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Litoria fallax (Peters 1880)

Distribution and Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Coast and adjacent areas from northern Queensland to southern New South Wales.The extent of occurrence of the species is approximately 297700 km2
J-M Hero

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( Anglèis )

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No known declines and extent of occurrence > 20,000km2.ThreatsLoss of habitat from human development and habitat degradation.Conservation MeasuresProtected where the species occurs in National Parks, e.g. Fraser Island.
J-M Hero

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( Anglèis )

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Usually found in vegetation bordering swamps, streams, lagoons, ponds and farm dams often in large numbers. In the day it shelters in the leaf-axils of pandanus and other plants away from the water.Breeding begins with the summer rains. Small clumps of eggs are laid attached to submerged vegetation.
J-M Hero

Litoria fallax ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Litoria fallax és una espècie de granota que viu a l'est d'Austràlia (des de Queensland fins a Nova Gal·les del Sud).


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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Litoria fallax és una espècie de granota que viu a l'est d'Austràlia (des de Queensland fins a Nova Gal·les del Sud).

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Eastern dwarf tree frog ( Anglèis )

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The eastern dwarf tree frog (Litoria fallax), also known as the eastern sedge-frog, is a species of tree frog. It is a small and very common frog and found on the eastern coast of Australia, from around Cairns, Queensland, to around Ulladulla, New South Wales. Individual frogs of this species are often found elsewhere, having been accidentally relocated by transported fruit boxes. Confirmed sightings of breeding pairs have confirmed their survival in Victoria's cooler climate.


Fawn/green colouration of the Eastern dwarf tree frog

This is a small species of frog; females can reach a maximum size of 25–30 mm, while males may only reach 20 mm when fully grown. It is of variable colour (depending upon temperature and colour of surrounding environment), ranging from fawn to light green on top, and occasionally has black flecks on its back. A white line begins under the eye, and joins the white stomach. A brown line begins from the nostril, and continues across the eye, and between the green (or fawn) and white sections on the top and bottom of the body. This species' toe discs are only slightly larger than the toes, and toes are 75% webbed. Some individuals will have an orange posterior thigh. The tadpoles are bigger than the adult frogs, with a size of 30 mm.


L. fallax was first described in 1880 by Wilhelm Peters as Hylomantis fallax.[2][3] The Australian Faunal Directory also considers Hyla bicolor glauerti[4] to be a synonym, with the decision for synonymy being based on Cogger.[2][5]

Ecology and behaviour

This frog is associated with a wide variety of habitats, including coastal swamps, lagoons, dams, ditches, and garden ponds in forest, heathland, wallum country, and cleared farmland. It lives in reeds and similar plants both near and away from the water, and often inhabits banana trees in the northern areas of Australia, and are sometimes shipped with the bananas throughout Australia. They are known in Australia for becoming lost frogs by turning up in fruit shops outside of their normal range.


Litoria fallax tadpole

Breeding occurs at small ponds or dams, which have ample reeds or other emergent vegetation. This species will often breed in temporary water. Its call is a short, high pitched, wr-e-e-ek ip-ip, repeated three or four times. They emit their calls from a single submandibular vocal sac. The males call during the spring and summer seasons, often before and after heavy rain.

About 200-301 eggs are laid at each amplexus, and clumps of spawn contain up to 35 eggs. The minimum tadpole lifespan is 118 days, at a consist temperature of 20 °C. Metamorphosis occurs from January to March, the metamorphs resemble the adults and are very small, only 9–13 mm in length.

Similar species

Litoria fallax spawn

This species is a member of the dwarf tree frog complex. This species complex is composed of the northern dwarf tree frog (L. bicolor), the Cooloola sedge frog (L. cooloolensis), and the Wallum sedge frog (L. olongburensis), as well as this species. All of these species are similar in size and have a similar ratchet-like call. The species along the east coast often inhabits coastal wallum and acid swamps. Most of these species have more than one common name, with a least one name containing "dwarf tree frog".

As a pet

In Australia, the frog may be kept in captivity with the appropriate permit.[6]

