Plancia ëd Flavoparmelia soredians (Nyl.) Hale
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Flavoparmelia soredians (Nyl.) Hale

Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Pseudoparmelia soredians

Pseudoparmelia soredians (Nylander) Hale, 1974:191.

Parmelia soredians Nylander, 1872:426 [type collection: Força, Reale, Spain, Nylander (H, Nylander herbarium number 34690, lectotype)].

Parmelia conspersa var. polyphylla f. sorediosa Müller Argoviensis, 1891:378 [type collection: San Miguel, Azores, Godman (G, lectotype)].

Parmelia san-miguelii Gyelnik, 1931b:288 [type collection: based on P. conspersa var. polyphylla f. sorediosa Müller Argoviensis].

Parmelia halmaiana Gyelnik, 1935:47 [type collection: Bergues, France, Bouly de Lesdain, in Zahlbruckner Lichenes Rariores Exsiccati 236 (BP, holotype; BM, BPI, MICH, UPS, isotypes)].

DESCRIPTION.—Thallus adnate on branches and trunks of trees, rarely on rocks, yellowish green, 6–15 cm broad; lobes subirregular, apically rotund, 2–5 mm wide; upper surface plane, shiny, becoming rugose toward the center, sorediate, soralia orbicular, coalescing, often occurring along ridges and wrinkles; lower surface black except for a marginal brown zone, sparsely rhizinate, the rhizines black. Apothecia rare, adnate; spores not seen.

CHEMISTRY.—Cortex K−, medulla K+ yellow turning red, C−, KC−, P+ orange; usnic acid and salazinic acid.

DISTRIBUTION.—Europe, Central and South Africa, Argentina, Chile, and New Zealand.

HABITAT.—On trees and rarely on rocks in open forests.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1976. "A Monograph of the Lichen Genus Pseudoparmelia Lynge (Parmeliaceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-62. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.31