
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 28.5 years (captivity) Observations: One wild born specimen was about 28-29 years when it died in captivity (Richard Weigl 2005).
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de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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No known negative effects on humans.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Mountain tapirs live in the high northern Andes, in the paramos and cloud forests of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Mountain tapirs live in forests and grasslands at altitudes above 2,000 m in the Andes of South America.

Range elevation: 2000 (low) m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; mountains

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

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Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
28.5 (high) years.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Mountain tapirs are herbivores that generally feed at night. Mountain tapirs eat a variety of tough, fibrous leaves of shrubs. Although their most vital food is myrtle trees and pampas grass, they seem to ingest a wide variety of vegetation, which may help them avoid accumulating a particular toxin.

Plant Foods: leaves

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

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This species is in high danger of extinction. The population is fewer than 2,000 individuals and it is estimated that within the next 20 years there is a greater than 20% chance of their extinction. The large decrease in their numbers is due to extensive habitat destruction in the Andes.

Mountain tapirs have been completely eliminated from western Venezuela and northern Columbia but still inhabit Ecuador and southern Columbia. More than half of the forests in these regions have been destroyed between 1980 and 1989 and is habitat destruction is continuing even in national parks.

Another problem facing mountain tapirs is illegal poaching by local hunters. They are hunted for their meat as well as for their hooves and snouts, which are used as folk cures for epilepsy and heart ailments. The intestines are also eaten and are believed to help prevent infection by parasites. Hunters are able to obtain high prices for tapir products, accelerating the rate of their decline.

Mountain tapirs are sensitive to habitat disturbances and will disappear within a short time after cattle invade their territories and pollute their waters. Because they can only live in moist, humid ecosystems, these kinds of disturbances result in jeopardizing the existence of this critically endangered species.

Another major cause of the decreasing numbers of mountain tapirs is due to the destruction of forest habitats in the Amazon Basin of Ecuador. This may be driving another tapir species, Tapirus terrestris, to higher territory causing competition between the two tapir species. There have also been suggestions that these two species are mating and hybridizing.

In order to protect mountain tapirs it is essential to protect large portions of intact habitat. This will ensure larger population sizes and reduce the detrimental genetic effects of small, fragmented populations.

The involvement of local peoples in mountain tapir conservation is required to prevent poaching and local habitat destruction. Local peoples must benefit economically for mountain tapir conservation to be effective.

US Federal List: endangered

CITES: appendix i

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: endangered

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Associations ( Anglèis )

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Mountain tapirs will snap off branches and knock over trunks, which makes more food available for smaller herbivores.

Mountain tapirs are also extremely important in seed dispersal, making them an important keystone species for the northern Andes.

Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds; keystone species

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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Mountain tapirs are hunted by humans for meat and for medicinals.

Positive Impacts: food

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Mountain tapirs are the smallest of the four species of tapir. They have thin skin with thick fur, including a thick undercoat. The undercoat and long-haired outer coat protect mountain tapirs from cool night temperatures, which can sometimes reach freezing. Their fur isreddish-brown to black and about 2.5 cm (1 in) in length. They are normally 1.8 meters in length and reach a height of about 0.9 meters. White lips and ear tips are two other notable characteristics of mountain tapirs.

Tapirs have long, massive bodies, very short and slender legs, a short neck and a short, thick tail with eleven coccygeal vertebrae. Tapirs also have small, rounded ears which are immobile, but give a tapir a keen sense of hearing. They generally have a rounded rear and tapered front which makes them well suited for quick movement through and around underbrush.

Tapirs' most notable feature is their proboscis, which is an extension of their lips and snout, and with transverse nostrils at the tip. The surface of the nose is highly glandular and runs from the nostrils down the underside of the trunk and emerges in the palate. This structure is used by the tapirs for olfaction, similar to the Jacobson's organ of snakes. Tapirs have an exceptional sense of smell.

The radius and ulna are separate and equally developed and the fibula is complete. The forefoot has 4 digits, 3 main digits and a smaller outer fourth digit, which normally does not touch the ground. The small digit helps the tapir move through soft ground. The hindfoot, however, has only 3 digits.

All tapirs have chisel-like incisors. The third upper incisor is shaped like a canine but is larger than the true canine, and the third lower incisor is greatly reduced. In addition, the 2 lower canines are well developed, while the 2 upper canines are reduced in size. The canines are conical and are seperated from the premolars by a diastema. All cheek teeth lack cement and are lowcrowned with transverse ridges and cusps. Tapir skulls are short and laterally compressed, with a high braincase. The nasal bones are short and project freely which causes their skulls to look gladiator-like.

Their eyes are small and flush with the side of the head. The eyes of mountain tapirs are highly developed and are normally brown in color but some may even have a bluish cast to them. The bluish cast to the eyes has recently been studied and is said to have been caused by excessive exposure to light.

Female tapirs have a single pair of mammae in the groin.

Range mass: 136 to 182 kg.

Average length: 1.8 m.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Behavior ( Anglèis )

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Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Sensa tìtol ( Anglèis )

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The name 'tapir' is derived from 'tapyra', a Tupi indian word. The generic name Tapirus is the Latin version of the Tupi form. (Grzimek 1990)

Members of the family Tapiridae appeared in the Upper Eocene of North America. Discontinuous distribution of the present day tapir species demonstrates that this family was once quite widespread. Fossil records show that tapirs originated in the Northern Hemisphere and occupied the landmasses between Asia and South America, where modern tapirs are now found. (Nowak, 1999)

Tapirs' closest relatives are horses and rhinos. Many of their behaviors are similar to both of their relatives.

The mountain tapir was discovered by Roulin, a French naturalist, in the eastern Andes of Colombia. (Downer 1996)

Only six mountain tapirs remain in the world's zoos. Three are found at the Los Angeles Zoo, where the first successful captive breeding occurred. It is very difficult to breed mountain tapirs in zoos so captive breeding programs are inviable. The Colorado Springs Zoo has a mountain tapir also.

El Sepulchro, Ucumari Regional Park, Central Cordillera, Columbia is one of the last sanctuaries for mountain tapirs (Todd,1999).

Tapirs have such a keen sense of smell; they can pick up the scent of a leaf of lettuce yards away.

Supposedly, tapirs smell like a crate of lettuce!

Baby tapirs look just like "striped watermelons on legs" (Todd 1999).

Although tapirs are quite docile, they have been known to throw tantrums, where they will bite and snarl.

Tapirs love bananas.

Tapirs use their proboscis or trunk to pull food into their mouths.

The four species of tapir have not changed dramatically in almost 20 million years (Todd, 1999).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

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Males will often fight for a female. Once a winner is established mating begins. A heated courtship ritual precedes mating in all tapir species. The sexually excited tapirs make short wheezing sounds or shrills, whistling sounds, and may occasionally spray urine. Once this has ended, a male and female stand nose to tail and try to sniff one another's genitalia. This leads to circling movements that quickens over time.

While copulating, tapirs bite at each other's ears, feet and flanks. The mother stands up will giving birth and the young are born head first. Their eyes are open and they can stand and walk soon after birth. Males do not participate in raising young.

Mountain tapirs live about 30 years and have a gestation period of 13 months. They usually mate just before the beginning of the rainy season and give birth early in the rainy season of the following year. A female normally has one calf every second year. Twins are rare. At birth, a calf weighs about 4-7kg. The young remain in a well-sheltered spot, but after about a week begin to follow their mother. They remain with their mother for about 1 year and nurse for at least 6 months. Young tapirs have a different coat pattern than adults. It is dark reddish-brown with yellow and white stripes and spots. This pattern is normally lost around 6 months. Tapirs become sexually mature at about 3-4 years of age.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Average birth mass: 4270 g.

Average gestation period: 398 days.

Average number of offspring: 1.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nechvatal, N. 2001. "Tapirus pinchaque" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_pinchaque.html
Natalie Nechvatal, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Biology ( Anglèis )

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There is a paucity of knowledge regarding the natural ecology and behaviour of all tapirs; previously thought to be solitary, recent evidence suggests that the social organisation consists of pairs, and that tapirs may congregate at salt-licks (7). Typically active between late afternoon and early morning, mountain tapirs rest in dense vegetation for most of the day (8) and are very sure-footed, negotiating perilously steep mountain slopes with apparent ease (5). Like all tapirs, this species is fond of water and wallowing in mud (2). It browses and grazes on a variety of seeds, foliage and shoots, and is an important seed disperser for certain tree species (2). Within an individual's range the major water and food sources, sleeping and feeding areas are connected by well-trodden pathways (5). The existence of a distinct breeding season is yet to be determined but in the wild tapirs appear to reach sexual maturity at between two and three years old (7). One calf is produced every couple of years, and stays with the mother for between one and two years (7). Mountain tapirs communicate by producing shrill bird-like whistles (8), and males mark the boundaries of their territory by urinating (6).
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Conservation ( Anglèis )

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The mountain tapir occurs in a number of protected reserves in Colombia and Ecuador, and is protected throughout most of the current range (2). A small number of individuals currently live in captivity at a handful of zoos (2). The Tapir Preservation Fund was set up in 1996; the aims of this organisation include the promotion of the conservation and study of tapirs. (9). It has been highlighted that local people must be involved in, and benefit economically from, programmes to conserve this species if they are to be successful in preventing poaching and habitat loss (6).
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Description ( Anglèis )

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The mountain tapir is a 'living fossil' (5); the smallest (6) of four surviving species of tapir that represent the remnants of a lineage that evolved around 55 million years ago, after the demise of the dinosaurs (5). The mountain tapir is also known as the 'woolly tapir' due to its thick, woolly reddish-brown to black fur (5). The tips of the ears are white and some tapirs have a whitish band between the feet and hooves (7). The lips and nose are drawn into a prehensile proboscis, a feature shared by all living tapirs (5). Infants under one year of age are reddish-brown in colour with a series of white stripes and spots (5). Females tend to be slightly larger than males, but are otherwise very similar in appearance (3).
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Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Inhabits mid and high-level montane cloud forest between 2000 and 4000 metres (2), alpine meadows and páramo grasslands (treeless moorland) (5).
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Range ( Anglèis )

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Endemic to the Andes Mountains of north-western South America (2), small numbers remain in north-western Peru, Colombia and Ecuador (5). It has become extinct in northern Colombia and possibly from western Venezuela although there is some doubt as to whether the range ever extended this far (7). The population is currently estimated to number fewer than 2,500 individuals (3).
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Status ( Anglèis )

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Classified as Endangered (EN) by the IUCN Red List 2007 (1), and listed on Appendix I of CITES (4).
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Threats ( Anglèis )

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The major threats to the mountain tapir are destruction and fragmentation of the páramo and cloud forest habitats, coupled with illegal hunting for food (2) (3), and the use of body parts in folk medicine (6). The introduction of livestock to the area may have significant effects through transmitting diseases and attracting increased numbers of predators (2).
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Digimorph, Tapirs ( Anglèis )

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The CT lab at the University of Texas has scanned skulls of three of the four living species of tapirs, and four skulls of fossil tapirs

Dağ tapiri ( Aser )

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Dağ tapiri (lat. Tapirus pinchaque)) — Təkdırnaqlılar dəstəsinin tapir cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

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Tapir ar menezioù ( Breton )

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Tapir ar menezioù (Tapirus pinchaque) a zo ur bronneg hag a vev e Suamerika (Kolombia, Ecuador ha Perou).

Doareoù pennañ

Tapir ar menezioù eo an hini bihanañ eus ar pevar spesad tapired a zo, war-dro 1.80 m e gorf ha 90 cm ouzh an draen. Etre 130 ha 180 kg a bouez a zo ennañ.

Tanav eo e groc'hen met stank e vlevenn c'hell pe zu hag a sikour anezhañ da dalañ ouzh ar yenijenn. Gwenn eo e lapennoù ha beg e zivskouarn.

Ur c'hwesha eus ar gwellañ a zo dezhañ a-drugarez d'e drompilh gizidik.

Bevañ a ra war-dro 30 vloaz.


A-raok ar gouennañ en em gann ar pared evit ur barez. C'hoarvezout a ra un tamm a-raok koulz-amzer ar glaveier.

An dougen a bad war-dro 13 miz hag an tapir bihan nevez-c'hanet a vez 4 kg a bouez ennañ. Dizonet e vez d'an oad a 6 miz ha chom gant e vamm ur bloavezh-pad. Tizhout a ra e oad gour etre 3 ha 4 bloaz.


Danta negra.JPG

Aonik eo tapir ar menezioù ha plijout a ra dezhañ kouronkañ er stêrioù hag er poulloù. Un neuier ampart eo ha gallout a ra chom pell amzer dindan dour en ur analat gant e drompilh. Un doare eo dezhañ da chom kuzhet hag achap kuit diouzh preizhataerien.

P'en em gav daou dapir an eil gant egile e tispakont o dent ha stouiñ o divskouarn evit diskouez taeroni. Ma n'eo ket trawalc'h evit lakaat unan anezho da skarzhañ kuit en em gannont o klask dantañ pavioù a-dreñv egile. Dre m'eo lemm-mat rakdent an tapir e c'hell bezañ gwall c'hloazet gant emgannoù a-seurt se.


Mountain Tapir3.jpg

En em vagañ a ra diouzh an noz diwar delioù ha brousgwez.


Bevañ a ra e koadegoù hanternoz an Andoù, en tu all da 2000 m a-us live ar mor.

Tiriad tapir ar menezioù

Liammoù diavaez

war animal diversity, e saozneg

pennadig war stad arvarus m'emañ tapir ar menezioù, IUCN, e saozneg

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Tapir ar menezioù: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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Tapir ar menezioù (Tapirus pinchaque) a zo ur bronneg hag a vev e Suamerika (Kolombia, Ecuador ha Perou).

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Tapir de muntanya ( Catalan; Valensian )

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El tapir de muntanya (Tapirus pinchaque) és la més petita de les quatre espècies de tapir i l'única que no viu en jungles tropicals en estat salvatge. És denominat Sacha Huagra en quítxua, danta cordillerana i danta lanuda en espanyol de Colòmbia, danta negra en espanyol d'Equador i tapir de altura o gran bestia en espanyol del Perú.

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Tapir de muntanya: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Tapír horský ( Cech )

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Tapír horský (Tapirus pinchaque), někdy též tapír Roulinův, či tapír huňatý,[2] je savec patřící do řádu lichokopytníků, čeledi tapírovitých.


Má nejdokonalejší srst ze všech pěti druhů tapírů: je hustá, tmavohnědá až černá a chrání tapíra proti chladu v jeho domově ve vysoké nadmořské výšce. Pysky a uši má obvykle lemované bílou srstí. Dospělý jedinec dorůstá až 1,8 m délky. Je to ohrožený druh.

Způsob života

Tapír horský je býložravec. Přes den hledá stín pod porostem keřů a menších stromů, za potravou vyráží až navečer. Jsou to samotářská zvířata (až na matky s mláďaty). Tapír horský se vyskytuje na severozápadě Jižní Ameriky. Jeho trus obsahuje mnoho nepoškozených semen, tím tapíři pomáhají v rozšiřování rostlinstva a tudíž i při regeneraci lesa.



  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. Tapír horský [online]. www.biolib.cz [cit. 2016-05-21]. Dostupné online.


  • Zvíře, SZN, 231 str.
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Tapír horský: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Tapír horský (Tapirus pinchaque), někdy též tapír Roulinův, či tapír huňatý, je savec patřící do řádu lichokopytníků, čeledi tapírovitých.

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Bjergtapir ( Danèis )

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Bjergtapiren (latin: Tapirus pinchaque) er en tapir i ordenen af uparrettåede hovdyr. Dyret når en længde på 1,8 m med en hale på 50 cm og vejer 150 kg. Arten lever i det nordvestlige Sydamerika. Dens tykke pels er mørkebrun til sort. Den lever i nærheden af vand og svømmer godt. Den fouragerer fortrinsvis ved daggry og solnedgang, hvor maden består af blade. Den skjuler sig om dagen i krat. Tapiren lever langt det meste af sit liv alene.

