
Hyblaea puera ( Anglèis )

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Hyblaea puera, the teak defoliator, is a moth and cryptic species complex native to South Asia and South-east Asia. It was first described by Pieter Cramer in 1777. The species has also been recently reported to be present in Central America and Africa. The caterpillar feeds on teak and other trees.[1] It is considered to be one of the major teak pests around the world.[2]

Hyblaea puera in Kerala. Here we can partially see the black and orange-yellow hindwings under the greyish-brown forewings.

Distribution and habitat

Hyblaea puera occurs in forests across southern Asia from India, Sri Lanka[3] and Bangladesh, through Thailand and the rest of south-east Asia to New Guinea, and north Queensland in Australia. Recent reports place it in Guadeloupe, and Suriname.[1]

Life cycle

The adult moths are comparatively small, with a wingspan of 3–4 cm, and have a characteristic resting posture that conceals the black and orange-yellow hindwings under the greyish-brown forewings. Males and females emerge more or less simultaneously and mating takes place within a couple of days. Eggs are laid on tender new leaves, placed singly near the veins, and usually on the undersurface. They are oval, flat, and white and measure about 1 mm in length. About 500 eggs are laid per female with a recorded maximum of 1000. Larvae hatch in about two days. There are five larval instars. The first and second instars mainly feed on the leaf surface. Starting with the third instar, the larva cuts out a leaf flap, usually at the edge of the leaf, folds it over, fastens it with silk, and feeds from within. The entire leaf, excluding the major veins of tender leaves, is eaten, but more veins are left in older leaves. Under the optimal conditions, the larval period lasts 10 to 12 days. The full-grown larva measures about 3.5–4.5 cm, and there is considerable colour variation in the fourth and fifth instars; the body may be either wholly black or dark greyish to black, with longitudinal coloured bands which may include a dorsal orange or ocherous band and lateral white lines. A recent study revealed the existence of density-dependent colour polyphenism and resistance build-up against invading baculovirus by H. puera larvae.[4] The mature larvae descend to the ground on silken threads and pupate under a thin layer of leaf litter or soil, within loosely built cocoons made of dry or decayed leaves, or soil particles held together with silk. Pupation may some times occur within green leaves of other plants in the under growth, folded or juxtaposed with silk. On Avicennia plants the caterpillars pupate inside the cases made out of the host plant leaves themselves. It is probably an adaptive trait acquired by the species for surviving in the hostile mangrove environment, since pupation is not possible in the muddy and inundated soils of mangroves. The average pupal period lasts six to eight days under optimal conditions. There is no evidence of hibernation or aestivation of the pupa.[5]

Temporal and spatial dynamics

The teak defoliator is present year round in teak plantations, but in varying population densities. During the period of natural defoliation of teak (November, December, and January), the pest density is very low (endemic). Every year high-intensity outbreaks of teak defoliator occur immediately after the premonsoon showers in late February or early march in Kerala. These centres are highly localized outbreaks which represent the transitional stage between very sparse endemic population and high density outbreak population. These centres will be 5,000 to 15,000 square metres in area and are characterized by heavy tree top infestation. The months of April, May, June, and July witness a series of large outbreaks. During late July or September, the population declines to the endemic level. In some years, there will be fresh outbreaks during October. From then on until the next year, the population remains at the endemic level.

Natural control


The main parasitoids attacking teak defoliator include the tachinid Palexorisa solennis, a eulophid Sympiesis hyblaeae, the chalicid Brachymeria lasus and the three ichneumonids, Eriborus gardneri, Stictopisthus sp. and Echthromorpha agrestoria notulatoria. B. lasus is a pupal parasitoid and all others are larval parasitoids. The overall parasitism by all species is about 9%.


Wasps, spiders, birds, and bonnet macaques eat H. puera. Forty-eight species of birds have been recorded as feeding on teak defoliator larvae during large-scale outbreaks.


The bacteria Enterobacter aerogenes, Bacillus thuringiensis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens are identified as causing mortality to the teak defoliator. A synnematous fungus of the genus Hirsutella is found to be pathogenic to this pest. An absolutely specific virus with refractile polyhedral inclusion bodies, staining blue in Giemsa and thick blue in Buffalo Black, named as Hyblaea puera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HpNPV) is found to be very effective in the biological control of this pest.

Hyblaea puera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HpNPV)

Large-scale deaths of teak defoliator larvae characterized by cessation of feeding, flaccidity and subsequent liquefaction of body tissues have been reported by Stebbing as early as 1903. During 1985, an investigation of microbial pathogens of H. puera was undertaken in the plantations of Nilambur Forest Divisions of Kerala, India, by KFRI detected several dead insects with the characteristic symptoms as observed by Stebbing. Microscopic observation of tissues revealed the presence of refractile polyhedral inclusions bodies, which stained blue in Giemsa, measured 0.9–2.4 micrometers in diameter in the scanning electron micrograph taken by Jean Adams at USDA, confirmed its identity as NPV. The NPVs come under the family of baculoviridae and its virions are enveloped rod shaped nucleocapsids containing circular, supercoiled, double stranded DNA.

