
Trophic Strategy ( англиски )

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Found between rocks and corals of intertidal reef flats, also in shallow lagoon and seaward reefs to depths of at least 10 m (Ref. 9710, 58302). Benthic (Ref. 58302). Occasionally leaves the water and travels between tidal pools (Ref. 1602). Feeds on fish and crabs, mainly on crustaceans (Ref. 1602). Also Ref. 9137, 58534. Number of strikes and time to locate a capture a prey did not differ significantly, whether feeding on small or large prey. Prey manipulation and feeding involve behaviors such as orientation, 'M' (i.e., the eel moves in a general forward and/or reverse direction, possibly forming an "M" configuration), rotation, shaking, releasing and feeding when feeding on small prey; however, behaviors such as orientation, 'M,' rotation, knotting 1, knotting 2, probing, releasing and feeding define those which feed on large prey. Manipulating and feeding on different sizes varies in terms of time involved; larger prey takes six times as long as small prey (Ref. 118229).
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Morphology ( англиски )

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Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 0; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 0; Vertebrae: 119 - 126
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Life Cycle ( англиски )

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Protogyny unconfirmed (Ref. 84746).
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Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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Body white with 2 rows of large dendritic black blotches; black spots between blotches become irregularly linear with age. Yellow eyes (Ref. 48635).Description: Characterized by body depth at gill opening 14-23 in TL; origin of dorsal fin above or slightly anterior to gill opening; anus near middle of body; without canine teeth; conical to rounded molariform jaw teeth; vomer with rounded molariform teeth in two rows that diverge anteriorly in large individuals (Ref. 90102).
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Biology ( англиски )

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Found between rocks and corals of intertidal reef flats, also in shallow lagoon and seaward reefs to depths of at least 10 m (Ref. 9710, 58302). Benthic (Ref. 58302). Nocturnal (Ref. 68964). Feed mainly on crustaceans. Protogynous hermaphroditism unconfirmed for this species (Ref. 84746). Safely kept with small aquarium fishes (Ref. 9710). Solitary, seen usually in the open or with only head exposed (Ref 90102).
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Importance ( англиски )

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fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: commercial; price category: medium; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
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分布 ( англиски )

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利用 ( англиски )

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描述 ( англиски )

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體延長而呈圓柱狀,尾部側扁。吻部短且呈白色。僅具臼狀齒,無犬齒,隨著年紀增加,牙齒漸變鈍,齒的列數亦隨年紀而有變異:幼鯙僅一二排;成鯙則可達七列。脊椎骨數120-127。體色斑紋多有變異,但底色通常為白或黃色;前、後鼻管及眼虹彩均為鮮黃色;體側有兩列約 23-27 個黑色的星狀斑。
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棲地 ( англиски )

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Bontpaling ( африканс )

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Die Bontpaling (Echidna nebulosa) is 'n vis wat slegs aan die ooskus van Suid-Afrika en Mosambiek voorkom. Die paling is wit tot roomgeel met donker, ronde vlekke op die liggaam. Dit kan tot 70 cm lank word. Kom voor in riwwe of seegrasbeddings. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Floral moray.

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Bontpaling: Brief Summary ( африканс )

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Die Bontpaling (Echidna nebulosa) is 'n vis wat slegs aan die ooskus van Suid-Afrika en Mosambiek voorkom. Die paling is wit tot roomgeel met donker, ronde vlekke op die liggaam. Dit kan tot 70 cm lank word. Kom voor in riwwe of seegrasbeddings. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Floral moray.

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Echidna nebulosa ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Echidna nebulosa és una espècie de peix de la família dels murènids i de l'ordre dels anguil·liformes.


Els mascles poden assolir els 100 cm de longitud total.[3]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba des del Mar Roig i l'Àfrica Oriental fins a les Illes de la Societat, el sud del Japó, les Hawaii i Micronèsia. També des del sud de la Península de Baixa Califòrnia (Mèxic) fins a Costa Rica i el nord de Colòmbia.[3]


  1. Forster J. R. 1788. Enchiridion historiae naturali inserviens, quo, termini et delineationes ad avium, piscium, insectorum et plantarum adumbrationes intelligendas et concinnandas, secundum methodum systematis Linnaeani continentur. Halae. Enchiridion Hist. Nat. Inserviens . 1-6 + 6 + 1-224.
  2. BioLib
  3. 3,0 3,1 FishBase (anglès)


  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall (2000).
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons (1994).
  • Smith, D.G., 1994. Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 6: Anguilliformes, Saccopharyngiformes, and Notacanthiformes (Teleostei: Elopomorpha). Smithson. Contrib. 566:50 p.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Echidna nebulosa: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Echidna nebulosa és una espècie de peix de la família dels murènids i de l'ordre dels anguil·liformes.

