கொன்னை வெள்ளையன் (Common Emigrant, Catopsilia pomona) என்பது நடுத்தர அளவுள்ள, ஆசியாவிலும் அவுத்திரேலியாவிலும் காணப்படும் வெள்ளையன்கள் குடும்ப பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகும். இவற்றில் வேறுபட்ட இரு இனங்கள் (Catopsilia crocale, Catopsilia pomona) உள்ளதாக கருதப்பட்டது.[1]
கொன்னை வெள்ளையன் (Common Emigrant, Catopsilia pomona) என்பது நடுத்தர அளவுள்ள, ஆசியாவிலும் அவுத்திரேலியாவிலும் காணப்படும் வெள்ளையன்கள் குடும்ப பட்டாம்பூச்சியாகும். இவற்றில் வேறுபட்ட இரு இனங்கள் (Catopsilia crocale, Catopsilia pomona) உள்ளதாக கருதப்பட்டது.
Catopsilia pomona, the common emigrant[1][2] or lemon emigrant,[2] is a medium-sized pierid butterfly found in Asia, Cambodia and parts of Australia.[1][2] The species gets its name from its habit of migration. Some early authors considered them as two distinct species Catopsilia crocale and Catopsilia pomona.[3]
The species has pale and dark morphs in Australia.[4] The form crocale has the antennae black and the form pomona has the antennae pinkish or red. The development of these forms has been linked to photoperiod and temperature during growth.[5][6]
Quoted from Bingham, C. T. (1907) The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Butterflies volume 2.
"The upperside of the male is chalky-white, sometimes with a more or less broad and clearly defined basal sulphur-yellow area on both fore and hind wings; this sulphur-yellow colour is at times diffused over the whole surface of the wings, though generally it becomes paler towards the terminal margins. For the fore wing, the whole, or sometimes only the apical half, of the costa narrowly black, this color widened out irregularly at the apex; termen widely black at the apex, the colour narrowed posteriorly. This border in some specimens almost reaches the tornus, in others terminates above vein 4; occasionally it is continued posteriorly by a series of block dots at the apices of the veins. Hind wing: generally uniform, unmarked, some specimens bear minute black dots at the apices of the veins.[7]
"On the underside the groundcolour is very variable, with white with a slight to strong ochraceous tinge, greenish white or sulphur-yellow. The fore wing is typically without markings, in some specimens with a patch of sulphur-yellow on either side of base of median nervure, in the very yellow examples the tornal area is often widely greenish white, in others (Catopsilia catilla, Cramer) it bears a spot variable in size on the discocellulars. This spot has a pearly centre and an outer reddish line. Many specimens have an irregular angulated narrow discal reddish line (the colour varies in intensity) that runs from the costa obliquely outwards to vein 7, and then obliquely inwards to vein 2, though this line is often absent in specimens that bear the discocellular spot; apex and termen sometimes very narrowly reddish. The hind wing is typically uniform, without markings; in var. catilla there is a single small spot at the end of the cell similar to that on the fore wing, sometimes this spot is much larger with a narrow outer reddish ring, sometimes it is accompanied by a similar spot at base of interspace 5; when two spots are present they may be entirely separate, or their outer rings may coalesce; again, some specimens have a highly irregular discal reddish line (often reduced to a series of minute spots) that extends from the costa to vein 1; finally, the majority of specimens have a series of minute red terminal dots at the apices of the veins."[7]
Quoted from Bingham, C. T. (1907) The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Butterflies volume 2.
