
Reproduction ( англиски )

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No research has been done specifically as of yet on the A. fistulata, however there has been research conducted on its close relative, A. geoffroyi. The A. geoffroyi has a 4-month gestation period, mandating that the bat initiate gonadal development much earlier than the preferred climate and food availability cycles. It was predicted from these results that some kind of cue must be used to initiate the gonadal development. One explanation proposed was a dependency on photoperiod, which might induce the development of the reproductive organs of these bats. Mating was found to occur from July to August and a single pup is born in late November or December. The duration of lactation occurred during the early dry season and lasted for around 1.5 to 2 months. Flowering is usually highest in the beginning of the dry season, indicating that female bats of this species have coevolved to synchronize their lactation cycle with high peaks of abundance of nectar and pollen (Heideman et. al 1992).


  • Heideman, P. D., Deoraj, P. and F. H. Bronson. 1992. “Seasonal reproduction of a tropical bat, Anoura geoffroyi, in relation to photoperiod”. Journals of Reprocution and Fertility 96: 765-773.
  • Galindo-Galindo, C., A. Castro-Campillo, A. Salame-Mendez, and Jose Ramirez-Pulido. 2000. “Reproductive events and social organization in colony of Anoura geoffroyi (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from a temperate Mexican cave”. Acta Zoology Mexio 80: 51-68.
  • Graham, G. L. 1988. “Interspecific associations among Peruvian bats at diurnal roosts and roost sites”. Journal of Mammology 69 (4).
  • Mantilla-Meluk, H. 2014. “Geographic and Ecological Amplitude in the Nectarivorous Bat Anoura fistulata (Phyllostimidae: Glossophaginae)”. National University of Columbia (26): 36-48.
  • Mantilla-Meluk, H., and R. J. Baker. 2008. “Mammalia, Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae, Anoura fistulata: Distribution extension”. Check List 4 (4): 427-430.
  • Mantilla-Meluk, H.. 2014. “Geographic and Ecological Amplitude in the Nectarivorous Bat Anoura Fistulata (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae). Caldasia 36(2).
  • Muchhala, N. 2006. “Nectar bat stows huge tongue in its rib cage”. Nature 444 (7).
  • Muchhala, N., A. Caiza, J.C. Vizuete, and J. D. Thompson. 2008. “A generalized pollination system in the tropics: bats, birds and Aphelandra acanthus”. Annals of Botany 103: 1481-1487.
  • Muchhala, N. and J. D. Thompson. 2009. “Going to great lengths: selection for long corolla tubes in an extremely specialized bat-flower mutualism”. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences 276 (1665): 2147-2152.
  • Muchhala, N. and J. D. Thompson. 2012. “Interspecific competition in pollination systems to male fitness via pollen misplacement”. Functional Ecology 26: 476-482.

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General Ecology ( англиски )

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Bats of the subfamily Glossophaginae are some of the most specialized nectarivores. They are known to most commonly drink nectar from the Centropogon nigricans, which has an unusually long corolla that highly correlates to the length of the tongue in the A. fistulata. Scientists had predicted that the flower must be pollinated by some kind of hawk moth with an extremely long proboscis, but with the discovery of this bat, the pollinator has been more precisely predicted. This specialization indicates a coevolution specifically between this plant and bat and is hardly seen in any other circumstances (Muchhala 2006). A. fistulata is also known to drink nectar from the flower Aphelandra acanthus indicating the possibility for a broader distribution than is presently known (Muchhala et. al 2008). A. fistulata moves from flower to flower, lapping nectar, through quick retractions and extensions of it’s tongue by sticking it’s full head into the flower (Muchhala and Thompson 2009). A. fistulata is also known to eat insects for protein and is much more efficient than some of its counterparts due to its shortened snout.


A. fistulata moves from flower to flower aiding in pollination of those specific flowers. This bat species picks up the pollen on the crown of its head and dispenses it on awaiting stigmas. A previous study found that bats in particular this bat species and it’s close relative A. geoffroyi were better polliantors than hummingbirds, depositing a significantly greater amount pollen. The interspecific accumulation of pollen by these bats, however, makes them not ideal for flowers and leads to a need for a secondary pollinator by this plant (Muchhala et. al 2008). This type of loss of pollen to foreign plants due to multiple visits is called conspecific pollen loss. This pollen misplacement could be due to a low coevolution between bat and flower as well as behavioral characteristics, increased stops between same specie flowers (Muchhala et. al 2012). Research has found that with its niche breadth, this bat is a very important pollinator of cacti.

