
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 18.5 years (captivity)
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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Behavior ( Anglèis )

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Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

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Nyala currently have a more limited distribution than they have had in the past. Recently in some areas their habitat has actually been improved through human activities, such as shifting agricultural techniques resulting in abandonment of fields and subsequent bush encroachment, and overgrazing of grasslands by cattle, which results in invasion by many herbs that nyala eat.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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These antelopes have probably historically been hunted as food animals.

Positive Impacts: food

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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These antelope both graze and browse. They eat the leaves, twigs, flowers and fruits of many different species of plants. During the rainy season they mainly eat the fresh green grass. They drink daily when water is available, but they can survive in areas where water is only available seasonally.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Nyala have a localized distribution, occupying some parts of southeastern Africa.

Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Nyala are found near thickets in dry savanna woodland, and prefer proximity to high quality grassland and fresh water as well.

Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; scrub forest

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

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Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
18.5 years.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Nyala are medium sized in comparison to other antelopes, with a marked size difference between the sexes. Males weigh 98-125 kg and stand over one meter tall at the shoulder, while females weigh 55-68 kg and are slightly less than a meter tall. Males have horns, which can be up to 80 cm long and spiral upwards, curving out at the first turn. Females and juveniles are usually a rusty red color, but adult males become slate gray. Both males and females have a dorsal crest of long hair that runs from the back of the head to the base of the tail, and males additionally have a fringe of long hair along the midline of their chest and belly. Nyala have some white vertical stripes and spots, the pattern of which varies.

Range mass: 55 to 126 kg.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

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Nyala can breed at any time of the year, but there is a breeding peak in the spring and a smaller peak in the autumn. A female's estus cycle is about 19 days long. Males court females for two days of this cycle, but females are receptive to mating for only 6 hours per cycle. Gestation takes 7 months, after which a single, 5 kg calf is born. The young are born out of the sight of potential predators (lions, hyenas, leopards, wild dogs) in a thicket. A calf remains hidden for up to 18 days, during which time the mother returns periodically to clean and nurse it. Offspring remain with their mothers until her next calf is born, but after that courting males drive adolescent males away from their mothers.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Range gestation period: 7.33 to 8.4 months.

Average weaning age: 7 months.

Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual

Average birth mass: 5232.5 g.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female:
452 days.

Parental Investment: altricial ; post-independence association with parents

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Ciszek, D. 1999. "Tragelaphus angasii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragelaphus_angasii.html
Deborah Ciszek, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Comprehensive Description for nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) ( Anglèis )

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Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) are a species of large antelope that reside in South Eastern Africa. Nyala have an average lifespan of 16 years (Castello, 2016). Adult nyala can weigh anywhere from 100 to 158.4 kg (220 to 348 lbs), with females weighing an average of 40% less than their male counterparts. The potential weight of nyala varies in response to the season and/or the current population size. Nyala are extremely sexually dimorphic. Females and adolescent males have a short, reddish coat with ten or more white stripes on their sides. These white stripes are progressively lost in males as they mature.

Males are much larger with spiraling horns that are not present in females. These horns can fully spiral anywhere from 1–1 ½ times and are typically longer than 500 mm in adults, though they can grow up to 835 mm. Despite these extravagant horns, male nyala establish dominance through exuberant displays and rituals rather than actual fighting. Fighting between males is extremely rare, and the primary use of the spiraling horns seems to be plowing the ground. Many male nyala, both adult and adolescent, have been witnessed digging into the ground with their horns. This is particularly common around watering holes (Tello & Van Geller, 1975).

Males also have a large, shaggy mane on their neck and the underside of their body that the females lack. The mane beneath their hips is unique to this species and has not been witnessed occurring in any other antelope. Adult males have a dark brown fur coat that usually covers the white stripes present on their sides. It takes approximately a year for females to mature, and 18 months for males (Castello, 2016). Nyala are native to Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. They have also been introduced to Botswana, due to their introduction to farms in adjacent regions, and to Namibia. In the 1950s nyala went extinct in Swaziland, but have since been successfully reintroduced (Castello, 2016).

Nyala prefer to reside in thick brush for the majority of the day, emerging in the early morning and in the late afternoon. They are very cautious about traveling through wide open clearings, and when they sense a predator they give a deep, dog-like bark before dashing back into the thickets. Nyala travel in troops that can be comprised of anywhere from 2-10 individuals. These troops can be both single-sex and mixed. Typically, older males are solitary. Nyala are not particularly territorial, and often multiple troops will have heavily overlapping ranges without incident (Castello, 2016).

The main predators of adult nyala are leopards and lions, while the juveniles face predation from baboons and raptorial birds (Trell, Van Geller, 1975). Cape hunting dogs are a threat to nyala of all ages, as they also share the SE corner of the African continent that the nyala populate. 80% of all known nyala live on South African protected areas, with the majority of the rest residing on private land. They are most prevalent in South Africa, where they are bred to meet the high demand for male nyala as trophies and a source of meat. This high demand has made them a staple of Africa’s tourism, and careful conservation of the species has led to the species being labeled one of least concern in terms of threat of extinction. However, it has also been determined that Nyala in particular are vulnerable to the looming threat of global warming. This is because a pillar of their diet, Urocloa mozambicensis, dries up and dies quickly during periods of drought like those that would be associated with the predicted warming climate (Kazembe, 2009). While global warming may cause their numbers to dwindle, the aforementioned plant is not their only food source and it is unlikely its loss would drive them to extinction. Nyala eat vegetation from more than a hundred different species of plants, consuming leaves, fruits, flowers, and even high-lignin content items like twigs and bark (Tello, Van Geller, 1975).


  • Castello, J. (2016). Bovids of the World: Antelopes, Gazelles, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and Relatives. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Kazembe, J. (2009). Population dynamics of nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) and impala (Aepyceros) in Lengwe National Park, Malawi. African Journal of Ecology, 48(1). 265-268.
  • Tello, J., Van Geller, R. (1975). The Natural History of Nyala Tragelaphus Angasi (Mammalia, Bovidae) In Mozambique. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 155(4).

drit d'autor
Jacob Mullins; ENV 201 at Arizona State University. Editor: Becky Ball
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Njala ( Afrikaans )

fornì da wikipedia AF

Die njala (Tragelaphus angasii) is 'n wildsbok wat in Suid-Afrika aangetref word. Die naam is afkomstig van die Swahili-benaming vir die diere.

Volwasse njalas het 'n gemiddelde massa van 130 kg en 'n hoogte van ongeveer 105 cm. Die bul het lang, gedraaide horings wat tot 83 cm lank kan word. Die njala word ook beskou as die diersoort waar die skeiding tussen bulle/ramme en koeie/ooie plaasvind.

Die manlike njala is 'n bul en die vroulike njala 'n ooi. Manlike wildsbokke groter as njalas word bulle genoem en kleiner wildsbokke se mannetjies ramme. Vroulike wildsbokke groter as njalas word koeie genoem en kleiner wildsbokke se wyfies ooie.

Die ooi is ses maande dragtig, waarna 'n enkele lam gebore word. Njalas het 'n moontlike lewensduur van agt jaar.


Die njala (Tragelaphus angasi), ook soms basterkoedoe of njalabosbok genoem, is 'n middelgroot wildsbok. Die ram het ʼn skouerhoogte van sowat 105 cm en weeg meer as 130 kg. Sy horings is in 'n spiraal gedraai en gemiddeld sowat 75 cm lank, hoewel horings van 83 cm lank ook al aangetref is.

Die ram het 'n growwe, grysbruin vel met kort maanhare langs die bokant van die nek en die ruggraat, en lang fraiings aan die onderkant van die nek en pens. Daar is ʼn aantal wit dwars strepe oor die flanke en rug en enkele wit vlekke aan die gesig. Die ooi is aansienlik kleiner, het geen horings nie en haar algemene velkleur is rooibruin. Maanhare en die fraiings ontbreek ook, terwyl die wit dwars strepe baie duideliker sigbaar is as by die ram.


Njalas hou in dig beboste gebiede naby water. Hulle vreet hoofsaaklik blare, lote en vrugte en suip gereeld water. Hulle is sosiale diere wat in klein familiegroepe wei, maar alleenloperramme of 'n klein trop ramme word soms aangetref.

Njalas is baie waaksame diere wat ʼn skor blaffie gee wanneer hulle skrik. Die ooi is sowat 6 maande dragtig en net een kalf word in die lente of somer gebore. Njalas word hoofsaaklik in die oostelike dele van Suider-Afrika asook in die Krugerwildtuin aangetref. Hul voortbestaan is in ʼn stadium bedreig, maar vanweë streng beheermaatreëls teel hulle in die laaste jare weer aan.

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Njala: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Die njala (Tragelaphus angasii) is 'n wildsbok wat in Suid-Afrika aangetref word. Die naam is afkomstig van die Swahili-benaming vir die diere.

Volwasse njalas het 'n gemiddelde massa van 130 kg en 'n hoogte van ongeveer 105 cm. Die bul het lang, gedraaide horings wat tot 83 cm lank kan word. Die njala word ook beskou as die diersoort waar die skeiding tussen bulle/ramme en koeie/ooie plaasvind.

Die manlike njala is 'n bul en die vroulike njala 'n ooi. Manlike wildsbokke groter as njalas word bulle genoem en kleiner wildsbokke se mannetjies ramme. Vroulike wildsbokke groter as njalas word koeie genoem en kleiner wildsbokke se wyfies ooie.

Die ooi is ses maande dragtig, waarna 'n enkele lam gebore word. Njalas het 'n moontlike lewensduur van agt jaar.

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Nyala ( Aser )

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Nyala (lat. Tragelaphus angasii) - meşə antilopu cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

Dişi nyala

Antilopun bu növünün uzunluğu 140 sm, süysününün hündürlüyü 100 sm-ə qədər olur. Kütləsi 55-125 kq arasında dəyişir. Erkəkləri dişilərindən nəzərəçarpacaq dərəcədə ağır olur. Erkək və dişilər ilk növbədə yunlarının rənginə görə fərqlənirlər. Nisbətən böyük erkəklər boz rəngdə və ucları ağ olan burulmuş buynuzu olur. Dişilər və cavan nyalalar buynuzsuz və rəngləri qırmızımtıl-qəhvəyi rəngdə olur. Bütün fərdlərdə 18 nazik şaquli zolaqlar olur. Erkəklərin nisbətən uzun düz formada bel sütununu örtən yalı var və boğazından aşağı hissələri boyunca yun çəngəsi sallanır. Quyruqlarının uc hissəsi ağ və xovlu olur.


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Nyala: Brief Summary ( Aser )

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Nyala (lat. Tragelaphus angasii) - meşə antilopu cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

 src= Dişi nyala

Antilopun bu növünün uzunluğu 140 sm, süysününün hündürlüyü 100 sm-ə qədər olur. Kütləsi 55-125 kq arasında dəyişir. Erkəkləri dişilərindən nəzərəçarpacaq dərəcədə ağır olur. Erkək və dişilər ilk növbədə yunlarının rənginə görə fərqlənirlər. Nisbətən böyük erkəklər boz rəngdə və ucları ağ olan burulmuş buynuzu olur. Dişilər və cavan nyalalar buynuzsuz və rəngləri qırmızımtıl-qəhvəyi rəngdə olur. Bütün fərdlərdə 18 nazik şaquli zolaqlar olur. Erkəklərin nisbətən uzun düz formada bel sütununu örtən yalı var və boğazından aşağı hissələri boyunca yun çəngəsi sallanır. Quyruqlarının uc hissəsi ağ və xovlu olur.

