Galium setaceum is a delicate glabrescent annual herb that reaches up to 15-30 cm with stems slender, subterete, fragile, dichotomously branched stems. Leaves are 0.6-1.5 x 0.05-0.08 cm and arranged in whorls of 5-8; they are narrowly-linear, the lowermost are narrowly spathulate, glabrous or sparingly hispid with revolute margins and acute apex. Flowers are purple and arranged in axillary and terminal lax cymes. The fruit is composed of subglobose mericarp covered with long hooked hairs.
Arabian Desert, South Red Sea Coast, North Red Sea Coast, Gebel Elba.
Mediterranean region, Southwest Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India.
Sheltered hillasides, desert wadi beds
Height: 15-30 cm