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Spelaeoecia jamaicensis Kornicker & Iliffe 1992

Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Spelaeoecia jamaicensis

ETYMOLOGY.—From the island on which the species was collected.

MATERIAL.—Sta 90–010, Air Strip Cave #5, Discovery Bay (type locality): USNM 193961, 1 partly dissected A–1 or A–2 male on slide (right 1st antenna and maxilla) and in alcohol (holotype); USNM 193966, 1 undissected juvenile in alcohol. Sta 90–032, South Bull Cave, Discovery Bay: USNM 193964, 1 A–1 or A–2 female on slide and in alcohol; USNM 193965, 5 undissected juveniles in alcohol. Sta 90–035, Air Strip Cave #1, Discovery Bay: USNM 193967, 1 undissected juvenile in alcohol. Sta 90–036: Air Strip Cave #2, Discovery Bay: USNM 193968, 1 undissected juvenile in alcohol.

DESCRIPTION OF A–1 OR A–2 FEMALE (Figures 3a, 4, 5).—Carapace elongate with dorsal margin straight and ventral margin convex but fairly straight at midlength; ventral edge of rostrum at midheight and inner end slightly overlapping valve (Figure 4a). Anterior of rostrum viewed from inside with anterior edge broadly rounded (Figure 4b); anterior part of valve overreaching rostrum to form broadly rounded extension of rostrum; inner side of extended rostrum with small process(Figure 4b). Posterodorsal corner of right valve extends past posterodorsal corner of left valve (Figure 4a).

Ornamentation: Outer surface lineate (lineations oblique across rostrum, slightly curving and vertical in vicinity of midlength, and sinuate and vertical at posterior end (similar to that of A–1 or A–2 male illustrated in Figure 6a–c)). Posterodorsal corners of both left and right valves with minute digitations (Figure 4c,d). Surface with few long single bristles (1 shown in Figure 4c).

Infold: List forming sclerotized bar just posterior to posterior hinge juncture, then extending ventrally as narrow line intersecting posterior edge of valve at about midheight (Figure 4c,d); list not observed along ventral margin.

Glands (Figure 4a,c,d): Small gland in posterodorsal corner of right valve, and a smaller gland in same position on left valve.

Selvage: Narrow bare lamellar prolongation extends from point just ventral to incisur to posterodorsal corner; selvage terminates at ventral end of digitations of posterodorsal corner (Figure 4d).

Hingement: Each valve with narrow sclerotized bar along list posterior to posterior juncture of hinge (bars with closely spaced lines in Figure 4c,d). Edge of valve anterior to anterior juncture of hinge sclerotized (sclerotized area indicated with closely spaced lines in Figure 4b).

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments: Indistinct (location of attachments of A–1 or A–2 male illustrated in Figure 4a).

Carapace Size: USNM 193964, length 1.28 mm, height 0.64 mm.

First Antenna (Figures 3a, 4e,f): With 8 joints but 3rd and 4th joints partly fused (boundary indicated by ventral and dorsal indentations and discontinuity in sclerotization at ventral and dorsal margins). 1st joint with terminal ventral lobe with numerous short spines. 2nd joint short with well-defined dorsal bristle and distal medial spines (not shown). 3rd joint bare, longer than 4th. 4th joint with 2 bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal). 5th joint with long unringed ventral filament. 6th with dorsal edge shorter than ventral edge, bare. 7th joint with short ringed dorsal a-bristle (rings not shown), ventral b-bristle about length of c-bristle, and long ventral c-bristle. 8th joint small with 4 terminal bristles (anterior medial d-bristle more than twice length of a-bristle; long lateral e-bristle about same length as c-bristle, stout with indistinct rings and widely spaced minute marginal spines (rings and spines not shown); medial f-bristle about half length of e-bristle and oriented obliquely ventrally; and g-bristle lateral to f-bristle and about same length).

Second Antenna (Figure 4g,h): Protopodite bare. Endopodite 3-jointed but 2nd and 3rd joints fused (Figure 4g,h): 1st joint with slender ringed spinous a- and b-bristles (rings not shown); 2nd joint with lateral f-bristle shorter and slenderer than medial g-bristle; g-bristle weakly ringed proximally (rings not shown); 3rd joint with filament-like h-, i-, and j-bristles, and minute medial pointed process adjacent to h-bristle (Figure 4h). Exopodite with 9 joints: 1st joint with short distal part with slender bristle (with ventral spines and dorsal natatory hairs) reaching well past 9th joint; bristle of 2nd joint much longer than bristle of 1st joint, with long slender ventral spines and dorsal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 with natatory hairs, no spines; 9th joint with 3 bristles (dorsal bristle short with minute spines; middle bristle about twice length of dorsal bristle, with minute spines; ventral bristle long, with dorsal spines and ventral natatory hairs); all long bristles with 2 long proximal segments followed by closely spaced rings.