Mode of action

Mode of in vivo NPV infection

The NPV which enters the insect gut, lyses in the alkaline environment of the midgut, releasing virions. Virions invade the columnar cells of midgut epithelium and integrate DNA into the nucleus of midgut cells. Later the viral DNA takes over control of the cellular machinery to reproduce itself. The ECVs which are the progenies released into the haemocoel from the midgut cells are more infectious than the PIBs and mediate disease spread within the insect body. A rapid spread of infection in the insect body leads immediately to cessation of feeding and later on, to death. Even in the fully mature larvae, HpNPV can kill in 60–72 hours, making it one of the fastest acting insect viruses.

The discovery of virus disease on H. puera was a major breakthrough in the teak defoliator management research.

As food

The teak moth, in Indonesia known as entung jati, is commonly eaten in the regions where they thrive. They are usually caught for consumption at the cocoon stage, at which point they are easily collected from the ground. This serves as an essential, readily accessible source of protein for the villagers, commonly farmers, around these areas.


  1. ^ a b Herbison-Evans, Don (6 September 2007). "Hyblaea puera". University of Technology, Sydney. Archived from the original on 2008-07-24. Retrieved 2008-03-12.
  2. ^ "Hyblaea puera Cramer". Insects in Indian Agroecosystems. ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources. Retrieved 8 August 2016.
  3. ^ "Laboratory Culture of Teak Defoliator (Hyblaea puera)". International Forestry and Environment Symposium. Retrieved 8 August 2016.
  4. ^ Bindu T. N., Balakrishnan Peroth., Sudheendrakumar, V.V., and Sajeev T.V. (2012). Density-dependent polyphenism and baculovirus resistance in teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera (Cramer). Ecological Entomology 37, 536-540. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2012.01389.x
  5. ^ Hampson, G. F. (1894). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Moths Volume II. Taylor and Francis – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  • Senthil-Nathan, S., Saehoon, K., (2006). Behavioral and physiological effects of Melia azedarach L. extract on the teak defoliator Hyblaea puera Cramer (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae). Crop Protection 25 (3), 287-291 (Published by Elsevier Inc. UK).
  • Nair, K. S. S., Sudheendrakumar, V. V., Varma, R. V., and Chacko, K. C. (1985). Studies on the seasonal incidence of defoliators and the effect of defoliation on volume increment of teak. Research Report, Kerala Forest Research Institute. 30, 78pp.
  • Nair, K. S. S. and Sudheendrakumar, V. V. (1986). The teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera: Defoliation dynamics and evidence for short – range migration of moths. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Anima. Sci.) 95(1):7-21.
  • Sudheendrakumar, V.V. (1986). Studies on natural enemies of the teak pests, Hyblaea puera and Eutectona machaeralis. Research Report No.38, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, 23pp.
  • Sudheendrakumar, V.V. (1990). A report on the Ichneumonid parasitoids of Hyblaea puerarecorded from Nilambur, Kerala. Journal of Tropical Forestry 6(1):102-103.
  • Sajeev TV, 2000. Spatial dynamics of teak defoliator (Hyblaea puera Cramer) outbreaks: Patterns and Causes. PhD Thesis. Cochin University of Science and Technology.101
  • Sudheendrakumar, V. V. (1997). Evaluation of parasitoids for the biological control of the teak defoliator. Research report, Kerala Forest Research Institute. 129, 32p.
  • Zacharias, V. J. and Mohanadas, K. (1990). Bird predators of the teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera. Indian Journal of Forestry. 13, 122-127pp.
  • Mohammed Ali, M. I. and Sudheendrakumar, V. V. (1991). Possible use of microbial pathogens against teak pests. Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Trivandrum.
  • Sudheendrakumar, V. V., Mohammed Ali, M. I. and Varma, R. V. (1988). Nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 51, 307–308.
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Hyblaea puera: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Hyblaea puera, the teak defoliator, is a moth and cryptic species complex native to South Asia and South-east Asia. It was first described by Pieter Cramer in 1777. The species has also been recently reported to be present in Central America and Africa. The caterpillar feeds on teak and other trees. It is considered to be one of the major teak pests around the world.

Hyblaea puera in Kerala. Here we can partially see the black and orange-yellow hindwings under the greyish-brown forewings.
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Hyblaea puera ( Fransèis )

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Hyblaea puera est une espèce de lépidoptères de la famille des Hyblaeidae.


