La cotorra de Bonaparte (Pyrrhura lucianii) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita la selva humida de l'Estat brasiler de l'Amazones, al sud del riu Solimões.
La cotorra de Bonaparte (Pyrrhura lucianii) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita la selva humida de l'Estat brasiler de l'Amazones, al sud del riu Solimões.
Bonaparte's parakeet (Pyrrhura lucianii), also known as Deville's parakeet, or in aviculture as Deville's conure, is a species of parrot in the family Psittacidae. It is restricted to the Brazilian state of Amazonas south of the Solimões river.
Total length c. 22 centimetres (8.7 in). As other members of the Pyrrhura picta complex, it is a long-tailed mainly green parakeet with a dark red belly, rump and tail-tip (tail all dark red from below), pale grey scaling to the chest, a whitish or dull buff patch on the auriculars and bluish remiges. The cheeks and crown are dark dusky-maroon (often appears almost blackish). Unlike other members of the P. picta complex, it lacks any bright red or blue to the head (but see Taxonomy). The legs are dark greyish.
It occurs in tropical humid lowland forest and adjacent habitats. It is social and typically seen in pairs or groups. It feeds on fruits, seeds and flowers. The nest is placed in a tree cavity. It is likely to be fairly common within its range, but generally very poorly known, as the remote region where it occurs rarely is visited by ornithologists.
It has typically been considered a subspecies of Pyrrhura picta. As with most other taxa in the P. picta complex, Joseph (2002) recommended that lucianii should be recognized as a monotypic species, P. lucianii. Ribas et al. (2006) did not include lucianii in their study, but did find that P. picta (sensu stricto) was closer to some members of the P. leucotis complex than to the various taxa found mainly south of the Amazon River and traditionally considered as subspecies of it. Consequently, Ribas et al. recommended that the west Amazonian taxa (roseifrons and peruviana) and the east Amazonian taxa (amazonum and snethlageae) should be considered two separate species. Based on biogeography, it therefore becomes unlikely that P. lucianii is a subspecies of P. picta, but the possibility that it is better regarded as conspecific with either P. amazonum or P. roseifrons cannot be discounted on basis of current knowledge. P. lucianii was described before both P. amazonum and P. roseifrons, meaning that they, if one of these scenarios was found to be correct, would become subspecies of P. lucianii (i.e. P. lucianii amazonum or P. lucianii roseifrons). SACC voted to recognize P. lucianii as a species.
Another problem relates to the population of the P. picta complex from far north-eastern Peru. These individuals with red to the forecrown have often (e.g. Juniper and Parr, 1998) been regarded as typical of P. lucianii. Joseph (2002) found that this was incorrect, with true P. lucianii being restricted to Brazil and lacking any bright red to the head. The taxonomic position of the population in far north-eastern Peru, labelled as "group 6" by Joseph (2002), therefore remains unclear, it having been speculated that it could be a distinct species, a subspecies of either P. roseifrons or P. lucianii, a hybrid between the P. roseifrons and P. lucianii (which, if found to be true, could indicate that P. lucianii and P. roseifrons are better considered conspecific), or a hybrid between the currently recognized subspecies of P. roseifrons. Arndt (2008) recently argued for treating it as a distinct species, which he described as P. parvifrons, but this has yet to receive widespread recognition (e.g. by SACC).
Bonaparte's parakeet (Pyrrhura lucianii), also known as Deville's parakeet, or in aviculture as Deville's conure, is a species of parrot in the family Psittacidae. It is restricted to the Brazilian state of Amazonas south of the Solimões river.
El perico de Bonaparte (Pyrrhura lucianii), también conocido como perico de Deville, o, en la avicultura, el ñángaro de Deville, es una especie de loro de la familia Psittacidae. Se limita al estado brasileño de Amazonas, al sur del río Solimões.
Esta ave es de unos 22 cm. de longitud y tiene un peso total de 60 g.
Esta ave habita en ambientes selváticos.
El perico de Bonaparte (Pyrrhura lucianii), también conocido como perico de Deville, o, en la avicultura, el ñángaro de Deville, es una especie de loro de la familia Psittacidae. Se limita al estado brasileño de Amazonas, al sur del río Solimões.
Pyrrhura lucianii Pyrrhura generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.
Pyrrhura lucianii Pyrrhura generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.
Pyrrhura lucianii
La Conure de Bonaparte (Pyrrhura lucianii) est une espèce d'oiseaux appartenant à la famille des Psittacidae, autrefois considérée comme une sous-espèce de la Conure versicolore (Pyrrhura picta).
Cet oiseau mesure environ 22 cm de longueur pour une masse de 60 g.
Cette espèce n'est présente que dans le nord du Brésil.
Cet oiseau peuple les milieux forestiers.
Pyrrhura lucianii
La Conure de Bonaparte (Pyrrhura lucianii) est une espèce d'oiseaux appartenant à la famille des Psittacidae, autrefois considérée comme une sous-espèce de la Conure versicolore (Pyrrhura picta).
Il parrocchetto di Deville (Pyrrhura lucianii (Deville, 1851)) è un uccello della famiglia Psittacidae, diffuso in Amazzonia.[1][2]
È un pappagallo di media taglia, lungo sino a 22 cm.[3]
L'areale di Pyrrhura lucianii è ristretto allo stato di Amazonas, nel Brasile nord-occidentale.[1]
In passato era considerata una sottospecie di Pyrrhura picta; nel 2007 è stata elevata al rango di specie a sé stante.[4]
La IUCN Red List classifica Pyrrhura lucianii come specie a rischio minimo (Least Concern).[1]
Il parrocchetto di Deville (Pyrrhura lucianii (Deville, 1851)) è un uccello della famiglia Psittacidae, diffuso in Amazzonia.
De prins Lucians parkiet (Pyrrhura lucianii) is een vogel uit de familie Psittacidae (papegaaien van Afrika en de Nieuwe Wereld).
Deze soort komt voor in het westelijke Amazonebekken.
De prins Lucians parkiet (Pyrrhura lucianii) is een vogel uit de familie Psittacidae (papegaaien van Afrika en de Nieuwe Wereld).
Tiriba-de-deville (nome científico: Pyrrhura lucianii) é uma espécie de ave da família dos psitacídeos endêmica do Brasil.[1]
Tiriba-de-deville (nome científico: Pyrrhura lucianii) é uma espécie de ave da família dos psitacídeos endêmica do Brasil.
Brunhuvad parakit[2] (Pyrrhura lucianii) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.[3].
Fågeln återfinns i Brasilien (Brazil (västcentrala Amazonområdet utmed Rio Solimões vid Tefe och Rio Purús).[3] Tidigare betraktades den som underart till Pyrrhura picta.
IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]
Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar den franska ornitologen Charles Lucien Bonaparte, prins av Musignano och Canino, son till Lucien Bonaparte och därmed brorson till kejsar Napoleon I (1803-1857).[4]
Brunhuvad parakit (Pyrrhura lucianii) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar..
Pyrrhura lucianii là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae.[1]
Pyrrhura lucianii là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae.