Monopis obviella ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Echten Motten (Tineidae).
Monopis obviella ist ein sehr kleiner Falter, er erreicht nur eine Flügelspannweite von acht bis 13 Millimetern. Auf dem Hinterrand der Vorderflügel befindet sich eine gelbe, gebogene, scharf abgegrenzte Strieme.
Die Raupen leben in Vogelnestern beispielsweise von Dohlen und Amseln, in Taubenschlägen und im Gewölle von Eulen. Sie sind Aasfresser und ernähren sich von tierischen und pflanzlichen Überresten. Oft sind sie auch an Wolle zu finden.[3]
Monopis obviella bildet zwei Generationen im Jahr, die von Mai bis Oktober fliegen. Die Falter schwärmen abends an Hecken und Gebüschen und werden gelegentlich am Licht angetroffen.[4]
Monopis obviella ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Echten Motten (Tineidae).
Monopis obviella is a species of tineoid moth. It belongs to the fungus moth family (Tineidae), and therein to the nominate subfamily Tineinae. It is (under the invalid name Tinea ferruginella) the type species of Blabophanes, today treated as a junior synonym of the genus Monopis. M. crocicapitella was only separated from the present species in 1859, and is still frequently confused with it even by rather recent sources.[1]
It is not uncommon all across western Eurasia; while it has not been recorded in Slovenia yet, given that it occurs in all neighboring countries it probably has simply been overlooked. But it is apparently still a rather Continental species, as it seems absent from major Mediterranean islands and Iceland, and on Great Britain occurs mainly in the south, towards the English Channel. But confusion with M. crocicapitella makes the exact range of these moths still quite little known.[2]
The adults of this small moth have a wingspan of 13–20 mm. On the wing around May to October (depending on the location), they are nocturnal but may fly around in daytime or be attracted to light occasionally. They have blackish forewings with a thick creamy-white trailing edge, some sprinkles of the same color along the leading edge, and the translucent center spot characteristic for the genus Monopis. The hindwings are a lighter greyish brown with minute black speckles; they are surrounded by a long-haired fringe, as usual for fungus moths and relatives. The body is dark brown, and the head bears a tuft of creamy-brown hair.[3]
In most of its range, two generations per year seem to occur. The caterpillar larvae eat detritus. They have been recorded from bird of prey pellets, horn shavings, wool (particularly if left outside to decay) and rotting wood.[4]
Invalid scientific names (junior synonyms and others) of M. obviella are:[5]
Monopis obviella is a species of tineoid moth. It belongs to the fungus moth family (Tineidae), and therein to the nominate subfamily Tineinae. It is (under the invalid name Tinea ferruginella) the type species of Blabophanes, today treated as a junior synonym of the genus Monopis. M. crocicapitella was only separated from the present species in 1859, and is still frequently confused with it even by rather recent sources.
Het geel kijkgaatje (Monopis obviella), is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Tineidae, de echte motten. De imago wordt wel verward met die van Monopis crocicapitella, die echter een lichter gekleurde achtervleugel heeft. De spanwijdte van de vlinder bedraagt tussen de 10 en 13 millimeter. De soort komt verspreid voor over Europa.
De rups van het geel kijkgaatje leeft van dierlijke en plantaardige resten, met name wol.
Het geel kijkgaatje is in Nederland en in België een algemene soort. De soort vliegt van mei tot in oktober en is zelfs wel in december waargenomen.
Het geel kijkgaatje (Monopis obviella), is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Tineidae, de echte motten. De imago wordt wel verward met die van Monopis crocicapitella, die echter een lichter gekleurde achtervleugel heeft. De spanwijdte van de vlinder bedraagt tussen de 10 en 13 millimeter. De soort komt verspreid voor over Europa.
Monopis obviella er en liten sommerfugl som hører til familien ekte møll (Tineidae). Denne arten finnes vanligst i gamle fuglereir, der larvene eter dødt, animalsk materiale.
En liten (vingespenn 8-13 millimeter), mørkbrun møll. Antennene er trådformede og vel tre fjerdedeler så lange som forvingene. Hodet er kledt med brunoransje, hårlignende skjell. Forkroppen er mørkbrun på sidene, oransje i midten. Forvingene er svartbrune med en avlang, hvit flekk omtrent midten og oransje bakkant, i tillegg er det spredte, grå flekker. Bakvingene er gråbrune. Arten er lett å kjenne igjen på fargtegningene.
Denne arten blir oftest funnet i tilknytning til gamle fuglereir i skog, men kan også forekomme i andre miljøer. Som vanlig hos Tineinae, eter larvene tørt, dødt, animalsk materiale.
Den er utbredt i Europa østover til Kaukasus, og også i Nord-Afrika. I Norge er den bare funnet langs kysten vest til Vest-Agder.
Monopis obviella er en liten sommerfugl som hører til familien ekte møll (Tineidae). Denne arten finnes vanligst i gamle fuglereir, der larvene eter dødt, animalsk materiale.
Monopis obviella é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Tineidae.
A autoridade científica da espécie é Denis & Schiffermüller, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1775.
Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.
Monopis obviella é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Tineidae.
A autoridade científica da espécie é Denis & Schiffermüller, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1775.
Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.