
Móra de Logan ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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La móra de Logan, en anglès:Loganberry, (Rubus × loganobaccus) és un híbrid produït creuant una espècie de móra negra (Rubus vitifolius) i el gerd.


Va ser creada el 1883 per l'horicultor nord-americà James Harvey Logan (1841–1928) amb creuaments successius.[1]

Pel seu alt contingut en vitamina C va ser usat per la britànica Royal Navy a principis del segle XX per a prevenir l'escorbut.


Són plantes molt resistents a les malalties i els freds (com acostuma a passar amb els híbrids) però tendeixen a fer espines i els fruits queden amagats per les fulles. A més la maduració no és simultània. Sovint només es conreen de forma familiar a petita escala.


Aquestes móres es poden menjar crues o fer-ne melmelades, pastissos,xarops, etc. Combinen bé amb el vi de Xerès. A Amèrica se'n fa una beguda


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  1. Rieger, Mark. Introduction to Fruit Crops. Routledge, 2006, p. 91. ISBN 9781560222590.

^1 J. H. Logan: "The Loganberry and the Mammoth blackberry are the only plants of any value that I have originated" in E. J. Wickson, "Notes on California Plant Breeding", Memoirs of Horticultural Society of New York (1902).

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Móra de Logan: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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La móra de Logan, en anglès:Loganberry, (Rubus × loganobaccus) és un híbrid produït creuant una espècie de móra negra (Rubus vitifolius) i el gerd.

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Llwyn mwyar logan ( велшки )

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Planhigyn blodeuol sy'n frodorol o Hemisffer y Gogledd yw Llwyn mwyar logan sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Rosaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Rubus loganobaccus a'r enw Saesneg yw Loganberry.[1]

Mae'r teulu Rosaceae yn perthyn i'r genws Rosa (rhosyn) fel ag y mae'r cotoneaster a'r eirinen. Prif nodwedd y teulu yw ei ffrwythau amrywiol a phwysig i economi gwledydd.[2] Ceir 5 sepal, 5 petal ac mae'r briger wedi'u gosod mewn sbeiral sy'n ffurfio llestr tebyg i gwpan o'r enw hypanthiwm.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gerddi Kew; adalwyd 21 Ionawr 2015
  2. B.C. Bennett (undated). Economic Botany: Twenty-Five Economically Important Plant Families. [http: //www.eolss.net/Sample-Chapters/C09/E6-118-03.pdf Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) e-book]
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Llwyn mwyar logan: Brief Summary ( велшки )

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Planhigyn blodeuol sy'n frodorol o Hemisffer y Gogledd yw Llwyn mwyar logan sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Rosaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Rubus loganobaccus a'r enw Saesneg yw Loganberry.

Mae'r teulu Rosaceae yn perthyn i'r genws Rosa (rhosyn) fel ag y mae'r cotoneaster a'r eirinen. Prif nodwedd y teulu yw ei ffrwythau amrywiol a phwysig i economi gwledydd. Ceir 5 sepal, 5 petal ac mae'r briger wedi'u gosod mewn sbeiral sy'n ffurfio llestr tebyg i gwpan o'r enw hypanthiwm.

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Loganberry ( чешки )

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Loganberry neboli ostružinomalina je drobné ovoce, souplodí keře Rubus × loganobaccus, který je hexaploidním křížencem divoké kalifornské ostružiny Rubus ursinus a evropského ostružiníku maliníku odrůdy Red Antwerp. Jmenuje se podle soudce Jamese Harveyho Logana, který ho vyšlechtil roku 1881 na své farmě nedaleko Santa Cruz (Kalifornie). Keř dosahuje výšky až dva metry, prýt je bez trnů. Loganberry vykazuje vyšší odolnost vůči mrazům i houbovým chorobám než mateřské rostliny, vyžaduje slunečné stanoviště. Plody se sklízejí od července do září, jsou větší než maliny (okolo 3 cm) a tmavě rudě až fialově zbarvené, mají vysoký obsah vitamínu C a výraznou kyselou chuť. Loganberry se pěstuje v USA, Austrálii a na britských ostrovech, hodí se k přímé konzumaci i ke zpracování na marmelády, sirupy nebo ovocné víno, prodává se také v obchodech jako konzervované.

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Loganberry: Brief Summary ( чешки )

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 src= Loganberry

Loganberry neboli ostružinomalina je drobné ovoce, souplodí keře Rubus × loganobaccus, který je hexaploidním křížencem divoké kalifornské ostružiny Rubus ursinus a evropského ostružiníku maliníku odrůdy Red Antwerp. Jmenuje se podle soudce Jamese Harveyho Logana, který ho vyšlechtil roku 1881 na své farmě nedaleko Santa Cruz (Kalifornie). Keř dosahuje výšky až dva metry, prýt je bez trnů. Loganberry vykazuje vyšší odolnost vůči mrazům i houbovým chorobám než mateřské rostliny, vyžaduje slunečné stanoviště. Plody se sklízejí od července do září, jsou větší než maliny (okolo 3 cm) a tmavě rudě až fialově zbarvené, mají vysoký obsah vitamínu C a výraznou kyselou chuť. Loganberry se pěstuje v USA, Austrálii a na britských ostrovech, hodí se k přímé konzumaci i ke zpracování na marmelády, sirupy nebo ovocné víno, prodává se také v obchodech jako konzervované.