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Bergtapir ( Alman )

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Der Bergtapir (Tapirus pinchaque), auch Andentapir oder Wolltapir genannt, ist eine Säugetierart aus der monotypischen Familie der Tapire (Tapiridae). Er stellt den zweitkleinsten der heutigen Tapirvertreter dar und lebt in den Hochlagen der Anden zwischen 2000 und 4500 m Höhe. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet beschränkt sich auf Kolumbien und Ecuador. Das einzelgängerisch lebende Tier ernährt sich von Pflanzenkost. Der Bestand ist aufgrund von Zerstörung der Lebensräume stark gefährdet.



Der Bergtapir ist die zweitkleinste Tapirart, männliche Tiere erreichen eine Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von rund 180 cm und eine Schulterhöhe von 90 cm, weibliche Tiere sind etwas größer und können bis zu 200 cm lang und über 90 cm hoch werden. Das Gewicht schwankt zwischen 130 und 180 kg, sehr schwere Tiere, sowohl Männchen als auch Weibchen können auch bis zu 260 kg wiegen. Im Durchschnitt sind die Weibchen aber wie beim Flachlandtapir (Tapirus terrestris) 25 bis 100 kg schwerer als die Männchen. Wie alle Tapire hat der Bergtapir einen schwerfällig wirkenden Körper mit schlanken, aber kräftigen Beinen. Die Vorderfüße enden in vier und die Hinterfüße in drei Zehen, der Schwanz stellt nur einen kurzen Stummel dar. Das Gesicht ist wie bei allen Tapiren durch den kurzen Rüssel charakterisiert. Auffälligster Unterschied zu den anderen Tapiren ist, dass die Haut von einem wesentlich wolligeren Fell bedeckt ist, das gegen die Kälte und UV-Strahlung des Hochgebirges Schutz bietet. Dabei kommen besonders lange Haare am Bauch und an der Brust vor, während jene des Rückens und der Seiten deutlich kürzer sind. In der Fellfärbung ähnelt der Bergtapir den beiden anderen amerikanischen Tapirarten, die Farbe ist auf dem Rücken typischerweise dunkelbraun bis schwarz, an den Seiten und am Bauch tritt eine etwas hellere Tönung auf. Markant sind auch die weißen Lippen und die ebenfalls weißen Ohrspitzen. Oftmals erscheinen aber haarlose Hautflecken am Rumpf, die durch die Lebensweise des Bergtapirs entstehen, indem er sich an Felsen reibt oder Geröllhalden hinab rutscht.[1]

Schädel- und Gebissmerkmale

Der Schädel des Flachlandtapirs erreicht eine Länge von 35 bis 38 cm und ist langgestreckt und flach. Der Scheitelkamm ist im Gegensatz zu seinem nächsten Verwandten, dem Flachlandtapir, eher niedrig und kurz, wodurch auch Kopf des Bergtapirs an der Stirnlinie deutlich flacher wirkt. Der Scheitelkamm besteht aus zwei verwachsenen Knochen, die jeweils dem inneren Rand der Scheitelbeine entwachsen.[2] Das Hinterhauptbein besitzt eine kurze und rechtwinklige Form. Wie bei allen Tapiren ist das Nasenbein deutlich reduziert und liegt hinter dem Mittelkieferknochen. Die Reduktion des Nasenbeins erfolgte durch die Ausbildung des fleischigen Rüssels.[1][3]

Der Unterkiefer wird bis zu 30 cm lang, besitzt aber einen relativ niedrigen Unterkieferkörper. Das Gebiss eines ausgewachsenen Tieres ist kaum reduziert und weist folgende Zahnformel auf: {displaystyle {frac {}{}}} {frac {}{}}. Wie bei der Gattung Tapirus üblich besitzen die jeweils äußeren dritten Schneidezähne eine verlängerte und spitze Kegelform, während alle anderen sowohl im Ober- als auch im Unterkiefer deutlich kleiner sind. Dagegen ist im Unterkiefer der Eckzahn ebenfalls deutlich größer, im Oberkiefer aber reduziert. Zwischen den Schneidezähnen und dem Eckzahn befindet sich ein kleines, vom Eckzahn hin zur hinteren Bezahnung ein merklich größeres Diastema. Die Backenzähne sind sehr niederkronig und besitzen wenig Zahnzement. Dabei ähneln die Prämolaren den Molaren, sind also molarisiert. Letztere weisen eine bilophodonten Aufbau auf, der durch zwei querstehende Zahnschmelzleisten charakterisiert ist, an deren Enden sich jeweils kleine Höcker befinden. Die Zahnschmelzhöcker kennzeichnen die Zähne als bunodont.[1]

Sinnesleistungen und Lautäußerungen

Wie alle Tapire hat der Bergtapir ein gutes Gehör und einen guten Geruchssinn. Der Sehsinn ist weniger gut entwickelt, dient aber offensichtlich im Nahbereich als wichtiges Kommunikationsmittel, da die Tiere auf schnelle Ohrbewegungen von Artgenossen reagieren, wobei dieser Effekt durch die weißen Ohrränder und -spitzen noch verstärkt wird. Ein schrilles Pfeifen gilt als Kontaktaufnahme, während ein hohes Quietschen bei Gefahr, sowohl für sich als auch für Artgenossen, ausgestoßen wird. Aggressive Tiere sind an einem murrenden Laut erkennbar.[1]

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Verbreitung des Bergtapirs

Das Verbreitungsgebiet des Bergtapirs ist das kleinste aller heutigen Tapirarten und ist auf die Andenregionen Kolumbiens, Ecuadors und des nördlichen Perus beschränkt, die einst kleine Population in Venezuela ist höchstwahrscheinlich ausgestorben. In den Anden bewohnt er Zonen mit temperiertem Klima. Sein Lebensraum sind Berg- und Nebelwälder, die sich an der West- und der Ostflanke des Hochgebirgszuges erstrecken. Dabei wandert der Bergtapir auch von den Hochebenen bei 2000 m bis zur Schneegrenze um 4500 m Seehöhe. Dadurch gehören auch baumfreie Busch- und Steppenlandschaften wie der Chaparral und der Páramo zum typischen Verbreitungsgebiet des Bergtapirs. Sehr selten kommt die Tapirart in Regionen unter 2000 m vor, die tiefsten Bergregionen, in denen er gesichtet wurde, liegen bei 1400 bis 1500 m. In Kolumbien existieren zwei, heute wahrscheinlich getrennte Populationen, die einerseits die West- und andererseits die Ostkordilleren umfassen.[4][5]

Die Individuendichte des Bergtapirs in seinem bewohnten Habitat ist relativ gering. So werden für Ecuador und Kolumbien teilweise nur ein Tapir auf 4 bis 5 Quadratkilometern angegeben, womit der Bergtapir die dünnste Besiedlungsdichte aller Tapirarten aufweist. Bemerkenswerterweise bewohnt der Tapir dabei selten Nationalparks. Von den fast zwei Dutzend Andennationalparks in Kolumbien, die im Verbreitungsgebiet des Tapirs liegen, kommt er in nur sieben relativ regelmäßig vor.[4][6]



Bergtapir beim Baden

Wie alle Tapire ist der Bergtapir ein nachtaktiver Einzelgänger, der sich tagsüber häufig ins Dickicht zurückzieht, allerdings kann er auch teilweise bei Tageslicht aktiv sein. Er ist ein ausgezeichneter Kletterer, kann aber auch sehr gut schwimmen und tauchen. Außerdem suhlt er häufig im Schlamm. Tapirgruppen bilden sich nur während der Brunftzeit oder umfassen Muttertiere mit Kälbern. Männliche Tiere unterhalten Reviere von 2,5 bis 3,5 km² Größe, die der Weibchen sind teilweise bis zu 8 km² groß, die Ausdehnung der Territorien wechselt aber über das Jahr. Diese erstrecken sich häufig über die verschiedenen Vegetationszonen im Hochgebirge und enthalten häufig mehrere Bade-, Fress- und Schlafplätze sowie Latrinen. Vor allem die Schlafplätze befinden sich in Gebieten mit sehr hoher und dichter Vegetation. Die Tiere halten sich während der Trockenzeiten häufig in höheren Lagen auf und kommen zur Regenzeit in die Wälder hinab.[1]

Die Grenzen der Reviere und die häufig begangenen Pfade werden sowohl bei den männlichen als auch bei den weiblichen Tieren mit Urin und Kot markiert. Da dafür häufig die gleichen Plätze verwendet werden, bilden sich manchmal hohe Dunghaufen, die auch eine der wichtigsten innerartlichen Kommunikationsformen darstellen. Dabei wird der Urin flächig und bis zu vier Meter weit verspritzt. Solche Markierungen gehen häufig mit reflexartig scharrenden Bewegungen der Hinterbeine einher.[1]


Bergtapir bei der Nahrungsaufnahme

Der Bergtapir ist Pflanzenfresser und aufgrund seiner niederkronigen Backenzähne und der charakteristischen Schmelzbuckel auf der Kauoberfläche an weiche Pflanzenkost wie Blätter, Zweige, Früchte und andere Pflanzenteile angepasst. Dabei sind über 200 Pflanzenarten bekannt, die vom Bergtapir verzehrt werden. Dazu gehören Korbblüten- und Rosengewächse sowie Hülsenfrüchte. Darüber hinaus werden vor allem in der Trockenzeit auch härtere Gräser wie Sauer- und Süßgräser nicht verschmäht. Große Bedeutung hat auch die Pflanzengattung Gunnera, da die Tapirart nicht nur Blätter und Stängel frisst, sondern auch Schutz unter dieser großblättrigen Pflanze sucht. Da der Bergtapir auch Früchte und Beeren vertilgt, trägt er so zur Ausbreitung zahlreicher Pflanzenarten bei, wie es bei einigen Palmengewächsen nachgewiesen ist. Des Weiteren sind Salzlecken und offene Mineralquellen wichtig für das Wohlbefinden der Tiere, die nicht nur den Mineralhaushalt ausgleichen, sondern auch zur Neutralisierung einzelner Pflanzengifte wichtig sind.[5][1]


Männliche und weibliche Vertreter des Bergtapirs sind mit rund zwei Jahren geschlechtsreif. Das Weibchen kommt durchschnittlich alle 30 Tage in die Brunft. In dieser Zeit finden sich auch die Männchen ein, die um die Weibchen werben, indem sie an deren Hinterteil schnüffeln, spielerisch sanfte Bisse austeilen und zahlreiche Grunz- und Quietschlaute von sich geben. Die Begattung beginnt mit dem Aufsitzen des männlichen Tieres auf dem weiblichen.[1]

Nach einer rund 13-monatigen Tragzeit (durchschnittlich 393 Tage) bringt das Weibchen meist ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt. Dieses ist rund 28 bis 30 cm hoch und wiegt zwischen 4 und 6 kg. Charakteristisch ist die bei allen Tapirkälbern auftretende hellere Grundfärbung, die durch zahlreiche helle, waagerechte Linien und Flecken unterbrochen ist. Das Fleckenmuster dient der Tarnung und verliert sich im Lauf des zweiten Lebenshalbjahres. Die langsame Entwöhnung beginnt mit drei Monaten und ist nach rund einem Jahr abgeschlossen, womit das Jungtier weitgehend selbständig ist. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist es fast 100 kg schwer. Insgesamt bleibt das Jungtier bis zu 18 Monate beim Muttertier, etwa genausolang dauert die Zeit bis zur nächsten Befruchtung. Das Höchstalter eines Bergtapirs wird mit fast 28 Jahren angegeben.[1]

Interaktionen mit anderen Tierarten

Brillenbär im Zoo Houston, Texas

Der Bergtapir stellt eine wichtige ökologische Komponente in der Neotropis dar. Durch das Anlegen von Pfaden schafft er Korridore, die auch von anderen Tierarten genutzt werden. Insgesamt ist der Bergtapir ein sehr scheues Tier, das sich im Bedrohungsfall oft ins Wasser zurückzieht. Die einzigen natürlichen Feinde des Bergtapirs sind der Puma und der Brillenbär, die auch ausgewachsene Tiere erbeuten können. Nachweise sind aber selten und erfolgen meist über Haarreste des Bergtapirs in den Fäkalien der Raubtiere oder über Tiere mit verheilten Bisswunden.[7] Erstmals im Januar 2014 konnte in einem Schutzgebiet um den Vulkan Puracé in Kolumbien ein Angriff eines Brillenbären auf einen Bergtapir mit Hilfe einer Kamerafalle direkt dokumentiert werden.[8] Seltener tritt der Jaguar als Fressfeind auf, da er normalerweise tiefere Regionen besiedelt, aber durch Abholzung der Tieflandwälder auch gelegentlich in höheren Regionen erscheint. Erwachsene Tiere können sich aber mit ihren spitzen Schneide- und Eckzähnen gut verteidigen (Aggressionen gegenüber Menschen sind sehr selten), teilweise verspritzen sie zur Abwehr auch Wasser mit ihrem Rüssel. Jungtiere werden in manchen Fällen auch Opfer des Andenkondors.[1]


Zu den Parasiten, die den Bergtapir befallen, gehören vor allem Zecken, nachgewiesen sind Schildzecken der Gattungen Amblyomma und Ixodes. Hauptsächlich zur Trockenzeit sind Bremsen sehr häufig und veranlassen den Bergtapir, in höhere Regionen der Anden zu wandern.[1][9]


Innere Systematik der Gattung Tapirus (nur rezente Vertreter) nach Cozzuol et al. 2013[10]

Tapirus bairdii

Tapirus kabomani

Tapirus pinchaque

Tapirus terrestris

Tapirus indicus


Der Bergtapir gehört zu Gattung der Tapire (Tapirus), die erstmals im Oligozän in Europa nachgewiesen ist und heute fünf rezente Vertreter aufweist. Die Tapire wiederum sind Teil der Familie der Tapire (Tapiridae), einer altertümlichen und evolutiv sehr konservativen Gruppe der Säugetiere mit nur wenigen Merkmalsänderungen über die Zeit. Sie stellen die Schwestergruppe der Nashörner dar, von denen sie sich vor rund 47 Millionen Jahren trennten,[11] und bilden mit ihnen die Ceratomorpha, die in der Unpaarhufersystematik den Hippomorpha mit den heutigen Pferden gegenübergestellt werden.[3]

Mit Hilfe molekulargenetischer Untersuchungen wurden die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der heutigen Tapire analysiert. Demzufolge trennte sich die Linie des einzigen asiatischen Tapirs, des Schabrackentapirs (Tapirus indicus), bereits vor 21 bis 23 Millionen Jahren ab, die des Mittelamerikanischen Tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) folgte vor 19 bis 20 Millionen Jahren. Die drei südamerikanischen Vertreter spalteten sich erst vor 3 bis 3,5 Millionen Jahren ab, als die Stammform dieser Südamerika über den neu entstandenen Isthmus von Panama erreichte. Eine stärkere Aufsplitterung in die heute noch bestehenden Arten erfolgte im Mittleren Pleistozän vor 288 bis 652 Tausend Jahren. Der Bergtapir ist dabei die am wenigsten spezialisierte moderne Tapirform.[12][13][10]

Anhand molekulargenetischer Untersuchungen zeigte sich eine hohe genetische Variabilität beim Bergtapir, die aber nicht so stark ist wie beim Flachlandtapir. Es können mehrere Haplotypen des Bergtapirs unterschieden werden, die in zwei große Gruppen gegliedert sind und sich vor rund 1,5 bzw. 1,3 Millionen Jahren ausdifferenzierten. Der Urahn dieser beiden Gruppen lebte demnach vor etwa 2,1 Millionen Jahren. Die großen Unterschiede innerhalb des Bergtapirs werden auf die starken Klimaveränderungen während des Pleistozän in den Anden und auf eine deutliche Reduktion der Population in der nachfolgenden Zeit zurückgeführt.[14][15]


