
Nòm sientìfich

Nòm alternativ

Carlia foeniculi (Speg.) Höhn.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Carlia Rabenh.)
Carlia plantaginicola (Pat.) Höhn.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Carlia Rabenh.)
Cercidospora angelicae (Ellis & Everh.) Kuntze
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Cercidospora Körb.)
Cercidospora castanella (Cooke & Ellis) Kuntze
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Cercidospora Körb.)
Cercidospora lapponum (De Not. & Carestia) Kuntze
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Cercidospora Körb.)
Didymella angelicae (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Didymella Sacc.)
Didymella castanella (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Didymella Sacc.)
Didymella lapponum (De Not. & Carestia) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Didymella Sacc.)
Epiclinium phacidioides Sacc. & Romell
Heterotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification
Laestadia angulata (Fuckel) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia asarifolia (Cooke) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia buxifolia (Cooke) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia cicutae (Kirchn.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia cocophila (Cooke) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia comedens (Pass.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia dammarae (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia destructiva (Berk. & Broome) Berl. & Voglino
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia glaucescens (Cooke) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia litseae (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia lusitanica (Auersw.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia marii (De Not.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia microspora (Auersw.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia nebulosa-veneta (De Not.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia oenanthicola (Fuckel) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia polygonati (Schwein.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia rabenhorstii (Ces. & De Not.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Laestadia vaginae (Lasch) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Laestadia Auersw., 1869)
Leptosphaeria dryophila (Cooke & Harkn.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Leptosphaeria Ces. & De Not.)
Leptosphaeria lamprocarpi (Pass.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Leptosphaeria Ces. & De Not.)
Leptosphaeria plantaginicola (Pat.) Petr.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Leptosphaeria Ces. & De Not.)
Leptosphaeria salicinearum (Pass.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Leptosphaeria Ces. & De Not.)
Leptosphaeria vitigena (Schulzer) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Leptosphaeria Ces. & De Not.)
Metasphaeria boehmeriae (Rabenh.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Metasphaeria Saccardo, 1883)
Metasphaeria plegmariae (Ces.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Metasphaeria Saccardo, 1883)
Mycosphaerella acerna (Fautrey) Tomilin
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella acicola (Cooke & Harkn.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella asterinoides (Ellis & Everh.) Fairm.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella australis (Speg.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella berlesiana (Traverso) Tomilin
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella bhauria (Cooke) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella californica (Cooke & Harkn.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella calycicola (Pass.) Jacz.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella calycicola (Pass.) Tomilin
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella cerasicola (Pass.) Koshk.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella cinxia (Sacc.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella compositarum (Auersw.) J. Schröt.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella conferta (Speg.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella crus-galli (Ellis & Kellerm.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella cydoniae (Voglino) Kirchn.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella cytisi-sagittalis (Auersw.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella euphorbiae-spinosae (De Not.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella evansiae (Pat.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella foeniculi (Speg.) Tomilin
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella gentianae (Niessl) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella granulata (Ellis & Everh.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella hieracii (Cooke & Massee) P. Larsen
Heterotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification
Mycosphaerella hypsicola (Ellis & Everh.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella ilicis (Ellis) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella indistincta (Peck) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella laburni (Pass.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella nivalis (R. Bauer) Lind
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella oenotherae (Ellis & Everh.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella orobi (Hazsl.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella perparva (Pass. & Beltrani) Tomilin
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella philodendri (Pat.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella plantaginicola (Pat.) Stev.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella podocarpi (Cooke) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella pseudacaciae (Auersw.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella puerariae (Keissl.) Petr.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella rostkoviae (Speg.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella rubiginosa (Cooke) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella shiraiana (I. Miyake) Sawada
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella shiraiana (I. Miyake) Tomilin
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella sibirica (Thüm.) Johanson
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella tahitensis (Sacc.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella taxodii (Cooke) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella thalictri (Ellis & Everh.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella trichomanis (Cooke) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella umbellulariae (Cooke & Harkn.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella vincetoxici (Sacc.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Mycosphaerella xanthiicola (Cooke & Harkn.) Lindau
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Mycosphaerella Johanson)
Phoma carpinea (Rehm) Kuntze
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Phoma Sacc.)
Phoma phoenicis (Ces.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Phoma Sacc.)
Phyllosticta aronici (Fuckel) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Phyllosticta Pers.)
Psilosphaeria vitis (Schulzer) Cooke
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Psilosphaeria Cooke)
Pyrenophora venziana (Sacc.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Pyrenophora Fr.)
Sphaerella acenae Henn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella acerna Fautrey
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella acicola Cooke & Harkn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella adoxae Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella adusta Niessl
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella alboi Unamuno
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella alchemillae Kalchbr.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella allioniae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella alnicola House
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella aloysiae Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella alstroemeriae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella alyxiae Cooke & Mart.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella amphigena Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella analoga Sacc. & Paol.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella andina Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella andryalae Gonz. Frag.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella angelicae Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella angulata Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella anthistiriae Mc Alpine
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella araliae Cooke & Harkn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella argyrophylli Bubák
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella arnicae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella aronici Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella asarifolia Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella ascoscypha Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella asonsioi Unamuno
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella asterinaeformis Sacc. & P. Syd.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella asterinoides Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella asterinoides Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella asterinoides Ellis & Everh.)
Sphaerella audibertiae Rehm
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella aurea R. Stone
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella australis Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella baccharidis Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella bambusae Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella begoniae Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella berberidis Nitschke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella berlesiana Traverso
