
Trophic Strategy ( англиски )

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Observed in the intertidal zone (Ref.49162).
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Morphology ( англиски )

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Vertebrae: 51 - 52
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Migration ( англиски )

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Amphidromous. Refers to fishes that regularly migrate between freshwater and the sea (in both directions), but not for the purpose of breeding, as in anadromous and catadromous species. Sub-division of diadromous. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.Characteristic elements in amphidromy are: reproduction in fresh water, passage to sea by newly hatched larvae, a period of feeding and growing at sea usually a few months long, return to fresh water of well-grown juveniles, a further period of feeding and growing in fresh water, followed by reproduction there (Ref. 82692).
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Susan M. Luna
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Life Cycle ( англиски )

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A paternal mouthbrooder.
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Crispina B. Binohlan
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Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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This species is distinguished by the following characters: head longer than, or nearly as long as, broad; tooth patches are posterior to premaxillary band touch at midline; relatively long and thin maxillary barbel, extending at least to pectoral fin spine origin (longer in females); dorsal fin spine length more than 70% of its height; pectoral-fin spine at vertical extends at most to hind edge of dorsal fin base; deeply forked caudal fin with moderately slender, with pointed lobes, upper lobe longer; caudal peduncle approximately twice as long as deep; 11-14 gill-rakers on anterior face of first arch; upper two-thirds of body darkened, some lateral speckling and belly stark white; median anterior cranial fontanelle (of exposed skull) elongate and bullet-shaped; smooth and shallow median cranial depression, deepest posteriorly at frontal/supraoccipital suture. 10-12 pectoral fin rays; 51-52 (17 precaudal, 34-35 caudal) total vertebrae. Dimorphism of posterior (humeral) process of cleithrum obvious externally, in females, fan-shaped, in males triangular (Ref. 85159).
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Biology ( англиски )

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Generally found in large shoals on muddy bottoms in turbid waters, usually on the coastline and estuaries. Also found in rivers (Ref. 3976). Feed on crayfish, small fish, and crabs (Ref. 27121). Considered a nuisance of shore and ski-boat anglers in southern Africa as little else is caught (Ref. 12484). Spines are poisonous and wounds should be treated immediately. Marketed smoked (Ref. 36731).
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Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( англиски )

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fisheries: commercial; aquarium: public aquariums
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Susan M. Luna
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Wit seebaber ( африканс )

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Die Wit seebaber (Galeichthys feliceps) is 'n vis wat endemies aan Suid-Afrika is en kom voor van Swakopmund tot by Oos-Londen. In Engels staan die vis bekend as die White sea-catfish.


Die vis het nie skubbe nie en die stert vin is diep gevurk. Die vis se kleur wissel van grys of groenerig bruin tot bruin aan die bokant en is ligter aan die onderkant met die pens amper wit. Hulle word 55 cm lank.


Die vis verkies beskermde water en strandmere om in te leef. Hulle skiet kuit gedurende September tot Desember. Die mannetjie dra die eiers en pasgeborenes in sy mond rond vir 3 - 4 maande. Gedurende die tyd eet die vis nie en verloor tot 24% van sy liggaam massa. Hulle eet skaaldiere, slakke en vissies.

Die dorsale en pektorale-vinne se strale is giftig en kan pynlike wonde veroorsaak. Aanbevole behandeling teen die gif is om die geaffekteerde area in warm water (50 °C) te plaas vir ongeveer 30 minute. Die vis kan geëet word.

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  1. uBio (en)
  2. Cuvier G. & Valenciennes A., 1840. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome quinzième. Suite du livre dix-septième. Siluroïdes. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 15. i-xxxi + 1-540.
  3. BioLib (en)
  4. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes, 1840. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome quinzième. Suite du livre dix-septième. Siluroïdes. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 15: i-xxxi + 1-540, Pls. 421-455.
  5. Catalogue of Life (en)

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Wit seebaber: Brief Summary ( африканс )

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Die Wit seebaber (Galeichthys feliceps) is 'n vis wat endemies aan Suid-Afrika is en kom voor van Swakopmund tot by Oos-Londen. In Engels staan die vis bekend as die White sea-catfish.

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Galeichthys feliceps ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Galeichthys feliceps és una espècie de peix de la família dels àrids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.