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Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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The Anoura fistulata is differentitated from its relative the A. geoffroyi by its elongated calcar and an evident tail that protrudes past the margin of the uropatagium. The margin is in the shape of a “V”. There is a sparse fringe of hair along the margin that distinguishes this organism as well. An enlarged keel structure also serves to separate these two species. One of the most distinguishing features of the A. fistulata is its extremely long tongue. Its tongue has been measured to be greater than the length of its body (Manilla-Metuk 2008). The tongue of the A. fistulata was found to be 84.9 mm, about 150 % the times of its body length. This is proportionally longer than any other mammal, and is second only to the chameleon among vertebrates. Unlike other bats that have their tongue attached to the base of the oral cavity, the A. fistulata’s tongue passes through the neck into the thoracic cavity. In this way the tongue is stored between the heart and sternum (Muchhala 2006).

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Habitat ( англиски )

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It would be expected that with such a specialized adaptation for specific flowers, this bat would be found in a small niche breadth. However, as shown by the geographic distribution, the area continues to increase. It was determined that the bat is most commonly found in drier forests. Not exactly arid environments, but locations with low precipitation and high to medium temperatures. Data has not been sufficiently researched however, and the bat has also been found to occupy a wide altitudinal gradient (Mantilla-Meluk et. al 2014). Roosting has not been determined for this specific species, but closely related species have been studied to determine their roosting preferences. Bats of the Phyllostomidae family have been found to like either trees with some protection or caves with optimal protection. This family is also known to share roots with a large number of other species (Graham 1988).

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Distribution ( англиски )

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Anoura fistulata has been found at its northernmost point in Pueblo Rico, in the Colombian Andes down to the eastern side of the Andes Mountains in Condor Mirador, Ecuador. They have been found between 1175 m to 2517 m. Recently discovered on both sides of the Andes mountain range (Mantilla-Meluk and Baker 2008). A previously described species of A. cadenai was determined as an A. fistulata after further investigation into the mandibles and teeth of the specimen. The specimen had an enlarged keel in the mandible and its upper canines do not have the sulcus typically found in the A. cadenai. This constituted the first record of the A. fistulata from Llorente, Colombia. It is known to inhabit mature cloud forests on the mid-elevation slopes of the Andes. In 2008, the geographic range was extended into Peru after a specimen was found at Playa Colorado (Mantilla-Meluk 2014).

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Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The Anoura fistulata is part of the Phyllostomidae family and Glossophaginae subfamily and was just recently described in 2005 as a new species of the Anoura genus. It is thought to have become allopatrically speciated from its closest relative, A. geoffroyi. A. fistulata is derived from the word fistula, meaning “tube”, indicating its tube shaped snout and jutting lower mandible (Mantilla-Metuk 2008).

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Anoura fistulata ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Anoura fistulata és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels fil·lostòmids. És endèmic de l'Equador. Fou descrit l'any 2005.[1]


Té una longitud total d'uns 6 cm i un pes d'uns 12 g. Té el musell curt, la cua mesura 5 mm de longitud i el seu uropatagi té forma de V invertida. El seu nom específic, fistulata té el seu origen en la paraula llatina fistŭla, que significa tub o canal, a causa del llavi inferior d'aquest ratpenat, que s'estén 3,3-4,8 mm més enllà del llavi superior i està enrotllat en forma de tub. La funció exacta del seu llavi en forma de tub és desconeguda. La seva llengua és el doble de llarga que la d'altres espècies del gènere Anoura i, amb 8 cm de longitud (el 150% de la longitud total del seu cos), aquest ratpenat té la llengua més llarga en relació a la seva mida corporal de tots els mamífers.[1][2]

Per evolució convergent, aquesta espècie, els pangolins i l'ós formiguer tenen la llengua separada del hioide i s'estenen a través de la faringe profundament al tòrax.[3] Aquesta extensió està entre l'estern i la tràquea.