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella bhauria Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella boehmeriae Rabenh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella bolivarii Caball.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella bonae-noctis Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella bonaerensis Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella boquilae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella briardii Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella broteriana Alcalde
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella brumeliae Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella bupleuri Rota-Rossi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella buxi Desm.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella buxifolia Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella californica Cooke & Harkn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella callunae Roum.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella calycicola Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella campoi Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella canadensis Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella canescens P. Karst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cannae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella carlii Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella carpinea Rehm
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cassythae Mc Alpine
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella castanella Cooke & Ellis
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella caulicola Maffei
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cerasicola Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella ceratoniae Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella chalcographa Kalchbr.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella chimaphilae Peck
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella chimaphilina Peck
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella chusqueicola Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella ciconii Losa
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cicutae Kirchn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cinerascens (Schwein.) Schwein.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cinerescens Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cinxia Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella circumscissa G. Winter
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cocophila Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella comedens Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella compositarum Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella coneglanensis Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella conferta Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella conicola Peck
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella conigena Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella crataegicola Bondartsev & Tranzschel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cruciferarum (Desm.) Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella crus-galli Ellis & Kellerm.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cryptotaeniae Henn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cunninghamiae Woron.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella curva P. Karst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cyananthi Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cyclogena Sacc. & Paol.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cydoniae Voglino
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cyparissiae Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella cytisi-sagittalis Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella dammarae Berk. & Broome
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella daphniphylli Syd. & Hara
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella dendroides Schwein.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella depressa (Berk.) Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella destructiva Berk. & Broome
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella destructiva Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella destructiva Berk. & Broome)
Sphaerella dracaenae Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella drobnjakensis Bubák
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella dryophila Cooke & Harkn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella ephedrae Golovin
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella epitea Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella equisetina Kirschst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella erlangeae Bacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella erotalariae Petch
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella etrusca Tognini
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella euphorbiae-spinosae De Not.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella euphrasiae Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella evansiae Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella fallax Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella foeniculi Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella frigida Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella fructinex Kirschst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella fuegiana Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella fuscata Ellis
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella fuscata Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella fuscata Ellis)
Sphaerella fuscomaculans Sacc. & P. Syd.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella galtoniae Hollós
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella geicola Kalchbr. & Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella gentianae Niessl
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella glaucescens Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella gnidii Maire
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella goodeniae Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella granulata Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella gregaria Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella gunnerae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella haematodes Berk. & M. A. Curtis
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella hambergii Romell & Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella helodis A. L. Sm. & Ramsb.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella henriquesiana G. Winter
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella henriquesiana Sacc.)
Sphaerella henriquesiana Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella hertiae Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella heveae Petch
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella horii Hara
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella hyperopta Rehm
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella hypsicola Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella ilicis Ellis
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella inaequalis J. Schröt.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella incisa Ellis & G. Martin
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella inconspicua (Desm.) Ces. & De Not.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella indistincta Peck
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella infera P. Karst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella jaffueli Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella jurineae Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella karsteniana Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella kriegeriana Kirschst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella laburni Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lamprocarpi Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lapageriae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lapponum De Not. & Carestia
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lardizabalae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella leptosperma Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella leptosphaerioides Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lignophila
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lithospermi Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella litreae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella litseae Berk. & Broome
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella loefgreni F. Noack
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lucillae Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella lusitanica Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella macowiana G. Winter
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella macularis P. Karst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella magnoliae Schwein.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella maidenii Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella manihotis Syd.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella marii De Not.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella matthiolae Gonz. Frag.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella mayteni Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella melonis Ferraris
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella micromeriae Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella microspora Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella microspora Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella microspora Auersw.)
