
Description of Alcaligenes ( англиски )

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Usually referred to as aerobic oxidase-positive, Gram-negative, peritrichous rods or cocci, but the identity and status of the genus are unclear. Several species are associated with infections in humans and other animals, although this genus is well represented in natural aquatic and soil habitats. Type species: A. faecalis 
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Alcaligenes ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Les Alcaligenes són un gènere microbiològic de bacteris Gram-negatius, aeròbiques, incloses en l'ordre Burkholderiales.

Les spècies d'Alcaligenes s'usen per a la producció industrial d'aminoàcids no estàndards; A. eutrophus també produeix el biopolímer polihidroxibutirat (PHB).

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Les Alcaligenes són un gènere microbiològic de bacteris Gram-negatius, aeròbiques, incloses en l'ordre Burkholderiales.

Les spècies d'Alcaligenes s'usen per a la producció industrial d'aminoàcids no estàndards; A. eutrophus també produeix el biopolímer polihidroxibutirat (PHB).

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Alcaligenes ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Alcaligenes ist eine Gattung gramnegativer Bakterien.


Alcaligenes-Bakterien sind stäbchen- bis kugelförmig (Kokken) mit Abmessungen von 0,5 bis 0,6 mal 0,5 bis 2,6 µm. Sie treten meist einzeln auf. Sie sind peritrich begeißelt und weisen ein bis vier Flagellen auf, die allerdings auch zurückgebildet sein können. Überdauerungsstadien sind nicht bekannt.

Die meisten Arten sind obligat aerob, manche können in Abwesenheit von Sauerstoff allerdings auch Nitrit oder Nitrat als Elektronenakzeptor verwenden. Sie sind meist chemoorganotroph, manche Arten sind chemolithotroph unter Wasserstoffoxidation mit Sauerstoff als finalem Elektronenakzeptor. Die meisten Stämme benötigen keinen organischen Stickstoff, Luftstickstoff wird nicht reduziert. Casein, Gelatine, Cellulose, Chitin und Agar werden nicht hydrolysiert. Oxidasen sind vorhanden. Der GC-Gehalt der DNA liegt bei 58 bis 70 %. Das Wuchsoptimum liegt bei Temperaturen zwischen 20 und 37 °C[1].

Sie kommen in Gewässern und Böden vor, einige Arten auch im Verdauungstrakt von Wirbeltieren. Gelegentlich treten sie als opportunistische Erreger von Erkrankungen beim Menschen auf.[2]

Alcaligenes-Arten wurden für die industrielle Herstellung von Nicht-Standard-Aminosäuren verwendet.

Folgende Arten gehören zur Gattung (Auswahl):


  • Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, Paul V. Dunlap, David P. Clark: Brock – Biology of Microorganisms, 12. Auflage. International Edition, Pearson, San Francisco u. a. O. 2009, ISBN 978-0-321-53615-0, ISBN 0-321-53615-0,


  1. Margaret S. Hendrie, A. J. Holding, J. M. Shewan: Emended Descriptions of the Genus Alcaligenes and of Alcaligenes faecalis and Proposal That the Generic Name Achromobacter be Rejected: Status of the Named Species of Alcaligenes and Achromobacter. In: International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. Band 24 (4), 1974, S. 534–550 (englisch).
  2. John G. Holt, Noel R. Krieg, Peter H. A. Sneath, James T. Staley, Stanley T. Williams: Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 9. Auflage. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore u. a. O. 1994, S. 75, ISBN 0-683-00603-7
  3. Qun Ren, Katinka Ruth, Linda Thöny-Meyer, Manfred Zinn: Enatiomerically pure hydroxycarboxylic acids: current approaches and future perspectives. In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. Band 87, Nr. 1, 2. Mai 2017, ISSN 0175-7598, S. 41–52, doi:10.1007/s00253-010-2530-6, PMID 20393709, PMC 2872024 (freier Volltext).


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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Alcaligenes ist eine Gattung gramnegativer Bakterien.

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Alcaligenes ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Alcaligenes is a genus of Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria. The species are motile with amphitrichous flagella and rarely nonmotile. It is a genus of non-fermenting bacteria (in the family Alcaligenaceae). Additionally, some strains of Alcaligenes are capable of anaerobic respiration, but they must be in the presence of nitrate or nitrite; otherwise, their metabolism is respiratory and never fermentative. Strains of Alcaligenes (such as A. faecalis) are found mostly in the intestinal tracts of vertebrates, decaying materials, dairy products, water, and soil; they can be isolated from human respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and wounds in hospitalized patients with compromised immune systems. They are occasionally the cause of opportunistic infections, including nosocomial sepsis.[1][2]

Alcaligenes faecalis causes nosocomial sepsis, arising from contaminated hemodialysis or intravenous fluid, in immunocompromised patients.[3]

Alcaligenes species have been used for the industrial production of nonstandard amino acids; A. eutrophus also produces the biopolymer polyhydroxybutyrate.

