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Associations ( Anglèis )

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Adults pollinate many plant species, while larvae feed on many plant species.

Ecosystem Impact: pollinates

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Long-Tailed Skippers have no positive influence on humans.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Since this species lays its eggs under bean plants, it can have a devastating effect on bean crop yield (Scott 1986). Although it takes many larvae to make an impact on the yield, they are still considered pests of bean plants. In terms of biological control, these larvae are found to be preyed on by certain species of wasps and stink bugs. The beanleaf roller larvae can also be infected with a virus that can kill up to 50% of the population. Common insecticides are also effective on killing the larvae (Capinera 2001).

Negative Impacts: crop pest

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Life Cycle ( Anglèis )

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Females lay up to 20 eggs (commonly in clusters of 2-6) underneath the leaves of the host plant (Scott 1986). Eggs are cream to bluish-green and are hemispherical and finely sculpted (Forestieno and Sbordoni 1998). Once the larvae hatch, they eat the leaves from their nests made of rolled leaves and supportive silk strands. The pupa forms a cocoon out of bits of leaves and silk strands. The life cycle of the butterfly is about thirty days (Capinera 1996).

Development - Life Cycle: metamorphosis

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

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The butterfly and its habitat are not listed as threatened. The adaptation of the Urbanus proteus to suburban gardens exempts it from becoming threatened in its wild habitat.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Behavior ( Anglèis )

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Males find potential mates through olfaction.

Communication Channels: chemical

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Sensa tìtol ( Anglèis )

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Collectors are not fans of this butterfly because of the tendency of the wings to fold under at death so they are hard to display. The wing muscle of the live butterfly are very strong and are therefore hard to capture. The long tails are very fragile and easily broken (Forestieno and Sbordoni 1998).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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The adult butterflies have no specific attraction to certain plants. As long as there is a flowering plant with nectar, the butterfly will stop frequently (Tventen and Tventen 1996).

Larvae are found on Leguminosae and Fabacceae (Neck 1996). Some examples of common larval plants are Pisum, Desmodium, Bauhinia, cultivated beans, and any other viney plants (Klots 1951).

Plant Foods: leaves; nectar

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Nectarivore )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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The habitats of these butterflies include brushy fields, woodland edges, coastal dunes, and even suburban gardens (Tveten and Tveten 1996). They are not found in high elevations or altitudes because of the cool temperatures (Forestieno and Sbordoni 1998).

Range elevation: 0 (low) m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical

Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; chaparral ; forest

Other Habitat Features: suburban

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Long-tailed skippers have a broad head and a hairy body with tufts of hair at the base of their curved-tip antennae. The wingspan of these hairy butterflies is between 4 - 5.4 cm (Klots 1951). The top side of Urbanus proteus is dark brown with lighter brown spots. Wing bases, the part of the wing attached to the body, on the top are an irridescent green. Undersides of the butterflies are a lighter brown with dark bands and spots.

Larvae are yellowish green with a black line down the dorsal side of the body. The head is maroon and black and there are yellow and orange/red side strips. The reddish black head is also accompanied by an orange or yellow spot on each side. The pupa of this species is a reddish-brown and is covered with a waxy whitish powder (Scott 1986).

Range wingspan: 4 to 5.4 cm.

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Associations ( Anglèis )

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Larvae are found to be preyed on by certain species of wasps and stink bugs.

Known Predators:

  • stink bugs (Pentatomidae)
drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

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Male Urbanus proteus are territorial and stake out sites in places where females are common during the spring mating season. The males find the females through olfaction as they perch 1-2 meters from the ground on foliage and await passing females (Tveten and Tveten 1996). Males and females join in a courtship dance that involes spiraling upward together and eventually falling to the ground, where they mate. Females lay up to 20 eggs (commonly in clusters of 2-6) underneath the leaves of the host plant (Scott 1986). Eggs are cream to bluish-green and are hemispherical and finely sculpted (Forestieno and Sbordoni 1998). Once the larvae hatch, they eat the leaves from their nests made of rolled leaves and supportive silk strands. The pupa forms a cocoon out of bits of leaves and silk strands. The life cycle of the butterfly is about thirty days (Capinera 1996).

Average eggs per season: 20.