S'alimenta fonamentalment de nèctar i pol·len de diverses plantes, i complementa la seva dieta amb insectes.[1][2] L'extraordinària longitud de la seva llengua podria haver coevolucionat amb les llargues flors que pol·linitza, en especial amb Centropogon nigricans.[3][4]


El seu àmbit de distribució es restringeix als Andes equatorians i habita selves nebuloses montanes a una altitud de 1.300-1.890 m als vessants orientals i del 2.000-2.275 m als occidentals.[5][1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Muchhala, N.; Mena, P. i Albuja, L. «A new species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the ecuadorian Andes» (en anglès). Journal of Mammalogy, 86, 3, 2005, pàg. 457–461. DOI: 10.1644/1545-1542(2005)86[457:ANSOAC]2.0.CO;2.
  2. 2,0 2,1 «Batty discovery: The longest tongue» (en anglès). Msnbc Digital Network. [Consulta: 29 setembre 2011].
  3. 3,0 3,1 Muchhala, N. «Nectar bat stows huge tongue in its rib cage» (en anglès). Nature, 444, 2006, pàg. 701-702. DOI: 10.1038/444701a.
  4. Muchhala, N. i Thomson, J. D. «Going to great lengths: selection for long corolla tubes in an extremely specialized bat–flower mutualism» (en anglès). Proc Biol Sci., 276, 1665, 2009, pàg. 2147–2152. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0102.
  5. Burneo, S.; Mantilla, H. Anoura fistulata. UICN 2008. Llista Vermella d'espècies amenaçades de la UICN, edició 2008, consultada el 18 febrer 2009.

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Anoura fistulata: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Anoura fistulata és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels fil·lostòmids. És endèmic de l'Equador. Fou descrit l'any 2005.

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Tube-lipped nectar bat ( англиски )

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The tube-lipped nectar bat (Anoura fistulata) is a bat from Ecuador. It was described in 2005. It has a remarkably long tongue, which it uses to drink nectar. It additionally consumes pollen and insects.

Taxonomy and etymology

The tube-lipped nectar bat was first described in 2005.[2] The species name fistulata is derived from the Latin word fistula, meaning "tube". It refers to the bat's lower lip, which extends 3.3–4.8 mm beyond the upper lip and is rolled into a funnel shape. The exact function of the tube-lip is unknown.


The bat has the longest tongue (8.5 cm) relative to its body size of any mammal. Its tongue is 150% the size of its overall body length. By convergent evolution, pangolins, the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), and the tube-lipped nectar bat all have a tongue that is detached from their hyoid bones and extend past the pharynx deep into the thorax.[3] This extension lies between the sternum and the trachea.

Biology and ecology

Despite its exceptionally long tongue, the tube-lipped nectar bat has a varied diet that includes nectar, pollen, and insects. This arrangement is possible due to its short jaw. The base of the tongue is in the bat's rib cage.[4] One plant, Centropogon nigricans, with its 80– to 90-mm-long corollae, is pollinated exclusively by this bat.

See also


  1. ^ Solari, S. (2018). "Anoura fistulata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T136239A22001222. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T136239A22001222.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ Muchhala, Nathan; Patricio Mena; Luis Albuja (2005). "A New Species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes" (PDF). Journal of Mammalogy. 86 (3): 457–461. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2005)86[457:ANSOAC]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 1545-1542. Archived from the original (PDF, Reprint) on 2015-09-23. Retrieved 2006-12-07.
  3. ^ Muchhala, Nathan (2006). "Nectar bat stows huge tongue in its rib cage". Nature. 444 (7120): 701–2. Bibcode:2006Natur.444..701M. doi:10.1038/444701a. PMID 17151655. S2CID 4418648.
  4. ^ Bryner, Jeanna. "Bat found to have longest licker". NBC News. Retrieved 2006-12-07.
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Tube-lipped nectar bat: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The tube-lipped nectar bat (Anoura fistulata) is a bat from Ecuador. It was described in 2005. It has a remarkably long tongue, which it uses to drink nectar. It additionally consumes pollen and insects.