They are rods, coccal rods, or cocci, sized at about 0.5-1.0 x 0.5-2.6 μm. They are obligately aerobic, but some can undergo anaerobic respiration if nitrate is present. They tend to be colorless. They typically occur in the soil and water, and some live in the intestinal tracts of vertebrates. Samples from blood, urine, feces, discharge from ears, spinal fluid, and wounds have produced this type of bacteria. Zoonotic infections from ferrets have been recorded.[4]

Alcaligenes species have been increasingly recovered over the past decade from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). An experiment recently examined the frequency of correct identification of Alcaligenes species by microbiology labs affiliated with American CF patient care centers. Most (89%) strains of microbial agents in these tests were correctly identified by the referring laboratories as Alcaligenes xylosoxidans.[5]

A. faecalis was isolated in 1896 by Petruschky from stale beer. Several strains of the organism have been found since then. This species is motile, flagellated, slender, slightly curved, not spore-forming, slowly growing, nonfermenting, capsule forming,[6] Gram-negative aerobe of the family Alcaligenaceae. This species is most commonly found in the alimentary tract as a harmless saprophyte in 5% – 19% of the normal population. Systemic infection with this organism is very uncommon. It has been reported to cause sepsis, meningitis, peritonitis, enteric fever, appendicitis, cystitis, chronic suppurative otitis media, abscesses, arthritis, pneumonitis, and endocarditis. It has been associated with fatal outcomes because these organisms are resistant to commonly used antibiotics.[7]

The name Alcaligenes has its origin in Arabic and Greek and means "alkali-producing". It was named in 1919.[8]


  1. ^ "Alcaligenes - Medical Definition from MediLexicon". Archived from the original on 2016-10-09. Retrieved 2014-05-28.
  2. ^ "Alcaligenes".
  3. ^ "Alcaligenes".
  4. ^ Malek-Marín T et al. (2009) A case of endocarditis of difficult diagnosis in dialysis: could "pest" friends be involved? Clin Nephrol 72(5):405-409
  5. ^ Saiman, L; Chen, Y; Tabibi, S; San Gabriel, P; Zhou, J; Liu, Z; Lai, L; Whittier, S (2001). "Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis". J. Clin. Microbiol. 39 (11): 3942–5. doi:10.1128/JCM.39.11.3942-3945.2001. PMC 88468. PMID 11682511.
  6. ^ Austin, Brian (2014-01-01). "The Family Alcaligenaceae". In Rosenberg, Eugene; DeLong, Edward F.; Lory, Stephen; Stackebrandt, Erko; Thompson, Fabiano (eds.). The Prokaryotes. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 729–757. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30197-1_397. ISBN 9783642301964.
  7. ^ Kavuncuoglu, F., A. Unal, N. Oguzhan, B. Tokgoz, O. Oymak, and C. Utas. "First Reported Case of Alcaligenes Faecalis Peritonitis." Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis 30.1 (2010): 118-19. Web. 27 May 2014. <http://www.pdiconnect.com/content/30/1/118.full>
  8. ^ "Genus: Alcaligenes". lpsn.dsmz.de. Retrieved 2020-10-04.

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Alcaligenes is a genus of Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria. The species are motile with amphitrichous flagella and rarely nonmotile. It is a genus of non-fermenting bacteria (in the family Alcaligenaceae). Additionally, some strains of Alcaligenes are capable of anaerobic respiration, but they must be in the presence of nitrate or nitrite; otherwise, their metabolism is respiratory and never fermentative. Strains of Alcaligenes (such as A. faecalis) are found mostly in the intestinal tracts of vertebrates, decaying materials, dairy products, water, and soil; they can be isolated from human respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and wounds in hospitalized patients with compromised immune systems. They are occasionally the cause of opportunistic infections, including nosocomial sepsis.

Alcaligenes faecalis causes nosocomial sepsis, arising from contaminated hemodialysis or intravenous fluid, in immunocompromised patients.

Alcaligenes species have been used for the industrial production of nonstandard amino acids; A. eutrophus also produces the biopolymer polyhydroxybutyrate.