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Loganbær ( дански )

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Loganbær (Rubus x loganobaccus) er en krydsning mellem 'Red Antwerp' (en sort af Hindbær) og 'Aughinburgh' (en sort af Brombær).


Krydsningen opstod tilfældigt i 1880 eller 1881 hos den amerikanske sagfører James Logan i Santa Cruz, Californien.

Loganbær viste sig at være rigtbærende og godt tilpasset forholdene i Californien, men smagen blev ikke rigtigt populær. Derfor blev den brugt som udgangspunkt for nye krydsninger: Taybær (Rubus x loganobaccus x Rubus idaeus) og Boysenbær (Rubus x loganobaccus x Rubus flagellaris).

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Loganbær: Brief Summary ( дански )

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Loganbær (Rubus x loganobaccus) er en krydsning mellem 'Red Antwerp' (en sort af Hindbær) og 'Aughinburgh' (en sort af Brombær).

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Loganbeere ( германски )

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Loganbeere (Rubus × loganobaccus)

Die Loganbeere (Rubus × loganobaccus) ist eine amerikanische Kreuzung aus einer Brombeerenart und der Himbeere. Sie entstand 1881 in Kalifornien und ist eine geschätzte Kulturpflanze.



Vegetative Merkmale

Die Loganbeere ist ein laubwerfender Strauch, der Wuchshöhen bis zu 5 Metern erreicht, und ihr Erscheinungsbild entspricht der Brombeere.[1] Die Sprossachse ist annähernd rund und dicht mit geraden, abstehenden Stacheln besetzt. Die mäßig derben Laubblätter sind drei- oder fünffach gefiedert, ihr Rand ungleichmäßig bis annähernd doppelt gesägt. Auf der dunkelgrünen Blattoberseite finden sich zerstreut Haare, und die Blattunterseite ist dicht graufilzig behaart. Das unpaarige Blättchen ist rundlich herzförmig bis schwach dreilappig, stumpf oder mit breiter Spitze, die Seitenblättchen sind ungestielt.[2]

Generative Merkmale

Der Blütenstand ist ebensträußig. Die langen Blütenstiele sind filzig behaart und mit abstehenden Stacheln besetzt.

Die Blüten sind zwittrig, die männlichen Blüten sind größer als die weiblichen. Die Blüte ist radiärsymmetrisch und fünfzählig mit doppelter Blütenhülle. Die mit langer Spitze versehenen Kelchblätter sind eiförmig lanzettlich. Die fünf Kronblätter sind relativ groß und weiß. Die Fruchtblätter fein flaumig bis fast filzig behaart.

Die Früchte sind länglich, rote und saure Sammelsteinfrüchte.[2]

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 6n = 42.


Die Loganbeere ist selbstfertil, der Fruchtansatz erfolgt aber meist durch Apomixis. Sie wird über Samen vermehrt.[2][3]

Entstehung, Verwendung

Die Loganbeere ist wahrscheinlich aus der Kreuzung von Rubus ursinus mit der Himbeer-Sorte ‘Red Antwerp’ entstanden.[3] Sie entstand in Santa Cruz, Kalifornien im Garten des Richters J. H. Logan, auf den der Name verweist.[2]

Die Loganbeere ist wegen ihrer essbaren Beeren eine geschätzte Kulturpflanze, die auch kommerziell angebaut wird. Es existieren einige Sorten, wichtig unter anderem ‘Phenomenal’, ‘Thornless Logan’ sowie ‘Thornless Young’. Die Sorte ‘Phenomenal’ ist neben Rubus flagellaris ‘Lucretia’ ein Elternteil der Youngbeere. Geschätzt wird auch die stachellose, wohlschmeckende 'LY654'.[2][3]

Die Früchte werden unter anderem zu Konserven oder Wein verarbeitet. Hauptanbaugebiete sind die Staaten Oregon und Washington. Auch in England und auf Tasmanien wird sie angebaut. Der Standort sollte gut durchfeuchtet, aber nicht staunass sowie halbschattig bis sonnig sein.

In Western Australia ist die Loganbeere verwildert und wächst dort entlang von Bächen und an ungestörten Standorten.[1]


  1. a b Datenblatt bei der Western Australia Flora.
  2. a b c d e Herbert Huber: Rosaceae. In: Gustav Hegi: Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, Band 4, 2. Teil, Teilband A: Dicotyledones, 2. Auflage, 1961, S. 281.
  3. a b c Rubus loganobaccus bei Plants For A Future
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Loganbeere: Brief Summary ( германски )

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 src= Loganbeere (Rubus × loganobaccus)

Die Loganbeere (Rubus × loganobaccus) ist eine amerikanische Kreuzung aus einer Brombeerenart und der Himbeere. Sie entstand 1881 in Kalifornien und ist eine geschätzte Kulturpflanze.

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Loganbees ( Nds Nl )

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De loganbees

De loganbees (Latien: Rubus × loganobaccus) is een krusing tussen een brummel en een hienebees.

