Prunus pseudocerasus (lat. Prunus pseudocerasus) - gülçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin gavalı cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Prunus pseudocerasus or Prunus pseudo-cerasus, the Chinese sour cherry or just Chinese cherry, is a species of cherry native to China and is used worldwide as an ornamental for its early spring cherry blossoms. The fruits of some cultivars are edible.[1]
A small bushy tree growing to at most 8 m, it generally has reddish buds, pale pink 2 cm flowers and typical red (if a bit pale) 1.5 cm cherries.[2] It can be distinguished from its congeners by certain traits; its 7-16 cm leaves are broadly obovate, with an acuminate tip, flat and serrated, its inflorescences are corymbose or subumbellate, with at least three and as many as seven flowers, and its branches and peduncles are pubescent.[3][2]
In China it has been cultivated for its edible (if tart) fruit for around 2000 years.[2] In Japan it is favored as an ornamental tree for its tendency to bloom, flowers before leaves, earlier than the Japanese cherry Prunus serrulata.[4] A tetraploid with 2n=32 chromosomes, it is used as rootstock for other flowering cherries. It is the parent of a number of hybrid cultivars.[5][4] It is resistant to the fungal disease cherry leaf spot.[6][7] P. pseudocerasus contain carotene, vitamin C, proteins, saccharides, iron, and phosphorus. P. pseudocerasus is near extinction in the wild due to anthropogenic activities.[8]
Prunus pseudocerasus or Prunus pseudo-cerasus, the Chinese sour cherry or just Chinese cherry, is a species of cherry native to China and is used worldwide as an ornamental for its early spring cherry blossoms. The fruits of some cultivars are edible.
樱桃(学名:Prunus pseudocerasus)是蔷薇科李属的一种乔木。古称楔荆桃[1]、荆桃[2]、崖蜜[1][3]、莺桃[4]、含桃[2][4][5]、樱珠[6]、朱樱[7]、紫樱[6]、蜡樱[6]、英桃[8]、牛桃[8]、楔桃、梅桃、乐桃、表桃等、,英文称为中国樱桃(Chinese cherry)。
乔木,高2-8米,树皮灰白色至红褐色。小枝灰褐色,嫩枝绿色,无毛或被疏柔毛。冬芽卵形至长椭圆形,无毛或近无毛。托叶披针形至狭带形,早落,有羽裂腺齿。叶柄0.5-1.5厘米,无毛或被疏柔毛,先端有1-3个大腺体;叶片卵形、长圆状卵形或长椭圆形,长5-12厘米,宽3-6厘米,下面淡绿色,沿脉或脉间有稀疏柔毛,上面暗绿色,近无毛, 基部圆形,边有尖锐重锯齿或缺刻状锯齿,齿端有小腺体;侧脉9-11对。花序伞房状或近伞形,有花3-7朵,先叶开放;总苞褐色,倒卵状椭圆形,长约5毫米,宽约3毫米,边有腺齿。花梗长0.8-1.9厘米,被疏柔毛. 萼筒钟状,长3-6毫米,宽2-3毫米,外面被疏柔毛。萼片三角卵圆形或卵状长圆形, 长为萼筒的一半或过半,边缘全缘,先端急尖或钝。花瓣白色(亦有粉色观赏品种),卵圆形至长椭圆形,先端下凹或二裂。雄蕊30-35枚,栽培者可达50枚。花柱与雄蕊近等长,无毛。核果红色,近球形,直径0.9-1.3厘米;核表面多少有棱纹。花期3-4月,果期5-6月。[9]
本种在中国久经栽培,品种颇多,供食用,也可酿樱桃酒。枝、叶、根、花也可供药用。[10]有些品种可供观赏,如泰山香樱(Prunus pseudocerasus 'Taishan Xiang')和剑桥樱(Prunus pseudocerasus 'Cantabrigiensis')。
樱桃(学名:Prunus pseudocerasus)是蔷薇科李属的一种乔木。古称楔荆桃、荆桃、崖蜜、莺桃、含桃、樱珠、朱樱、紫樱、蜡樱、英桃、牛桃、楔桃、梅桃、乐桃、表桃等、,英文称为中国樱桃(Chinese cherry)。
カラミザクラ(学名: Cerasus pseudo-cerasus (Lindl.) G.Don[1])[2](シノニム: Prunus pseudo-cerasus Lindl.[3])はバラ科サクラ属の植物。桜の一種。
カラミザクラ(学名: Cerasus pseudo-cerasus (Lindl.) G.Don)(シノニム: Prunus pseudo-cerasus Lindl.)はバラ科サクラ属の植物。桜の一種。