Der älteste Nachweis der Gattung Tapirus in Südamerika stammt aus Argentinien und ist rund 1,5 bis 2,5 Millionen Jahre alt. Sie gelangte nach der Schließung des Isthmus von Panama vor rund 3 Millionen Jahren und des im Zuge daraufhin stattfindenden Großen Amerikanischen Faunenaustausches auf diesen Kontinent.[16] Fossilfunde vom Bergtapir sind sehr selten, eine Herausbildung der Art wird aber erst mit der endgültigen Auffaltung der Anden angenommen, welche vor 3 bis 6 Millionen Jahren abgeschlossen war.[15][5] Häufig wird eine relativ nahe Verwandtschaft mit der ausgestorbenen Art Tapirus mesopotamicus gesehen,[17] aufgrund zu geringen Fossilmaterials und weniger morphologischer Unterschiede zum Flachlandtapir wird eine Unterscheidung dieser beiden Arten als schwierig angesehen.[18]


Zwei Bergtapire im Zoo von San Francisco

Der Bergtapir wird von der IUCN als stark gefährdet („endangered“) geführt. Ursprünglich war die starke Bejagung Ursache für die Gefährdung des Bergtapirs. Heute tragen, in Verbindung mit der zunehmenden menschlichen Besiedlung, Waldrodungen und die Zerstörung bzw. Zersplitterung der Landschaften zum Rückgang der Populationen bei. Dies führt dazu, dass große, zusammenhängende Landschaftsräume in den Anden nur noch selten existieren. Weiterhin vertreibt die Konkurrenz von Hausrindern, die teilweise sogar auf den Bergwiesen in den Nationalparks weiden, die Tapirart aus weiten Teilen ihres Verbreitungsgebietes. Die Gesamtpopulation wird auf 2500 Tiere geschätzt, womit dies der seltenste Tapir ist.[19]

In Kolumbien kommt die Art in sieben Nationalparks vor, etwa im Nationalpark Sumapaz, der besonders große Flächen an geeignetem Lebensraum für den Bergtapir beherbergt.[4] Eines der wichtigsten Refugien des Bergtapirs in Südamerika ist darüber hinaus der Sangay-Nationalpark in Ecuador.[20] Weitere Schutzbemühungen finden auch im nördlichen Peru statt, wo kleine Populationen des Bergtapirs nahe dem Cerro Negro leben.[21] In einigen Regionen in Kolumbien und Ecuador dient der Bergtapir auch als Haustier.[1]


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker’s Mammals of the World. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.
  • Miguel Padilla, Robert C. Dowler, Craig Downer: Tapirus pinchaque (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae). In: Mammalian Species 42 (863), 2010, S. 166–182.


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l Miguel Padilla, Robert C. Dowler, Craig Downer: Tapirus pinchaque (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae). In: Mammalian Species 42 (863), 2010, S. 166–182.
  2. Luke T. Holbrook: The unusual development of the sagittal crest in the Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris). In: Journal of Zoology 256, 2002, S. 215–219.
  3. a b Luke T. Holbrook: Comparative osteology of early Tertiary tapiromorphs (Mammalia, Perissodactyla). In: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 132, 2001, S. 1–54.
  4. a b c Diego J. Lizcano, V. Pizarro, Jaime Cavelier, J. Carmona: Geographic distribution and population size of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in Colombia. In: Journal of Biogeography 29, 2002, S. 7–15.
  5. a b c Craig C. Downer: Observations on the diet and habitat of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque). In: Journal of Zoology 254, 2001, S. 279–291.
  6. Diego J. Lizcano, Jaime Cavelier: Densidad Poblacional y Disponibilidad de Habitat de la Danta de Montaiia (Tapirus pinchaque) en 10s Andes Centrales de Colombia. In: Biotropica 32 (1), 2000, S. 165–173.
  7. Armando Castellano: Do Andean bears attack mountain tapirs? In: International Bear News 20, 2011, S. 41–42.
  8. Abelardo Rodriguez, Ruben Gomez, Angelica Moreno, Carlos Cuellar, Diego J. Lizcano: Record of a mountain tapir attacked by an Andean bear on a camera trap. In: Tapir Conservation 23 (32), 2014, S. 25–26.
  9. Marcelo B. Labruna und Alberto A. Guglielmone: Ticks of New World Tapirs. In: Tapir Conservation 18 (1), 2009, S. 21–28.
  10. a b Mario A. Cozzuol, Camila L. Clozato, Elizete C. Holanda, Flávio H. G. Rodrigues, Samuel Nienow, Benoit de Thoisy, Rodrigo A. F. Redondo, Fabrício R. Santos: A new species of tapir from the Amazon. In: Journal of Mammalogy 94 (6), 2013, S. 1331–1345 ([1]).
  11. Christelle Tougard, Thomas Delefosse, Catherine Hänni, Claudine Montgelard: Phylogenetic relationships of the five extant rhinoceros species (Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 19, 2001, S. 34–44.
  12. Mary V. Ashley, Jane E. Norman, Larissa Stross: Phylogenetic analysis of the Perissodactylan family Tapiridae using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COII) sequences. In: Journal of Mammalian Evolution 3 (4), 1996, S. 315–326.
  13. Jane E. Norman, Mary V. Ashley: Phylogenetics of Perissodactyla and tests of the molecular clock. In: Journal of Molecular Evolution 50, 2000, S. 11–21.
  14. Benoit de Thoisy, Anders Gonçalves da Silva, Manuel Ruiz-García, Andrés Tapia, Oswaldo Ramirez, Margarita Arana, Viviana Quse, César Paz-y-Miño, Mathias Tobler, Carlos Pedraza, Anne Lavergne: Population history, phylogeography, and conservation genetics of the last Neotropical mega-herbivore, the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris). In: Evolutionary Biology 10, 2010, S. 1–16.
  15. a b M. Ruiz-García, C. Vásquez, M. Pinedo-Castro, S. Sandoval, A. Castellanos, F. Kaston, B. de Thoisy, J. Shostell: Phylogeography of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) and the Central American Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) and the Origins of the Three Latin-American Tapirs by Means of mtCyt-B Sequences. In: Anamthawat-Jónsson (Hrsg.): Current Topics in Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems. 2012, ISBN 978-953-51-0217-5, (Online).
  16. Larry G. Marshall: Land mammals and Great American Interchanche. In: American Scientist 76, 1988, S. 380–388.
  17. Brenda S. Ferrero, Jorge I. Noriega: A new Upper Pleistocene tapir from Argentinia: Remarks on the phylogenetics and diversification of Neotropical Tapiridae. In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27 (2), 2007, S. 504–511.
  18. Fernando A. Perini, João A. Oliveira, Leandro O. Salles, Carlos R. Moraes Neto, Patrícia G. Guedes, Luiz Flamarion B. Oliveira, Marcelo Weksler: New fossil records of Tapirus (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from Brazil, with a critical analysis of intra-generic diversity assessments based on lower molar size variability. In: Geobios 44, 2011, S. 609–619.
  19. A. G. Diaz, A. Castellanos, C. Piñeda, C. Downer, D. J. Lizcano, E. Constantino, J. A. Suárez Mejía, J. Camancho, J. Darria, J. Amanzo, J. Sánchez, J. Sinisterra Santana, L. Ordoñez Delgado, L. A. Espino Castellanos, O. L. Montenegro: Tapirus pinchaque. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2, zuletzt abgerufen am 23. Februar 2013 (Online).
  20. Craig C. Downer: The mountain tapir, endangered 'flagship' species of the high Andes. In: Oryx 30 (1), 1996, S. 45–58, Abstract.
  21. Craig C. Downer: Cerro Negro: An Important Mountain Tapir Conservation Area in the Piuran Andes, Piura and Cajamarca States, NW Peru. In: Tapir Conservation 18 (1), 2009, S. 36–39.
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Bergtapir: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Der Bergtapir (Tapirus pinchaque), auch Andentapir oder Wolltapir genannt, ist eine Säugetierart aus der monotypischen Familie der Tapire (Tapiridae). Er stellt den zweitkleinsten der heutigen Tapirvertreter dar und lebt in den Hochlagen der Anden zwischen 2000 und 4500 m Höhe. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet beschränkt sich auf Kolumbien und Ecuador. Das einzelgängerisch lebende Tier ernährt sich von Pflanzenkost. Der Bestand ist aufgrund von Zerstörung der Lebensräume stark gefährdet.

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Bierich-Tapir ( Stq )

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Bierich-Tapir Bierich-Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)
N Bierich-Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) Systematik Klasse: Suugedierte (Mammalia) Unnerklasse: Haagere Suugedierte (Eutheria) Uuroardenge: Laurasiatheria Oardenge: Uunpoorhoufere (Perissodactyla) Familie: Tapire (Tapiridae) Sleek: Tapire (Tapirus) Oard: Bierich-Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) Beskrieuwen fon ROULIN, 1829

Die Bierich-Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), uk as Anden-Tapir of Wul-Tapir beteekend, is een Suugediert uut ju monogeneriske Familie fon do Tapire (Tapiridae). Die Bierich-Tapir is ju twäidlitste Oard fon Tapire. Sien Lieuwendsruumte lait in do hooge Anden fon Ecuador, Kolumbien un dät noudelke Peru, wier hie ap 2000 bit 4500 Meetere uur ju See foarkumt. Wuddelk säilden is uk moal aan ap läigere Hachte tou sjoon. Uumdät do Moanskene ju Lieuwendsruumte fon do Bierich-Tapire fernäile, is ju Oard in Gefoar.


N swimmenden Bierich-Tapir
N litjen Bierich-Tapir

Do Dierte sunt maasttieds snoagens unnerwaiens, man toumäts uk deeges. Buute fon ju Brumst-Tied lieuwje do uutwoaksene Dierte aleenich. Jo konnen goud loope, klieuwerje, swimme un duukje. Jädden walterje sik do Dierte in'e Mudde.

Bierich-Tapire freete jädden Bleede, Twiege, Fruchte un uur Plontendeele. Ju Wietenskup koant moor as 200 Plonten, do fon do Bierich-Tapire freeten wäide. In ju Druuge Tied freete jo uk Gäärs. Een wichtige Plonte foar dän Bierich-Tapir sunt do Mammut-Bleede (Gunnera). Deerfon freete do Dierte do groote Bleede un do Steele, man jo ferstopje sik uk jädden deer unner. Uumdät jo uk Fruchte un Bäien freete, dreege jo uk hieren Deel tou ju Uutspreedenge fon wäkke Plonten bie, wan jo do ätters wier uutskiete. Do Dierte mouten Soalt un Mineroalien slikje, uurs sunt do nit goud ap Steede. Jo bruuke do Mineroalien uk, uum wäkke Plontengifte ferdreege tou konnen.

Do Dierte konnen sik poorje, wan jo two Jiere oold sunt. Sowät insen in't Mound sunt do wieuwelke Dierte brumsich. Dan kuume do Montjene bietou, uum sik mäd dät Wiefken tou poorjen. Jo dreege sowät trättien Mounde (in n Truchsleek 393 Deege). Maasttieds kumt dan een oankeld Koolich tou Waareld. Dät Litje is dan sowät 28 bit 30 cm hooch un wächt twiske 4 un 6 kg. Juust so as aal do Tapir-Koolwere hääbe uk litje Bierich-Tapire een Teekenge ap't Fäl: Een ljoachtbruune Gruundfaawe, wier woagelääsende Striepele un Plakken ap sunt. Ju Teekenge tjoont deer tou, dät dät Koolich foar Roowdierte nit goud tou sjoon is. Ätter tjo Mounde begint ju Muur loangsoam, dät Litje outousätten. Man bit dät heel un aal neen Molk moor kricht, duurt dät wät langer, sun Jier. Aan eenjierigen Bierich-Tapir wächt al sowät 100 kg. Aaltouhoope blift dät Jungdiert bie sien Muur, bit dät sowät 18 Mounde oold is. Ätters kon ju Muur wier näi befruchted wäide.

Do Dierte wäide fon Pumas un Anden-Boaren joaged. Toumäts wäd uk moal n Bierich-Tapir fon'n Jaguar hoald, man dät kumt säilden foar, uumdät Jaguare nit jädden so hooch in do Bierge unnerwaiens sunt. Junge Bierich-Tapire faale bie Tuuren uk dän Anden-Kondor tou'n Offer.

Dät hoochste Oaler, dät n Bierich-Tapir roaked häd, lait bie bolde 28 Jiere.

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Bierich-Tapir: Brief Summary ( Stq )

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Die Bierich-Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), uk as Anden-Tapir of Wul-Tapir beteekend, is een Suugediert uut ju monogeneriske Familie fon do Tapire (Tapiridae). Die Bierich-Tapir is ju twäidlitste Oard fon Tapire. Sien Lieuwendsruumte lait in do hooge Anden fon Ecuador, Kolumbien un dät noudelke Peru, wier hie ap 2000 bit 4500 Meetere uur ju See foarkumt. Wuddelk säilden is uk moal aan ap läigere Hachte tou sjoon. Uumdät do Moanskene ju Lieuwendsruumte fon do Bierich-Tapire fernäile, is ju Oard in Gefoar.

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Górowi tapir ( Kashubian )

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Górowi tapir

Górowi tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) – to je niepôrokòpëtny susk z rodzëznë tapirowatëch (Tapiridae). Òn żëje w Pôłniowi Americe.

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Urqu sach'awaka ( quechua )

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Urqu sach'awaka, kichwapi Urku wakra[1] (Tapirus pinchaque) nisqaqa huk rikch'aq sach'awakam, Antikunap antinpi kaq sach'a-sach'a urqukunapi (ruparupa nisqapi) kawsaq.


  1. Leonardo Ordóñez Delgado: Nombres de los mamíferos del Ecuador - Tapires (Tapirus bairdii, Tapirus pinchaque, Tapirus terrestris)

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Urqu sach'awaka: Brief Summary ( quechua )

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Urqu sach'awaka, kichwapi Urku wakra (Tapirus pinchaque) nisqaqa huk rikch'aq sach'awakam, Antikunap antinpi kaq sach'a-sach'a urqukunapi (ruparupa nisqapi) kawsaq.

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Mountain tapir ( Anglèis )

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The mountain tapir, also known as the Andean tapir or woolly tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) is the smallest of the four widely recognized species of tapir. It is the only one to live outside of tropical rainforests in the wild.[4] It is most easily distinguished from other tapirs by its thick woolly coat and white lips.