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Muréna hvězdovitá ( чешки )

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Muréna hvězdovitá (Echidna nebulosa), či též muréna podmračená,[1] je druh mořské ryby z čeledi murénovitých. Dorůstá délky zhruba jednoho metru a žije v útesových mořích v hloubkách od 2 do 30 metrů. Její areál rozšíření je Indický a Tichý oceán, konkrétně pak oblast Rudého moře, východní Afriky, jižního Japonska, Mikronésie, Havajských ostrovů, jižní Kalifornie, Mexika, Kostariky a severní Kolumbie.[1] Jedná se o dravý a masožravý druh, patřící k nejaktivnějším murénám.[2] Má hadovité tělo, které je typické bílým zbarvením s černými, hnědými a žlutými skvrnami.[1] Oči má žluté s černými zornicemi. Její krev je jedovatá.[2]



  1. a b c Muréna hvězdovitá [online]. Rybicky.net [cit. 2010-10-16]. Dostupné online.
  2. a b Muréna hvězdovitá [online]. BioLib.cz [cit. 2010-10-16]. Dostupné online.

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Muréna hvězdovitá: Brief Summary ( чешки )

добавил wikipedia CZ

Muréna hvězdovitá (Echidna nebulosa), či též muréna podmračená, je druh mořské ryby z čeledi murénovitých. Dorůstá délky zhruba jednoho metru a žije v útesových mořích v hloubkách od 2 do 30 metrů. Její areál rozšíření je Indický a Tichý oceán, konkrétně pak oblast Rudého moře, východní Afriky, jižního Japonska, Mikronésie, Havajských ostrovů, jižní Kalifornie, Mexika, Kostariky a severní Kolumbie. Jedná se o dravý a masožravý druh, patřící k nejaktivnějším murénám. Má hadovité tělo, které je typické bílým zbarvením s černými, hnědými a žlutými skvrnami. Oči má žluté s černými zornicemi. Její krev je jedovatá.

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Sternfleckenmuräne ( германски )

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Die Sternfleckenmuräne (Echidna nebulosa) oder Sternmuräne ist eine auffallend bunte Art der Muränen (Muraenidae). Sie lebt im Roten Meer und im gesamten tropischen Indopazifik von Ostafrika bis nach Hawaii, nördlich bis zum südlichen Japan und südlich bis zur Lord-Howe-Insel. Im östlichen Pazifik kommen sie vom südlichen Baja California bis zum nördlichen Kolumbien vor. Sternfleckenmuränen halten sich vor allem in flachen Lagunen, in Außenriffen und auf Riffdächern auf. Dort verlassen sie gelegentlich das Wasser um von einem Gezeitentümpel zum anderen zu gelangen.


Sternfleckenmuränen werden bis 75 Zentimeter lang. Sie sind mit breiten, unregelmäßigen weißen und schwarzen Streifen gezeichnet. Die schwarzen Streifen können an den Seiten unterbrochen sein. Über diesem Muster liegen kleine gelbe Flecken, die zu dem deutschen Namen der Tiere geführt haben. Die Augen sind gelb. Äußere Geschlechtsunterschiede gibt es nicht, bei männlichen Tieren sind die Zähne allerdings spitzer als die der Weibchen. Sternfleckenmuränen haben 121 bis 123 Wirbel.


Sternfleckenmuränen leben in flachen Fels- und Korallenriffen, in Lagunen und anderen Flachwasserbereichen bis in Tiefen von 10 bis 15 Metern. Sie ernähren sich vor allem von Krebstieren, darunter auch von wehrhaften Fangschreckenkrebsen. Um Krabben zu erbeuten, verlassen Sternfleckenmuränen auch das Wasser. Sternfleckenmuränen wechseln im Laufe ihres Lebens das Geschlecht. Nach Eintritt der Geschlechtsreife sind sie zunächst weiblich und wandeln sich im Alter in Männchen um. Dabei wechselt auch die Bezahnung und die Ernährungsweise. Die Zähne der Männchen sind länger, haben gesägte Kanten und sind damit besser für den Fischfang geeignet. Die Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Muränen ist unbekannt.