Les papillons adultes sont relativement petits et ont une envergure de 3 à 4 centimètre. Ils ont une posture de repos caractéristique qui cache les ailes postérieures noir et jaune orangé sous les ailes antérieures gris brun.


Chenille de Hyblaea puera

Les mâles et les femelles naissent plus ou moins simultanément et l'accouplement a lieu en quelques jours. Les œufs sont pondus sur de nouvelles feuilles tendres, placés séparément près des nervures et généralement sur la surface inférieure. Ils sont ovales, plats et blancs et mesurent environ 1 mm de long. Environ 500 œufs sont pondus par femelle, avec un maximum enregistré de 1 000. Les larves éclosent au bout de deux jours environ. Il y a cinq stades larvaires. Les premier et deuxième stades se nourrissent principalement de la surface des feuilles. À partir du troisième stade, la chenille découpe un rabat, généralement au bord de la feuille, la replie, la fixe avec de la soie et se nourrit de l'intérieur. La feuille entière, à l’exception des principales nervures des feuilles tendres, est consommée, mais il en reste davantage dans les feuilles les plus anciennes. Dans les conditions optimales, la période larvaire dure 10 à 12 jours. La chenille mâture mesure environ de 3,5 à 4,5 cm et présente une variation de couleur considérable aux quatrième et cinquième stades. Le corps peut être entièrement noir ou grisâtre foncé à noir, avec des bandes longitudinales colorées pouvant inclure une bande dorsale orange ou ocre et des lignes blanches latérales. Une étude récente révèle l'existence d'un polyphénisme de couleur dépendant de la densité et d'une accumulation de résistance aux Baculoviridae envahissants chez les chenilles de H. puera. Les chenilles matures descendent sur le sol sur des fils de soie et se nichent sous une mince couche de feuilles mortes ou de terre, dans des cocons peu serrés, constitués de feuilles sèches ou pourries ou de particules de sol maintenues ensemble par de la soie. La nymphose peut parfois se produire dans les feuilles vertes d’autres plantes en croissance, pliées ou juxtaposées avec de la soie. Sur les plantes Avicennia, les chenilles se nichent dans les caisses fabriquées à partir de la plante hôte. C'est probablement un trait d'adaptation acquis par l'espèce pour survivre dans l'environnement hostile des mangroves, car la nymphose n'est pas possible dans les sols boueux et inondés des mangroves. La période nymphale dure en moyenne six à huit jours dans des conditions optimales. Il n'y a aucune preuve d'hibernation ou d'estivation de la pupe.


Hyblaea puera se trouve dans les forêts d'Asie, en Inde, au Sri Lanka[1] et au Bangladesh, à travers la Thaïlande et le reste de l'Asie du sud-est de la Nouvelle-Guinée au nord du Queensland en Australie.

En tant que parasite du teck, il est présent en Amérique centrale et en Afrique. Des rapports récents le voient en Guadeloupe et au Suriname.


Hyblaea puera est présent toute l'année dans les plantations de teck, mais dans des densités de population variables. Pendant la période de défoliation naturelle du teck (novembre, décembre et janvier), la densité de l'organisme nuisible est très faible (endémique). Chaque année, des épidémies de haute intensité se produisent immédiatement après les averses de prématurité de fin février ou début mars au Kerala. Ces foyers sont des épidémies très localisées qui représentent la phase de transition entre une population endémique très clairsemée et une population épidémique à haute densité. Ces centres auront une superficie de 5 000 à 15 000 m2 et se caractériseront par une forte infestation par le sommet des arbres. Les mois d'avril, mai, juin et juillet sont le théâtre d'une série d'épidémies importantes. À la fin de juillet ou en septembre, la population recule au niveau endémique. Certaines années, il y aura de nouveaux foyers au mois d'octobre. À partir de ce moment et jusqu’à l’année suivante, la population reste au niveau endémique.

Contrôle naturel


Les principaux parasitoïdes attaquant Hyblaea puera sont le tachinaire Palexorisa solennis, l'eulophidae Sympiesis hyblaeae, le chalcididae Brachymeria lasus. B. lasus est un parasitoïde nymphal et tous les autres parasitoïdes larvaires. Le parasitisme global de toutes les espèces est d’environ 9%.


Les prédateurs sont les insectes comme les guêpes, les araignées, les oiseaux et le macaque à bonnet. Quarante-huit espèces d'oiseaux sont enregistrées comme se nourrissant de larves au cours des épidémies à grande échelle.


Les bactéries Enterobacter aerogenes, Bacillus thuringiensis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Serratia marcescens sont responsables de la mort de Hyblaea puera. Un champignon du genre Hirsutella se révèle pathogène. Un virus absolument spécifique avec des corps d'inclusion polyhédral réfringents, bleuâtre avec le giemsa et bleu épais avec l'amido noir 10B, nommé Hyblaea puera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HpNPV), s'avère très efficace dans la lutte biologique contre ce ravageur.