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Anoura fistulata ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Anoura fistulata es una especie de murciélago filostómido endémico de Ecuador Y Bolivia. Fue descrito en el año 2005.[2]


Tiene una longitud total de unos 6 cm y un peso de unos 12 g; tiene un hocico corto, la cola mide 5 mm de longitud y su uropatagio tiene forma de V invertida. Su nombre específico, fistulata tiene su origen en la palabra latina fistŭla, que significa tubo o canal, debido al labio inferior de este murciélago que se extiende 3,3-4,8 mm más allá del labio superior y está enrollado en forma de tubo. La función exacta de su labio en forma de tubo es desconocida. Su lengua es el doble de larga que la de otras especies del género Anoura y, con 8 cm de longitud (el 150% de la longitud total de su cuerpo), este murciélago tiene la lengua más larga en relación a su tamaño corporal de todos los mamíferos.[2][3]

Por evolución convergente, esta especie, los pangolines y el oso hormiguero gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), tienen lenguas separadas de su hueso hioides y se extienden a través de la faringe profundamente en el tórax;[4]​ esta extensión está entre el esternón y la tráquea.


Se alimenta fundamentalmente de néctar y polen de varias plantas, y complementa su dieta con insectos.[2][3]​ La extraordinaria longitud se su lengua podría haber coevolucionado con las largas flores que poliniza, en especial con Centropogon nigricans.[4][5]


Su área de distribución se restringe a los Andes ecuatorianos, y habita en bosques nubosos montanos a una altitud de 1300-1890 m en las laderas orientales y de 2000-2275 m en las occidentales.[1][2]

Véase también


  1. a b Burneo, S. & Mantilla, H. (2008). «Anoura fistulata». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2011 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 29 de septiembre de 2011.
  2. a b c d Muchhala, N.; Mena, P. y Albuja, L. (2005). «A new species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phylllostomidae) from the ecuadorian Andes». Journal of Mammalogy (en inglés) 86 (3): 457-461. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2005)86[457:ANSOAC]2.0.CO;2.
  3. a b «Batty discovery: The longest tongue» (en inglés). Msnbc Digital Network. Consultado el 29 de septiembre de 2011.
  4. a b Muchhala, N. (2006). «Nectar bat stows huge tongue in its rib cage». Nature (en inglés) 444: 701-702. doi:10.1038/444701a.
  5. Muchhala, N. y Thomson, J. D. (2009). «Going to great lengths: selection for long corolla tubes in an extremely specialized bat–flower mutualism». Proc Biol Sci. (en inglés) 276 (1665): 2147-2152. doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.0102.
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Anoura fistulata: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Anoura fistulata es una especie de murciélago filostómido endémico de Ecuador Y Bolivia. Fue descrito en el año 2005.​

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Anoura fistulata ( фински )

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Anoura fistulata on ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2003 havaittu harvinainen Ecuadorin sademetsissä elävä lepakkolaji. Lajilla on ruumiin kokoon suhteutettuna pidempi kieli kuin millään muulla nisäkkäällä. Sen syvältä ruumiinontelosta alkavan kielen pituus on jopa puolitoistakertainen ruumiin pituuteen nähden. Kielen tyvi sijaitsee lajin sydämen ja rintalastan välissä. Kooltaan laji on noin hiiren kokoinen.

Pitkällä kielellään se pystyy imemään mettä Centropogon nigricans -kukkien 8,5 cm syvästä kukasta. Samalla lepakon karvoihin tarttuu siitepölyä, jonka se kuljettaa seuraavaan kukkaan. Centropogon nigricans on ainoa toistaiseksi tunnettu kukkalaji, jonka pölytys on riippuvainen yhdestä lepakkolajista. Meden lisäksi lepakkolajin ravintoon kuuluvat pienet hyönteiset.

Anoura fistulata -lepakkolaji ja Centropogon nigricans -kukkalaji ovat esimerkki koevoluutiosta.



  1. a b Burneo, S. & Mantilla, H.: Anoura fistulata IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 10.7.2014. (englanniksi)


  • Nectar bat stows huge tongue in its rib cage, Nathan Muchhala, Nature 444, s. 701-702 (7. joulukuuta 2006)
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Anoura fistulata: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Anoura fistulata on ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2003 havaittu harvinainen Ecuadorin sademetsissä elävä lepakkolaji. Lajilla on ruumiin kokoon suhteutettuna pidempi kieli kuin millään muulla nisäkkäällä. Sen syvältä ruumiinontelosta alkavan kielen pituus on jopa puolitoistakertainen ruumiin pituuteen nähden. Kielen tyvi sijaitsee lajin sydämen ja rintalastan välissä. Kooltaan laji on noin hiiren kokoinen.