Die Sternfleckenmuräne ist die am häufigsten zu aquaristischen Zwecken importierte Muräne.


  • Dieter Eichler, Robert F. Myers: Korallenfische Indopazifik, Jahr-Verlag GmbH & Co., 1997, ISBN 3-86132-225-0
  • Ewald Lieske, Robert F. Myers: Korallenfische der Welt. Jahr Top Special Verlag Hamburg, 1994, ISBN 3-86132-112-2
  • Hans A. Baensch/Robert A. Patzner: Mergus Meerwasser-Atlas Band 6 Non-Perciformes (Nicht-Barschartige), Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 1998, ISBN 3-88244-116-X
  • Marco Lichtenberger: Muränen im Meerwasseraquarium. Natur und Tier Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86659-081-6


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Sternfleckenmuräne: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Die Sternfleckenmuräne (Echidna nebulosa) oder Sternmuräne ist eine auffallend bunte Art der Muränen (Muraenidae). Sie lebt im Roten Meer und im gesamten tropischen Indopazifik von Ostafrika bis nach Hawaii, nördlich bis zum südlichen Japan und südlich bis zur Lord-Howe-Insel. Im östlichen Pazifik kommen sie vom südlichen Baja California bis zum nördlichen Kolumbien vor. Sternfleckenmuränen halten sich vor allem in flachen Lagunen, in Außenriffen und auf Riffdächern auf. Dort verlassen sie gelegentlich das Wasser um von einem Gezeitentümpel zum anderen zu gelangen.

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Snowflake moray ( англиски )

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The snowflake moray (Echidna nebulosa), also known as the clouded moray among many vernacular names, is a species of marine eel of the family Muraenidae.[3] It has blunt teeth ideal for its diet of crustaceans, a trait it shares with the zebra moray (Gymnomuraena zebra).[4]

Its Hawaiian name is puhi-kapa,[5][6] which originates from King Kamehameha I’s nickname.[5] The genus name is derived from the Greek word echidna meaning "viper", and the species name, nebulosa, originates from the Latin word nebulosus meaning "misty" or "cloudy".[5]

It is widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific area from the eastern coast of Africa throughout Micronesia including the Red Sea and to Hawaii.[7][8] The species is also found in the eastern Central Pacific from southern Baja California, Mexico, and from Costa Rica to northern Colombia.[9]

This species reaches a length of 100 centimetres (39 in) but its common size is 50 centimetres (20 in). They live at depths ranging from 1 and 48 meters.[7]

Description and biology

The snowflake moray has a blunt white snout that goes into a yellowish, brown, and black striped speckled pattern.[10][4][6][5][7] They have a dorsal fin that runs the length of its body. Protruding out of their snout, they have two yellow tubular nostrils angled down[11] and another pair closer to their eyes. Moray eels' eyesight is poor, and their heightened sense of smell compensates for this.[10][11] They have small blunt teeth rather than sharp teeth.[10][5][6][4][7] Their diet consists mainly of crustaceans.[5][7][6] The snowflake moray, along with other species of morays, have pharyngeal jaws,[10] which are a second set of jaws located in the throat or pharynx.[10] This species is an unconfirmed protogynous hermaphrodite,[7] meaning that they are able to change sex during their lifetime.[11][7] Snowflake morays are also scale-less, secreting a mucus over their skin that allows for easy maneuverability in and around holes in their environment.[11][10]

This species reaches a length of 100 centimeters (39 in) but is commonly found at a length of 50 centimeters (20 in).[7]


This species is distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific area from the eastern coast of Africa throughout Micronesia including the Red Sea and to Hawaii.[7][8][11] It is also found in the eastern Central Pacific from southern Baja California, Mexico, and from Costa Rica to northern Colombia.[11]