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Nyala ( Breton )

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An nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) a zo un antilopenn eus Afrika.

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Niala ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El niala (Tragelaphus angasii) és un antílop de Sud-àfrica. És un antílop de banyes en espiral que viu als boscos espessos i no acostuma a trobar-se còmode als espais oberts. Els niales són vistos sovint a prop de basses d'aigua i viuen sols o en petits grups familiars de fins a deu individus.[1]

El mascle fa fins a 110 cm, mentre que la femella arriba fins a 90 cm d'alçada. El mascle té banyes lleugerament espirals i una franja llarga al coll i la part inferior del cos; la femella manca de banyes i no té cap franja visible. El mascle és de color marró fosc, amb la cara i el coll blancs i ratlles blanques verticals al cos. La femella és d'un marró vermellós amb ratlles clares.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Niala Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. Alden, P. C., R. D. Estes, D. Schlitter i B. McBride. 1995. National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. Nova York: Chanticleer Press.
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Niala: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El niala (Tragelaphus angasii) és un antílop de Sud-àfrica. És un antílop de banyes en espiral que viu als boscos espessos i no acostuma a trobar-se còmode als espais oberts. Els niales són vistos sovint a prop de basses d'aigua i viuen sols o en petits grups familiars de fins a deu individus.

El mascle fa fins a 110 cm, mentre que la femella arriba fins a 90 cm d'alçada. El mascle té banyes lleugerament espirals i una franja llarga al coll i la part inferior del cos; la femella manca de banyes i no té cap franja visible. El mascle és de color marró fosc, amb la cara i el coll blancs i ratlles blanques verticals al cos. La femella és d'un marró vermellós amb ratlles clares.

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Nyala nížinná ( Cech )

fornì da wikipedia CZ

Nyala nížinná, známá též pod názvem nyala jižní (Tragelaphus angasii) je jihoafrický druh antilopy preferující husté křoviny poblíž vody.

Vědecké jméno získala po anglickém umělci a zoologovi Georgovi French Angasovi (18821886). Její nejbližší příbuznou je dnes velice vzácná nyala horská (Tragelaphus buxtoni), obývající střední Etiopii.


Samice nyaly nížinné, KwaZulu-Natal

Výška v kohoutku je u samců průměrně 110 cm, u samic kolem 90 cm. Délka těla se pohybuje mezi 1,4–1,6 m a hmotnost mezi 55–125 kg. Samec má tělo a hlavu zbarvenou uhlově černošedě, na bocích a hlavě jsou nezřetelné bílé pruhy a skvrny, část končetin je oranžová. Na břiše a na krku má výrazně delší srst, na zadku 40–55 cm dlouhý huňatý ocas a na hlavě výrazné rohy. Samice je menší než samec, nemá žádné rohy a je zbarvena podobně jako mláďata: červenohnědě s bílými pruhy.


Nyala nížinná je při nižších teplotách aktivní přes den, horké dny tráví ve stínu stromů odpočinkem a aktivní je převážně až večer. Pokud je vyrušena predátorem (levhartem, psem hyenovitým), vydá poplašný zvuk, na který kromě ostatních nyal reagují i jiné druhy živočichů, např. impaly nebo paviáni, kteří se vydají spolu s nimi na prchavý útěk. Nyala je společenské zvíře, které žije většinou v menších stádech jednoho pohlaví, tvořených max. 30 kusy. Samci nejsou příliš územní a jejich teritoria se často překrývají.

V období dešťů vyhledávají čerstvou zelenou trávu, listy, květy a čerstvé ovoce. Často následují paviány, po kterých spásají zbytky zelených rostlin nebo plodů, které paviáni shazují ze stromů. V období sucha se spokojí s větvičkami, kořínky nebo hlízami. Pokud je vodní zdroj dostupný, pijí několikrát za den; pokud není zdroj k dispozici, dokáží vydržet bez vody i několik dnů, což jim dovoluje přežívát i v sušších oblastech.

Nyala se může množit po celý rok. Nejvíce mláďat se však rodí v létě nebo na počátku podzimu. V období rozmnožování samci nahrbují své hřbety a chlupy na něm, čímž se snaží odradit svého protivníka; pokud tento varovný signál nepomůže, často dochází k nebezpečným soubojům, které mohou končit i smrtelným zraněním. Samicím se dvoří po dobu dvou dní a vyčkávají, zda povolí spáření či nikoliv. Po zhruba 7měsíční březosti rodí jedno, velice vzácně dvě mláďata, která po narození váží průměrně 5 kg. Stejně jako u většiny druhů antilop jsou i mláďata tohoto druhu první dny života (zhruba 18 dnů) skryta ve vysoké vegetaci, kde je chodívá samice pravidelně kojit. Samice své matky opouštějí až v době, kdy se jim narodí vlastní mládě; samci ve věku, kdy dosáhnou pohlavní dospělosti.



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Nyala na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-11]

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Nyala nížinná: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Nyala nížinná, známá též pod názvem nyala jižní (Tragelaphus angasii) je jihoafrický druh antilopy preferující husté křoviny poblíž vody.

Vědecké jméno získala po anglickém umělci a zoologovi Georgovi French Angasovi (18821886). Její nejbližší příbuznou je dnes velice vzácná nyala horská (Tragelaphus buxtoni), obývající střední Etiopii.

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Nyala (Antilope) ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE
Nyala-Familie im Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn

Der Nyala (Nyala angasii, Syn.: Tragelaphus angasii) ist eine südostafrikanische Antilope aus der Gruppe der Waldböcke. Zur Unterscheidung vom Bergnyala wird er manchmal auch als Flachland-Nyala oder Tiefland-Nyala bezeichnet. Die Bezeichnung Nyala stammt aus dem Swahili.

Der Nyala galt lange als eine der seltensten Antilopenarten. Strenge Schutzmaßnahmen haben dazu beigetragen, dass sich die Bestände wieder erholt haben. Trotzdem zählt der Nyala zu den immer noch sehr wenig erforschten Hornträgern.[1]


Weiblicher Nyala

Diese Antilopenart erreicht eine Kopfrumpflänge von 140 cm und eine Schulterhöhe von 110 cm. Das Gewicht beträgt 55 bis 125 kg, wobei Männchen deutlich größer und schwerer als Weibchen sind.

Weibchen und Männchen lassen sich vor allem anhand ihrer Körperfärbung unterscheiden: Während die viel größeren männlichen Tiere schiefergrau gefärbt sind und schraubenartig gedrehte Hörner tragen, die mit einer weißen Spitze versehen sind, sind die weiblichen Tiere ebenso wie Jungtiere hornlos und überwiegend rötlichbraun gefärbt. Alle Tiere haben bis zu 18 schmale, weiße Querstreifen. Die Männchen tragen sowohl eine lange, erektile Mähne, die das Rückgrat bedeckt, als auch von der Kehle bis zu den Hinterläufen hängende Bauchmähne. Dieses Merkmal unterscheidet sie von den meisten anderen Antilopenarten.[2] Der buschige Schwanz ist bei beiden Geschlechtern an der Unterseite weiß.


Verbreitungsgebiet des Nyalas

Nyalas sind in Mosambik, Simbabwe und im äußersten Nordosten Südafrikas verbreitet. Eingeführt wurden sie außerdem in Nationalparks Botswanas und Südafrikas, in denen sie ursprünglich nicht heimisch gewesen waren. Sie leben bevorzugt in dichtem Buschwerk in der Nähe von Wasser. Das Vorkommen ist in den Naturschutzgebieten Hluhluwe/Umfolozi, Mkuzi, Ndumo und Krügerpark bekannt. In den letzten Jahren wurde ebenfalls eine Population im Isimangaliso Park wieder angesiedelt.[3]


Männliche Nyalas bei Brunftkämpfen

Während Weibchen und Jungtiere kleine Herden bilden, sind die männlichen Tiere Einzelgänger. Die Nyalas ernähren sich vorwiegend von Laub, doch werden gelegentlich auch Gräser gefressen. Zu den Fressfeinden des Nyalas zählt unter anderem der Leopard, dieser hat jedoch keine signifikante Auswirkung auf den Bestand dieser Art.[4]


Nach einer Tragzeit von gut sieben Monaten bringt das Weibchen ein Junges zur Welt. Das Höchstalter der Tiefland-Nyalas liegt bei etwa 16 Jahren.


  • C. A. Spinage: The Natural History of Antelopes. Croom Helm, London 1986, ISBN 0-7099-4441-1.


  1. Spigane, S. 173.
  2. Spigane, S. 173.
  3. Endangered Wildlife Trust: Tragelaphus angasii – Nyala. 2016 ([1]).
  4. Spigane, S. 99.
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Nyala (Antilope): Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Nyala-Familie im Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn

Der Nyala (Nyala angasii, Syn.: Tragelaphus angasii) ist eine südostafrikanische Antilope aus der Gruppe der Waldböcke. Zur Unterscheidung vom Bergnyala wird er manchmal auch als Flachland-Nyala oder Tiefland-Nyala bezeichnet. Die Bezeichnung Nyala stammt aus dem Swahili.

Der Nyala galt lange als eine der seltensten Antilopenarten. Strenge Schutzmaßnahmen haben dazu beigetragen, dass sich die Bestände wieder erholt haben. Trotzdem zählt der Nyala zu den immer noch sehr wenig erforschten Hornträgern.

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Nyala ( Scossèis )

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The lawland nyala or semply nyala (Tragelaphus angasii),[3] is a spiral-horned antelope native tae southren Africae.


  1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). "Tragelaphus angasii". IUCN Reid Leet o Threatened Species. Version 2008. Internaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur. Retrieved 29 March 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern.
  2. Huffman, B. "Nyala". Ultimate Ungulate.
  3. Burton, M.; Burton, R. (2002). "Nyala". International wildlife encyclopedia (3rd ed.). New York: Marshall Cavendish. pp. 1765–6. ISBN 978-0-7614-7269-8.
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Nyala ( Bavarèis )

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Koartn vo Simbabwe

Nyala is a Oat in Simbabwe.


Schau aa

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Nyala: Brief Summary ( Scossèis )

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The lawland nyala or semply nyala (Tragelaphus angasii), is a spiral-horned antelope native tae southren Africae.

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Nyala: Brief Summary ( Bavarèis )

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 src= Koartn vo Simbabwe

Nyala is a Oat in Simbabwe.