Sphaerella millepunctata Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella minuta Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella minutissima Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella minutissima House)
Sphaerella minutissima House
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella monardae Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella montenegrina Bubák
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella moraeae Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella mucosa Starbäck
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella musae Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella mutisiicola Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella mygindae G. Winter
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella myricae Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella myrsines Kalchbr. & Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella napicola Fautrey
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella nebulosa-veneta De Not.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella nervicola Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella niesslii Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella nigrita Roum.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella nivalis Oudem.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella nivalis R.Bauer)
Sphaerella novae-hollandiae Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella oenanthicola Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella oenotherae Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella oreoselini Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella orobi Hazsl.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella orontii Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella othonnopsidis Tassi
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella oxalidis Kirschst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella paludosa Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pampini Thüm.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pandurata Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella panicum Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pantacanthae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella paraneura Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella parvimacula Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella patagonica Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella paulowniae Shirai & Hara
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella perexigua Fuckel
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella perexigua Fuckel ex Thüm.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pereziae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pericampyli Syd
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella perimens Kirschst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella perparva Pass. & Beltrani
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella philodendri Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella phlomidis Bubák & Gonz. Frag.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella phoenicis Ces.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pieris Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella plantaginicola Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella plegmariae Ces.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella podocarpi Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella podocarpicola Henn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella polaris P. Karst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella polygonati Schwein.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella polygonorum Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pontederiae House
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella populi Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella primulae Rehm
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella prini Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella proustiae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella psammisiae Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pseudacaciae Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pseudacori Kirschst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pseudomaculiformis Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella pteridis Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella puerariae Keissl.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella puiggarii Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella puyae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella rabenhorstii Ces. & De Not.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella rajaniae Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella ramulorum Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella rostkoviae Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella rubiginosa Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella sabaligena Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella sacchari Wakker
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella salicinearum Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella saxifragae P. Karst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella septorioides Peck
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella sesbaniae Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella shiraiana I. Miyake
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella silenicola Hollós
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella simulans Berl. & Bres.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella smilacis Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella solidaginea Ellis & Kellerm.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella spiraeae Westend.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella spiraeae Westend. ex Roum.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella starbackii Sacc. & Traverso
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella stenospora Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella stigmatodes (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella subalpina Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella subcrassa Sacc. & P. Syd.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella suspecta Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella sycophila G. Winter
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella symphoricarpi Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella synconophila G. Winter
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella taccari Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella tahitensis Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella tamseliensis Kirschst.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella taxodii Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella thalictri Allesch.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella thalictri Ellis & Everh.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification (Possible variant of Sphaerella thalictri Allesch.)
Sphaerella thalictricola Sacc. & P. Syd.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella tini Arcang.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella tortulae Bubák & Gonz. Frag.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella trichomanis Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella trichomonis Cooke
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella turba Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella umbelliferarum Auersw.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella umbellulariae Cooke & Harkn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella umbrosa Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella unguadiae Siemaszko
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella urticae Losa España
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella vaccinii Fuckel
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella vaginae Lasch
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella venziana Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella verna Sacc. & Speg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella verrucosa Alcalde
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella vincetoxici Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella virgaureae Krieg.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella vitigena Schulzer
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella vitis Schulzer
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella vogelii Syd.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella weiriana Sacc.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella xanthiicola Cooke & Harkn.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella zeina Pass.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaerella ziziphi Pat.
Doubtful conforma a GBIF classification
Sphaeria arbuticola Fr.
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification
Wettsteinina plantaginicola (Pat.) Aptroot
Homotypic synonym conforma a GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Wettsteinina Höhn.)
Obsolete variant conforma a Paleobiology Database

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Gerarchìe soagnà për Sphaerella

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022

Cellular Organisms
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Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

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Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3

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EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1

Cellular Organisms
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EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4

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GBIF classification

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Sphaerella (costa pàgina-sì)