
Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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Holotype. BPBM 4080485 (63.7 mm SL), Caroline Islands; Puluwat Atoll; Alet Islet, S side (7°21'15.44"N, 149°10'47.03"E): outer reef drop-off with small caves and holes, 100-103 m, quinaldine and hand net, R.L. Pyle and B.D. Greene, 11 April 2007 [PCMB 303386].

Paratypes. BMNH 2007.10.31.287 (55.2 mm SL), Belau (Palau) Islands; Augulpelu Reef, W side (7°16'24.6"N, 134°31'26.4"E): shelf flanked by numerous small caves, 90 m, hand net, R.L. Pyle, 16 May 1997.BPBM 3767188 (55.4 mm SL), same collecting data as BMNH 2007.10.31.2, except collected on 6 May 1997.BPBM 3771389 (59.6 mm SL), same locality and depth as and BPBM 37671: cave in drop-off, rotenone, R.L. Pyle and J.L. Earle, 12 May 1997.BPBM 3999390 (62.5 mm SL), Fiji Islands; Viti Levu Island; outside of Suva Harbor; S of "Fish Patch"; southern wall (18°9'32.7"S, 178°23'58.44"E): sloping sand and rubble with rock outcroppings, 87-92 m, rotenone, R.L. Pyle and D.F. Pence, 3 February 2002.BPBM 4042291 (3; 25.5-46.9 mm SL), Marshall Islands; Kwajalein Atoll, S end; Ennubuj (= Carlson) islet; ocean side: cave within ledge, 100 m, rotenone, B.D. Greene, 30 December 2005.BPBM 4070392 (2; 50.9-59.5 mm SL), Vanuatu; Espiritu Santo; off W coast (15°33'39.28"S, 167°16'29.82"E): steep slope with rubble and sand, with some rocky outcrops with small caves and undercuts; many gorgonians, 60 m, quinaldine and hand net, B.D. Greene, 7 October 2006.CAS 22575693 (2; 46.5-50.8 mm SL), same collecting data as BPBM 39993.MNHN 2007-192394 (57.9 mm SL), Vanuatu; Espiritu Santo; off N end of Tutuba Island (15°32'28.57"S, 167°16'51.17"E): at base of outer reef drop-off ranging from 60-100 m, 100 m, rotenone and vacuum device, R.L. Pyle, 10 October 2006.USNM 39113795 (4; 41.6-68.5 mm SL), Caroline Islands; Yap, S end; "Magic Kingdom" (9°26'3.41"N, 138°2'5.96"E): among boulders on sloping shelf above deep drop-off, 98-100 m, hand net, R.L. Pyle and B.D. Greene, 20 April 2007 [PCMB 307296, 307397, 307498, 307599].WAM P.32899- 001100 (2; 58.1-61.4 mm SL), Belau (Palau) Islands; Augulpelu Reef, W side; shelf flanked by numerous small caves (7°16'24.6"N, 134°31'26.4"E), 90 m, hand net, R.L. Pyle and J.L. Earle, 17 May 1997.

Diagnosis. Dorsal rays XIII,13-14 (usually 14); anal rays II,15-16; pectoral rays 18-19 (usually 19); spiniform caudal rays 2-3 (usually 3); tubed lateral-line scales 14-16; gill rakers 6-8+19-22 (usually 6-7+19-21; total 26-29); body depth 1.57-1.77 in SL; color when fresh pale lavender-tinged gray dorsally, paler ventrally; three or four rows of scales dorsally from nape to upper caudal peduncle with gold edges; small scales on basal sheath of dorsal fin almost entirely gold; median fin membranes lavender gray or translucent blue, suffused with gold color; iris yellow.

