
Gimnotiformes ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Apteronotus albifrons
Eigenmannia lineata

Els gimnotiformes (Gymnotiformes) són un ordre de peixos de riu teleòstis entre els quals s'inclouen els peixos elèctrics d'Amèrica del Sud i els anomenats peixos ganivet. Es distribueixen per zones tropicals humides des de Guatemala fins al nord de l'Argentina.

Són d'hàbits nocturns i tenen òrgans capaços de generar un camp elèctric. Potser l'espècie més coneguda és l'anguila elèctrica (Electrophorus electricus) que utilitza poderoses descàrregues de fins a 600 volts per caçar i defensar-se. En cada espècie el camp elèctric és distint i característic.[1]


Hi ha unes 150 espècies conegudes, en més de 30 gèneres dins sis famílies,[2] però el nombre d'espècies reals és desconegut.


Els gimnotiformesderiven de l'ordre germà dels siluriformes,[3] altres membres dels ostariofisis, un llinatge de peixos d'aigua dolça primitius. Es distribuïen per la part occidental del supercontinent Gondwana en l'actual Amèrica del Sud. Els darrers fòssils són del Miocè a Bolívia.[4]


  1. Crampton, W.G.R. and J.S. Albert. 2006. Evolution of electric signal diversity in gymnotiform fishes. Pp. 641-725 en Communication in Fishes. F. Ladich, S.P. Collin, P. Moller & B.G Kapoor (eds.). Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH.
  2. Albert, J.S., and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431-472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D.H. Evans and J.B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press.
  3. Fink and Fink, 1996
  4. Albert, J.S. and W.L. Fink. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships of fossil Neotropical electric fishes (Osteichthyes: Gymnotiformes) from the Upper Miocene of Bolivia. Journal Vertebrate Paleontology 27(1):17-25.

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Gimnotiformes: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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 src= Apteronotus albifrons  src= Eigenmannia lineata

Els gimnotiformes (Gymnotiformes) són un ordre de peixos de riu teleòstis entre els quals s'inclouen els peixos elèctrics d'Amèrica del Sud i els anomenats peixos ganivet. Es distribueixen per zones tropicals humides des de Guatemala fins al nord de l'Argentina.

Són d'hàbits nocturns i tenen òrgans capaços de generar un camp elèctric. Potser l'espècie més coneguda és l'anguila elèctrica (Electrophorus electricus) que utilitza poderoses descàrregues de fins a 600 volts per caçar i defensar-se. En cada espècie el camp elèctric és distint i característic.

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Nahohřbetí ( Czech )

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Nahohřbetí (Gymnotiformes) je řád ryb žijících ve sladkých vodách Střední a zejména Jižní Ameriky, jehož zástupci dokážou vysílat elektrické výboje. Zástupci mají ze stran zploštělé úhořovité tělo a jedinou dlouhou řitní ploutev, pomocí které se mohou pohybovat dopředu i dozadu. Výjimkou je paúhoř elektrický, který má tělo válcovité.


Je známo téměř 200 druhů, vzhledem k nedostatečné prozkoumanosti oblastí jejich výskytu se skutečný počet může řádově lišit. Popsané druhy se řadí do pěti čeledí:[1]

Elektrické výboje

Elektrický orgán vytváří zpravidla slabé elektrické výboje o napětí řádu milivoltů, tedy natolik slabé, že nedokážou ohrozit okolní ryby. Ryby je využívají k orientaci v prostředí, k vyhledávání drobných bezobratlých u dna, kteří jim slouží za potravu, a možná i ke vzájemné komunikaci.[2] Výjimkou je největší zástupce řádu - paúhoř elektrický, který dokáže generovat výboje o napětí stovek voltů[3]

Elektrický orgán je zpravidla odvozený od svalových buněk, u čeledi Apteronotidae od buněk nervových (spinálních neuronů).[4] Vytvářený elektrický signál je druhově specifický a liší se formou vlny, velikostí, trváním a frekvencí opakování. To platí i pro blízce příbuzné druhy. Například druh Brachyhypopomus walteri vytváří výboje tvaru vlny střídavého napětí, Brachyhypopomus bennetti, patřící ke stejnému podrodu Odontohypopomus, pulsní výboje napětí stejnosměrného.[5][6]


  1. FishBase, Order: Gymnotiformes. Dostupné online. Reference: Nelson, J.S., 1994; Carroll, R., 1988; Colbert, E. & M. Morales, 1991 (anglicky)
  2. FUGÈRE, Vincent; ORTEGA, Hernán; KRAHE, Rüdiger. Electrical signalling of dominance in a wild population of electric fish. Biology Letters [online]. 27. říjen 2010. Svazek 7, čís. 2, s. 197-200. Dostupné online. ISSN 1744-957X. DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0804. (anglicky)
  3. More information about Electric Eels. Who Zoo. Dostupné online (anglicky)
  4. CRAMPTON, W. G. R.; ALBERT, J.S. Evolution of electric signal diversity in gymnotiform fishes. In: LADICH, F., KAPOOR, B. G. Communication in Fishes. Enfield, New Hampshire, USA: Science Publishers Inc., 2006. S. 641-725. (anglicky)
  5. SULLIVAN, John; ZUANON, Jansen; COX FERNANDES, Cristina. Two new species and a new subgenus of toothed Brachyhypopomus electric knifefishes (Gymnotiformes, Hypopomidae) from the central Amazon and considerations pertaining to the evolution of a monophasic electric organ discharge. ZooKeys [online]. 28. srpen 2013. Čís. 327, s. 1-34. Dostupné online. DOI:10.3897/zookeys.327.5427. (anglicky)
  6. AC or DC? Two newly described electric fish from the Amazon are wired differently. PhysOrg, 28. srpen 2013. Dostupné online (anglicky)
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Nahohřbetí: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Nahohřbetí (Gymnotiformes) je řád ryb žijících ve sladkých vodách Střední a zejména Jižní Ameriky, jehož zástupci dokážou vysílat elektrické výboje. Zástupci mají ze stran zploštělé úhořovité tělo a jedinou dlouhou řitní ploutev, pomocí které se mohou pohybovat dopředu i dozadu. Výjimkou je paúhoř elektrický, který má tělo válcovité.

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Neuwelt-Messerfische ( German )

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Die Neuwelt-Messerfische (Gymnotiformes), auch Messeraalartige oder Nacktaale genannt, sind eine Ordnung der Echten Knochenfische (Teleostei). Sie kommen in Süßgewässern Süd- und Mittelamerikas vor.


Die Tiere haben einen aalartig langgestreckten Körper, der seitlich abgeflacht oder im Querschnitt rund sein kann. Namensgebend ist ihre überlange Afterflosse mit mehr als 150 Flossenstrahlen, die mit ihren wellenartigen Bewegungen als Vor- und Rücktrieb dient, und ihnen die messerartige Körperform verleiht. Bauchflossen, Beckengürtel und Rückenflosse fehlen. Eine Schwanzflosse fehlt ebenfalls oder ist nur sehr klein. Das Maxillare ist zahnlos. Der Anus befindet sich in der vorderen Körperhälfte. Neuwelt-Messerfische geben im Fall einer Gefahr keinen Schreckstoff ab.


Alle Arten der Neuwelt-Messerfische sind nacht- oder dämmerungsaktiv und haben zur Orientierung ein elektrisches Organ. Bei den größten Arten, den maximal über zwei Meter lang werdenden Zitteraalen (Electrophorus sp.), ist die erzeugte Spannung so hoch, dass sie damit ihre Beute töten können. Die meisten Arten sind spezialisierte Insektenlarvenfresser, die in sehr unterschiedlichen Biotopen vorkommen. Fast alle Messeraale betreiben keine Brutpflege.

Welse wie der Tiger-Spatelwels sind nahe Verwandte der Neuwelt-Messerfische.

Äußere Systematik

Die Neuwelt-Messerfische gehören zu den Ostariophysi, zu denen auch die Karpfenartigen (Cypriniformes), die Welsartigen (Siluriformes) und die besonders aus der Aquaristik bekannten Salmlerartigen (Characiformes) gehören. Ihre phylogenetischen Beziehungen sind in folgendem Kladogramm dargestellt:

Otomorpha Clupei

Heringsartige (Clupeiformes)



Ostariophysi Anotophysa

Sandfischartige (Gonorynchiformes)

Otophysa Cypriniphysae

Karpfenartige (Cypriniformes)


Salmlerartige (Characiformes)


Neuwelt-Messerfische (Gymnotiformes)

Welsartige (Siluriformes)


Innere Systematik

Es gibt zwei Unterordnungen, zwei Überfamilien, fünf Familien, 30 Gattungen und etwa 160 Arten.

  • Unterordnung Gymnotoidei; Körper zylindrisch, 31 bis 51 Wirbel vor der Schwanzwirbelsäule (mehr als 100 beim Zitteraal).
  • Unterordnung Sternopygoidei; Körper meist seitlich abgeflacht (selten auch zylindrisch), 12 bis 26 Wirbel vor der Schwanzwirbelsäule.



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Neuwelt-Messerfische: Brief Summary ( German )

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Die Neuwelt-Messerfische (Gymnotiformes), auch Messeraalartige oder Nacktaale genannt, sind eine Ordnung der Echten Knochenfische (Teleostei). Sie kommen in Süßgewässern Süd- und Mittelamerikas vor.

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Gymnotiformes ( Occitan (post 1500) )

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Lista de las familhas

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Despite the name, the Electric Eel is a type of knifefish

The Gymnotiformes /ɪmˈnɒtɪfɔːrmz/ are an order of teleost bony fishes commonly known as Neotropical knifefish or South American knifefish. They have long bodies and swim using undulations of their elongated anal fin. Found almost exclusively in fresh water (the only exceptions are species that occasionally may visit brackish water to feed), these mostly nocturnal fish are capable of producing electric fields to detect prey, for navigation, communication, and, in the case of the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus), attack and defense.[2] A few species are familiar to the aquarium trade, such as the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons), the glass knifefish (Eigenmannia virescens), and the banded knifefish (Gymnotus carapo).