De soort is per ongeluk ontstaon in 1880 of 1881. 't Was toe gebrukelijk um soorten bezen te krusen um varianten te ontwikkelen die commercieel ezien interessanter waren. James Harvey Logan, een rechter in Santa Cruz (Kallefornië), zeide brummelzaodjes uut beneffen een hienebezestruuk. Beide planten bleuien tegeliek. 't Zaod dat ontsting wier deur Logan eplant en uut de vuuftig zeilingen bin een koppel nieje soorten ontstaon. Eén hiervan was de loganbees; bie de are 49 zat ok de reuzebrummel (de langste van alle soorten die ooit ontstaon is).

Europa maakte in 1897 kennis mit Logans oorspronkelijke bees. Een stekelloze variant, de American Thornless (Amerikaanse doreloze) eneumd, is in 1933 ontwikkeld.

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Ratiles ni Logan ( тагалски )

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Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang Ratiles (paglilinaw).

Ang loganberi o ratiles ni Logan (Ingles: loganberry; Rubus × loganobaccus) ay isang haybrid na nalikha mula sa pagsasanib ng lumboy (blackberry) at ng raspberi/sapinit (raspberry) o dewberry (Rubus sect. Eubatus). Malalaki ang mga may asim o maasidong mga ratiles na ito na may kulay na mamula-mulang purpura.[1] Kauri ito ng titaw, banut, atibulnak, datung, palanaw, bunot, pilay, at duhat.[2]

Hinango ang Ingles na pangalang loganberry mula kay James Harvey Logan (1841-1928, kilala rin bilang J. H. Logan), isang Amerikanong manananggol at hortikulturista. Hindi sinasadyang nalikha niya ito noong 1880 o 1881 sa Santa Cruz, California. Inaalagaan at pinararami ang mga loganberi sa Kanlurang Dalampasigan ng Estados Unidos.[1]

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Ratiles ni Logan: Brief Summary ( тагалски )

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Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang Ratiles (paglilinaw).

Ang loganberi o ratiles ni Logan (Ingles: loganberry; Rubus × loganobaccus) ay isang haybrid na nalikha mula sa pagsasanib ng lumboy (blackberry) at ng raspberi/sapinit (raspberry) o dewberry (Rubus sect. Eubatus). Malalaki ang mga may asim o maasidong mga ratiles na ito na may kulay na mamula-mulang purpura. Kauri ito ng titaw, banut, atibulnak, datung, palanaw, bunot, pilay, at duhat.

Hinango ang Ingles na pangalang loganberry mula kay James Harvey Logan (1841-1928, kilala rin bilang J. H. Logan), isang Amerikanong manananggol at hortikulturista. Hindi sinasadyang nalikha niya ito noong 1880 o 1881 sa Santa Cruz, California. Inaalagaan at pinararami ang mga loganberi sa Kanlurang Dalampasigan ng Estados Unidos.

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Loganberry ( англиски )

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The loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus) is a hybrid of the North American blackberry (Rubus ursinus) and the European raspberry (Rubus idaeus).[1][2]

The plant and the fruit resemble the blackberry more than the raspberry, but the fruit color is a dark red, rather than black as in blackberries.[2] Loganberries – which were an accident of berry breeding by James Harvey Logan, for whom they are named[3] – are cultivated commercially and by gardeners.


The loganberry was derived from a cross between Rubus ursinus (R. vitifolius) 'Aughinbaugh' (octaploid) as the female parent and Rubus idaeus 'Red Antwerp' (diploid) as the male parent (pollen source); the loganberry is hexaploid. It was accidentally created in 1881 in Santa Cruz, California, by the American judge and horticulturist James Harvey Logan (1841–1928).[1][3][4][5]

Logan was unsatisfied with the existing varieties of blackberries and tried crossing two varieties of blackberries to produce a superior cultivar. He happened to plant them next to plants of an old variety of red raspberry, 'Red Antwerp', all of which flowered and fruited together.[3] The two blackberry cultivars involved in these experiments were probably 'Aughinbaugh' and 'Texas Early' (a cultivar of Rubus velox),[6] which were two of the three varieties that Logan had planted in his yard that year.

Logan then gathered and planted the seed from his cross-bred plants. His 50 seedlings produced plants similar to the blackberry parent 'Aughinbaugh', but larger and more vigorous. One was the loganberry; the others included the 'Mammoth' blackberry.[7]

Since Logan's time, crosses between the cultivars of raspberry and blackberry have confirmed the loganberry's parentage, with an earlier theory that the loganberry originated as a red-fruiting form of the common Californian blackberry Rubus ursinus now disproved.[8] Progeny from Logan's original plant was introduced to Europe in 1897. A prickle-free mutation of the loganberry, the 'American Thornless', was developed in 1933.

The tayberry is a similar raspberry-blackberry hybrid. The 'Phenomenal' berry or 'Burbank's Logan', developed by Luther Burbank in 1905, is also a raspberry-blackberry hybrid, but is a second-generation cross (i.e., two first-generation crosses between blackberry and raspberry were then crossed to each other). Other similar hybrids include the nessberry, which is a cross between a dewberry and a red raspberry,[1] and youngberry, a three-way cross between blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry.[1]

The loganberry has been used as a parent in more recent crosses between various Rubus species, such as boysenberry (Loganberry × raspberry × blackberry x dewberry),[9] the Santiam blackberry (loganberry × California blackberry [R. ursinus]), and the olallieberry (Black Logan × youngberry).[3][10] The loganberry is part of the ancestral line leading to the Marionberry, a common and popular berry grown mainly in Oregon.[3]


Excerpt from Santa Cruz County; a faithful reproduction in print and photography of its climate, capabilities, and beauties (1896).