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न्याला ( Hindi )

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न्याला (nyala), जो इन्याला (inyala) भी कहलाता है, दक्षिण अफ़्रीका व उसके पड़ोसी देशों में मिलने वाली हिरण की एक जाति है।[2] यह अपने सर्पिल सींगो और नर व मादाओं के रूप में बहुत अंतर के लिये जाना जाता है।

इन्हें भी देखें


  1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). Tragelaphus angasii. 2008 संकटग्रस्त प्रजातियों की IUCN लाल सूची. IUCN 2008. Retrieved on 29 March 2009.
  2. Burton, M.; Burton, R. (2002). "Nyala". International wildlife encyclopedia (3rd ed.). New York: Marshall Cavendish. pp. 1765–6. ISBN 0-7614-7269-X.
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विकिपीडिया के लेखक और संपादक

न्याला: Brief Summary ( Hindi )

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न्याला (nyala), जो इन्याला (inyala) भी कहलाता है, दक्षिण अफ़्रीका व उसके पड़ोसी देशों में मिलने वाली हिरण की एक जाति है। यह अपने सर्पिल सींगो और नर व मादाओं के रूप में बहुत अंतर के लिये जाना जाता है।

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Nyala ( Anglèis )

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The lowland nyala or simply nyala (Tragelaphus angasii),[3] is a spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa. It is a species of the family Bovidae and genus Tragelaphus, previously placed in genus Nyala. It was first described in 1849 by George French Angas. The body length is 135–195 cm (53–77 in), and it weighs 55–140 kg (121–309 lb). The coat is maroon or rufous brown in females and juveniles, but grows a dark brown or slate grey, often tinged with blue, in adult males. Females and young males have ten or more white stripes on their sides. Only males have horns, 60–83 cm (24–33 in) long and yellow-tipped. It exhibits the highest sexual dimorphism among the spiral-horned antelopes. It is not to be confused with the endangered mountain nyala living in the Bale region of Ethiopia).

The nyala is mainly active in the early morning and the late afternoon. It generally browses during the day if temperatures are 20–30 °C (68–86 °F) and during the night in the rainy season. As a herbivore, the nyala feeds upon foliage, fruits and grasses, and requires sufficient fresh water. A shy animal, it prefers water holes rather than open spaces. The nyala does not show signs of territoriality, and individuals' areas can overlap. They are very cautious creatures. They live in single-sex or mixed family groups of up to 10 individuals, but old males live alone. They inhabit thickets within dense and dry savanna woodlands. The main predators of the nyala are lion, leopard and African wild dog, while baboons and raptorial birds prey on juveniles. Mating peaks during spring and autumn. Males and females are sexually mature at 18 and 11–12 months of age respectively, though they are socially immature until five years old. After a gestational period of seven months, a single calf is born.

The nyala's range includes Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Eswatini, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It has been introduced to Botswana and Namibia, and reintroduced to Eswatini, where it had been extinct since the 1950s. Its population is stable, and it has been listed as of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The principal threats to the species are poaching and habitat loss resulting from human settlement. The males are highly prized as game animals in Africa.

Taxonomy and naming

Giant eland

Common eland

Greater kudu

Mountain nyala



Cape bushbuck

Harnessed bushbuck

Lowland nyala

Lesser kudu

Phylogenetic relationships of the mountain nyala from combined analysis of all molecular data (Willows-Munro et.al. 2005)

The nyala was first described by George French Angas, an English naturalist, in 1849. The scientific name of nyala is Tragelaphus angasii. The name angasii is attributed to Angas, who said that John Edward Gray had named this species after Angas' father, George Fife Angas of South Australia. According to Article 50.1.1 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, though, this is insufficient to state Gray as the author.[4] The name "nyala" is the Tsonga name for this antelope, which is likely the source of the English, along with Zulu inyala.[5] Its first known use was in 1899. The word has a Bantu origin, similar to the Venda word dzì-nyálà (nyala buck).[6]

The nyala is the second taxon to branch off from the tragelaphine family tree just after the lesser kudu. As the nyala line has remained separate for a considerable time (over 5 million years), some authorities have placed it in its own monotypic genus Nyala. Nyala was proposed in 1912 by American zoologist Edmund Heller, who also proposed Ammelaphus for the lesser kudu,[7] but it was not widely recognized. It was re-erected as a valid genus in 2011 under the classification of Peter Grubb and Colin Groves,[8] but has not been embraced by taxonomic authorities such as the Mammal Diversity Database.[3][9]

Nyala family in captivity

In 2005, Sandi Willows-Munro (of the University of KwaZulu-Natal) and colleagues carried out a mitochondrial DNA analysis of the nine Tragelaphus species. Mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA data were compared. The results showed the tribe Tragelaphini to be monophyletic, with the lesser kudu (T. imberbis) basal in the phylogeny, followed by the nyala.[10][11] On the basis of mitochondrial data, studies have estimated that the lesser kudu separated from its sister clade around 13.7 million years ago. However, nuclear DNA data shows lesser kudu and nyala forming a clade, which collectively separated from the sister clade 13.8 million years ago.[12][13]

Genetics and evolution

The nyala has 55 male chromosomes and 56 female chromosomes.[14] The Y chromosome has been translocated onto the 14th chromosome, as in other tragelaphids, but no inversion of the Y chromosome occurs.[4] Cranial studies have shown that the mountain nyala and nyala, though sharing a common name, are actually distant relatives.[15]

Fossil evidence suggests that the nyala has been a separate species since the end of the Miocene (5.8 million years ago). Genetic evidence suggests that the proto-nyala had some early hybridization with the proto-lesser kudu, but the two have remained separate long after this crossing.[4]

Physical description

Male in the Kruger National Park

The nyala is a spiral-horned and middle-sized antelope, between a bushbuck and a kudu.[16] It is considered the most sexually dimorphic antelope.[2] The nyala is typically between 135–195 cm (53–77 in) in head-and-body length.[2] The male stands up to 110 cm (43 in), the female is up to 90 cm (3.0 ft) tall. Males weigh 98–125 kg (216–276 lb), while females weigh 55–68 kg (121–150 lb). Life expectancy of the nyala is about 19 years.[17]

The coat is rusty or rufous brown in females and juveniles. It grows a dark brown or slate grey in adult males, often with a bluish tinge.[2] Females and young males have ten or more white vertical stripes on their sides. Other markings are visible on the face, throat, flanks and thighs. Stripes are very reduced or absent in older males. Both males and females have a white chevron between their eyes, and a 40–55 cm (16–22 in) long bushy tail white underside. Both sexes have a dorsal crest of hair running right from the back of the head to the end of the tail. Males have another line of hair along the midline of their chest and belly.[17][18]

Only the males have horns. Horns are 60–83 cm (24–33 in) long and yellow-tipped. There are one or two twists.[2] The spoor is similar to that of the bushbuck, but larger. It is 5–6 cm (2.0–2.4 in) long. The feces resemble round to spherical pellets.[19] The nyala has hairy glands on its feet, which leave their scent wherever it walks.[3]

The condition of the nyala often varies between the sexes. According to a study, this can be attributed to the differences in their body sizes. It was noted that during nutritional stress, old adults died in more numbers, of which most were males.[20] During an attempt of blood sampling in the nyala, it was found that Vitamin E levels varied during stress.[21]


A study of the helminths from 77 nyalas from four game reserves in Natal revealed the presence of ten nematode species and four nematode genera, a trematode species and paramphistomes (members of superfamily Paramphistomoidea), and two cestode genera. The research discovered new parasites that the nyala was host of - namely a Cooperia rotundispiculum race, Gaigeria pachyscelis, a Gongylonema species, Haemonchus vegliai, Impalaia tuberculata, an Oesophagostomum species, a Setaria species, Trichostrongylus deflexus, Trichostrongylus falculatus, the larval stage of a Taenia species, a Thysaniezia species and Schistosoma mattheei. Ostertagia harrisi and C. rotundispiculum were the most dominant nematodes in the antelope.[22]

Another study of 97 blood samples of South African nyalas revealed the presence of tick-borne hemoparasites (blood parasites). The methods used were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse line blot (RLB) hybridization. The dominant parasites were Theileria species, T. buffeli, T. bicornis, Ehrlichia species, Anaplasma marginale and A. bovis.[23] Ten tick species, two louse species and a louse fly species were recovered in a study of 73 nyalas at Umfolozi, Mkuzi and Ndumu Game Reserves in northeastern KwaZulu-Natal in 1983 and 1984 and an additional six individuals in 1994. It was found that nyalas were hosts to all stages of development in Boophilus decoloratus, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and R. muehlensi and the immature stages of Amblyomma hebraeum and Rhipicephalus maculatus. Adult males served hosts to more number of ticks and lice than adult females did.[24] Also, a trypanosome was isolated from a nyala, wild-caught in Mozambique, which was diagnosed and found as akin to Trypanosoma vivax, based on biological, morphological and molecular data.[25]


Nyala heart

The nyala can also suffer from myopathy. In between January 1973 and June 1981, 21 nyalas succumbed to the disease. The main symptoms were stiffness, inability to rise, and failure to suckle in newborns. Necrosis (that is, the premature death of cells in a living tissue) and mineralization were found in the skeletal muscle after a histological analysis. In the juveniles there was acute necrosis of the cardiac muscle. In adults, there was interstitial fibrosis of the cardiac muscle, along with arteriosclerosis.[26]

In a report published in 1994 entitled "Epidemiological observations on spongiform encephalopathies in captive wild animals in the British Isles", it was noted that spongiform encephalopathy had been diagnosed in one nyala captive in a zoo.[27] The nyala was formerly affected by the disease rinderpest, although the viral disease is considered eradicated now.[28]

Ecology and behavior

Nursing juvenile

The nyala is active mainly in the early morning and late afternoon. It browses during the day if temperatures are 20–30 °C (68–86 °F) and during the night in rainy season.[29] These antelopes rest in thick bushes during the hot hours of the day.[2] The nyala is very shy and cautious in nature, and often remains hidden rather than coming out in the open. Most sightings of the nyala in the wild are at water holes.[2] But in protected areas they become less shy and often come out in view of tourists.[3]

Nyala groups are according to sex or mixed. Herds usually browse and drink water together.[16] Each group consists of two to ten individuals. A study in Zinave National Park at Mozambique showed that 67% of the observations were of groups of one to three nyalas, and the rest of the herds consisted of up to 30 nyalas. Herds often broke up and re-formed.[29] Generally adult males remain alone. Females often remain near their mothers when they have their offspring, so the relationships in female herds may be closer than those of males.[17][30]

Alert and wary in nature, the nyala use a sharp, high, dog-like bark to warn others in a group of danger. This feature is mainly used by females.[17] They also react to the alarm calls of impala, baboon and kudu. The impala has been found to react to the calls of the nyala as well.[17] The main predators of nyala are lion, leopard, cheetah, spotted hyena, African wild dog and nile crocodile while baboons and raptorial birds are predators of juveniles.[29][31]


As a herbivore, the nyala's diet consists of foliage, fruits, flowers and twigs. During the rainy season they feed upon the fresh grass. They need a regular intake of water, and thus choose places with a water source nearby. However, they are adapted to live in areas with only a seasonal availability of water.[17] A study in Zululand showed that the nyala fed mainly in the early morning and the late afternoon.[32] They feed at night during the rainy season.[31]

A study in Mkhuze Game Reserve and Ndumu Game Reserve in Natal focused on the dietary habits of the impala and the nyala showed that the amount of dicotyledons in their diets varied seasonally. In the dry season, the nyala's dicotyledon diet content was 83.2% and the impala's 52%. In this season, the diet grew richer in fiber and dietary proteins were less. The reverse occurred in the rainy season. As the rainy season arrived, both species took to a diet of mainly monocotyledons, and the impala consumed more of them. The diet contained more proteins than fiber.[33]