Anatomy and locomotion

Aside from the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus), Gymnotiformes are slender fish with narrow bodies and tapering tails, hence the common name of "knifefishes". They have neither pelvic fins nor dorsal fins, but do possess greatly elongated anal fins that stretch along almost the entire underside of their bodies. The fish swim by rippling this fin, keeping their bodies rigid. This means of propulsion allows them to move backwards as easily as they move forward.[3]

The knifefish has approximately one hundred and fifty fin rays along its ribbon-fin. These individual fin rays can be curved nearly twice the maximum recorded curvature for ray-finned fish fin rays during locomotion. These fin rays are curved into the direction of motion, indicating that the knifefish has active control of the fin ray curvature, and that this curvature is not the result of passive bending due to fluid loading.[4]

Different wave patterns produced along the length of the elongated anal fin allow for various forms of thrust. The wave motion of the fin resembles traveling sinusoidal waves. A forward traveling wave can be associated with forward motion, while a wave in the reverse direction produces thrust in the opposite direction.[5] This undulating motion of the fin produced a system of linked vortex tubes that were produced along the bottom edge of the fin. A jet was produced at an angle to the fin that was directly related to the vortex tubes, and this jet provides propulsion that moves the fish forward.[6] The wave motion of the fin is similar to that of other marine creatures, such as the undulation of the body of an eel, however the wake vortex produced by the knifefish was found to be a reverse Kármán vortex. This type of vortex is also produced by some fish, such as trout, through the oscillations of their caudal fins.[7] The speed at which the fish moved through the water had no correlation to the amplitude of its undulations, however it was directly related to the frequency of the waves generated.[8]

Studies have shown that the natural angle between the body of the knifefish and its fin is essential for efficient forward motion, for if the anal fin was located directly underneath, then an upwards force would be generated with forward thrust, which would require an additional downwards force in order to maintain neutral buoyancy.[7] A combination of forward and reverse wave patterns, which meet towards the center of the anal fin, produce a heave force allowing for hovering, or upwards movement.[5]

The ghost knifefish can vary the undulation of the waves, as well as the angle of attack of the fin to achieve various directional changes. The pectoral fins of these fishes can help to control roll and pitch control.[9] By rolling they can generate a vertical thrust to quickly, and efficiently, ambush their prey.[7] The forward movement is determined exclusively by the ribbon fins and the contribution of the pectoral fins for forward movement was negligible.[10] The body is kept relatively rigid and there is very little motion of the center of mass motion during locomotion compared to the body size of the fish.[8]

The caudal fin is absent, or in the apteronotids, greatly reduced. The gill opening is restricted. The anal opening is under the head or the pectoral fins.[11]

Electroreception and electrogenesis

These fish possess electric organs that allow them to produce electric fields, which are usually weak. In most gymnotiforms, the electric organs are derived from muscle cells. However, adult apteronotids are one exception, as theirs are derived from nerve cells (spinal electromotor neurons). In gymnotiforms, the electric organ discharge may be continuous or pulsed. If continuous, it is generated day and night throughout the entire life of the individual. Certain aspects of the electric signal are unique to each species, especially a combination of the pulse waveform, duration, amplitude, phase and frequency.[12]

The electric organs of most Gymnotiformes produce tiny discharges of just a few millivolts, far too weak to cause any harm to other fish. Instead, they are used to help navigate the environment, including locating the bottom-dwelling invertebrates that compose their diets.[13] They may also be used to send signals between fish of the same species.[14] In addition to this low-level field, the electric eel also has the capability to produce much more powerful discharges to stun prey.[3]


There are currently about 250 valid gymnotiform species in 34 genera and five families, with many additional species yet to be formally described.[15][16][17] The actual number of species in the wild is unknown.[18] Gymnotiformes is thought to be the sister group to the Siluriformes[19][20] from which they diverged in the Cretaceous period (about 120 million years ago). The families have traditionally been classified over suborders and superfamilies as below.[21][17]

Order Gymnotiformes

Suborder Gymnotoidei
Family Gymnotidae (banded knifefishes and electric eels)
Suborder Sternopygoidei
Superfamily Rhamphichthyoidea
Family Rhamphichthyidae (sand knifefishes)
Family Hypopomidae (bluntnose knifefishes)
Superfamily Apteronotoidea
Family Sternopygidae (glass and rat-tail knifefishes)
Family Apteronotidae (ghost knifefishes)


Most gymnotiforms are weakly electric, capable of active electrolocation but not of delivering shocks. The electric eels, genus Electrophorus, are strongly electric, and are not closely related to the Anguilliformes, the true eels.[22] Their relationships were analysed by sequencing their mitochondrial genomes in 2019. This shows that contrary to earlier ideas, the Apteronotidae and Sternopygidae are not sister taxa, and that the Gymnotidae are deeply nested among the other families.[23]

Actively electrolocating fish are marked on the phylogenetic tree with a small yellow lightning flash Farm-Fresh lightning.png. Fish able to deliver electric shocks are marked with a red lightning flash Lightning Symbol.svg. There are other electric fishes in other families (not shown).[13][24][25]


Siluriformes (catfish) (some Farm-Fresh lightning.png Lightning Symbol.svg) FMIB 51852 Electric Catfish, Torpedo electricus (Gmelin) Congo River.jpeg


Apteronotidae (ghost knifefishes) Farm-Fresh lightning.png Sternarchorhynchus oxyrhynchus.jpg


Hypopomidae (bluntnose knifefishes) Farm-Fresh lightning.pngHypopomidae Steatogenys elgans (cropped).jpg

Rhamphichthyidae (sand knifefishes) Farm-Fresh lightning.png Rhamphichthys marmoratus.jpg


Gymnotus (banded knifefishes) Farm-Fresh lightning.png Gymnotus sp.jpg

Electrophorus (electric eels) Farm-Fresh lightning.png Lightning Symbol.svg Lateral view of Electrophorus electricus.png

Sternopygidae (glass knifefishes) Farm-Fresh lightning.png Sternopygidae Eigenmannia sp (white background).jpg

Characoidei (piranhas, tetras, and allies) Exodon paradoxus Castelnau.jpg

Distribution and habitat

Gymnotiform fishes inhabit freshwater rivers and streams throughout the humid Neotropics, ranging from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. They are nocturnal fishes. The families Gymnotidae and Hypopomidae are most diverse (numbers of species) and abundant (numbers of individuals) in small nonfloodplain streams and rivers, and in floodplain "floating meadows" of aquatic macrophytes (e.g., Eichornium, the Amazonian water hyacinth). Apteronotidae and Sternopygidae are most diverse and abundant in large rivers. Species of Rhamphichthyidae are moderately diverse in all these habitat types.


Gymnotiformes are among the more derived members of Ostariophysi, a lineage of primary freshwater fishes. The only known fossils are from the Miocene about 7 million years ago (Mya) of Bolivia.[26]

Gymnotiformes has no extant species in Africa. This may be because they did not spread into Africa before South America and Africa split, or it may be that they were out-competed by Mormyridae, which are similar in that they also use electrolocation.[15]

Approximately 150 Mya, the ancestor to modern-day Gymnotiformes and Siluriformes were estimated to have convergently evolved ampullary receptors, allowing for passive electroreceptive capabilities.[27] As this characteristic occurred after the prior loss of electroreception among the subclass Neopterygii[28] after having been present in the common ancestor of vertebrates, the ampullary receptors of Gymnotiformes are not homologous with those of other jawed non-teleost species, such as chondricthyans.[29]

Gymnotiformes and Mormyridae have developed their electric organs and electrosensory systems (ESSs) through convergent evolution.[30] As Arnegard et al. (2005) and Albert and Crampton (2005) show,[31][32] their last common ancestor was roughly 140 to 208 Mya, and at this time they did not possess ESSs. Each species of Mormyrus (family: Mormyridae) and Gymnotus (family: Gymnotidae) have evolved a unique waveform that allows the individual fish to identify between species, genders, individuals and even between mates with better fitness levels.[33] The differences include the direction of the initial phase of the wave (positive or negative, which correlates to the direction of the current through the electrocytes in the electric organ), the amplitude of the wave, the frequency of the wave, and the number of phases of the wave.

One significant force driving this evolution is predation.[34] The most common predators of Gymnotiformes include the closely related Siluriformes (catfish), as well as predation within families (E. electricus is one of the largest predators of Gymnotus). These predators sense electric fields, but only at low frequencies, thus certain species of Gymnotiformes, such as those in Gymnotus, have shifted the frequency of their signals so they can be effectively invisible.[34][35][36]

Sexual selection is another driving force with an unusual influence, in that females exhibit preference for males with low-frequency signals (which are more easily detected by predators),[34] but most males exhibit this frequency only intermittently. Females prefer males with low-frequency signals because they indicate a higher fitness of the male.[37] Since these low-frequency signals are more conspicuous to predators, the emitting of such signals by males shows that they are capable of evading predation.[37] Therefore, the production of low-frequency signals is under competing evolutionary forces: it is selected against due to the eavesdropping of electric predators, but is favored by sexual selection due to its attractiveness to females. Females also prefer males with longer pulses,[33] also energetically expensive, and large tail lengths. These signs indicate some ability to exploit resources,[34] thus indicating better lifetime reproductive success.

