Aphanius dispar és una espècie de peix de la família dels ciprinodòntids i de l'ordre dels ciprinodontiformes.[2] Els mascles poden assolir els 7 cm de longitud total.[3] Es troba des d'Egipte fins a Somàlia, Mar Roig, Golf Pèrsic, Índia occidental, Aràbia Saudita, Iran i, a través del Canal de Suez, ha penetrat a la Mediterrània sud-oriental (Israel).[3]
Aphanius dispar és una espècie de peix de la família dels ciprinodòntids i de l'ordre dels ciprinodontiformes. Els mascles poden assolir els 7 cm de longitud total. Es troba des d'Egipte fins a Somàlia, Mar Roig, Golf Pèrsic, Índia occidental, Aràbia Saudita, Iran i, a través del Canal de Suez, ha penetrat a la Mediterrània sud-oriental (Israel).
The Arabian toothcarp (Aphaniops dispar), known also as the Arabian pupfish or mother-of-Pearl fish is a species of killifish belonging to the family Cyprinodontidae. It can be found from the shores of the Red Sea south to Ethiopia, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and along the Persian Gulf east to Pakistan and India. It is also found in the Suez Canal, the northern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, and in one location on the Israeli coast. There are two recognized subspecies: A. d. dispar found throughout the range, and A. d. richardsoni, the Dead Sea toothcarp endemic to the Dead Sea.
The Arabian toothcarp was reassigned from the genus Aphanius in 2020 in the course of a reclassification of several species in that genus.[3]
A. dispar is a chubby and robust fish in both sexes with a similar body plan lacking any spines, but here is where their similarities end. This species expresses extreme sexual dimorphism in both appearance and behaviour. The larger males are very brightly coloured with long fins that may reach the end of the tail when lowered. He is a lustrous greyish blue with bright silver spots spread across his body, with a relatively sharp snout. The fins are light yellow with thick black bands running across his tail fin and spots on his dorsal and ventral fins. The smaller females are brownish-silver with distinctive brown marks running down her sides, with a smoother snout. Her fins are smaller and her tail is distinctly shaped like a square. This fish is coated with a pearly lustre, giving rise to one of their names, the “Mother-of-Pearl fish” The males are solitary and less commonly encountered, while females and younger males are gregarious, forming small shoals. The size is about 8 cm for males and 6 cmfor females. [4]
The Arabian pupfish inhabits a wide variety of water bodies, though it prefers hard alkaline. It is an extremely euryhaline fish, capable of tolerating salinities from below 1 ppt (pure freshwater) to hypersaline conditions of almost 140 ppt.[5] For reference, seawater has an average salinity of 35 ppt. Throughout its range, the Arabian pupfish can be seen in several aquatic habitats. It is commonly encountered in coastal zones and estuaries,[6] with the greatest number observed being in mangrove forests where they hide amongst the roots and leaves of the plants in groups of hundreds. They can also be found in freshwater environments such as oases and lakes through Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Oman
This fish is an omnivore, feeding on any organic debris such as algae, freshwater crustaceans and small insects. In freshwater habitats, their main source of food is the larvae of mosquitoes, whilst smaller aquatic worms are often targeted by groups of fish. Its prolific feeding on mosquito larvae had led to it being used as a method of pest control in several countries.[7]
The Arabian pupfish is listed as a species of least concern by the IUCN with a stable population in 2013. Owing to the outdated status, this fish has faced several threats in recent days especially with freshwater populations. These fish are threatened by water pollution, lack of food, and habitat degradation which led to noticeable declines in population densities throughout their range. The introduction of the mosquitofish, a widespread invasive species has proven detrimental to the fish, as it outcompetes A. dispar. The status of this fish is only believed to worsen with times as there is a dire lack of conservation efforts.[8]
The Arabian toothcarp (Aphaniops dispar), known also as the Arabian pupfish or mother-of-Pearl fish is a species of killifish belonging to the family Cyprinodontidae. It can be found from the shores of the Red Sea south to Ethiopia, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and along the Persian Gulf east to Pakistan and India. It is also found in the Suez Canal, the northern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, and in one location on the Israeli coast. There are two recognized subspecies: A. d. dispar found throughout the range, and A. d. richardsoni, the Dead Sea toothcarp endemic to the Dead Sea.