The snowflake moray is often found residing in seagrass beds with rock rubble, rocky shallows,[4] intertidal reef flats, and tide pools.[10] They live at depths ranging from 1 and 48 meters.[7]

In the aquarium

The snowflake moray is a very commonly kept saltwater eel. They are very hardy and well-suited to life within an aquarium. Up to 36" in length in captivity, the snowflake moray requires an aquarium that is larger than 20 gallons (40–50 gallons when full grown) with a tight-fitting lid, as these eels (and all other eels) are good at escaping and can fit through surprisingly small holes in aquarium lids. The snowflake eel has been known to live to 15 years and older in captivity. They are carnivores, readily accepting just about any meaty foods, including krill, shrimp, silversides and octopus meat. Unless already acclimated to frozen foods, the moray eel will likely need to be fed with live ghost shrimp when first acquired. Weaning can be accomplished over time. The feeding of freshwater feeder fish (goldfish, rosy reds, etc.) will likely cause liver disease if fed to the eel, so such feeding should be avoided.[12]

It is not safe for shrimp, crabs or lobsters to be kept with the snowflake moray, as crustaceans are their natural diet. Most other invertebrates, including starfish, anemones and sea urchins, can safely be kept with them. Snowflake morays are reef safe and will not bother corals, though these eels are messy eaters and will require strong filtration and a relatively large protein skimmer for the long-term health of any corals housed in their aquarium. The moray eel will likely consume very small fish such as damselfish. Compatible tankmates for the snowflake moray eel include other relatively large, aggressive fish, such as lionfish, tangs, triggerfish, wrasses, and possibly even other snowflake moray eels if they are both introduced to the tank at the same time.[12] Snowflake moray eels can inflict a severe bite.


  1. ^ Smith, D.G.; McCosker, J.; Tighe, K. (2019). "Echidna nebulosa". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T195683A2401897. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-1.RLTS.T195683A2401897.en.
  2. ^ Nicolas Bailly (2013). Bailly N (ed.). "Echidna nebulosa (Ahl, 1789)". FishBase. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved October 18, 2013.
  3. ^ "Common Names List - Echidna nebulosa".
  4. ^ a b c d "Snowflake and Zebra Moray". Waikīkī Aquarium. 2013-11-22. Retrieved 2022-03-02.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Hoover, John P. (2003). Hawaii's Fishes: A Guide for Snorkelers Divers and Aquarists. 1127 11th Avenue, Mezz. B Honolulu, Hawaii 96816: Mutual Publishing. pp. 50–51. ISBN 1-56647-001-3.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  6. ^ a b c d Randall, John E. (2010). Shore Fishes of Hawai'i (Revised ed.). University of Hawai'i Press. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-8248-3427-2.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Echidna nebulosa, Starry moray : Fisheries, aquarium".
  8. ^ a b Böhlke, Eugenia B.; Randall, John E. (2000). "A Review of the Moray eels (Angulliformes: Muraenidae) of the Hawaiian Islands, with Descriptions of Two New Species". Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 150: 203–278. ISSN 0097-3157. JSTOR 4065071.
  9. ^ McCosker, J.E. and R.H. Rosenblatt, 1995. Muraenidae. Morenas. p. 1303-1315. In Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) Guia FAO para Identification de Especies para lo Fines de la Pesca. Pacifico Centro-Oriental. 3 Vols. FAO, Rome.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Sutton, Alan (2018-05-31). "Snowflake Moray Eel-Facts and Photographs". Seaunseen. Retrieved 2022-03-02.
  11. ^ a b c d e f Mazza, Giuseppe (2008-08-09). "Echidna nebulosa". Monaco Nature Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2022-03-28.
  12. ^ a b "Snowflake Moray Eel".

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Snowflake moray: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The snowflake moray (Echidna nebulosa), also known as the clouded moray among many vernacular names, is a species of marine eel of the family Muraenidae. It has blunt teeth ideal for its diet of crustaceans, a trait it shares with the zebra moray (Gymnomuraena zebra).

Its Hawaiian name is puhi-kapa, which originates from King Kamehameha I’s nickname. The genus name is derived from the Greek word echidna meaning "viper", and the species name, nebulosa, originates from the Latin word nebulosus meaning "misty" or "cloudy".