Genetic drift is also a factor contributing to the diversity of electric signals observed in Gymnotiformes.[38] Reduced gene flow due to geographical barriers has led to vast differences signal morphology in different streams and drainages.[38]

See also


  1. ^ Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2007). "Gymnotiformes" in FishBase. Apr 2007 version.
  2. ^ van der Sleen, P.; Albert, J. S., eds. (2017). Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas. Princeton University Press. pp. 322–345. ISBN 978-0691170749.
  3. ^ a b Ferraris, Carl J. (1998). Paxton, J.R.; Eschmeyer, W.N. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 111–112. ISBN 0-12-547665-5.
  4. ^ Youngerman, Eric D.; Flammang, Brooke E.; Lauder, George V. (October 2014). "Locomotion of free-swimming ghost knifefish: anal fin kinematics during four behaviors". Zoology. 117 (5): 337–348. doi:10.1016/j.zool.2014.04.004. PMID 25043841.
  5. ^ a b Shirgaonkar, Anup A.; Curet, Oscar M.; Patankar, Neelesh A.; MacIver, Malcolm A. (1 November 2008). "The hydrodynamics of ribbon-fin propulsion during impulsive motion". Journal of Experimental Biology. 211 (21): 3490–3503. doi:10.1242/jeb.019224. PMID 18931321. S2CID 10911068.
  6. ^ Neveln, I. D.; Bale, R.; Bhalla, A. P. S.; Curet, O. M.; Patankar, N. A.; MacIver, M. A. (15 January 2014). "Undulating fins produce off-axis thrust and flow structures". Journal of Experimental Biology. 217 (2): 201–213. doi:10.1242/jeb.091520. PMID 24072799. S2CID 2656865.
  7. ^ a b c Neveln, I. D.; Bai, Y.; Snyder, J. B.; Solberg, J. R.; Curet, O. M.; Lynch, K. M.; MacIver, M. A. (1 July 2013). "Biomimetic and bio-inspired robotics in electric fish research". Journal of Experimental Biology. 216 (13): 2501–2514. doi:10.1242/jeb.082743. PMID 23761475. S2CID 14992273.
  8. ^ a b Xiong, Grace; Lauder, George V. (August 2014). "Center of mass motion in swimming fish: effects of speed and locomotor mode during undulatory propulsion". Zoology. 117 (4): 269–281. doi:10.1016/j.zool.2014.03.002. PMID 24925455.
  9. ^ Salazar, R.; Fuentes, V.; Abdelkefi, A. (January 2018). "Classification of biological and bioinspired aquatic systems: A review". Ocean Engineering. 148: 75–114. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.11.012.
  10. ^ Jagnandan, Kevin; Sanford, Christopher P. (December 2013). "Kinematics of ribbon-fin locomotion in the bowfin, Amia calva". Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 319 (10): 569–583. doi:10.1002/jez.1819. PMID 24039242.
  11. ^ Albert, James S (2001). Species diversity and phylogenetic systematics of American knifefishes (Gymnotiformes, Teleostei). Museum of Zoology. hdl:2027.42/56433. OCLC 248781367.
  12. ^ Crampton, W.G.R. and J.S. Albert. 2006. Evolution of electric signal diversity in gymnotiform fishes. Pp. 641-725 in Communication in Fishes. F. Ladich, S.P. Collin, P. Moller & B.G Kapoor (eds.). Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH.
  13. ^ a b Bullock, Theodore H.; Bodznick, D. A.; Northcutt, R. G. (1983). "The phylogenetic distribution of electroreception: Evidence for convergent evolution of a primitive vertebrate sense modality" (PDF). Brain Research Reviews. 6 (1): 25–46. doi:10.1016/0165-0173(83)90003-6. hdl:2027.42/25137. PMID 6616267. S2CID 15603518.
  14. ^ Fugère, Vincent; Ortega, Hernán; Krahe, Rüdiger (23 April 2011). "Electrical signalling of dominance in a wild population of electric fish". Biology Letters. 7 (2): 197–200. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0804. PMC 3061176. PMID 20980295.
  15. ^ a b Albert, J. S., and W. G. R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431-472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D. H. Evans and J. B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press.
  16. ^ Eschmeyer, W. N., & Fong, J. D. (2016). Catalog of fishes: Species by family/subfamily.
  17. ^ a b Ferraris Jr, Carl J.; de Santana, Carlos David; Vari, Richard P. (2017). "Checklist of Gymnotiformes (Osteichthyes: Ostariophysi) and catalogue of primary types". Neotropical Ichthyology. 15 (1). doi:10.1590/1982-0224-20160067.
  18. ^ Albert, J. S. and W. G. R. Crampton. 2005. Diversity and phylogeny of Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes). Pp. 360-409 in Electroreception. T. H. Bullock, C. D. Hopkins, A. N. Popper, and R. R. Fay (eds.). Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Volume 21 (R. R. Fay and A. N. Popper, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  19. ^ "Fink and Fink, 1996">Fink, Sara V.; Fink, William L. (August 1981). "Interrelationships of the ostariophysan fishes (Teleostei)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 72 (4): 297–353. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1981.tb01575.x.
  20. ^ "Arcila et al., 2017">Arcila, Dahiana; Ortí, Guillermo; Vari, Richard; Armbruster, Jonathan W.; Stiassny, Melanie L. J.; Ko, Kyung D.; Sabaj, Mark H.; Lundberg, John; Revell, Liam J.; Betancur-R, Ricardo (13 January 2017). "Genome-wide interrogation advances resolution of recalcitrant groups in the tree of life". Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1 (2): 20. doi:10.1038/s41559-016-0020. PMID 28812610. S2CID 16535732.
  21. ^ Nelson, Joseph S.; Grande, Terry C.; Wilson, Mark V. H. (2016). Fishes of the World (5 ed.). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1118342336.
  22. ^ de Santana, C. David; Crampton, William G. R.; Dillman, Casey B.; et al. (10 September 2019). "Unexpected species diversity in electric eels with a description of the strongest living bioelectricity generator". Nature Communications. 10 (1): 4000. Bibcode:2019NatCo..10.4000D. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11690-z. PMC 6736962. PMID 31506444.
  23. ^ Elbassiouny, Ahmed A.; Schott, Ryan K.; Waddell, Joseph C.; et al. (1 January 2016). "Mitochondrial genomes of the South American electric knifefishes (Order Gymnotiformes)". Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 1 (1): 401–403. doi:10.1080/23802359.2016.1174090. PMC 7799549. PMID 33473497.
  24. ^ Lavoué, Sébastien; Miya, Masaki; Arnegard, Matthew E.; Sullivan, John P.; Hopkins, Carl D.; Nishida, Mutsumi (14 May 2012). Murphy, William J. (ed.). "Comparable Ages for the Independent Origins of Electrogenesis in African and South American Weakly Electric Fishes". PLOS ONE. 7 (5): e36287. Bibcode:2012PLoSO...736287L. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036287. PMC 3351409. PMID 22606250.
  25. ^ Lavoué, Sébastien; Miya, Masaki; Arnegard, Matthew E.; Sullivan, John P.; Hopkins, Carl D.; Nishida, Mutsumi (14 May 2012). "Comparable Ages for the Independent Origins of Electrogenesis in African and South American Weakly Electric Fishes". PLOS ONE. 7 (5): e36287. Bibcode:2012PLoSO...736287L. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036287. PMC 3351409. PMID 22606250.
  26. ^ Albert, James S.; Fink, William L. (12 March 2007). "Phylogenetic relationships of fossil neotropical electric fishes (Osteichthyes: Gymnotiformes) from the upper Miocene of Bolivia". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 27 (1): 17–25. doi:10.1671/0272-4634(2007)27[17:PROFNE]2.0.CO;2. S2CID 35007130.
  27. ^ Crampton, William G. R. (2019). "Electroreception, electrogenesis and electric signal evolution". Journal of Fish Biology. 95 (1): 92–134. doi:10.1111/jfb.13922. PMID 30729523. S2CID 73442571.
  28. ^ Baker, Clare V. H.; Modrell, Melinda S.; Gillis, J. Andrew (2013-07-01). Krahe, Rüdiger; Fortune, Eric (eds.). "The evolution and development of vertebrate lateral line electroreceptors". Journal of Experimental Biology. 216 (13): 2515–2522. doi:10.1242/jeb.082362. PMC 4988487. PMID 23761476.
  29. ^ Crampton, William G. R. (2019). "Electroreception, electrogenesis and electric signal evolution". Journal of Fish Biology. 95 (1): 92–134. doi:10.1111/jfb.13922. PMID 30729523. S2CID 73442571.
  30. ^ Hopkins, Carl D (1 December 1995). "Convergent designs for electrogenesis and electroreception". Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 5 (6): 769–777. doi:10.1016/0959-4388(95)80105-7. PMID 8805421. S2CID 39794542.
  31. ^ Albert, J. S., and W. G. R. Crampton. 2006. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 429-470 in P. L. Lutz, ed. The Physiology of Fishes. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  32. ^ Arnegard, Matthew E.; Bogdanowicz, Steven M.; Hopkins, Carl D. (February 2005). "Multiple cases of striking genetic similarity between alternate electric fish signal morphs in sympatry". Evolution. 59 (2): 324–343. doi:10.1111/j.0014-3820.2005.tb00993.x. PMID 15807419. S2CID 14178144.
  33. ^ a b Arnegard, Matthew E.; McIntyre, Peter B.; Harmon, Luke J.; Zelditch, Miriam L.; Crampton, William G. R.; Davis, Justin K.; Sullivan, John P.; Lavoué, Sébastien; Hopkins, Carl D. (1 September 2010). "Sexual Signal Evolution Outpaces Ecological Divergence during Electric Fish Species Radiation". The American Naturalist. 176 (3): 335–356. doi:10.1086/655221. PMID 20653442. S2CID 16787431.
  34. ^ a b c d Hopkins, C. D. (15 May 1999). "Design features for electric communication". Journal of Experimental Biology. 202 (10): 1217–1228. doi:10.1242/jeb.202.10.1217. PMID 10210663.
  35. ^ Stoddard, Philip K. (July 1999). "Predation enhances complexity in the evolution of electric fish signals". Nature. 400 (6741): 254–256. Bibcode:1999Natur.400..254S. doi:10.1038/22301. PMID 10421365. S2CID 204994529.
  36. ^ Stoddard, Philip K. (1 September 2002). "The evolutionary origins of electric signal complexity". Journal of Physiology-Paris. 96 (5): 485–491. doi:10.1016/S0928-4257(03)00004-4. PMID 14692496. S2CID 6240530.
  37. ^ a b Stoddard, Philip K.; Tran, Alex; Krahe, Rüdiger (10 July 2019). "Predation and Crypsis in the Evolution of Electric Signaling in Weakly Electric Fishes". Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7: 264. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00264. S2CID 195856052.
  38. ^ a b Picq, Sophie; Alda, Fernando; Bermingham, Eldredge; Krahe, Rüdiger (September 2016). "Drift-driven evolution of electric signals in a Neotropical knifefish". Evolution. 70 (9): 2134–2144. doi:10.1111/evo.13010. PMID 27436179. S2CID 1064883.