Description. Dorsal rays XIII,14 (two paratypes with 13); anal rays II,16 (one paratype with 15, another paratype deformed with only 13); all dorsal and anal rays branched, the last to base; pectoral rays 18 (one paratype with 19 on only the right side), the upper 2 and lowermost unbranched; pelvic rays I,5; principal caudal rays 8+7=15 (one paratype with 7+7=14); upper and lower procurrent caudal rays 5, the anterior 3 (2-3) spiniform (when 3, the anteriormost vestigial and not penetrating scales), the posterior 2 segmented and unbranched; tubed lateral-line scales 15 (14-16); posterior midlateral scales with a pore or deep pit 7 (0-8); scales above dorsal fin to origin of dorsal fin 4 (3.5-4); scales below lateral line to origin of anal fin 10 (9-10, usually 10); gill rakers 8+21=29 (6-8+19-22=26-29, 6 gill rakers on upper limb of gill arch in one paratype, 22 gill rakers on lower limb of gill arch in one paratype); surpaneural (predorsal) bones 3; vertebrae 12+13.

Body moderately deep, depth 1.69 (1.57-1.77) in SL, and compressed, the width 3.04 (2.94-3.75) in body depth; head length 3.13 (2.71-3.26) in SL; dorsal profile of head smoothly convex, sometimes with a very slight concavity anterior to eye; snout shorter than orbit diameter, its length 4.25 (3.45-4.80) in head length; orbit diameter 2.41 (2.00-2.66) in head length; interorbital space convex, its width 2.60 (2.56-3.39) in head length; caudal-peduncle depth 2.05 (1.86-2.24) in head; caudal-peduncle length 3.49 (2.82-4.49) in head.

Mouth terminal, small, oblique, the upper jaw forming an angle of about 42º to horizontal axis of head and body; posterior edge of maxilla reaching slightly beyond a vertical at anterior edge of pupil, the upper jaw length 3.28 (2.91-3.57) in head; teeth multi-serial, an outer row of conical teeth in each jaw, largest anteriorly; about 25 upper and about 21 lower teeth on each side of jaw; a narrow band of villiform teeth lingual to outer row, in 2-3 irregular rows anteriorly, narrowing to a single row on side of jaws; tongue triangular with rounded tip; gill rakers long and slender, the longest on lower limb near angle about two-thirds length of longest gill filaments; nostril with a fleshy rim, more elevated on posterior edge and located at level of middle of pupil, slightly less than one-sixth distance from front of snout to base of upper lip.

Opercle ending posteriorly in a flat spine, the tip broadly obtuse and obscured by a large scale; margin of preopercle smooth, the posterior margin extending dorsally to level of upper edge of pupil; suborbital with free lower margin extending nearly to a vertical at posterior edge of orbit.

Scales finely ctenoid; anterior lateral line ending beneath rear portion of spinous dorsal fin (between 12th and 13th dorsal-fin spines); head scaled except lips, tip of snout, and a narrow zone from orbit to edge of snout containing nostrils; a scaly sheath at base of dorsal and anal fins, about two-thirds pupil diameter at base of middle of spinous portion of dorsal fin, progressively narrower on soft portion; a column of scales on each membrane of dorsal fin, narrowing distally, those on spinous portion of dorsal progressively longer, reaching about four-fifths distance to spine tips on posterior membranes; scales on anal-fin membrane in two columns, progressively smaller distally; small scales on caudal fin extending slightly more than two-thirds distance to posterior margin; small scales on basal one-sixth of pectoral fins; a median scaly process extending posteriorly from between base of pelvic fins, its length about half that of pelvic spine; axillary scale above base of pelvic spine slightly more than one-half length of spine.