They are rods, coccal rods, or cocci, sized at about 0.5-1.0 x 0.5-2.6 μm. They are obligately aerobic, but some can undergo anaerobic respiration if nitrate is present. They tend to be colorless. They typically occur in the soil and water, and some live in the intestinal tracts of vertebrates. Samples from blood, urine, feces, discharge from ears, spinal fluid, and wounds have produced this type of bacteria. Zoonotic infections from ferrets have been recorded.

Alcaligenes species have been increasingly recovered over the past decade from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). An experiment recently examined the frequency of correct identification of Alcaligenes species by microbiology labs affiliated with American CF patient care centers. Most (89%) strains of microbial agents in these tests were correctly identified by the referring laboratories as Alcaligenes xylosoxidans.

A. faecalis was isolated in 1896 by Petruschky from stale beer. Several strains of the organism have been found since then. This species is motile, flagellated, slender, slightly curved, not spore-forming, slowly growing, nonfermenting, capsule forming, Gram-negative aerobe of the family Alcaligenaceae. This species is most commonly found in the alimentary tract as a harmless saprophyte in 5% – 19% of the normal population. Systemic infection with this organism is very uncommon. It has been reported to cause sepsis, meningitis, peritonitis, enteric fever, appendicitis, cystitis, chronic suppurative otitis media, abscesses, arthritis, pneumonitis, and endocarditis. It has been associated with fatal outcomes because these organisms are resistant to commonly used antibiotics.

The name Alcaligenes has its origin in Arabic and Greek and means "alkali-producing". It was named in 1919.

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Alcaligenes ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Alcaligenes es un género microbiológico de bacterias Gram-negativas, aeróbicas, incluidas en el orden Burkholderiales.

Las especies de Alcaligenes se usan para la producción industrial de aminoácidos no estándares; A. eutrophus también produce el biopolímero polihidroxibutirato (PHB).


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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Alcaligenes es un género microbiológico de bacterias Gram-negativas, aeróbicas, incluidas en el orden Burkholderiales.

Las especies de Alcaligenes se usan para la producción industrial de aminoácidos no estándares; A. eutrophus también produce el biopolímero polihidroxibutirato (PHB).

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Alcaligenes ( баскиски )

добавил wikipedia EU

Alcaligenes generoa bakterio Gram negatiboz osatua dago, orokorrean bazilo itxura dutenak. Aerobio hertsiak (O/H: +/-) eta mugikorrak dira (flagelo peritrikoak dituzte). Ez dute esporarik sortzen.

Hainbat aminoazido eskuratzeko erabiltzen dira industrian bakterio hauek.

Genero honetako espezie ezagunena Alcaligenes faecalis da, ugaztunen heste-traktuan oso ugaria dena. Mikrobio hau oportunista da, hots, immunitate-sistema ahula dutenengan infekzioak eragin ditzake.

Kanpo estekak

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

добавил wikipedia EU

Alcaligenes generoa bakterio Gram negatiboz osatua dago, orokorrean bazilo itxura dutenak. Aerobio hertsiak (O/H: +/-) eta mugikorrak dira (flagelo peritrikoak dituzte). Ez dute esporarik sortzen.

Hainbat aminoazido eskuratzeko erabiltzen dira industrian bakterio hauek.

Genero honetako espezie ezagunena Alcaligenes faecalis da, ugaztunen heste-traktuan oso ugaria dena. Mikrobio hau oportunista da, hots, immunitate-sistema ahula dutenengan infekzioak eragin ditzake.

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Alcaligenes ( галициски )

добавил wikipedia gl Galician

Alcaligenes é un xénero de bacterias gramnegativas, aerobias, con forma de bacilo. Comprende especies móbiles con flaxelos xeralmente peritricos, e máis raramente especies inmóbiles. Algunhas cepas de Alcaligenes poden realizar a respiración anaerobia, pero no seu medio debe haber nitrato ou nitrito; doutro modo, o seu metabolismo é respiratorio aerobio e nunca fermentativo. O xénero non usa carbohidratos para a súa nutrición. Viven nos solos e auga, e tamén sobre materiais en descomposición e produtos lácteos, e algunhas nos tractos intestinais de vertebrados. Atopáronse tamén en mostras de sangue, urina, feces, oídos, líquido cefalorraquídeo e feridas. Informouse de infeccións zoonóticas procedentes de furóns.[1] Ocasionalmente causan infeccións oportunistas, incluíndo a septicemia nosocomial.[2][3]

Algunhas especies de Alcaligenes foron utilizadas para a produción industrial de aminoácidos non estándar A. eutrophus tamén serve para producir o biopolímero polihidroxibutirato.

