Picumnus cinnamomeus, conocíu como carpinterito castañu, ye una especie d'ave na familia Picidae.
Ye endémica de Colombia y Venezuela.
El so hábitat natural son los montes subtropicales o tropicales secos, montes subtropicales o tropicales secos de mangle y el carba subtropical o tropical secu.
Picumnus cinnamomeus, conocíu como carpinterito castañu, ye una especie d'ave na familia Picidae.
Ye endémica de Colombia y Venezuela.
El so hábitat natural son los montes subtropicales o tropicales secos, montes subtropicales o tropicales secos de mangle y el carba subtropical o tropical secu.
Picumnus cinnamomeus[1] a zo ur spesad evned eus ar c'herentiad Picidae.
Ar spesad a gaver ar pevar isspesad anezhañ[2] en un takad bihan eus Suamerika :
Picumnus cinnamomeus a zo ur spesad evned eus ar c'herentiad Picidae.
El picotet castany (Picumnus cinnamomeus) és un ocell de la família dels pícids (Picidae) que habita matolls, boscos i manglars de les terres baixes costaneres fins als 500 m, al nord-est de Colòmbia i nord-oest de Veneçuela.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Cnocellan winau (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: cnocellannod gwinau) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Picumnus cinnamoneus; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Chestnut piculet. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cnocellod (Lladin: Picidae) sydd yn urdd y Piciformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn P. cinnamoneus, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]
Mae'r cnocellan winau yn perthyn i deulu'r Cnocellod (Lladin: Picidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Cnocell fraith Japan Yungipicus kizuki Cnocell gorunfrown Yungipicus moluccensis Cnocell lwyd fawr Mulleripicus pulverulentus Cnocell lwydaidd Mulleripicus fulvus Corgnocell Temminck Yungipicus temminckii Pengam Jynx torquilla Pengam gyddfgoch Jynx ruficollisAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Cnocellan winau (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: cnocellannod gwinau) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Picumnus cinnamoneus; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Chestnut piculet. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Cnocellod (Lladin: Picidae) sydd yn urdd y Piciformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn P. cinnamoneus, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.
The chestnut piculet (Picumnus cinnamomeus) is a species of bird in subfamily Picumninae of the woodpecker family Picidae. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.[2]
The International Ornithological Committee assigns the chestnut piculet these four subspecies:[2]
BirdLife International's Handbook of the Birds of the World and the Clements taxonomy split a fifth subspecies, P. c. larensis (Aveledo, 1998), from P. c. venezuelensis.[3][4]
This article follows the four-subspecies model.
The chestnut piculet is 9 to 10 cm (3.5 to 3.9 in) long. Adult males of the nominate subspecies P. c. cinnamomeus have a pale creamy forehead, a black crown with yellow-tipped feathers, and a black nape with white-tipped feathers. The rest of their body is deep rufous to rusty brown, with the rump and belly being a bit paler than the rest. Their wings are dark brown with cinnamon to rufous edges and tips to the feathers. Their tail is brownish black; the innermost pair of feathers have a cinnamon stripe on the inner webs and the outer two pairs a cinnamon stripe on the outer webs. Their iris is brown, the beak blackish, the bare skin around the eye yellow, and the legs gray. Adult females are identical but with no yellow on the crown and white spots only on the hindcrown and nape.[5]
Subspecies P. c. persaturatus is a richer and darker chestnut than the nominate, and has brighter wing edging and less defined chestnut stripes on the tail. Its females have white spots on their entire crown. P. c. perijanus is similar to persaturatus but a little lighter, and the female's crown spotting is heavier. P. c. venezuelensis is as dark as persaturatus but with a cinnamon-tawny forehead, and the female has white spots only on the crown, not the nape.[5]
The subspecies of the chestnut piculet are found thus:[2][5]
The chestnut piculet inhabits a wide variety of landscapes including rainforest, deciduous forest, open areas with scattered trees, arid and semi-arid scrublands, mangroves, and coffee plantations. Thorny woodlands appear to be its favorite. In elevation it occurs from sea level to 100 m (330 ft) in Venezuela and to 300 m (980 ft) in Colombia.[5]
The chestnut piculet is a year-round resident throughout its range.[5]
The chestnut piculet forages actively at all levels of it habitat but tends to stay in dense vegetation. It is typically seen singly, in pairs, or in small family groups and joins mixed species foraging flocks. Its diet has not been studied but is assumed to be ants and other small insects.[5]
The chestnut piculet's breeding season appears to include at least from December to March, but nothing else is known about its breeding biology.[5]
The chestnut piculet's song is "a series of 3-8 high-pitched notes ti.ti.ti.ti.ti descending in pitch".[5]
The IUCN has assessed the chestnut piculet as being of Least Concern, though its population size and trend are not known. No immediate threats have been identified.[1] It is considered common in Colombia but has few records in Venezuela. "Considering that this species is not so inconspicuous as most other piculets, it is rather poorly known."[5]
The chestnut piculet (Picumnus cinnamomeus) is a species of bird in subfamily Picumninae of the woodpecker family Picidae. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.