Key Reproductive Features: seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); oviparous

Beyond choosing sites to lay eggs, butterflies offer no parental care.

Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning)

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Palmer, J. 2001. "Urbanus proteus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Urbanus_proteus.html
Jessica Palmer, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Distribution ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Urbanus proteus ( Alman )

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Urbanus proteus ist ein Schmetterling (Tagfalter) aus der Familie der Dickkopffalter (Hesperiidae). Er kommt von Florida und Texas über Mittelamerika bis nach Südamerika vor.



Die Flügelspannweite der Falter beträgt 45 bis 60 Millimeter.[1] Vorder- und Hinterflügel haben auf Ober- und Unterseite eine braune Grundfarbe. Sie sind mit einigen weißlichen Flecken versehen. Arttypisch ist der bläulich bis grünlich gefärbte Wurzelbereich auf der Flügeloberseite. Auch Thorax und Abdomen zeigen diese Farbe. Die Flügelunterseiten sind braun und nur mit sehr wenigen kleinen, weißen Flecken versehen. Auffällig sind die besonders langen Schwänze am Tornus der Hinterflügel, weshalb die Art im englischen Sprachgebrauch zuweilen auch als Long-tailed Skipper („Langschwänziger Dickkopffalter“) bezeichnet wird.


Die Eier sind bei der Ablage weißlich, nehmen aber schon bald eine gelbliche Farbe an und werden in Gruppen von bis zu 20 Stück meist auf der Unterseite von Blättern einer Nahrungspflanze abgelegt.[2] Auf der Oberfläche befinden sich viele Längsrippen.[3]


Ausgewachsene Raupen haben eine grünliche Farbe und sind mit zwei gelblichen Seitenlinien versehen. Der gesamte Körper ist sehr fein weißlich bis gelblich punktiert. Am Körperende ist ein kurzes orangefarbenes Segment erkennbar. Kopf und Nackenschild sind schwarzbraun und heben sich deutlich hervor. Am Kopf befindet sich an jeder Seite ein roter Fleck.


Die Puppen haben eine rotbraune Farbe und sind mit einer weißen, wachsartigen Puderschicht überzogen.[4]

Verbreitung und Vorkommen

Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Art erstreckt sich von Florida und Texas Richtung Süden über den mittel- und südamerikanischen Kontinent. Sie kommt auch auf den Antillen und den Bahamas vor.[4] Als Wanderfalter wurde sie zuweilen auch in nördlicher gelegenen US-amerikanischen Bundesstaaten, beispielsweise in Connecticut und Michigan nachgewiesen. Urbanus proteus besiedelt bevorzugt offene Garten- und Feldlandschaften.


Die Falter fliegen in mehreren Generationen das ganze Jahr hindurch. Die Raupen ernähren sich von den Blättern verschiedener Hülsenfrüchtler (Fabaceae). Sie leben in Nestern aus zusammengerollten und versponnenen Blättern, weshalb die Art im englischen Sprachgebrauch neben Long-tailed Skipper auch als Bean Leafroller (frei übersetzt: „Bohnen-Blattwickler“) bezeichnet wird. An Gartenbohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris) können sie zuweilen schädlich werden.[4]


Neben der Nominatform Urbanus proteus proteus wird auf Grenada und Haiti die Unterart Urbanus proteus domingo gefunden.[5]



  1. Butterflies and Moths of North America http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/species/Urbanus-proteus
  2. Entwicklungszyklus http://www.buglifecycle.com/?page_id=2576
  3. Bean Leafroller http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/veg/bean/bean_leafroller.htm
  4. a b c James A. Scott (1986). The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-2013-4, S. 475
  5. Verbreitung und Unterarten http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/hesperioidea/hesperiidae/pyrginae/urbanus/index.html#proteus


  • James A. Scott (1986). The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-2013-4, S. 475


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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Flügelunterseiten

Urbanus proteus ist ein Schmetterling (Tagfalter) aus der Familie der Dickkopffalter (Hesperiidae). Er kommt von Florida und Texas über Mittelamerika bis nach Südamerika vor.

