Lateral ocelli separated by 0.8X their widest diameter from each other and about 1.8-2.0X their widest diameter from
eye margin.
antenna with 35–38 flagellomeres.
pronotum and mesoscutum (
2) glabrous, impunctate. T1 about 1.9–2.1X as long as broad.
head entirely reddish brown.
mesosoma black with upper part of
pronotum, anterior part of mesoscutum (
2) and upper
margin of mesopleuron (
2) reddish brown. Metasomal tergites black. Hind legs black,
trochantellus reddish, distal 0.5 of
basitarsus and remaining tarsomeres bright yellow.
fore wing fuscous with pale yellowish subapical
band. This species is most similar to
P. maculipennis (Cameron), with which it shares the smooth
body, pectinate claws, and dark
wing with pale subapical
Physotarsus varicornis is a distinctly darker species.