"On the female upperside the ground-color varies as in the male, but sometimes it is chalky white at the bases of the wings, with the terminal margins more or less broadly sulphur-yellow. Fore wings always with a round, occasionally quadrate, black discocellular spot variable in size; in some specimens the costa is black only towards the apex of the wing, in others broadly black throughout and opposite the apex of cell so widened out as to touch the discocellular spot. In lightly marked specimens in addition to the discocellular spot, there is only an irregular terminal black band dentate inwardly and widest at the apex of the wing; in others there is in addition a more or less diffuse highly curved macular postdiscal band that extends from the costa obliquely outwards down to vein 7, where it often touches the terminal black band, and thence is continued downward and slightly inclined inwards to interspace 1, getting gradually paler and fainter posteriorly. Hind wing: a series of terminal inter-spacial [sic] black spots that vary in size, and in the dark forms coalesce into a terminal black band."[7]
"The underside varies from white with a light yellowish sometimes ochraeeous tinge to deep chrome-yellow; markings as in the male but still more variable; in var. catilla the spot at the apex of the cell in both fore and hind wings is enlarged into a large reddish blotch, the similar spot on the hind wing is sometimes so enlarged as to occupy the apex of the cell, the basal two-thirds of interspaces 4, 5, and 6, and the middle third of interspace 7; in some specimens it is continued posteriorly in a series of obscure lunules to interspace 1a. Antennae red, obscurely dotted with black, palpi and head above red, thorax clothed with long yellow, sometimes greenish hairs, abdomen pale yellow; beneath: palpi and thorax pale to dark yellow, abdomen white."[7][8]
The eggs of the butterfly are laid on various species of plants including several Cassias. Other host plants include Butea monosperma, Cassia fistula, Bauhinia species, Pterocarpus indicus, Senna alata and Sesbania species.[9] The eggs are usually laid singly on the underside, at the margin of the leaves. Each egg is white, bottle shaped, and ribbed vertically. The eggs hatch in 3–4 days.
The newly hatched caterpillar is about 0.5 cm long and is yellowish green. In later instars the colour changes to a leafy green. The head is green and spotted with tiny black tubercules. The spiracles are covered with a continuous white line. Each segment of the body bears tiny shiny black tubercules. The tubercules immediately above the spiracular line being larger and more distinct giving the effect of a black line over the white spiracular line. The paired lines are found on both sides of the body and run from head to anus. The similar Catopsilia pyranthe caterpillar has a much broader black line leaving only a narrow green line on the back of the body.
The larva is described by Thomas Reid Davys Bell as "The head is round, green, the clypeus edged with brown, covered with small shiny black tubercles which... do not hide the colour of the head; the anal flap is rounded, but looks square at the extremity, and is covered with rows of small black tubercles... of which only the row along the spiracular line is conspicuous. The spiracles are oval, shiny and white. The colour is green with a spiracular white band touched with bright yellow on segments 2-5, and these segments, especially 3 and 4, are distinctly flanged on the spiracular line. Length 51 mm.[7]
Pupation takes place low to the ground. The pupa is suspended by a silken body band and attached to the substrate by a black cremaster. Its entire body is bright leaf green. A continuous yellow runs from the cremaster to the head, the head ending in a snout. In the similar Catopsilia pyranthe the snout is short. The pupa is described by Bell as "The pupa has the dorsal line of the thorax absolutely parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pupa for two-thirds of its length, consequently the hinder part just before the margin is perpendicular to this part, it is raised suddenly but very slightly above the front margin of segment 4, and the front end of this parallel dorsal line is at an angle, and a sharpish angle, with the front slope of the thorax .... the cremaster is distinctly bifid at the extremity, and has some shiny, very stout, black, suspensory hooks dorsally as well as at the extremity. There is a dorsal rugose black tip to the snout terminating the head, which snout is cylindrical in its apical half; there is no black line round the eye and there is a dark green-blue dorsal line which is yellow on the thorax as well as the supra-spiracular yellow line. Length 34 mm; length of snout 3 mm; breadth at segment 7 is 9 mm; height at apex of curve of wing (segment 6) 10 mm; height at apen of thorax 8 mm".[7]
Catopsilia pomona, the common emigrant or lemon emigrant, is a medium-sized pierid butterfly found in Asia, Cambodia and parts of Australia. The species gets its name from its habit of migration. Some early authors considered them as two distinct species Catopsilia crocale and Catopsilia pomona.
Catopsilia pomona est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Pieridae, de la sous-famille des Coliadinae et du genre Catopsilia.