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Long-tailed skipper ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

The long-tailed skipper (Urbanus proteus) is a spread-winged skipper butterfly found throughout tropical and subtropical South America, south to Argentina and north into the eastern United States and southern Ontario.[2] It cannot live in areas with prolonged frost. It is a showy butterfly, with wings of light brown tinted with iridescent blue, and two long tails extending from the hindwings. The robust body is light blue dorsally. It has a large head, prominent eyes, and a wingspan between 4.5 and 6 centimeters.

Life cycle

It lays white or yellow eggs, singly or in small clusters, which hatch into a caterpillar with a yellowish body and large, dark head. After two to three weeks, the caterpillar forms a pupa. Its pupa is contained in a rolled leaf and covered in fine bluish hairs. The pupa stage may last from one to three weeks, after which the adult emerges.[3]

The caterpillar of this skipper is a common pest of crops, especially beans, in the southern United States. For this reason, it is sometimes called the bean leafroller in that area. The caterpillars are also known to attack ornamental plants in the legume family such as wisteria and butterfly peas. The caterpillars feed on leaves and then roll the leaves around themselves, lining the cavity with silk, to pupate. The adults feed on nectar from flowers. Natural enemies of this species include wasp and fly parasitoids, and the Florida predatory stink bug, (Euthyrhynchus floridanus). In the fall, a nuclear polyhedrosis virus killed up to 50% of the larvae.[3]


U. p. domingo flies in the Bahamas and throughout the West Indies, but it is only weakly differentiated from the nominate form, chiefly by its reduced white markings.[4]


  1. ^ "NatureServe Explorer 2.0 Urbanus proteus Long-tailed Skipper". explorer.natureserve.org. Retrieved 29 September 2020.
  2. ^ "Urbanus proteus". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Retrieved 19 October 2021.
  3. ^ a b Capinera, John L. (2001). Handbook of Vegetable Pests. Gulf Professional Publishing. pp. 364–365. ISBN 978-0-12-158861-8.
  4. ^ R. R. Askew and P. A. van B. Stafford, Butterflies of the Cayman Islands (Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2008) ISBN 978-87-88757-85-9, pp. 117-119
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Long-tailed skipper: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The long-tailed skipper (Urbanus proteus) is a spread-winged skipper butterfly found throughout tropical and subtropical South America, south to Argentina and north into the eastern United States and southern Ontario. It cannot live in areas with prolonged frost. It is a showy butterfly, with wings of light brown tinted with iridescent blue, and two long tails extending from the hindwings. The robust body is light blue dorsally. It has a large head, prominent eyes, and a wingspan between 4.5 and 6 centimeters.

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Urbanus proteus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Urbanus proteus es una mariposa de la familia Hesperiidae, subfamilia Eudaminae. Es una mariposa vistosa, con alas de color castaño claro con iridiscencias azules y con dos largas colas en las alas posteriores. El cuerpo robusto tiene un dorso azulado. La cabeza es grande con ojos prominentes. La envergadura es de 4,5 a 6 cm.

Se encuentra en toda la región tropical y subtropical de Suramérica y en Norteamérica. No puede sobrevivir donde hay heladas fuertes. Es una especie migratoria.[1]

Ciclo vital

Pone huevos blancos o amarillos, aislados o en grupos pequeños; la oruga tiene un cuerpo amarillento con una cabeza grande y oscura. Después de dos o tres semanas la oruga se transforma en pupa, forma un capullo de pelos azulados finos y se encierra dentro de una hoja plegada. El estadio de pupa puede durar de una a tres semanas; a continuación emerge el adulto.[2]

La oruga puede ser una plaga de los cultivos, especialmente de porotos o judías y soja. también ataca plantas ornamentales como Wisteria y Clitoria. La oruga se alimenta de las hojas y las dobla para ocultarse dentro de este pliegue. Tapiza el interior de esta habitación con seda y sus propios pelos cuando va a pupar. El adulto se alimenta del néctar de las flores. Entre sus enemigos naturales se cuentan avispillas y moscas parasitoides y la chinche pentatómida, Euthyrhynchus floridanus. También hay virus que los atacan especialmente durante el otoño.[2]


U. p. domingo vuela en las Bahamas y otras islas del Caribe. No es muy diferente de otros miembros de la especie, tiene marcas blancas menos marcadas.[3]