Pitkällä kielellään se pystyy imemään mettä Centropogon nigricans -kukkien 8,5 cm syvästä kukasta. Samalla lepakon karvoihin tarttuu siitepölyä, jonka se kuljettaa seuraavaan kukkaan. Centropogon nigricans on ainoa toistaiseksi tunnettu kukkalaji, jonka pölytys on riippuvainen yhdestä lepakkolajista. Meden lisäksi lepakkolajin ravintoon kuuluvat pienet hyönteiset.

Anoura fistulata -lepakkolaji ja Centropogon nigricans -kukkalaji ovat esimerkki koevoluutiosta.

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Anoura fistulata ( француски )

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Anoura fistulata est une espèce de chauve-souris glossophage décrite en 2005. Elle joue un rôle actif dans la pollinisation de certaines plantes dans les Andes, en Équateur. Sa langue peut atteindre 6 à 8,5 cm, soit une fois et demie la longueur de son corps.

D'après Nathan Muchhala, de l'université de Miami (Floride), l'un des descripteurs de l'espèce, la langue de ce mammifère est tellement longue qu'elle part d'une cavité située entre le cœur et le sternum.

Anoura fistulata est une chauve souris qui se nourrit de nectar. Elle semble être le seul pollinisateur d'une fleur, Centropogon nigricans, dont la corolle a 85 mm de profondeur. Il est possible que la chauve-souris et la plante aient évolué en parallèle, l'une s'adaptant constamment à l'évolution de l'autre. Ce phénomène avait déjà été évoqué par Charles Darwin à propos d'une orchidée malgache du genre Angraecum.


  • Muchhala, N., Mena V, P. & Albuja, V, L. 2005. A new species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Mammalogy 86(3):457-461.

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Anoura fistulata: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Anoura fistulata est une espèce de chauve-souris glossophage décrite en 2005. Elle joue un rôle actif dans la pollinisation de certaines plantes dans les Andes, en Équateur. Sa langue peut atteindre 6 à 8,5 cm, soit une fois et demie la longueur de son corps.

D'après Nathan Muchhala, de l'université de Miami (Floride), l'un des descripteurs de l'espèce, la langue de ce mammifère est tellement longue qu'elle part d'une cavité située entre le cœur et le sternum.

Anoura fistulata est une chauve souris qui se nourrit de nectar. Elle semble être le seul pollinisateur d'une fleur, Centropogon nigricans, dont la corolle a 85 mm de profondeur. Il est possible que la chauve-souris et la plante aient évolué en parallèle, l'une s'adaptant constamment à l'évolution de l'autre. Ce phénomène avait déjà été évoqué par Charles Darwin à propos d'une orchidée malgache du genre Angraecum.

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Cjevousni šišmiš ( хрватски )

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Cjevousni šišmiš (Anoura fistulata), vrsta šišmiša otkrivenog 2005 godibne u Ekvadoru. Značajan je po tome što je je jedina vrsta koja oprašuje cvijet biljke Centropogon nigricans hraneći se njegovim nektarom[1].

Biljka ispušta neugodan miris koji privlači ove šišmiše sa dugim jezikom koji mu služi za izvlaćenje nektara iz njezinog cvijeta.


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Cjevousni šišmiš: Brief Summary ( хрватски )

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Cjevousni šišmiš (Anoura fistulata), vrsta šišmiša otkrivenog 2005 godibne u Ekvadoru. Značajan je po tome što je je jedina vrsta koja oprašuje cvijet biljke Centropogon nigricans hraneći se njegovim nektarom.

Biljka ispušta neugodan miris koji privlači ove šišmiše sa dugim jezikom koji mu služi za izvlaćenje nektara iz njezinog cvijeta.