The species name comes from the term "La Pinchaque", an imaginary beast said to inhabit the same regions as the mountain tapir.[5]


Mountain tapirs are black or very dark brown, with occasional pale hairs flecked in amongst the darker fur. The fur becomes noticeably paler on the underside, around the anal region, and on the cheeks. A distinct white band runs around the lips, although it may vary in extent, and there are usually also white bands along the upper surface of the ears. In adults, the rump has paired patches of bare skin, which may help to indicate sexual maturity. The eyes are initially blue, but change to a pale brown as the animal ages.[6] Unlike all other species of tapir, the fur is long and woolly, especially on the underside and flanks, reaching 3.5 cm (1.4 in) or more in some individuals.[7]

Adults are usually around 1.8 m (5.9 ft) in length and 0.75 to 1 m (2.5 to 3.3 ft) in height at the shoulder. They typically weigh between 136 and 250 kg (300 and 551 lb), and while the sexes are of similar size, females tend to be around 25 to 100 kilograms (55 to 220 lb) heavier than the males.[6][8][9][10]

Like the other types of tapir, they have small, stubby tails and long, flexible proboscises. They have four toes on each front foot and three toes on each back foot, each with large nails and supported by a padded sole. A patch of bare skin, pale pink or grey in colour, extends just above each toe.[6]

Mountain tapir skull on display at the Museum of Osteology


Female mountain tapirs have a 30-day estrous cycle, and typically breed only once every other year. During courtship, the male chases the female and uses soft bites, grunts, and squeals to get her attention, while the female responds with frequent squealing. After a gestation period of 392 or 393 days, the female gives birth to a single young; multiple births are very rare.[11]

Newborn mountain tapirs weigh about 5.4 to 6.2 kg (12 to 14 lb) and have a brown coat with yellowish-white spots and stripes. Like adults, baby mountain tapirs have thick, woolly fur to help keep them warm. Weaning begins at around three months of age. The immature coloration fades after about a year, but the mother continues to care for her young for around 18 months. Mountain tapirs reach sexual maturity at age three and have lived up to 27 years in captivity.[6]


Mountain tapir feeding

Tapirs are herbivores, and eat a wide range of plants, including leaves, grasses, and bromeliads. In the wild, particularly common foods include lupins, Gynoxys, ferns, and umbrella plants. It also seeks out natural salt licks to satisfy its need for essential minerals.[6]

Mountain tapirs are also important seed dispersers within their environments, and have been identified as a keystone species of the high Andes. A relatively high proportion of plant seeds eaten by mountain tapirs successfully germinate in their dung, probably due to a relatively inefficient digestive system and a tendency to defecate near water. Although a wide range of seeds are dispersed in this manner, those of the endangered wax palm seem to rely almost exclusively on mountain tapirs for dispersal, and this plant, along with the highland lupine, declines dramatically whenever the animal is extirpated from an area.[12]

Predators of mountain tapirs include cougars, spectacled bears, and, less commonly, jaguars.[6]


When around other members of their species, mountain tapirs communicate through high-pitched whistles, and the males occasionally fight over estrous females by trying to bite each other's rear legs. But for the most part, mountain tapirs are shy and lead solitary lives, spending their waking hours foraging for food on their own along well-worn tapir paths.[13] Despite their bulk, they travel easily through dense foliage, up the steep slopes of their hilly habitats, and in water, where they often wallow and swim.

Mountain tapirs are generally crepuscular, although they are more active during the day than other species of tapirs. They sleep from roughly midnight to dawn, with an additional resting period during the hottest time of the day for a few hours after noon, and prefer to bed down in areas with heavy vegetation cover.[6] Mountain tapirs forage for tender plants to eat. When trying to access high plants, they will sometimes rear up on their hind legs to reach and then grab with their prehensile snouts. Though their eyesight is lacking, they get by on their keen senses of smell and taste, as well as the sensitive bristles on their proboscises.[14]

Males will frequently mark their territory with dung piles, urine, and rubbings on trees, and females will sometimes engage in these behaviors, as well. The territories of individuals usually overlap, with each animal claiming over 800 hectares (3.1 sq mi), and females tend to have larger territories than males.[12]

Distribution and habitat

The mountain tapir is found in the cloud forests and páramo of the Eastern and Central Cordilleras mountains in Colombia, Ecuador, and the far north of Peru. Its range may once have extended as far as western Venezuela, but it has long been extirpated from that region. It commonly lives at elevations between 2,000 and 4,300 metres (6,600 and 14,100 ft), and since at this altitude temperatures routinely fall below freezing, the animal's woolly coat is essential. During the wet season, mountain tapirs tend to inhabit the forests of the Andes, while during the drier months, they move to the páramo, where fewer biting insects pester them.[12]

The mountain tapir has no recognised subspecies.

In Peru, it is protected in the National Sanctuary Tabaconas Namballe. The species needs continuous stretches of cloud forest and páramo, rather than isolated patches, to successfully breed and maintain a healthy population, and this obstacle is a major concern for conservationists trying to protect the endangered animal.


The mountain tapir is the least specialised of the living species of tapir, and has changed the least since the origin of the genus in the early Miocene. Genetic studies have shown that mountain tapirs diverged from its closest relative, the Brazilian tapir, in the late Pliocene, around three million years ago. This would have been shortly after the formation of the Panamanian Isthmus, allowing the ancestors of the two living species to migrate southward from their respective points of origin in Central America as part of the Great American Interchange. However, the modern species most likely originated in the Andes, some time after this early migration.[6]


Two mountain tapirs in San Francisco Zoo

The mountain tapir is the most threatened of the five Tapirus species, classified as "Endangered" by the IUCN in 1996. According to the IUCN, there was a 20% chance the species could have been extinct as early as 2014. Due to the fragmentation of its surviving range, populations may already have fallen below the level required to sustain genetic diversity.[12]

Historically, mountain tapirs have been hunted for their meat and hides, while the toes, proboscises, and intestines are used in local folk medicines and as aphrodisiacs. Since they will eat crops when available, they are also sometimes killed by farmers protecting their produce. Today, deforestation for agriculture and mining, and poaching are the main threats to the species.[6]

There may be only 2,500 individuals left in the wild today, making it all the more difficult for scientists to study them. Also, very few individuals are found in zoos. Only a handful of breeding pairs of this species exists in captivity in the world — at the Los Angeles Zoo, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, and, as of 2006, the San Francisco Zoo.[15][16][17] In Canada, a mating pair is kept in Langley, BC, at the Mountain View Conservation and Breeding Centre. The nine individuals in captivity are descendants of just two founder animals. This represents a distinct lack of genetic diversity and may not bode well for their continued existence in captivity. The three zoos that house this species are working to ensure that the remaining wild populations of mountain tapirs are protected. Two mountain tapirs were sent from San Francisco Zoo to Cali Zoo, making them be the only captive tapirs in their natural home range; one male is kept in Pitalito, it could be moved to the Cali Zoo to make a breeding pair.


  1. ^ Lizcano, D.J.; Amanzo, J.; Castellanos, A.; Tapia, A.; Lopez-Malaga, C.M. (2016). "Tapirus pinchaque". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T21473A45173922. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T21473A45173922.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ Roulin, F. (1829). "Mémoire pour servir a l'histoire du Tapir; et Description d'une espèce nouvelle appartenant aux hautes régions de la Cordilière des Andes". Annales des sciences naturelles. 18: 26–56.
  4. ^ Grubb, P. (2005). "Order Perissodactyla". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 633–634. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  5. ^ Downer, Craig C. "Status and Action Plan of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)." Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan published by the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group, 1997.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i Padilla, Miguel; et al. (2010). "Tapirus pinchaque (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae)" (PDF). Mammalian Species. 42 (1): 166–182. doi:10.1644/863.1. S2CID 33277260.
  7. ^ Jorgensen, J.P. (1988). "Order Perissodactyla/family Tapiridae: Tapirus pinchaque. Sheet A-". In Dollinger, P. (ed.). Identification manual. Vol. 1a: Mammalia. Carnivora to Artiodactyla. Lausanne: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna.
  8. ^ Tapirus pinchaque, Animal Diversity Web
  9. ^ Mountain Tapir Archived 2016-04-22 at the Wayback Machine, Arkive
  10. ^ "Mountain tapir".
  11. ^ Bonney, S. & Crotty, M.J. (1979). "Breeding the mountain tapir, Tapirus pinchaque, at the Los Angeles Zoo". International Zoo Yearbook. 19 (1): 198–200. doi:10.1111/j.1748-1090.1979.tb00563.x.
  12. ^ a b c d Downer, Craig C. (1996). "The mountain tapir, endangered "flagship" species of the high Andes". Oryx. 30 (1): 45–58. doi:10.1017/S0030605300021384.
  13. ^ Goudot, Justin. "Nouvelles observations sur le Tapir Pinchaque (Recent Observations on the Tapir Pinchaque)," Comptes Rendus, Paris 1843, vol. xvi, pages 331-334. Available online with English translation by Tracy Metz.
  14. ^ Downer, Craig C. (1997). "Status and action plan of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)". In Brooks, D.M.; et al. (eds.). Tapirs—status survey and conservation action plan. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. pp. 10–22.
  15. ^ Eye on Conservation: Tale of the Tapir Archived 2007-01-13 at the Wayback Machine from the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens website
  16. ^ Mountain Tapir Conservation at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Archived 2006-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
  17. ^ Podcast from the San Francisco Zoo Archived 2007-07-12 at the Wayback Machine


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Mountain tapir: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The mountain tapir, also known as the Andean tapir or woolly tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) is the smallest of the four widely recognized species of tapir. It is the only one to live outside of tropical rainforests in the wild. It is most easily distinguished from other tapirs by its thick woolly coat and white lips.

The species name comes from the term "La Pinchaque", an imaginary beast said to inhabit the same regions as the mountain tapir.

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Pinĉaka tapiro ( Esperant )

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Du montotapiroj en San Francisco Zoo

Monta, AndaPinĉaka tapiro (Tapirus pinchaque) estas la dua plej malgranda el la kvin specioj de tapiro, ĉar nur la ĵus priskribita Tapirus kabomani estas pli malgranda, kaj estas la nura kiu loĝas elster la tropikaj pluvarbaroj en naturo.[1] Ĝi estas plej facile distingebla el aliaj tapiroj pro sia dika laneca mantel kaj blankaj lipoj.

La nomo de la specio devenas el la termino "La Pinchaque" [pinĈAke], nome imagita besto supozeble loĝanta en la samaj regionoj kiel la montotapiro.[2]


  1. Grubb, P. (2005). "Order Perissodactyla". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3a eld.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 633–634. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494. [1] Alirita la 25an de Januaro 2017.
  2. Downer, Craig C. "Status and Action Plan of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)." Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan published by the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group, 1997.

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Pinĉaka tapiro: Brief Summary ( Esperant )

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 src= Du montotapiroj en San Francisco Zoo

Monta, Anda aŭ Pinĉaka tapiro (Tapirus pinchaque) estas la dua plej malgranda el la kvin specioj de tapiro, ĉar nur la ĵus priskribita Tapirus kabomani estas pli malgranda, kaj estas la nura kiu loĝas elster la tropikaj pluvarbaroj en naturo. Ĝi estas plej facile distingebla el aliaj tapiroj pro sia dika laneca mantel kaj blankaj lipoj.

La nomo de la specio devenas el la termino "La Pinchaque" [pinĈAke], nome imagita besto supozeble loĝanta en la samaj regionoj kiel la montotapiro.

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Tapirus terrestris aenigmaticus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Tapirus terrestris aenigmaticus, es la denominación científica de una de las subespecies en que se divide la especie Tapirus terrestris, un mamífero perisodáctilo del género Tapirus de la familia de los tapíridos, denominada popularmente como «tapir sudamericano», «tapir de las tierras bajas», o «tapir amazónico». Esta subespecie se distribuye en el centro de Sudamérica. Entre sus nombres comunes posee los de: tapir, anta, o danta.

Ejemplar adulto, posiblemente de esta subespecie, en Yarina Lodge, cerca del río Manduro, provincia de Napo, amazonia ecuatoriana.


Esta subespecie se distribuye en la región amazónica occidental, desde la vertiente oriental de la cordillera oriental del sureste de Colombia, el este de Ecuador, hasta el Perú nororiental.


Esta subespecie fue descrita, originalmente como una buena especie, por el naturalista y zoólogo inglés John Edward Gray en el año 1872,[1]​ basado en diferencias craneales y de su morfología externa e interna.[2]

El material tipo es un cráneo de un ejemplar inmaduro, el BM, (1577 f), colectado por Clarence Buckley. Sobre la localidad tipo se indica: "Sunia", Cordillera Oriental, Ecuador, pero casi con toda seguridad es: Macas, al este de Ecuador.[3]

En el año 1954 Hershkovitz incluyó al taxón en Tapirus terrestris,[4]​ al tratarse de un cráneo inmaduro, los que tienden a presentar la caja craneana de forma más globular, aunque la piel asociada mostraría características diferenciables que parecen aproximarla a la de algunos ejemplares juveniles de T. pinchaque, al igual que la falta de la cresta sagital (la que en T. terrestris se forma en la etapa fetal). El colector notificó que el ejemplar fue cazado junto a una hembra adulta; Gray puso en duda esta afirmación, y a este último ejemplar la aditentificó como: Tapirus leucogenys, otra nueva especie a la cual también pertenecía todo un lote cazado por el mismo colector. Esta hembra presentaba el pelaje superior e inferior de los labios de color blanco —característica también presente en T. pinchaque— pero no poseía las restantes características de esa especie.[5]

Ejemplar adulto, posiblemente de esta subespecie, en Yarina Lodge, cerca del río Manduro, provincia de Napo, amazonia ecuatoriana.
Ejemplar adulto, posiblemente de esta subespecie, en Bio-Parque los Ocarros Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia.
Ejemplar adulto, posiblemente de esta subespecie, en El Coca, Ecuador.

La sinonimia de este taxón es la siguiente:[6][7]

  • Tapirus aenigmaticus Gray, 1872
  • Tapirus terrestris ecuadorensis (Gray, 1872)Macas, en el este de Ecuador—
  • Tapirus ecuadorensis Gray, 1872
  • Tapirus terrestris peruvianus (Gray, 1872) —Perú—


La reducción de su hábitat natural y la caza sin control son las principales causas de su retroceso numérico. Le es indispensable para poder sobrevivir la conservación de grandes áreas naturales.


Esta subespecie habita, generalmente asociada a cursos fluviales o zonas pantanosas, en selvas, bosques húmedos o densos, y vegetación herbácea alta en sabanas, en altitudes desde el nivel del mar hasta los 2000 msnm.



Se trata de un taxón de hábitos solitarios o limitado a pequeños grupos familiares, los que emplean para sus contactos entre la densa vegetación un silbido de tono alto.

Delimita su territorio mediante pilas de excrementos, el orinado localizado, y la marcación olfativa de ramas mediante glándulas faciales.


Posee sitios de descanso y otros de alimentación; se traslada entre ellos mediante el uso de senderos. Se alimenta en el crepúsculo o durante la noche. Su dieta es herbívora; emplea su probóscide (nariz móvil) para asir su alimento, el cual consiste principalmente en hojas, frutos, etc.


Sus principales predadores son el yaguareté (Panthera onca) y el puma (Puma concolor). A ellos se suma el ser humano, pues esta especie es cazada para servir de alimento o como trofeo de caza deportiva.


Pare sólo una cría (de entre 4 y 7 kg) luego de una gestación de entre 392 y 405 días. Su color es diferente al de los adultos: sobre una base de castaño oscuro presenta motas y bandas longitudinales de color blanco; esta librea la mantendrá hasta los 8 meses. Por 10 u 11 meses la cría vive junto a la madre, hasta que esta tiene un nuevo encuentro sexual con un macho (las cópulas ocurren cada 2 años); en ese momento la cría pasa a ser independiente, alcanzando su madurez sexual a los 2 años en el caso de las hembras y a los 4 cuando se trata de los machos.[8][9]

Véase también


  1. Gray, J. E. (1872). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 490, pi. 22, fig. 1.
  2. Padilla M. and R. Dowler (1994). Tapirus terrestris. Mammalian species 481:1-8.
  3. Lydekker (1916). Catalogue of the ungulate mammals in the British Museum (Natural History), vol. 5, p. 44.
  4. Hershkovitz, P. (1954). Mammals of northern Colombia. Preliminary report no. 7: tapirs (genus Tapirus), with a systematic review of American species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 103:465–496.
  5. Cozzuol, M. A.; Clozato, C. L., Holanda, E. C., Rodrigues, F. H., Nienow, S., de Thoisy, B., ... & Santos, F. R. (2013). «A new species of tapir from the Amazon. (pdf)». Journal of Mammalogy (en inglés) 94 (6): 1331-1345. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  6. «Tapirus terrestris en Planet Mammiferes.». Archivado desde el original el 24 de diciembre de 2013. Consultado el 5 de marzo de 2013.
  7. Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  8. 1992. Mammals of the Neotropics. The Southern Cone. Volume 2. The University of Chicago Press.
  9. Brooks D. & J. F. Eisenberg (1999). Estado y biología de los tapires neotropicales: perspectiva general. pp. 409-414, en: Manejo y conservación de la fauna silvestre en América Latina (T. G. Fang, O. L. Montenegro y R. E. Bodmer, eds.). Instituto de Ecología, La Paz, Bolivia.