Aphanius dispar es una especie de peces de la familia de los ciprinodóntidos en el orden de los ciprinodontiformes.[2]
Los machos pueden alcanzar los 7 cm de longitud total.[3]
Esta especie se encuentra desde Egipto hasta Somalia, Mar Rojo, India occidental, Arabia Saudita, Irán y, a través del Canal de Suez, ha penetrado en el Mediterráneo suroriental (Israel).[3]
Aphanius dispar es una especie de peces de la familia de los ciprinodóntidos en el orden de los ciprinodontiformes.
Aphanius dispar Aphanius generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Cyprinodontidae familian sailkatzen da.
Aphanius dispar Aphanius generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Cyprinodontidae familian sailkatzen da.
Aphanius dispar er en fiskeart som tilhører tannkarpene.
Hannene er gråbrune med hvite bånd eller flekker og to–tre mørke, vertikale bånd på halefinnen. Finnene er blå-hvite i gytetiden. Hunnene er gråbrune med 8–20 smale, brune bånd på kroppen, brun rygg og fargeløse finner. De blir 6,5–7,0 cm lange.
Den lever helst i sjøvann med mye vegetasjon eller steiner der den kan skjule seg. Arten er også vanlig på korallrev og i nedre del av elver og bekker med brakkvann. Den er svært tolerant for variasjoner i salinitet og trives både i ferskvann og i oasedammer med en saltholdighet opptil 145 ‰.
Nominatunderarten Aphanius dispar dispar er utbredt langs kystene av Rødehavet, Persiabukta og Arabiahavet sørover til Etiopia og Adenbukta og østover til Rajasthan i India. Den er for det meste knyttet til kysten, men finnes langt oppstrøms i Tigris og Eufrat og ved Riyadh i Saudi-Arabia. Den finnes også i Suezkanalen, ved nordkysten av Sinai og et sted ved Israels middelhavskyst.[1] Ved Dødehavet finnes det en annen underart, Aphanius dispar richardsoni.[2][3]
Aphanius dispar er en fiskeart som tilhører tannkarpene.
Hannene er gråbrune med hvite bånd eller flekker og to–tre mørke, vertikale bånd på halefinnen. Finnene er blå-hvite i gytetiden. Hunnene er gråbrune med 8–20 smale, brune bånd på kroppen, brun rygg og fargeløse finner. De blir 6,5–7,0 cm lange.
Den lever helst i sjøvann med mye vegetasjon eller steiner der den kan skjule seg. Arten er også vanlig på korallrev og i nedre del av elver og bekker med brakkvann. Den er svært tolerant for variasjoner i salinitet og trives både i ferskvann og i oasedammer med en saltholdighet opptil 145 ‰.
Nominatunderarten Aphanius dispar dispar er utbredt langs kystene av Rødehavet, Persiabukta og Arabiahavet sørover til Etiopia og Adenbukta og østover til Rajasthan i India. Den er for det meste knyttet til kysten, men finnes langt oppstrøms i Tigris og Eufrat og ved Riyadh i Saudi-Arabia. Den finnes også i Suezkanalen, ved nordkysten av Sinai og et sted ved Israels middelhavskyst. Ved Dødehavet finnes det en annen underart, Aphanius dispar richardsoni.
Aphanius dispar[1] är en fiskart som först beskrevs av Eduard Rüppell 1829. Den ingår i släktet Aphanius och familjen Cyprinodontidae.[2][3]
Arten delas in i följande underarter:[2]
Aphanius dispar är en fiskart som först beskrevs av Eduard Rüppell 1829. Den ingår i släktet Aphanius och familjen Cyprinodontidae.
本魚棲息於海岸地區, 可忍受高鹽度,喜群游,屬草食性,產浮游性卵。