
Callitris baileyi ( Alman )

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Callitris baileyi ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Sie ist im östlichen Teil Australiens heimisch.


Callitris baileyi wächst als immergrüner, schmaler Baum, der Wuchshöhen von bis zu 18 Metern erreichen kann. Die graue Borke ist rau.[1][2]

Die Blätter stehen in Dreiergruppen an den Zweigen. Die grünen Blätter sind 2 bis 5 Millimeter lang und sind auf der Rückseite gekielt.[1][2]

Callitris baileyi ist einhäusig getrenntgeschlechtig (monözisch). Die männlichen Blütenzapfen werden 2 bis 3 Millimeter lang und stehen an den Zweigenden. Die einzeln an den Zweigen stehenden weiblichen Zapfen sind bei einem Durchmesser von 1,0 bis 1,3 Zentimetern länglich bis eiförmig geformt. Zur Reife hin sind die graublau gefärbt. Jeder der harzigen Zapfen trägt mehrere Samenkörner, welche zwei ungleichmäßig große Flügel aufweisen.[1][2]

Vorkommen und Gefährdung

Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet von Callitris baileyi erstreckt sich vom südöstlichen Queensland bis in das nordöstliche New South Wales.[3]

Callitris baileyi wächst vor allem auf flachgründigen Lehmböden an felsigen Hängen, in der Nähe von Flussläufen sowie in hügeligen und gebirgigen Regionen. Dort findet man die Art häufig in offenen Eukalyptuswäldern mit Gras als Unterwuchs.[2]

Callitris baileyi wird in der Roten Liste der IUCN als "gefährdet" eingestuft. Es wird jedoch darauf hingewiesen, dass eine erneute Überprüfung der Gefährdung notwendig ist. Als Hauptgefährdungsgrund wird der Bestandsrückgang durch frühere Übernutzung genannt. Callitris baileyi wird durch Holzschlägerungen, Überweidung sowie Waldbrände gefährdet.[4]


Die Erstbeschreibung als Callitris baileyi erfolgte 1923 durch Cyril Tenison White in Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, Band 68, Seite 449.[5]


  • Christopher J. Earle: Callitris baileyi. In: The Gymnosperm Database. www.conifers.org, 24. November 2012, abgerufen am 6. Januar 2013 (englisch).
  • The State of Queensland: Callitris baileyi - Bailey's cypress. www.wetlandinfo.derm.qld.gov.au, abgerufen am 6. Januar 2013 (englisch).


  1. a b c Christopher J. Earle: Callitris baileyi. In: The Gymnosperm Database. www.conifers.org, 24. November 2012, abgerufen am 6. Januar 2013 (englisch).
  2. a b c d The State of Queensland: Callitris baileyi - Bailey's cypress. (Nicht mehr online verfügbar.) www.wetlandinfo.derm.qld.gov.au, ehemals im Original; abgerufen am 6. Januar 2013 (englisch).@1@2Vorlage:Toter Link/wetlandinfo.derm.qld.gov.au (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar, Suche in Webarchiven)  src= Info: Der Link wurde automatisch als defekt markiert. Bitte prüfe den Link gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.
  3. Callitris baileyi. In: Germplasm Resources Information Network. www.ars-grin.gov, abgerufen am 6. Januar 2013 (englisch).
  4. Callitris baileyi in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2012. Eingestellt von: Conifer Specialist Group, 1998. Abgerufen am 6. Januar 2013.
  5. Callitris baileyi bei Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis Abgerufen am 6. Januar 2013.
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Callitris baileyi: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Callitris baileyi ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Zypressengewächse (Cupressaceae). Sie ist im östlichen Teil Australiens heimisch.

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Callitris baileyi ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

Callitris baileyi is a species of conifer in the family Cupressaceae. It is found only in Australia, more specifically Southeast Queensland.[2] Its common English name is Bailey's cypress-pine. The name is dedicated to Australian botanist Frederick Manson Bailey, who was the first to collect specimens of this tree. Bailey's name is closely associated with much of the flora of Queensland and their elucidation in Southeastern Queensland.[3] Over the past few decades the conifer has been severely threatened by habitat loss Fruiting for the species has been recorded year-round.[4]

Frederick Manson Bailey : First individual to collect Callitris baileyi


Callitris baileyi is a slender tree growing to a height of 18m with rough greyish looking bark, and with a green crown.[4] The adult leaves are green with an average size of 25 mm long.[3] They have an arrangement of groups of three leaves that run parallel with the stem. While the branchlets have an appearance of being grooved due to the base of the leaves running down the stem as a wing.[4] Cones form on slender fruiting branchlets that are solitary from one another.[3] Both the male and female cones form on the same tree. With the male cones appearing on the end of branchlets at a size of 2-3mm long. While the female cones form on a branchlet that have a waxy, greyish-blue coloring during its development.[4] The female cone is oblong in shape and measure a size of 10-13mm in diameter. The cones are covered in scales that alternate and are short and narrow.[3] The central stalk of the cone is short, narrow at the base and slightly angled. The seeds that get produced are few in number, with only two unequal wings.[4]