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Tapirus terrestris aenigmaticus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Tapirus terrestris aenigmaticus, es la denominación científica de una de las subespecies en que se divide la especie Tapirus terrestris, un mamífero perisodáctilo del género Tapirus de la familia de los tapíridos, denominada popularmente como «tapir sudamericano», «tapir de las tierras bajas», o «tapir amazónico». Esta subespecie se distribuye en el centro de Sudamérica. Entre sus nombres comunes posee los de: tapir, anta, o danta.

 src= Ejemplar adulto, posiblemente de esta subespecie, en Yarina Lodge, cerca del río Manduro, provincia de Napo, amazonia ecuatoriana.
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Tapirus pinchaque ( Basch )

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Tapirus pinchaque Tapirus generoko animalia da. Perisodaktiloen barruko Tapiridae familian sailkatuta dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Roulin (1829) 18 Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. 46. or..

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Tapirus pinchaque: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Tapirus pinchaque Tapirus generoko animalia da. Perisodaktiloen barruko Tapiridae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Vuoritapiiri ( Finlandèis )

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Vuoritapiiri (Tapirus pinchaque) on tapiirien heimoon kuuluva kavioeläinlaji, joka elää Perun Andeilla. Se on amerikantapiiria pienempi ja sen turkki on tumman ruskea. Vuoritapiirilla kulkee valkoinen täplä kuonon kärjestä suupieleen.[2] Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lajin suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on andientapiiri.[3]


  1. Diaz, A.G., Castellanos, A., Piñeda, C., Downer, C., Lizcano, D.J., Constantino, E., Suárez Mejía, J.A., Camancho, J., Darria, J., Amanzo, J., Sánchez, J., Sinisterra Santana, J., Ordoñez Delgado, L., Espino Castellanos , L.A. & Montenegro, O.L.: Tapirus pinchaque IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 3.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. Vallardi, Francesco (päätoimittaja), Suuri Eläinkirja, Nisäkkäät, WSOY 1965
  3. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunta: Maailman nisäkkäiden suomenkieliset nimet (vahvistamaton ehdotus nisäkkäiden nimiksi) koivu.luomus.fi. 2008. Viitattu 13.2.2019.

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Vuoritapiiri: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Vuoritapiiri (Tapirus pinchaque) on tapiirien heimoon kuuluva kavioeläinlaji, joka elää Perun Andeilla. Se on amerikantapiiria pienempi ja sen turkki on tumman ruskea. Vuoritapiirilla kulkee valkoinen täplä kuonon kärjestä suupieleen. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lajin suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on andientapiiri.

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Tapirus pinchaque ( Fransèis )

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Le Tapir des montagnes ou Tapir des Andes (Tapirus pinchaque) est l'une des cinq espèces de tapir et le seul à vivre en dehors des forêts tropicales dans la nature.

Il est appelé Sacha Huagra en Quechua, Danta cordillerana (tapir de la Cordillère) et Danta lanuda (tapir laineux) en espagnol colombien, Danta negra (tapir noir) en espagnol équatorien et tapir de altura (tapir des hauteurs) ou gran Bestia (grande bête) en espagnol péruvien. Il est nommé et décrit par le naturaliste et explorateur François Désiré Roulin en 1829. Le nom de l'espèce vient du terme « la Pinchaque », un animal imaginaire, censé habiter les mêmes régions que le tapir de montagne.

Sa chair est consommées par certaines populations andines de l'Équateur en particulier à des fins médicinales[1].


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Tapirus pinchaque: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Le Tapir des montagnes ou Tapir des Andes (Tapirus pinchaque) est l'une des cinq espèces de tapir et le seul à vivre en dehors des forêts tropicales dans la nature.

Il est appelé Sacha Huagra en Quechua, Danta cordillerana (tapir de la Cordillère) et Danta lanuda (tapir laineux) en espagnol colombien, Danta negra (tapir noir) en espagnol équatorien et tapir de altura (tapir des hauteurs) ou gran Bestia (grande bête) en espagnol péruvien. Il est nommé et décrit par le naturaliste et explorateur François Désiré Roulin en 1829. Le nom de l'espèce vient du terme « la Pinchaque », un animal imaginaire, censé habiter les mêmes régions que le tapir de montagne.

Sa chair est consommées par certaines populations andines de l'Équateur en particulier à des fins médicinales.

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Tapir gunung ( Indonesian )

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Tapir gunung (Tapirus pinchaque) atau tapir berbulu adalah salah satu spesies tapir asli Amerika Selatan. Tapir gunung merupakan spesies tapir satu-satunya yang hidup di luar hutan hujan tropis, karena sesuai namanya, ia hidup di kawasan pegunungan Andes di Peru, Ekuador, dan Kolombia. Tapir gunung mudah dibedakan dengan tapir lain karena moncongnya yang berwarna putih dan bulu tebalnya.


Tapir gunung berbulu lebat dan tebal; ketebalan bulunya 3,5 cm dan berwarna hitam. Tapir berbulu mempunyai panjang tubuh 1,8 m (5,9 ft) dengan tinggi 0,75–1 m (2,5–3,3 ft). Berat tubuhnya antara 136–250 kg (300–551 lb). Namun, tapir betina memiliki tubuh yang sedikit lebih langsing dengan berat 25–100 kilogram (55–220 lb).


  1. ^ Diaz, A.G. et al. (2008). "Tapirus pinchaque". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal 10 April 2009.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link) Pemeliharaan CS1: Penggunaan et al. yang eksplisit (link) Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of endangered.
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Tapir gunung: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Tapir gunung (Tapirus pinchaque) atau tapir berbulu adalah salah satu spesies tapir asli Amerika Selatan. Tapir gunung merupakan spesies tapir satu-satunya yang hidup di luar hutan hujan tropis, karena sesuai namanya, ia hidup di kawasan pegunungan Andes di Peru, Ekuador, dan Kolombia. Tapir gunung mudah dibedakan dengan tapir lain karena moncongnya yang berwarna putih dan bulu tebalnya.

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Tapirus pinchaque ( Italian )

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Il tapiro delle Ande, Tapirus pinchaque, è la specie più piccola della famiglia dei tapiridi. Viene chiamato anche Sacha Huagra dagli indigeni mentre altri nomi a lui riferiti sono danta lanuda, danta negra (tapiro nero) e gran bestia (In lingua spagnola a seconda del paese, Colombia, Ecuador o Perù).


  • Lunghezza: 1,8 metri
  • Altezza: quasi 1 metro
  • Peso: varia da 90 ai 260 kg.
  • Lunghezza dei peli: intorno ai 40 mm.

I suoi sensi più sviluppati sono l'odorato e l'udito, sono dotati di una piccola proboscide.

Si nutre delle parti polpose dei vari vegetali, come le bromeliacee, di cui è massimamente ghiotto, delle gemme di Gunnera, delle foglie e dei germogli di Espeletia e dei germogli di bambù beve molto e si bagna spesso.


Gli indios che vivevano nella Popoyan, veneravano un animale immaginario: il «pinchaque» (ovvero fantasma, spettro, lupo mannaro). Da questo episodio discende il suo nome scientifico: Tapirus pinchaque.[2]

Nel 1828 il governo francese incaricò François Désiré Roulin di effettuare alcune ricerche topografiche nella zona studiò tale animale riuscendo, dopo averne catturato uno a pubblicare la prima descrizione ufficiale negli Annales des Sciences naturelles, a Parigi, nel 1829. Si trattava, infatti, di una specie sconosciuta, cui dette il nome di Tapirus pinchaque.

Per quanto riguarda il comportamento degli Indios verso tale specie è dubbio: Padre Juan de Velasco (1789) affermava che essendo la carne disgustosa non gli davano la caccia mentre Paul Schauenberg affermava il contrario.

Distribuzione geografica

Diffuso un tempo nelle regioni andine in tempi recenti la sua diffusione di è limitata nella Colombia a elevate altitudini (sopra i 2000 metri) e quindi nella Cordigliera orientale e centrale, Ecuador nella catena orientale delle Ande, raramente nel Venezuela e nel Perù dove è specie protetta. Dal 1971 venne protetto anche in Ecuador e Colombia e proibita sia la cattura che l'esportazione.

Pochi esemplari sono stati visti nelle montagne di Cimarrones, a sud-est dell'Antisana, a Quilindana (4877 m), nella Cordigliera di Chalupas, a Llanganatis e vicino al vulcano Tungurahua. Durante la prima ascensione del Sangay dal fianco orientale, nel giugno 1966, J. Larrea, di Quito, incontrò impronte di tapiro nella neve, fino a 4700 m di altitudine.

Alcuni suppongono che entro il 2014 tale specie si sarebbe estinta. Si calcola che esistono circa 2.500 esemplari selvaggi al mondo a cui si aggiungono i pochi individui presenti nei vari zoo.[3]

Il primo tapiro delle Ande, che venne esposto in uno zoo era una giovane femmina proveniente dall'Ecuador, che visse dal 26 novembre 1950 al 18 ottobre 1955 nello Zoo di Bronx, a New York. Dal 1967 al 1969, un mercante tedesco catturò ed esportò una trentina di tapiri delle Ande, destinati ad alcuni zoo americani ed europei. Di questi, 6 maschi e 5 femmine solamente risultavano ancora vivi nel 1973, nei giardini zoologici di Brownsville, Baltimora e Los Angeles, negli Stati Uniti, e di Francoforte, Lipsia, Stoccarda e Parigi.

Raramente vengono utilizzati dagli indigeni per i lavori più strani, usato sia come animale da tiro che nella frantumazione della canna da zucchero come era solito fare anche da M. O. Rodriguez, proprietario di una piccola azienda locale.


La gestazione dura circa 400 giorni, la femmina procrea un unico cucciolo che pesa dai 5 ai 7 kg. Raggiunge la maturità sessuale intorno ai 3 anni e vive circa 30 anni.

Biologia e comportamento

Agile e abile nuotatore, si è visto, come aveva tentato di fare l'esemplare dello Zoo di Francoforte che possono anche arrampicarsi anche se goffamente. Se minacciato morde sia i simili che i vari nemici e attacca per difendere i propri piccoli (notato dal naturalista francese Goudot nel 1843)

Generalmente timidi e solitari camminano per ore alla ricerca del cibo.[4]

Il suo habitat prevede paramos andini e delle foreste nebbiose, per sopravvivere crea gallerie ( 1 m di altezza e 60 cm di larghezza). Il naturalista francese Goudot riferiva a questo proposito: «Parecchie volte, percorrendo i boschi con uomini del posto, ho approfittato dei sentieri formati dal passaggio di questi animali, soprattutto nelle zone molto alte, dove un'atmosfera quasi sempre umida e fredda dà all'insieme della vegetazione un carattere particolare. Così, quando un cammino di tapiro delle Ande («camino de danta») si presentava nella nostra direzione, profittavamo di questa «strada», come pomposamente la chiamavano gli indigeni».

Quasi sempre tali sentieri sono ricoperti da uno strato di escrementi.


  1. ^ (EN) Tapirus pinchaque, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Downer, Craig C. "Status and Action Plan of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)." Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan published by the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group, 1997.
  3. ^ Fra i pochi esemplari rintracciati negli zoo si cita come esempio lo Zoo di Los Angeles Archiviato il 6 gennaio 2009 in Internet Archive. dove il cucciolo era presente dal 1994
  4. ^ Goudot, Justin. "Nouvelles observations sur le Tapir Pinchaque (Recent Observations on the Tapir Pinchaque)," Comptes Rendus, Paris 1843, vol. xvi, pagine 331-334.


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Tapirus pinchaque: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il tapiro delle Ande, Tapirus pinchaque, è la specie più piccola della famiglia dei tapiridi. Viene chiamato anche Sacha Huagra dagli indigeni mentre altri nomi a lui riferiti sono danta lanuda, danta negra (tapiro nero) e gran bestia (In lingua spagnola a seconda del paese, Colombia, Ecuador o Perù).

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Kalninis tapyras ( lituan )

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Binomas Tapirus pinchaque

Kalninis tapyras (lot. Tapirus pinchaque, angl. Mountain Tapir) – tapyrinių (Tapiridae) šeimos neporakanopis žinduolis. Ilgis apie 1,8 m, sveria iki 150 kg. Plaukuočiausiais iš visų tapyrų; kailis storas, tamsiai rudas ar juodas, apsaugo nuo aukštikalnių šalčių. Skabo įvairius nykštukinius medžius ir krūmus, daugiausia auštant ir temstant. Kaip ir kiti tapyrai, dieną slepiasi tankmėje. Savo išmatomis išplatina augalų sėklas.

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Kalninis tapyras: Brief Summary ( lituan )

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Kalninis tapyras (lot. Tapirus pinchaque, angl. Mountain Tapir) – tapyrinių (Tapiridae) šeimos neporakanopis žinduolis. Ilgis apie 1,8 m, sveria iki 150 kg. Plaukuočiausiais iš visų tapyrų; kailis storas, tamsiai rudas ar juodas, apsaugo nuo aukštikalnių šalčių. Skabo įvairius nykštukinius medžius ir krūmus, daugiausia auštant ir temstant. Kaip ir kiti tapyrai, dieną slepiasi tankmėje. Savo išmatomis išplatina augalų sėklas.

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Kalnu tapirs ( léton )

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Kalnu tapirs (Tapirus pinchaque ) ir tapiru dzimtas (Tapiridae) viena no Latīņamerikas tapiru sugām. Kalnu tapirs ir otrs mazākais tapirs un ir vienīgais, kas dzīvo ārpus tropu lietus mežu biomas.

Paramo Kolumbijā

Kalnu tapiri dzīvo tropu un subtropu mitrajos mežos - miglas mežos un paramo biomā, kas atrodas Andu kalnos starp pēdējo tropu meža līniju un sniega līniju (3800 metri virs jūras līmeņa - 5000 metri virs jūras līmeņa). Kalnu tapiru var sastapt Andu kalnos Kolumbijā, Ekvadorā un Peru[1].

Peru kalnu tapira aizsardzībai ir izveidots Nacionālais parks (National Sanctuary Tabaconas Namballe). Kalnu tapiram ir nepieciešams pārvietoties no mitrajiem tropu mežiem uz paramo un atpakaļ, tos nevar ierobežot tikai vienā no biomām. Kalnu tapirs migrē starp 1950 metriem virs jūras līmeņa un 4400 metriem virs jūras līmeņa. Šajā zonā temeperatūras var nokristies zem 0 pēc Celsija, tādēļ kalnu tapiram ir nepieciešams biezs kažoks. Lietus sezonas laikā kalnu tapirs uzturas tropu mežu biomā, bet sausajā sezonā, tas dodas uz paramo, jo tur ir mazāk kukaiņu un zemākas temperatūras.

Kalnu tapiri ir visapdraudētākie no visiem tapiriem. Ir zinātnieki, kas uzskata, ka ap 2014. gadu kalnu tapiri būs izmiruši. Mūsdienās savvaļā ir apmēram 2500 indivīdu. Zoodārzos ir ļoti maz šo dzīvnieku. Un tikai daži pāri nebrīvē reproducē bērnus; tie ir zoodārzi Losandželosā, Koloradospringsā un Sanfrancisko. Mītnes zemēs zoodārzos nav neviena kalnu tapira. Kopumā zoodārzos ir 9 kalnu tapiri, kas ļoti ierobežo to pavairošanu, jo visi ir tuvi radinieki (cēlušies no 1 pāra)[2].