Mandible (Figure 5a-d): Coxale endite with proximal and distal sets of teeth separated by gap (Figure 5a-c): proximal set comprising 4 broad cusps; surface between cusps with slender spines; 1 small indistinct spinous bristle at each end of set; 2 spinous bristles adjacent to smooth tooth in gap between proximal and distal sets; distal set of teeth comprising 2 flat teeth each with 7 or 8 cusps; 1 stout dentate process and 1 small spinous bristle proximal to flat teeth. Basale (Figure 5a,d): distal edge with 5 terminal triangular cusps and 1 smaller posterior cusp; lateral surface near distal edge with sharp tooth near midwidth; distal lateral side with 5 or 6 bristles (2 or 3 short, 3 long); anterior margin with 1 long distal bristle and 1 small bristle near insertion of endopodite (Figure 5d); posterior margin with 2 short distal bristles (distal of these tubular); proximal lateral surface near insertion of endopodite with 1 very long bristle; medial side near dorsal margin with 2 broad fragile bristles (Figure 5a) (these 2 bristles broke off both limbs during dissection of mandibles of USNM 193964, but are shown in Figure 5a). Endopodite with 3 joints (Figure 5a): 1st joint with 3 distal bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal, 1 lateral); 2nd joint broadening distally, with 4 terminal bristles (1 ventral, 3 dorsal); 3rd joint with 7 bristles (2 longest lateral, claw-like, with ventral spines, 1 slender ringed lateral, 4 slender ringed medial in row along terminal edge), and medial spines. A ganglion is attached to the posterior edge of the coxale at about midlength (Figure 5a).

Maxilla (Figure 5e,f): Endite I with 2 proximal and 11 terminal bristles (5 tubular); endite II with 2 proximal and about 11 terminal bristle (about 6 tubular); endite III with 1 proximal and 5 terminal bristles (2 tubular) (Figure 5f). Coxale with plumose dorsal bristle. Basale fused to 1st endopodial joint except for suture in sclerotized dorsal rim, with long plumose ventral bristle (Figure 5e). 1st endopodial joint with about 11 bristles. 2nd endopodial joint with 2 stout claw-like bristles and 5 slender ringed bristles (rings not shown). (Rings shown only on tubular bristles.)

Fifth Limb (Figure 5g): Epipodite with 15 long plumose bristles forming 3 groups (ventral group with 5, middle group with 6, dorsal group with 4). Protopodite with 2 ventral endites: endite I with 2 spinous bristles and 1 tubular bristle; endite II with 1 proximal medial bristle (could be on endite I) and 3 ventral bristles (incuding 1 tubular). Basale with 7 bristles (1 proximal medial, 1 plumose anterior lateral, and 5 ventral including 1 claw-like pectinate, and 3 tubular). Endopodite with 9 bristles (1 long plumose lateral anterior, 1 short bare medial near dorsal margin, 2 proximal lateral, and 5 on or near ventral margin (including 2 claw-like, and 3 tubular)). Exopodite: 1st joint not divided into broad proximal and narrower distal parts, with 12 bristles (3 distal dorsal (2 plumose, 1 very long slender), 2 plumose lateral near joint midheight, 1 medial just ventral to midheight, and 6 on or near ventral margin); 2nd joint with distal dorsal bristle and 3 distal bristles on or near ventral margin; 3rd joint with 2 stout claw-like bristles (dorsal with few indistinct distal rings; ventral stouter and slightly longer) and 1 slender ringed ventral bristle (rings not shown). (Rings shown only on tubular bristles; 2 claw-like bristles of endopodite stippled.)

Sixth Limb (Figure 5h): Epipodite with 17 plumose bristles forming 3 groups (ventral and middle group each with 5 long bristles; dorsal group with 6 long and 1 short (dorsal) bristles). Precoxale and coxale fused, with total of 7 ventral bristles. Basale with 8 bristles (1 distal medial near dorsal margin, 7 near ventral margin). Endopodite well developed, with 5 long bristles (3 plumose, 2 bare). Exopodite with 3 joints: 1st joint with 2 ventral bristles and 0 or 1 dorsal bristle; 2nd joint with 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal); 3rd joint with 3 bristles (middle bristle claw-like).

Seventh Limb (Figure 5i): Elongate with 1 long and 2 shorter terminal bristles.

Furca (Figure 5j): Each lamella with 6 bare claws; 2 posterior claws weakly ringed distally; unpaired bristle ringed bare.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 4e,f): Bifurcate with tip of dorsal branch rounded, and longer ventral branch with drawn-out pointed tip.

