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Deeveya hirpex Kornicker ex Kornicker, Yager & Williams 1990

Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Deeveya hirpex Kornicker

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin hirpex (rake, harrow).

MATERIAL.—Dan's Cave, Abaco Island, Little Bahama Bank (all specimens in alcohol): 9 Jun 1984: USNM 193593, adult female (holotype). 15 Jun 1984: USNM 193606, 1 adult female; USNM 193607, 2 juveniles.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from Dan's Cave, Abaco Island, Little Bahama Bank.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 22e, 24–26).—Carapace oval in lateral view except for straight dorsal margin and slightly concave anterior margin (Figure 24a). Right valve with small tubercle on dorsal margin near posterior end.

Ornamentation: USNM 193606 with well-developed internal reticulations and fairly large clear disks at intersections of walls of reticulations (Figure 24k); disks are larger closer to valve margins. Reticulations of carapace of USNM 193593 almost completely obliterated by treatment of specimen with lactic acid; in transmitted light, small flat light amber bosses in center of clear disks (Figure 24b). (USNM 193607, 2 juveniles not described herein and not treated with lactic acid with structure of shell similar to that of USNM 193606 (Figure 29e).)

Bristles: Individual bristles sparsely distributed along valve edge and lateral surface, none bifurcate. Setose bristle just posterior to glandular opening on dorsal tubercle of right valve (Figure 24a,f).

Infold (Figure 24a,g): Broad infold along anterior, ventral and posterior margins, narrowest opposite anterior concavity of margin. Narrow list present along anterior, ventral and posterior infolds, and bearing narrow lamellar prolongation with smooth outer edge. Selvage along outer margin with lamellar prolongation with smooth edge (Figure 24g).

Glands (Figure 24c): Glandular opening at tip of dorsal tubercle anterior to setose bristle (Figure 24f).

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figure 24d,e): 18 or 19 individual attachment scars arranged in ellipse with long axis oblique to dorsal margin; 3 additional scars forming row anterior and ventral to ellipse.

Carapace Size: USNM 193593, length 2.36 mm, height excluding tubercle 1.65 mm, height including tubercle 1.73 mm. USNM 193606, length 2.36 mm, height including tubercle 1.73 mm.

First Antenna (Figures 22e, 24h,i): Elongate with 8 joints. 1st joint with terminal spinous lobe overlapping proximal ventral corner of 2nd joint. 2nd joint with dorsal midbristle with marginal spines; medial and lateral surfaces with distal spines. 3rd joint elongate with spinous ventral bristle distal to midlength. 4th joint short with slender terminal dorsal bristle. 5th joint shorter than 4th, with long terminal ventral bristle with short proximal ringed part and slightly broader filament-like distal part with minute widely spaced marginal spines and terminal papilla. 6th joint shorter than 5th, bare. 7th joint about same length as 4th, with short ringed lateral a-bristle near distal dorsal corner, and b- and c-bristles on terminal ventral pedestal (medial b-bristle less than length of lateral c-bristle, with short ringed proximal part and unringed filament-like distal part with widely spaced minute marginal spines and terminal papilla; c-bristle about twice length of stem, ringed in proximal and with widely spaced minute marginal spines (spines stouter than both those of b-bristle and bristle of 5th joint)). 8th joint with terminal d-, e-, f-, and g-bristles (d-bristle similar in structure, spinosity, and length to bristle of 5th joint; e-bristle about same length as c-bristle, distinctly ringed in proximal half, with widely spaced marginal spines (spines much stouter than those of d-bristle, similar to those of c-bristle) and terminal papilla; f-bristle at slight ventral angle, with same structure, spinosity, and about same length as d-bristle; g-bristle more than half length of e-bristle and with same structure and spines as d-bristle).