Another study was done to find whether the sexual dimorphism in the nyala influenced its foraging habits. Vegetation surveys were conducted with the end of each feeding bout. It was found that females spent equal periods of time foraging in all the three habitats, but males preferred sand forest more. More differences were noted, as males ate woody species at a greater average height whereas females fed from the low herbaceous layer. It was concluded that the differences resulted from varying nutritional and energetic demands according to their diverse body sizes and differing reproductive strategies.[34]


Males fighting over dominance
Male, two weeks old

The nyala breeds throughout the year, but mating peaks in spring and autumn. The reason for this is still unknown, but attributed to the photoperiod and the feeding habits of the animal.[35] Females reach sexual maturity at 11 to 12 months of age and males at 18 months (though they are socially immature until five years old),[2] though they begin to show active spermatogenesis at 14 months.[36]

Before ovulation, the Graafian follicles reach a length of at least 6.7 cm (2.6 in).[36] A female's estrous cycle is about 19 days long. Males will attempt to mate with the female for two days of the cycle, but she allows it for only six hours per cycle. When the male enters a females' herd during mating, he makes a display by raising his white dorsal crest, lowering his horns and moving stiffly. As in many other animals, the males fight over dominance during mating.[17]

The kidney fat indices (KFIs) of impalas and nyalas have been studied to understand the influence of social class and reproduction on them. To determine the KFI, the kidney is removed and weighed with the fat and once again excluding the fat. The resultant difference is the amount of fat on the kidney. The more the fat, the healthier the animal.[37] In rut, male nyalas had lower KFIs, which did not vary much with the season. Pregnant females of both nyala and impala had higher KFIs than non-pregnant ones.[38]

There is a significant increase in corpus luteum in the last third of gestation.[36] Gestation is of seven months. A single calf is born, weighing 5 kg (11 lb). Birth takes place generally away from the sight of predators, in places such as a thicket. The calf remains hidden for up to 18 days, and the mother nurses it at regular intervals. The calf remains with its mother until the birth of the next calf, during which males in rut drive it away from the mother.[17]

Habitat and distribution

Nyalas choose habitat with fresh water sources nearby.

The nyala inhabits dense lowland woodlands and thickets, mainly in southern Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and eastern South Africa. It chooses places with good quality grasslands as well as provision of fresh water.[17] It also inhabits lush green river country.[3] The nyala's natural range stretches across southeast Africa from the Lower Shire Valley in Malawi through Mozambique and Zimbabwe to eastern South Africa and Eswatini.[28]

The geographic distribution of the nyala may be based on the genetic variation. According to a study of nyala in South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, there was a marked difference in the gene frequencies at three microsatellite loci. Mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed the presence of a unique haplotype in individuals from each location. Thus, the geographic variation in the nyala may be due to a distribution pattern based on habitat specificity.[39]

Today nyala are found in South African protected areas in the Ndumo Game Reserve, uMkuze Game Reserve and Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve, all in KwaZulu-Natal, as well as in Kruger National Park. As of 1999, 10–15% of nyala occurred on private land. Efforts are being made to retain the populations of nyala in Gorongosa National Park and Banhine National Park in Mozambique.[28] Nyala also thrive in Lengwe National Park in Malawi.

Nyala have never been observed showing territoriality. Territories of either sex overlap extensively.[29] The home ranges of males are approximately equal to that of females, about 10 square kilometres (3.9 sq mi) in area.[29]

Young nyala bull in the Kruger National Park

Threats and conservation

The major threats to the population of the nyala are poaching, habitat loss, agriculture and cattle grazing.[28] Rinderpest outbreaks have also contributed in population loss.[28] This species is currently of Least Concern, and the population is considered stable by both the IUCN and CITES.[15] As of 1999, the total population of the nyala was around 32,000 individuals. More recent estimates show that South Africa has at least 30,000 nyalas, with 25,000 in KwaZulu-Natal. There are now more than 1,000 on protected areas and ranches in Eswatini. In Mozambique there are not more than 3,000, in Zimbabwe over 1,000, and numbers in Malawi have fallen from 3,000 to about 1,500. Namibia has the smallest population, at about 250.[28]

Today over 80% of the total population is protected in national parks and sanctuaries, mostly in South African protected areas. In South Africa there is a high demand for adult males as game trophies.[28]


  1. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group. 2016. Tragelaphus angasii (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22052A115165681. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22052A50196443.en. Accessed on 01 May 2022.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Huffman, B. "Nyala". Ultimate Ungulate.
  3. ^ a b c d e Burton, M.; Burton, R. (2002). "Nyala". International wildlife encyclopedia (3rd ed.). New York: Marshall Cavendish. pp. 1765–6. ISBN 978-0-7614-7269-8.
  4. ^ a b c Grubb, P. (2005). "Order Artiodactyla". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 126. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  5. ^ OED2
  6. ^ "Nyala". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 30 January 2016.
  7. ^ Heller, E. (2 November 1912). New Genera and Races of African Ungulates (PDF). Washington D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. p. 15.
  8. ^ Groves, C.; Grubb, P. (2011). Ungulate Taxonomy.
  9. ^ "Nyala". Mammal Diversity Database. Retrieved 7 August 2022.
  10. ^ Willows-Munro, S.; Robinson, T. J.; Matthee, C. A. (June 2005). "Utility of nuclear DNA intron markers at lower taxonomic levels: Phylogenetic resolution among nine Tragelaphus spp". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 35 (3): 624–36. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.01.018. PMID 15878131.
  11. ^ Groves, C. (2014). "Current taxonomy and diversity of crown ruminants above the species level" (PDF). Zitteliana. 32 (B): 5–14. ISSN 1612-4138. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-02-04. Retrieved 2016-03-22.
  12. ^ Ropiquet, A. (2006). "Etude des radiations adaptatives au sein des Antilopinae (Mammalia, Bovidae)". Ph.D. Thesis, Université Paris. 6 (1–247).
  13. ^ Hassanin, A.; Delsuc, F.; Ropiquet, A.; Hammer, C.; Jansen van Vuuren, B.; Matthee, C.; Ruiz-Garcia, M.; Catzeflis, F.; Areskoug, V.; Nguyen, T.T.; Couloux, A. (2012). "Pattern and timing of diversification of Cetartiodactyla (Mammalia, Laurasiatheria), as revealed by a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial genomes". Comptes Rendus Biologies. 335 (1): 32–50. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2011.11.002. PMID 22226162.
  14. ^ Rubes, J.; Kubickova, S.; Pagacova, E.; Cernohorska, H.; Berardino, D.; Antoninova, M.; Vahala, J.; Robinson, T. J. (2008). "Phylogenomic study of spiral-horned antelope by cross-species chromosome painting". Chromosome Research. 16 (7): 935–47. doi:10.1007/s10577-008-1250-6. PMID 18704723. S2CID 23066105.
  15. ^ a b Richards, M.; Shurter, S. "Nyala antelope (Tragelaphus angasi)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 June 2013. Retrieved 1 August 2012.
  16. ^ a b Unwin, M. (2003). Southern African Wildlife : A Visitor's Guide. Chalfont St. Peter: Bradt Travel Guides. p. 78. ISBN 978-1-84162-060-2.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i Ciszek, D. "Tragelaphus angasii". University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Animal Diversity Web.
  18. ^ Estes, R. D. (1999). "Nyala". The Safari Companion : A Guide to Watching African Mammals, Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, and Primates (Revised ed.). Chelsea Green Pub. Co. p. 143. ISBN 978-1-890132-44-6.
  19. ^ Walker, C. (1996). "Nyala". Signs of the Wild (5th ed.). Struik. p. 194. ISBN 978-1-86825-896-3.
  20. ^ Anderson, J. L. (20 August 2009). "Condition and related mortality of nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) in Zululand, South Africa". Journal of Zoology. 207 (3): 371–80. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1985.tb04938.x.
  21. ^ Grandin, T.; Rooney, M. B.; Phillips, M.; Cambre, R. C.; Irlbeck, N. A.; Graffam, W. (1 January 1995). "Conditioning of nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) to blood sampling in a crate with positive reinforcement" (PDF). Zoo Biology. 14 (3): 261–73. doi:10.1002/zoo.1430140307. hdl:10217/4410.
  22. ^ Boomker, J.; Horak, I.G.; Flamand, J.R. (1991). "Parasites of South African wildlife. XII. Helminths of Nyala, Tragelaphus angasii, in Natal". The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research. 58 (4): 275–80. PMID 1780128.
  23. ^ Pfitzer, S.; Oosthuizen, M.C.; Bosman, A.M.; Vorster, I.; Penzhorn, B.L. (2011). "Tick-borne blood parasites in nyala (Tragelaphus angasii, Gray 1849) from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa" (PDF). Veterinary Parasitology. 176 (2–3): 126–31. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.006. hdl:2263/17458. PMID 21145660.
  24. ^ Horak, I.G.; Boomker, J.; Flamand, J.R. (September 1995). "Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXXIV. Arthropod parasites of nyalas in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal". The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research. 62 (3): 171–9. PMID 8628570.
  25. ^ Rodrigues, A. C.; Neves, L.; Garcia, H. A.; Viola, L. B.; Marcili, A.; Da Silva, F. M.; Sigauque, I.; Batista, J. S.; Paiva, F.; Teixeira, M. M. G. (28 August 2008). "Phylogenetic analysis of Trypanosoma vivax supports the separation of South American/West African from East African isolates and a new T. vivax-like genotype infecting a nyala antelope from Mozambique". Parasitology. 135 (11): 1317–28. doi:10.1017/S0031182008004848. PMID 18752705. S2CID 20442593.
  26. ^ Liu, S.; Dolensek, E.P.; Herron, A.J.; Stover, J.; Doherty, J.G. (1982). "Myopathy in the nyala". Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 181 (11): 1232–6. PMID 7174434.
  27. ^ Kirkwood, J.; Cunningham, A. (24 September 1994). "Epidemiological observations on spongiform encephalopathies in captive wild animals in the British Isles". Veterinary Record. 135 (13): 296–303. doi:10.1136/vr.135.13.296. PMID 7817514. S2CID 21133285.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). "Tragelaphus angasii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 29 March 2009.old-form url Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern.
  29. ^ a b c d e Tello, Jose L.P.L.; Van Gelder, Richard G. (1975). "The natural history of nyala, Tragelaphus angasi (Mammalia, Bovidae) in Mozambique". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. New York: American Museum of Natural History. 155: 323. hdl:2246/613.
  30. ^ Alden, P. C.; Estes, R. D.; Schlitter, D.; McBride, B. (1995) National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. Chanticleer Press.
  31. ^ a b Fitzpatrick, M.; Armstrong, K. (2006). South Africa, Lesotho & Swaziland. Lonely Planet. p. 78.
  32. ^ Nowak, R. M. (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World (6th ed.). Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 1137. ISBN 978-0-8018-5789-8.
  33. ^ A. F. V. Rooyen (1992). "Diets of impala and nyala in two game reserves in Natal, South Africa". South African Journal of Wildlife Research. 22 (4): 98–101. ISSN 0379-4369.
  34. ^ Kirby, T.; Shannon, G.; Page, B.; Slotow, R. (August 2008). "The influence of sexual dimorphism on the foraging behaviour of the nyala (Tragelaphus angasii)". Current Zoology. 54 (4): 561–8.
  35. ^ Anderson, J. L. (1979). "Reproductive seasonality of the nyala Tragelaphus angasi; The interaction of light, vegetation phenology, feeding style and reproductive physiology". Mammal Review. 9 (1): 33–46. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2907.1979.tb00230.x.
  36. ^ a b c Anderson, J. L. (20 August 2009). "Reproduction in the Nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) (Mammalia: Ungulata)". Journal of Zoology. 204 (1): 129–42. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1984.tb02366.x.
  37. ^ Karns, G. (July 25, 2008). "Kidney fat index". The Outdoor Smorgasbord. Retrieved 1 August 2012.
  38. ^ A.F. V. Rooyen (1993). "Variation in body condition of impala and nyala in relation to social status and reproduction". South African Journal of Wildlife Research. 23 (2): 36–8. ISSN 0379-4369.
  39. ^ Grobler, J.P.; Pretorius, D.M.; Botha, K.; Kotze, A.; Hallerman, E.M.; Jansen Van Vuuren, B. (1 September 2005). "An exploratory analysis of geographic genetic variation in southern African nyala (Tragelaphus angasii)". Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde (in English and German). 70 (5): 291–9. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2005.01.001. hdl:10019.1/117692.