Kalnu tapiram atšķirībā no citiem tapiriem ir kažoks
Kalnu tapiri labprāt peldas un vārtās dubļos

Kalnu tapiru ir viegli atšķirt no citiem tapiriem, jo tam ir biezs kažoks. Kažoks ir tumši pelēks vai melns, toties apakšlūpa ir gandrīz balta. Dažreiz arī vaigi ir gaišāk pelēki nekā pārējais apspalvojums. Pieauguša kalnu tapira ķermeņa garums ir apmēram 1,8 m, augstums skaustā 75 - 100 cm, svars 150-225 kg[3]. Mātītes ir leilākas nekā tēviņi. Tāpat kā visiem tapiriem tiem ir īsas, resnas astes un garš, kustīgs snuķis. Priekškājām ir 4 pirksti, pakaļkājām 3 pirksti.


Kalnu tapiri savstarpēji sazinās ar spalgiem svilpieniem. Tēviņi mēdz kosties, savstarpēji cīnoties par mātītes uzmanību pārošanās sezonā. Pārējā laikā kalnu tapiri ir izteikti vienuļnieki, kas lielāko dienas daļu pavada ganoties, apstaigājot savu personīgo taku. Lai arī tapirs atstāj smagnēja dzīvnieka iespaidu, tas diezgan ātri pārvietojas pa kalnu stāvajām kraujām. Tāpat kā citi tapiri arī kalnu tapiri mīl peldēties un vārtīties dubļos.

Kalnu tapiri ir nakts dzīvnieki, un ir aktīvi no saulrieta līdz saullēktam. Dienu tie pavada guļot. Kalnu tapiri mēdz pacelties pakaļkājās, lai aizsniegtu augstākus koku zarus. Kalnu tapiri kalnos meklē arī dabīgos minerālsāļu avotus. Redze tapiriem ir slikta, bet tiem ir ļoti laba oža un dzirde. Uz snuķa gala ir īsi matiņi, kas darbojas kā taustes sensori[4].

Kalnu tapira tēviņi iezīmē savu teritoriju ar fekāliju čupām un urīnu, kā arī tie mēdz kasīties pret lielākiem kokiem, atstājot savu smaržu koka stumbrā. Mātītes reizēm dara to pašu. Tapiru teritorijas pārklājas, bet viena tapira teritorija ir apmēram 8 kvadrātkilometrus liela.

Tapiru galvenie ienaidnieki bez cilvēka ir jaguāri un pumas[5]. Tomēr vislielāko ļaunumu nodara cilvēku saimniekošana; mežu izciršana, lauksaimniecības paplašināšana, malumedniecība.


Mātītei grūsnība ilgst 400 dienas, un parasti piedzimst viens mazulis, ļoti reti piedzimst divi. Mazulis piedzimst apmēram 7 kg smags, un kā visiem tapiriem mazulim ir brūns apspalvojums ar svītrām un lāsumiem, kas ļauj mazajam tapiram labi noslēpties no plēsējiem. Bet atšķirībā no tropu brālēniem kalnu tapira mazulim ir pūkains kažoks tāpat kā vecākiem, kas to silda aukstajos kalnu vējos. Apmēram gada vecumā apspalvojums ir ieguvis pieauguša tapira krāsu. Kalnu tapiri sasniedz dzimumbriedumu trīs gadu vecumā. Tapiri dzīvo līdz 30 gadiem.


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Kalnu tapirs: Brief Summary ( léton )

fornì da wikipedia LV

Kalnu tapirs (Tapirus pinchaque ) ir tapiru dzimtas (Tapiridae) viena no Latīņamerikas tapiru sugām. Kalnu tapirs ir otrs mazākais tapirs un ir vienīgais, kas dzīvo ārpus tropu lietus mežu biomas.

 src= Paramo Kolumbijā

Kalnu tapiri dzīvo tropu un subtropu mitrajos mežos - miglas mežos un paramo biomā, kas atrodas Andu kalnos starp pēdējo tropu meža līniju un sniega līniju (3800 metri virs jūras līmeņa - 5000 metri virs jūras līmeņa). Kalnu tapiru var sastapt Andu kalnos Kolumbijā, Ekvadorā un Peru.

Peru kalnu tapira aizsardzībai ir izveidots Nacionālais parks (National Sanctuary Tabaconas Namballe). Kalnu tapiram ir nepieciešams pārvietoties no mitrajiem tropu mežiem uz paramo un atpakaļ, tos nevar ierobežot tikai vienā no biomām. Kalnu tapirs migrē starp 1950 metriem virs jūras līmeņa un 4400 metriem virs jūras līmeņa. Šajā zonā temeperatūras var nokristies zem 0 pēc Celsija, tādēļ kalnu tapiram ir nepieciešams biezs kažoks. Lietus sezonas laikā kalnu tapirs uzturas tropu mežu biomā, bet sausajā sezonā, tas dodas uz paramo, jo tur ir mazāk kukaiņu un zemākas temperatūras.

Kalnu tapiri ir visapdraudētākie no visiem tapiriem. Ir zinātnieki, kas uzskata, ka ap 2014. gadu kalnu tapiri būs izmiruši. Mūsdienās savvaļā ir apmēram 2500 indivīdu. Zoodārzos ir ļoti maz šo dzīvnieku. Un tikai daži pāri nebrīvē reproducē bērnus; tie ir zoodārzi Losandželosā, Koloradospringsā un Sanfrancisko. Mītnes zemēs zoodārzos nav neviena kalnu tapira. Kopumā zoodārzos ir 9 kalnu tapiri, kas ļoti ierobežo to pavairošanu, jo visi ir tuvi radinieki (cēlušies no 1 pāra).

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Tenuk Gunung ( malèis )

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Tenuk Gunung (Tapirus pinchaque) merupakan tenuk terkecil daripada empat spesies dan satu-satunya yang tinggal di luar hutan hujan tropika secara liar. Tenuk Gunung senang dibezakan daripada tenuk lain dengan bulunya yang tebal dan bibir yang putih.

Pautan luar

  1. http://yosri.cwahi.net/HaiwanTenukGunung.htm

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Tenuk Gunung: Brief Summary ( malèis )

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Tenuk Gunung (Tapirus pinchaque) merupakan tenuk terkecil daripada empat spesies dan satu-satunya yang tinggal di luar hutan hujan tropika secara liar. Tenuk Gunung senang dibezakan daripada tenuk lain dengan bulunya yang tebal dan bibir yang putih.

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Bergtapir ( olandèis; flamand )

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De bergtapir (Tapirus pinchaque) is de kleinste tapirssoort en de enige die niet in het regenwoud voorkomt.


Ze worden ongeveer 1,8 meter lang met een staart van 5-10 cm lang, worden ongeveer 75-80 cm hoog en wegen ongeveer 250 kg. De kleur van de haren is roodbruin tot zwart. Lippen en oren zijn doorgaans van witte franjeharen voorzien. Omdat ze op grote hoogten leven hebben ze ook een dikkere vacht dan de andere tapirssoorten


Deze dieren zoeken in het schemerdonker naar voedsel, dat bestaat uit bladen van lage boompjes en struiken. Overdag verschuilen ze zich in het kreupelhout. Zaden passeren ongeschonden hun darmkanaal en worden via hun uitwerpselen over de bosbodem verspreid, waardoor ze hun bijdrage leveren aan de verjonging van het bos.


Deze soort komt voor op de grote hoogten van de Andes. Van de Andes komt hij vooral in de noordelijke gebieden zoals in Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador en Colombia in tropische en subtropische wouden en hooggelegen graslanden, op hoogten van meer dan 4500 meter.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • De grote dierenencyclopedie, (1993) Zuidnederlandse Uitgeverij N.V., Aartselaar, België. ISBN 90-243-5204-5.
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Bergtapir: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De bergtapir (Tapirus pinchaque) is de kleinste tapirssoort en de enige die niet in het regenwoud voorkomt.

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Andestapir ( norvegèis )

fornì da wikipedia NO

Andestapir (Tapirus pinchaque) er et upartåede hovdyr som finnes i Andes, fra Colombia via Ecuador til det nordlige Peru. Den trives i montane tåkeskoger i høyder på mellom 2000 og 4000 moh. Andestapir er en av fire tapirarter. Tilsammen utgjør disse fire artene, som alle tilhører samme slekt, tapirfamilien (Tapiridae).

Andestapir skiller seg fra de andre tapirene gjennom sin sortbrune farge og kraftigere pels. Den har dessuten hvite lepper. Andestapiren blir omkring 180 cm lang og cirka 80 cm høy på skulderen. Den oppnår normalt en vekt på cirka 150 kg[2], og er dermed den minste av tapirene.


Slektstreet nedenfor er i henhold til Cozzuol m. fl. (2013).[3]


Tapirus bairdii

Tapirus kabomani

Tapirus pinchaque

Tapirus terrestris

Tapirus indicus


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Andestapir: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

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Andestapir (Tapirus pinchaque) er et upartåede hovdyr som finnes i Andes, fra Colombia via Ecuador til det nordlige Peru. Den trives i montane tåkeskoger i høyder på mellom 2000 og 4000 moh. Andestapir er en av fire tapirarter. Tilsammen utgjør disse fire artene, som alle tilhører samme slekt, tapirfamilien (Tapiridae).

Andestapir skiller seg fra de andre tapirene gjennom sin sortbrune farge og kraftigere pels. Den har dessuten hvite lepper. Andestapiren blir omkring 180 cm lang og cirka 80 cm høy på skulderen. Den oppnår normalt en vekt på cirka 150 kg, og er dermed den minste av tapirene.

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Tapir górski ( polonèis )

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Tapir górski (Tapirus pinchaque) – ssak należący do rzędu nieparzystokopytnych z rodziny tapirowatych, najmniejszy spośród czterech gatunków i jedyny który może żyć na wolności poza regionem lasów tropikalnych.

Inne określenia: Tapir kordyleryjski (danta cordilleriana), tapir wełnisty (danta lanuda), tapir czarny (danta negra), tapir ze wzgórz (tapir de altura) lub wielka bestia.

Nazwa gatunku pochodzi od "La Pinchaque" - wyimaginowanego stwora, który mógł zamieszkiwać niektóre regiony górskie.[2]

Ogólny wygląd i charakterystyka

Tapir górski jest rozpoznawalny dzięki swojej wełnistej sierści i białej dolnej wardze. Może on mieć futro w kolorze szaro-czarnym lub brązowym, zależy to od miejsca gdzie żyje. Zwykle włosy wokół twarzy są jaśniejsze. Dorosłe osobniki mają ok. 1,8 metra długości i 0,75-1 metra wysokości. Ważą ok. 150-225 kg. Osobniki płci żeńskiej są zwykle większe. Tak jak inne tapiry mają krótki i gruby ogonek oraz długi i giętki nos. Mają cztery palce na przednich raciczkach i trzy na tylnych.


T. górskiego można spotkać w naturze w lasach Andów na terenie Kolumbii i Ekwadoru. Istnieją doniesienia o występowaniu na terenie północnozachodniego Peru. Ten gatunek potrzebuje rozległych mglistych lasów do przetrwania gatunku i prawidłowego rozwoju. Tapir górski żyje na wysokości 1950-4400 m n.p.m. Podczas pór deszczowych zamieszkuje lasy Andów, natomiast podczas miesięcy suchych przenosi się do "paramo".

Cykl życiowy

Ciąża trwa około 400 dni, po tym okresie rodzi się zwykle jedno młode, bardzo rzadko zdarza się poród mnogi. Młode waży około 7 kg i tak jak pozostałe gatunki ma czerwono-brązowe futerko z białymi prążkami i plamkami. W odróżnieniu od innych młodych tapirów posiada tak jak dorosły osobnik wełniste futerko. Prążki znikają po około roku, po trzech latach osiąga dojrzałość seksualną, może dożyć 30 lat.


Tak jak inne gatunki tapirów komunikuje się za pomocą wysokotonowych gwizdów. Czasami osobnik płci męskiej atakuje samicę w okresie rui przez podgryzanie nóg. W większości tapiry to samotniki, są ciche, czas w ciągu dnia spędzają na wędrówce w poszukiwaniu pożywienia ich dobrze znanymi ścieżkami. [3]Tapir górski zwykle zaczyna aktywność od zachodu słońca, a większą część dnia przesypia. Gdy chce dosięgnąć wysokich roślin może wspiąć się na tylnych nogach i chwycić ryjkiem gałązkę. Często szuka soli naturalnych, aby zaspokoić swoje potrzeby na podstawowe minerały. Osobnik męski często zaznacza swoje terytorium za pomocą moczu, kału lub pocieraniem drzew. Takie terytorium może mieć do 8 km kwadratowych powierzchni.

Ochrona gatunku

Dwa tapiry górskie, zoo w San Francisco

Tapir górski jest najbardziej zagrożonym spośród czterech gatunków, wpisany na listę w 1996 roku przez IUCN. Może być tylko 2500 osobników żyjących na wolności. Kilka tapirów górskich żyje w zoo na świecie (USA i Kanada) są to Zoo w Los Angeles, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo w Colorado Springs, San Francisco Zoo[4][5][6]. 9 osobników żyjących w wyżej wymienionych ogrodach zoologicznych pochodzi od jednej pary. Naturalni wrogowie tapira to jaguar i puma.


  1. Tapirus pinchaque. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  2. Downer, Craig C. "Status and Action Plan of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)." Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan published by the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group, 1997.
  3. Goudot, Justin. "Nouvelles observations sur le Tapir Pinchaque (Recent Observations on the Tapir Pinchaque)," Comptes Rendus, Paris 1843, vol. xvi, pages 331-334. Available online with English translation by Tracy Metz.
  4. Eye on Conservation: Tale of the Tapir from the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens website
  5. Mountain Tapir Conservation at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
  6. Podcast from the San Francisco Zoo

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Tapir górski: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Tapir górski (Tapirus pinchaque) – ssak należący do rzędu nieparzystokopytnych z rodziny tapirowatych, najmniejszy spośród czterech gatunków i jedyny który może żyć na wolności poza regionem lasów tropikalnych.

Inne określenia: Tapir kordyleryjski (danta cordilleriana), tapir wełnisty (danta lanuda), tapir czarny (danta negra), tapir ze wzgórz (tapir de altura) lub wielka bestia.

Nazwa gatunku pochodzi od "La Pinchaque" - wyimaginowanego stwora, który mógł zamieszkiwać niektóre regiony górskie.

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Tapirus pinchaque ( portughèis )

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A anta da montanha ou tapir da montanha (nome científico: Tapirus pinchaque) também conhecido simplesmente como anta ou tapir, é um mamífero perissodáctilo da família Tapiridae e do gênero Tapirus que habita principalmente as florestas de altitude do noroeste da América do sul. É a segunda menor espécie existente de anta, maior somente que o recentemente descrito Tapirus kabomani, também é a única espécie existente de sua família a viver fora das florestas tropicais na natureza.

Nomenclatura e etimologia

O nome cientifico da espécie Tapirus pinchaque é proveniente do termo "La Pinchaque", uma besta imaginaria pertencente a cultura indígena local que segundo as lendas habita a mesma região que a anta da montanha.


Crânio de uma anta da montanha exibido em um museu de osteologia.

A anta da montanha, segundo pesquisas é a espécie existente mais primitiva de anta e mudou muito pouco em aparência desde do surgimento do gênero Tapirus no início do Mioceno. Estudos genéticos indicam que a anta da montanha divergiu-se de sua parente mais próxima a anta brasileira (tapirus terrestris) há pelo menos três milhões de anos. Isso teria sido logo após a formação do Istmo do panamá, permitindo que os antepassados das duas espécies vivas migrassem para o sul de seus respectivos pontos de origem na América Central. No entanto, as espécies modernas provavelmente se originaram nos andes, algum tempo depois dessa migração precoce.