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Anoura fistulata ( италијански )

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Anoura fistulata (Mucchala, V.Mena & V.Albuja, 2005) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Fillostomidi diffuso nell'America meridionale.[1][2]



Pipistrello di piccole dimensioni, con la lunghezza totale tra 57 e 67 mm, la lunghezza dell'avambraccio tra 35 e 40 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 4 e 7 mm, la lunghezza del piede tra 7 e 12 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie tra 12 e 17 mm e un peso fino a 17 g.[3]


La pelliccia è densa e setosa. Il colore generale del corpo è marrone scuro, con la base dei peli bianco-crema. Le membrane sono bruno-grigiastre. Il muso è allungato e fornito all'estremità di una piccola foglia nasale lanceolata. La lingua è eccezionalmente allungabile, fino a circa una volta e mezza la lunghezza della testa e del corpo combinate, proporzionalmente la più lunga tra tutti i mammiferi esistenti, ed è fornita di papille sulla punta[4]. Il labbro inferiore è allungato e si sporge oltre il labbro superiore di almeno 3,3-4,8 mm. Le orecchie sono relativamente piccole e separate. La coda si estende leggermente oltre l'uropatagio il quale è ridotto ad una sottile membrana a forma di V rovesciata lungo la parte interna degli arti inferiori. Il calcar è ben sviluppato.



Si rifugia all'interno di grotte in piccoli gruppi fino a 4 individui ciascuno.


Si nutre di nettare e polline di un gran numero di piante dai fiori grandi, come Marcgravia, Meriania, Centropogon nigricans e Markea. Può integrare la sua dieta anche con insetti, in particolare lepidotteri.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa specie è diffusa lungo i versanti andini nord-occidentali e orientali dell'Ecuador, Colombia sud-occidentale, Perù centrale e meridionale e nella Bolivia meridionale[5].

Vive nelle foreste montane umide mature sub-tropicali tra 1.300 e 2.275 metri di altitudine.

Stato di conservazione

La IUCN Red List, considerato l'assenza di informazioni recenti sul suo areale, classifica A.fistulata come specie con dati insufficienti (DD).[1]


  1. ^ a b c (EN) Burneo, S. & Mantilla, H. 2008, Anoura fistulata, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Muchhala & Al., 2005.
  4. ^ Nathan Muchhala, Nectar Bat stows huge tongue in its rib cage, in Nature, vol. 444, 2006, pp. 701-702.
  5. ^ Mantilla-Meluk H, Siles L & Aguirre LF, Geographic and ecological amplitude in the nectarivorous bat Anoura fistulata (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae), in Caldasia, vol. 36, n. 2, 2014, pp. 373-388.


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Anoura fistulata: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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Anoura fistulata (Mucchala, V.Mena & V.Albuja, 2005) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Fillostomidi diffuso nell'America meridionale.

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Anoura fistulata ( холандски; фламански )

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Anoura fistulata is een vleermuis uit Ecuador en Bolivia die in 2005 is beschreven.


Het is een middelgrote Anoura-soort (armlengte 35-40 mm). Hij heeft een verlengde buisachtige onderlip, die 3,3 tot 4,8 mm voor de bovenlip uitsteekt en een zeer lange tong van 6 tot 8 cm. De vlieghuid tussen de achterpoten is relatief breed en heeft een V-vorm, terwijl hij bij andere soorten smaller is en een U-vorm heeft. De staart is iets langer dan de vlieghuid.

De soortnaam, fistulata, is afgeleid van het Latijnse woord voor buis, fistula, en verwijst naar de karakteristieke buisachtige onderlip. Die onderlip is mogelijk zo ontwikkeld om effectiever nectar te eten of simpelweg om de lange tong op te bergen. De beschrijvers suggereren dat de soort tot nu toe onbekend was gebleven doordat zijn meest karakteristieke kenmerken - de lange lip en tong - meestal niet in taxonomische studies worden gebruikt en in museumexemplaren niet behouden blijven.


A. fistulata eet nectar en stuifmeel van allerlei planten, aangevuld met insecten. Op de huid van exemplaren van A. fistulata is stuifmeel gevonden van bromeliaden, en soorten van Marcgravia, Meriania, Centropogon nigricans en Markea. Onderzochte uitwerpselen bevatten stuifmeel van Marcgravia, Aphelandra acanthus en bromeliaden en resten van insecten. Het spijsverteringsstelsel van een ander exemplaar bevatte resten en stuifmeel van Pitcairnia brogniartiana, Marcgravia coriaceae en Markea.


