Image of Smooth anglerfish
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Smooth Anglerfish

Phyllophryne scortea (McCulloch & Waite 1918)

Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Phyllophryne scortea (McCulloch & Waite 1918)
Species recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Phyllophryne scortea
Recognized by FAO Fishery Statistics
Phyllophryne scortea (Mc Culloch & Waite 1918)
Phyllophryne scortea (Mc Culloch & Waite 1918)
Histiophryne scortea
Species recognized by wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Histiophryne scortea
Recognized by BHL data coverage
Histiophryne scortea inconstans
Subspecies recognized by wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Phyllophryne scortea (McCulloch & Waite 1918)
Recognized by Fishbase

Alternative Names

Histiophryne scortea McCulloch & Waite 1918
Not accepted according to EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Histiophryne scortea inconstans McCulloch & Waite 1918
Not accepted according to EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Histiophryne scortea inconstans Mc Culloch & Waite 1918
Histiophryne scortea
Synonym according to NCBI
Histiophryne scortea Mc Culloch & Waite 1918
Histiophryne scortea var. inconstans Mc Culloch & Waite 1918
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Histiophryne scortea McCulloch & Waite 1918
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3 - Test
Histiophryne scortea McCulloch & Waite 1918
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024 and Fishbase
Histiophryne scortea inconstans McCulloch & Waite 1918
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3 - Test
Histiophryne scortea inconstans McCulloch & Waite 1918
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024 and Fishbase

Common Names


Smooth anglerfish preferred
Recognized by Fishbase
Smooth frogfish
Recognized by Fishbase
White-spotted anglerfish
Recognized by Fishbase
Whitespotted anglerfish
Recognized by Fishbase


西澳洲葉蟾躄魚 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


Glat tudsefisk preferred
Recognized by Fishbase


قلابچه‌ماهی نرم preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


西澳洲葉蟾躄魚 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names
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Curated hierarchies for Phyllophryne scortea (McCulloch & Waite 1918)

Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3 - Test