  1. U. Florida. Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
  2. a b Capinera, John L. (2001). Handbook of Vegetable Pests. Gulf Professional Publishing. pp. 364-365. ISBN 978-0-12-158861-8.
  3. R. R. Askew and P. A. van B. Stafford, Butterflies of the Cayman Islands (Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2008) ISBN 978-87-88757-85-9, pp. 117-119
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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da wikipedia ES

Urbanus proteus es una mariposa de la familia Hesperiidae, subfamilia Eudaminae. Es una mariposa vistosa, con alas de color castaño claro con iridiscencias azules y con dos largas colas en las alas posteriores. El cuerpo robusto tiene un dorso azulado. La cabeza es grande con ojos prominentes. La envergadura es de 4,5 a 6 cm.

Se encuentra en toda la región tropical y subtropical de Suramérica y en Norteamérica. No puede sobrevivir donde hay heladas fuertes. Es una especie migratoria.​

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Urbanus proteus ( Fransèis )

fornì da wikipedia FR

Urbanus proteus est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères de la famille des Hesperiidae qui se rencontre dans le sud de la Californie, en Arizona, au Texas, en Floride et en Amérique du Sud.



Urbanus proteus présente un corps de couleur bleu clair sur le dos. Ses ailes sont brun clair teinté de bleu. Les ailes postérieures sont prolongées par deux extensions. Sa tête est forte avec des yeux proéminents. L'envergure est comprise entre 45 et 60 mm.

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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Urbanus proteus est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères de la famille des Hesperiidae qui se rencontre dans le sud de la Californie, en Arizona, au Texas, en Floride et en Amérique du Sud.

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Urbanus proteus ( Italian )

fornì da wikipedia IT

Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus, 1758) è un lepidottero diurno appartenente alla famiglia Hesperiidae, diffuso nel continente americano.


È una farfalla dall'apertura alare di circa 4-5 cm. È un volatore erratico e presenta due vistose code sulle ali posteriori. La colorazione del lato superiore delle ali è verde iridescente che sfuma verso il marrone scuro con ornamentazioni bianche sulle ali anteriori; quello inferiore presenta colori più smorzati e disegni più complessi. L'apice delle antenne è ricurvo. La larva ha una colorazione verde oliva con linee scure e macchie nere e gialle, e sulla testa brunastra presenta due macchie gialle.


La larva si sviluppa sulle piante di diverse specie di Leguminose[1].

Distribuzione e habitat

È diffusa in buona parte del continente americano, dall'Argentina fino agli Stati Uniti meridionali. Si trova facilmente nei terreni agricoli di pianura.


  1. ^ (EN) Urbanus proteus, in HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. URL consultato il 16 marzo 2015.


  • David Carter, Farfalle e falene - Guida fotografica a oltre 500 specie di farfalle e falene di tutto il mondo, Dorling Kindersley, ISBN 88-88666-70-2

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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

fornì da wikipedia IT

Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus, 1758) è un lepidottero diurno appartenente alla famiglia Hesperiidae, diffuso nel continente americano.

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Urbanus proteus ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL


Urbanus proteus is een dagvlinder uit de familie Hesperiidae, de dikkopjes.


De vleugel varieert in lengte tussen de 45 en 60 millimeter en heeft aan de achtervleugels lange staarten. Ze hebben een eigenaardige dwarrelende vlucht. Aan de antennes bevinden zich knotsjes.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Het leefgebied spreidt zich uit van het zuidelijke deel van de VS via Midden-Amerika tot Zuid-Amerika. De vlinder vliegt in twee tot drie generaties per jaar.


Voedselplanten voor de volwassen vlinder zijn planten uit de geslachten Bougainvillea, Lantana en Scandix. Waardplanten van de rups komen voornamelijk uit het geslacht Legumes.

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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL

Urbanus proteus is een dagvlinder uit de familie Hesperiidae, de dikkopjes.

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Stjertsmyger ( norvegèis )

fornì da wikipedia NO

Stjertsmyger (Urbanus proteus) er en sommerfugl som hører til familien smygere (Hesperiidae). Den er vidt utbredt i Nord-, Mellom- og Sør-Amerika og kan kjennes på at bakvingene er trukket ut til lange stjerter.