Especies de Alcaligenes foron atopadas cada vez con máis frecuencia en pacientes de fibrose quística. Nestes pacientes a especie identificada maiormente foi Alcaligenes xylosoxidans.[4]

A. faecalis é a especie tipo. É móbil, flaxelada, fina e un pouco curvada, non forma esporas, ten crecemento lento, non fermenta nin se encapsula, e é aerobia e gramnegativa. A. faecalis pode oxidar o arsenito a arsenato.[5] Esta especie atópase principalmente no tracto gastrointestinal, onde vive como un saprófito inofensivo no 5 ao 19% da poboación normal. Alcaligenes faecalis causa septicemia nosocomial, orixinada en hemodiálises ou fluídos intravenosos contaminados, en pacientes inmunocomprometidos.[3] A infección sistémica por este organismo é moi rara, pero pode producir sepse, meninxite, peritonite, febre entérica, apendicite, cistite, otite, abscesos, artrite, pneumonite, e endocardite. Foi asociada con desenlaces finais mortais porque é resistente a varios dos antibióticos usados comunmente.[6]


  1. Malek-Marín T et al (2009) A case of endocarditis of difficult diagnosis in dialysis: could "pest" friends be involved? Clin Nephrol 72(5):405-409
  2. "Copia arquivada". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 09 de outubro de 2016. Consultado o 08 de setembro de 2015.
  3. 3,0 3,1 http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Alcaligenes
  4. Saiman, Lisa, Yunhua Chen, Setareh Tabibi, Pablo San Gabriel, Juyan Zhou, Zhenling Liu, Lena Lai, and Susan Whittier. "Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Alcaligenes Xylosoxidans Isolated from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis." Journal of Clinical Microbiology 39.11 (2001): 3942-945. NCBI. Web. 27 May 2014. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC88468/>
  5. G.L. Anderson, M. Love and B.K. Zeider. Metabolic energy from arsenite oxidation in Alcaligenes faecalis. J. Phys. IV France 107 (2003) 49. DOI: 10.1051/jp4:20030240 [1]
  6. Kavuncuoglu, F., A. Unal, N. Oguzhan, B. Tokgoz, O. Oymak, and C. Utas. "First Reported Case of Alcaligenes Faecalis Peritonitis." Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis 30.1 (2010): 118-19. Web. 27 May 2014. <http://www.pdiconnect.com/content/30/1/118.full>

Véxase tamén


  • Holt, John G. (1994). Determinative Bacteriology; 9th edition. Maryland: Williams & Wilkins. p. 75. ISBN 0-683-00603-7.

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( галициски )

добавил wikipedia gl Galician

Alcaligenes é un xénero de bacterias gramnegativas, aerobias, con forma de bacilo. Comprende especies móbiles con flaxelos xeralmente peritricos, e máis raramente especies inmóbiles. Algunhas cepas de Alcaligenes poden realizar a respiración anaerobia, pero no seu medio debe haber nitrato ou nitrito; doutro modo, o seu metabolismo é respiratorio aerobio e nunca fermentativo. O xénero non usa carbohidratos para a súa nutrición. Viven nos solos e auga, e tamén sobre materiais en descomposición e produtos lácteos, e algunhas nos tractos intestinais de vertebrados. Atopáronse tamén en mostras de sangue, urina, feces, oídos, líquido cefalorraquídeo e feridas. Informouse de infeccións zoonóticas procedentes de furóns. Ocasionalmente causan infeccións oportunistas, incluíndo a septicemia nosocomial.

Algunhas especies de Alcaligenes foron utilizadas para a produción industrial de aminoácidos non estándar A. eutrophus tamén serve para producir o biopolímero polihidroxibutirato.

Especies de Alcaligenes foron atopadas cada vez con máis frecuencia en pacientes de fibrose quística. Nestes pacientes a especie identificada maiormente foi Alcaligenes xylosoxidans.

A. faecalis é a especie tipo. É móbil, flaxelada, fina e un pouco curvada, non forma esporas, ten crecemento lento, non fermenta nin se encapsula, e é aerobia e gramnegativa. A. faecalis pode oxidar o arsenito a arsenato. Esta especie atópase principalmente no tracto gastrointestinal, onde vive como un saprófito inofensivo no 5 ao 19% da poboación normal. Alcaligenes faecalis causa septicemia nosocomial, orixinada en hemodiálises ou fluídos intravenosos contaminados, en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. A infección sistémica por este organismo é moi rara, pero pode producir sepse, meninxite, peritonite, febre entérica, apendicite, cistite, otite, abscesos, artrite, pneumonite, e endocardite. Foi asociada con desenlaces finais mortais porque é resistente a varios dos antibióticos usados comunmente.