De typelocatie is in de Condor Mirador (3°38'08"Z, 78*23'22"W, 1 750 m) in de Cordillera del Condor in de provincie Zamora Chinchipe in het uiterste zuidoosten van Ecuador. Hij is in totaal bekend van 10 locaties op een middelmatige hoogte in nevelwouden aan zowel de oost- als de westkant van de Andes van Ecuador, maar mogelijk komt hij ook in de aangrenzende delen van Peru en Colombia voor.

In 2015 werd hij ook in het Boliviaanse Madidi National Park waargenomen.[2]


  • Muchhala, N., Mena V., P. & Albuja, V., L. 2005. A new species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Mammalogy 86(3):457-461.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Anoura fistulata op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. Rare Bat with Super-Long Tongue Spotted in Bolivia. Discovery (24 augustus 2015). Geraadpleegd op 25 augustus 2015.
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Anoura fistulata: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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Anoura fistulata is een vleermuis uit Ecuador en Bolivia die in 2005 is beschreven.

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Brakogonek rurkowargi ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Brakogonek rurkowargi[3], bezogonek ryjkowaty[potrzebny przypis] (Anoura fistulata) – odkryty w 2005 roku[4] gatunek nietoperza z rodziny liścionosowatych (Phyllostomidae), żyjący w ekwadorskich Andach o rekordowo długim języku, osiągającym długość 8,5 cm przy zwierzęciu długości maksymalnie 6 cm. Tak długi język umożliwia żywienie się nektarem roślin dzwonkowatych, np. Centropogon nigricans (roślina ta i Anoura fistulata w trakcie ewolucji uzależniły się od siebie - Centropogon nigricans może być zapylany tylko przez ten gatunek nietoperza). Język nietoperza nie jest powiązany z podniebieniem i żuchwą, jak u innych ssaków, lecz zaczepiony jest w klatce piersiowej. Tutaj jest otoczony przez specjalną strukturę tkankową, nazwaną rurką (obręczą) językową.


  1. Anoura fistulata, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. S. Burneo, H. Mantilla 2008, Anoura fistulata [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016 [online], wersja 2015-4 [dostęp 2016-02-05] (ang.).
  3. W. Cichocki, A. Ważna, J. Cichocki, E. Rajska, A. Jasiński, W. Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 102. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  4. N. Muchhala, P. Mena-Valenzuela, A.V. Luis. A new species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes. „Journal of Mammalogy”. 86 (3), s. 475-461, 2005. DOI: 10.1644/1545-1542(2005)86[457:ANSOAC]2.0.CO;2 (ang.).
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Brakogonek rurkowargi: Brief Summary ( полски )

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Brakogonek rurkowargi, bezogonek ryjkowaty[potrzebny przypis] (Anoura fistulata) – odkryty w 2005 roku gatunek nietoperza z rodziny liścionosowatych (Phyllostomidae), żyjący w ekwadorskich Andach o rekordowo długim języku, osiągającym długość 8,5 cm przy zwierzęciu długości maksymalnie 6 cm. Tak długi język umożliwia żywienie się nektarem roślin dzwonkowatych, np. Centropogon nigricans (roślina ta i Anoura fistulata w trakcie ewolucji uzależniły się od siebie - Centropogon nigricans może być zapylany tylko przez ten gatunek nietoperza). Język nietoperza nie jest powiązany z podniebieniem i żuchwą, jak u innych ssaków, lecz zaczepiony jest w klatce piersiowej. Tutaj jest otoczony przez specjalną strukturę tkankową, nazwaną rurką (obręczą) językową.

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Anoura fistulata ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV

Anoura fistulata är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av N. Muchhala, P. Mena-Valenzuela och Luis V. Albuja, 2005.[1] Arten ingår i släktet Anoura, och fladdermusfamiljen bladnäsor. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som föremål för kunskapsbrist.[1]


Anoura fistulata är en sydamerikansk art som förekommer i de ecuadorianska Anderna och i av Kordiljärerna på höjder av 1300 – 2275 meter över havet i företrädesvis molnskog (Muchhala, Mena-Valenzuela och Luis V. Albuja, 2005).[2][1]

Fladdermusen livnär sig av nektar och pollen.[1][3]