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Gymnotiformes: Brief Summary

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Despite the name, the Electric Eel is a type of knifefish

The Gymnotiformes /dʒɪmˈnɒtɪfɔːrmiːz/ are an order of teleost bony fishes commonly known as Neotropical knifefish or South American knifefish. They have long bodies and swim using undulations of their elongated anal fin. Found almost exclusively in fresh water (the only exceptions are species that occasionally may visit brackish water to feed), these mostly nocturnal fish are capable of producing electric fields to detect prey, for navigation, communication, and, in the case of the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus), attack and defense. A few species are familiar to the aquarium trade, such as the black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons), the glass knifefish (Eigenmannia virescens), and the banded knifefish (Gymnotus carapo).

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Gymnotiformes ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Apteronotus albifrons
Eigenmannia lineata

Los Gymnotiformes son un orden de peces de río teleósteos del superorden ostariofisios, entre los que se incluyen los peces eléctricos de Sudamérica y los llamados peces cuchillo. Se distribuyen por zonas tropicales húmedas, desde Guatemala hasta el norte de Argentina.

Son de hábitos nocturnos y poseen órganos capaces de generar un campo eléctrico. Quizás la especie más conocida es la anguila eléctrica (Electrophorus electricus) que utiliza poderosas descargas eléctricas (de hasta 600 voltios) para cazar y defenderse. En muchas de estas especies los órganos eléctricos derivan evolutivamente de células musculares, aunque en los Apteronotidae derivan de células nerviosas. Además de estas descargas fuertes, todos generan un campo de menos de 1 voltio que les sirve para la navegación y la comunicación, generado de forma continua y sin parar nunca. En cada especie este campo es distinto y característico.[1]

Tienen un cuerpo en forma de cuchillo o cilíndrico más o menos comprimido. Han perdido las aletas pélvicas y la aleta dorsal, siendo la aleta anal extremadamente larga y ondulada para permitir a estos peces moverse tanto hacia delante como hacia atrás. La aleta caudal puede estar ausente o muy reducida. La apertura anal se encuentra bajo la cabeza o las aletas pectorales.[2]


Existen actualmente cerca de 150 especies conocidas, en más de 30 géneros contenidos en seis familias,[3]​ aunque por sus hábitos nocturnos el número de especies actual es desconocido.


Los Gymnotiformes derivan del orden hermano Siluriformes,[4]​ otros miembros de los Ostariophysi, un linaje de peces de agua dulce primitivos. Se distribuían por la parte occidental del supercontinente Gondwana en lo que hoy es Sudamérica, antes de su separación de África en el Cretácico hace aproximadamente 120 millones de años. Sin embargo, los únicos fósiles que se conocen son del Mioceno de hace 10 millones de años en Bolivia.[5]

Gymnotiformes no tienen especies extinguidas en África, lo que puede ser debido a que evolucionaron después de que ésta se separase de Sudamérica, o bien que evolucionasen de los Mormyridae, que usan una electrolocación similar.[3]


  1. Crampton, W.G.R. and J.S. Albert. 2006. Evolution of electric signal diversity in gymnotiform fishes. Pp. 641-725 en Communication in Fishes. F. Ladich, S.P. Collin, P. Moller & B.G Kapoor (eds.). Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH.
  2. Albert, J.S. 2001. Species diversity and phylogenetic systematics of American knifefishes (Gymnotiformes, Teleostei). Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. University of Michigan, 190:1-127.
  3. a b Albert, J.S., and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431-472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D.H. Evans and J.B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press.
  4. Fink and Fink, 1996
  5. Albert, J.S. and W.L. Fink. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships of fossil Neotropical electric fishes (Osteichthyes: Gymnotiformes) from the Upper Miocene of Bolivia. Journal Vertebrate Paleontology 27(1):17-25.

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Gymnotiformes: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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 src= Apteronotus albifrons  src= Eigenmannia lineata

Los Gymnotiformes son un orden de peces de río teleósteos del superorden ostariofisios, entre los que se incluyen los peces eléctricos de Sudamérica y los llamados peces cuchillo. Se distribuyen por zonas tropicales húmedas, desde Guatemala hasta el norte de Argentina.

Son de hábitos nocturnos y poseen órganos capaces de generar un campo eléctrico. Quizás la especie más conocida es la anguila eléctrica (Electrophorus electricus) que utiliza poderosas descargas eléctricas (de hasta 600 voltios) para cazar y defenderse. En muchas de estas especies los órganos eléctricos derivan evolutivamente de células musculares, aunque en los Apteronotidae derivan de células nerviosas. Además de estas descargas fuertes, todos generan un campo de menos de 1 voltio que les sirve para la navegación y la comunicación, generado de forma continua y sin parar nunca. En cada especie este campo es distinto y característico.​

Tienen un cuerpo en forma de cuchillo o cilíndrico más o menos comprimido. Han perdido las aletas pélvicas y la aleta dorsal, siendo la aleta anal extremadamente larga y ondulada para permitir a estos peces moverse tanto hacia delante como hacia atrás. La aleta caudal puede estar ausente o muy reducida. La apertura anal se encuentra bajo la cabeza o las aletas pectorales.​

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Gymnotiformes ( Basque )

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Gymnotiformes arrain teleosteoen ordena da.


Hona hemen familiak azpiordenatan eta superfamiliatan banaturik:[1]

Gymnotiformes ordena

Gymnotoidei azpiordena
Gymnotidae familia
Sternopygoidei azpiordena
Rhamphichthyoidea superfamilia
Rhamphichthyidae familia
Hypopomidae familia
Apteronotoidea superfamilia
Sternopygidae familia
Apteronotidae familia



  1. Albert, J.S.; W.G.R. Crampton Diversity and phylogeny of Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes) Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 21 Berlin: Springer-Verlag 360-409 or..

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Gymnotiformes: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Gymnotiformes arrain teleosteoen ordena da.

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Veitsikalat ( Finnish )

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Veitsikalat (Gymnotiformes) on viuhkaeväisten kalojen lahko. Siihen kuuluu noin 150 lajia, jotka jaetaan 32 sukuun ja edelleen viiteen heimoon. Suurin laji on sähköankerias.

Veitsikalat ovat aktiivisia yöaikaan. Ne käyttävät sähköaistia saaliin löytämiseen ja viestintään lajitoverien kanssa sekä reviirin ilmaisemisessa että soidinkäyttäytymisessä.[2] Jotkut lajit käyttävät sähköä myös saaliin tainnuttamiseen. Sähköankeriaan 650 voltin isku voi tainnuttaa jopa hevosen.[3]

Veitsikaloja tavataan luonnossa makeassa vedessä Keski- ja Etelä-Amerikan trooppisissa osissa. Joitakin lajeja, kuten veitsikalaa ja mustaveitsikalaa, pidetään joskus akvaarioissa.[4]

Veitsikalojen vatsanpuoliset evät ovat kasvaneet koko kalan pituiseksi liehukkeeksi, ja kala liikkuu pääasiassa tätä liehuketta hulmuttamalla.[2]


  1. Joseph S. Nelson & Hans-Peter Schultze & Mark V. H. Wilson: Origin and Phylogenetic Interrelationships of Teleosts, s. 138. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, 2010. ISBN 978-3899371079. Teoksen verkkoversio (viitattu 15.01.2011). (englanniksi)
  2. a b Albert & Lundberg: The Neotropical Electric Eels and Knifefishes Tree of Life.
  3. Amerikka: Eläinmaailman rikkautta Otavan oppimateriaalit
  4. Helsingin akvaariokeskus

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Veitsikalat: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Veitsikalat (Gymnotiformes) on viuhkaeväisten kalojen lahko. Siihen kuuluu noin 150 lajia, jotka jaetaan 32 sukuun ja edelleen viiteen heimoon. Suurin laji on sähköankerias.

Veitsikalat ovat aktiivisia yöaikaan. Ne käyttävät sähköaistia saaliin löytämiseen ja viestintään lajitoverien kanssa sekä reviirin ilmaisemisessa että soidinkäyttäytymisessä. Jotkut lajit käyttävät sähköä myös saaliin tainnuttamiseen. Sähköankeriaan 650 voltin isku voi tainnuttaa jopa hevosen.

Veitsikaloja tavataan luonnossa makeassa vedessä Keski- ja Etelä-Amerikan trooppisissa osissa. Joitakin lajeja, kuten veitsikalaa ja mustaveitsikalaa, pidetään joskus akvaarioissa.

Veitsikalojen vatsanpuoliset evät ovat kasvaneet koko kalan pituiseksi liehukkeeksi, ja kala liikkuu pääasiassa tätä liehuketta hulmuttamalla.