Second Antenna (Figure 25a,b): Medial and lateral surfaces with minute spines along proximal dorsal margin; longer distal lateral spines forming tranverse rows at midwidth (Figure 25a). Endopodite (Figure 25b): 1st joint with a-bristle about length of b-bristle. 2nd joint forming angle with 1st, with f-bristle more slender and about length of g-bristle, with short ringed proximal part and unringed slightly broader filament-like distal part, and minute widely spaced marginal spines and terminal papilla; g-bristle about twice length of protopodite, with distinct rings in proximal , and minute widely spaced marginal spines (stouter than spines of f-bristle) and terminal papilla; minute lateral peg near insertion of 3rd joint; 3rd joint not well defined, with h-, i-, and j-bristles similar in structure and spinosity to that of f-bristle, and about half length of g-bristle. Exopodite 9-jointed: 1st joint divided into long proximal and short distal parts; distal part with slender, bare, medial bristle reaching 5th joint; 2nd joint with long bristles with ventral spines and natatory hairs; joints 3–8 with long bristles with natatory hairs; 9th joint with 4 bristles (1 short, bare, 1 medium with ventral spines, 1 long with spines and natatory hairs, 1 long with natatory hairs).

Mandible (Figure 25c–g): Coxale endite with proximal and distal sets of teeth separated by space (Figure 25c): proximal set comprising 4 stout cusps with indistinct tooth and numerous spines between cusps, a short slender bristle on terminal anterior edge, and 1 stouter spinous bristle on posterior edge; 2 spinous bristles medial to stout rounded tooth between proximal and distal sets of teeth; 1 spinous bristle and 1 stout curved process proximal to distal set of teeth; distal set comprising 2 flat teeth: proximal tooth with 5 cusps (proximal cusp slightly longer); distal tooth with 7 cusps (middle cusp stouter). Basale with 4 long proximal bristles (3 stout plumos 1 long slender with short marginal spines) (Figure 25f). Basale endite: distal edge with 6 terminal triangular cusps (Figure 25d,g); lateral surface near distal edge with sharp tooth near midwidth; lateral surface distal to midlength with 3 or 4 slender bristles and 2 long stout entwined bristle crossing each other in 5 places (Figure 25d,g); anterior margin with 1 slender bristle; posterior margin with proximal spines and 2 short distal bristles (distal of these tubular). Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 25e): 1st joint with 1 spinous terminal dorsal bristle, 1 distal ventral bristle, and 4 distal medial bristles; 2nd joint with 3 spinous terminal dorsal bristles (1 claw-like), and 1 spinous terminal ventral bristle; 3rd joint hirsute medially and along dorsal margin, with 4 medial bristles forming row, and 3 stout spinous terminal bristles (all marginal spines on bristles short; ventral bristle with closely spaced short spines (spines shorter than width of bristle) along distal dorsal half).

Maxilla (Figure 25h,i): Coxale with 1 stout, plumose, terminal, dorsal bristle. Endite I with 2 proximal anterior bristles (both with long hairs) and about 10 terminal bristles (1 short tubular, 3 long tubular, about 6 stout with pointed tips, bare or with long hairs); endite II with 2 proximal anterior bristles with long hairs, and about 9 terminal and subterminal bristles (some tubular, some claw-like); endite III with 1 proximal bristle (with long hairs) with base near basale, and about 5 terminal bristles (2 tubular, about 3 claw-like)(Figure 25i): Basale with 1 slender bare ventral bristle and 1 slender bare medial bristle at midwidth. Endopodite (Figure 25h): 1st joint with hairs along posterior surface and with 10 or 11 bristles (4 or 5 proximal medial, 1 distal on anterior margin, 1 distal on posterior margin, 4 distal lateral, all either bare or with short marginal spines); 2nd joint with 2 stout pectinate claws, 5 slender bristles, and long hairs along dorsal half.