Origin of dorsal fin over second lateral-line scale, the pre-dorsal distance 2.50 (2.37-2.76) in SL; base of spinous portion of dorsal fin contained 2.09 (2.02-2.42) in SL; base of soft portion of dorsal fin contained 5.20 (4.69-5.38) in SL; first dorsal spine 9.41 (7.61-11.00) in SL; second dorsal spine 6.83 (5.54-8.20) in SL; third dorsal spine 6.07 (4.51-6.98) in SL; fourth dorsal spine 5.79 (4.35-6.45) in SL; fifth dorsal spine 5.73 (4.18-6.31) in SL; sixth dorsal spine 5.67 (3.94-6.14) in SL; last dorsal spine 5.91 (4.71-6.25) in SL; membranes of spinous portion of dorsal fin moderately incised; fourth dorsal soft ray longest, usually with a filamentous extension, its length 4.20 (2.55-4.34) in SL; first anal spine 9.30 (8.03-10.29) in SL; second anal spine 4.95 (4.32-5.44) in SL; eleventh anal soft ray the longest, its length 4.99 (3.05-5.05) in SL; caudal fin forked, its length 1.59 (1.19-2.44) in SL, the third or fourth principal caudal ray (upper and lower) with filamentous extension, the caudal concavity 2.31 (1.52-4.19) in SL; fourth pectoral-fin ray longest, 2.41 (2.30-2.76) in SL; pelvic spine 4.99 (3.99-5.63) in SL; first soft ray of pelvic fin filamentous, usually reaching to second anal-fin ray (when not broken or otherwise damaged), its length 3.94 (2.41-3.76) in SL.

Color of adults and juveniles when fresh pale lavender-tinged gray dorsally, fading to pale bluish-white on thorax; pale bluish gray ventrally from anus to caudal fin; three or four rows of scales dorsally from nape to upper caudal peduncle with gold edges; small scales on basal sheath of dorsal fin can be almost entirely gold; faint gold tinge on posterior operculum and on scales along ventral margin anterior to pelvic-fin origin; intensity of gold color variable, appearing more pearlescent underwater in some individuals; dorsal- and anal-fin membranes pale translucent blue, suffused with gold, particularly basal 2/3 and distal portion of spinous dorsal fin, and basal and distal 1/3 of anal fin; soft dorsal fin gold tinged except for median portion; the extreme distal margin of the dorsal fin, anal fin and pelvic fin pale turquoise blue; caudal fin lavender gray with faint gold wash on membranes; pectoral fin translucent; pelvic fins white; iris yellow, fleshy membrane of orbit turquoise blue, especially dorsally; interorbital space turquoise above upper lip, extending dorsally into nape in some specimens.

Color in alcohol drab grayish light brown over most of body, darker brown above lateral line; scales above lateral line with pale spot corresponding to gold markings in life; dorsal fin uniform brown except for a pale gray submarginal line; anal fin brown with pale grayish brown markings and submarginal line; interorbital region and anterior head uniform brown; thorax slightly lighter than body color, with pale ventral edge.

Distribution. This species has been observed or collected from the Marshall Islands southward to Fiji, across the Caroline Islands from Puluwat to Palau, and south to Vanuatu. An underwater photo of what seems to be this species (or an undescribed species very similar to C. brevirostris ) taken in Bali, Indonesia, appears as " Chromis sp." on p. 531 of Kuiter & Debelius, 2006. C. brevirostris was not observed at Rarotonga (Cook Islands), Kiritimati (Line Islands), or American Samoa during brief surveys of deep reefs at those localities.

Etymology. Named brevirostris , an adjective derived from the Latin words brevis (meaning "short") and rostrum (meaning "beak" or "snout"), in reference to the very short snout of this species relative to other species in the genus.

Remarks. Generally abundant in its typical environment, which is characterized by steep slopes and drop-offs at depths of about 90-120 m. Usually found in association with small holes and limestone talus, often in aggregations ranging from a half-dozen to several dozen individuals feeding low in the water column.

Chromis brevirostris , as well as the new speciesC. earina (described herein) are both deep-dwelling Chromis species with XIII dorsal spines, a deep body (1.57-1.9 in S.L.), short snout (3.45-4.8 in head), and large eye (2.0-2.6 in head). Most counts are similar, and these two species appear to have more affinities with each other than with any other species in the genus. They can be readily distinguished from each other on the basis of color and by differences in general body shape (particularly the shape of the head profile, which is smoothly convex in C. brevirostris , as opposed to slightly concave dorsal to the eye in C. earina ), and dorsal- and anal-fin soft ray counts. Chromis brevirostris has 13-14 dorsal-fin soft rays and 15-16 anal-fin soft rays (except for one deformed individual with only 13 anal-fin soft rays); whereas C. earina has 11-12 dorsal-fin soft rays and 12 anal-fin soft rays. Table 3 lists selected characters for four Indo-Pacific Chromis species which seem to be most similar to C. brevirostris and C. earina . These four species, including C. alpha 101 Randall1988a, C. nigroanalis 102 Randall 1988b, C. ovatiformis 103 Fowler 1946, and C. pembae 104 Randall and McCosker 1992 (which we collectively and informally refer to here as the " Chromis alpha complex") all have XIII dorsal spines, a roughly similar body shape, and have been recorded at a depth of 40 m or greater. For each of these species, at least one count, and all gill raker counts, range outside the respective ranges for C. brevirostris and C. earina .