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Gymnotiformes ( French )

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Les Gymnotiformes sont un ordre de poissons téléostéens électriques.

Les noms communs qu'on trouve dans la littérature sont poissons électriques d'Amérique du Sud et poissons couteaux d'Amérique. Ce sont principalement des poissons d'eau douce et possédant des organes adaptés à la production de champs électriques.

Peut-être le plus connu est l'espèce d'anguille électrique (Electrophorus electricus), qui utilise des chocs électriques puissants (jusqu'à 600 volts) pour la chasse et sa défense. Les autres espèces connues dans le commerce aquariophile sont le poisson-couteau américain (Apteronotus albifrons), le poisson-couteau de verre (Eigenmannia virescens), et le poisson-couteau à bandes (Gymnotus carapo). Le poisson-couteau brun (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) est un modèle animal très prisé en neuroscience computationnelle.

Les gymnotiformes sont caractérisés par des électrorécepteurs dans la peau, un organe électrique (ou plusieurs) créant un champ électrique autour d'eux, un anus situé très à l'avant sous leurs opercules, une absence de nageoire caudale (queue), une longue nageoire anale, l'absence d'écailles, des yeux sous la peau, aucune réponse à la peur, aucune réponse de Schreckstoff (substance chimique d'alarme).

Les gymnotiformes sont principalement nocturnes. La plupart des gymnotiformes nagent en demeurant généralement le corps droit en ondulant leur nageoire anale. Leur système électrosensoriel leur permet de détecter les objets dans leur environnement (électrolocation) à la suite de modifications du champ électrique qu'ils produisent parce que les objets ont une impédance (résistance et capacitance) différente de l'eau. Ce même système leur permet aussi de communiquer avec leur congénères (électrocommuniation) et de détecter leurs proies.

Sur le plan évolutif, les gymnotiformes forment un groupe proche des siluriformes (poissons-chats).

Liste des familles

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Gymnotiformes: Brief Summary ( French )

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Les Gymnotiformes sont un ordre de poissons téléostéens électriques.

Les noms communs qu'on trouve dans la littérature sont poissons électriques d'Amérique du Sud et poissons couteaux d'Amérique. Ce sont principalement des poissons d'eau douce et possédant des organes adaptés à la production de champs électriques.

Peut-être le plus connu est l'espèce d'anguille électrique (Electrophorus electricus), qui utilise des chocs électriques puissants (jusqu'à 600 volts) pour la chasse et sa défense. Les autres espèces connues dans le commerce aquariophile sont le poisson-couteau américain (Apteronotus albifrons), le poisson-couteau de verre (Eigenmannia virescens), et le poisson-couteau à bandes (Gymnotus carapo). Le poisson-couteau brun (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) est un modèle animal très prisé en neuroscience computationnelle.

Les gymnotiformes sont caractérisés par des électrorécepteurs dans la peau, un organe électrique (ou plusieurs) créant un champ électrique autour d'eux, un anus situé très à l'avant sous leurs opercules, une absence de nageoire caudale (queue), une longue nageoire anale, l'absence d'écailles, des yeux sous la peau, aucune réponse à la peur, aucune réponse de Schreckstoff (substance chimique d'alarme).

Les gymnotiformes sont principalement nocturnes. La plupart des gymnotiformes nagent en demeurant généralement le corps droit en ondulant leur nageoire anale. Leur système électrosensoriel leur permet de détecter les objets dans leur environnement (électrolocation) à la suite de modifications du champ électrique qu'ils produisent parce que les objets ont une impédance (résistance et capacitance) différente de l'eau. Ce même système leur permet aussi de communiquer avec leur congénères (électrocommuniation) et de détecter leurs proies.

Sur le plan évolutif, les gymnotiformes forment un groupe proche des siluriformes (poissons-chats).

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Ximnotiformes ( Galician )

provided by wikipedia gl Galician
Anguía eléctrica (Electrophorus electricus)

Os Ximnotiformes (Gymnotiformes) son unha orde de peixes teleósteos, dentro da superorde Ostariofisos (Ostariophysi). Comprende especies de río distribuídos por zonas tropicais húmidas desde Guatemala ata o norte da Arxentina, entre os que se inclúen os peixes eléctricos de Sudamérica e os chamados peixes coitelo.


Son peixes de hábitos nocturnos que se caracterizan por posuír órganos capaces de xerar un campo eléctrico. Quizais a especie máis coñecida sexa a anguía eléctrica (Electrophorus electricus), que pode emitir poderosas descargas elécticas de ata 600 voltios para cazar e defenderse. Ademais destas descargas fortes e puntuais, todos xeran de forma continua un campo de menos de 1 voltio que lles serve para a navegación e a comunicación. En cada especie este campo é distinto e característico. Os órganos eléctricos derivan evolutivamente de células musculares, de ben nos Apteronotidae derivan de células nerviosas.

O corpo é de forma de coitelo ou cilíndrico, máis ou menos comprimido. Perderon as aletas pélvicas e a dorsal, pero a aleta anal é extremadamente longa e ondulada, para permitir movementos tanto cara adiante como cara atrás. A aleta caudal pode estar ausente ou ser moi reducida.


Divídense en dúas subordes e seis familias, que agrupan unhas 150 especies coñecidas:

Véxase tamén

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Ximnotiformes: Brief Summary ( Galician )

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 src= Anguía eléctrica (Electrophorus electricus)

Os Ximnotiformes (Gymnotiformes) son unha orde de peixes teleósteos, dentro da superorde Ostariofisos (Ostariophysi). Comprende especies de río distribuídos por zonas tropicais húmidas desde Guatemala ata o norte da Arxentina, entre os que se inclúen os peixes eléctricos de Sudamérica e os chamados peixes coitelo.

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Gymnotiformes ( Italian )

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I Gimnotiformi (Gymnotiformes) sono un ordine di pesci attinopterigi, che comprende circa 150 specie distribuite in cinque famiglie. Si tratta di pesci d'acqua dolce, dalla forma tipicamente stretta e allungata (per questo motivo spesso chiamati comunemente "pesci coltello", soprattutto nei paesi anglosassoni) e dotati di pinne anali lunghe e a forma di vela, che vengono usate per la locomozione tramite sinuosi movimenti ondulatori.

Hanno per lo più abitudini notturne, e sono capaci di generare campi elettrici grazie ad appositi organi modificati; la maggior parte delle specie sono elettrofori deboli, e utilizzano questi campi per l'orientamento e la ricerca del cibo, ma alcune (come la nota anguilla elettrica sudamericana) possono generare differenze di potenziale dell'ordine di alcune centinaia di volt, in grado di stordire o uccidere e usate perciò per l'attacco o la difesa.

Alcune specie, come Apteronotus albifrons, Eigenmannia virescens e Gymnotus carapo sono apprezzate dagli acquariofili come pesci d'acquario.


Con l'eccezione dell'anguilla elettrica (Electrophorus electricus), tutte le specie note di Gimnotiformi possiedono corpi dalla tipica forma allunguata e schiacciata lateralmente, con una coda molto stretta. Non possiedono né pinne dorsalipinne pelviche; in compenso mostrano una pinna anale di grande dimensioni, a forma di vela, che decorre per tutto il margine inferiore del corpo fin quasi alla testa, e che viene usata per la locomozione tramite movimenti ondulatori, mentre il resto del corpo rimane fermo[1][2].


I Gimnotiformi sono pesci d'acqua dolce che abitano le acque delle zone neotropicali, e sono distribuiti dai fiumi del Guatemala al nord dell'Argentina.


L'ordine dei Gimnotiformi comprende circa 150 specie conosciute, ma ne esistono almeno un'altra cinquantina in via di classificazione ufficiale[3]. Quest'ordine è considerato essere il sister group dei Siluriformi, dal quale si è distaccato nel Cretaceo, circa 120 milioni di anni fa[4]. Le specie che vi appartengono sono distribuite in due sottordini e in cinque famiglie:

Ordine Gymnotiformes

Sottordine Gymnotoidei
Famiglia Gymnotidae
Sottordine Sternopygoidei
Superfamiglia Rhamphichthyoidea
Famiglia Rhamphichthyidae
Famiglia Hypopomidae
Superfamiglia Apteronotoidea
Famiglia Sternopygidae
Famiglia Apteronotidae


  1. ^ Ferraris, Carl J., Encyclopedia of Fishes, a cura di Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N., San Diego, Academic Press, 1998, pp. 111–112, ISBN 0-12-547665-5.
  2. ^ Albert, J.S. 2001. Species diversity and phylogenetic systematics of American knifefishes (Gymnotiformes, Teleostei). Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. University of Michigan, 190:1-127.
  3. ^ Albert, J.S., and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431-472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D.H. Evans and J.B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press.
  4. ^ Fink and Fink, 1996

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Gymnotiformes: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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I Gimnotiformi (Gymnotiformes) sono un ordine di pesci attinopterigi, che comprende circa 150 specie distribuite in cinque famiglie. Si tratta di pesci d'acqua dolce, dalla forma tipicamente stretta e allungata (per questo motivo spesso chiamati comunemente "pesci coltello", soprattutto nei paesi anglosassoni) e dotati di pinne anali lunghe e a forma di vela, che vengono usate per la locomozione tramite sinuosi movimenti ondulatori.

Hanno per lo più abitudini notturne, e sono capaci di generare campi elettrici grazie ad appositi organi modificati; la maggior parte delle specie sono elettrofori deboli, e utilizzano questi campi per l'orientamento e la ricerca del cibo, ma alcune (come la nota anguilla elettrica sudamericana) possono generare differenze di potenziale dell'ordine di alcune centinaia di volt, in grado di stordire o uccidere e usate perciò per l'attacco o la difesa.