Distribuição geográfica e habitat

A anta da montanha é encontrada nas florestas de altitude e nos páramos das montanhas nas cordilheiras orientais e centrais da Colômbia, Equador e no extremo norte do Peru. No passado seu alcance pode ter sido prolongado até o oeste da Venezuela, mas já foi extinta nessa região. Normalmente vive em altitudes entre 2.000 e 4.300 metros, e nessas altitudes as temperaturas rotineiramente caem para abaixo de zero, e a pelagem da anta da montanha, maior do que nas demais espécies de antas, é provavelmente uma adaptação para viver nessas condições. Durante a estação das chuvas, as antas da montanha tendem a habitar as florestas temperadas dos andes, enquanto durante os meses mais secos, elas deslocam-se mais para o pé das montanhas, onde não sofrem tanto com as picadas de insetos.

A anta da montanha é uma espécie monotípica, o que significa que não possui subespécies reconhecidas.

No Peru, a anta é protegida no Santuário Nacional Tabaconas Namballe. A espécie precisa de extensões contínuas de florestas de altitudes temperadas, aos invés de bolsões isolados de florestas para poder produzir e manter populações saudáveis e viáveis, e esse é um grande obstaculo bem como motivo de preocupação para os conservacionistas que tentam proteger o animal da extinção.


como todos os Tapirídeos, a anta da montanha possui uma longa e flexível probóscide

A anta da montanha possui uma pelagem que geralmente é preta ou castanha escura, com pelos pálidos e ocasionalmente cobertos por uma camada mais escura. O pelo se torna visivelmente mais pálido na parte inferior, em torno dos flancos e nas bochechas, uma mancha branca distinta está presente ao redor dos lábios, e embora possa variar em extensão, geralmente há manchas brancas na ponta das orelhas. Em adultos, o traseiro tem manchas pareadas de pela nua, o que pode ajudar a indicar a maturidade sexual. Os olhos são inicialmente azuis ao nascer, mais mudam para o marrom pálido à medida que o animal envelhece. Ao contrario de todas as outras espécies de antas, o pelo da anta da montanha e longo, espesso e liso, especialmente na parte inferior dos flancos, chegando a 3,5 cm de espessura ou mais em alguns indivíduos.

Os adultos geralmente possuem cerca de 1,8 m de comprimento e 75 cm a 1 m de altura no ombro. Eles tipicamente pesam entre 136 e 250 kg, e apesar de ambos os sexos terem tamanhos semelhantes as fêmeas são em média cerca de 25 a 100 kg mais pesadas que os machos.

Como outras espécies de antas, as antas da montanha possuem caudas pequenas e esquisitas, bem como longas e flexíveis probóscides. Elas também são dotadas de quatro dedos em cada pé dianteiro e três em cada pé traseiro, cada um com unhas grandes e apoiados em uma sola acolchoada. Um pedaço de pele nua e de cor rosa pálida ou cinza se estende logo acima de cada dedo do pé.

Comportamento social e ecologia

a anta da montanha é muita associada a água

Quando estão juntas de outros membros de sua espécie, as antas da montanha se comunicam através de assobios agudos, e os machos ocasionalmente lutam contra machos rivais pelo direito de acasalar, normalmente mordendo as patas traseiras de seus oponentes. Mas, na maioria das vezes, as antas são pacificas, tímidas e levam uma vida solitária, se encontrando com outros de sua espécie somente na época de reprodução ou quando formam pequenos grupos de mães e filhotes, passando grande parte de seu tempo forrageando em busca de alimento por entre trilhas que as próprias antas constroem por entre a mata. Apesar de seu grande tamanho, elas se deslocam com extrema facilidade no meio a densa vegetação da floresta, subindo as encostas íngremes de seus habitats montanhosos e podendo atravessar grandes distancias a nado, já que é um animal muito associado a presença de água.

As antas da montanha são geralmente animais crepusculares com seus picos de atividade se concentrando principalmente ao amanhecer e ao cair da noite, embora sejam mais ativas durante o dia que qualquer outra espécie de anta. Elas geralmente dormem da meia-noite até o amanhecer, com poucos períodos de descansos adicionais durante as horas mais quentes do dia, e geralmente fazem suas camas sobre densas coberturas vegetais . As antas geralmente forrageiam atrás de plantas macias para comer. Ao tentar acessar plantas mais altas, às vezes se levantam sobre as patas traseiras para alcançar as folhas verdes do topo. Apesar da visão das antas serem geralmente pobres, elas compensam essa deficiência com um excelente olfato.

Os machos da espécie frequentemente marcam seus territórios com pilhas de esterco, urina e arranhões nas arvores, as fêmeas por vezes também aderem a esse comportamento. Os territórios dos indivíduos geralmente se sobrepõem ao de outras antas, com cada animal reivindicando mais de 800 hectares de território para si, e as fêmeas tendem a ter territórios maiores do que os machos.

Dieta e forrageamento

um indivíduo se alimentando de bambu em cativeiro

As antas são herbívoros e comem uma ampla variedade de plantas, folhas, gramíneas e bromélias. Na natureza, particularmente os alimentos mais comuns incluem samambaias, plantas guarda-chuva, bromélias entre outras, elas também ocasionalmente procuram por sais minerais naturais para suprir suas necessidades por este tipo mineral.

As antas da montanha são importantes dispersores de sementes em seu ambiente, e foram identificadas como um espécie fundamental nos andes. Uma proporção relativamente alta de sementes de plantas comidas por antas da montanha germinam com sucesso em seu esterco, provavelmente devido a um sistema digestivo relativamente ineficiente e uma tendência comportamental de defecar perto da água. Embora uma grande variedade de sementes sejam dispersas dessa maneira, as palmeiras em extinção parecem confiar quase que exclusivamente na anta da montanha para dispersar suas sementes, e está planta, justamente com o trevo das terras altas, declina drasticamente sempre que o animal é extinto de uma área.

Os principais predadores da anta da montanha são os pumas e, menos comumente ursos de óculos e onças pintadas.

Reprodução e ciclo de vida

um filhote de anta da montanha

As antas da montanha fêmeas possuem um ciclo estral que dura aproximadamente 30 dias, e tipicamente se reproduzem apenas uma vez a cada dois anos. Durante o cortejo, o macho persegue a fêmea e lhe da mordidas de leve, também emite grunhidos e gritos para chamar sua atenção, enquanto a fêmea responde grunhindo de volta. Após uma gestação de 392 ou 393 dias, a fêmea da a luz a um único filhote, casos de gêmeos são extremamente raros.

As antas da montanha recém-nascidas pesam cerca de 5,4 a 6,2 kg e possuem uma pelagem marrom e manchada com listras brancas-ameladas, muito diferente da pelagem dos adultos, porem esse padrão peculiar desaparece quando o filhote completa doze meses, a pelagem das antas bebês também são muito mais espessas que a dos adultos, para ajudar os filhotes a suportar o frio intenso. O desmame começa por volta dos 3 meses de idade e a mãe cuida do filhote até que ele tenha 18 meses. As antas da montanha atingem a maturidade sexual com 3 anos e podem viver por até 27 anos em cativeiro.


casal de antas da montanha no zoológico de são francisco, EUA.

A anta da montanha é a mais ameaçada dentre todas as espécie de antas, e é classificada com Em perigo pela UICN desde 1996. De acordo com a união internacional para conservação da natureza, houve uma chance de 20% de que a espécie já estivesse extinta em 2014. Devido á fragmentação de sua populações sobreviventes, a população de antas da montanha já podem ter caído abaixo do nível requerido para sustentar a diversidade genética.

Historicamente, as antas da montanha foram caçadas principalmente por sua carne, enquanto os dedos dos pés, probóscides e intestinos eram usados como medicamentos populares locais e afrodisíacos. Uma vez que elas comem os cultivos quando disponíveis, as antas acabam entrando em conflitos com fazendeiros locais, e terminam sendo mortas pelos agricultores que protegem suas lavouras. Hoje, o desmatamento para a agricultura e mineração, e a caça furtiva são as principais ameaças para a espécie.

Estimativas sugerem que hoje existam por volta de 2.500 antas da montanha na natureza, com uma população pequena tornando mais difícil para os cientistas estuda-las. Além disso, existem muito poucos indivíduos em cativeiro, apena poucos pares reprodutores estão presentes em jardins zoológicos ao redor do mundo, os nove representantes da espécie presentes em cativeiro atualmente são todos descendentes de dois únicos animais fundadores.


  1. Grubb, P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (eds.), ed. Mammal Species of the World 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 634. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de editores (link)
  2. Diaz, A.G. et al (2008). Tapirus pinchaque (em inglês). IUCN {{{anoIUCN1}}}. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de {{{anoIUCN1}}} . Página visitada em 06 de fevereiro de 2013..
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Tapirus pinchaque: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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A anta da montanha ou tapir da montanha (nome científico: Tapirus pinchaque) também conhecido simplesmente como anta ou tapir, é um mamífero perissodáctilo da família Tapiridae e do gênero Tapirus que habita principalmente as florestas de altitude do noroeste da América do sul. É a segunda menor espécie existente de anta, maior somente que o recentemente descrito Tapirus kabomani, também é a única espécie existente de sua família a viver fora das florestas tropicais na natureza.

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Bergstapir ( svedèis )

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Bergstapir (Tapirus pinchaque) är en av de fem arterna av tapirer. Den förekommer i norra Anderna i Sydamerika och är listad som starkt hotad av IUCN, då det uppskattningsvis inte finns mer än 2 500 djur kvar.


Bergstapiren är mindre än låglandstapiren och den centralamerikanska tapiren och har en kraftigare päls än dessa, som skydd mot de kalla nätter som kan förekomma i de höglänta områden där den lever. Pälsen är mörkbrun till något svartaktig. På kinderna och strupen kan den vara något ljusare till närmast vitaktig. Den har också vitt på läpparna och öronens kanter. Kroppslängden för ett fullvuxet djur är omkring 180 centimeter, skulderhöjden oftast mellan 75 och 85 centimeter och vikten 150 till 225 kilogram. Svansen är kort. Ungarna har som hos andra tapirer till en början en speciell kamouflagemönstring av prickar och ränder.


Bergstapiren förekommer i bergstrakter i Peru, Ecuador och Colombia, på höjder mellan 2 000 och 4 400 meter. Dess habitat är främst de alpina gräsmarker som i dessa områden kallas för páramos och molnskogar. I detta avseende skiljer den sig alltså från övriga tapirer, vilka främst lever i regnskogar. På grund av förstörelse av dess livsmiljöer, bland annat genom att de tagits i anspråk som betesmark åt boskap, har artens utbredningsområde blivit alltmer fragmenterat och de olika populationerna mer isolerade från varandra. Ett annat svårt hot mot arten är tjuvjakt.


Bergstapirens främsta föda är gräs och blad, men den äter ett brett urval av olika växter och växtdelar. Den är som andra tapirer i allmänhet ett solitärt djur, undantaget den tid som en hona tillbringar tillsammans med sin unge. Ofta håller djuret sig inom ett speciellt område, som kan överlappa med andra tapirers. Djuren kan förutom med sitt kroppsspråk kommunicera med fnysningar och en rad andra läten. Om två individer stöter på varandra viker den underlägsne vanligen undan, men ibland kan det uppstå konflikter, till exempel mellan två hanar om en hona. Parningen sker vanligen i början på en regnperiod och dräktighetstiden är omkring 13 månader. Ungen diar sin mor i omkring 6 månader. Vid denna tid börjar dess färgteckning också att övergå till det vuxna djurets. Könsmognaden nås vid 3 till 4 års ålder och livslängden kan vara upp till 30 år.



  1. ^ Tapirus pinchaqueIUCN:s rödlista, besökt 12 september 2009

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Bergstapir: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Bergstapir (Tapirus pinchaque) är en av de fem arterna av tapirer. Den förekommer i norra Anderna i Sydamerika och är listad som starkt hotad av IUCN, då det uppskattningsvis inte finns mer än 2 500 djur kvar.

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Dağ tapiri ( turch )

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Dağ tapiri (Tapirus pinchaque), tapirgillerden bir tapir türüdür. Latin Amerika'da yaşayan üç tapir türünden biridir. Tropikal yağmur ormanları dışında yaşayan tek tapir türü olan dağ tapiri aynı zamanda boyut olarak da en küçükleridir.

Dağ tapirine bulunduğu ülkelerde değişik adlar verilir. Quechua dilinde sacha huagra, Kolombiya'da İspanyolca danta cordillerana (cordillera tapiri) ve danta lanuda (yünlü tapir), Ekvador'da İspanyolca danta negra (kara tapir) ve tapir de altura (yükseklerin tapiri) ya da Peru'da İspanyolca gran bestia (büyük hayvan) denir.

Türün bilimsel adı dağ tapirinin yaşadığı bölgelerde bulunduğu söylenen kurgusal yaratık "La Pinchaque"dan (Okunuşu: la pinçak) gelir[1]

Fiziksel özellikler

Dağ tapiri yünsü kılları ve beyaz alt dudağı ile çok kolay tanınır. Nerede yaşadıklarına bağlı olarak dağ tapirlerinin kıllarının rengi grimsi siyah ya da kahverengidir. Yanaklarındaki kıllar daha açık renktedir.

Erişkinlerin uzunluğu 1,8 m. boyu 75 cm. ile 100 cm. arasındadır. Ağırlıkları 150 ile 225 kg. arasında değişir. Dişiler erkeklerden daha büyük olur ancak boyutlara bakarak cinsiyetleri ayırtedilemez. Diğer tapir türleri gibi kısa güdük kuyrukları ve uzun esnek hortumları bulunur. Ön ayaklarında dörder, arka ayaklarında üçer toynakları vardır.

Yaşam döngüsü

Dağ tapirinin yaklaşık 400 gün süren hamilelik süresi sonunda tek bir yavru doğar. Bir batında birden fazla yavru doğması çok enderdir. Yenidoğan yavru 7 kg. ağırlığındadır ve diğer tapir türlerinde olduğu gibi kırmızımsı kahverengi kıllarının üzerinde beyaz benekler ve çizgiler bulunur. Yavruların kürkleri de yetişkinler gibi kendilerini sıcak tutması için yünümsüdür. Beyaz benek ve çizgiler bir yıldan sonra kaybolur, aynı dönemde yavru sütten de kesilir. Dağ tapiri cinsel olgunluğa üç yaşında erişir. Yaşam süreleri otuz yıl kadardır.


Bir arada olduklarında dağ tapirleri tiz ıslıklarla haberleşir. Erkekler, kızgınlık dönemindeki dişiler için dövüşür ve birbirlerinin arka bacağını ısırmaya çalışır. Genel olarak dağ tapirleri çekingendir ve zamanlarının çoğunu tapir patikalarında dolaşarak yiyecek aramakla geçirirler.[2] Cüsselerine rağmen sık bitki örtüsü içinde çok hızlı hareket ederler, yaşam alanlarındaki dik tepelere kolayca çıkar ve genellikle su içinde dolaşır ve yüzerler. Dağ tapiri günbatımından gündoğumuna kadar yiyecek olarak genç sürgünleri arar, gündüzleri vaktini çoğunlukla uyuyarak geçirir. Yüksekteki bitkilere ulaşmak istediğinde arka ayaklarının üzerine kalkıp hortumuyla bitkileri yakalar. Gerekli mineralleri almak için doğal tuz da arar. Görme duyusu zayıf da olsa koku ve tat duygusu çok gelişmiştir. Hortumu üzerindeki kıllar da dokunma duyusuna sahiptir.

Erkek dağ tapiri bölgelerini ağaçlara sürtünerek, dışkı ve idrar yardımıyla işaretler. Dişilerin de bazen böyle davrandığı gözlemlenmiştir. Her hayvanın yaklaşık 8 km² alanında birbirleriyle çakışan bölgeleri bulunur.