Catopsilia pomona (Johan Christian Fabricius, 1775)
Synonyme : Catopsilia crocale
Dans la sous-espèce Catopsilia pomona pomona il existe les formes :
Catopsilia pomona se nomme en anglais Common Emigrant (émigrant commun) ou Lemon Emigrant (émigrant citron)[1].
C'est un papillon d'une couleur uniforme mais diverse pouvant aller du jaune au jaune pâle presque blanc ou au vert jaune. La femelle, plus claire possède une fine bordure des antérieures et un point foncé. Le revers est de la même couleur unie avec un point discoidal blanc bordé de rose aux postérieures.
C'est un migrateur qui suit en particulier les berges des rivières[2].
Ses plantes hôtes sont de la famille des Cassia, Cassia siamea, Cassia occidentalis, Cassia fistula, Cassia surattensis, Cassia tora, Cassia coronilloides, Cassia pleurocarpa) et Sesbania roxburghii et Butea frondosa[1].
Il est présent en Asie du Sud-Est, (Ceylan, Inde, Malaisie), Nouvelle-Guinée, Australie et Nouvelle-Calédonie[1],[3].
Aux Moluques et aux Salomon sont présentes deux formes de deux formes de la sous-espèce Catopsilia pomona pomona : Catopsilia pomona pomona f. pomona et Catopsilia pomona pomona f. crocale.
Il occupe des milieux très divers[2]
Cette espèce n'a pas de statut de protection particulier.
Catopsilia pomona est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Pieridae, de la sous-famille des Coliadinae et du genre Catopsilia.
Catopsilia pomona, atau Lemon Emigrant, adalah kupu-kupu yang termasuk dalam kelompok keluarga Pieridae dan sub-keluarga Coliadinae. Ia mempunyai lebar sayap sekitar 50–70 mm.[1]
Female on Catunaregam spinosa (Mountain Pomegranate) in Keesara, Rangareddy district, Andhra Pradesh, India (next two pictures)
Male on Canthium coromandelicum in Keesara, Rangareddy district, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Female in Hyderabad, India.
Female in Hyderabad, India.
Female on a Bougainvillea species in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Female in Hyderabad, India
Male in Hyderabad, India
Female on Jatropha panduraefolia in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Female in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Male in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
on Singapur cherry Muntingia calabura in Hyderabad, India
Mud-puddling in Narsapur, Medak district, India (next six pictures)
Catopsilia pomona, atau Lemon Emigrant, adalah kupu-kupu yang termasuk dalam kelompok keluarga Pieridae dan sub-keluarga Coliadinae. Ia mempunyai lebar sayap sekitar 50–70 mm.
Catopsilia pomona is een dagvlinder uit de familie van de Pieridae, de witjes. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1775 door Fabricius.[1] als Papilio Pomona.
De spanwijdte bedraagt ongeveer 6,5 tot 7 cm.
Catopsilia pomona komt verspreid voor in het Oriëntaals gebied, het Australaziatisch gebied en Madagaskar, en er zijn waarnemingen tot aan Japan. De soort is bekend als trekvlinder, maar kent ook diapauze. Daarnaast is er sprake van seizoensdimorfisme, in de zomer of het natte seizoen is er de vorm crocale, in de winter of het droge seizoen de vorm pomona. Vroege auteurs dachten zelfs dat het ging om twee verschillende soorten. Er komen ook tussenvormen voor.
De waardplanten van Catopsilia pomona komen uit de geslachten Cassia en Senna
Catopsilia pomona is een dagvlinder uit de familie van de Pieridae, de witjes. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1775 door Fabricius. als Papilio Pomona.
Catopsilia pomona er en dagaktiv sommerfugl i gruppen hvitvinger.
Catopsilia pomona finnes sørøst i Asia og i Australia.
