Terry L. Erwin, Laura S. Zamorano
Figure 11–14.11 Euphorticus sp. (only Euphorticus pubescens (Dejean) is known from México and this is not that species). Digital Photo-illustration. Habitus, dorsal aspect, based on specimen ADP132558 from Tapilulu, México 12 Guatemalteca virgen Erwin. Digital Photo-illustration. Habitus, dorsal aspect, based on specimen ADP132546 from nr. La Virgen, Costa Rica 13 Homethes sp. Digital Photo-illustration. Habitus, dorsal aspect, based on specimen ADP133797 from Australia 14 Lachnaces sp. (at present this genus has three described species, all from the upper Amazon Basin). Digital Photo-illustration. Habitus, dorsal aspect, based on specimen ADP132578 from Tambopata Reserved Zone, Explorer’s Inn, Perú.
Terry L. Erwin, Laura S. Zamorano
Figures 23–28.Mouthparts of adults. 23 Eucaerus sp. Mouthparts, ventral aspect, based on specimen ADP132552 from Pakitza, Perú 24 Euphorticus sp. Mouthparts, ventral aspect, based on specimen ADP132558 from Tapilula, México 25 Guatemalteca virgen Erwin. Mouthparts, ventral aspect, based on specimen ADP132546 from nr. La Virgen, Costa Rica 26 Lachnaces sp. Mouthparts, ventral aspect, based on specimen ADP132578 from Tambopata Reserved Zone, Explorer’s Inn, Perú 27 Lachnophorus sp. Mouthparts, ventral aspect, based on specimen ADP132570 from Pakitza, Perú 28 Pseudophorticus sp. Mouthparts, ventral aspect, based on specimen ADP132538 from Pakitza, Perú. Legend: a3 Antennomere 3; mt Mentum tooth; m Mentum; lp3 Labial palpomere 3; mp4 Maxillary palpomere 4.