Alcune specie, come Apteronotus albifrons, Eigenmannia virescens e Gymnotus carapo sono apprezzate dagli acquariofili come pesci d'acquario.

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Elektražuvės ( Lithuanian )

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Elektražuvės (lot. Gymnotiformes, angl. Neotropical electric fishes, vok. Neuwelt-Messerfische) – kaulinių žuvų būrys. Turi specifinius organus, generuojančius elektros iškrovą.

Būryje yra 6 šeimos, 23 gentys ir apie 65 rūšys.




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Elektražuvės: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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Elektražuvės (lot. Gymnotiformes, angl. Neotropical electric fishes, vok. Neuwelt-Messerfische) – kaulinių žuvų būrys. Turi specifinius organus, generuojančius elektros iškrovą.

Būryje yra 6 šeimos, 23 gentys ir apie 65 rūšys.

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Mesaalachtigen ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Mesaalachtigen (Gymnotiformes) vormen een orde binnen de straalvinnige vissen.


Het zijn over het algemeen zoetwatervissen die beschikken over organen die elektrische velden kunnen opwekken. Alle soorten vormen zwakke elektrische velden (<1 V) voor navigatie en communicatie. De ontlading is voortdurend, dag en nacht tijdens het hele leven van de vis. De bekendste soort is de sidderaal Electrophorus electricus die elektrische schokken gebruikt voor de jacht en zelfverdediging. Er zijn ongeveer 185 bekende soorten, waarvan er ongeveer 50 nog wetenschappelijk moeten worden beschreven.


De volgende families worden onderscheiden:[1]

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Mesaalachtigen: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Mesaalachtigen (Gymnotiformes) vormen een orde binnen de straalvinnige vissen.

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Elektroåler ( Norwegian )

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Elektroåler eller knivfisker er en orden beinfisker. Artene i gruppen har en åleformet kropp. Det er enda mange arter som ikke er ferdig beskrevet. Mange arter holder til i relativt stillestående og oksygenfattig vann, og enkelte av artene har yngel med ytre gjeller.[1] En av de mest kjente artene er elektrisk ål.

Navnet knivfisker kan føre til forvirring med knivbladfiskene. Selv om de svømmer på en lignende måte, er ikke gruppene nært beslektet.

Arter som finnes i Norge

Det finnes ingen arter fra denne gruppen naturlig i Norge.


  1. ^ Evans, D.H. & Claiborne, J.B., red. (2006). «Aquatic and aerial respiration». The Physiology of Fishes (3 utg.). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis. s. 91. ISBN 9781420058093.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: redaktørliste (link)

Eksterne lenker

iktyologistubbDenne iktyologirelaterte artikkelen er foreløpig kort eller mangelfull, og du kan hjelpe Wikipedia ved å utvide den.
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Elektroåler: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

provided by wikipedia NO

Elektroåler eller knivfisker er en orden beinfisker. Artene i gruppen har en åleformet kropp. Det er enda mange arter som ikke er ferdig beskrevet. Mange arter holder til i relativt stillestående og oksygenfattig vann, og enkelte av artene har yngel med ytre gjeller. En av de mest kjente artene er elektrisk ål.

Navnet knivfisker kan føre til forvirring med knivbladfiskene. Selv om de svømmer på en lignende måte, er ikke gruppene nært beslektet.

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Gymnotiformes ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL
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Gymnotiformesrząd słodkowodnych ryb promieniopłetwych (Actinopterygii), zaliczanych do otwartopęcherzowych (Ostariophysi). W literaturze polskiej spotykany jest pod zwyczajową nazwą strętwokształtne[2][3], choć nazwa ta nie nawiązuje do typu nomenklatorycznego, lecz do unikalnego wśród Gymnotiformes gatunku jakim jest strętwa. Dawniej ta grupa ryb była zaliczana – jako gymnotowce[4] lub strętwy[5] (Gymnotoidei) – do karpiokształtnych. Gymnotiformes wykształciły narządy elektryczne. Rząd obejmuje około 130 gatunków o stosunkowo mało poznanej biologii. Poza lokalną konsumpcją nie mają znaczenia gospodarczego.

Występowanie i biotop

Ameryka Środkowa i Ameryka Południowa (na południe do La Plata) – wody stojące i wolno płynące, często zamulone, z niską zawartością tlenu.

Cechy charakterystyczne

Duch brazylijski (Apteronotus albifrons)

Ciało wydłużone, silnie bocznie ścieśnione (z wyjątkiem Electrophorus electricus), węgorzowatego kształtu, zwykle nagie. Wąsiki nie występują. Brak płetw brzusznych, a u wielu również grzbietowej i ogonowej. Ta ostatnia zachowała się u niektórych w postaci szczątkowej. Głównym narządem ruchu postępowego jest bardzo długa płetwa odbytowa wsparta na ponad 200 promieniach, ciągnąca się wzdłuż dolnej krawędzi niemal całego ciała. Poruszana jest przez dwie grupy mięśni: mięśnie płetwowe wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne mięśnie płetwy odbytowej. Silnie unaczyniony nabłonek jamy gębowej i gardzieli pełni funkcję narządu oddechowego przystosowanego do oddychania powietrzem atmosferycznym.

Jama ciała jest bardzo krótka w stosunku do długości całkowitej. Otwór odbytowy znajduje się w okolicy gardła, a u Rhamphichthys rostratus – pod głową, na wysokości oczu. Parzyste narządy elektryczne zajmują resztę ciała za jamą brzuszną. U E. electricus, poza głównym, funkcjonują jeszcze dodatkowe narządy elektryczne: narząd Sachsa i narząd Huntera – wszystkie zlokalizowane w tylnej części ciała. Narządy te wytwarzają stałe pole elektryczne, stanowią główny zmysł ryby, zastąpiły większość innych zmysłów ryb z tej grupy – wzrok, węch i smak są słabo rozwinięte.

Strętwokształtne żywią się skorupiakami, owadami i ich larwami, a dorosłe osobniki większych gatunków – rybami.


Do Gymnotiformes zaliczane są dwa podrzędy z pięcioma rodzinami[6]:

Strętwa (Electrophorus electricus)

Jeden z gatunków zaliczanych do tego rzędu – strętwa (Electrophorus electricus) – wyraźnie wyróżnia się wśród pozostałych. Ma ciało cylindryczne, bez łusek, może oddychać powietrzem atmosferycznym, a jego narządy elektryczne wytwarzają napięcie znacznie wyższe niż u innych Gymnotiformes.

Zobacz też


  1. Gymnotiformes, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Eugeniusz Grabda, Tomasz Heese: Polskie nazewnictwo popularne krągłouste i ryby - Cyclostomata et Pisces. Koszalin: Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska w Koszalinie, 1991.
  3. Biologia. Multimedialna encyklopedia PWN Edycja 2.0. pwn.pl Sp. z o.o., 2008. ISBN 978-83-61492-24-5.
  4. Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973
  5. Ryby. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1976, seria: Mały słownik zoologiczny.
  6. Joseph S. Nelson: Fishes of the World. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN 0-471-25031-7.


p d e
Systematyka ryb doskonałokostnych (Teleostei) Królestwo: zwierzęta • Typ: strunowce • Podtyp: kręgowce
Nadgromada: kostnoszkieletowe • Gromada: promieniopłetwe • Podgromada: nowopłetwe
ryby doskonałokostne (Teleostei)elopsopodobne
elopsokształtne (Elopiformes) • albulokształtne (Albuliformes) • łuskaczokształtne (Notacanthiformes) • węgorzokształtne (Anguilliformes)
(Osteoglossomorpha) Otocephala
piaskolcokształtne (Gonorynchiformes) • karpiokształtne (Cypriniformes) • kąsaczokształtne (Characiformes) • sumokształtne (Siluriformes) • Gymnotiformes
Lepidogalaxii przedkolcopłetwe
łososiokształtne (Salmoniformes) • szczupakokształtne (Esociformes)
srebrzykokształtne (Argentiniformes) • Galaxiiformesstynkokształtne (Osmeriformes) • wężorokształtne (Stomiiformes)
Ateleopodomorpha krągłołuskie
skrzelokształtne (Aulopiformes)
świetlikokształtne (Myctophiformes) • †Ctenothrissiformes
strojnikokształtne (Lampridiformes)
wąsatkokształtne (Polymixiiformes) • †Sphenocephaliformesokonkokształtne (Percopsiformes) • piotroszokształtne (Zeiformes) • Stylephoriformesdorszokształtne (Gadiformes)
HolocentriformesTrachichthyiformesberyksokształtne (Beryciformes) • wyślizgokształtne (Ophidiiformes) • batrachokształtne (Batrachoidiformes) • KurtiformesGobiiformesmugilokształtne (Mugiliformes) • CichliformesBlenniiformesGobiesociformesaterynokształtne (Atheriniformes) • belonokształtne (Beloniformes) • karpieńcokształtne (Cyprinodontiformes) • szczelinokształtne (Synbranchiformes) • CarangiformesIstiophoriformesAnabantiformesflądrokształtne (Pleuronectiformes) • igliczniokształtne (Syngnathiformes) • IcosteiformesCallionymiformesScombrolabraciformesScombriformesTrachiniformesLabriformesskorpenokształtne (Scorpaeniformes) • CentrarchiformesAcropomatiformesokoniokształtne (Perciformes) • AcanthuriformesSpariformesCaproiformesrozdymkokształtne (Tetraodontiformes)
Gwiazdką (*) oznaczono taksony incertae sedis.
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Gymnotiformes: Brief Summary ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL

Gymnotiformes – rząd słodkowodnych ryb promieniopłetwych (Actinopterygii), zaliczanych do otwartopęcherzowych (Ostariophysi). W literaturze polskiej spotykany jest pod zwyczajową nazwą strętwokształtne, choć nazwa ta nie nawiązuje do typu nomenklatorycznego, lecz do unikalnego wśród Gymnotiformes gatunku jakim jest strętwa. Dawniej ta grupa ryb była zaliczana – jako gymnotowce lub strętwy (Gymnotoidei) – do karpiokształtnych. Gymnotiformes wykształciły narządy elektryczne. Rząd obejmuje około 130 gatunków o stosunkowo mało poznanej biologii. Poza lokalną konsumpcją nie mają znaczenia gospodarczego.