Fifth Limb (Figure 26a): Epipodite with plumose bristles forming 3 groups: ventral group with 5 (ventral bristle about length of others); middle group with 6; dorsal group with 5 long and 1 short (dorsal). Protopodite without lateral glandular process and with 2 ventral endites: endite I with 3 bristles (longest with long proximal spines, others with short spines, shortest tubular); endite II with 1 proximal medial bristle with short spines, and 4 or 5 ventral bristles (longest with long proximal spines, others bare or with short spines, some tubular). Basale with 1 proximal medial bristle with short marginal spines, and 8 bristles on or near ventral margin (2 longest with long proximal spines, 1 or 2 claw-like, others bare or with short marginal spines, some tubular). Endopodite with 1 proximal medial bristle, 2 anterior bristles on ventral margin (1 or both with long proximal spines), and 7 additional bristles (1 short, tooth-like with short spines, 2 claw-like unringed pectinate, and 4 bristle-like, either bare or with short marginal spines). 1st exopodial joint with weak distal transverse suture; dorsal margin with 2 terminal bristles (proximal plumose, other bare); lateral surface near ventral margin with 2 long bristles (proximal bare, distal with long spines); medial surface and ventral margin with 9 bristles (5 proximal and 4 distal, bare or with short marginal spines). 2nd exopodial joint: dorsal margin with 1 distal bristle, ventral margin with 3 slender bristles near midlength. 3rd exopodial joint with 2 stout unringed pectinate claw-like bristles, and 2 slender ringed bristles, bare or with short spines.

Sixth Limb (Figure 26b): Epipodite with plumose bristles forming 3 groups: ventral group with 5 long bristles; middle group with 6 long bristles; dorsal group with 5 long and 1 short (dorsal). Precoxale separated from coxale by distinct suture, each joint with 4 bristles (2 plumose, 2 with short spines); medial surfaces with long hairs. Basale with 7 plumose bristles (1 distal lateral and near endopodite, others medial or ventral). Endopodite forming thumb-like process with 4 long bristles (terminal bristle longest and bare, others plumose). Exopodite 3-jointed: 1st joint with 4 distal ventral bristles, bare or with short marginal spines; 2nd joint with 3 bristles (2 ventral, bare or with indistinct minute marginal spines, and 1 dorsal bare); 3rd joint with 4 bristles (2 stout claw-like (longest pectinate ventrally and with stouter teeth along distal third, other with few distal dorsal spines); 2 slender bristle-like bare).

Seventh Limb (Figures 24j, 26c): Elongate with long 1st and short 2nd joint separated by weak suture, and 3 terminal bristles (dorsal bristle stouter and longer).

Furca (Figure 26c): Each lamella with total of 7 claws; lamellae followed by unpaired dorsal bristle; claws 1–4 with faint teeth along posterior margin; claws 5 and 6 with teeth along both margins (teeth of claw 6 slightly stronger); claw 7 with few indistinct teeth along anterior margin; unpaired bristle about same length as claw 2, and with marginal spines; small glandular peg between claws 1 and 2; left lamella of furca of USNM 193593 very slightly anterior to right lamella. Apron anterior to furca (Figure 26c).

Bellonci Organ (Figures 24h, 26d): Well developed, bifurcate at midlength, with each branch tapering to point.

Upper Lip (Figure 26e): Typical for genus.

Genitalia (Figure 26c): Small oval brown area on left side of body adjacent to small bristle.

Posterior of Body (Figure 26c): Rounded, not segmented.

Unknown Receptacle: Not observed.

COMPARISONS.—The carapace of D. hirpex is smaller than those of D. styrax and D. spiralis, and larger than that of D. bransoni (Figure 30). The adult of D. jillae is unknown but the small size of the A-1 instar suggests that adults will be much smaller than D. hirpex (Figure 30). The clear round disks at intersections of reticulations of D. hirpex are larger than those of D. styrax, D. spiralis, and D. bransoni, but slightly smaller than those of D. jillae (Figure 29). The 3rd joint of the 1st antenna of D. hirpex (Figure 22e) is more elongate than that of D. jillae (Figure 22b).
sitassion bibliogràfica
Kornicker, Louis S., Yager, J., and Williams, D. 1990. "Ostracoda (Halocyprididae) from Anchialine Caves in the Bahamas." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-51. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.495

Deeveya hirpex ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL

Deeveya hirpex is een mosselkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Deeveyidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1990 door Kornicker, Yager & Williams.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. WoRMS (2012). Deeveya hirpex Kornicker, Yager & Williams, 1990. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=176709
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