It is widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific area from the eastern coast of Africa throughout Micronesia including the Red Sea and to Hawaii. The species is also found in the eastern Central Pacific from southern Baja California, Mexico, and from Costa Rica to northern Colombia.

This species reaches a length of 100 centimetres (39 in) but its common size is 50 centimetres (20 in). They live at depths ranging from 1 and 48 meters.

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Echidna nebulosa ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES
Detalle de la cabeza.

Echidna nebulosa es una especie de peces de la familia de los morénidas en el orden de los Anguilliformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 100 cm de longitud total.[1]

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra desde el Mar Rojo y el África Oriental hasta las Islas de la Sociedad, el sur del Japón, Hawái y Micronesia. También desde el sur de la Península de Baja California (México) hasta Costa Rica y el norte de Colombia y Venezuela y en el sureste asiático en el parque nacional de Tarutao entre Tailandia y Malasia.[1]


  1. a b c "Echidna nebulosa". En FishBase (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en enero de 2016. N.p.: FishBase, 2016.
  2. Nicolas Bailly (2013). «Echidna nebulosa (Ahl, 1789)». FishBase. World Register of Marine Species. Consultado el 18 de octubre de 2013.


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Echidna nebulosa: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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 src= Detalle de la cabeza.

Echidna nebulosa es una especie de peces de la familia de los morénidas en el orden de los Anguilliformes.

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Echidna nebulosa ( баскиски )

добавил wikipedia EU

Echidna nebulosa Echidna generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Muraenidae familian sailkatzen da.


Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.


  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Echidna nebulosa FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Echidna nebulosa: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Echidna nebulosa Echidna generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Muraenidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Tähtimureena ( фински )

добавил wikipedia FI

Tähtimureena (Echidna nebulosa) on mureenalaji, jota joskus pidetään meriakvaariossa.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Tähtimureena voi kasvaa noin metrin pituiseksi.[1] Sen pohjaväri on hopeanharmaa, ja kuviointi muistuttaa mustia ja valkoisia tähitä tai lumihiutaleita.[2]


Tähtimureena on kotoisin Indopasifiselta merialueelta. Se elää kivenkoloissa ja vuorovesien huuhtomilla korallisärkillä, sekä laguuneissa ja merenpuoleislla riutoilla 10 metrin syvyyteen asti.[1]


Tähtimureena on yksi akvaarioiden suosituimmista mureenalajeista, sillä se on rauhallinen, ei kovin arka eikä syö kaloja. On tärkeää, että sen akvaariossa on tiivis kansi, sillä kala luikahtaa helposti lattialle.[2]


Tähtimureena syö rapuja ja muita äyriäisiä.[2]


  1. a b Echidna nebulosa (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). Viitattu 7.5.2008. (englanniksi)
  2. a b c Fenner, B.: The Most Popular Moray, & for Good Reasons, the Snowflake, Echidna nebulosa Wet Web Media.
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Tähtimureena: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Tähtimureena (Echidna nebulosa) on mureenalaji, jota joskus pidetään meriakvaariossa.

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Murène étoilée ( француски )

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Echidna nebulosaMurène étoilée, Murène à flammes, Murène à cristaux de neige

Echidna nebulosa, communément nommé Murène étoilée, Murène à flammes ou Murène à cristaux de neige[1], est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Muraenidae.


Sa taille maximale est de 100 cm mais sa taille commune est plutôt de l'ordre de 50-70 cm [2]. C'est une murène classique, au corps serpentiforme comprimé latéralement. Sa couleur de fond est blanche (parfois jaunâtre), décorée par une fine réticulation noire. Deux rangées de taches noires complexes parcourent le corps, ornées de points jaunes. Ces motifs sont plus denses sur la tête, comme tatouée de jaune et de noir malgré un museau blanc, avec des narines jaunes tubulaires et proéminentes.


La Murène étoilée est présente dans les eaux tropicales de l'Indo-Pacifique, soit des côtes orientales de l'Afrique à Hawaii en passant par la Micronésie, Mer Rouge incluse. [2]. On la trouve également dans l'est du Pacifique, du sud de la Basse-Californie au Mexique et du Costa Rica au nord de la Colombie[3], à des profondeurs comprises entre 2 et 30 m[4].

Relations à l'Homme

C'est une petite murène, discrète et craintive, et relativement inoffensive pour les humains sauf en cas de danger mortel.