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Gymnotiformes ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Gymnotiformes é uma ordem de peixes da classe Actinopterygii. Popularmente, são conhecidos como gimnotos ou sarapós. Possuem apenas 3 nadadeiras (as peitorais e a anal alongada, que lhe garante a propulsão). Podem ter a nadadeira caudal reduzida, como o caso do ituí-cavalo. Têm capacidade para nadarem em pé e podem lançar descargas elétricas para se comunicarem, se localizarem (sua visão é muito reduzida), atordoarem a presa ou se defender. Alguns, como o poraquê, podem usar o oxigênio atmosférico na respiração. Outros, como o ituí-da-areia, podem se enterrar. Certos tipos, como o peixe-cego-trombudo, têm uma "tromba" estilo Chaetodontidae.


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Gymnotiformes: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Gymnotiformes é uma ordem de peixes da classe Actinopterygii. Popularmente, são conhecidos como gimnotos ou sarapós. Possuem apenas 3 nadadeiras (as peitorais e a anal alongada, que lhe garante a propulsão). Podem ter a nadadeira caudal reduzida, como o caso do ituí-cavalo. Têm capacidade para nadarem em pé e podem lançar descargas elétricas para se comunicarem, se localizarem (sua visão é muito reduzida), atordoarem a presa ou se defender. Alguns, como o poraquê, podem usar o oxigênio atmosférico na respiração. Outros, como o ituí-da-areia, podem se enterrar. Certos tipos, como o peixe-cego-trombudo, têm uma "tromba" estilo Chaetodontidae.

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Гімнотоподібні ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
  1. Froese R., Pauly D. (eds.) (2007). Ряд Gymnotiformes на FishBase. Версія за Apr 2007 року.
  2. Ferraris, Carl J. (1998). У Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N. Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. с. 111–112. ISBN 0-12-547665-5.
  3. Albert, J.S., and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431–472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D.H. Evans and J.B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press.
  4. Albert, J.S. and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Diversity and phylogeny of Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes). Pp. 360–409 in Electroreception. T.H. Bullock, C.D. Hopkins, A.N. Popper, and R.R. Fay (eds.). Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Volume 21 (R.R. Fay and A. N. Popper, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.


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Гімнотоподібні: Brief Summary ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
Froese R., Pauly D. (eds.) (2007). Ряд Gymnotiformes на FishBase. Версія за Apr 2007 року. Ferraris, Carl J. (1998). У Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N. Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. с. 111–112. ISBN 0-12-547665-5. Albert, J.S., and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431–472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D.H. Evans and J.B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press. Albert, J.S. and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Diversity and phylogeny of Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes). Pp. 360–409 in Electroreception. T.H. Bullock, C.D. Hopkins, A.N. Popper, and R.R. Fay (eds.). Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Volume 21 (R.R. Fay and A. N. Popper, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
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Bộ Cá chình điện ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Gymnotiformes là một bộ cá vây tia thường được gọi là cá dao Tân thế giới hoặc cá dao Nam Mỹ. Chúng có thân dài và bơi bằng sự uốn lượn của vây hậu môn kéo dài. Chỉ được tìm thấy trong môi trường nước ngọt, chúng chủ yếu là cá sinh sống ban đêm, có khả năng sản sinh điện trường để điều hướng, thông tin liên lạc, và trong trường hợp của cá chình điện (Electrophorus electricus)là tấn công và phòng thủ. Một số loài quen thuộc với thị trường cá cảnh, chẳng hạn như cá dao ma đen (Apteronotus albifrons), cá dao kính (Eigenmannia virescens), và cá dao sọc (Gymnotus carapo).

Phân loại

Hiện nay, khoảng 204 loài được biết đến trong 33 chi được chia thành 5 họ, và ít nhất là 50 hoặc hơn các loài khác được biết đến nhưng vẫn chưa được mô tả chính thức[2]. Không rõ số lượng thực tế của các loài trong tự nhiên.[3] Nhóm này được cho là nhóm chị em của Siluriformes[4], mà từ đó chúng đã tách ra trong kỷ Jura (khoảng 150 triệu năm trước).

Bộ Gymnotiformes

Phân bộ Gymnotoidei
Họ Gymnotidae (2 chi, 39 loài cá dao sọc và cá chình điện)
Phân họ Sternopygoidei
Siêu họ Rhamphichthyoidea
Họ Rhamphichthyidae (3 chi, 16 loài cá dao cát)
Họ Hypopomidae (7 chi, 25 loài cá dao mũi tù)
Siêu họ Apteronotoidea
Họ Sternopygidae (6 chi, 36 loài cá dao kính và cá dao đuôi chuột)
Họ Apteronotidae (15 chi, 88 loài cá dao ma)

Phát sinh chủng loài

Cây phát sinh chủng loài vẽ theo Betancur và ctv (2016)[5].

















Tham khảo

  1. ^ "Gymnotiformes". FishBase. Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly (chủ biên). Phiên bản 4 năm 2007. N.p.: FishBase, 2007.
  2. ^ Albert J.S., W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Tr. 431-472 trong The Physiology of Fishes, ấn bản lần 3. D.H. Evans và J.B. Claiborne (chủ biên). CRC Press.
  3. ^ Albert J.S. và W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Diversity and phylogeny of Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes). Tr. 360-409 trong Electroreception. T.H. Bullock, C.D. Hopkins, A.N. Popper, và R.R. Fay (chủ biên). Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Quyển 21 (R.R. Fay và A. N. Popper chủ biên). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  4. ^ Fink và Fink, 1996
  5. ^ Ricardo Betancur-R, Ed Wiley, Nicolas Bailly, Arturo Acero, Masaki Miya, Guillaume Lecointre, Guillermo Ortí, 2016.Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes. Phiên bản 4.
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Bộ Cá chình điện: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Gymnotiformes là một bộ cá vây tia thường được gọi là cá dao Tân thế giới hoặc cá dao Nam Mỹ. Chúng có thân dài và bơi bằng sự uốn lượn của vây hậu môn kéo dài. Chỉ được tìm thấy trong môi trường nước ngọt, chúng chủ yếu là cá sinh sống ban đêm, có khả năng sản sinh điện trường để điều hướng, thông tin liên lạc, và trong trường hợp của cá chình điện (Electrophorus electricus)là tấn công và phòng thủ. Một số loài quen thuộc với thị trường cá cảnh, chẳng hạn như cá dao ma đen (Apteronotus albifrons), cá dao kính (Eigenmannia virescens), và cá dao sọc (Gymnotus carapo).

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Гимнотообразные ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Надотряд: Костнопузырные
Серия: Отофизы
Подсерия: Siluriphysi
Отряд: Гимнотообразные
Международное научное название

Gymnotiformes Berg, 1940

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 553135NCBI 8002EOL 5477FW 92061

Гимнотообразные (лат. Gymnotiformes) — отряд лучепёрых рыб, известный как южноамериканские ножетелки. Принадлежат к неотропической зоогеографической области, населяют пресноводные водоёмы Центральной и Южной Америки. Имеют удлинённые тела и плавают с помощью сильно развитого анального плавника. Хвостовой и брюшные плавники отсутствуют. Эти ночные рыбы способны производить электрическое поле для навигации, связи, и, в случае электрического угря (Electrophorus electricus), для атаки и защиты. Несколько видов используется в аквариумистике[1], среди них — чёрная ножетелка (Apteronotus albifrons), обыкновенный гимнот (Gymnotus carapo), зелёная ножетелка (Eigenmannia virescens).

Известно около 150 видов в 32 родах в 5 семействах[2]. Эта группа считается сестринской группой сомообразных (Siluriformes), с которой они разошлись в меловом периоде около 120 млн лет назад[3].

Отряд классифицируется по подотрядам и надсемействам, как показано ниже.

Отряд Gymnotiformes


  1. Ferraris, Carl J. Encyclopedia of Fishes / Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N.. — San Diego : Academic Press, 1998. — P. 111–112. — ISBN 0-12-547665-5.
  2. Albert, J.S., and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431—472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D.H. Evans and J.B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press.
  3. Albert, J.S. and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Diversity and phylogeny of Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes). Pp. 360—409 in Electroreception. T.H. Bullock, C.D. Hopkins, A.N. Popper, and R.R. Fay (eds.). Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Volume 21 (R.R. Fay and A. N. Popper, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
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Гимнотообразные: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Гимнотообразные (лат. Gymnotiformes) — отряд лучепёрых рыб, известный как южноамериканские ножетелки. Принадлежат к неотропической зоогеографической области, населяют пресноводные водоёмы Центральной и Южной Америки. Имеют удлинённые тела и плавают с помощью сильно развитого анального плавника. Хвостовой и брюшные плавники отсутствуют. Эти ночные рыбы способны производить электрическое поле для навигации, связи, и, в случае электрического угря (Electrophorus electricus), для атаки и защиты. Несколько видов используется в аквариумистике, среди них — чёрная ножетелка (Apteronotus albifrons), обыкновенный гимнот (Gymnotus carapo), зелёная ножетелка (Eigenmannia virescens).

Известно около 150 видов в 32 родах в 5 семействах. Эта группа считается сестринской группой сомообразных (Siluriformes), с которой они разошлись в меловом периоде около 120 млн лет назад.

Отряд классифицируется по подотрядам и надсемействам, как показано ниже.