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Nyala: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The lowland nyala or simply nyala (Tragelaphus angasii), is a spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa. It is a species of the family Bovidae and genus Tragelaphus, previously placed in genus Nyala. It was first described in 1849 by George French Angas. The body length is 135–195 cm (53–77 in), and it weighs 55–140 kg (121–309 lb). The coat is maroon or rufous brown in females and juveniles, but grows a dark brown or slate grey, often tinged with blue, in adult males. Females and young males have ten or more white stripes on their sides. Only males have horns, 60–83 cm (24–33 in) long and yellow-tipped. It exhibits the highest sexual dimorphism among the spiral-horned antelopes. It is not to be confused with the endangered mountain nyala living in the Bale region of Ethiopia).

The nyala is mainly active in the early morning and the late afternoon. It generally browses during the day if temperatures are 20–30 °C (68–86 °F) and during the night in the rainy season. As a herbivore, the nyala feeds upon foliage, fruits and grasses, and requires sufficient fresh water. A shy animal, it prefers water holes rather than open spaces. The nyala does not show signs of territoriality, and individuals' areas can overlap. They are very cautious creatures. They live in single-sex or mixed family groups of up to 10 individuals, but old males live alone. They inhabit thickets within dense and dry savanna woodlands. The main predators of the nyala are lion, leopard and African wild dog, while baboons and raptorial birds prey on juveniles. Mating peaks during spring and autumn. Males and females are sexually mature at 18 and 11–12 months of age respectively, though they are socially immature until five years old. After a gestational period of seven months, a single calf is born.

The nyala's range includes Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Eswatini, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It has been introduced to Botswana and Namibia, and reintroduced to Eswatini, where it had been extinct since the 1950s. Its population is stable, and it has been listed as of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The principal threats to the species are poaching and habitat loss resulting from human settlement. The males are highly prized as game animals in Africa.

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Njalo ( Esperant )

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La Njalo (Tragelaphus angasi) estas antilopo vivanta en suda Afriko.

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Tragelaphus angasii ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El Tragelaphus angasii, de nombre común nyala (cuya transcripción fonética al español es ñala), es una especie de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Bovidae.[2]

Es un antílope africano que habita en sabanas boscosas del África austral. Su librea es única y presenta un claro dimorfismo sexual. Únicamente los machos tienen cuernos, los cuales llegan a medir 80 cm de longitud.[3]​ Asimismo poseen una larga crin que recorre el cuello y el dorso, además del cuello y vientre.[3]​ El color del pelo es terroso y poseen las características rayas blancas sobre el lomo de todos los miembros del género. Las hembras, en cambio, no tienen cuernos y carecen del largo pelaje de los machos, pero su color es más rojizo. Viven en pequeños grupos.[4]​ La duración del período de gestación oscila entre 220 y 240 días.[3]


La taxonomía de este antílope, tragelaphus angasii, se compone del término tragelaphus, referencia a un género de antílopes africanos de gran tamaño, con claro dimorfismo sexual y largos cuernos enroscados en espiral de forma más o menos acusada; y el término angasii, el cual rememora la figura del explorador y naturalista británico George French Angas quien describió la especie en 1849.[5]

El nombre común nyala ['ɲa la] es el nombre en el idioma tsonga de este antílope. Este vocablo ha sido incorporado al inglés como extranjerismo, junto con el vocablo zulú inyala.


  1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). «Tragelaphus angasii». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2013.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 8 de marzo de 2014.
  2. Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). «Tragelaphus angasii». Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  3. a b c Hanák, V. y Mazák, V. (1991). Enciclopedia de los Animales, Mamíferos de todo el Mundo. Madrid, España: Susaeta. p. 190-191. ISBN 84-305-1967-X.
  4. Enciclopedia de la Fauna Mundial-Tomo 2 África, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente
  5. Groves, C. P. et al. (2011). «Family Bovidae (Hollow-horned rumiants)». in: Wilson, D. E. & Mittermeier, R. A. eds (2011). Handbook of the Mammals of the World (en inglés). Vol II. Hoofed Mammals. Barcelona: Lynx edicions. pp. 477-478. ISBN 978-84-96553-77-4.

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Tragelaphus angasii: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El Tragelaphus angasii, de nombre común nyala (cuya transcripción fonética al español es ñala), es una especie de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Bovidae.​

Es un antílope africano que habita en sabanas boscosas del África austral. Su librea es única y presenta un claro dimorfismo sexual. Únicamente los machos tienen cuernos, los cuales llegan a medir 80 cm de longitud.​ Asimismo poseen una larga crin que recorre el cuello y el dorso, además del cuello y vientre.​ El color del pelo es terroso y poseen las características rayas blancas sobre el lomo de todos los miembros del género. Las hembras, en cambio, no tienen cuernos y carecen del largo pelaje de los machos, pero su color es más rojizo. Viven en pequeños grupos.​ La duración del período de gestación oscila entre 220 y 240 días.​

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Niala ( Basch )

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Artikulu hau ugaztunari buruzkoa da; Sudango hiria gaitzat duena beste hau da: «Nyala»

Niala edo niala arrunta (Tragelaphus angasii) Tragelaphus generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Bovinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago.

Afrikako sabanetan bizi den antilopea da.


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Angas (1848) 1848 Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 89. or..

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Niala: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Artikulu hau ugaztunari buruzkoa da; Sudango hiria gaitzat duena beste hau da: «Nyala»

Niala edo niala arrunta (Tragelaphus angasii) Tragelaphus generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Bovinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago.

Afrikako sabanetan bizi den antilopea da.

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Njala ( Finlandèis )

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Tämä artikkeli kertoo afrikkalaisesta nautaeläimestä. Njala on myös kaupunki Sierra Leonessa.

Njala (Tragelaphus angasii) on afrikkalainen nautaeläinlaji.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Naaraat ja urokset ovat hyvin erinäköisiä, sillä urokset ovat tummanruskeita ja niillä on 60–83 senttimetriä pitkät kierteiset sarvet. Urokset ovat myös tuuheaharjaisia kaulasta, vatsan alaosasta ja selästä, kun taas naaraat ovat uroksia vaaleamman ruskeita ja niiden raidat erottuvat paremmin. Naaraiden korvat ovat myös suuremmat. Tämän lisäksi naaraat ovat voimakasrakenteisempia ja niiltä puuttuvat myös sarvet. Urosten säkäkorkeus on 100–115 senttimetriä, naaraiden vain 80–100 senttimetriä. Painoa naaraalla on noin 60 kiloa ja uroksella jopa 140 kiloa.


Njalat elävät Lounais-Afrikassa, Malawissa, Mosambikissa, Zimbabwessa Swazimaassa ja Etelä-Afrikan itäosissa.



Njalat elävät vesistöjä reunustavissa tiheiköissä ja miombo-savanneilla sekä jokivarsimetsissä alueilla, joissa on paljon puustoa.

Elintavat ja lisääntyminen

Njalanaaraat elävät vasojen kanssa pienissä ryhmissä. Urokset elävät yksikseen. Naaraat elävät suunnilleen 85 hehtaarin laajuisella alueella ja urokset 65 hehtaarin alueella. Njalaurokset eivät perusta reviirejä, mutta toisia uroksia kohdatessaan ne testaavat paremmuutensa pörhistämällä valkoisia selkäkarvojaan ja häntäänsä. Sarvia näytetään mutta niitä ei muuten käytetä, joten oikeita yhteenottoja ei ole. Vahvimmat urokset parittelevat naaraan kanssa sen paripäiväisen kiiman aikana, vasat syntyvät kuivana kautena seitsemän kuukauden kantoajan jälkeen. Poikaset vieroitetaan puolivuotiaina.

Njalojen vihollisia ihmisten lisäksi ovat isot petonisäkkäät ja vasoja vievät mm. kotkat ja paviaanit, joita njalat seuraavat kuivana kautena, paviaanien pudottaessa lehtiä maahan. Njalat ovat aina varuillaan: poikaset makaavat hiljaa ruohikossa kun emo on poissa. Njalat syövät ruohoa, lehtiä ja hedelmiä. Niiden elinikä on korkeintaan 16 vuotta. Laji ei ole uhanalainen ja se elää monella suojelualueella etenkin Etelä-Afrikassa, toisin kuin sen lähin sukulainen vuorinjala, joka elää Etiopiassa ja on uhanalainen.



  1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group: Tragelaphus angasii IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 28.7.2014. (englanniksi)
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Njala: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Tämä artikkeli kertoo afrikkalaisesta nautaeläimestä. Njala on myös kaupunki Sierra Leonessa.

Njala (Tragelaphus angasii) on afrikkalainen nautaeläinlaji.

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Nyala ( Fransèis )

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Tragelaphus angasii

Le nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) est une antilope du sud-est de l'Afrique appartenant à la famille des Bovinae.


Nyala (Parc national Kruger, Afrique du Sud)

Le nyala est reconnaissable à sa robe zébrée verticalement de fines lignes blanches et à diverses taches blanches. Si le pelage de la femelle est d'un brun rougeâtre, le mâle est beaucoup plus foncé, brun ardoisé.

Le mâle possède de grandes et solides cornes élégamment arquées, ainsi qu'une crinière sur l'échine et le dos ; en période de rut il érige sa crinière pour parader devant une femelle.

Le nyala étant moyennement rapide à la course, il préfère rester sous la protection d’une végétation dense[1]. Les nyalas peuvent néanmoins courir jusqu'à une vitesse de 48 km/h pour fuir un prédateur[2] et faire des bonds jusqu'à 2 mètres de haut.

Il peut se dresser sur ses pattes postérieures afin d'atteindre les feuilles et les écorces des arbres.

Ses sens comme la vue et l'odorat sont bien développés et ses grandes oreilles suggèrent que le son joue un rôle spécialement important pour repérer d'éventuels prédateurs.

Il vit en groupes de 8 à 16 individus constitués de femelles, de leurs jeunes ainsi que d'un ou de plusieurs mâles. On rencontre aussi des mâles solitaires.