Sommerfuglene skiller seg fra de fleste andre insektene ved at munnen ikke har kjever og lepper, men en lang sugesnabel (proboscis) mellom palpene. Den er rullet opp i en spiral, mellom palpene, under hodet, når den ikke er i bruk. Antennene er trådformet og består av sylindriske ganske like ledd. Antenneklubben er flat eller skålformet slik som hos alle dagsommerfuglene. På beina finnes også sanseorgan som gir informasjon om hva sommerfuglen sitter på. Hunner bruker disse sansene for å finne riktig næringsplante, hvor den kan legge sine egg. Kroppen har et ytre skjelett (hudplater) som holder de bløte indre organer på plass. Det ytre hudskjelettet er bygd opp for det meste av kitin.
Bakkroppens indre organer består av fordøyelsesorganer, forplantningsorganer og åndedrett. Åndedrettet hos sommerfugler foregår ikke ved lunger, men ved at luft hentes inn og ut av kroppen gjennom små hull i hudskjelettet (spirakler). I kroppen er det et svært finmasket system av trakéer som leder oksygenet til kroppens vitale deler. En blodvæske som sirkulerer i kroppen, pumpes rundt av et avlangt rørformet hjerte. Brystpartiet består for det meste av vingenes muskulatur. Sanseorganer, for syn, smak og lukt er stort sett plassert i hodet. Nervesystemet består av en bukmarg med to nervestrenger og én nerveknute (ganglion) i hvert kroppssegment. Den første nerveknuten, som ligger foran munnåpningen, er spesielt stor og omtales som hjerne.
Larven har generelt tykk hud og er ganske hardføre. Hodet, brystet og bakkroppen er sammenvokst uten noen oppdeling.
Larvens hode består av en hard hodekapsel med noen punktøyne. Under øynene er det noe små antenner larven bruker til å finne riktig føde. Like bak hodet er bryststykket, som består av tre sammenvokste ledd, Bryststykket har tre par bein. Lengre bak har larvene noen bukføtter, som ikke er egentlige bein, men utvekster larven kan bruke til å holde seg fast. Lengst bak har den en analfot. Larvens bakkropp består nesten bare av fordøyelsessystemet. Dette er ganske kort og mye av maten larven spiser passerer før all næringen er tatt opp. Avføringen kommer ut som små kuler helt bakerst på kroppen.
Larvene ånder gjennom traké-åpninger i hudskjelettet (spirakler), langs kroppens sider.
Puppen er plassert stående eller oppreist, og er festet i anal-enden mot underlaget. Den holdes oppe ved et magebelte av spinntråder. Den har én spiss i hodeenden, ikke to som hos svalestjerter.
Om natten og i overskyet vær hviler sommerfuglen. Vingene holdes sammenlagt opp og ut fra kroppen, noe som gir sommerfuglen en viss kamuflasje og beskyttelse. De voksne lever av nektar de suger opp fra blomstene på ulike planter (urter). Sugesnabelen, på hodets underside, gir sommerfuglen mulighet til å nå inn i dype blomster for å suge til seg nektar. Sugesnabelen gjør at sommerfugler er avhengig av flytende føde.
Parringen skjer ved sammenkobling mellom de to kjønnene. Eggene legges direkte på næringsplanten.
Larven er radikalt forskjellige fra de voksne, både i levevis og i kroppsbygning. Den lever som plantespiser på noen planter i slekten Cassia.
Larvens kroppstemperatur er mellom 35 og 38 grader C°. Ved lavere temperatur blir larven inaktiv. Derfor krever larver hos dagsommerfugler gjerne sollys for å være aktive. Om det blir for varmt regulerer larven temperaturen ved å oppsøke skygge.
Catopsilia pomona tilhører gruppen av insekter med fullstendig forvandling (holometabole insekter), som gjennomgår en metamorfose i løpet av utviklingen. Mellom larvestadiet og det voksne stadiet er et puppestadium, en hvileperiode, der sommerfuglens indre og ytre organer endres. Larvens bøyelige og myke kropp omdannes til en puppe med et hardt skall. Når skallet er hardt begynner omdanningen fra larve til den voksne (imago) sommerfuglen. De indre organer brytes i varierende grad ned til en cellemasse. En omorganisering skjer og dyret bygges opp igjen.