Отряд Gymnotiformes

Подотряд Gymnotoidei Семейство Гимнотовые (Gymnotidae) Подотряд Sternopygoidei Надсемейство Rhamphichthyoidea Семейство Rhamphichthyidae Семейство Hypopomidae Надсемейство Apteronotoidea Семейство Sternopygidae Семейство Аптеронотовые (Apteronotidae)
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

電鰻目 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
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電鰻目真骨類硬骨魚,分布於新熱帶界(北阿根廷至南墨西哥地區)的淡水流域(有部分種類會游至汽水流域覓食),多為夜行性。電鰻目的成員透過擺動延長的臀鰭游動,可以在自身周圍產生電場進行探測與溝通。部分大型物種如電鰻Electrophorus electricus)可以運用強力的電場進行攻擊或是自衛。[1]電鰻目中有許多物種為觀賞魚,包括線翎電鰻(俗稱黑魔鬼)、線鰭電鰻(俗稱玻璃飛刀)與圭亞那裸背電鰻(俗稱虎紋飛刀)。




電鰻目具有發電器官英语Electric organ (biology),由肌肉細胞特化而成,讓牠們具有放電的能力,少數例如線翎電鰻科其發電器官則是由神經細胞特化。放電可為持續放電或者間歇性放電,間歇性放電的波形、持續時間、振福與頻率會因為種的不同而有差異,用來作為種間辨別的依據[4]








  1. ^ van der Sleen, P.; J.S. Albert (编). Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas. Princeton University Press. 2017: 322–345. ISBN 978-0691170749.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Ferraris, Carl J. Paxton, J.R.; Eschmeyer, W.N., 编. Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. 1998: 111–112. ISBN 0-12-547665-5.
  3. ^ Albert, J.S. 2001. Species diversity and phylogenetic systematics of American knifefishes (Gymnotiformes, Teleostei). Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. University of Michigan, 190:1-127.
  4. ^ Crampton, W.G.R. and J.S. Albert. 2006. Evolution of electric signal diversity in gymnotiform fishes. Pp. 641-725 in Communication in Fishes. F. Ladich, S.P. Collin, P. Moller & B.G Kapoor (eds.). Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH.
  5. ^ Vincent Fugère, Hernán Ortega and Rüdiger Krahe. 2010. Electrical signalling of dominance in a wild population of electric fish. Biol. Lett. 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0804
  6. ^ Albert, J.S., and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Electroreception and electrogenesis. Pp. 431-472 in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. D.H. Evans and J.B. Claiborne (eds.). CRC Press.
  7. ^ Eschmeyer, W. N., & Fong, J. D. (2016). Catalog of fishes: Species by family/subfamily.
  8. ^ Ferraris Jr, C.J.; C.D. de Santana; R.P. Vari. Checklist of Gymnotiformes (Osteichthyes: Ostariophysi) and catalogue of primary types. Neotrop. ichthyol. 2017, 15 (1). doi:10.1590/1982-0224-20160067.
  9. ^ Albert, J.S. and W.G.R. Crampton. 2005. Diversity and phylogeny of Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes). Pp. 360-409 in Electroreception. T.H. Bullock, C.D. Hopkins, A.N. Popper, and R.R. Fay (eds.). Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Volume 21 (R.R. Fay and A. N. Popper, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  10. ^ "Fink and Fink, 1996">FINK, S. V., & FINK, W. L. (1981). Interrelationships of the ostariophysan fishes (Teleostei). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 72(4), 297-353.
  11. ^ "Arcila et al., 2017">Arcila, D., Ortí, G., Vari, R., Armbruster, J. W., Stiassny, M. L., Ko, K. D., ... & Betancur-R, R. (2017). Genome-wide interrogation advances resolution of recalcitrant groups in the tree of life. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, 0020.
  12. ^ Nelson, Joseph, S.; Grande, Terry C.; Wilson, Mark V. H. Fishes of the World 5. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2016. ISBN 978-1118342336.
  13. ^ Ferraris Jr, C.J.; C.D. de Santana; R.P. Vari. Checklist of Gymnotiformes (Osteichthyes: Ostariophysi) and catalogue of primary types. Neotrop. ichthyol. 2017, 15 (1). doi:10.1590/1982-0224-20160067.
 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:電鰻目
腕鳍鱼纲 輻鰭魚綱


電鰻目: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

電鰻目為真骨類硬骨魚,分布於新熱帶界(北阿根廷至南墨西哥地區)的淡水流域(有部分種類會游至汽水流域覓食),多為夜行性。電鰻目的成員透過擺動延長的臀鰭游動,可以在自身周圍產生電場進行探測與溝通。部分大型物種如電鰻(Electrophorus electricus)可以運用強力的電場進行攻擊或是自衛。電鰻目中有許多物種為觀賞魚,包括線翎電鰻(俗稱黑魔鬼)、線鰭電鰻(俗稱玻璃飛刀)與圭亞那裸背電鰻(俗稱虎紋飛刀)。


デンキウナギ目 ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
デンキウナギ目 Electrophorus electricus 3.jpg
デンキウナギ Electrophorus electricus
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii 亜綱 : 新鰭亜綱 Neopterygii 上目 : 骨鰾上目 Ostariophysi : デンキウナギ目 Gymnotiformes 英名 Neotropical knifefishes[1] 下位分類 本文参照








本目の魚類はすべて発電器官をもつ[1]。ほとんどの種では筋肉細胞から分化したものであるが、アプテロノートゥス科の発電器官は神経細胞を起源としている[1]。発電器官の大きさはさまざまで、放電される電力は一般に微弱である。ギュムノートゥス科に属するデンキウナギ Electrophorus electricus は例外的に強い発電力をもつことで知られ、水族館で発電魚として展示されることもある[2][3]




デンキウナギ亜目 Gymnotoidei は1科2属39種[1]。一部の種は空気呼吸が可能[2]


デンキウナギ Electrophorus electricus (ギュムノートゥス科)。発電魚として特に有名。オリノコ川アマゾン川に分布する

ギュムノートゥス科 Gymnotidae は2属39種。体型は全体的もしくは部分的に円筒形で、体腔は極めて長い[1]。ギュムノートゥス属は体長1mに達し、本目の魚類としてはもっとも広範囲に分布し、生息範囲はメキシコ南部からアルゼンチンに至る[1]。デンキウナギ属(デンキウナギ Electrophorus electricus 1種のみ)はかつて単独のデンキウナギ科 Electrophoridae として分類されたこともあり、多くの際立った特徴を有している[4]。デンキウナギのもつ発電器官は本目魚類の中でもとりわけ大きく、600ボルトにも及ぶ電圧を出すことができる[1]。デンキウナギは生涯にわたって椎骨が増加し、最大で体長2.2mにまで達する[1]


ステルノピュグス亜目 Sternopygoidei は4科31属169種で構成される[1]。ランピクテュス上科 Rhamphichthyoidea およびアプテロノートゥス上科 Apteronotoidea の2上科に細分され、それぞれランピクテュス科とヒュポポームス科、およびステルノピュグス科とアプテロノートゥス科が所属する[1]



ランピクテュス科の1種(Rhamphichthys marmoratus)。突き出た吻が本科の特徴である
ヒュポポームス科の1種(Steatogenys elegans)。ガイアナおよびアマゾン川水系に分布する[5]

ランピクテュス科 Rhamphichthyidae は3属16種からなる[1](口先)が突出し、左右の鼻孔は比較的近い位置にある[1]


ヒュポポームス科 Hypopomidae には8属30種が所属する[1]。吻は短く、左右の鼻孔は離れた位置にある[1]。最大長は35cm程度で、10cmに達しない小型種も含まれる[1]


ステルノピュグス科の1種(Eigenmannia virescens)。本種は群れを形成し、発電を求愛などの繁殖行動にも利用していることが知られている[5]

ステルノピュグス科 Sternopygidae は6属36種[1]。吻は比較的短く、絨毛状の細かい歯列を備える[1]


アプテロノートゥス科の1種(Apteronotus albifrons)。本科魚類は小さいが明瞭な尾鰭をもつ

アプテロノートゥス科 Apteronotidae は14属87種を含む[1]。小さな尾鰭が存在する[1]。成魚には神経細胞由来の発電器官が備わる[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al 『Fishes of the World Fifth Edition』 pp.238-241
  2. ^ a b c d 『新版 魚の分類の図鑑』 pp.60-61
  3. ^ 発電器官をもつ魚類として、他にシビレエイデンキナマズなどが知られている。
  4. ^ 『Fishes of the World Third Edition』 pp.174-175
  5. ^ a b Gymnotiformes”. FishBase. 参考文献[編集]  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、デンキウナギ目に関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにデンキウナギ目に関する情報があります。


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デンキウナギ目: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

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김노투스목 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

김노투스목(Gymnotiformes) 또는 전기뱀장어목진골어류에 속하는 조기어류 의 하나이다. 신열대구전기뱀장어또는 남아메리카전기뱀장어 등으로 알려져 있다. 긴 몸을 가지고 있으며, 가늘고 긴 뒷지느러미를 굽이치며 헤엄친다. 민물에서만 발견되며, 대부분 야행성 어류이다. 방향을 찾거나 서로 연락을 취하기 위해 전기장을 만들 수 있으며, 전기뱀장어의 경우에는 다른 종을 공격하거나 방어하는 데 사용한다.

하위 과

김노투스목은 아래와 같이 분류한다.[1]

계통 분류

2016년 현재, 계통 분류는 다음과 같다.[2]





신기어류 전골어류




    진골어류 당멸치상목








        Osteoglossocephalai 골설어상목




    Clupeocephala Otomorpha  


















  1. Nelson
  2. R. Betancur-R., E. Wiley, N. Bailly, A. Acero, M. Miya, G. Lecointre, G. Ortí: Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes – Version 4 (2016)
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