  • Poids adulte : 55 à 68 kg pour les femelles contre 70 à 120 kg pour les mâles.
  • Hauteur au garrot : 85 à 110 cm (1 m en moyenne).
  • Longueur du corps : 135 à 195 cm.
  • Longueur de la queue : 40 à 50 cm.
  • Longueur des cornes : 70 cm en moyenne, jusqu’à 80 cm au maximum, absente chez les femelles.


Carte de répartition.

Forêts denses et savanes arborées d'Afrique du Sud-Est, à proximité de l'eau.


La gestation dure 8 mois et demi, la femelle met bas un seul jeune, généralement en août ou septembre ; elle peut s'accoupler à nouveau une semaine après la mise bas.


Feuilles, pousses, écorces et un peu d'herbes.


Léopards, lions, hyènes, lycaons, crocodiles.


Environ 10 ans dans la nature, jusqu'à 20 ans en captivité.


Timbre du Burundi de 1975, valeur faciale 1 F, Y&T 647


Notes et références

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Nyala: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Tragelaphus angasii

Le nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) est une antilope du sud-est de l'Afrique appartenant à la famille des Bovinae.

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Tragelaphus angasii ( Italian )

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Il nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) è un'antilope dell'Africa meridionale. Il nome «nyala» è il termine swahili per indicare questa antilope. Il nome latino deriva da «tragos» (capro), «elaphos» (cervo) e da George Francis Angas, un artista e naturalista inglese[2].

È un'antilope delle fitte foreste dalla corna a spirale che non si trova molto a suo agio negli spazi aperti e che viene vista più spesso nei pressi di pozze d'acqua. I nyala vivono da soli o in piccoli gruppi familiari composti da non più di 10 membri[3]. Il maschio raggiunge un'altezza di 110 cm, mentre la femmina ne raggiunge solamente 91. Il maschio possiede corna leggermente spiralate ed una lunga barba sulla gola e sulle regioni inferiori; la femmina è priva di corna e non ha una barba così visibile. Il maschio è bruno scuro, ha la faccia ed il collo bianchi e delle strisce verticali bianche sul corpo. La femmina è bruno rossastra con strisce chiare. La gestazione dura 8 mesi e mezzo, la femmina dà alla luce un solo piccolo, di solito in agosto o settembre; può accoppiarsi di nuovo una settimana dopo il parto.

Maschio di nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) con le sue due figlie gemelle di circa dieci giorni al San Diego Wild Animal Park.

Il raro nyala di montagna (Tragelaphus buxtoni) è limitato all'Etiopia centrale. Sebbene sia superficialmente simile al nyala di pianura, viene attualmente considerato più imparentato strettamente con il kudu[4].


  1. ^ (EN) Tragelaphus angasii, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Nyala
  3. ^ Alden, P. C., R. D. Estes, D. Schlitter, and B. McBride. 1995. National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. New York: Chanticleer Press.
  4. ^ Shuker, K. 1993. The Lost Ark: new and rediscovered animals of the Twentieth Century. London: HarperCollinsPublishers.

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Tragelaphus angasii: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) è un'antilope dell'Africa meridionale. Il nome «nyala» è il termine swahili per indicare questa antilope. Il nome latino deriva da «tragos» (capro), «elaphos» (cervo) e da George Francis Angas, un artista e naturalista inglese.

È un'antilope delle fitte foreste dalla corna a spirale che non si trova molto a suo agio negli spazi aperti e che viene vista più spesso nei pressi di pozze d'acqua. I nyala vivono da soli o in piccoli gruppi familiari composti da non più di 10 membri. Il maschio raggiunge un'altezza di 110 cm, mentre la femmina ne raggiunge solamente 91. Il maschio possiede corna leggermente spiralate ed una lunga barba sulla gola e sulle regioni inferiori; la femmina è priva di corna e non ha una barba così visibile. Il maschio è bruno scuro, ha la faccia ed il collo bianchi e delle strisce verticali bianche sul corpo. La femmina è bruno rossastra con strisce chiare. La gestazione dura 8 mesi e mezzo, la femmina dà alla luce un solo piccolo, di solito in agosto o settembre; può accoppiarsi di nuovo una settimana dopo il parto.

 src= Maschio di nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) con le sue due figlie gemelle di circa dieci giorni al San Diego Wild Animal Park.

Il raro nyala di montagna (Tragelaphus buxtoni) è limitato all'Etiopia centrale. Sebbene sia superficialmente simile al nyala di pianura, viene attualmente considerato più imparentato strettamente con il kudu.

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Nijala ( lituan )

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Binomas Tragelaphus angasii

Nijala (lot. Tragelaphus angasii, angl. Nyala, vok. Nyala) – dykaraginių šeimos jaučių (Bovinae) pošeimio vidutinio dydžio antilopė.

Kūno aukštis 110–130 cm, masė 110–140 kg. Patinai pilkai rudi, patelės šviesiai rudos. Ant šonų baltos skersinės juostos. Tarp akių V raidės formos balta dėmė, 2-3 baltos dėmės ant skruostų ir viena pakaklėje. Patinai turi ilgus ir tankius plaukus ant kaklo, krūtinės, pilvo ir šlaunų. Ilgesnių plaukų juosta tęsiasi nuo viršugalvio iki uodegos, ant kaklo plaukai tamsūs, ant nugaros – balti. Patinai turi ragus, patelės – ne. Ragai būna apie 71 cm ilgio, susisukę spirale, tamsiai rudi arba juodi su šviesesnėmis viršūnėmis.

Paplitusi Pietryčių AfrikojeZimbabvėje, Malavyje, Mozambike, Pietų Afrikos Respublikoje. Nijalos gyvena prie vandens telkinių lygumose ir kalvotose vietovėse su krūmynais ir retais miškais. Laikosi būreliais, kuriuos sudaro patelė su jaunikliais ir patinas. Neretai patinai gyvena ir vieni. Minta medžių ir krūmų lapais, ūgliais, žoliniais augalais. Poruotis gali bet kuriuo metų laiku, nėštumas trunka apie 7 mėnesius. Gimsta 1 jauniklis. Gyvena iki 16 metų.

Nijalos patelė


  • Baleišis, R. Pasaulio kanopiniai žvėrys. Vilnius: Vilniaus Ekologijos institutas, 2009. 70 psl. ISBN 9986-443-36-9.


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Nijala: Brief Summary ( lituan )

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Nijala (lot. Tragelaphus angasii, angl. Nyala, vok. Nyala) – dykaraginių šeimos jaučių (Bovinae) pošeimio vidutinio dydžio antilopė.

Kūno aukštis 110–130 cm, masė 110–140 kg. Patinai pilkai rudi, patelės šviesiai rudos. Ant šonų baltos skersinės juostos. Tarp akių V raidės formos balta dėmė, 2-3 baltos dėmės ant skruostų ir viena pakaklėje. Patinai turi ilgus ir tankius plaukus ant kaklo, krūtinės, pilvo ir šlaunų. Ilgesnių plaukų juosta tęsiasi nuo viršugalvio iki uodegos, ant kaklo plaukai tamsūs, ant nugaros – balti. Patinai turi ragus, patelės – ne. Ragai būna apie 71 cm ilgio, susisukę spirale, tamsiai rudi arba juodi su šviesesnėmis viršūnėmis.

Paplitusi Pietryčių AfrikojeZimbabvėje, Malavyje, Mozambike, Pietų Afrikos Respublikoje. Nijalos gyvena prie vandens telkinių lygumose ir kalvotose vietovėse su krūmynais ir retais miškais. Laikosi būreliais, kuriuos sudaro patelė su jaunikliais ir patinas. Neretai patinai gyvena ir vieni. Minta medžių ir krūmų lapais, ūgliais, žoliniais augalais. Poruotis gali bet kuriuo metų laiku, nėštumas trunka apie 7 mėnesius. Gimsta 1 jauniklis. Gyvena iki 16 metų.

 src= Nijalos patelė
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Nyala ( malèis )

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Nyala (atau onik) merupakan salah satu antelop dalam keluarga rusa yang boleh dijumpai di selatan Afrika. Nama sainsnya Tragelaphus angasi


Onik merupakan haiwan maun meragut rumput.

Pautan luar

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Nyala: Brief Summary ( malèis )

fornì da wikipedia MS

Nyala (atau onik) merupakan salah satu antelop dalam keluarga rusa yang boleh dijumpai di selatan Afrika. Nama sainsnya Tragelaphus angasi

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Nyala (antilope) ( olandèis; flamand )

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De nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) is een antilope uit de familie Bovidae.


Het mannetje heeft tot 70 cm lange hoorns, die in een lichte spiraal lopen. Hij heeft ook lange haarbossen op zijn keel en onderbuik. Het vrouwtje heeft geen hoorns en ook geen haarbossen. Het mannetje is donkerbruin, met wit op de snuit en in de nek. Het vrouwtje, zoals hier op de foto, is licht roodachtig bruin met duidelijke strepen. Het mannetje kan tot 1,10 m hoog worden, het vrouwtje blijft ongeveer 15 centimeter kleiner. De lichaamslengte bedraagt 140 tot 160 cm, de staartlengte 40 tot 65 cm en het gewicht 55 tot 125 kg. Nyala's leven alleen of in kleine groepen.

Nyala, Zuid-Afrika (2003)


Ze grazen en eten loof van struiken, vaak hoog op de achterpoten staand.


Deze soort komt voor in dichte struwelen bij water in zuidelijk Afrika (Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe en Zuid-Afrika).

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Nyala (antilope): Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) is een antilope uit de familie Bovidae.

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Nyala ( norvegèis )

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Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) er en afrikansk buskbukk som lever i sørlige Afrika. Hornene er enkelt dreiet. De er meget utsatt for epidemiske sykdommer, derfor blir mengden av dyrene stadig drastisk redusert.

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Nyala: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

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Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) er en afrikansk buskbukk som lever i sørlige Afrika. Hornene er enkelt dreiet. De er meget utsatt for epidemiske sykdommer, derfor blir mengden av dyrene stadig drastisk redusert.

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Niala grzywiasta ( polonèis )

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Niala grzywiasta[3] (Tragelaphus angasii) – gatunek średniej wielkości antylopy, ssaka parzystokopytnego z rodziny wołowatych.

Występowanie i biotop

Obecny zasięg występowania gatunku obejmuje Afrykę południowo-wschodnią (Malawi, Mozambik, Suazi, Zimbabwe i Południową Afrykę).

Jej siedliskiemsawanny drzewiaste z dostępem do wody.

Charakterystyka ogólna


Podstawowe dane Długość ciała 135–195 cm Wysokość w kłębie 80–120 cm Długość ogona 40–55 cm Masa ciała samce 100–140 kg
samice 55–90 kg Dojrzałość płciowa samice ok. 1 roku
samce 1,5 roku Okres godowy grudzień–styczeń Ciąża 220–252 dni Liczba młodych
w miocie 1–2 Długość życia 16 lat

Dymorfizm płciowy zaznaczony najsilniej wśród Tragelaphinae. Samce osiągające 100–140 kg masy ciała są wyraźnie większe od samic, które ważą przeciętnie 55–90 kg. Ubarwienie samców jest szaroczarne, a samic płowe z białymi, pionowymi pręgami na bokach i białymi cętkami na części twarzowej głowy, na uszach, gardle i tylnej części tułowia. Na karku i szyi samców występuje grzywa, a na głowie spiralnie zakręcone, szare lub ciemnobrązowe rogi o długości 85-118 cm. Samice nie mają rogów, ani grzywy. Młode niale są ubarwione podobnie do dorosłych samic. Przedstawiciele obydwu płci mają pasmo długich włosów ciągnące się wzdłuż grzbietu do nasady ogona oraz białą plamę pomiędzy oczami.

