Neoscopelus macrolepidotus és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels neoscopèlids.[5]
Als Estats Units és depredat per Merluccius albidus.[9][10]
És un peix marí, bentopelàgic[11] i batipelàgic que viu entre 300 i 1.180 m de fondària als talussos continentals i insulars i entre les latituds 55°N-49°S i 113°E-34°E. Hom creu que no realitza migracions verticals.[12][6][13]
Es troba a l'Atlàntic oriental (des del Marroc fins al Sàhara Occidental. També és present a Namíbia[14]), l'Atlàntic occidental (Surinam,[15] Nicaragua i el sud del Brasil[16]), l'Índic (KwaZulu-Natal -Sud-àfrica- i l'est de la Gran Badia Australiana), el Pacífic occidental (Austràlia), el Pacífic oriental (la Colúmbia Britànica -el Canadà-[17] i les illes Hawaii),[18] el mar de la Xina Meridional[19][20] i el mar de la Xina Oriental.[6][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41]
És inofensiu per als humans.[6]
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels neoscopèlids.
Der Großschuppige Laternenfisch (Neoscopelus macrolepidotus) ist ein Tiefseefisch, der weit verbreitet in tropischen und gemäßigten Bereichen des Atlantiks und Pazifiks vorkommt. Den Indischen Ozean erreicht er nur an der Küste Natals (Südafrika) und im östlichen Bereich der Großen Australischen Bucht. Er kommt auch an der Atlantikküste Europas vor, fehlt aber im Mittelmeer. Im gesamten Verbreitungsgebiet ist er ziemlich häufig.
Der Großschuppige Laternenfisch wird 25 cm lang. Er hat einen zugespitzten, oben leicht konkaven Kopf mit großen Augen, tiefer, endständiger Maulspalte – die aber nur leicht bis hinter den hinteren Augenrand reicht – und einen kurzen, gedrungenen Körper, der seitlich abgeflacht ist. Eine Fettflosse ist vorhanden. Die Fische sind an den Seiten von Kopf und Körper dunkelrot gefärbt mit bläulichem Schimmer, die Bauchseite ist silbrig-weiß, die Flossen rosa. Die Zähne sind klein. Die Schuppen sind groß und blattartig. Leuchtorgane, die ein violettes Licht ausstrahlen, befinden sich an den Bauchseiten und an der Bauchmittellinie. Die Leuchtorgane sitzen dort in kleinen Poren vor jeder Schuppe.
Der Großschuppige Laternenfisch lebt ozeanisch und benthopelagisch (im Freiwasser nah über dem Meeresboden) über Kontinentalhängen und Inselsockeln in Tiefen von 300 bis 1180 Metern. Es gibt keine Hinweise, dass er zur Nahrungssuche Vertikalwanderungen unternimmt. Über die Ernährung ist nichts bekannt, ebenso unbekannt sind Eier, Larven und Jungfischstadien.
Der Großschuppige Laternenfisch (Neoscopelus macrolepidotus) ist ein Tiefseefisch, der weit verbreitet in tropischen und gemäßigten Bereichen des Atlantiks und Pazifiks vorkommt. Den Indischen Ozean erreicht er nur an der Küste Natals (Südafrika) und im östlichen Bereich der Großen Australischen Bucht. Er kommt auch an der Atlantikküste Europas vor, fehlt aber im Mittelmeer. Im gesamten Verbreitungsgebiet ist er ziemlich häufig.
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus, also known as a large-scaled lantern fish, is a species of small mesopelagic or bathypelagic fish of the family Neoscopelidae, which contains six species total along three genera.[1] The family Neoscopelidae is one of the two families of the order Myctophiformes. Neoscopelidae can be classified by the presence of an adipose fin. The presence of photophores, or light-producing organs, further classify the species into the genus Neoscopelus.[2] N. macrolepidotus tends to be mesopelagic until the individuals become large adults, which is when they settle down to the bathypelagic zone.[2]
The species Neoscopelus macrolepidotus is described as having a dark grey ventral surface, a greyish-silver head, pinkish-red fins, and rows of photophores along the ventral portion of the body and along the sides of the tongue.[3] These photophores produce and emit light in the process of bioluminescence. The species generally does not exceed 25 cm in length and is found exclusively in marine environments, along various parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans on continental shelves.[3]
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus was originally discovered at Madeira, an autonomous region of Portugal, by English naturalist James Yate Johnson in 1863. Madeira is an archipelago, or island chain, located southwest of Portugal's mainland.[1] After this initial species discovery, N. macrolepidotus was documented in various oceans and regions around the world, reaching as far as 51°N latitude. The majority of the species, however, lives in tropical and subtropical regions, not exceeding 45° latitude in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.[1] The species also lives a majority of its life between depths of 300 and 1100 m, which most directly correlates to the mesopelagic, or intermediate depths of the sea. Since the mesopelagic zone allows some light penetration, one of the biggest limiting factors of the fish population in this zone is predation. This limiting factor is especially present in the daytime, when more light is penetrating the water column and there is generally more visibility.