Det finnes noe omtrent tretti synonymer, trolig fordi arten er flyttet mellom ulike slekter og fordi noen forskjellige fargevarianter, tidligere har blitt publisert som gode arter.
Catopsilia pomona er en dagaktiv sommerfugl i gruppen hvitvinger.
Catopsilia pomona, ou comum-emigrante é uma borboleta média da família Pieridae encontrada na Ásia e em partes da Austrália.[1][2] A espécie recebe o seu nome devido ao seu hábito de migração. Alguns dos primeiros autores consideram-las como duas espécies distintas Catopsilia crocale e Catopsilia pomona.[3]
Catopsilia pomona, ou comum-emigrante é uma borboleta média da família Pieridae encontrada na Ásia e em partes da Austrália. A espécie recebe o seu nome devido ao seu hábito de migração. Alguns dos primeiros autores consideram-las como duas espécies distintas Catopsilia crocale e Catopsilia pomona.
Catopsilia pomona (Fabricius, 1775)
СинонимыCatopsilia pomona (лат.) — вид чешуекрылых насекомых из семейства белянок. Распространён в Индии, Японии, Таиланде и Австралии (Квинсленд, Южная Австралия и Виктория)[2]. Бабочки встречаются круглый год, на различных биотопах — на открытых пространствах во вторичных лесах, на речных берегах, на открытых травянистых местностях и даже в жарких пустынях Австралии. В Малайзии встречаются на высоте до 800 метров над уровнем моря[3].
Размах крыльев имаго 60 мм[2]. Передние крылья самцов с передней стороны белые с чёрными кончиками, с обратной — грязно-белые с тёмно-оранжевым рисунком. Передние крылья самок с передней стороны бледно-жёлтые с чёрными точками и краями[2].
Гусеницы зелёные с тёмными боковыми полосами; голова серо-зелёная с чёрными точками[2].
Гусеницы питаются на различных представителях семейства цезальпиниевых (Cassia brewsteri, Cassia javanica, Cassia tomentella, Senna alata, Senna coronilloides, Senna magnifolia, Senna marksiana, Senna odorata, Senna pleurocarpa, Senna queenslandica, Senna venusta, Cassia didymobotrya, Cassia fistula и Senna siamea)[2]. Гусеницы отдыхают на стержневой жилке листа, на которой при этом их трудно различить. Куколок также трудно различить на растении из-за их формы, напоминающей лист растения[2]. Бабочки посещают цветки Lantana, Jatropha и Catunaregam[3].
Catopsilia pomona (лат.) — вид чешуекрылых насекомых из семейства белянок. Распространён в Индии, Японии, Таиланде и Австралии (Квинсленд, Южная Австралия и Виктория). Бабочки встречаются круглый год, на различных биотопах — на открытых пространствах во вторичных лесах, на речных берегах, на открытых травянистых местностях и даже в жарких пустынях Австралии. В Малайзии встречаются на высоте до 800 метров над уровнем моря.
遷粉蝶(学名:Catopsilia pomona),又名果神蝶、無紋淡黃蝶、銀紋淡黃蝶、淡黃蝶、淺紋淡黃粉蝶、銀紋淡黃粉蝶、鐵刀木粉蝶,为粉蝶科遷粉蝶屬下的一个种,个头中等,分布在亚洲和澳大利亚部分地区。
中的日期值 (帮助) 遷粉蝶(学名:Catopsilia pomona),又名果神蝶、無紋淡黃蝶、銀紋淡黃蝶、淡黃蝶、淺紋淡黃粉蝶、銀紋淡黃粉蝶、鐵刀木粉蝶,为粉蝶科遷粉蝶屬下的一个种,个头中等,分布在亚洲和澳大利亚部分地区。
ウスキシロチョウ(薄黄白蝶・学名Catopsilia pomona)は、チョウ目(鱗翅目)アゲハチョウ上科シロチョウ科に属するチョウの一種。