Figure 1. A Dorsum, B ventrum, C side of head, D palmar view of left hand, and E plantar view of left foot of holotype of Paedophryne dekot (BPBM 37753). Scale bars = 5 mm A–C and 1 mm D, E.
Figure 2. Portraits in life of A holotype of Paedophryne dekot (BPBM 37753), B paratype of Paedophryne dekot (BPBM 37754), C paratype of Paedophryne verrucosa (BPBM 37743), and D paratype of Paedophryne verrucosa (BPBM 37745).
Figure 2. Portraits in life of A holotype of Paedophryne dekot (BPBM 37753), B paratype of Paedophryne dekot (BPBM 37754), C paratype of Paedophryne verrucosa (BPBM 37743), and D paratype of Paedophryne verrucosa (BPBM 37745).
Figure 4. A Dorsum, B ventrum, C side of head, D palmar view of left hand, and E plantar view of left foot of holotype of Paedophryne verrucosa (BPBM 37747). Scale bars = 5 mm A–C and 1 mm D, E.