Range and habitat

Callitris baileyi

Callitris baileyi is found in Southeast Queensland, Australia sporadically. With more than ten known locations ranging from places like the state border of Southeast Queensland, to Goomeri in northern Australia, and as far west as the Bunya Mountains range. However, there has been some smaller patches of subpopulations found in private lands such as the Koreelah National Park which is west of Woodenbong.[1] These subpopulations have been severely fragmented due to widespread habitat fragmentation throughout its range[1]

Callitris baileyi was once found in Acacia Creek and Sandilands near Tabulam in New South Wales, however, now it ceases to occupy that area.[1]

Callitris baileyi is a terrestrial plant system, that grows on rocky slopes, hilly or mountainous areas, in shallow and often clay soils.[4] At an extent of occurrence between 15,000 and 25,000 km2.[1] It is found in eucalypt woodland, commonly associated with Ironbark, Blue Gum and Spotted Gum trees. Compared to the New South Wales sub-population that emerges in open grassy eucalypt forest near creeks.[1]

Habitat decline and conservation

Over the years the population of Callitris baileyi has been in decline to the point of Near Threatened (IUCN 3.1)[4] status. This has largely been due to inappropriate fire regimes, which is the act of frequent low-intensity burning to reduce fuel loads. This method is used to promote grass growth for cattle grazing or agriculture, which over time prevents regeneration and can lead to the elimination of the species subpopulations. This type of fragmentation of the species is becoming more prevalent outside of national parks.[1]

Another factor into the species habitat decline is the invasion by alien invasive weeds in a limited part of its range is inferred. Alien invasive weeds such as Lantana camara are a problem in some parts of its range in Queensland.[1]

Recent conservation efforts have been made by the New South Wales state legislation to list the species as Endangered, while in the state of Queensland, Australia has it listed as Near Threatened. The Callitris baileyi has been recorded in several national parks such as the Bunya Mountains National Park in Queensland and Koreelah National Park in New South Wales.[3]

Bunya Mountains National Park in Queensland


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Thomas, P. (2013). "Callitris baileyi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013: e.T34072A2842980. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T34072A2842980.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ Thomas, P. (2013). "Callitris baileyi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013: e.T34072A2842980. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T34072A2842980.en.
  3. ^ a b c d e White, C.T. (1923). "A new conifer from southern Queensland". Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (68): 449.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g "Bailey's cypress – Callitris baileyi". wetlaninfo Queensland Government. Department of Environment and Science. Retrieved 13 March 2018.
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Callitris baileyi: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

Callitris baileyi is a species of conifer in the family Cupressaceae. It is found only in Australia, more specifically Southeast Queensland. Its common English name is Bailey's cypress-pine. The name is dedicated to Australian botanist Frederick Manson Bailey, who was the first to collect specimens of this tree. Bailey's name is closely associated with much of the flora of Queensland and their elucidation in Southeastern Queensland. Over the past few decades the conifer has been severely threatened by habitat loss Fruiting for the species has been recorded year-round.

Frederick Manson Bailey : First individual to collect Callitris baileyi
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Callitris baileyi ( Fransèis )

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Callitris baileyi: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

fornì da wikipedia FR

Le Callitris baileyi est une espèce de conifère de la famille des Cupressaceae originaire d'Australie. Il est considéré comme vulnérable par disparition de son habitat.

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Callitris baileyi ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Callitris baileyi é uma espécie de conífera da família Cupressaceae.

Apenas pode ser encontrada na Austrália.

Esta espécie está ameaçada por perda de habitat.


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Callitris baileyi: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Callitris baileyi é uma espécie de conífera da família Cupressaceae.

Apenas pode ser encontrada na Austrália.

Esta espécie está ameaçada por perda de habitat.

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Callitris baileyi ( ucrain )

fornì da wikipedia UK

Поширення, екологія

Країни проживання: Австралія (Новий Південний Уельс, Квінсленд). Hосте на кам'янистих схилах, горбистих або гірських районах, в мілких і часто глинястих ґрунтах. Він знаходиться в евкаліптових лісах, в основному пов'язаний з Eucalyptus, Corymbia maculata. Субпопуляції Нового Південного Уельсу відбувається у відкритих трав'янистих евкаліптових лісах біля струмків.


Дерево однодомне, вічнозелене, струнке, може досягати у висоту до 18 метрів. Кора сіра груба. Листя росте в групах по три, зелене, довжиною 25 мм. Чоловічі шишки 2-3 мм завдовжки, ростуть на кінцях гілок. Шишки одиночні на тонких плодових гілочках, 10-13 мм в діаметрі, від овальних до довгастих, блакитнувато-сірі у зрілості, смолисті. Насіння мале, з 2 нерівними крилами.


Дерево традиційно використовувалося для стовпів огорож.

Загрози та охорона

Вид вразливий для випасу худоби та спалювання. Фрагментація місць проживання та розчистка земель для сільського господарства за межами національних парків є проблемою в деяких областях. Цей вид записаний у кількох національних парках.


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Callitris baileyi ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Callitris baileyi là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cupressaceae. Loài này được C.T.White mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1923.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Callitris baileyi. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2014.

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Callitris baileyi: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Callitris baileyi là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cupressaceae. Loài này được C.T.White mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1923.

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