  • Els mascles poden assolir 55 cm de longitud total.
  • Les seues espines són verinoses i les ferides que produeixen han d'ésser tractades immediatament.[6][7][8]


Menja peixets i crancs.[9]


A Sud-àfrica és depredat per Elops machnata, Argyrosomus hololepidotus, Carcharhinus limbatus,[10] Carcharhinus obscurus i Sphyrna zygaena.[11][12]


És un peix demersal i de clima subtropical.[8]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba des del nord-oest de Namíbia fins al Cap de Bona Esperança (Sud-àfrica), des de Cap Cod (Estats Units) fins al Golf de Mèxic, i des de Beira (Moçambic) fins a Transkei (Sud-àfrica)[13][14] i Madagascar.[15][8][16]

Ús comercial

Es comercialitza fumat.[17]


  1. uBio (anglès)
  2. Cuvier G. & Valenciennes A., 1840. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome quinzième. Suite du livre dix-septième. Siluroïdes. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 15. i-xxxi + 1-540.
  3. BioLib (anglès)
  4. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes, 1840. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome quinzième. Suite du livre dix-septième. Siluroïdes. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 15: i-xxxi + 1-540, Pls. 421-455.
  5. «Galeichthys feliceps». Catalogue of Life. (anglès) (anglès)
  6. Halstead, B.W., P.S. Auerbach i D.R. Campbell, 1990. A colour atlas of dangerous marine animals. Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd, W.S. Cowell Ltd, Ipswich, Anglaterra. 192 p.
  7. Halstead, B.W., 1980. Dangerous marine animals. Cornell Maritime Press, Inc., Maryland, Estats Units.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 FishBase (anglès)
  9. Bianchi, G., K.E. Carpenter, J.-P. Roux, F.J. Molloy, D. Boyer i H.J. Boyer, 1993. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of Namibia. FAO, Roma. 250 p.
  10. Dudley, S.F.J. i G. Cliff, 1993. Sharks caught in the protective gill nets off Natal, South Africa. 7. The blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus (Valenciennes). S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 13:237-254.
  11. Smale, M.J., 1991. Occurence and feeding of three shark species, Carcharinus brachyurus, Carcharinus obscurus and Sphyrna zygaena, on the eastern Cape coast of South Africa. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 11:31-42.
  12. FishBase (anglès)
  13. Van der Elst, R., 1993. A guide to the common sea fishes of southern Africa. (3a edició), Struik Publishers, Ciutat del Cap. 398 p.
  14. Taylor, W.R., 1986. Ariidae. p. 153-159. A: J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse i D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISBN, Brussel·les; MRAC, Tervuren; i ORSTOM, París. Vol. 2.
  15. Stiassny, M.L.J. i N. Raminosoa, 1994. The fishes of the inland waters of Madagascar. p. 133-148. A: G.G. Teugels, J.-F. Guégan i J.-J. Albaret (eds.) Biological diversity of African fresh- and brackish water fishes. Geographical overviews presented at the PARADI Symposium, Senegal, 15-20 de novembre de 1993. Ann. Mus. R. Afr. Centr., Sci. Zool. 275:177 p.
  16. Taquet, M. i A. Diringer, 2007. Poissons de l'Océan Indien et de la Mer Rouge. Éditions Quæ, Versalles, França.
  17. Bianchi, G., K.E. Carpenter, J.-P. Roux, F.J. Molloy, D. Boyer i H.J. Boyer, 1999. Field guide to the living marine resources of Namibia. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. Roma, FAO. 265 p., 11 colour plates.


