Phlomis aurea is a shrublet of the S Sinai Highlands (Egypt). It has typical yellow felt that covers its leaves and stems.
At the end of spring, after most plants are dry, Phlomis brachyodon is blooming. It looks like flames in the dry fields, hence its latin name and Hebrew name (shalhavit). This is a narrow endemic species growing in Israel and Jordan along the transition zone bet. the Mediterranean and desert regions. The whole plant is covered by felted wool which helps decresing water loss in its arid habitat.
This shrubles is felted all over. The yellow flowers are in contrast to its silvery parts and to the dry habitat. It is an endemic species of Israel and Jordan.
A common shrublet that is found on the Mediterranean and desert borders. The plant is endemic to Israel and Jordan. It blooms in early summer after most flowers are gone.
A nice felted plant that blooms in June-July in the heights of Mt Hermon.
Phlomis italica is a West Mediterranean species. It is covered by felt that reduce water loss.
Phlomis lanata is a shrublet from Crete. It is compact and small compared with the other Phlomis species.
Phlomis is a large genus of shrublets. It is woody in the lower part and herbaceous on the upper part.
Phlomis platystegia is a rare shrublet of the desert and arid transition zone.
Phlomis platystegia is a desert shrublet. In winter it is dense and green, and in April-May will bloom in yellow.
We found this shrublet to be one of the commonest in Aldalucia. It was difficult to photograph until i found one with a dark background.
This is one of the common shrublets in the Mediterranean areas of Israel. It has a woody base and heraceous flowering stems. Its common name, Jerusalem Sage, is misleading because there is also a proper sage named like that.
Phlomis aurea is a shrublet of the S Sinai Highlands (Egypt). It has typical yellow felt that covers its leaves and stems.