a -- Anus cv -- contractile vacuole ek -- Ectoplasm N -- Macronucleus nk -- food particle o -- Mouth oe -- Throat tr -- Trichocysts st -- Cytopharyngeal basket
Ventral view of mouth and throat, showing trichites and ciliated adoral zone.
Side view of mouth and pharynx. adw -- Adoral ciliated zone al -- Pellicular alveoli kp -- Caplike protuberance o -- Mouth oe -- Throat rw -- Beaded ring tr -- Trichocysts
Originally described by Ehrenberg under the name Amphileptus margaritifer.
Originally described by Ehrenberg under the name Amphileptus margaritifer.
Originally described by Ehrenberg under the name Amphileptus margaritifer.
Originally described by Ehrenberg under the name Amphileptus margaritifer.
in vivo portrait (dorsal view) of the marine hypotrich ciliate, Diophrys hystrix (BUDDENBROCK, 1920). Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho February 2004.DIC.
in vivo portrait (ventral view) of the marine hypotrich ciliate, Diophrys hystrix (BUDDENBROCK, 1920). The yellow arrowheads mark the distinctive straight bristle-like dorsal cilia.The green arrowhead marks the three large caudal cirri arising from a pellicular concavity on the posterior right side.Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho February 2004.DIC.
in vivo portrait (ventral view) of the marine hypotrich ciliate, Diophrys hystrix (BUDDENBROCK, 1920). The yellow arrowhead marks the group of five thick transverse cirri.Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho February 2004.DIC.
Right side view. Key to Schewiakoff's abbreviations: a -- Anus b -- Sensory bristle cv -- Contractile vacuole ek -- Ectoplasm m -- Undulating membrane N -- Macronucleus ncl - Micronucleus
a -- Anus b -- Sensory bristle c.v -- Contractile vacuole ek -- Ectoplasm N -- Macronucleus ncl -- Micronucleus nk -- Food particle o -- Mouth p -- Pellicle st -- Cytopharyngeal basket
Trachelophyllum apiculatum (Perty, 1852) Claparède & Lachmann, 1859.Predatory ciliate with surface coated with a single type (probably Type I) of fine organic scales (i.e. lepidosomes). Identification is tentative since scanning electron microscopy is required for diagnostic lepidosome characterization. Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho.DIC.
Trachelophyllum apiculatum (Perty, 1852) Claparède & Lachmann, 1859. Predatory ciliate with surface coated with a single type (probably Type I) of fine organic scales (i.e. lepidosomes). Identification is tentative since scanning electron microscopy is required for diagnostic lepidosome characterization.Yellow arrows mark the surface layer of fine organic scales (i.e. lepidosomes). Collected from a freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho.DIC.