The Loganberry, being a variety unfamiliar to people in any other place, I will devote more space to its account than to others. From a circular giving its history I extract these notes:

The Loganberry originated with Judge J. H. Logan, of Santa Cruz, Cal., from whom it derives its name. Several years ago, growing in his garden, were plants of the Aughinbaugh blackberry and Red Antwerp raspberry. The plants, being near each other, had intermixed or grown together. The judge, having noticed that they bloomed and ripened their fruit together, conceived the idea of planting the seeds, from which planting resulted the production of the Loganberry.

He is entitled to all credit for the origination of this noble fruit, which will be a perpetual monument, placing his name beside those of Longworth, Hovey, Wilson and other originators of new varieties of fruit. He has even done more than they. He has produced a fruit or berry entirely unlike any in previous existence, a hybrid or mixture of two fruits, partaking of the characteristics of both of its parents. The Aughinbaugh blackberry, from the seed of which the Logan is supposed to have originated, has pistillate or imperfect flowers, which must have been fertilized by the pollen of the raspberry, producing this most singular and valuable fruit.

A loganberry farm in California in 1942

The vines or canes of the Loganberry grow entirely unlike either the blackberry or raspberry. They trail or grow upon the ground more like the dewberry. They are exceedingly strong growers, each shoot or branch reaching a growth of eight to ten feet in one season without irrigation, the aggregate growth of all the shoots on one plant amounting to from forty to fifty feet.

The canes or vines are very large—without the thorns of the blackberry bushes—but have very fine soft spines, much like those of raspberry bushes. The leaves are of a deep green color, coarse and thick, and also like those of the raspberry. The fruit is as large as the largest size blackberry, is of the same shape, with globules similar to that fruit, and the color, when fully ripe, is a 'dark bright red'. It has the combined flavor of both berries, pleasant, mild, vinous, delightful to the taste and peculiar to this fruit alone.

It is excellent for the table, eaten raw or cooked, and for jelly or jam is without an equal. The seeds are very small, soft and not abundant, being greatly different from both its parents in this respect. The vines are enormous bearers, and the fruit is very firm and carries well.

The fruit begins to ripen very early—the bulk being ripe and gone before either blackberries or raspberries become plentiful. In filling in a place just ahead of these fruits the market value of the Loganberry is greatly enhanced. In ordinary seasons the fruit begins to ripen from the middle to the last of May. When extensively planted and generally known, this berry is destined to take front rank owing to its earliness, large size, beautiful appearance, superior quality, and delightful flavor, together with its firmness and good carrying or shipping quality.

Mr. James Waters, of this valley, has sole right with this vine.

Due to its high vitamin C content, the loganberry was used by the British navy at the beginning of the 20th century as a source of vitamin C to prevent sailors from getting scurvy, in much the same way as the British did with limes during the late 18th century (hence the American term for the British, "limey"). During this period at the beginning of the 20th century, the largest proportion of loganberries grown for the British navy (roughly 1/3) were grown on a single farm in Leigh Sinton, near Malvern in Worcestershire, England, run by the Norbury family.

Loganberry, Black Logan, and Phenomenal pedigree

Red Antwerp
Pacific Blackberry
Eastern Blackberry
Red Raspberry
LoganberryBlack LoganPhenomenal



Loganberry plants are sturdy and more disease- and frost-resistant than many other berries. However, they are not very popular with commercial growers due to several problems which increase labor costs, since the plants tend to be thorny and the berries are often hidden by the leaves. Additionally, berries of varying maturity may grow on a single plant, making it difficult to completely harvest each plant. Loganberries are therefore more commonly grown in household gardens.

A loganberry bush usually produces about ten canes (vines). The canes are not as upright as its raspberry parent, and tend instead to vine more like its blackberry parent. Growth can be undisciplined, with the canes growing five or more feet in a year. Some gardeners train the canes fanwise along a wall or a wire frame. Old canes die after their second year, and should be cut away as they can become diseased, and also hinder harvesting.

The loganberry fruits earlier than its blackberry parent. Fruit is produced for about two months, generally from midsummer until mid-autumn, with a plant at a given time mid-season bearing fruit in different stages, from blossom to maturity. The berries are generally harvested when they are a deep purple color, rather than red. Each bush can produce 7 kg to 8 kg (15 lb to 18 lb) of fruit a year. Plants continue to fruit for around 15 years, and can also self-propagate.

The cultivar 'Ly 654'[11] has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[12]


Loganberries are consumed fresh, or used for juice or in jams, pies, crumbles, fruit syrups, and country wines.

In the UK, fresh or canned (tinned) loganberries are often paired with English Sherry trifle, or their juice (or syrup) paired with the sherry.

