Дефиниција: overall repetitive or reflective pattern in the body of one individual of this taxon. eg: bilateral symmetry, rotational symmetry, radial symmetry
Дефиниција: Drag swimmers use a cyclic motion where they push water back in a power stroke, and return their limb forward in the return or recovery stroke. When they push water directly backwards, this moves their body forward, but as they return their limbs to the starting position, they push water forward, which will thus pull them back to some degree, and so opposes the direction that the body is heading. This opposing force is called drag. The return-stroke drag causes drag swimmers to employ different strategies than lift swimmers. Reducing drag on the return stroke is essential for optimizing efficiency.
Дефиниција: An eye that consists of a cluster of three or four pit eyes that form a single structural unit but are separated from one another by pigment layers
Живеалишта на Chitonophilidae Avdeev & Sirenko 1991
Средините во кои живеат многу видови на Chitonophilidae Avdeev & Sirenko 1991. Изберете една средина за да го видите нејзиниот контролен список на видови Chitonophilidae Avdeev & Sirenko 1991.
Живеалишта на Chitonophilidae Avdeev & Sirenko 1991
Средините во кои живеат многу видови на Chitonophilidae Avdeev & Sirenko 1991. Изберете една средина за да го видите нејзиниот контролен список на видови Chitonophilidae Avdeev & Sirenko 1991.