Elle est relativement appréciée en aquarium, où elle s'accommode assez facilement, et se nourrit de crustacés.

Publication originale

  • Ahl, J. C. 1789. Specimen ichthyologicum de muraena et ophichtho, quod præside Carol. Pet. Thunberg, modeste offert Jonas Nicol. Ahl. 14 pages, pl. 1-2. Upsaliæ (Université d'Uppsala), (Dissertation présentée le 27 juin 1789). (lire en ligne)

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

  1. Lieske & Myers,Guide des poissons des récifs coralliens,Delachaux & Niestlé,2009, (ISBN 9782603016749)
  2. a et b FishBase, consulté le 18 octobre 2013
  3. McCosker, J.E. and R.H. Rosenblatt, 1995. Muraenidae. Morenas. p. 1303-1315. In W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) Guia FAO para Identification de Especies para lo Fines de la Pesca. Pacifico Centro-Oriental. 3 Vols. FAO, Rome.
  4. Joe de Vroe, « Murène étoilée », sur SousLesMers (consulté le 27 février 2014).
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Murène étoilée: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Echidna nebulosa • Murène étoilée, Murène à flammes, Murène à cristaux de neige

Echidna nebulosa, communément nommé Murène étoilée, Murène à flammes ou Murène à cristaux de neige, est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Muraenidae.

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Echidna nebulosa ( италијански )

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La murena stellata[1] (Echidna nebulosa Ahl, 1789) è un pesce osseo marino appartenente alla famiglia Muraenidae, diffusissimo in gran parte delle coste tropicali dell'Indo-Pacifico.


Presenta una forma sinuosa del corpo tipica delle altre murene: estremamente allungata, appena compressa lateralmente; la testa ad ogiva occupa tutta la porzione anteriore del corpo; la bocca è ampia con mascelle articolate armate di denti conici molto aguzzi e leggermente rivolti verso il dentro della gola; nella gola sono presenti altre due mascelle faringee dotate anche esse di denti conici; il movimento alternato di queste due serie di mascelle permette all'Echidna nebulosa di inghiottire senza sforzo grossi bocconi; sul muso sono presenti quattro narici tubolari; quelle anteriori, rivolte verso il davanti, sono molto più lunghe delle posteriori; gli opercoli branchiali sono ridotti a due semplici orefizi dotati di un muscolo a sfintere, è la bocca che provvede a creare il movimento dell'acqua attraverso le branchie; la pelle è nuda, priva di squame, e ricoperta da un'abbondante secrezione di muco, ricco di sostanze irritanti. Come tutte le murene anche l'Echidna nebulosa non possiede pinne raggiate; è solo presente una piega cutanea, molto mobile, che dal dorso continua sul perimetro sino all'ano posto sul lato ventrale[1].

La livrea è molto particolare: il colore di base è il bianco latte con lievi riflessi giallo oro; su tutto il corpo è disegnato un reticolo nero che si addensa in alcune incomplete bande verticali su cui sono presenti numerosi puntini di color bianco o giallo oro; il tutto la fa sembrare un cielo stellato onde il nome scientifico di nebulosa; l'iride dell'occhio e le narici tubolari sono di color giallo oro[1].

Distribuzione e habitat

E. nebulosa è largamente diffusa nell'Oceano Indiano e nell'Oceano Pacifico, dalle coste africane orientali sino alle coste americane occidentali[1].

Vive in una svariata tipologia di habitat: dalle coste rocciose e scogliose alle barriere coralline, dai fondali sabbiosi e fangosi ai letti di alghe. Si rinviene spesso nelle lagune e nelle pozze di marea[1].


Non è un grande nuotatore e preferisce restare sull'imboccatura della tana controllando tutto quello che succede nei paraggi, pronto ad arretrare in caso di pericolo o di uscire se avverte l'odore di un buon bocconcino; nel qual caso nuota con un lento movimento sinuoso[1].


La murena stellata è un abile predatore; caccia preferibilmente di notte infilandosi nelle più sottili fenditure alla ricerca di piccoli pesci, cefalopodi o crostacei che rappresentano il suo alimento principale; molto vivace, non esita ad uscire dall'acqua per raggiungere le pozze delle scogliere[1].