Call recorded at Samsonvale Cemetery, SE Queensland

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  1. ^ Hero, J.-M.; Meyer, E.; Clarke, J. (2009). "Litoria fallax". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2009. Retrieved 21 April 2015.old-form url
  2. ^ a b "Australian Faunal Directory: Litoria fallax". biodiversity.org.au. Retrieved 23 October 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ Peters, W. (1880). "Mitteilung über neue oder weniger bekannte Amphibien des Berliner Zoologischen Museums". Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1880: 217-224 [1881 on title page] [224, fig. 4].
  4. ^ Copland, S.J. (1957). "Presidential address. Australian tree frogs of the genus Hyla". Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. 82: 9–108 [16].
  5. ^ Cogger, H.G. (1983), Cogger, H.G.; Cameron, E.E.; Cogger, H.M. (eds.), "Amphibia and Reptilia", Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1: 43
  6. ^ Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, New South Wales: Amphibian Keeper's Licence: Species Lists
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Eastern dwarf tree frog: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The eastern dwarf tree frog (Litoria fallax), also known as the eastern sedge-frog, is a species of tree frog. It is a small and very common frog and found on the eastern coast of Australia, from around Cairns, Queensland, to around Ulladulla, New South Wales. Individual frogs of this species are often found elsewhere, having been accidentally relocated by transported fruit boxes. Confirmed sightings of breeding pairs have confirmed their survival in Victoria's cooler climate.

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Litoria fallax ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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La rana arbórea enana (Litoria fallax) es una especie de anfibio anuro del género Litoria de la familia Hylidae. Es originaria de Ulladulla, en Cairns, Australia.[1][2]

Una rana adulta mide 2.5 cm de largo. Tiene color verde brillante o bronce con marcas verdes. Son rayas bronces de su nariz por el cuerpo. Tiene piel blanca en su vientre y piel aranjada en sus patas. Sus patas delanteras son parcialmente palmeadas y sus patas traseras son más palmeadas. Hay pequeños discos en sus dedos para escalar.[1]

Las ranas viven en grandes grupos en plantas cerca de cuerpos de agua, como pantanos y estanques o cerca de presas.[2]

Esta rana pone huevos cerca de la superficie del agua. Los renacuajos pueden tener 5 cm de largo y tomar entre dos y cinco meses para convertirse en adultos. A diferencia de la mayoría de las ranas, la rana arbórea enana oriental puede poner huevos en cualquier época del año.[1]

Litoria fallax tadpole.JPG Litoria fallax spawn.JPG


  1. a b c «Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog». Australian Museum. Consultado el 21 de junio de 2020.
  2. a b J-M Hero (5 de abril de 2002). «Litoria fallax: Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog». Amphibiaweb. Consultado el 21 de junio de 2020.
  • Hero et al. (2004). «Litoria fallax». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2006 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 11 de mayo de 2006. Database entry includes a range map and a brief justification of why this species is of least concern
  • Anstis, M. 2002. Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia. Reed New Holland: Sydney.
  • Robinson, M. 2002. A Field Guide to Frogs of Australia. Australian Museum/Reed New Holland: Sydney.

Australia Network-frog call available here.

  • Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia. Harold G. Cogger (1975)
  • Australian Frogs A Natural History. Michael J. Tyler (1994)
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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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La rana arbórea enana (Litoria fallax) es una especie de anfibio anuro del género Litoria de la familia Hylidae. Es originaria de Ulladulla, en Cairns, Australia.​​

Una rana adulta mide 2.5 cm de largo. Tiene color verde brillante o bronce con marcas verdes. Son rayas bronces de su nariz por el cuerpo. Tiene piel blanca en su vientre y piel aranjada en sus patas. Sus patas delanteras son parcialmente palmeadas y sus patas traseras son más palmeadas. Hay pequeños discos en sus dedos para escalar.​

Las ranas viven en grandes grupos en plantas cerca de cuerpos de agua, como pantanos y estanques o cerca de presas.​

Esta rana pone huevos cerca de la superficie del agua. Los renacuajos pueden tener 5 cm de largo y tomar entre dos y cinco meses para convertirse en adultos. A diferencia de la mayoría de las ranas, la rana arbórea enana oriental puede poner huevos en cualquier época del año.​

Litoria fallax tadpole.JPG Litoria fallax spawn.JPG

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Litoria fallax ( Basch )

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Litoria fallax Litoria generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.


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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Litoria fallax Litoria generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.

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Litoria fallax ( Fransèis )

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Litoria fallax est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Pelodryadidae[1].


Aire de distribution

Cette espèce est originellement endémique d'Australie[1]. Elle se rencontre sur la côte orientale des environs de Cairns au Queensland aux environs d'Ulladulla en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud et sur l'île Fraser[2]. Elle se rencontre sur environ 297 700 km2[3].

Elle a été introduite à Guam[4].

Écologie et habitat

Cette grenouille est associée à une grande variété d'habitats côtiers, comme les marais, les lagunes, les barrages, les fossés et les bassins des bois, landes et terres agricoles. Elle vit dans les roseaux et autres plantes près ou loin de l'eau. Elle vit souvent dans les bananiers des régions du Nord de l'Australie et sont parfois emmenées avec les régimes de bananes à travers le pays.