  1. ^ Downer, Craig C. "Status and Action Plan of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)." Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan IUCN/SSC Tapir Uzmanlık Grubu, 1997.
  2. ^ Goudot, Justin. "Nouvelles observations sur le Tapir Pinchaque (Recent Observations on the Tapir Pinchaque)," Comptes Rendus, Paris 1843, c. xvi, s 331-334. Çevrimiçi (İngilizce).

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Dağ tapiri: Brief Summary ( turch )

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Dağ tapiri (Tapirus pinchaque), tapirgillerden bir tapir türüdür. Latin Amerika'da yaşayan üç tapir türünden biridir. Tropikal yağmur ormanları dışında yaşayan tek tapir türü olan dağ tapiri aynı zamanda boyut olarak da en küçükleridir.

Dağ tapirine bulunduğu ülkelerde değişik adlar verilir. Quechua dilinde sacha huagra, Kolombiya'da İspanyolca danta cordillerana (cordillera tapiri) ve danta lanuda (yünlü tapir), Ekvador'da İspanyolca danta negra (kara tapir) ve tapir de altura (yükseklerin tapiri) ya da Peru'da İspanyolca gran bestia (büyük hayvan) denir.

Türün bilimsel adı dağ tapirinin yaşadığı bölgelerde bulunduğu söylenen kurgusal yaratık "La Pinchaque"dan (Okunuşu: la pinçak) gelir

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  1. Lizcano, D.J., Amanzo, J., Castellanos, A., Tapia, A. & Lopez-Malaga, C.M. (2016) Tapirus pinchaque: інформація на сайті МСОП (версія 2016.1) (англ.) 17 November 2014
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Lợn vòi núi ( vietnamèis )

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Lợn vòi núi (danh pháp hai phần: Tapirus pinchaque) là một loài lợn vòi. Nó từng là loài nhỏ nhất trong số 5 loài lợn vòi, năm 2013, lợn vòi Kabomani được phát, hiện nay là loài lợn vòi nhỏ nhất. Lợn vòi núi cũng là loài duy nhất sinh sống hoang dã bên ngoài các rừng mưa nhiệt đới.

Lợn vòi núi được người nói tiếng Quechua nói tới như là sacha huagra, và những người nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha gọi như là danta cordillerana (lợn vòi núi) hay danta lanuda (lợn vòi lông xoăn) tại Colombia, danta negra (lợn vòi đen) tại Ecuador hoặc tapir de altura (lợn vòi sống trên cao) hay gran bestia (thú lớn) tại Peru.

Tên loài có nguồn gốc từ thuật ngữ "La Pinchaque", một con thú tưởng tượng được cho là sống trong cùng khu vực như lợn vòi núi[2].

Hình dáng và đặc điểm chung

Lợn vòi núi dễ nhận ra nhờ bộ lông xoăn của nó (vì thế đôi khi được gọi là lợn vòi lông xoăn) và môi dưới màu trắng.

Lợn vòi núi có bộ lông đen xám tới nâu, thường phụ thuộc vào nơi chúng sống, và thường thì lông xung quanh má của chúng nhạt màu hơn.

Cá thể trưởng thành có chiều dài cơ thể có thể đạt 1,8 m (6 ft) và chiều cao đạt từ 0,75–1 m (2,5–3 ft). Trọng lượng cơ thể có thể đạt từ 150–225 kg. Con cái thường thì to lớn hơn con đực, nhưng cả hai giới nói chung không thể phân biệt theo kích thước. Giống như các loài lợn vòi khác, chúng có cái đuôi ngắn và mập cùng một chiếc vòi dài cơ động. Chúng có 4 ngón chân trên mỗi chân trước và 3 ngón trên mỗi chân sau.

Vòng đời

Chu kỳ mang thai của lợn vòi núi dài khoảng 400 ngày, nói chung chỉ sinh một con dù đôi khi sinh nhiều hơn một con (rất hiếm). Lợn vòi núi con khi sinh ra nặng khoảng 7 kg (15 pao) và giống như mọi loài lợn vòi khác, có bộ lông nâu đỏ với các đốm và sọc trắng. Tuy nhiên, giống như cá thể trưởng thành, chúng có bộ lông xoăn để giúp chúng giữ ấm. Màu bộ lông của cá thể non sẽ mất dần đi sau khoảng 1 năm, gần trùng với khoảng thời gian chúng bị cai sữa. Lợn vòi núi đạt độ thuần thục sinh dục khi khoảng 3 năm tuổi và chúng có thể sống tới 30 năm.

Tập tính

Khi ở trong bầy, lợn vòi núi liên lạc với nhau bằng những tiếng kêu có âm vực cao, và các con đực thỉnh thoảng đánh nhau để tranh giành con cái đang động hớn bằng cách cố gắng cắn vào chân sau của nhau. Nhưng nói chung thì lợn vòi núi thích sống đơn độc và nhút nhát, tiêu tốn nhiều thời gian vào việc sục sạo tìm kiếm thức ăn trên con đường riêng của chúng[3]. Mặc cho kích thước to lớn, chúng đi lại dễ dàng qua các tán lá rậm rạp, lên các sườn đồi núi dốc trong môi trường sống của chúng, và trong nước, nơi chúng thường đằm mình và bơi. Lợn vòi núi chủ yếu hoạt động từ lúc mặt trời lặn tới lúc mặt trời mọc, sục sạo tìm kiếm các loại cay non để ăn, và chúng ngủ gần như suốt ban ngày. Khi cố gắng tiếp cận các cây cao, đôi khi chúng đứng lên bằng hai chân sau để sau đó cố gắng vặt cành hay lá non bằng chiếc mõm có thể cầm nắm được.Chúng cũng tìm các bãi liếm muối tự nhiên để thỏa mãn nhu cầu về khoáng chất thiết yếu. Mặc dù thị lực kém, nhưng vị giác và khứu giác phát triển tốt của chúng, cũng như các lông mẫn cảm trên vòi, đã bổ sung tốt cho thiếu hụt này.

Các con lợn vòi đực thường đánh dấu lãnh thổ của mình bằng các đống phân, nước tiểu và các vết cọ xát lên thân cây, các con cái đôi khi cũng có những hành vi như thế. Lãnh thổ của các cá thể thường là chồng lấn, với mỗi con có thể chiếm lĩnh trên 8 km² (3 dặm vuông Anh).

Sinh thái

Lợn vòi núi được tìm thấy trong các rừng mâypáramo trong khu vực dãy núi Andes tại Colombia, Ecuador và miền bắc Peru. Tại Peru nó được bảo vệ trong Khu bảo tồn quốc gia Tabaconas Namballe. Loài này cần có một khoảng rộng liên tục rừng mây hay paramo, chứ không phải các mảng cô lập, để có thể nhân giống thành công và duy trì quần thể lành mạnh, và đây chính là rào cản lớn đối với các nhà bảo tồn đang cố gắng bảo vệ cho loài đang nguy cấp này. Lợn vòi núi sống trong khu vực có độ cao từ 1.950 tới 4.400 m (6.400 - 14.400 ft), và do ở những cao độ như vậy thì nhiệt độ thường xuống tới dưới điểm đóng băng của nước, nên bộ lông xoăn là cực kỳ thiết yếu cho chúng.

Trong mùa mưa, lợn vòi núi có xu hướng thích sống trong các khu rừng của dãy Andes, trong khi về mùa khô, chúng lại di chuyển sang các páramo, nơi có ít các loại côn trùng thích hút máu đến quấy phá chúng.

Tình trạng loài

Hai con lợn vòi núi ở Vườn thú San Francisco, Hoa Kỳ

Lợn vòi miền núi là loài bị nguy cấp nhất trong số bốn loài lợn vòi. Theo IUCN năm 1996 thì lợn vòi núi là loài nguy cấp. Theo các nhà khoa học thì nó có thể bị tuyệt chủng vào năm 2014 nếu như con người không có chính sách, biện pháp bảo vệ. Hiện nay có lẽ chỉ còn khoảng 2.500 cá thể sinh sống hoang dã, làm cho các nhà khoa học càng thêm khó khăn trong việc nghiên cứu chúng. Cũng có rất ít các cá thể sống trong các vườn thú. Chỉ có một ít cặp nhân giống của loài này có trong nuôi nhốt trên khắp thế giới — tại vườn thú Los Angeles, vườn thú núi Cheyenne tại Colorado Springs và, vào năm 2006, tại vườn thú San Francisco[4][5][6]. Tổng cộng chỉ có 9 cá thể nuoi nhốt là hậu duệ của 2 cá thể cha mẹ. Như thế nó có sự thiếu hụt đa dạng di truyền và có thể không là sự tốt đẹp cho sự tồn tại của chúng trong nuôi nhốt. Ba vườn thú đang nuoi giữ loài này dang phối hợp cùng nhau để đảm bảo cho các quần thể còn lại của lợnvoif núi hoang dã được bảo vệ. Trong tự nhiên, lợn vòi núi bị báo đốm Mỹbáo sư tử săn bắt, nhưng sự chặt phá rừng cho các mục đích nông nghiệp và săn bắn trộm của con người mới là các mối đe dọa chính đối với loài này.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Diaz, A.G. et al (2008). Tapirus pinchaque. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 4 năm 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of endangered.
  2. ^ Downer Craig C. "Status and Action Plan of the Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)." Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan published by the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group, 1997.
  3. ^ Goudot Justin. "Nouvelles observations sur le Tapir Pinchaque (Recent Observations on the Tapir Pinchaque)", Comptes Rendus, Paris 1843, quyển xvi, tr. 331-334. Có sẵn trực tuyến với bản dịch ra tiếng Anh của Tracy Metz.
  4. ^ Eye on Conservation: Tale of the Tapir from the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens website
  5. ^ Mountain Tapir Conservation at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
  6. ^ Podcast from the San Francisco Zoo

Tham khảo

  • Downer & Castellanos (2002). Tapirus pinchaque. Sách đỏ 2006. IUCN 2006. Truy cập 11-5-2006. Mục từ trong CSDL bao gồm cả diễn giải tại sao loài này là nguy cấp


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Lợn vòi núi: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Lợn vòi núi (danh pháp hai phần: Tapirus pinchaque) là một loài lợn vòi. Nó từng là loài nhỏ nhất trong số 5 loài lợn vòi, năm 2013, lợn vòi Kabomani được phát, hiện nay là loài lợn vòi nhỏ nhất. Lợn vòi núi cũng là loài duy nhất sinh sống hoang dã bên ngoài các rừng mưa nhiệt đới.

Lợn vòi núi được người nói tiếng Quechua nói tới như là sacha huagra, và những người nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha gọi như là danta cordillerana (lợn vòi núi) hay danta lanuda (lợn vòi lông xoăn) tại Colombia, danta negra (lợn vòi đen) tại Ecuador hoặc tapir de altura (lợn vòi sống trên cao) hay gran bestia (thú lớn) tại Peru.

Tên loài có nguồn gốc từ thuật ngữ "La Pinchaque", một con thú tưởng tượng được cho là sống trong cùng khu vực như lợn vòi núi.

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Горный тапир ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Тапир.
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Лавразиотерии
Подотряд: Ceratomorpha
Надсемейство: Tapiroidea
Семейство: Тапировые
Род: Тапиры
Вид: Горный тапир
Международное научное название

Tapirus pinchaque Roulin, 1829



Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 624999NCBI 30582EOL 129472FW 93967

Горный тапир[1] (лат. Tapirus pinchaque) — вид млекопитающих из семейства тапировые (Tapiridae).

Внешний вид

Горный тапир

Горные тапиры — второй по размерам вид среди тапиров. Длина их тела достигает примерно 180 см, высота плеч — от 75 до 80 см и вес — от 130 до 180 кг, причём взрослые самки становятся тяжелее чем самцы. По окраске они походят на оба других американских вида тапиров. Их цвет обычно от тёмно-коричневого до чёрного, однако у них светлые губы и светлые кончики ушей. Самое заметное отличие от других тапиров состоит в том, что кожа покрыта шерстью, которая служит защите от холода и ультрафиолетового излучения в высокогорных массивах.

Как у всех тапиров, у горных тапиров громоздкое тело со стройными ногами. Передние ноги имеют по четыре пальца, а задние - по три. Хвост очень маленький и короткий. Морда как у всех тапиров с коротким хоботом.


Горный тапир

У горных тапиров самая маленькая область распространения среди всех тапиров, они распространены только в Андах Колумбии, Эквадора и северного Перу. Их жизненным пространством являются горные леса и плоскогорья вплоть до снежной границы, они редко спускаются на высоты менее 2000 м. Встречаются до высоты 4500 м над уровнем моря.


Горные тапиры — это активные по ночам одиночки, которые удаляются в течение дня в чащи лесов. Они — отличные скалолазы, умеют также плавать и нырять и охотно копаются в грязи. Это очень робкие животные, которые в случае угрозы часто удаляются в воду. Горные тапиры — травоядные и питаются листьями, ветками и другими частями растений. После примерно 13-месячной продолжительности беременности самка рожает в большинстве случаев по одному детёнышу. У него более светлая окраска и узор с прерванными линиями и пятнами, который служит маскировке и теряется в течение второго жизненного полугодия. В возрасте примерно одного года детёныш перестаёт питаться молоком и становится самостоятельным, половая зрелость наступает в возрасте от трёх до четырёх лет.


Горный тапир оценивается МСОП как находящийся под угрозой. Конкуренция с крупным рогатым скотом заставляет его покидать большие части своей области распространения. Даже в национальные парки сегодня проникает пасущийся рогатый скот. Общая популяция горного тапира оценивается в 2500 животных и это самый редкий тапир.


  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 122. — 10 000 экз.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Горный тапир: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Горный тапир (лат. Tapirus pinchaque) — вид млекопитающих из семейства тапировые (Tapiridae).

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

山貘 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

山貘Tapirus pinchaque)也称毛貘安第斯貘,是现存五种中较小的一种,栖息于哥伦比亚厄瓜多尔秘鲁北部的安第斯山脉地区。








  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Diaz, A.G., Castellanos, A., Piñeda, C., Downer, C., Lizcano, D.J., Constantino, E., Suárez Mejía, J.A., Camancho, J., Darria, J., Amanzo, J., Sánchez, J., Sinisterra Santana, J., Ordoñez Delgado, L., Espino Castellanos , L.A. & Montenegro, O.L. 2008. Tapirus pinchaque. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T21473A9285481. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T21473A9285481.en. Downloaded on 14 June 2016.
  2. ^ The World's Tapirs--The MountainTapir (Tapirus pinchaque) 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2007-09-28.. Tampir Specialist Group, 2012-11-15
  3. ^ Tapirus pinchaque (T. roulin). Animal Info & Endanger Animals, 2012-11-15
 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:山貘  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:山貘
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山貘: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

山貘(Tapirus pinchaque)也称毛貘、安第斯貘,是现存五种中较小的一种,栖息于哥伦比亚厄瓜多尔秘鲁北部的安第斯山脉地区。

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ヤマバク ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
ヤマバク ヤマバク
ヤマバク Tapirus pinchaque
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 EN.svgワシントン条約附属書I 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : ウマ目 Perissodactyla : バク科 Tapiridae : バク属 Tapirus : ヤマバク T. pinchaque 学名 Tapirus pinchaque
(Roulin, 1829) 和名 ヤマバク 英名 Mountain tapir

ヤマバク(山獏、Tapirus pinchaque)は、バク科バク属に分類されるバク。
















  •  src=



 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ヤマバクに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにヤマバクに関する情報があります。


  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『レッド・データ・アニマルズ3 中央・南アメリカ』、講談社2001年、37、160頁。
  • 『小学館の図鑑NEO 動物』、小学館2002年、82頁。


執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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ヤマバク: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

ヤマバク(山獏、Tapirus pinchaque)は、バク科バク属に分類されるバク。

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