Loganberry is a popular beverage flavoring in Western New York and parts of Southern Ontario, beginning there as a drink sold at Crystal Beach Park in Crystal Beach, Ontario. Even though the park has long been closed down, several companies still sell varieties of loganberry drinks through stores throughout the area, which are sold at several local fast-food franchises such as Mighty Taco in Buffalo, Sport of Kings Restaurant in Batavia, New York as well as at supermarkets. There are also milkshakes flavored with loganberry syrup.[13]


  1. ^ a b c d Darrow, G.M. (1955). "Blackberry—raspberry hybrids". Journal of Heredity. 46 (2): 67–71. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a106521.
  2. ^ a b "Loganberry". Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission. 2020. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  3. ^ a b c d e "A brief history: 1881, the accidental loganberry". Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission. 2020. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  4. ^ www.britannica.com
  5. ^ Rieger, Mark (2006). Introduction to Fruit Crops. Routledge. p. 91. ISBN 978-1-56022-259-0.
  6. ^ Gourley, Joseph Harvey (1941). Modern Fruit Production. Macmillan Company. p. 523.
  7. ^ J. H. Logan: "The Loganberry and the Mammoth blackberry are the only plants of any value that I have originated" in E. J. Wickson, "Notes on California Plant Breeding", Memoirs of the Horticultural Society of New York (1902).
  8. ^ Anderson, E. 1952. Plants, man, and life. Little, Brown and Company, Boston page 56
  9. ^ Vaughan, John Griffith; C. A. Geissler (2009). The New Oxford Book of Food Plants. Oxford University Press. p. 88. ISBN 978-0-19-954946-7.
  10. ^ Brooks, R.M.; Olmo, H.P. (1972). Register of new fruit and nut varieties. University of California Press. p. 38.
  11. ^ "RHS Plant Selector – Rubus × loganobaccus 'Ly654'". Retrieved 17 February 2021.
  12. ^ "AGM Plants - Ornamental" (PDF). Royal Horticultural Society. July 2017. p. 93. Retrieved 10 October 2018.
  13. ^ "Loganberry: The Buffalo Drink You'll Like or Love". Archived from the original on 2015-07-12. Retrieved 2015-07-11.

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Loganberry: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus) is a hybrid of the North American blackberry (Rubus ursinus) and the European raspberry (Rubus idaeus).

The plant and the fruit resemble the blackberry more than the raspberry, but the fruit color is a dark red, rather than black as in blackberries. Loganberries – which were an accident of berry breeding by James Harvey Logan, for whom they are named – are cultivated commercially and by gardeners.

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Rubus x loganobaccus ( есперанто )

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loganbero (Rubus × loganobaccus)

Rubus × loganobaccusloganbero estas usona hibrido el rubuso (verŝajne Rubus ursinus) kaj frambo (Rubus idaeus). La hibrido ekestis en Kalifornio hazarde. Hodiaŭ ĝi estas ŝatata kulturplanto.


Loganbero estas folifala arbedo, kiu atingas alteco de 5 m. Ĝia formoo similas al tiu de la nigra rubuso [1]. La tigoj preskaŭ estas rondaj kaj kovrataj kun rektoj pikiloj. La modera ledaj folioj estas 3-ope aŭ kvinope pinataj. La rando estas glata aŭ preskaŭ duoble segildenta. Sur la supra flanko de la folio troviĝas disaj haroj, je la malsupra flanko estas griza kaj pelte hara. La neparaj folietoj estas ronde korformaj ĝis malforte trilobaj aŭ kun larĝaj pintoj. La flankfoliaj ne havas tigojn. [2]

La floroj staras en floraro. La longaj flortigoj estas pelte haraj kaj kun pikiloj. La floroj estas duseksaj. La sepaloj havas longajn pintojn kaj estas ovoforme lancetaj haraj ĝis preskaŭ peltaj. La petaloj estas grandaj kaj blankaj. La ovario estas fajne haraj ĝis preskaŭ peltaj. La fruktoj estas longecaj, ruĝaj kaj acidaj drupetaroj. [2]

La loganbero estas memfertila. La polenado okazas plej ofte per apomikso. La multobligado okazas per semoj. La nombro de kromosomoj estas 6n=42 [2]. [3]


La loganbero verŝajne ekestis el la kruciĝo de Rubus ursinus kun la frambo-kultivaro 'Red Antwerp'[3]. Ĝi ekestis en Santa Cruz, Kalifornio en la ĝardeno de la juĝisto J.H.Logan. [2].


Pro la manĝeblaj „beroj“ la planto estas ŝatata kulturplanto kiu ankaŭ estas komerce kultivata. Ekzistas kelkaj kultivaroj, i.a. 'Phenomenal', 'Thornless Logan' kaj 'Thornless Young'. La kulturvario 'Phenomenal' estas apud Rubus flagellaris 'Lucretia' unu gepatra parto de la Young-bero. Ŝatata ankaŭ estas la sendorna kaj bongusta vario 'LY654' [3]. [2]

La fruktoj estas uzataj por fari konservojn kaj fruktvinon. La ĉefaj produktantoj estas la usonaj ŝtatoj Oregono kaj Vaŝingtonio. Ĝi ankaŭ estas kulivataj en Anglio kaj Tasmanio. La kreskoloko estu humida, sed sen akvotavolo kaj duonombra ĝis duna.

En okcidenta Aŭstralio loganbero kreskas sovaĝe laŭlonge de riveroj [1].