  • Anònim, 2000. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Sud-àfrica. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Sud-àfrica.
  • Anònim, 2001. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution - Division of Fishes.
  • Anònim, 2002. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del Museu Americà d'Història Natural. Museu Americà d'Història Natural, Central Park West, NY 10024-5192 (Estats Units).
  • Bennett, B.A., 1989. The diets of fish in three south-western Cape estuarine systems. S. Afr. J. Zool. 24(3):163-177.
  • Burgess, W.E. 1989. An atlas of freshwater and marine catfishes. A preliminary survey of the Siluriformes. T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City (Estats Units). 784 p.
  • Dawson, C.E., 1965. Length-weight relationships of some Gulf of Mexico fishes. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 94:279-280.
  • Eschmeyer, William N.: Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8 (1990).
  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Ferraris, Carl J.: Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types. Zootaxa, 1418. 8 de març del 2007. ISBN 978-1-86977-058-7. PDF (anglès)
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Hinegardner, R. i D.E. Rosen, 1972. Cellular DNA content and the evolution of teleostean fishes. Am. Nat. 106(951):621-644.
  • Kailola, P.J. i W.A. Bussing, 1995. Ariidae. Bagres marinos. p. 860-886. A: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpenter i V. Niem (eds.) Guía FAO para Identificación de Especies para los Fines de la Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. 3 Vols. FAO, Roma, Itàlia.
  • Marais, J.F.K., 1981. Seasonal abundance, distribution, and catch per unit effort using gill-nets, of fishes in the Sundays estuary. S. Afr. J. Zool. 16(3):142-150.
  • Marais, J.F.K., 1984. Feeding ecology of major carnivorous fish from four eastern Cape estuaries. S. Afr. J. Zool. 19(3):210-223.
  • Marceniuk, A.P. i C.J. Ferraris, Jr., 2003. Ariidae (Sea catfishes). p. 447-455. A: R.E. Reis, S.O. Kullander i C.J. Ferraris, Jr. (eds.) Checklist of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, Brasil.
  • Marceniuk, A.P. i N.A. Menezes, 2007. Systematics of the family Ariidae (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes), with a redefinition of the genera. Zootaxa 1416:1-126.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.S. 2006: Fishes of the world. Quarta edició. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, Nova Jersey, Estats Units. 601 p.
  • Riede, K., 2004. Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Alemanya. 329 p.
  • Taylor, W.R. i N.A. Menezes, 1978. Ariidae. A: W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. West Atlantic (Fishing Area 31). volum 1. (pag. var.). FAO, Roma.
  • Wheeler, A., 1977. Das grosse Buch der Fische. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co. Stuttgart. 356 p.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Galeichthys feliceps: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Galeichthys feliceps és una espècie de peix de la família dels àrids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.

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Galeichthys feliceps ( англиски )

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Galeichthys feliceps, the white barbel, sea barbel, white baggar or white sea catfish, is a species of sea catfish found in coastal waters and estuaries over muddy bottoms at depths of from 1 – 120 metres where they gather in large shoals.[2] They occur from Namibia to South Africa with questionable records of sightings from Madagascar and Mozambique in Africa and the United States of America and Mexico in North America.[1] It is coloured brown, grey or greenish-brown on the upperparts and is paler below.[2] While most grow to a length of 35 cm, some individuals attain a length of 55 cm[1] with a record of a fish from South Africa weighing 3.8 kg.[2]

The white barbel is a mouthbrooder as are the other members of this family. The female lays approximately 50 relatively large (15–16 mm diameter) eggs which the male carries in his mouth for about three to four months. During this time the male does not feed and can lose nearly one quarter of his body weight.[2]

The adults feed on crustaceans, polychaete worms, fishes and mollusks including cephalopods. The juveniles mostly scavenge.[2]

There is a commercial fishery for this species and they are also displayed in public aquariums.[1]

As with many species in this family, the dorsal fin spines are venomous and any wounds inflicted by them must be promptly treated.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2011). "Galeichthys feliceps" in FishBase. December 2011 version.
  2. ^ a b c d e "Galeichthys feliceps". Gwannon.com. Retrieved 2016-04-29.
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Galeichthys feliceps: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Galeichthys feliceps, the white barbel, sea barbel, white baggar or white sea catfish, is a species of sea catfish found in coastal waters and estuaries over muddy bottoms at depths of from 1 – 120 metres where they gather in large shoals. They occur from Namibia to South Africa with questionable records of sightings from Madagascar and Mozambique in Africa and the United States of America and Mexico in North America. It is coloured brown, grey or greenish-brown on the upperparts and is paler below. While most grow to a length of 35 cm, some individuals attain a length of 55 cm with a record of a fish from South Africa weighing 3.8 kg.

The white barbel is a mouthbrooder as are the other members of this family. The female lays approximately 50 relatively large (15–16 mm diameter) eggs which the male carries in his mouth for about three to four months. During this time the male does not feed and can lose nearly one quarter of his body weight.

The adults feed on crustaceans, polychaete worms, fishes and mollusks including cephalopods. The juveniles mostly scavenge.

There is a commercial fishery for this species and they are also displayed in public aquariums.

As with many species in this family, the dorsal fin spines are venomous and any wounds inflicted by them must be promptly treated.