Eksterne lenker

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Stjertsmyger: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

fornì da wikipedia NO

Stjertsmyger (Urbanus proteus) er en sommerfugl som hører til familien smygere (Hesperiidae). Den er vidt utbredt i Nord-, Mellom- og Sør-Amerika og kan kjennes på at bakvingene er trukket ut til lange stjerter.

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Urbanus proteus ( polonèis )

fornì da wikipedia POL
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Urbanus proteusowad z rzędu motyli, z rodziny powszelatkowatych (Hesperiidae). Nazwa angielska to Long-tailed skipper. Ze względu na charakterystyczne zawijanie liści przez gąsienice zwany czasami Bean leafroller.

Urbanus proteus

Rozpiętość skrzydeł tego motyla wynosi do 4,5 - 6,0 cm. Ubarwienie skrzydeł brązowe do ciemno brązowego. Tylne skrzydła wydłużone. Ciało i podstawa skrzydeł od strony grzbietowej niebiesko-zielona. Na Florydzie i w Teksasie występują 3 pokolenia w ciągu roku i tam motyl lata cały rok.

Samice składają do 20 jaj które przylepiają po spodniej stronie liści. Gąsienice żywią się liśćmi Gąsienica barwy szaro-zielonej z cienką ciemną pręgą na grzbiecie oraz z szerszymi żółtymi pręgami po bokach ciała. Odnóża barwy pomarańczowej. Głowa brązowoczerwona z dwoma pomarańczowymi plamkami.

Występuje na terenie Ameryki Północnej, Ameryki Środkowej i Ameryki Południowej. W USA występuje głównie na terenie Florydy i Teksasu. Spotykany również w Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Arizonie i Kalifornii. Występuje na obrzeżach lasów w ogrodach na polach i innych otwartych przestrzeniach.


  1. Allen, Thomas J., Brock, Jim P., Glassberg, Jeffrey., Caterpillars in the field and garden : a field guide to the butterfly caterpillars of North America, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005, s.116, ​ISBN 0-19-518371-1
  2. James PJ.P. Brock James PJ.P., Kaufman field guide to butterflies of North America, KennK. Kaufman i inni, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2003, s. 256, ISBN 0-618-76826-2, OCLC 71232654 .
  3. Lori A.L.A. Spencer Lori A.L.A., Arkansas butterflies and moths, Don RD.R. Simons, Little Rock: Ozark Society Foundation, 2006, s. 30, ISBN 0-912456-25-6, OCLC 70483413 .
  4. Urbanus proteus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.) [dostęp 25 czerwca 2009]
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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

fornì da wikipedia POL

Urbanus proteus – owad z rzędu motyli, z rodziny powszelatkowatych (Hesperiidae). Nazwa angielska to Long-tailed skipper. Ze względu na charakterystyczne zawijanie liści przez gąsienice zwany czasami Bean leafroller.

 src= Urbanus proteus

Rozpiętość skrzydeł tego motyla wynosi do 4,5 - 6,0 cm. Ubarwienie skrzydeł brązowe do ciemno brązowego. Tylne skrzydła wydłużone. Ciało i podstawa skrzydeł od strony grzbietowej niebiesko-zielona. Na Florydzie i w Teksasie występują 3 pokolenia w ciągu roku i tam motyl lata cały rok.

Samice składają do 20 jaj które przylepiają po spodniej stronie liści. Gąsienice żywią się liśćmi Gąsienica barwy szaro-zielonej z cienką ciemną pręgą na grzbiecie oraz z szerszymi żółtymi pręgami po bokach ciała. Odnóża barwy pomarańczowej. Głowa brązowoczerwona z dwoma pomarańczowymi plamkami.

Występuje na terenie Ameryki Północnej, Ameryki Środkowej i Ameryki Południowej. W USA występuje głównie na terenie Florydy i Teksasu. Spotykany również w Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Arizonie i Kalifornii. Występuje na obrzeżach lasów w ogrodach na polach i innych otwartych przestrzeniach.

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Urbanus proteus ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Urbanus proteus (também conhecida como lagarta das folhas ou cabeça-de-fósforo[2]) é uma espécie de borboleta que pertence ao gênero Urbanus, bastante comum em todo o continente americano, dos Estados Unidos à América do Sul.