Litoria fallax

Cette grenouille arboricole est de couleur variable (selon la température et la couleur du milieu environnant), de beige à vert clair sur le dessus, avec parfois de petites taches noires sur le dos. Une ligne blanche débute sous les yeux et rejoint le ventre blanc. Une ligne brune commence au niveau de la narine et se continue jusqu'à l'œil puis entre le vert (ou beige) et blanc du haut et du bas du corps. Cette espèce possède des ventouses au niveau des doigts qui ne sont que légèrement plus grandes que les doigts et les doigts sont palmés aux trois quarts. Certains individus ont la partie postérieure de la cuisse orange.

Les mâles mesurent de 22 à 26 mm et les femelles de 25 à 32 mm[5].

Les têtards mesurent de un à 1,3 mm à la métamorphose[6].



Elle se reproduit dans les retenues d'eau qui ont beaucoup de roseaux ou d'autres végétaux émergents, souvent dans des eaux temporaires. Environ 200-300 œufs sont pondus à chaque amplexus et chaque bouquet d'œufs peut contenir jusqu'à 35 œufs. Le têtard a une durée de vie minimum de 118 jours, à une température de 20 °C. La métamorphose se produit de janvier à mars, les jeunes grenouilles ressemblent à des adultes mais sont très petites et font seulement 9 à 13 mm de longueur.


Son appel est un court et aigu, wr-ee-ek ip-ip, répété trois ou quatre fois. Elle émet son appel à partir d'un seul sac vocal submandibulaire. Les mâles lancent leur appel au cours du printemps et de l'été, souvent avant et après de fortes pluies.


Publication originale

  • Peters, 1880 : Über neue oder weniger bekannte Amphibien des Berliner zoologischen Museums (Leposoma dispar, Monopeltis (Phractogonus) jugularis, Typhlops depressus, Leptocalamus trilineatus, Xenodon punctatus, Elapomorphus erythronotus, Hylomantis fallax). Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, vol. 1, p. 217-225 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b Amphibian Species of the World, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Williams, 2006 Vertebrates of the Wet Tropics Rainforests of Australia: Species Distributions and Biodiversity. carte précise
  3. AmphibiaWeb. University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  4. Christy, Clark, Gee, Vice, Vice, Warner, Tyrrell, Rodda & Savidge, 2007 : Recent records of alien anurans on the Pacific island of Guam. Pacific Science. Honolulu, vol. 61, p. 469–483.
  5. Tyler & Knight, 2011 : Field Guide to the Frogs of Australia: Revised Edition. Csiro Publishing, p. 1-188.
  6. Brooke McCartin, 1999 James Cook University
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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Litoria fallax est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Pelodryadidae.

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Litoria fallax ( olandèis; flamand )

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Litoria fallax is een kikker uit de familie Pelodryadidae. De soort werd lange tijd tot de familie boomkikkers (Hylidae). In de literatuur wordt daarom vaak de verouderde situatie vermeld.[2] De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Wilhelm Peters in 1880. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Hylomantis fallax gebruikt. De soortaanduiding fallax betekent vrij vertaald 'niet echt'.

Uiterlijke kenmerken

Met een lengte van ongeveer 3 centimeter, mannetjes tot 2 cm, is dit een van de kleinste Litoria-soorten, het is een van de dwergboomkikkers. De huid is glad op de rug, iets korreliger op de buik. De kleur is variabel en de kikker kan van kleur veranderen, afhankelijk van de temperatuur en lichtintensiteit. Meestal is het hele lichaam groen, of de flanken groen met een bruine rug. Een witte streep loopt van de bek tot de basis van de voorpoot, hierboven is vaak een bruine oogstreep aanwezig van de snuitpunt tot achter het oog. De dijen van deze boomkikker zijn niet oranje gekleurd, wat een belangrijk onderscheid is met sommige andere soorten.


Litoria fallax komt voor in Australië, in een smalle strook langs de uiterst oostelijke kust, en leeft in grotere, permanente wateren.[3] De soort kent een grote variatie aan habitat, en leeft tussen de oevervegetatie, meestal plakkend op riet of andere planten met stengels. De kikker wordt vaak op de oevervegetatie of op drijvende planten aangetroffen, maar komt ook wel uit de buurt van het water voor zoals in plantages. Mannetjes maken een tjirp-achtige geluid en gebruiken hun oranje, doorzichtige kwaakblaas die ongeveer net zo groot wordt als de kikker zelf.

De vrouwtjes zetten de eitjes af in kleine groepjes, waarna het mannetje deze snel bevrucht. De eitjes worden aan waterplanten bevestigd of zinken naar de bodem. De kikkervisjes bereiken na ongeveer 3 maanden een lengte van 55 millimeter waarna de metamorfose plaatsvindt.