Lips (Figure 4f): Tip of upper lip projecting posteriorly. Anterior face of upper lip with small spine at each side. Lower lip with triangular process at each side of mouth.

Genitalia: Indistinct structure anterior to furca of USNM 193964 could be incipient genitalia, but may not be.

Remarks: The A-1 or A-2 male described below has a fairly well-developed copulatory organ, absent on the specimen described above. The male has 6 furcal claws on each lamella, the same number that is on the specimen described above. This information formed the basis for interpreting the specimen described above to be a female at the same stage as the male. The development of the copulatory organ of the male indicates that it is not younger than an A-2 instar. It is not as well developed as that of an A-1 instar of 5. bermudensis illustrated by Komicker and Iliffe (1989b, fig. 29j,q,r).

DESCRIPTION OF A-1 OR A-2 MALE (Figure 6).—Carapace similar in shape to that of female described above (Figure 6a-d).

Ornamentation (Figure 6a-c): Similar to that of female.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments: Indistinct (very approximate representation shown in Figure 6a).

Carapace Size: USNM 193961, length 1.16 mm, height 0.61 mm.

First Antenna (Figure 6e): Similar to that of female (bristles of joint 8 not shown).

Second Antenna: Protopodite and exopodite similar to that of female. Endopodite with 3 joints (Figure 6f): 1st joint with dorsal a- and b-brisdes similar to those of female; 2nd joint with long f- and g-bristles and minute bristle lateral to f-bristle (minute bristle could be on 3rd joint); 3rd joint with suture separating it from 2nd joint extending part way across base on medial side; on lateral side distal edge of joint continues across 2nd joint (dashed line in Figure 6f); distal edge with h-, i-, and j-bristles similar to those on female plus 2 short lateral bristles.

Furca (Figure 6g): Similar to that of female.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 6e): Differs from that of female in both branches being same length; tip of upper branch appears more rounded than lower branch but not clearly resolved.

Copulatory Organ (Figure 6h): With 2 short lobes located slightly left of midwidth. 2 organs (1 on each side of body midwidth) extend toward copulatory organ (Figure 6h,t).

Ganglion (Figure 6j): A U-shaped ganglion with brown oval masses present in left and right sides of body just posterior to protopodite of 2nd antenna.

COMPARISONS.—The 1st antenna of S. jamaicensis bears a ventral bristle on the 4th joint; only S. bermudensis also bears a bristle in that position. The 6th limb of S. jamaicensis differs from that of S. bermudensis in having 5 rather than 4 brisdes on the endopodite, and the furca differs in that the 2nd furcal claw is not broken off near its base. The carapace of S. jamaicensis differs from those of previously described species in having a posterodorsal gland on the left as well as the right valve (the gland of the left valve is smaller than that of the right and is indistinct on some specimens).

Danielopolina Komicker and Sohn, 1976

TYPE SPECIES.—Danielopolina carolynae Komicker and Sohn, 1976.

COMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION.—The genus includes 7 species: D. carolynae Komicker and Sohn, 1976 (South Adantic near the equator, 3459 m); D. orghidani (Danielopol, 1972) (saline grotto in Cuba); D. wilkensi Hartmann, 1985 (marine lava tunnel in the Canary Islands); D. bahamensis Komicker and Iliffe, 1989a (anchialine cave in Eleuthera, Bahamas); D. mexicana Komicker and Iliffe, 1989a (anchialine cave on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico); D. styx Komicker and Iliffe, 1989c (anchialine pool in the Galapagos Islands); and D. elizabethae new species (anchialine cave in Jamaica).

CORRECTION.—Iliffe (1990:94) inadvertantly stated: “Among the members of the Galapagos cave fauna are included the ostracod Danielopolina also with species in Cuba, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Bermuda…” The sentence should have been: “Among the members of the Galapagos cave fauna are included the ostracod Danielopolina also with species in Cuba, the Bahamas, and Yucatan; the shrimp Typhlatya, also from Yucatan, Cuba, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Bermuda…” Danielopolina has not been reported from either Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic.

Revised Key to the Species of Danielopolina
sitassion bibliogràfica
Kornicker, Louis S. and Iliffe, Thomas M. 1992. "Ostracoda (Halocypridina, Cladocopina) from anchialine caves in Jamaica, West Indies." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-22. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.530

Spelaeoecia jamaicensis ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL

Spelaeoecia jamaicensis is een mosselkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Deeveyidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1992 door Kornicker & Iliffe.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. WoRMS (2012). Spelaeoecia jamaicensis Kornicker & Iliffe, 1992. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=176724
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