Tem um ciclo vital de um mês de duração, no qual metade refere-se à fase larval.[3]

A U. proteus pode ser considerada uma praga para algumas espécies vegetais, sendo sua lagarta facilmente reconhecidas pela presença de três linhas longitudinais no corpo e uma grande cabeça em forma de cápsula,[2] de cor escura; já os adultos são reconhecidos pelo prolongamento em forma de cauda na asa posterior, além de reflexos azulados nas asas posteriores, que se destacam assim como as várias manchas brancas, translúcidas e quadriculadas, sobre a coloração marrom.[4][3]

Habitat e ocorrência

É uma espécie neártica e neotropical (climas temperado e tropical); é encontrada desde a Argentina, na América do Sul, passando pela América Central até a parte sul dos Estados Unidos (em estados como Texas e Flórida), no verão entretanto pode ser encontrada em estados mais ao norte, como Nova York (onde não sobrevivem muito tempo em razão do clima frio).[5]

Assim pode-se dizer que tem hábitos suburbanos, de baixa altitude, sendo encontrada em ambientes de savana ou pastagens, chaparral e florestas.[5]


As fêmeas colocam aproximadamente vinte ovos, na página inferior das folhas, ocorrendo de duas a três posturas por ano.[1] Um a seis ovos são colocados por folha,[2] formando pequenos grupos.[3] Cada ovo é esférico, com diâmetro de cerca de 1 mm, possui inicialmente a cor branca que com o tempo se torna amarelado, eclodindo após cerca de seis dias da postura.[1]


Com cinco ínstares, o ciclo de vida dura em torno de trinta dias; as larvas são esverdeadas com faixas laterais amarelas e uma faixa estreita marrom no dorso, além de ter o corpo salpicado de manchas pretas; A cabeça bastante desenvolvida é de cor escura, em tom marrom-avermelhado; com duas a três semanas de vida a lagarta forma a pupa.[1] Esta é construída com pedaços de folhas e fios de seda.[5]

A pupa (feita de fios de seda e pedaços de folha) com a cobertura de pó ceroso esbranquiçado.

A fase pupal dura de uma a três semanas, e mede cerca de 20 mm; sua cor inicial é esverdeada até tornar-se marrom, coberta com secreção cerosa alva.[1] Para abrigar-se nesta fase ela dobra uma folha a partir das margens, formando uma câmara da qual saem eventualmente para se alimentar.[2]

Durante esta fase a lagarta pode ser atacada por alguns parasitas, que servem ao controle natural da espécie, a exemplo do Apanteles sp. e do Winthemia sp..[6]

Fase adulta

Adulto alimentando-se de néctar.

Os adultos, que possuem envergadura de 4 a 6 cm, alimentam-se de néctar e os machos localizam as fêmeas graças aos feromônios que esta emitem.[1]

As asas são de cor predominante marrom na face inferior; a face superior possui iridescência azulada na base posterior; as asas posteriores terminam em um prolongamento e apresentam manchas brancas na porção anterior, em formato quadrangular.[1]

Apresentam a presença de pelos ao longo do corpo, com tufos maiores na base de suas antenas, que possuem a ponta curva.[5]

São pouco tolerantes ao clima frio e a grandes altitudes, realizando migrações conforme as estações do ano, ocorrendo durante todo o ano.[1]

O acasalamento ocorre na primavera em locais de clima definido; os machos percebem as fêmeas por meio do olfato, quando então se posicionam em posição de espera na folhagem a uma altura de um a dois metros a partir do chão e aguardam a passagem das fêmeas; eles então realizam uma dança de acasalamento que se dá numa espiral ascendente até que, finalmente, caem ao chão onde se acasalam.[5] Em razão deste comportamento dá-se a localização por meio olfativo, visual e tátil.[5]

Impacto agrícola

A "lagarta-cabeça-de-fósforo" ataca espécies vegetais como Glycine max, Phaseolus sp., Amphicarpa bracteata, Desmodium sp., Clitoria sp. e Wisteria sp., das quais se alimentam das folhas em todas as fases de desenvolvimento da planta.[1] Em culturas como o feijão, entretanto, ela raramente ocorre em população suficiente para causar impacto econômico significativo.[2] O impacto decorre do desfolhamento com a alimentação das larvas, bem como pelo enrolamento das folhas quando estas entram na fase de pupa.[3]