Picumnus cinnamomeus, conocido como carpinterito castaño, es una especie de ave en la familia Picidae.
Es endémico de Colombia y Venezuela.
Su hábitat natural son los bosques subtropicales o tropicales secos, bosques subtropicales o tropicales secos de mangle y el matorral subtropical o tropical seco.
Picumnus cinnamomeus, conocido como carpinterito castaño, es una especie de ave en la familia Picidae.
Es endémico de Colombia y Venezuela.
Su hábitat natural son los bosques subtropicales o tropicales secos, bosques subtropicales o tropicales secos de mangle y el matorral subtropical o tropical seco.
Picumnus cinnamomeus Picumnus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Picidae familian sailkatua dago.
Picumnus cinnamomeus Picumnus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Picidae familian sailkatua dago.
Kanelitikkanen (Picumnus cinnamomeus) on eteläamerikkalainen tikka. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää mantereen luoteisosan Kolumbiassa ja Venezuelassa. Lajista tunnetaan neljä alalajia. Johann Georg Wagler kuvaili lajin holotyypin Pohjois-Kolumbian Cartagenasta vuonna 1829.[2]
Kanelitikkanen (Picumnus cinnamomeus) on eteläamerikkalainen tikka. Sen esiintymisalue käsittää mantereen luoteisosan Kolumbiassa ja Venezuelassa. Lajista tunnetaan neljä alalajia. Johann Georg Wagler kuvaili lajin holotyypin Pohjois-Kolumbian Cartagenasta vuonna 1829.
Picumnus cinnamomeus
Le Picumne cannelle, Picumnus cinnamomeus, est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Picidae (sous-famille des Picumninae), endémique de la zone néotropicale (Colombie et Venezuela).
De rosse dwergspecht (Picumnus cinnamomeus) is een vogel uit de familie Picidae (spechten).
Deze soort komt voor in noordelijk Colombia en noordwestelijk Venezuela en telt 4 ondersoorten:
Kastanjedvärgspett[2] (Picumnus cinnamomeus) är en fågel i familjen hackspettar inom ordningen hackspettartade fåglar.[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]
Kastanjedvärgspett delas in i fyra underarter:[3]
Kastanjedvärgspett (Picumnus cinnamomeus) är en fågel i familjen hackspettar inom ordningen hackspettartade fåglar. IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.
Kastanjedvärgspett delas in i fyra underarter:
Picumnus cinnamomeus cinnamomeus – förekommer i kustnära norra Colombia, söderut lokalt i Cauca- och Magdalenadalarna Picumnus cinnamomeus perijanus – förekommer i nordvästra Venezuela (norra delarna av sjön Maracaibos tillrinningsområde) Picumnus cinnamomeus persaturatus – förekommer i norra och centrala Colombia (bergsområdet vid San Jerónimo i Bolivar[förtydliga]) Picumnus cinnamomeus venezuelensis – förekommer i västra Venezuela (söder och öster om sjön Maracaibo)Picumnus cinnamomeus là một loài chim trong họ Picidae.[1]