Tryb życia

Samiec z młodymi

Największą aktywność wykazują wieczorem i nocą, rzadziej w ciągu dnia, kiedy wolą odpoczywać, szczególnie w czasie największego upału. Niale są zwierzętami stadnymi tworzącymi grupy od 2 do 30 osobników. Stare samce przebywają samotnie. Młodsze samice po urodzeniu potomstwa czasami przyłączają się do swoich matek formując większe grupy rodzinne. Samce grupują się razem w stadach o dość luźnych relacjach społecznych. Nie wykazują terytorializmu, ich areały osobnicze często nakładają się na siebie. Zwierzęta wspólnie przebywają na miejscach żerowania i przy wodopoju. Samce walczą ze sobą wyłącznie w okresie godowym. Jeśli rytualne demonstracje postaw nie przestraszą któregoś z rywali, dochodzi do walki, w której zwykle zwycięża osobnik większy i silniejszy. Zdarza się, że w walce dochodzi do śmiertelnych okaleczeń ostrymi rogami.

Wyczuwające zagrożenie samice wydają ostre dźwięki alarmowe przypominające szczekanie psa, po których całe stado ratuje się ucieczką. Reagują również na sygnały alarmowe innych gatunków – impali, kudu i pawianów (komunikacja międzygatunkowa). Poza sygnałami alarmowymi nie stwierdzono większej aktywności głosowej.


Niale grzywiaste są gatunkiem roślinożernym. Zjadają liście, młode gałązki, owoce i kwiaty wielu gatunków roślin, głównie ziół, krzewów i traw. Potrafią długo wytrzymywać na terenach z ograniczonym dostępem do wody.

Młody samiec (z lewej) i samica


Samice osiągają dojrzałość płciową ok. 1 roku życia, a samce pół roku później. Dojrzałe osobniki mogą przystępować do rozrodu przez cały rok. Szczyt aktywności seksualnej przypada na grudzień-styczeń. Nasilenie porodów przypada najczęściej na wiosnę i jesień. Po ponad 7-miesięcznej ciąży samica rodzi wśród gęstych zarośli jedno młode, które starannie ukrywa przed drapieżnikami w gęstym podszycie. Poród dwóch młodych zdarza się bardzo rzadko. Młode ważą przy porodzie średnio 5 kg. Pozostają w ukryciu przez 18 dni doglądane przez matkę, później dołączają do stada. Pod opieką matki przebywają przez ok. 7 miesięcy, do kolejnego okresu godowego. Wówczas są odganiane przez dorosłe samce.


Nie wyróżniono podgatunków Tragelaphus angasii.

Zagrożenia i ochrona

Niala grzywiasta jest narażona na ataki wielu drapieżników. Do jej najgroźniejszych wrogów naturalnych należy lampart plamisty, hiena cętkowana i lew afrykański.

Gatunek nie jest objęty konwencją waszyngtońską CITES[4].

W Czerwonej księdze gatunków zagrożonych Międzynarodowej Unii Ochrony Przyrody i Jej Zasobów został zaliczony do kategorii LC (last concern – niższego ryzyka)[5].


  1. Tragelaphus angasii, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Tragelaphus angasii. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2015, s. 297. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  4. Appendices I, II and III of CITES (ang.). cites.org, 12 czerwca 2013. [dostęp 2013-06-26].
  5. Tragelaphus angasii [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [online] [dostęp 2009-01-12] (ang.).


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Niala grzywiasta: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Niala grzywiasta (Tragelaphus angasii) – gatunek średniej wielkości antylopy, ssaka parzystokopytnego z rodziny wołowatych.

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Inhala ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

A inhala (Tragelaphus angasii)[1][2][3] é uma espécie de antílope de tamanho médio da ordem Artiodactyla, família Bovidae. Os cornos em forma de lira apenas estão presentes nos machos e são semelhantes aos da sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei), ou seja, longos (com cerca de 83 centímetros), espessos e com uma torção longitudinal. A pelagem é castanho-escura nos machos e castanho-avermelhada nas fêmeas, apresentando riscas brancas verticais no dorso, muito mais marcadas nas fêmeas, e pequenas pintas brancas nas coxas.

Os machos adultos são muito maiores do que as fêmeas e apresentam ainda uma risca branca entre os olhos. As inhalas machos são os únicos antílopes africanos que possuem uma longa franja de pelos no dorso, na garganta.

Encontram-se no sul do Malawi, no sudeste do Zimbabwe, no sul de Moçambique e na África do Sul.

Vivem em savanas, junto a cursos de água e em zonas de vegetação densa.



  1. «Grande Dicionario Houaiss». houaiss.uol.com.br. Consultado em 16 de outubro de 2016. Cópia arquivada em 10 de outubro de 2016
  2. «Relatório da Organização das Nações Unidas» (PDF)
  3. «Português de Moçambique». DicionarioeGramatica.com. 29 de abril de 2016. Consultado em 16 de outubro de 2016. Arquivado do original em 15 de julho de 2016
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Inhala: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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A inhala (Tragelaphus angasii) é uma espécie de antílope de tamanho médio da ordem Artiodactyla, família Bovidae. Os cornos em forma de lira apenas estão presentes nos machos e são semelhantes aos da sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei), ou seja, longos (com cerca de 83 centímetros), espessos e com uma torção longitudinal. A pelagem é castanho-escura nos machos e castanho-avermelhada nas fêmeas, apresentando riscas brancas verticais no dorso, muito mais marcadas nas fêmeas, e pequenas pintas brancas nas coxas.

Os machos adultos são muito maiores do que as fêmeas e apresentam ainda uma risca branca entre os olhos. As inhalas machos são os únicos antílopes africanos que possuem uma longa franja de pelos no dorso, na garganta.

Encontram-se no sul do Malawi, no sudeste do Zimbabwe, no sul de Moçambique e na África do Sul.

Vivem em savanas, junto a cursos de água e em zonas de vegetação densa.

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Nyala ( svedèis )

fornì da wikipedia SV
För den sudanesiska staden, se Nyala, Sudan.

Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) är en antilop som förekommer på Sydafrikas busksavanner och som tillhör gruppen oxdjur.

Hanarna och honorna är så olika att de skulle kunna tillhöra två olika arter. Hannen kan ha en mankhöjd på ungefär 115 centimeter och väga runt 100 kilo. Den har en man längs hela ryggen, undersidan och ger ett raggigt intryck. Hornen är lätt spiralvridna och lyrformade. De påminner mycket om buskbockens horn och kan bli ungefär 70 centimeter långa. Nyalans päls är mörkt gråbrun med lodräta vita linjer. Honorna har en rödbrun päls med vita strimmor men saknar horn. En hona kan ha en mankhöjd på ungefär en meter och väga runt 90 kilo.

Nyalan är mest aktiv vid gryning och skymning. I deras diet ingår löv, knoppar, skott, frukter och örter. En nyalahanne kan leva ensam eller följa med en grupp med honor och ungdjur, ibland kan dessa grupper slå sig samman för att bilda en hjord på ungefär 40-50 djur. Nyalan är inget djur som har revir med den är ändå ganska stationär. Om de ser en fara signalerar de genom att lyfta svansen och visa den vita spegeln.

Honan är dräktig i ungefär 8 månader och brukar bara få en kalv. De första 2-3 veckorna är ungen väl gömd och när kalven har blivit tillräckligt stark får den följa med sin mor. Nyalans huvudfiende är lejonet och leoparden. Om en nyala får leva och ha hälsan kan den uppnå en ålder av 16 år.



  1. ^ Tragelaphus angasiiIUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Antelope Specialist Group 2008, besökt 27 febrauari 2009.

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Nyala: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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För den sudanesiska staden, se Nyala, Sudan.

Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) är en antilop som förekommer på Sydafrikas busksavanner och som tillhör gruppen oxdjur.

Hanarna och honorna är så olika att de skulle kunna tillhöra två olika arter. Hannen kan ha en mankhöjd på ungefär 115 centimeter och väga runt 100 kilo. Den har en man längs hela ryggen, undersidan och ger ett raggigt intryck. Hornen är lätt spiralvridna och lyrformade. De påminner mycket om buskbockens horn och kan bli ungefär 70 centimeter långa. Nyalans päls är mörkt gråbrun med lodräta vita linjer. Honorna har en rödbrun päls med vita strimmor men saknar horn. En hona kan ha en mankhöjd på ungefär en meter och väga runt 90 kilo.

Nyalan är mest aktiv vid gryning och skymning. I deras diet ingår löv, knoppar, skott, frukter och örter. En nyalahanne kan leva ensam eller följa med en grupp med honor och ungdjur, ibland kan dessa grupper slå sig samman för att bilda en hjord på ungefär 40-50 djur. Nyalan är inget djur som har revir med den är ändå ganska stationär. Om de ser en fara signalerar de genom att lyfta svansen och visa den vita spegeln.

Honan är dräktig i ungefär 8 månader och brukar bara få en kalv. De första 2-3 veckorna är ungen väl gömd och när kalven har blivit tillräckligt stark får den följa med sin mor. Nyalans huvudfiende är lejonet och leoparden. Om en nyala får leva och ha hälsan kan den uppnå en ålder av 16 år.


En liten hjord nyalor.


En nyalabock.

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Linh dương Nyala ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Linh dương Nyala (danh pháp hai phần: Tragelaphus angasii) là một loài linh dương thuộc họ Bovidae, bộ Artiodactyla. Loài này được Angas mô tả năm 1848.[3] Đây là loài bản địa nam châu Phi. Loài này được mô tả khoa học lần đầu vào năm 1849 bởi George French Angas. Thân dài 135–195 cm (53–77 in), và cân nặng 55–140 kg (121–309 lb). Bộ lông màu rỉ sắt hoặc nâu đỏ ở con cái và con chưa trưởng thành, nhưng có màut màu nâu sẫm hoặc màu xám đá phiến, thường nhuốm màu xanh biển ở con đực. Con cái và con đực trẻ có 10 hoặc nhiều sọc trắng trên hai bên. Chỉ con đực mới có sừng, sừng dài 60–83 cm và có mũi sừng màu vàng.

Nyala chủ yếu là hoạt động vào buổi sáng sớm và cuối buổi chiều. Nó thường gặm lá cây ban ngày nếu nhiệt độ 20-30 độc C và trong đêm trong mùa mưa. Là động vật ăn cỏ, nyala ăn tán lá, trái cây và các loại cỏ, với nước sạch đầy đủ. Là một loài đột động vật nhút nhát, nó thích các hố nước chứ không phải là không gian mở. Loài nyala không có dấu hiệu chiếm lĩnh lãnh thổ riêng, và các khu vực lãnh thổ của các cá nhân có thể chồng lên nhau. Chúng là những sinh vật rất thận trọng. Các con đực già sống một mình, nhưng cũng có các nhóm cùng giới tính hoặc các gia đình hỗn hợp lên đến 10 cá thể. Những nơi sinh sống của chúng bao gồm các bụi cây trong rừng hoang mạc dày đặc và khô. Những kẻ săn mồi chính săn bắt nyala là sư tử, báo và chó hoang châu Phi, trong khi con khỉ đầu chó và các loài chim ăn thịt săn bắt các con nyala non. Thời gian giao phối vào thời kỳ đỉnh điểm trong suốt mùa xuân và mùa thu. Con đực và con cái trưởng thành tính dục lần lượt ở 18 và 11-12 tháng. Linh dương mẹ sinh con sau một thời gian thai bảy tháng.

