Imported by Dr. P.V. Loiselle and Mr. Rick Haeffner from Madagascar; Photos taken at the Denver Zoo, Denver Colorado in November 2002. Fish ID by A. Saunders, Dr. P.V. Loiselle and Mr. Rick Haeffner, confirmed by Dr. M.L.J. Stiassny.
Imported by Dr. P.V. Loiselle and Mr. Rick Haeffner from Madagascar; Photos taken at the Denver Zoo, Denver Colorado in November 2002. Fish ID by A. Saunders, Dr. P.V. Loiselle and Mr. Rick Haeffner, confirmed by Dr. M.L.J. Stiassny.
Description: Español: Panchax del río Sakaramy (Pachypanchax sakaramyi). Date: 23 April 2013, 20:56:43. Source: FishBase: [1]. Author: A. Saunders, P.V. Loiselle and Rick Haeffner.