Die Langvin-vlermuisvis (Platax teira) is 'n vis wat voorkom in die Indiese-Pasifiese area, die Rooisee en aan die ooskus van Afrika van Oman tot by Knysna. In Engels staan die vis bekend as die Longfin batfish.
Die vis se lyf is amper sirkelvormig met die agterste helfte van die lyf wat grys-bruin is en die voorste helfte het 'n dowwe vertikale streep op. Die voorste helfte van die kop is donker grys en die agterste helfte is wit. Daar is 'n donker kol onder op die pens en 'n dowwe donker streep oor die liggaam by die anale vin. Die bekkenvinne is geel of geelbruin. Die onvolwasse visse is silwer grys met 'n donker streep op die agter op die liggaam wat tot die dorsale en anale vinne gaan. Daar is ook 'n swart streep oor die voorkant van die lyf en 'n nou swart streep deur die oë. Die vis word tot 65 cm lank.
Die vis leef in riwwe en wrakke tot op dieptes van 70 m. Hulle kan alleen swem of in groot groep voorkom en hulle vreet soöplankton, alge en bodem skaaldiere. Die onvolwasse visse leef naby die kus in beskermde riwwe.
Die Langvin-vlermuisvis (Platax teira) is 'n vis wat voorkom in die Indiese-Pasifiese area, die Rooisee en aan die ooskus van Afrika van Oman tot by Knysna. In Engels staan die vis bekend as die Longfin batfish.
Der Langflossen-Fledermausfisch (Platax teira) lebt im Roten Meer und im Indopazifik von der Küste Ostafrikas bis Südafrika, den Ryūkyū-Inseln, Neuguinea und dem Great Barrier Reef.
Jungfische haben sehr lang ausgezogene und Rücken- und Afterflossen. Sie leben küstennah über Sandboden, seichten Korallenriffen oder unter Treibholz und treibenden Braunalgen der Gattung Sargassum.
Adulte Fische bekommen eine mehr diskusförmige Gestalt, die Flossen sind im Verhältnis zum Körper nicht mehr so hoch, der Körper wird silbergrau. Sie leben in kleinen oder größeren Gruppen von bis zu 100 Exemplaren, in tieferen Lagunen, Innenriffen und Außenriffen. Oft kann man sie auch an Schiffswracks sehen.
Langflossen-Fledermausfische werden 70 Zentimeter lang.
Der Langflossen-Fledermausfisch (Platax teira) lebt im Roten Meer und im Indopazifik von der Küste Ostafrikas bis Südafrika, den Ryūkyū-Inseln, Neuguinea und dem Great Barrier Reef.
Im Meeresaquarium von PragJungfische haben sehr lang ausgezogene und Rücken- und Afterflossen. Sie leben küstennah über Sandboden, seichten Korallenriffen oder unter Treibholz und treibenden Braunalgen der Gattung Sargassum.
Adulte Fische bekommen eine mehr diskusförmige Gestalt, die Flossen sind im Verhältnis zum Körper nicht mehr so hoch, der Körper wird silbergrau. Sie leben in kleinen oder größeren Gruppen von bis zu 100 Exemplaren, in tieferen Lagunen, Innenriffen und Außenriffen. Oft kann man sie auch an Schiffswracks sehen.
Langflossen-Fledermausfische werden 70 Zentimeter lang.
Platax teira, also known as the teira batfish, longfin batfish, longfin spadefish, or round faced batfish is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Ephippidae, the spadefishes and batfishes. This species is found in the Indo-West Pacific.
Platax teira was first formally described as Chaetodon teira by the Swedish-speaking Finnish explorer, orientalist, naturalist Peter Forsskål with its type locality given as Al Luḩayyah on the Red Sea coast of Yemen.[3] This species was descinated as the type species of the genus Platax by Pieter Bleeker in 1876, Platax belongs to the family Ephippidae[4] in the order Moroniformes.[5] The specific name teira is a latinisation of the Arabic teyra the name given to the juveniles in Yemen.[6]
Platax teira has a dark blotch under the pectoral fin, with another long dark mark above the base of the anal fin. Looked at from the side, it has a roughly circular body with a low hump on the nape. This fish is usually silver, grey or brownish. It has a blackish band through the eye and another band with the pectoral fin. They will change colour from silvery white with no bands, to brown with darker banding as you watch, and then fade back to silver again.[7] This species has a maximum published total length of 70 cm (28 in).[2] The very small juveniles are brownish in colour and look like floating leaves. The larger juveniles have the pelvic fins and front soft rays of the dorsal and anal fins highly elongated, extending to around the psteriot of the base of the anal fin.[8]
Platax teira has a wide Indo-Pacific distribution from the Red Sea and East Africa to Papua New Guinea, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to Australia. It has also been recorded in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand.[2] In Australia it can be found from the central coast of Western Australia, around the tropical north of the country and south to the southern coast of New South Wales.[7] In India it was reported from the Gulf of Mannar following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.[9] It has been reported twice recently in the Mediterranean Sea,[10] off Turkey[11] and Israel.[12]
They are known to reside among floating seaweed, debris, and artificial reefs.[13] The species occurs in shallow coastal habitats to deeper offshore.[7]
Platax teira is an omnivore. It will eat plankton, sessile invertebrates, small invertebrates, and marine algae.[14] The small juveniles stay among floating debris, forming aggregations as the individual fishes find each other. At larger sizes they increasinglt become more pelagic and will form sizeable schools which shelter beneath large rafts of Sargassum that typically form following the wet season.[2]
They are a very peaceful and social fish and will form schools with others of their species. They should not be kept with very aggressive species that may harass them as juveniles. Teira batfish are usually rather small when first purchased, but they will rapidly outgrow a small home aquarium to reach a maximum size of 24".[14]
Platax teira is caught using hook-and-line, palisade traps, spear, trawls and hand nets.[15] The flesh is not valued[2] and may have an excellent flavour or taste rank and weedy.[15]
Teira batfish in Raja Ampat Papua, 2014
Teira batfish in South West Rocks Australia, 2005
Teira batfish at Maedamisaki Okinawa, 2009
Platax teira, also known as the teira batfish, longfin batfish, longfin spadefish, or round faced batfish is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Ephippidae, the spadefishes and batfishes. This species is found in the Indo-West Pacific.