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Alcaligenes ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

Gli Alcaligenes sono un genere di batteri Gram-negativi, ossidasi positivi ed aerobici. La loro forma è a bastoncello. Le sue specie si possono muovere grazie ad uno o più flagelli, distribuiti uniformemente su tutta la superficie della cellula.

Gli Alcaligenes sono stati usati dalle industrie per la produzione amminoacidi non ordinari; l'A. eutrophus produce anche il polimero Poli-β-idrossibutirrato (PHB).


  • Madigan M; Martinko J (editors)., Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 11th ed., Prentice Hall, 2005, ISBN 0-13-144329-1.

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

Gli Alcaligenes sono un genere di batteri Gram-negativi, ossidasi positivi ed aerobici. La loro forma è a bastoncello. Le sue specie si possono muovere grazie ad uno o più flagelli, distribuiti uniformemente su tutta la superficie della cellula.

Gli Alcaligenes sono stati usati dalle industrie per la produzione amminoacidi non ordinari; l'A. eutrophus produce anche il polimero Poli-β-idrossibutirrato (PHB).

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Alcaligenes ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Alcaligenes é um gênero de bactérias gram-negativas aeróbicas da família Alcaligenaceae.

Referências gerais

  • Madigan M; Martinko J (editors). (2005). Brock Biology of Microorganisms 11th ed. [S.l.]: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-144329-1

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Alcaligenes é um gênero de bactérias gram-negativas aeróbicas da família Alcaligenaceae.

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Alcaligenes ( турски )

добавил wikipedia TR
Bu madde herhangi bir kaynak içermemektedir. Lütfen güvenilir kaynaklar ekleyerek bu maddenin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olunuz. Kaynaksız içerik itiraz konusu olabilir ve kaldırılabilir.

Alcaligenes; aerobik, gram negatif olmakla birlikte bazen gram pozitif boyanırlar. Pigment oluşturmazlar. Çubuk, kokobasil veya kok şeklinde hücreleri vardır. Toprak, su, toz, çiğ süt, kanatlı etleri ve dışkıda yaygın olarak bulunur. Yumurta ve süt gibi ürünlerin bozulmalarında rol oynarlar ve şekerleri fermente ederler, ancak alkali reaksiyon oluştururlar. Gelişme sıcaklıkları 20-31 derece arasındadır.

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( турски )

добавил wikipedia TR

Alcaligenes; aerobik, gram negatif olmakla birlikte bazen gram pozitif boyanırlar. Pigment oluşturmazlar. Çubuk, kokobasil veya kok şeklinde hücreleri vardır. Toprak, su, toz, çiğ süt, kanatlı etleri ve dışkıda yaygın olarak bulunur. Yumurta ve süt gibi ürünlerin bozulmalarında rol oynarlar ve şekerleri fermente ederler, ancak alkali reaksiyon oluştururlar. Gelişme sıcaklıkları 20-31 derece arasındadır.

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Alcaligenes ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK

Alcaligenes — рід грам-негативних палочкоподібних бактерій. Види цього роду широко використовується для промислового біосинтезу нестандартних амінокислот, A. eutrophus також синтезуж біополімер полігідроксибутірат (PHB).

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Alcaligenes: Brief Summary ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK

Alcaligenes — рід грам-негативних палочкоподібних бактерій. Види цього роду широко використовується для промислового біосинтезу нестандартних амінокислот, A. eutrophus також синтезуж біополімер полігідроксибутірат (PHB).

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アルカリゲネス属 ( јапонски )

добавил wikipedia 日本語
アルカリゲネス属 分類 ドメ
: 真正細菌 Bacteria : βプロテオバクテリア Betaproteobacteria : ブルクホルデリア目 Burkholderiales : アルカリゲネス科
Alcaligenaceae : アルカリゲネス属 Alcaligenes 学名 Alcaligenes
Castellani & Chalmers 1919 種
  • A.アエストゥス
  • A.キシロオキシダンス
  • A.デニトリフィカンス
  • アルカリ大便菌




  • Michael T. Madiganほか著、室伏きみ子、関啓子監訳 『Brock微生物学』 オーム社、ISBN 9784274024887。NCID BA61734511
  • 発酵研究所監修、大嶋泰治ほか編 『IFO微生物学概論』 培風館、ISBN 9784563078119。NCID BB04312618
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