  1. 1,0 1,1 Eintrag zur Art in der Flora von Westaustralien
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Herbert Huber:Rosaceae, in: Gustav Hegi:Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 4, 2. Teil, Teilband A Dicotyledones, 2. Auflage, 1961, S. 281
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Eintrag zur Art in [[[:Ŝablono:PFAF]] Plants for a Future]


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Rubus x loganobaccus: Brief Summary ( есперанто )

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 src= loganbero (Rubus × loganobaccus)

Rubus × loganobaccus aŭ loganbero estas usona hibrido el rubuso (verŝajne Rubus ursinus) kaj frambo (Rubus idaeus). La hibrido ekestis en Kalifornio hazarde. Hodiaŭ ĝi estas ŝatata kulturplanto.

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Rubus loganobaccus ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Rubus loganobaccus, loganberry, loganas o loganberris es una raza de moras poliploidías. Se produce por polinización de una zarza de California con una de frambuesa.[1]

La planta y su fruto son más parecidas a la zarzamora que la frambuesa pero el color es rojizo oscuro. Se cultivan comercialmente en los Estados Unidos y también en forma ornamental.

Planta con sus frutos maduros


Rubus loganobaccus fue descrita por Liberty Hyde Bailey y publicado en Gentes Herbarum; Occasional Papers on the Kinds of Plants 1(4): 155–156. 1923.[2]


Ver: Rubus

  • Rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus (L.H.Bailey) L.H.Bailey[3]


  1. Darrow, G.M. (1955). «Blackberry—raspberry hybrids». Journal of Heredity 46 (2): 67-71.
  2. «Rubus loganobaccus». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 26 de septiembre de 2014.
  3. «Rubus loganobaccus». The Plant List. Consultado el 26 de septiembre de 2014.
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Rubus loganobaccus: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Rubus loganobaccus, loganberry, loganas o loganberris es una raza de moras poliploidías. Se produce por polinización de una zarza de California con una de frambuesa.​

La planta y su fruto son más parecidas a la zarzamora que la frambuesa pero el color es rojizo oscuro. Se cultivan comercialmente en los Estados Unidos y también en forma ornamental.

 src= Planta con sus frutos maduros
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Mûre de Logan ( француски )

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La mûre de Logan (Rubus ×loganobaccus) est une espèce hybride de ronce issue probablement du croisement naturel entre une ronce sauvage (la ronce du Pacifique, Rubus ursinus[2],[3]) et le framboisier (Rubus idaeus). Son fruit s'appelle la mûroise[4],[5],[6].

Historique des cultivars


L'espèce hybride a été développée par l'Homme dès 1881 à Santa Cruz, en Californie, par l'avocat et horticulteur américain James Harvey Logan (1841-1928), qui l'a baptisée loganberry. Ce nom est depuis tombé en désuétude.

Un autre cultivar sans épine a ensuite été développé en 1933.

D'autres hybrides mûre-framboise, dont plusieurs sont apparentés à la mûre de Logan, sont connus sous les noms de cultivars ou des noms commerciaux : Boysenberry, Olallieberry (en)[7], Tayberry[8], Veitchberry[9], 'Youngberry (en)


La mûroise peut se consommer crue, en jus ou en confiture. Comme les autres hybrides de mûre ou framboise, elle peut se substituer à ces ingrédients dans les recettes de confiseries, liqueurs, sorbets, pâtisseries, etc.


Les plants d'hybrides mûres-framboises sont naturellement rampants. Les nouvelles pousses (turions) sont laissées sur le sol la première année, passant l'hiver ainsi pour se protéger du froid. On les palisse au printemps de la deuxième année, année de production de fruits du rameau.

Pour bien se développer, les plants nécessitent une exposition au soleil ou semi-ombragée et un sol bien drainé, humifère et au pH neutre. Résiste au froid (−10 °C), peut passer l'hiver à l'extérieur.

L'intérêt de ces hybrides est aussi qu'on ne leur connaît pas de parasite.


  1. a et b Parents probables originaux. Les espèces du sous-genre Rubus section Rubus, comme Rubus ursinus, sont extrêmement proches entre elles. En outre, cet hybride n'a cessé d'être amélioré, au fil du temps.
  2. Parfois citée sous le nom de Rubus vitifolius, synonyme de Rubus ursinus subsp. ursinus et non strictement de Rubus ursinus. Voir la (en) Référence GRIN : espèce Rubus vitifolius .
  3. Le fait que plusieurs sous-espèces soient acceptées au sein de Rubus ursinus rend imaginable l'existence potentielle de notho-sous-espèces de Rubus ×loganobaccus
  4. « L'Académie française met son grain de sel dans la confiture »
  5. « définition de MÛROISE dans le dictionnaire de l'académie française, 9e édition »
  6. Définition de mûroise dans le dictionnaire Reverso
  7. (en) Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  8. (en) Brevet de la tayberry.
  9. (en) Oxford Dictionary.

Voir aussi

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Mûre de Logan: Brief Summary ( француски )

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La mûre de Logan (Rubus ×loganobaccus) est une espèce hybride de ronce issue probablement du croisement naturel entre une ronce sauvage (la ronce du Pacifique, Rubus ursinus,) et le framboisier (Rubus idaeus). Son fruit s'appelle la mûroise,,.