not applicable
библиографски навод
Pyle, R. L., 2007, Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific., Zootaxa, pp. 3-31, vol. 1671
Pyle, R. L.
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Chromis brevirostris ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Chromis brevirostris és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.


Els mascles poden assolir els 6,9 cm de longitud total.[2]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba des de les Illes Marshall fins a Fidji, les Illes Carolines, Palau i Vanuatu.[2]


  1. BioLib
  2. 2,0 2,1 FishBase (anglès)


  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River (Nova Jersey, Estats Units): Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Pyle, R., J.L. Earle i B.D. Greene, 2008. Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific. Zootaxa 1671:3-31.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Chromis brevirostris: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Chromis brevirostris és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Chromis brevirostris ( англиски )

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Chromis brevirostris, or colloquially known as the shortsnout chromis, is a type of damselfish that was described in 2008 by R. Pyle, J. Earle, and B. Greene in the western Pacific Ocean.[1][2] This species comes from the genus Chromis which contains eighty species and counting, including C. abyssus, C. circumaurea, C. degruyi, and C. earina.[3] Chromis brevirostris can be found in the Pacific Ocean, located as far north as the Marshall Islands to as far south as Fiji and Vanuatu, and spanning from Palau to Paluwat of the Caroline Islands.[2] The species’ name, Chromis brevirostris, derives from Latin origin; brevis and rostrum mean “short” and “snout” respectively.[4] It is generally abundant in its environment, living at depths of 90–120 metres (300–390 ft), tending to live in groups ranging in size from six to several dozen.[2]


The fish is around 6 centimetres (2.4 in) long, 1.5 cm (0.6 in) deep and are pale lavender-tinged grey in colour.[2] Like other species of the genus Chromis, C. brevirostris has bright, colourful scales, as well as bright and colourful tail, dorsal, anal, and ventral fins.[4] Adults of this species are pale lavender and grey in colour on the dorsal side, blue to white on the thorax, blue to grey on the ventral side. They also have golden scales and golden tails and fins.[2] On the outer edges, the scales are golden yellow, but then gradually change to blue and gray as moved from outer to inner edges. Along with colour, the Chromis brevirostris can be distinguished from other Chromis species by its smooth and convex-shaped head, and the number of soft ray fins. Chromis brevirostris typically have 15–16 anal, 13–14 dorsal, 18–19 pectoral, and 2–3 spiniform caudal soft ray fins.[2] Furthermore, they also have 14-16 lateral-line scales and 26–29 gill rakers.[2] Their irises are golden in colour.


Found in the mesophotic zone of the western Pacific Ocean typically at drop-offs, steep slopes and corals, Chromis brevirostris grow in communities of large abundance at depths of 90–120 metres.[3] This depth is the lowest that they can thrive in.[2] Although Chromis brevirostris was first observed at a depth of 100–103 metres deep around the Caroline Islands, dispersal has since resulted in a change in species distribution to depths as high as 60 metres and across the Pacific Ocean near Bali, Melanesia, and Micronesia in swarms of approximately one dozen individual Shortsnout Chromis.[3]

Diet and foraging

The shortsnout chromis are deep water specialists.[4] This means that because of high biodiversity in their habitat, this species is able to forage on a specific diet. The shortsnout chromis feed almost exclusively, if not entirely, on zooplankton that can be found floating in water columns.[4]


The name of this species was derived from the Latin words brevis (meaning "short") and rostrum (meaning "beak" or "snout"). This is in reference to the very short snout of this species relative to other species in the genus Chromis.[2]