  • Muchhala, N., Mena, P. V. och Albuja, L. V., ”A new species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes”, Journal of Mammalogy, volym 86, sid 457-461 (2005)
  1. ^ [a b c d e] 2008 Anoura fistulata Från: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 30 november 2013.
  2. ^ Hugo Mantilla–Meluk och Robert J. Baker (2008). ”NOTES ON GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION; Mammalia, Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae, Anoura fistulata: Distribution extension”. Check List (Museum of Texas Tech University) 4 (4): sid. 427-430. ISSN 1809-127X. http://www.checklist.org.br/getpdf?NGD313-08. Läst 30 november 2013. Arkiverad 23 september 2015 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Hugo Mantilla–Meluk och Robert J. Baker (2006). ”Systematics of Small Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from Colombia, with description of a new species”. Occational Papers (Museum of Texas Tech University) (261). http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/publications/opapers/ops/op261.pdf. Läst 30 november 2013.
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Anoura fistulata: Brief Summary ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV

Anoura fistulata är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av N. Muchhala, P. Mena-Valenzuela och Luis V. Albuja, 2005. Arten ingår i släktet Anoura, och fladdermusfamiljen bladnäsor. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som föremål för kunskapsbrist.

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Anoura fistulata ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK

Середовище проживання

Країни поширення: Еквадор. Висота проживання 1,300-1,890 м на східних і 2,000-2,275 м на західних схилах Анд. Населяє гірські дощові ліси.


Споживає нектар і пилок та доповнює раціон комахами. Спочиває в печерах.

Загрози та охорона

Екосистема, де живе вид дуже тендітна і швидкість руйнування висока. Ареал виду знаходиться в межах двох природоохоронних територій.


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관입술꿀박쥐 ( корејски )

добавил wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

관입술꿀박쥐(Anoura fistulata)는 주걱박쥐과(신세계잎코박쥐류)에 속하는 박쥐의 일종이다. 2005년 처음 기재되었다.[2] 종소명 fistulata은 "관"(tube)을 의미하는 라틴어 단어 "피스툴라"(fistula)에서 유래했다. 박쥐의 아랫 입술이 윗 입술보다 3.3~4.8mm 이상 연장되어 깔때기 형태로 말려 있다. 관입술의 정확한 기능은 알려져 있지 않다. 어떤 포유류의 체형에 비해 가장 긴 혀(8.5cm)를 갖고 있다. 전체 몸길이의 150% 크기이다. 수렴 진화에 의해, 천산갑큰개미핥기(Myrmecophaga tridactyla) 그리고 관입술꿀박쥐 모두 설골에서 분리된 긴 혀를 갖고 있으며, 흉곽 깊이 인두를 지나 확장된다.[3]


  1. “Anoura fistulata”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 2월 18일에 확인함.
  2. Muchhala, Nathan; Patricio Mena; Luis Albuja (2005). “A New Species of Anoura (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes” (PDF, Reprint). 《Journal of Mammalogy》 86 (3): 457–461. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2005)86[457:ANSOAC]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 1545-1542. 2006년 12월 7일에 확인함.
  3. Muchhala, Nathan (2006). “Nectar bat stows huge tongue in its rib cage”. 《Nature》 444 (7120): 701–2. doi:10.1038/444701a. PMID 17151655.
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관입술꿀박쥐: Brief Summary ( корејски )

добавил wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

관입술꿀박쥐(Anoura fistulata)는 주걱박쥐과(신세계잎코박쥐류)에 속하는 박쥐의 일종이다. 2005년 처음 기재되었다. 종소명 fistulata은 "관"(tube)을 의미하는 라틴어 단어 "피스툴라"(fistula)에서 유래했다. 박쥐의 아랫 입술이 윗 입술보다 3.3~4.8mm 이상 연장되어 깔때기 형태로 말려 있다. 관입술의 정확한 기능은 알려져 있지 않다. 어떤 포유류의 체형에 비해 가장 긴 혀(8.5cm)를 갖고 있다. 전체 몸길이의 150% 크기이다. 수렴 진화에 의해, 천산갑큰개미핥기(Myrmecophaga tridactyla) 그리고 관입술꿀박쥐 모두 설골에서 분리된 긴 혀를 갖고 있으며, 흉곽 깊이 인두를 지나 확장된다.

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