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Lóganchaor ( ирски )

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Hibrid thimpisteach an tsú craobh is na sméire duibhe is ea an Lóganchaor, timpiste a tharla i ngairdín an Bhreithimh Logan i gCalifornia, agus a ainmníodh as. Níl an tom chomh deilgneach le tom na sméire duibhe. Bíonn na torthaí cosúil le súnna craobh, ach níos mó géarbhlasta ná ceachtar de na tuismitheoirí. Saothraítear go forleathan é sna Stáit Aontaithe, sa Bhreatain is in Éirinn.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.


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Lóganchaor: Brief Summary ( ирски )

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Loganova malina ( хрватски )

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Loganova malina (lat. Rubus loganobaccus) je hibrid nastao križanjem kupine i maline.


Loganova malina nema gotovo nikakvih posebnih zahtjeva što se tiče klime i staništa, osim što joj je potrebno vrlo sunčano stanište s malo sjene. Otporna je na mraz i mnoge bolesti. Cvijeta u srpnju. Plod sazrijeva u kolovozu i rujnu. Zreo je za branje kad dobije ljubičastu boju i promjera je oko 3-4 cm. Plod je mek i sočan, te ima kiselkast okus. Zbog posebne arome su pogodni za pripravljanje sokova, marmelada i želea.


Loganova malina nastala je između 1880. i 1881. u Santa Cruzu, Kalifornija. Stvorio ju je američki sudac James Harvey Logan. U međuvremenu je u SAD-u križanac postao vrlo značajan u trgovini voćem. Osim u SAD-u Loganova malina se uzgaja u Engleskoj, Danskoj i Nizozemskoj.

Križanjima Loganove maline s običnom malinom dobivene su Laxtonova i Boysenova malina, a križanjem s kupinom stvorena jeYoungova malina . U SAD-u su stvorene još mnoge hibridne vrste. One su vrlo osjetljive na hladnoću, posebno na mraz, pa nisu prikladne za uzgoj u uvjetima oštre kontinentalne klime. Zbog toga ni u budućnosti u Europi vjerojatno neće imati neko veće privredno značenje.


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Loganova malina: Brief Summary ( хрватски )

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Loganova malina (lat. Rubus loganobaccus) je hibrid nastao križanjem kupine i maline.

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Loganbes ( холандски; фламански )

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De loganbes (Rubus ×loganobaccus) is een kruising tussen een braam en een framboos.

De soort ontstond per ongeluk in 1880 of 1881. Het was indertijd gebruikelijk om soorten bessen te kruisen om varianten te creëren die commercieel gezien interessanter waren. James Harvey Logan, een rechter in Santa Cruz (Californië), zaaide bramenzaadjes uit naast een frambozenstruik. Beide planten bloeien tegelijk. Het ontstane zaad werd door Logan geplant en uit de 50 zaailingen ontstonden enkele nieuwe soorten. Een hiervan was de loganbes; bij de overige 49 bevond zich onder meer de reuzenbraam (de langste van alle soorten die ooit ontstonden).

Doornloze loganbes met vruchten

Logans originele bes werd in Europa geïntroduceerd in 1897. Een stekelvrije variant, de 'American Thornless' genaamd, werd ontwikkeld in 1933.

Wikimedia Commons Zie de categorie Rubus loganobaccus van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp.
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Loganbær ( норвешки )

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Loganbær (Rubus loganobaccus) er en krysning (hybrid) av bringebær og bjørnebær med en ganske skarp smak.

Bæret kom til ved en tilfeldighet mellom 18801881 i Santa Cruz i California (USA) da dommeren og hortikulturisten James Harvey Logan (1841–1928) gjorde forsøk med krysning av bær.

Loganbær egner seg godt til marmelader, saftkoking og vinproduksjon. Det går også an å spise bæret som det er, men smaken kan være litt for bitter for noen.

Krysser man loganbær med bjørnebær og bringebær, får man boysenbær. En annen, mer robust[klargjør] krysning mellom bringebær og bjørnebær er taybær.

Eksterne lenker

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Loganbær: Brief Summary ( норвешки )

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Loganbær (Rubus loganobaccus) er en krysning (hybrid) av bringebær og bjørnebær med en ganske skarp smak.

Bæret kom til ved en tilfeldighet mellom 18801881 i Santa Cruz i California (USA) da dommeren og hortikulturisten James Harvey Logan (1841–1928) gjorde forsøk med krysning av bær.

Loganbær egner seg godt til marmelader, saftkoking og vinproduksjon. Det går også an å spise bæret som det er, men smaken kan være litt for bitter for noen.

Krysser man loganbær med bjørnebær og bringebær, får man boysenbær. En annen, mer robust[klargjør] krysning mellom bringebær og bjørnebær er taybær.

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Rubus x loganobaccus ( португалски )

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A baga-de-logan ou loganberry (Rubus x loganobaccus) é um híbrido produzido a partir do cruzamento entre uma amora e uma framboesa.[1]


Crê-se que a baga-de-logan seja derivada de um cruzamento entre a framboesa vermelha europeia "Antuérpia Vermelha" e uma espécie americana de amora. Foi acidentalmente criada em meados de 1880 em Santa Cruz, Califórnia, pelo advogado americano e horticultor James Harvey Logan (1841-1928). Na década de 1880, os produtores de bagas começaram a cruzar variedades para obter melhores variedades comerciais. Logan estava insatisfeito com as variedades existentes de amoras e tentou cruzar duas variedades de amoras para a produção de um cultivar superior.