  1. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2019). "Chromis brevirostris" in FishBase. December 2019 version.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Pyle, Richard L.; John L. Earle & Brian D. Greene (2008). "Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific" (PDF). Zootaxa. 1671: 3–31.
  3. ^ a b c Lemon, TYK (2016). "Epithet etymology: it's as easy as A, B, Chromis!". Reefs.com.
  4. ^ a b c d Lemon, TYK (2013). "Chromis brevirostris is a gorgeous species which is barely documented". Reef Builders.
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Chromis brevirostris: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Chromis brevirostris, or colloquially known as the shortsnout chromis, is a type of damselfish that was described in 2008 by R. Pyle, J. Earle, and B. Greene in the western Pacific Ocean. This species comes from the genus Chromis which contains eighty species and counting, including C. abyssus, C. circumaurea, C. degruyi, and C. earina. Chromis brevirostris can be found in the Pacific Ocean, located as far north as the Marshall Islands to as far south as Fiji and Vanuatu, and spanning from Palau to Paluwat of the Caroline Islands. The species’ name, Chromis brevirostris, derives from Latin origin; brevis and rostrum mean “short” and “snout” respectively. It is generally abundant in its environment, living at depths of 90–120 metres (300–390 ft), tending to live in groups ranging in size from six to several dozen.

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Chromis brevirostris ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Chromis brevirostris es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 6,9 cm de longitud total.[1]


Es un pez de mar.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra desde las Islas Marshall hasta Fiyi, las Islas Carolinas, República de Palau y Vanuatu.


  1. FishBase (en inglés)


  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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Chromis brevirostris: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Chromis brevirostris es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes.

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Chromis brevirostris ( баскиски )

добавил wikipedia EU

Chromis brevirostris Chromis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pomacentridae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Chromis brevirostris FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Chromis brevirostris: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Chromis brevirostris Chromis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pomacentridae familian sailkatzen da.

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Chromis brevirostris ( холандски; фламански )

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Chromis brevirostris is een baarsachtige uit het geslacht Chromis die voorkomt in de Stille Oceaan. Deze soort werd voor het eerst beschreven in 2008. Binnen het geslacht lijkt hij het meest op C.earina, die in dezelfde publicatie werd beschreven.


De soortaanduiding brevirostris is een bijvoeglijk naamwoord dat is afgeleid van de Latijnse woorden brevis ("kort") en rostrum ("snuit"). De naam verwijst naar de snuit van de soort, die relatief kort is in vergelijking met andere soorten van het geslacht.


De soort leeft in koraalriffen in het westen van de Stille Oceaan, in het gebied tussen de Marshalleilanden, Fiji, de Carolinen, Puluwat (Micronesia), Palau en Vanuatu. Hij werd niet geobserveerd bij Rarotonga, Kiritimati en Amerikaans-Samoa. Hij komt algemeen voor in zijn leefgebied, dat bestaat uit steile hellingen, meestal met kleine holtes en kalksteenpuin, op dieptes van 90 tot 120 meter. Ze voeden zich in groepjes van zes of meer exemplaren. Ze delen hun leefgebied onder meer met de verwante soort Chromis unipa.


De bestudeerde exemplaren van C. brevirostris waren kleiner dan 6,5 centimeter. De rug is lichtpaars/-grijs, de buik is nog lichter. Van de nek tot bovenaan de staartvin lopen 3 of 4 rijen met schubben die een goudgekleurde rand hebben. De kleine schubben op het omhulsel van de rugvin zijn bijna geheel goudkleurig. De rug-, staart- en aarsvin zijn paarsgrijs tot doorschijnend blauw met een gouden schijn. Het regenboogvlies is geel.


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Chromis brevirostris: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Chromis brevirostris is een baarsachtige uit het geslacht Chromis die voorkomt in de Stille Oceaan. Deze soort werd voor het eerst beschreven in 2008. Binnen het geslacht lijkt hij het meest op C.earina, die in dezelfde publicatie werd beschreven.

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