Hyblaea puera est couramment consommée dans les régions où elle prospère. Ils sont généralement capturés pour être consommés au stade du cocon, où ils sont facilement récupérables au sol. Ceci constitue une source de protéines essentielle et facilement accessible pour les villageois, généralement des agriculteurs, autour de ces zones.


  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .
  1. (en) D.D. Tilakaratna, LABORATORY CULTURE OF TEAK DEFOLIATOR (Hyblaea puera), International Forestry and Environment Symposium (lire en ligne)

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Hyblaea puera: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Hyblaea puera est une espèce de lépidoptères de la famille des Hyblaeidae.

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Entung jati ( Indonesian )

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Entung jati (Hyblaea puera) adalah spesies kupu-kupu yang menyerang tumbuhan jati pada malam hari. Entung jati tersebar di Papua Nugini hingga Afrika Selatan. Di Indonesia, entung jati terdapat pada hutan jati Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah saja.


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Entung jati: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Entung jati (Hyblaea puera) adalah spesies kupu-kupu yang menyerang tumbuhan jati pada malam hari. Entung jati tersebar di Papua Nugini hingga Afrika Selatan. Di Indonesia, entung jati terdapat pada hutan jati Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah saja.

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Hyblaea puera ( olandèis; flamand )

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Hyblaea puera is een vlinder uit de familie Hyblaeidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van deze soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1777 door Cramer.

De soort komt voor in tropisch Afrika.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • De Prins, J. & De Prins, W. (2012) Afromoths, online database of Afrotropical moth species (Lepidoptera). World Wide Web electronic publication (www.afromoths.net) [bezocht 04-04-2013]
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Hyblaea puera ( polonèis )

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Hyblaea pueragatunek motyli z podrzędu Glossata i rodziny Hyblaeidae.

Gatunek ten opisany został w 1777 roku przez Pietera Cramera[1][2]. Badania molekularne opublikowane przez C. Natarajana i współpracowników w 2008 roku sugerują, że gatunek ten może zajmować pozycję bazalną w obrębie rodzaju. Ponadto gatunek ten rozbił się w nich dwa wyraźne klastery: jeden obejmujący okazy H. puera z Nowego Świata, a drugi H. puera ze Starego Świata[2].

Do roślin żywicielskich gąsienic należą dzbaniwo kalebasowe, Spatodea campanulata, Tabebuia heterophylla i Petitia domingensis[1].

Motyl ten jest rozsiedlony pantropikalnie[2][1].


  1. a b c Hyblaea. W: Funet.fi [on-line]. [dostęp 2015-11-27].
  2. a b c N. Chandrasekhar, N.V. Neetha , Linda Koshy Vaidyan, Moinak Banerjee. deciphering the molecular Phylogenetics of f amily hyblaeidae and Inferring the Phylogeographical Relationships using dNA Barcoding. „Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology”. 19 (3), s. 158-167, 2008.
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Hyblaea puera: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Hyblaea puera – gatunek motyli z podrzędu Glossata i rodziny Hyblaeidae.

Gatunek ten opisany został w 1777 roku przez Pietera Cramera. Badania molekularne opublikowane przez C. Natarajana i współpracowników w 2008 roku sugerują, że gatunek ten może zajmować pozycję bazalną w obrębie rodzaju. Ponadto gatunek ten rozbił się w nich dwa wyraźne klastery: jeden obejmujący okazy H. puera z Nowego Świata, a drugi H. puera ze Starego Świata.

Do roślin żywicielskich gąsienic należą dzbaniwo kalebasowe, Spatodea campanulata, Tabebuia heterophylla i Petitia domingensis.

Motyl ten jest rozsiedlony pantropikalnie.

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Hyblaea puera ( vietnamèis )

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Đây là một bài mồ côi vì không có hoặc có ít bài khác liên kết đến nó.
Xin hãy tạo liên kết đến bài này trong các bài của các chủ đề liên quan. (tháng 7 năm 2018)

Hyblaea puera là một loài côn trùng trong họ Hyblaeidae. Loài này được Cramer miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1777.[1]

Đây là loài gây hại của cây Tectona grandis, phát triển phổ biến ở Indonesia.

Chú thích

  1. ^ List of insect pests and diseases by country. FAO. 2015. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 7 năm 2015.

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Hyblaea puera: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Hyblaea puera là một loài côn trùng trong họ Hyblaeidae. Loài này được Cramer miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1777.

Đây là loài gây hại của cây Tectona grandis, phát triển phổ biến ở Indonesia.

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