Pangio myersi és una espècie de peix de la família dels cobítids i de l'ordre dels cipriniformes.[4]
Viu a zones de clima tropical.[5]
Es troba a la conca del riu Mekong i al sud-est de Tailàndia.[5]
És una espècie popular en aquariofília.[7]
Pangio myersi (Myer's loach, Myer's kuhli loach or giant kuhli[2]) is a species of loach in the genus Pangio native to Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam and Thailand. They are black with orange bands, and can grow to 10 centimetres (3.9 in) SL.[3]
In its native range, the giant kuhli likes to swarm under leaves and underwater plants. Although it is not a schooling fish, it does prefer to be with others of its kind.
This species is a peaceful aquarium fish that recently have become hard to find for hobbyists in the US. Because of their similar names, and probably because the giant kuhli loach has become scarce in recent years, it is often confused with the "regular" kuhli loach, Pangio semicincta.
The giant kuhli loach is an omnivore, but apparently needs a lot of protein, since it especially loves to eat live bloodworms and other live worms. It is also fond of shrimp pellets and algae wafers. However, it will eat flake food or anything else it finds that has drifted to the bottom of the tank.
This colorful and peaceful bottom-dweller does not attack other fish. The giant kuhlis tend to meander toward their food with frequent stops along the way, as if "smelling the roses," while the corys are like pigs that stampede to the food, and continue eating even after they are full, disgorging food through their gills and wasting it before the giant kuhli loaches have a chance to get to it. In the aquarium they should be kept in groups of at least three.
Like many loaches, giant kuhlis live about ten years in good conditions. They are less picky about water quality than most tropical fish, and thus make good beginner's fish.
Pangio myersi (Myer's loach, Myer's kuhli loach or giant kuhli) is a species of loach in the genus Pangio native to Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam and Thailand. They are black with orange bands, and can grow to 10 centimetres (3.9 in) SL.
In its native range, the giant kuhli likes to swarm under leaves and underwater plants. Although it is not a schooling fish, it does prefer to be with others of its kind.
Pangio myersi es una especie de pez de la familia Cobitidae en el orden de los Cypriniformes.
• Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 10 cm de longitud total.[1][2]
Vive en zonas de clima tropical.
Se encuentra en la cuenca del río Mekong y al sureste de Tailandia
Es una especie popular en acuariofilia.
Siaminpiikkisilmä (Pangio myersi ) on Kaakkois-Aasian joissa ja järvissä tavattava kala, joka on saanut nimensä pienistä silmien alla olevista piikeistä, jotka voi tarvittaessa kääntää ulospäin. Se on suosittu akvaariokala samoin kuin pienempi sukulaisensa piikkisilmä (Pangio kuhlii).
Siaminpiikkisilmä on noin 10 cm:n pituinen matomainen kala, joka kasvaa selvästi pönäkämmäksi kuin muut piikkisilmät. Sen vartalossa vuorottelevat leveät tummanruskeat ja ohuet vaaleanruskeat raidat. Sukupuolierot ovat lähes olemattomat, mutta terve täysikasvuinen naaras on koirasta pulskempi.
Siaminpiikkisilmä on kotoisin Mekong-joen vesistöstä ja muualta Thaimaan kaakkoisosasta.[2]
Siaminpiikkisilmät piileksivät joskus päiväkausia pohjahiekkaan kaivautuneina, koloissa tai juurakoiden ja kasvien alla. Pehmeä pohjamateriaali on niille hyväksi.[3]
Siaminpiikkisilmät pitävät lämpimästä (24–30-asteisesta) ja pehmeästä vedestä. Ne syövät vain pohjaan painunutta ruokaa.[4]
Siaminpiikkisilmä (Pangio myersi ) on Kaakkois-Aasian joissa ja järvissä tavattava kala, joka on saanut nimensä pienistä silmien alla olevista piikeistä, jotka voi tarvittaessa kääntää ulospäin. Se on suosittu akvaariokala samoin kuin pienempi sukulaisensa piikkisilmä (Pangio kuhlii).
Pangio myersi is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de modderkruipers (Cobitidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1949 door Harry.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesCá heo gai mắt myers (danh pháp hai phần: Pangio myersi) là loài cá thuộc chi Pangio.
Tháng 12 năm 2010, Tổ chức Bảo vệ Động vật hoang (WAR) công bố phát hiện thêm 12 loài cá nước ngọt tại đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang, Việt Nam, trong đó có cá heo gai mắt myers[1].
Cá heo gai mắt myers (danh pháp hai phần: Pangio myersi) là loài cá thuộc chi Pangio.
Tháng 12 năm 2010, Tổ chức Bảo vệ Động vật hoang (WAR) công bố phát hiện thêm 12 loài cá nước ngọt tại đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang, Việt Nam, trong đó có cá heo gai mắt myers.