Em razão do impacto pode ser considerada uma praga e o controle pode ser feito por meio biológico (com predadores naturais como percevejos Pentatomidae, moscas Tachinidae e vespas Polistes ou com o vírus de poliedrose nuclear) ou químico.[1]


  1. a b c d e f g h i j «Urbanus proteus». Defesa Vegetal. Consultado em 27 de abril de 2018. Cópia arquivada em 27 de abril de 2018
  2. a b c d e Eliane Dias Quintela. «Pragas desfolhadoras». Agência Embrapa de Informação Tecnológica. Consultado em 27 de abril de 2018. Cópia arquivada em 27 de abril de 2018
  3. a b c d Henrique José da Costa Moreira; Flávio Damasceno Aragão (2009). «Manual de Pragas da Soja» (PDF). Agrolink. Consultado em 27 de abril de 2018. Cópia arquivada (PDF) em 24 de abril de 2016
  4. Institucional. «Urbanus proteus». Insetário Virtual - Faculdade INGÁ. Consultado em 27 de abril de 2018. Cópia arquivada em 27 de abril de 2018
  5. a b c d e f Jessica Palmer. «Urbanus proteus». Animal Diversity Web (University of Michigan). Consultado em 27 de abril de 2018. Cópia arquivada em 27 de abril de 2018
  6. N.W. Perioto; R.I.R. Lara; T.C. da Silva (2003). «Ocorrência de Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) e de seu parasitoide Apanteles sp. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) em cultura de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill - Fabaceae) em Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil» (PDF). Instituto Biológico de São Paulo. Consultado em 27 de abril de 2018. Cópia arquivada (PDF) em 27 de abril de 2018
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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Urbanus proteus (também conhecida como lagarta das folhas ou cabeça-de-fósforo) é uma espécie de borboleta que pertence ao gênero Urbanus, bastante comum em todo o continente americano, dos Estados Unidos à América do Sul.

Tem um ciclo vital de um mês de duração, no qual metade refere-se à fase larval.

A U. proteus pode ser considerada uma praga para algumas espécies vegetais, sendo sua lagarta facilmente reconhecidas pela presença de três linhas longitudinais no corpo e uma grande cabeça em forma de cápsula, de cor escura; já os adultos são reconhecidos pelo prolongamento em forma de cauda na asa posterior, além de reflexos azulados nas asas posteriores, que se destacam assim como as várias manchas brancas, translúcidas e quadriculadas, sobre a coloração marrom.

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Urbanus proteus ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Urbanus proteus là một loài bướm trong họ Hesperiidae. Sải cánh của chúng có thể đạt từ 4.5 đến 6 centimeter.

Urbanus proteus.JPG

Chú thích

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến họ Bướm nhảy (Hesperiidae) này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Urbanus proteus: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Urbanus proteus là một loài bướm trong họ Hesperiidae. Sải cánh của chúng có thể đạt từ 4.5 đến 6 centimeter.

Urbanus proteus.JPG  src= Pupa  src= Caterpillar
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オナガセセリ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
オナガセセリ Urbanus proteus.JPG 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda : 昆虫綱 Insecta : チョウ目(鱗翅目) Lepidoptera 上科 : セセリチョウ上科 Hesperioidea : セセリチョウ科 Hesperiidae 亜科 : オナガセセリ亜科 Eudaminae : Urbanus : オナガセセリ
U. proteus 学名 Urbanus proteus
(Linnaeus,1758) 和名 オナガセセリ 英名 Long-tailed Skipper

オナガセセリ (Urbanus proteus) は、チョウ目(鱗翅目)・セセリチョウ上科セセリチョウ科に分類されるチョウの一種。








 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、オナガセセリに関連するカテゴリがあります。
  • ケン・プレストン・マフハム(著者) 大谷剛(日本語版監修) 『世界チョウ図鑑500種』 ネコ・パブリッシングISBN 978-4-7770-5250-9。
執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。


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オナガセセリ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

オナガセセリ (Urbanus proteus) は、チョウ目(鱗翅目)・セセリチョウ上科セセリチョウ科に分類されるチョウの一種。

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