  1. ^ a b c d e f g MARE 2000 - Echidna Nebulosa, su www.mare2000.it. URL consultato il 17 giugno 2021.

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Echidna nebulosa: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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La murena stellata (Echidna nebulosa Ahl, 1789) è un pesce osseo marino appartenente alla famiglia Muraenidae, diffusissimo in gran parte delle coste tropicali dell'Indo-Pacifico.

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Echidna nebulosa ( холандски; фламански )

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Echidna nebulosa is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van de murenen (Muraenidae), orde palingachtigen (Anguilliformes). De soort komt voor in de Grote Oceaan en de Indische Oceaan.


Echidna nebulosa in Kona

Echidna nebulosa kan een maximale lengte bereiken van 100 centimeter. Van de zijkant gezien heeft het lichaam van de vis een aalachtige vorm, van voren gezien is de vorm het best te typeren als gedrongen. De kop is duidelijk convex. De ogen zijn symmetrisch en normaal van vorm.

De vis heeft één rugvin en één aarsvin, zonder stekels of vinstralen.


Echidna nebulosa is een zoutwatervis die voorkomt in tropische wateren. De soort is voornamelijk te vinden in kustwateren op een diepte van 2 tot 30 meter.

De vis is een jager. Het dieet bestaat hoofdzakelijk uit macrofauna en vis.

Relatie tot de mens

Echidna nebulosa is voor de visserij van beperkt commercieel belang. De soort wordt gevangen voor commerciële aquaria.

De soort staat niet op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN.


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Echidna nebulosa: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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Echidna nebulosa is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van de murenen (Muraenidae), orde palingachtigen (Anguilliformes). De soort komt voor in de Grote Oceaan en de Indische Oceaan.

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Echidna nebulosa ( португалски )

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Echidna nebulosa Ahl, 1798, conhecida pelo nome comum de moreia-estrelada, é um peixe da família das moreias (Muraenidae), facilmente reconhecível pelo padrão que lhe cobre o corpo, semelhante a flocos de neve. É um animal pacato e tímido, que se refugia em fendas e buracos de rochas ou recifes de coral. Vive a pouca profundidade, até aos 10 m, e é frequente encontrá-la em poças durante a maré baixa. Aqui, alimenta-se de ouriços e caranguejos, que esmaga com os dentes achatados e especialmente adaptados para esta tarefa. Esta é considerada a mais inofensiva de todas as moreias, embora possa morder quando provocada.


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Echidna nebulosa: Brief Summary ( португалски )

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Echidna nebulosa Ahl, 1798, conhecida pelo nome comum de moreia-estrelada, é um peixe da família das moreias (Muraenidae), facilmente reconhecível pelo padrão que lhe cobre o corpo, semelhante a flocos de neve. É um animal pacato e tímido, que se refugia em fendas e buracos de rochas ou recifes de coral. Vive a pouca profundidade, até aos 10 m, e é frequente encontrá-la em poças durante a maré baixa. Aqui, alimenta-se de ouriços e caranguejos, que esmaga com os dentes achatados e especialmente adaptados para esta tarefa. Esta é considerada a mais inofensiva de todas as moreias, embora possa morder quando provocada.

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Cá lịch hoa to ( виетнамски )

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Cá lịch hoa to (tên khoa học Echidna nebulosa) là một loài cá lịch trong họ Muraenidae.[2]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Nicolas Bailly (2013). Nicolas Bailly, biên tập. Echidna nebulosa (Ahl, 1789)”. FishBase. Cơ sở dữ liệu sinh vật biển. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 10 năm 2013.
  2. ^ “Common Names List”.

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Cá lịch hoa to: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Cá lịch hoa to (tên khoa học Echidna nebulosa) là một loài cá lịch trong họ Muraenidae.

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雲紋蛇鱔 ( кинески )

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二名法 Echidna nebulosa













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雲紋蛇鱔: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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Description ( англиски )

добавил World Register of Marine Species
Found between rocks and corals of intertidal reef flats, also in shallow lagoons and seaward reefs to depths of at least 10 m. Feeds mainly on crustaceans. Safely kept with small aquarium fishes (Ref. 9710).


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

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WoRMS Editorial Board
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World Register of Marine Species