Phạm vi phân bố loài này gồm có Malawi, Mozambique, Nam Phi, SwazilandZimbabwe. Loài này đã được nhập nội vào BotswanaNamibia, và được du nhập lại vào Swaziland, nơi nó tuyệt chủng từ những năm 1950. Số lượng loài này ổn định và nó đã được liệt vào nhóm loài ít quan tâm bởi Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế (IUCN). Các mối đe dọa chính đối với loài này là nạn săn bắn và mất nơi sống do khu định cư của con người.

Hình ảnh

Tham khảo

  1. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). Tragelaphus angasii. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 29 March 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern.
  2. ^ Huffman, B. “Nyala”. Ultimate Ungulate.
  3. ^ Grubb, P. (2005). “Order Artiodactyla”. Trong Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (ấn bản 3). Johns Hopkins University Press. tr. 126. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Linh dương Nyala: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Linh dương Nyala (danh pháp hai phần: Tragelaphus angasii) là một loài linh dương thuộc họ Bovidae, bộ Artiodactyla. Loài này được Angas mô tả năm 1848. Đây là loài bản địa nam châu Phi. Loài này được mô tả khoa học lần đầu vào năm 1849 bởi George French Angas. Thân dài 135–195 cm (53–77 in), và cân nặng 55–140 kg (121–309 lb). Bộ lông màu rỉ sắt hoặc nâu đỏ ở con cái và con chưa trưởng thành, nhưng có màut màu nâu sẫm hoặc màu xám đá phiến, thường nhuốm màu xanh biển ở con đực. Con cái và con đực trẻ có 10 hoặc nhiều sọc trắng trên hai bên. Chỉ con đực mới có sừng, sừng dài 60–83 cm và có mũi sừng màu vàng.

Nyala chủ yếu là hoạt động vào buổi sáng sớm và cuối buổi chiều. Nó thường gặm lá cây ban ngày nếu nhiệt độ 20-30 độc C và trong đêm trong mùa mưa. Là động vật ăn cỏ, nyala ăn tán lá, trái cây và các loại cỏ, với nước sạch đầy đủ. Là một loài đột động vật nhút nhát, nó thích các hố nước chứ không phải là không gian mở. Loài nyala không có dấu hiệu chiếm lĩnh lãnh thổ riêng, và các khu vực lãnh thổ của các cá nhân có thể chồng lên nhau. Chúng là những sinh vật rất thận trọng. Các con đực già sống một mình, nhưng cũng có các nhóm cùng giới tính hoặc các gia đình hỗn hợp lên đến 10 cá thể. Những nơi sinh sống của chúng bao gồm các bụi cây trong rừng hoang mạc dày đặc và khô. Những kẻ săn mồi chính săn bắt nyala là sư tử, báo và chó hoang châu Phi, trong khi con khỉ đầu chó và các loài chim ăn thịt săn bắt các con nyala non. Thời gian giao phối vào thời kỳ đỉnh điểm trong suốt mùa xuân và mùa thu. Con đực và con cái trưởng thành tính dục lần lượt ở 18 và 11-12 tháng. Linh dương mẹ sinh con sau một thời gian thai bảy tháng.

Phạm vi phân bố loài này gồm có Malawi, Mozambique, Nam Phi, SwazilandZimbabwe. Loài này đã được nhập nội vào BotswanaNamibia, và được du nhập lại vào Swaziland, nơi nó tuyệt chủng từ những năm 1950. Số lượng loài này ổn định và nó đã được liệt vào nhóm loài ít quan tâm bởi Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế (IUCN). Các mối đe dọa chính đối với loài này là nạn săn bắn và mất nơi sống do khu định cư của con người.

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Ньяла ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Ньяла (значения).
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Лавразиотерии
Подотряд: Жвачные
Семейство: Полорогие
Подсемейство: Бычьи
Вид: Ньяла
Международное научное название

Tragelaphus angasii (Gray, 1849)

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 625128NCBI 66437EOL 1038786FW 149711

Нья́ла[1] (лат. Tragelaphus angasii) — африканская антилопа из группы винторогих антилоп. Видовой эпитет дан в честь английского натуралиста Джорджа Френча Ангаса[en] (1822—1886)[2]. Для отличия от горной ньялы (Tragelaphus buxtoni) её иногда называют также равнинной ньялой. Само название ньяла происходит из языка суахили.

Внешний вид

Этот вид антилоп достигает длины 140 см и высоты в холке 110 см. Вес составляет от 55 до 125 кг, причём самцы значительно тяжелее самок. Кроме того, различить оба пола можно прежде всего по окраске шерсти. Намного более крупные самцы окрашены в серый цвет и носят завинченные рога с белыми кончиками. Самки и молодняк безрогие, их окраска скорее красновато-коричневая. У всех особей на боках имеется до 18 тонких белых вертикальных полосок. У самцов, помимо всего, есть длинная стоячая грива, покрывающая позвоночник, а также висящие от горла вдоль всей нижней стороны тела клоки шерсти. Пушистый хвост у обоих полов снизу белый.

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    Самка ньялы


Ньялы обитают в Мозамбике, Зимбабве и на крайнем северо-востоке ЮАР. Кроме того, они были завезены в национальные парки Ботсваны и ЮАР, в которых они ранее не встречались. Они предпочитают передвигаться в густых зарослях вблизи водоёмов.


В то время как самки и молодняк образуют небольшие стада, самцы живут поодиночке. Ньялы питаются главным образом листвой, однако время от времени поедают также траву.


После беременности, длящейся более 7 месяцев, самка рождает одного детеныша. Продолжительность жизни ньялы составляет максимум 16 лет.


  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 135. — 10 000 экз.
  2. Bo Beolens, Michael Watkins, and Mike Grayson. The eponym dictionary of mammals. — Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. — P. 13. — 574 p. — ISBN 978-0-8018-9304-9.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Ньяла: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Нья́ла (лат. Tragelaphus angasii) — африканская антилопа из группы винторогих антилоп. Видовой эпитет дан в честь английского натуралиста Джорджа Френча Ангаса[en] (1822—1886). Для отличия от горной ньялы (Tragelaphus buxtoni) её иногда называют также равнинной ньялой. Само название ньяла происходит из языка суахили.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

安氏林羚 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Tragelaphus angasii
(Gray, 1849)

安氏林羚學名Tragelaphus angasii),又名安氏薮羚東非條紋羚,是南部非洲的一種羚羊。牠們是獨居或以10頭小群生活,喜歡棲息在密林中。[2]



 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:安氏林羚
  1. ^ Tragelaphus angasii. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2008.
  2. ^ Alden, P. C., R. D. Estes, D. Schlitter, and B. McBride. National Audubon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. New York: Chanticleer Press. 1995.
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安氏林羚: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

安氏林羚(學名Tragelaphus angasii),又名安氏薮羚或東非條紋羚,是南部非洲的一種羚羊。牠們是獨居或以10頭小群生活,喜歡棲息在密林中。


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ニアラ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
ニアラ ニアラ
ニアラ(オス) Tragelaphus angasi
保全状況評価 LEAST CONCERN (IUCN Red List Ver. 3.1 (2001))[1]
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia 亜綱 : 獣亜綱 Theria : ウシ目 Artiodactyla 亜目 : ウシ亜目 Ruminantia : ウシ科 Bovidae 亜科 : ウシ亜科 Bovinae : ネジツノレイヨウ族
Strepciserotini : ブッシュバック属
Tragelaphus : ニアラ T. angasii 学名 Tragelaphus angasii
Gray, 1849 和名 ニアラ 英名 Nyala

ニアラ学名Tragelaphus angasii)は、ウシ目(偶蹄目)ウシ科ブッシュバック属に分類される偶蹄類。












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  1. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group 2008. Tragelaphus angasii. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4.


  • 今泉吉典監修 D.W.マクドナルド編 『動物大百科4 大型草食獣』、平凡社1986年、108、113頁。
  • 『小学館の図鑑NEO 動物』、小学館、2002年、96頁。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ニアラに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにニアラに関する情報があります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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ニアラ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

ニアラ(学名:Tragelaphus angasii)は、ウシ目(偶蹄目)ウシ科ブッシュバック属に分類される偶蹄類。

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니알라영양 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

니알라영양 또는 니알라(nyala, 학명: Tragelaphus angasii)는 소과 트라겔라푸스속에 속하는 영양의 일종이다. 나선형 뿔을 가진 남아프리카 원산의 초식성 동물이다. 몸길이는 13-195cm, 몸무게는 55-140kg 정도이다. 1849년 앵거스(George French Angas)에 의해 처음 기술되었다. 암컷과 새끼들은 녹갈색 또는 적갈색을 띠지만, 수컷은 자라면서 남빛을 띤 다갈색 또는 암청색으로 변한다. 암컷과 어린 수컷은 열줄 또는 그 이상의 줄무늬을 갖고 있다. 그리고 수컷만이 60-63cm 길이의 끝이 노란 뿔이 나 있다.
천적은 사자, 표범, 아프리카들개 다.

계통 분류

다음은 2013년 비비(Bibi)와 바르만(Bärmann) 등의 연구에 기초한 계통 분류이다.[3][4][5]

소과 소아과 닐가이영양족




























  1. “Tragelaphus angasii”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 3월 29일에 확인함. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern.
  2. Huffman, B. “Nyala”. Ultimate Ungulate.
  3. Fayasal Bibi: A multi-calibrated mitochondrial phylogeny of extant Bovidae (Artiodactyla, Ruminantia) and the importance of the fossil record to systematics. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 2013, S. 166
  4. Eva Verena Bärmann, Gertrud Elisabeth Rössner und Gert Wörheide: A revised phylogeny of Antilopini (Bovidae, Artiodactyla) using combined mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 67 (2), 2013, S. 484–493
  5. Eva V. Bärmann and Tim Schikora: The polyphyly of Neotragus – Results from genetic and morphometric analyses. Mammalian Biology 79, 2014, S. 283–286
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

니알라영양: Brief Summary ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

니알라영양 또는 니알라(nyala, 학명: Tragelaphus angasii)는 소과 트라겔라푸스속에 속하는 영양의 일종이다. 나선형 뿔을 가진 남아프리카 원산의 초식성 동물이다. 몸길이는 13-195cm, 몸무게는 55-140kg 정도이다. 1849년 앵거스(George French Angas)에 의해 처음 기술되었다. 암컷과 새끼들은 녹갈색 또는 적갈색을 띠지만, 수컷은 자라면서 남빛을 띤 다갈색 또는 암청색으로 변한다. 암컷과 어린 수컷은 열줄 또는 그 이상의 줄무늬을 갖고 있다. 그리고 수컷만이 60-63cm 길이의 끝이 노란 뿔이 나 있다.
천적은 사자, 표범, 아프리카들개 다.

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