Litoria fallax is een van de soorten kikkers die weleens onbewust wordt ingevoerd met ladingen fruit zoals bananen, omdat de soort op deze planten leeft.

  1. (en) Litoria fallax op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History, Litoria fallax.
  3. University of California - AmphibiaWeb, Litoria fallax.
  • (en) - Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History - Litoria fallax - Website Geconsulteerd 5 december 2016
  • (en) - University of California - AmphibiaWeb - Litoria fallax - Website
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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Litoria fallax is een kikker uit de familie Pelodryadidae. De soort werd lange tijd tot de familie boomkikkers (Hylidae). In de literatuur wordt daarom vaak de verouderde situatie vermeld. De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Wilhelm Peters in 1880. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Hylomantis fallax gebruikt. De soortaanduiding fallax betekent vrij vertaald 'niet echt'.

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Litoria fallax ( polonèis )

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Litoria fallaxgatunek płazów z rodzaju Litoria, należący do rodziny rzekotkowatych.

Żaby znaleziono na wschodnim wybrzeżu Australii.


Epitet gatunkowy fallax to łaciński przymiotnik fallax, -acis oznaczający "podstępny, zdradliwy"[2].


  1. Litoria fallax. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  2. Kazimierz Kumaniecki: Słownik łacińsko-polski. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, s. 207. ISBN 83-01-03531-5.


  • Anstis, M. 2002. Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia. Reed New Holland: Sydney.
  • Robinson, M. 2002. A Field Guide to Frogs of Australia. Australian Museum/Reed New Holland: Sydney.

Australia Network

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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Litoria fallax – gatunek płazów z rodzaju Litoria, należący do rodziny rzekotkowatych.

Żaby znaleziono na wschodnim wybrzeżu Australii.

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Litoria fallax ( portughèis )

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Litoria fallax é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Pelodryadidae.[1][2] Está presente em Austrália, Guam.[2] Foi introduzida em Guam.[2]

Ver também


  1. Litoria fallax Amphibian Species of the World, versão 6.0. American Museum of Natural History. Página acedida em 26 de Abril de 2016
  2. a b c Litoria fallax. AmphibiaWeb. Página acedida em 26 de Abril de 2016
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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Litoria fallax é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Pelodryadidae. Está presente em Austrália, Guam. Foi introduzida em Guam.

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Litoria fallax ( vietnamèis )

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Ếch cây lùn phía đông,Litoria fallax là một loài ếch trong họ Nhái bén. Nó là loài đặc hữu của Úc, chúng được tìm thấy ở bờ biển đông Úc, từ quanh Cairns, Queensland đến quanh Ulladulla, New South Wales. Con cái dài tối đa 25–30 mm còn con đực dài 20 mm. Màu sắc của chúng thay đổi phụ thuộc và nhiệt độ và màu sắc môi trường xung quanh. Môi trường sinh sống của chúng gồm các đầm lầy ven biển, đầm phá, đập, ao hồ trong rừng, vùng đất nghèo dinh dưỡng, wallum và đất canh tác.

Kích thước

Nó dài từ 15–25 mm; nòng nọc lớn hơn ếch trưởng thành, với kích thước 30 mm.

Sinh sản

Nòng nọc Litoria fallax

Sinh sản xảy ra ở các ao nhỏ hoặc đập, trong đó có lau sậy rộng rãi hoặc các thảm thực vật nổi. Loài này thường sẽ sinh sản trong nước tạm thời. Cuộc gọi của nó là một đoạn ngắn, cao vút, WR-ee-ek ip-ip, lặp đi lặp lại ba hoặc bốn lần. Chúng phát ra các cuộc gọi từ một túi thanh nhạc dưới hàm. Con đực gọi trong suốt mùa xuân và mùa hè mùa, thường trước và sau khi mưa lớn.

Như một con vật cưng

Tại Úc, nó có thể được giữ trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt với giấy phép thích hợp.

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến họ Nhái bén (Hylidae) này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Litoria fallax: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Ếch cây lùn phía đông,Litoria fallax là một loài ếch trong họ Nhái bén. Nó là loài đặc hữu của Úc, chúng được tìm thấy ở bờ biển đông Úc, từ quanh Cairns, Queensland đến quanh Ulladulla, New South Wales. Con cái dài tối đa 25–30 mm còn con đực dài 20 mm. Màu sắc của chúng thay đổi phụ thuộc và nhiệt độ và màu sắc môi trường xung quanh. Môi trường sinh sống của chúng gồm các đầm lầy ven biển, đầm phá, đập, ao hồ trong rừng, vùng đất nghèo dinh dưỡng, wallum và đất canh tác.

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