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Galeichthys feliceps ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Galeichthys feliceps es una especie de peces de la familia Ariidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 55 cm de longitud total.

Sus espinas son venenosas y las heridas que producen deben ser tratadas inmediatamente.[1][2][3]


Come peces y cangrejos.


En Sudáfrica es depredado por Elop machnata , Argyrosomus hololepidotus , Carcharhinus limbatus .


Es un pez demersal y de clima subtropical.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra desde el noroeste de Namibia hasta el Cabo de Buena Esperanza (Sudáfrica), desde Jefe Cod (Estados Unidos) hasta el Golfo de México, y desde Beira (Mozambique) hasta Transkei (Sudáfrica) y Madagascar.


  1. Halstead, B.W., P.S. Auerbach i D.R. Campbell, 1990. A colour atlas of dangerous marine animals. Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd, W.S. Cowell Ltd, Ipswich, Inglaterra. 192 p.
  2. Halstead, B.W., 1980. Dangerous marine animals. Cornell Maritime Press, Inc., Maryland, Estados Unidos.
  3. FishBase (en inglés)


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Galeichthys feliceps: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Galeichthys feliceps es una especie de peces de la familia Ariidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.

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Galeichthys feliceps ( баскиски )

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Galeichthys feliceps Galeichthys generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Ariidae familian.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Galeichthys feliceps FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Galeichthys feliceps: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Galeichthys feliceps Galeichthys generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Ariidae familian.

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Galeichthys feliceps ( француски )

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Galeichthys feliceps, appelé communément barbillon blanc, est une espèce de poissons-chats marins de la famille des Ariidés et du genre Galeichthys. Il est présent en Afrique du Sud, de la Namibie jusqu'à Madagascar. On le retrouve également dans le golfe du Mexique[5].

Il est commercialisé pour sa chair vendue fumée.


Décrit Par Achille Valenciennes en 1840, ce poisson chat de grande taille (55 cm environ), brun à ventre blanc, est muni de six barbillons : quatre sous le menton et un de chaque côté de la mâchoire supérieure. Il possède une épine particulièrement venimeuse au début de sa nageoire dorsale.


Il vit dans les fonds marins (2-120 m[5]), notamment dans les fonds boueux, les cavités rocheuses et les estuaires. Il peut également vivre en rivière[6].

Notes et références

  1. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 29 octobre 2017
  2. a b c d e f et g BioLib, consulté le 29 octobre 2017
  3. a b c d e f et g World Register of Marine Species, consulté le 29 octobre 2017
  4. NCBI, consulté le 29 octobre 2017
  5. a et b Alain Diringer et Marc Taquet, Poissons de l'océan Indien et de la mer Rouge, Éditions Quae, 2012, p. 77
  6. (en) « Galeichthys feliceps », sur Fish Base (consulté le 3 juin 2017)

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Galeichthys feliceps: Brief Summary ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

Galeichthys feliceps, appelé communément barbillon blanc, est une espèce de poissons-chats marins de la famille des Ariidés et du genre Galeichthys. Il est présent en Afrique du Sud, de la Namibie jusqu'à Madagascar. On le retrouve également dans le golfe du Mexique.

Il est commercialisé pour sa chair vendue fumée.

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Galeichthys feliceps ( холандски; фламански )

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Galeichthys feliceps is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van de christusvissen (Ariidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van meervalachtigen (Siluriformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 55 centimeter.


De soort komt zowel in zoet, brak als zout water voor. De vis prefereert een subtropisch klimaat en komt voor in de Atlantische en Indische Oceaan op dieptes tussen 0 en 120 meter.

Relatie tot de mens

Galeichthys feliceps is voor de visserij van aanzienlijk commercieel belang. In de hengelsport wordt er weinig op de vis gejaagd. De soort kan worden bezichtigd in sommige openbare aquaria.

Voor de mens is Galeichthys feliceps giftig.

Externe link

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Froese, R., D. Pauly. en redactie. 2005. FishBase. Elektronische publicatie. www.fishbase.org, versie 06/2005.
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Galeichthys feliceps: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Galeichthys feliceps is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van de christusvissen (Ariidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van meervalachtigen (Siluriformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 55 centimeter.

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非洲雅首海鯰 ( кинески )

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二名法 Galeichthys feliceps
Valenciennes, 1840



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