Galium spurium is a scrambling annual herb that reaches up to 20-80 cm long with weak, and prickly stems. Leaves are 1-2 x 0.1-0.3 cm, linear-oblanceolate, with apiculate apex, prickly margins, tuberculate-pubescent on the upper surface and are arranged in whorls of 6-8 leaves. Flowers are with greenish-white corolla, composed of triangular lobes and are arranged in 1-5-flowered cymes. Mericarps are subglobose to broadly kidney-shaped, and glabrous or often densely covered with uncinate trichomes.
Arabian Desert, Gebel Elba, Mountainous Southern Sinai.
Egypt, Sudan, tropical East Africa, South Africa, Central Africa, Arabia, Socotra.
Sandy desert wadis.
Height: 20-80 cm