Platax teira Platax generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Ephippidae familian sailkatzen da.
Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.
Platax teira Platax generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Ephippidae familian sailkatzen da.
Le Platax à longues nageoires[1] ou Poisson chauve-souris à longues nageoires[2], Platax teira, est une espèce de poissons de la famille des Ephippidae. On le rencontre dans les récifs coralliens de la zone Indo-Pacifique entre 50 cm de profondeur et 60 m[3]. C'est un poisson très commun et d'approche facile qui vit en larges bancs serrés.
Ce grand poisson aplati mesurant jusqu'à 60 cm de long.
Sa couleur est argenté avec des bandes brun sombre.
Il vit en petit groupe et mange des algues et des invertébrés.
Le Platax à longues nageoires ou Poisson chauve-souris à longues nageoires, Platax teira, est une espèce de poissons de la famille des Ephippidae. On le rencontre dans les récifs coralliens de la zone Indo-Pacifique entre 50 cm de profondeur et 60 m. C'est un poisson très commun et d'approche facile qui vit en larges bancs serrés.
De langvinvleermuisvis (Platax teira) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de schopvissen (Ephippidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1775 door Forsskål.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesPlatax teira là một loài cá thuộc họ Cá tai tượng. Loài cá này phân bố ở Ấn Độ-Tây Thái Bình Dương. Nó đôi khi dài đến 70 cm. Tại Úc, nó có thể được tìm thấy từ bờ biển trung tâm của Tây Úc, xung quanh phía bắc nhiệt đới của đất nước và phía nam đến bờ biển phía nam của New South Wales. Chúng sinh sống trong môi trường sống nông ven biển ngoài khơi sâu hơn. Nó là loài ăn tạp, chúng ăn sinh vật phù du, động vật không xương sống không cuống, động vật không xương sống nhỏ, và tảo biển.
Platax teira là một loài cá thuộc họ Cá tai tượng. Loài cá này phân bố ở Ấn Độ-Tây Thái Bình Dương. Nó đôi khi dài đến 70 cm. Tại Úc, nó có thể được tìm thấy từ bờ biển trung tâm của Tây Úc, xung quanh phía bắc nhiệt đới của đất nước và phía nam đến bờ biển phía nam của New South Wales. Chúng sinh sống trong môi trường sống nông ven biển ngoài khơi sâu hơn. Nó là loài ăn tạp, chúng ăn sinh vật phù du, động vật không xương sống không cuống, động vật không xương sống nhỏ, và tảo biển.
尖翅燕鱼(学名:Platax teira,又稱燕魚,尖翅燕鲳、燕乌鲳、鹰鲳、挂鲳、蝙蝠魚、鯧仔、圓海燕、飛翼),为輻鰭魚綱鱸形目鱸亞目白鲳科燕鱼属的其中一種鱼类。
ツバメウオ(燕魚、Platax teira)は、スズキ目ニザダイ亜目マンジュウダイ科に属する魚の一種。別名、ツバクロ(燕、ツバメの古名)、ツバメダイ(燕鯛)、アブラウオ(脂魚)など。 本種が属する科を「スダレダイ科」とする文献もある。
太平洋西部からインド洋の温暖な海域に生息する。 日本では、北海道釧路から琉球列島沿岸の中層に分布する。
全長30-100 cm。 体はセイヨウナシ形で側扁している。老成魚は額が僅かに突出する(吻前縁が真っ直ぐ)。背鰭と臀鰭が相似形で大きい。背鰭の後縁が黒く、体側には黒い帯が三本あるが、成魚では不明瞭である。 尾鰭後縁は二重湾入形で黒い。腹鰭基部後方に黒色円斑がある。腹鰭は黄色みがかる。
ツバメウオ(燕魚、Platax teira)は、スズキ目ニザダイ亜目マンジュウダイ科に属する魚の一種。別名、ツバクロ(燕、ツバメの古名)、ツバメダイ(燕鯛)、アブラウオ(脂魚)など。 本種が属する科を「スダレダイ科」とする文献もある。