Marine organisms in the mesopelagic zone must adapt to the environmental and behavioral constraints present as light is diminished. These constraints force species to use various senses, such as sight and smell, in order to navigate and survive. For instance, Neoscopelus macrolepidetus and other closely related lanternfishes are evolutionarily fit to have greater visual capabilities in the mesopelagic due to the presence of larger eyes.[4] These larger eyes help increase sensitivity to the light reflected through the water column above and the light of other bioluminescent organisms.[4] The presence of a larger mouth with a posteriorly expanded jaw also helps aid in feeding.[3]
The known feeding habits of the Neoscopelus genera are limited, however, a common behavior of micronekton is diel vertical migration. This type of migration includes a daily routine of navigating through the bathypelagic zone during the day and swimming up to the mesopelagic at night.[5] This behavior is an attempt to avoid large-scale predators during the day while having the ability to feed on smaller organisms, such as zooplankton, at night. Since the species Neoscopelus macrolepidotus has rows of small teeth, the feeding capabilities can be expanded to other types of micronekton, such as smaller fishes or crustaceans.[3]
As mentioned before, Neoscopelus macrolepidotus contains photophores that allow the emission of light. These bioluminescent structures were first exclusively found on the ventral surface of the body, until a scientific study conducted by Seishi Kuwabara examined photophores found in the tongues of individuals belonging to the species Neoscopelus macrolepidotus and Neoscopelus microchir.[6] Neoscopelus microchir is the second species comprising the genus Neoscopelus. Prior to the experiment, the species Neoscopelus microchir was distinguished from Neoscopelus macrolepidotus by having more photophores and a larger head and pectoral fin. Based on Kuwabara's experiments, there were larger photophores and more of them in the tongues of N. microchir, which allowed for another distinguishing factor from the otherwise extremely similar species.[6] These morphological differences in species are subtle, which can make it difficult to distinguish the difference between the species N. macrolepidotus and N. microchir when working in the field.
In terms of functional use, the photophores on the ventral surface of the fish are most likely used to aid in ventral counter-illumination. This is a form of camouflage that fish use to match the intensity of light in the mesopelagic zone in order to hide their silhouettes from larger predators below.[7] This camouflage can be seen as a necessity for species such as Neoscopelus macrolepidotus, since their ventral surface is darker and therefore their body contrasts more with the downwelling light from above. The use of the photophores found in their tongues is unknown, but could be a possible aid in feeding and species recognition in the dim mesopelagic and the dark bathypelagic. The bioluminescence is done endogenously, meaning that light is produced from their own bodies instead of from symbiotic bacteria in photophores.[7]
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus, also known as a large-scaled lantern fish, is a species of small mesopelagic or bathypelagic fish of the family Neoscopelidae, which contains six species total along three genera. The family Neoscopelidae is one of the two families of the order Myctophiformes. Neoscopelidae can be classified by the presence of an adipose fin. The presence of photophores, or light-producing organs, further classify the species into the genus Neoscopelus. N. macrolepidotus tends to be mesopelagic until the individuals become large adults, which is when they settle down to the bathypelagic zone.
The species Neoscopelus macrolepidotus is described as having a dark grey ventral surface, a greyish-silver head, pinkish-red fins, and rows of photophores along the ventral portion of the body and along the sides of the tongue. These photophores produce and emit light in the process of bioluminescence. The species generally does not exceed 25 cm in length and is found exclusively in marine environments, along various parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans on continental shelves.
La linternilla de escamas grandes (Neoscopelus macrolepidotus),[1][2][3] es una especie de pez marino de la familia de los neoscopélidos o linternillas.[4]
Su longitud máxima descrita es de 25 cm.[1] Tanto en la aleta dorsal como en la aleta anal no tienen espinas y tienen alrededor de una docena de radios blandos; tanto los lados de la cabeza como el cuerpo son de un color rojo oscuro, con el vientre blanco plateado y las aletas de color rosa.[5] Son bioluminiscentes, emitiendo luz por sus filas de fotóforos.[1]
Es un pez marino bati-pelágico de aguas profundas, no migrador, que habita en un rango de profundidad entre 300 y 1180 metros[6] Se distribuye por todo el océano Atlántico, incluido el mar Caribe, así como por casi todo el océano Pacífico, entre los 55° de latitud norte y los 49° sur, y entre los 113° de longitud este y los 34° este.[1]
Su hábitat es bentónico,[7] encontrado en el talud continental tanto de continentes como de islas, donde no hay evidencia de que realice migraciones.[8]
La linternilla de escamas grandes (Neoscopelus macrolepidotus), es una especie de pez marino de la familia de los neoscopélidos o linternillas.
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus Neoscopelus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Neoscopelidae familian sailkatzen da.
Ozeano Atlantikoaren ekialdiean aurki daiteke, Maroko eta Mendebaldeko Saharan. Baita ere Namibian[5]), mendebaldeko Ozeano Atlantikoa (Surinam[6] Nikaragua eta Brasil hegoaldean[7]), Indikoan (KwaZulu-Natal -Hego Afrika- eta Australiako Badia Handiaren ekialdean, Ozeano Barearen mendebaldean (Australia), eta Ozeano Bareko ekialdean (Kanadako Kolunbia Britanikoan)[8] eta Hawaiin[9] edo Txina Hegoaldeko itsasoan.[2][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32]
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus Neoscopelus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Neoscopelidae familian sailkatzen da.
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus est une espèce de poissons téléostéens (Teleostei).
Neoscopelus macrolepidotus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van lantaarndragers (Neoscopelidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1863 door Johnson.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties大鳞新灯鱼(学名:Neoscopelus macrolepidotus)为新灯鱼科新灯鱼属的鱼类。太平洋、印度洋大西洋均有,以及东海等海域。该物种的模式产地在大西洋马德拉岛。