Ao tentar cruzar duas variedades de amoras, Logan acidentalmente plantou-as ao lado de uma antiga variedade de framboesa vermelha, que floresceram e frutificaram juntas. As variedades envolvidas no híbrido baga-de-logan foram, provavelmente, a amora "Aughinburgh" e framboesa "Antuérpia Vermelha", que foram duas das três variedades de Rubus plantadas no quintal de Logan nesse ano. Logan recolhou e plantou a semente. As 50 mudas de plantas produziram plantas semelhantes à amora-mãe Aughinbaugh, mas eram maiores e mais vigorosas. Uma deles foi era a baga-de-logan; as 49 restantes incluíam a amora gigantesca "mamute". Desde o tempo de Logan, cruzamentos entre os cultivares de framboesa e amora confirmaram a ascendência da baga-de-logan. A baga-de-logan original foi introduzida da Europa em 1897, enquanto a variedade American Thornless com mutação livre de espinhos foi desenvolvida em 1933.

O Berry fenomenal ou 'Burbank Logan' é uma cruz de 2 ª geração (ou seja, dois cruzamentos de primeira geração foram cruzados entre si) entre amora e framboesa feitas por Luther Burbank, em 1905.


  1. «Rubus ×loganobaccus» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov)

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Rubus x loganobaccus: Brief Summary ( португалски )

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A baga-de-logan ou loganberry (Rubus x loganobaccus) é um híbrido produzido a partir do cruzamento entre uma amora e uma framboesa.

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Loganbär ( шведски )

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Loganbär (Rubus × loganobaccus) är en hallonliknande fruktbuske, framodlad 1882 av domaren James Harvey Logan i Santa Cruz, Kalifornien.[1]

Bären är stora, cylindriska, mörkröda och aromatiska.[1]

Loganbär är en hybrid mellan björnbär och hallon och introducerades i Europa 1897.[2]


  1. ^ [a b] Carlquist, Gunnar, red (1937). Svensk uppslagsbok. Bd 17. Malmö: Svensk Uppslagsbok AB. sid. 541
  2. ^ Nationalencyklopedin multimedia plus, 2000
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Loganbär: Brief Summary ( шведски )

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Loganbär (Rubus × loganobaccus) är en hallonliknande fruktbuske, framodlad 1882 av domaren James Harvey Logan i Santa Cruz, Kalifornien.

Bären är stora, cylindriska, mörkröda och aromatiska.

Loganbär är en hybrid mellan björnbär och hallon och introducerades i Europa 1897.

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Логанова ягода ( руски )

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Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Порядок: Розоцветные
Семейство: Розовые
Подсемейство: Розановые
Триба: Rubeae
Род: Рубус
Вид: Логанова ягода
Международное научное название

Rubus ×loganobaccus L.H.Bailey (1923)

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 506229EOL 631540GRIN t:104968IPNI 223266-2TPL rjp-1182

Логанова ягода, или ягода Логана, (лат. Rubus ×loganobaccus; англ. loganberry) — октаплоидный гибрид, полученный путём скрещивания гексаплоидной апомиктической ежевики и тетраплоидной малины.


Логанова ягода представляет собой гибрид видов Rubus idaeus и Rubus vitifolius. Её случайно получил в 1883 г. американский юрист и селекционер Джеймс Харви Логан на своём участке в Санта-Круз (Калифорния)[2]. Изначально его цель состояла в том, чтобы скрестить различные сорта ежевики, чтобы получить коммерчески успешный вид. При этом вышло так, что ежевика различных видов произрастала вблизи насаждений обычной красной малины, в результате чего произошло перекрёстное опыление. По-видимому, в опылении участвовали ежевика сорта «техасская ранняя» или 'Aughinburgh' и малина сорта «красный Антверпен».

Гибрид, полученный Логаном, оказался продуктивным и успешно адаптировался к местным условиям, однако покупатели не были довольны его вкусом. Поэтому он был использован как родительское растение для последующих гибридов, таких, как ягода Тэя (en:Tayberry, логанова ягода × чёрная малина), бойзенова ягода (логанова ягода × малина × ежевика), ягода Янга (en:Youngberry, феноменальная ягода × ежевика сизая сорта Austin Mayes), сантьямова ежевика (en:Santiam blackberry, логанова ягода × калифорнийская ежевика) и олаллиева ягода (en:Olallieberry, чёрная логанова ягода × янгова ягода).


Ежевика сизая
Ежевика медвежья
Логанова ягода
Ежевика гигантская
en:Santiam berry
en:Chehalem blackberry
Бойзенова ягода


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Rieger, Mark. Introduction to Fruit Crops. — Routledge, 2006. — P. 91. — ISBN 9781560222590.
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Логанова ягода: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Логанова ягода, или ягода Логана, (лат. Rubus ×loganobaccus; англ. loganberry) — октаплоидный гибрид, полученный путём скрещивания гексаплоидной апомиктической ежевики и тетраплоидной малины.

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